OJEN Citation Guide - Ev4
OJEN Citation Guide - Ev4
OJEN Citation Guide - Ev4
Why cite? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Footnotes and Endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
A) STATUTES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
B) LEGAL CODES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
C) CASES/REPORTERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
D) PERIODICALS/JOURNALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
E) BOOKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
F) MAGAZINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
G) NEWSPAPERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
H) ELECTRONIC SOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11
APPENDIX: COMMON ABBREVIATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-20
Ontario Justice Education Network
Proper citing is important. Legal matters are one In general, there are two different kinds of legal
way in which society makes difficult decisions and writing. First, there is academic writing, such as
these decisions can have important consequences scholarly research or textbooks about the law,
for individuals and communities. Legal writing is a research reports, professional papers or persuasive
way of recording how these decisions were made, essays that deal with matters of law. Second,
so that other people can understand them and even there are legal documents that are prepared by
revisit and change them in the future. Citations allow lawyers and sometimes submitted in the course of
others to find the sources that were used so they researching and making arguments in their cases.
can consider them on their own and help to clarify The latter part of this resource deals with two
which authors are putting forth which ideas or examples of these: memoranda and facta.
arguments. They also help to show that the writing
has been carefully researched and professionally
prepared. Careless citation detracts from the overall
impression of a case brief, memorandum or factum.
In Canada, legal writing follows rules that are set out ENDNOTES
in the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation. This Footnotes are the citations for the exact page
reference text is published by the McGill Law Journal, numbers referred to in a source. They go at the
which is affiliated with the Faculty of Law at McGill bottom of the page on which that source is used.
University in Montreal. Commonly referred to as the
“McGill Guide”, it is revised periodically to ensure that Endnotes also are citations for the exact page
the rules it sets out are up-to-date. numbers. They are all listed together at the end of a
document or a section of a document, just before the
Legal citation is complex. The information in this bibliography.
resource is based entirely on the Canadian Guide
to Uniform Legal Citation, 7th ed (Toronto: Carswell, NOTE: Either can be used, but not both.
2010). The sections below address some of the Footnotes are preferred.
most commonly-used of these rules in language
Before using the specific citation rules, keep these
that is accessible to secondary students.
general points in mind:
This section at the bottom of the page is called the footnotes. When
using footnotes, rather than endnotes, this is where the full references for
all the sources used on that page should appear.
Note that the superscript appears after the period in this sentence.
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• Ibid - is Latin for “in the same place.” Use ibid when
• The short form for a source (e.g. [Grant] should
be written at the end of the original citation in
referring to the same source listed just before. [brackets] (see note 1, in the examples above).
Ibid may be used after supra, (See McGill Guide at
E-11 to E-12) or even another ibid. For example: • Pinpoint citations - Footnotes and endnotes
should identify the precise page or paragraph
1. R v Grant, 2009 SCC 32, [2009] 2 SCR 353 at number referred to from the source. The format
para 25 [Grant]. for precise citations is shown in notes 1, 2,
2. Ibid at para 33. and 4 in the example at the top of this page.
3. Ibid at para 47. An example of how to show the precise page
number is shown in note 5.
a citation.
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Civil Code of Lower Canada art 1131 CCLC R v Blue, 2011 ABQB 60
Code of Penal Procedure art 104 CPP Style of Cause Tribunal Identifier
C) CASES/REPORTERS In Canada, the practice of assigning neutral citations to
CITING CASES: RULES decisions commenced in 1999. This means that many
Cases are the facts and arguments that the courts older cases do not have neutral citations. Also, while the
consider in making legal decisions. Cases are frequently neutral citation clearly identifies the basic elements of
cited in legal writing because of common law tradition the reference, it does not indicate to a reader where the
in Canada, whereby the courts consult cases heard in the writer located that case. For these reasons, it is necessary
past to assist them in making decisions in the present. to include a second reference to the case which directs
the reader to one or more sources in which the case has
NEUTRAL CASE CITATION been published. This is called the parallel citation:
When a decision is made for a case, the court assigns it
Year of Publication Title of Publication
simple referencing information. This information indicates
the year of the decision, the court at which the decision
was made, and a decision number. Taken together, this
information is referred to as the neutral citation, and it R v Blue, 2011
serves as a record of that case information separate from ABQB 60, [2012] 352 AR 235 at para 12.
the database or reporter in which it is published.
4 ojen.ca © 2014
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Typically, these publications are court reporters, There are numerous types of tribunals and levels of
which are periodicals containing court decisions. Some court in Canada. Some of the most common, and their
examples of the most common of these can be found abbreviated identifiers, may be found in the appendix.
in the appendix.
Parallel citations might also refer to other kinds of
sources such as electronic databases that do the GENERAL FORM
same thing. Quicklaw (“QL”), WestLaw (“WL”) and the Periodicals are publications that are produced at
Canadian Legal Information Institute (“CanLII”) are intervals of more than one day, usually by year and
common electronic databases. While Quicklaw and sometimes in smaller intervals (e.g. bi-monthly or bi-
Westlaw both require paid subscriptions for access, annually). When citing an article in a periodical, the
CanLII is a non-profit organization managed by the following general format is used:
Federation of Law Societies of Canada. Its resources
are free and accessible to the public. Author “ Title” (year) volume
page pinpoint.
of journal
1. The style of cause, in italics The year is the year of publication for the journal. Place
the year of publication of the journal in parentheses if
2. Date of decision (in parentheses)
the journal is organized by volume number. If the journal
3. Judicial district is organized by year, and not by volume number, then
4. Docket number place the year of publication in square brackets (for
5. Jurisdiction and Court (in parentheses). example, [2005]).
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The place of publication should be included as it Beth Harris, Defending the Right to a Home: The
appears on the title page or the verso (back) of the title Power of Anti-Poverty Lawyers (Aldershot: Ashgate,
2004) at 45.
page. Use an English form of the name if it exists (e.g.
Munich instead of Munchen). Separate consecutive page or paragraph references by a
hyphen (-), and indicate at least the last two digits of the
Bruce MacDougall, Queer Judgements:
Homosexuality, Expression, and the Courts of Canada second number at all times. For example:
(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000).
Morgan Tailor, Property Law in Context (Toronto:
University of Toronto Press) at 150-56.
ojen.ca © 2014 7
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1. The author(s)
If there are more than three authors, include only the
first author’s name followed by et al. 2. The title (of the book or article within the book)
3. The place of publication
Joel Bakan et al, Canadian Constitutional Law, 3d ed
4. The name of the publisher
(Toronto: Edmond Montgomery, 2003).
5. The year of publication
COLLABORATIONS 6. A pinpoint, if referring to a specific page of the
For collaborations other than full joint authorship, follow
book or edited compilation.
the usage on the title page or its verso (back page) of the Note that when citing an article contained in an edited
book. For example: compilation, indicate the editor of the compilation using
the above noted rules. Also pay attention to whether the
Pierre-Gabriel Jobin with the collaboration of compilation is part of a series of editions and make note
Nathalie Vezina, Baudouin et Jobin: Les obligations,
6th ed (Cowansville, Que: Yvon Blais, 2005). of it in the citation according to these rules.
8 ojen.ca © 2014
Ontario Justice Education Network
When writing an essay or legal document, it may be GENERAL FORMAT
necessary to refer to a magazine article. As for cases, statutes, Citation of newspaper articles is similar to citation of
periodicals and books, proper citation of magazines is magazine articles. When citing newspaper articles, use
extremely important and will allow the reader to quickly find the following general format:
the article if she or he ever needs to reference it.
“title of
article” ,
newspaper (date) page source (if
When citing an article from a magazine, the following
general format is used: online
“Take the (25
volume electronic The Unlimited
Author, Naomi Wolf, shame out of November
“article magazine number: first page source Guardian <http://
(if (date) pinpoint, rape”, 2005)
title”, title issue of article, (if guardian.
available) co.uk>.
number: applicable).
“Ottawa eyes
“Mugabue’s six candidates
(19 (17
Self The in search Canadian
377: 8453 November 66, at 4. October QL).
Defeated Economist of new Press
2005 ) 2005)
Foes”, Supreme
Court judge”,
“Judges Macleans.ca “Ruling
Luiza (26 (10
Are <http:// on baby BBC
Maclean’s September 36, November
Savage, like www. with three News
2005) 2005)
Umpires”, macleans. mothers”,
Benjamin “Buried Harper’s (December Bill Curry, Premiers (26
309: 1855 70, The Globe
magazine 2004) work out deal November A4.
Phelan, Truths”, and Mail
on aboriginal 2005)
rights” ,
Karen contemplating
EXPLANATIONS Montheith, changes – (30
Extensions September
Include the name of the author of the article (if applicable) of time in 2009)
followed by the title of the article in quotation marks.
ojen.ca © 2014 9
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(electronic service
Traditional citation, Traditional citation, online: name of website <URL>.
and database)
Kristin Savell,
“Human Rights in the Age of Technology: (Lexis). Henry Samuel,
Can Law Reign In the Medical Juggernaut?” “March for girl set alight
(2001) 23 Sydney L Rev 423 after Marriage refusal” online: The Telegraph Group
The Daily Telegraph
(28 November 2005),
Alan D Gold,
Expert Evidence in Criminal Law:
The Scientific Approach
(Toronto: Irwin Law, 2003) Theodore de Bruyn,
A Plan of Action for Canada Canadian HIV/AIDS
online: <http://aidslaw.ca>.
to Reduce HIV/AIDS-related stigma Legal Network
If a publisher is not listed, or if the text is not published and discrimination,
10 ojen.ca © 2014
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WHERE AUTHOR’S NAME NOT FOUND Within each section, always list each of the entries in
alphabetical order. Be sure to sort legislation by title,
Some websites might not include the name(s) of
jurisprudence by style of cause (i.e., the case name), and
authors for written work. In these cases, use judgment
secondary materials by the last name of the author.
and include basic, critical information in place of the
traditional citation. For example:
Traditional citation, online: name of website <URL>
Remember that when you are citing a source in a
footnote, the author’s first name will appear first, followed
EPA Science and Technology,
US Environmental by his or her last name. There are no commas between
Tiny new technology to clean online: <http://www.epa.gov>.
Protection Agency these names but there is a comma following the author’s
up big pollution problems,
name before the title of the source. For example:
If there is more than one author for a bibliographic
When citing a source using the McGill Guide, divide the reference, write the first name before the last name for
bibliography and tables of authorities of legal texts into every author except for the first one. For example
the following sections:
Baudoin, Jean-Louis & Pierre-Gabriel Jobin. Legal
1. Legislation: This includes all Acts or “statutes” Theory (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009).
referred to
2. Jurisprudence: The cases, or legal decisions, of
3. Secondary Materials: This section will include When making your bibliography, include a hanging
all journals, books, magazines, websites, etc. that indent of ¼ inch or 0.63 cm before each citation.
were used. Include this indent in all lines except for the first one.
For example:
4. Other Materials: If applicable, this section
will include all sources that do not easily fit Macklem, Patrick. Indigenous Difference and
into the above three types of source, such as the Constitution of Canada (Toronto: University
monographs. of Toronto Press, 2001).
ojen.ca © 2014 11
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Nova Scotia (Workers’ Compensation Board) Explanations for each of these documents, as well
v Martin, 2003 SCC 54, [2003] 2 SCR 504. as how to cite within them, are explained below.
Note that even when writing a memorandum or a
factum, a full bibliography is required at the end of the
SECONDARY MATERIAL: MONOGRAPHS document. The rules for references in the bibliography
Macklem, Patrick. Indigenous Difference and the of a memorandum or a factum are the same as those
Constitution of Canada (Toronto: University of described previously in this resource.
Toronto Press, 2001).
Nadeau, Alain-Robert. Vie privee et droits
fondamentaux (Cowansville, Que: Yvon Blais, 2000). A memorandum, also referred to as a memorandum
of law, is a document that summarizes law, facts,
Smith, Graham JH. Internet Law and Regulation,
3d ed (London, UK: Sweet & Maxwell, 2002). potential legal arguments for both sides to the
dispute(s), and potential remedies available to the
Tan, Cheng Han. Matrimonial Law in Singapore and client. The purpose of a memorandum is to sum up the
Malaysia (Singapore: Butterworths Asia, 1994). present state of the law related to the facts of a client’s
legal problem, and to anticipate whether a client’s case
SECONDARY MATERIALS: ARTICLES will be successful or unsuccessful if brought to trial.
Borrows, John. “With or Without You: First Nations
Legal memoranda are generally internal documents,
Law (in Canada)” (1996) 41 McGill LJ 629. produced by and for the lawyers in a law office only,
to assess whether a client’s case may be successful.
Borrows, John. “Wampum at Niagara: The Royal
Proclamation, Canadian Legal History, and Self- REFERRING TO SOURCES IN A MEMORANDUM
Government” in
When referring to sources in a memorandum, the
Michael Asch, ed, Aboriginal Treaty Rights in Canada:
Essays on Law, Equity, and Respect for Difference reference should follow immediately after the sourced
(Vancouver: UBC Press, 1997) 155. text in parentheses. When citing a source for the first
12 ojen.ca © 2014
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time, the usual rules of footnotes should be used (see underline that there cannot be joint and several
above). If a reference is repeated later in the text of the responsibility for punitive damages because
document, include a short form after the citation (see they arise from the misconduct of the particular
Hill example, below. If a reference is not repeated, do not defendant against whom they are awarded (Hill,
include a short form (see Robitaille example, below). at para 195).
ojen.ca © 2014 13
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USE OF “SUPRA” AND “IBID” IN A FACTUM 6. Since the primary vehicle of punishment is the
criminal law, punitive damages should be scarcely
Follow the usual rules for the use of supra (described
used. It is also important to underline that there
above). Note that each paragraph in a factum is
cannot be joint and several responsibility for
numbered. Instead of referring to a footnote number,
punitive damages because they arise from the
the number following the supra should indicate the
misconduct of the particular defendant against
number of the paragraph in the factum in which the whom they are awarded.
source was mentioned for the first time. For example:
Whiten, supra para 5 at para 69.
Whiten, para 5 at para 195.
Hill, supra para 5 at para 195.
Do not use ibid in a factum. At the end of a paragraph,
include the pinpoint references that apply to the
whole paragraph. For example:
14 ojen.ca © 2014
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As noted above, the rules explained here represent
only a portion of those addressed in the McGill Guide.
For further reference, consider consulting the Guide
itself. It is readily available in many public reference
libraries (ISBN# 9780779827992).
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Exchequer Court of
Alberta A Ex C.R
Canada Reports
British Colombia BC Federal Court Reports FC
Lower Canada LC
This Appendix presents an abridged version of the McGill Guide’s
Appendix (Section A)
16 ojen.ca © 2014
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Federal Court FC
Court of Queen’s Bench ABQB
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