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Crack Growth: Theoretical Explanation of

Empirical Formulas
Edgar Daniel Rodriguez Velasquez1,2
Olga Kosheleva3 , and Vladik Kreinovich4
Department of Civil Engineering
Universidad de Piura in Peru (UDEP)
Av. Ramón Mugica 131, Piura, Peru
Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Teacher Education
Department of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science
University of Texas at El Paso, 500 W. University
El Paso, TX 79968, USA
olgak@utep.edu, vladik@utep.edu

Due to stress, cracks appear in constructions: cracks appear in build-
ings, bridges, pavements, among other structures. In the long run, cracks
need to be repaired. However, our resources are limited, so we need to
decide which cracks are more dangerous. For this, we need to be able to
predict how different cracks will grow. There are several empirical formu-
las describing crack growth. In this paper, we show that by using scale
invariance, we can provide a theoretical explanation for these empirical

1 Crack Propagation: Empirical Formulas

Studying crack propagation is important. Under stress, crack appear,
and once they appear, they start growing. Cracks in an engine can lead to a
catastrophe, cracks in a pavement makes a road more dangerous and prone to
In the ideal world, each crack should be repaired as soon as it is noticed. This
is indeed done in critical situations – e.g., after each flight, the Space Shuttle
was thoroughly studied and all cracks were repaired. However, in most other
(less critical) situations, for example, in pavement engineering, our resources

are limited. It is therefore desirable to predict how the current cracks will grow,
so that we will be able to concentrate our limited repair resources on most
potentially harmful cracks.
How cracks grow: a general description. In most cases, stress comes
in cycles: the engine clearly goes through the cycles, the road segment gets
stressed when a vehicle passes through it, etc. Thus, the crack growth is usually
expressed by describing how the length a of the pavement changes during a
stress cycle at which the stress is equal to some value σ. The increase in length
is usually denoted by ∆a. So, to describe how a crack grows, we need to find
out how ∆a depends on a and σ:

∆a = f (a, σ), (1)

for some function f (a, σ).

Case of very short cracks. The first empirical formula – known as Wöhler
law – was proposed to describe how cracks appear. In the beginning, the length
a is 0 (or very small), so the dependence on a can be ignored, and we have

∆a = f (σ), (2)

for some function f (σ). Empirical data shows that this dependence is a power
law, i.e., that
∆a = C0 · σ m0 , (3)
for some constants C0 and m0 .
Practical case of reasonable size cracks: Paris law. Very small cracks
are extremely important in critical situations: since there, the goal is to prevent
the cracks from growing. In most other practical viewpoint, small cracks are
usually allowed to grow, so the question is how cracks of reasonable size grow.
Several empirical formulas have been proposed. In 1963, P. C. Paris and
F. Erdogan compared all these formulas with empirical data, and came up with
a new empirical formula that best fits the data:
∆a = C · σ m · am . (4)

This formula – known as Paris Law or Paris-Erdogan Law – is still in use; see,
e.g., [3, 6].
Usual case of Paris law. Usually, we have m0 = m/2, in which case the
formula (4) takes the form

∆a = C · σ m · am/2 = C · (σ · a )m . (5)

The formula (4) is empirical, but the dependence m0 = m/2 has theoretical
explanations. One of such explanations is that the stress acts randomly at
different parts of the crack. According to statistics, the standard deviation s of
the sum of n independent variables each of which has standard deviation s0 is


equal to s = s0 · n; see, √
e.g., [10]. So, on average, the effect of n independent
factors is proportional to n. Thus, for a crack of length a, consisting of a/δa
independent parts, the overall effect K of the stress σ is proportional to
√ √
K = σ · n ∼ σ · a. (6)

This quantity K is known as stress intensity. For the power law

∆a = C · K m , (4a)

this indeed leads to

∆a = const · (σ · a )m = const · σ m · am/2 , (7)

i.e., to m0 = m/2.
Empirical dependence between C and m. In principle, we can have all
possible combinations of C and m. Empirically, however, there is a relation
between C and m:
C = c0 · bm
0 ; (8)
see, e.g., [4, 5] and references therein.
Beyond Paris law. As we have mentioned, Paris law is only valid for rea-
sonably large crack lengths a. It cannot be valid for a = 0, since for a = 0, it
implies that ∆a = 0 and thus, that cracks cannot appear by themselves – but
they do. To describe the dependence (1) for all possible values a, the paper [2]
proposed to use the expression (4) with different values of C, m, and m0 for
different ranges of a. This worked OK, but not perfectly.
The best empirical fit came from the generalization of Paris law proposed
in [8]: γ
∆a = C · σ m · aα + c · σ β . (9)
Empirically, we have α ≈ 1.
What we do in this paper. In this paper, we provide a theoretical explanation
for the empirical formulas (3), (4), and (8), and (9).
Our explanations use the general ideas of scale-invariance, ideas very similar
to what is described in [4].

2 Scale Invariance: A Brief Reminder

Scale invariance: main idea. In general, we want to find the dependence
y = f (x) of one physical quantity on another one – e.g., for short cracks, the
dependence of crack growth on stress. When we analyze the data, we deal
with numerical values of these quantities, and numerical values depend on the
selection of the measuring unit. For example, if we measure crack length in
centimeters, we get numerical values which are 2.54 times larger than if we use
inches. In general, if we replace the original measuring unit with a new unit

which is λ times smaller, all the numerical values get multiplied by λ: instead
of the original value x, we get a new value x0 = λ · x.
In many physical situations, there is no preferred measuring unit. In such
situations, it makes sense to require that the dependence y = f (x) remain
valid in all possible units. Of course, if we change a unit for x, then we need
to appropriately change the unit for y. So the corresponding scale invariance
requirement takes the following form: for every λ > 0, there exists a value µ(λ)
depending on λ such that, if we have

y = f (x), (10)

then in the new units

y 0 = µ(λ) · y (11)
x0 = λ · x, (12)
we should have
y 0 = f (x0 ). (13)
Similarly, if we are interested in the dependence y = f (x1 , . . . , xv ) on several
quantities x1 , . . . , xv , then we should similarly require that for all possible tuples
(λ1 , . . . , λv ), there should exist a value µ(λ1 , . . . , λv ) such that if we have

y = f (x1 , . . . , xv ), (14)

then in the new units

x0i = λi · xi (15
y 0 = µ(λ1 , . . . , λv ) · y, (16)
we should have
y 0 = f (x01 , . . . , x0v ). (17)

Which dependencies are scale invariant. For a single variable, if we plug

in the expressions (11) and (12) into the formula (13), we get

µ(λ) · y = f (λ · x). (18)

If we now plug in the expression for y from formula (10) into this formula, we
will conclude that
µ(λ) · f (x) = f (λ · x). (19)
It is known (see, e.g., [1]) that every measurable solution to this functional
equation has the form
y = C · xm , (20)
i.e., the form of a power law.

Similarly, for functions of several variables, if we plug in the expressions (15)
and (16) into the formula (17), we get

µ(λ1 , . . . , λv ) · y = f (λ1 · x1 , . . . , λv · xv ). (21)

If we now plug in the expression for y from formula (14) into this formula, we
will conclude that

µ(λ1 , . . . , λv ) · f (x) = f (λ1 · x1 , . . . , λv · xv ). (22)

It is known (see, e.g., [?]) that every measurable solution to this functional
equation has the form
y = C · xm mn
1 · . . . · xn .

3 Scale Invariance Explains Wöhler Law and

Paris Law
How can we use scale invariance here? It would be nice to apply scale
invariance to crack growth. However, we cannot directly use it: indeed, in the
above arguments, we assumed that y and xi are different quantities, measured
by different units, but in our case ∆a and a are both lengths. What can we do?
To apply scale invariance, we can recall that in all applications, stress is
periodic: for an engine, we know how many cycles per minute we have, and for
a road, we also know, on average, how many cars pass through the give road
segment. In both cases, what we are really interested in is how much the crack
will grow during some time interval – e.g., whether the road segment needs
repairs right now or it can wait until the next year. Thus, what we are really
interested in is not the value ∆a, but the value which can be obtained by
multiplying ∆a by the number of cycles per selected time unit.
Since the quantities and ∆a differ by a multiplicative constant, they
follow the same laws as ∆a – but for , we already have different measuring
units and thus, we can apply scale invariance.
So, let us apply scale invariance. For the case of one variable, scale invari-
ance leads to the formula (20), which explains Wöhler law.
For the case of several variables we similarly get the formula (23), which
explains Paris law (4).
Thus, both Wöhler and Paris laws can indeed be theoretically explained –
by scale invariance.

4 Scale Invariance Explains How C Depends
on m
Idea. Let us show that scale invariance can also the explain the dependence (8)
between the parameters C and m of the Paris law (4a).
Indeed, the fact that the coefficients C and m describing the Paris law are
different for different materials means that, to determine how a specific crack
will grow, it is not sufficient to know its stress intensity K, there must be some
other characteristic z on which ∆a depends:

∆a = f (K, z). (24)

Let us apply scale invariance. If we apply scale invariance to the dependence

of ∆a on K, then we can conclude that this dependence is described by a power
law, i.e., that
∆a(K, z) = C(z) · K m(z) , (25)
where, in general, the coefficients C(z) and m(z) may depend on z. It is well
known that if we go to log-log scale, i.e., consider the dependence of ln(∆a) on
ln(K), then the dependence becomes linear. Indeed, if we take logarithms of
both sides of the equality (25), we conclude that

ln(∆a(K, z)) = m(z) · ln(K) + ln(C(z)). (26)

Similarly, if we apply scale invariance to the dependence of ∆a on z, we also

get a power law 0
∆a(K, z) = C 0 (K) · z m (K) (27)
for some values C 0 (K) and m0 (K), i.e., in log-log scale,

ln(∆a(K, z)) = m0 (K) · ln(z) + ln(C 0 (k)). (28)

The logarithm ln(∆a(K, z)) in linear in ln(K) and linear in ln(z), thus it is
a bilinear function of ln(K) and ln(z). A general bilinear function has the form:

ln(∆a(K, z)) = a0 + aK · ln(K) + az · ln(z) + aKz · ln(K) · ln(z), (29)

i.e., the form

ln(∆a(K, z)) = (a0 + az · ln(z)) + (aK + aKz · ln(z)) · ln(K). (30)

By applying exp(t) to both sides of the formula (30), we conclude that the
dependence of ∆a on K has the form

∆a = C · K m , (31)

C = exp(a0 + az · ln(z)) (32)

m = aK + aKz · ln(z). (33)
From (33), we conclude that ln(z) is a linear function of m, namely, that
1 aK
ln(z) = ·m− . (34)
aKz aKz
Substituting this expression for ln(z) into the formula (32), we can conclude
aK · az az
C = exp a0 − + ·m , (35)
aKz aKz
i.e., the desired formula (8), C = c0 · bm
0 , with
aK · az
c0 = exp a0 − (36)

b0 = exp . (37)
Thus, the empirical dependence (8) of C on m can also be explained by scale

5 Scale Invariance Explains Generalized Paris

Analysis of the problem. Let us show that scale invariance can also explain
the generalized Paris law (9).
So far, we have justified two laws: Wöhler law (3) that describes how cracks
appear and start growing, and Paris law (4) that describes how they grow once
they reach a certain size. In effect, these two laws describe two different mech-
anisms for crack growth. To describe the joint effect of these two mechanisms,
we need to combine the effects of both mechanisms.
How can we combine the two formulas? If the effect of the first mechanism
is denoted by q1 and the effect of the second one by q2 , then a natural way to
combine them is to consider some function

q = F (q1 , q2 ). (38)

What should be the properties of this combination function?

If one the effects is missing, then the overall effect should coincide with the
other effect, so we should have F (0, q2 ) = q2 and F (q1 , 0) = q1 for all q1 and q2 .
If we combine two effects, it should not matter in what order we consider
them, i.e., we should have

F (q1 , q2 ) = F (q2 , q1 ) (39)

for all q1 and q2 . In mathematical terms, the combination operation F (q1 , q2 )
should be commutative.
Similarly, if we combine three effects, the result should not depend on the
order in which we combine them, i.e., that we should have

F (F (q1 , q1 ), q3 ) = F (q1 , F (q2 , q3 )) (40)

for all q1 , q1 , and q3 . In mathematical terms, the combination operation

F (q1 , q2 ) should be associative.
It is also reasonable to require that if we increase one of the effects, then
the overall effect will increase, i.e., that the function F (q1 , q2 ) should be strictly
monotonic in each of the variables: if q1 < q10 , then we should have

F (q1 , q2 ) < F (q10 , q2 ).

It is also reasonable to require that small changes to qi should lead to small

changes in the overall effect, i.e., that the function F (q1 , q2 ) should be continu-
Finally, it is reasonable to require that the operation F (q1 , q2 ) be scale in-
variant in the following sense: if q = F (q1 , q2 ), then for every λ > 0, if we take
qi0 = λ · qi and q 0 = λ · q, then we should have q 0 = F (q10 , q20 ).
What are the resulting combination functions. It is known – see, e.g.,
[9] – that every commutative, associative, strictly monotonic, continuous, and
scale invariant combination operation for which F (q1 , 0) = q1 has the form
F (q1 , q2 ) = (q1p + q2p ) (41)

for some p > 0.

This explains the generalized Paris law. Indeed, if we substitute the
expression (3) instead of q1 and the expression (4) instead of q2 into the formula
(41), we get
0 p 1/p
∆a = (C0 · σ m0 ) + C · σ m · am =
C0p · σ m0 ·p + C p · σ m·p · am ·p =
  p 1/p
m m0 ·p C0 (m−m0 )·p
C ·σ · a + ·σ , (42)
0 C0
i.e., we get the desired formula (9), with α = m ·p, c = , β = (m−m0 )·p,
and γ = 1/p.
Thus, the generalized Paris law can also be explained by scale invariance.

This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation grants
1623190 (A Model of Change for Preparing a New Generation for Professional
Practice in Computer Science) and HRD-1242122 (Cyber-ShARE Center of Ex-

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