Aim Online Review 1
Aim Online Review 1
Aim Online Review 1
1 - Self-evaluation can be done in various ways, but this is NOT one of them: Answer: Peer feedback
2 - Teacher Angelie, a graduate of BSEd with Majorship in Mathematics teaches in a National High
School in her province. Since she has been rated outstanding in her performance, can she be
exempted from taking the LET? Answer: No, RA 7836 states that no person shall practice or offer to
practice the teaching profession in the Philippines or be appointed as teacher to any position calling for
a teaching position without having previously obtained a valid certificate and a valid license from the
3 - Teacher Cris views his students as a unique, free choosing and responsible individuals. He
encourages them to develop their own individualities. What philosophy does Teacher Cris adhere to?
Answer: Existentialism
4 - Teacher Filemon is convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provide
reinforcement and soon the student learns to perform the behavior on his own. On which principle is
Teacher Filemon’s conviction based? Answer: Behaviorism
5 - Teacher Jenny is an inspiration to almost all of her students. Her efficiency and effectiveness in the
profession is truly outstanding. Which of the following describes this attitude of the students towards
her? Answer: Idealism
7 - Teacher Jhenn use a great deal of discussion and a play a moderator role that enables her students
to work on answers to problems by themselves. According to Thelen, what type of teaching styles does
Teacher Jhenn applied? Answer: Town-Meeting
8 - Teacher K teaches in a public school in her locality. Due to teacher shortage, her classroom
teaching starts from 6 am and ends at 3 pm. Is the assignment given her just? Answer: No, Magna
Carta for Public School Teachers states that in the exigencies of service, any teacher may be required
to render more than six hours and not more than eight hours of actual classroom teaching a day.
9 - Teacher L, a graduate of BSEd with majorship in Mathematics teaches in a national high school in
her province. Since she has been rated outstanding in her performance, can she be exempted from
taking the LET? Answer: No, RA 7836 states that no person shall practice or offer to practice the
teaching profession in the Philippines or be appointed as teacher to any position calling for a teaching
position without having previously obtained a valid certificate and a valid license from the Commission.
10 - Teacher Marie Antoniette is a very dedicated teacher in the nursery. Her foremost concern is for
the students to learn how to adapt themselves in the environment. This shows that teacher Marie
Antoniette upholds this kind of philosophy? Answer: Naturalism
11 - Teacher Mario ensures to put a certain amount of his monthly earnings to the bank. At the end of
the school year, he used all his savings in visiting places rich of cultural heritages rather than of buying
expensive clothes, jewelry and latest gadgets. Favoring the former action over the latter exhibits that
Teacher Mario follows this kind of philosophy Answer: Existentialism
13 - Teacher Riean has not only explained the concept of Philosophy of Education but also imparted
this to her student. This demonstrates what kind of philosophy? Answer: Realism
14 - Teacher Roj serves as an inspiration to his students because of his efficiency and effectiveness as
a teacher. The mind set of his students towards him is an instance of what kind of philosophy? Answer:
15 - Teacher Sandra teaches in a public school in her locality. Due to teacher shortage, her classroom
teaching starts from 6 am and ends at 3 pm. Is the assignment given her just? Answer: No, Magna
Carta for Public School Teachers states that in the exigencies of service, any teacher may be required
to render more than six hours and not more than eight hours of actual classroom teaching a day.
16 - Teacher Suzanne believes that “truth exists in objective order and independent of the knower”. She
is considered __________. Answer: Realist
17 - Teacher Tonette asks one of her students “What do you want to become when you grow up?”. This
question is an indication of what kind of philosophy Answer: Existentialism
18 - Teacher Wyneth, a teacher for forty years, refuses to attend seminars. She claims that her forty
years of teaching is more than all the seminars she is asked to attend. Are her actuation and thinking in
accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers? Answer: No, a professional teacher,
regardless of teaching experience, ought to go through continuing professional education
20 - The Council for the Welfare of Children, with the National Early Childhood Care and Development
Coordinating Council passed a resolution approving the Guidelines in selecting Early Childhood Care
and Development(ECCD) learning materials for 0-6 year old children. The DepED, DSWD, DOH, and
private individuals who are ECCD materials. Which are NOT considered ECCD learning materials?
Answer: Toys that maybe hand-made, commercially manufactured or in their natural state
21 - The domain on Social Regard for Learning in the NCBTS focuses on teacher’s actions and
demonstrating value for learning. Which are the indicators for these actions?
Answer: I and II
22 - The Field Study Courses and Practice Teaching in the Revised Policies and Standards for
Undergraduate Teacher Education Curriculum, stipulated by CHED Memorandum Order No.30, s. 2004
are labeled as Experiential Learning. They are intended to provide students with practical learning
experiences in actual school settings. Which national document provides the mandate for the Basic
Education Schools as laboratories for internship program? Answer: Medium Term Philippine
Development Plan, 2004-2010
23 - The NCBTS domain on Social Regard for Learning focuses on which indicators?
I. Demonstrates punctuality
Answer: I, II, V
25 - The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers aims to: Answer: All of the above
26 - The results of the LET revealed the low performance of future teachers. In April 2010 only 15% of
the BEED and 25% of BSED graduates passed. What do the results imply? Answer: Review existing
teacher education curriculum vis-à-vis TOS
27 - The teacher believes that it is better to use the old and traditional methods than to experiment with
new techniques in classroom teaching. She is a/an Answer: essentialist
28 - Thea listened to the advice given by her sister to end the relationship that she has with Gilbert.
However, her sister learned that the advice she has given was not followed and Thea decided to
continue the relationship. This action of Thea is a manifestation of what kind of philosophy? Answer:
29 - This was created in 1925 to evaluate the entire school system in the Philippines by the Americans.
Answer: Monroe Survey Commission
30 - To ensure high standards of teachers’ personal and professional development, which measure
must be implemented?
III. The implementation of what is learned in training must be monitored Answer: II and III
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