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Loneliness and Social Isolation among the Elderly: Are We Doing

One of the most prominent policy actions taken by the To briefly recapitulate, loneliness is a subjective feeling
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United Nations in recent years was to declare and bring out that one is lacking the social connections that are needed.
a related document, namely, the Decade of Healthy Aging It makes the person feel that one is abandoned or cut off
2021–2030, which includes four interconnected action areas from the people with whom they belong to despite having
for safeguarding the health and well‑being of older people, them around; the feeling of closeness, trust, and genuine
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their families, and their communities: (i) change how we affection is missing. Social isolation, on the other hand,
think, feel, and act toward age and aging; (ii) ensure that is an objective physical state of being alone and out of
communities foster the abilities of older people; (iii) deliver touch with other people. This can lead to “loneliness” as
integrated care and primary health services tailored to older one is more likely to feel lonely if one rarely interacts
people; and (iv) ensure access to long‑term care for older with others.[6] However, there is only a weak correlation
people.[1] between these two concepts; socially isolated people are
not necessarily lonely and vice versa.[1]
Before proceeding further, it is important to mention and
discuss briefly the reasons for focusing our editorial on It may be pertinent to mention that the document (the
the concepts of “loneliness” and “social isolation” in the Decade of Healthy Aging 2021–2030) came out in 2021, in
elderly in the Indian context. which the impact of the COVID‑19 pandemic was felt to a
significant extent on the mental health of people across the
Although most developed countries such as the USA, many world, especially the elderly. The salience and significance
parts of Europe, and Japan have a significantly larger aging of the terms “social isolation,” “loneliness,” “solitude,”
population compared with countries like India, as recently etc., not only came into prominence, but their relevance
as December 2020, under 7% of Indians were aged and impact on mental health, especially of the elderly, were
65 years and over.[2] However, if we go by the cutoff age reestablished and reunderstood.[1,6] The old age saying that
of 60 years, then nearly 9% of the population has crossed “ man is a social animal” came back to the fore.
this mark in the 2011 census,[3] which by the UN standards
make India as an “aging nation.” This figure is expected Nevertheless, even in the prepandemic period, there has
to rise in a decade’s time when it is projected that adults been considerable research on the association and effect
aged 60 years and over will constitute over 13% of the of both “loneliness” and “social isolation” in the elderly.
population in India by 2031, and by 2050, the figure will High rates ranging from 20% to 34% of “loneliness” have
be of over 500 million adults.[2] Hence, this exponential been reported from across the world (USA, Europe, Latin
growth of the elderly is of considerable concern and for America, and China); India is surprisingly not lagging
which services need to gear up to, including mental health behind, with prevalence varying from 18% to 44%.[1] On
services. the other hand, the prevalence of “social isolation” has also
been comparable, ranging from 10% to 43% (USA, North
In addition, in this rapidly industrializing and America); India has a prevalence of 20%.[1]
technologically advancing world, where globalization is
spreading its tentacles far and wide, migration is a common More specific India‑based studies are also available: a
enough phenomena nowadays. The current and most prepandemic population‑based survey (BKPAI survey)
recent/previous generation migrating from rural to urban, among the elderly reported social isolation in 19.3% and
from town to city, from India to abroad (i.e. international), psychological distress in 23.4% of those surveyed.[7] In
etc., is a common, if not a routine, phenomena the first wave  (2017–2018) of the Longitudinal Aging
nowadays.[1] This has led onto the fragmentation of the Study in India study, 20.5% of adults aged 45 years and
traditional family system, which was considered a bedrock over reported moderate loneliness, while 13.3% reported
of the Indian culture with its own strengths; details of severe loneliness.[8] Nearly 1/5th of the 1001 elderly
which are discussed elsewhere.[4,5] Furthermore, despite participants (adults aged over 65 years) from the 10/66
the persistence of traditional family structures and cultural Dementia Research Group reported feeling lonely.[9]
norms that favor multigenerational households, a slow shift There is ample evidence that demonstrates that both
is occurring toward smaller families and different types of “loneliness” and “social isolation” are linked with increased
household, including living alone – as an elderly couple or physical morbidity (stroke and cardiovascular disease)
by self.[1] Due to this, “social isolation” and “loneliness” and increased psychological morbidity (cognitive decline,
have become even more relevant concepts to be examined dementia, depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation) and
and addressed. mortality (suicide) with a lowered quality of life.[1,6]

© 2023 Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 1

Khurana and Gupta: Loneliness and social isolation among elderly

Hence, there is an urgent need for the management and on a potential epidemic. Addressing the basic issues of
intervention regarding “loneliness” and “social isolation” “social isolation” and “loneliness” will be a step in the
being experienced by the elderly. A PubMed search between right direction. In some countries, till recently, these were
1985 and 2023 with key words “Loneliness”  (all fields) neglected social determinants of health and had started
AND “India”  (all fields) generated 164 results, with only becoming pressing public and policy health issues.[1]
one study focusing on mediation for loneliness: A plethora The United Kingdom and Japan appointed a “loneliness
of studies exploring the antecedents and consequences of minister” while the USA brought out a consensus report
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loneliness among elderly are available with scanty research to address these concerns.[1] The Indian Government and
on interventions. Policy Makers can take a leaf out of their book! Even the
national associations (IAGMH, IPS, and IASP) can do their
The WHO has advocated reduction of physical and
own bit in a concerted and probably focused (if not a joint)
psychological morbidity through face‑to‑face or digital
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interventions (cognitive behavior therapy, social
skills training, and befriending), improvement of After all, one may prefer “solitude,” but no one voluntarily
infrastructure (e.g. transport, digital inclusion, and built chooses “loneliness” and/or “social isolation:” the
environment) and promoting age‑friendly communities, and silent killers which our elderly have to face! As social
through laws and policies to address; for instance, agism, psychiatrists, we should be contributing toward effectively
inequality, and the digital divide. They have advocated managing these silent killers!
that a specific strategy for reducing social isolation and
loneliness among the elderly should aim to (a) implement Hitesh Khurana, Nitin Gupta1
and scale up elective interventions to reduce social isolation Department of Psychiatry, Institute of Mental Health, Pt. BD Sharma
PGIMS, UHS, Rohtak, Haryana, 1Gupta Mind Healing and Counselling
and loneliness; (b) improve research and strengthen the Centre, Chandigarh, India
evidence regarding what works; and (c) create a global
Address for correspondence: Dr. Nitin Gupta,
coalition to increase the political priority of social isolation Gupta Mind Healing and Counselling Centre, Chandigarh ‑ 160 009,
and loneliness among older people.[1] India.
E‑mail: nitingupta659@yahoo.co.in
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2 Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry | Volume 39 | Issue 1 | January-March 2023

Khurana and Gupta: Loneliness and social isolation among elderly

et  al. Loneliness among older adults in Latin America, china, This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the
and India: Prevalence, correlates and association with mortality. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows
Int J Public Health 2021;66:604449. others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as
appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical
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How to cite this article: Khurana H, Gupta N. Loneliness and social

isolation among the elderly: Are we doing enough? Indian J Soc Psychiatry
Received: 14‑03‑2023, Accepted: 15‑03‑2023,
Web Publication: 29-03-2023

Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry | Volume 39 | Issue 1 | January-March 2023 3

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