Word From R Weinberg YK-RH Mailing 2011
Word From R Weinberg YK-RH Mailing 2011
Word From R Weinberg YK-RH Mailing 2011
It is hard to believe that a whole year has gone by and that the Yamim Noraim are once again upon us. This has been a wonderful year for me and Elana here in West Hartford! There have been lots of ups and downs, many sad occasions but, thankfully, also many smachot. We have watched the shul grow and expand both in its membership, in peoples participation, and in programming which is inspiring to see. All in all we have much to be thankful for. I hope that in the coming year I can continue to foster the relationships that I have with you. Our shul is starting an exciting year of new opportunities and, as always, I invite your continued involvement and your support. We will be kicking off the educational program for the year with a number of programs and classes described below in preparation for the High Holidays. Our weekly Gemara class and the Shabbat afternoon class will be continuing and we will be holding some new series on various topics. You will hear shortly about all of these exciting learning opportunities. Elana and I wish you all, in advance, a ketiva vechatima tovah.