MuellerZiegler Current Transformers SW-Series

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Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit
10 apparatus 9 mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
8.1Current top hat rail mounting 5
6Meas. analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring transducers
1 Measuring 8.1

Current transformers SW-series 8.1

Current transformers

1 transducers
General description and data Page 5

Three-phase current transformer sets

for round conductors up to Ø 13,5 mm 3 x 50 - 3 x 150 A ASRD 14 Page 11

Mains and limit

for busbars 20x5 / 30x10 mm 3 x 100 - 3 x 600 A ASRD 205.37 / ASRD 310.37 Page 11

2 monitoring
Tube unit current transformers
for round conductors up to Ø 14,0 / 21,0 mm 40 - 300 A RSW 14 / RSW 21 Page 12

Energy meters
Plug-in current transformers
for busbars 20x10 mm 40 - 500 A SW-S 2010 / SW 2010 Page 13
for busbars 30x10 mm 50 - 750 A SW-S 3010 / SW 3010 Page 14
40 - 750 A SW-L 3010 / SW-K 3010 Page 15

for busbars 40x10 / 40x12 mm 50 - 1000 A SW-S 4010 / SW 4010 Page 16
60 - 1000 A SW-L 4010 Page 17
for busbars 50x12 / 2x50x10 / 60x10 mm 100 - 1250 A SW-S 5010 / SW 5010 Page 18

Panel meters
for busbars 60x13 / 60x30 mm 200 - 1600 A SW 6010 / SW 6030 Page 19

for busbars 80x10 / 100x10 mm 400 - 2000 A SW 8010 / SW 10010 Page 20
for busbars 100x55 / 2x100x10 mm 600 - 3000 A SW 10055 / SW 20010 Page 21
for busbars 123x30 / 128x38 mm 400 - 3000 A SW 12330 / SW 12838 Page 22

Wound primary current transformers

Panel meters
for direct connection, CT width 70 mm 1 - 50 A WSWK / WSWK-N Page 24
for direct connection with primary busbar 25 - 100 A WSWS Page 25

Summary current transformers

top hat rail mounting 5

Description summary current transformers Page 26

instruments for
for summation of 2 up to 8 circuits 1 - 5 A SSW Page 27

Split core current transformers
for round conductors up to Ø 13,5 / 32,5 mm 50 - 600 A SWU 18 / SWU 32 Page 28
for busbars 20x30 / 50x80 mm 100 - 1000 A SWU 2030 / SWU 5080 Page 29
for busbars 80x120 / 80x160 mm 250 - 5000 A SWU 80120 / SWU 80160 Page 30

Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

Plug-in current transformers „Cage Clamp“ CSW

Description plug-in current transformers „Cage Clamp“ CSW Page 32

Description plug-in current transformers „Cage Clamp“ up to 20 kHz XCSW Page 33

for busbars 30x10 / 40x10 mm 60 - 1000 A CSW 31 / CSW 41 Page 34
for busbars 50x12 / 63x10 mm 100 - 1600 A CSW 51 / CSW 61 Page 35
for busbars 80x10 / 100x10 mm 400 - 2500 A CSW 81 / CSW 101 Page 36

Accessories current transformers


Accessories overview for current transformers all types Page 37


Dimensions current transformers

Dimensional drawings all types from page 38

Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit
10 apparatus 9 mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
8.1Current top hat rail mounting 5
6Meas. analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring transducers
1 Measuring 8.1

Current transformers SW-series 8.1

General description current transformers

1 transducers
Current transformers mainly are used where it is impossible or difficult to measure currents directly. They are special configurations
of transformers which transform the primary current into a (mostly) lower secondary current and which separate (galvanically) both

Mains and limit


2 monitoring
By means of the physical principal of saturation of the core material additional a protection of the secondary circuit from high currents
produced in the event of system fault is enable.
The accuracy and safety of the connected devices is directly dependent on the quality of the current transformer used.

Energy meters
Special notes
Rated burden, secondary currents
In the case of current transformers, the rated burden that is made available at the secondary terminals is specified in VA. The selection
of the rated burden is determined by the consumption of the connected measuring device and its feed line. In particular with secon-

dary currents of 5 A and a long measuring line, considerable losses occur (see pages 7 and 8). In this case, current transformers with a
secondary current of 1 A are preferable.
„Site-winding“ current transformer

Panel meters
With plug-in current transformers, the smaller the CT ratio, the lower the rated burden in VA. By passing through the primary conductor
several times, a smaller CT ratio can be achieved with the rated burden (VA) unchanged. Example: CT with a ratio of 50/5 A at 1.5 VA

rated burden - after threading the primary conductor 5 times, a CT with a ratio of 10/5 A at 1.5 VA rated burden results. In comparison
to wound primary current transformers, this measure enables cost savings to be achieved.

Grounding of secondary terminals
According to VDE 0141, paragraph 5.3.4, current and voltage transformers should be grounded starting from measuring voltages of
≥ 3.6 kV. In case of low voltages (up to a measuring voltage of ≤ 1.2 kV), no grounding is necessary unless the transformer housing has

Panel meters
large accessible metal surfaces.
Caution: Current transformers may conduct voltages which are dangerous to touch at the „open“ secondary terminals. Therefore, ope-

rating the transformers „open“ should be avoided under all circumstances.

top hat rail mounting 5

Technical terms

instruments for
Primary nominal current Value of the primary current which characterizes the CT and for which it is dimensioned.

Secondary nominal current Value of the secondary current which characterizes the CT and for which it is dimensioned.

Rated transformation ratio Ratio of the primary current and secondary current.
The ratio of a current transformer is indicated on the label as an unabridged fraction.

Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
Rated burden The burden is the impedance of the exterior secondary circuit including wires.
The rated burden is decisive in determining the error limits of the current transformer.
Usual the burden is expressed as its volt-ampere rating.

Load Impedance of the secondary circuit, expressed in ohms with indication of the power factor.

Nominal burden Value of the burden on which the accuracy information of the CT is based.

Nominal rated frequency Value of the frequency on which the rating of the CT is based.

Accuracy class Information for a current transformer that its measurement deviations under prescribed
conditions are within defined limits.

Phase displacement (δ) Phase displacement is the angle of the phase shift between the secondary and primary
current. It is specified in angle minutes and positively calculated if the secondary size
goes after the primary one.

Current error The current error is the deviation of the nominal transmission multiplied by the secondary
from that of the primary current. The current error is calculated positively, in the actual

value of the secondry current exceeds the nominal value.


Fi [%] = ( Kn Is - Ip ) x 100

1 Measuring

Fi = Current error in %
Kn = Current transformer ratio
Is = Actual secondory current, if Ip is under measurment conditions
Ip = Actual primary current
Mains and limit

Total measurement error The total measurement error is the momentary value of the ratio of the r.m.s. difference
2 monitoring

from the secondary current multiplied with the transmission to the primary current,
refered to the r.m.s. primary current.

Rated limit instrument is the primary current attached to the excess current limiting factor. In case of CTs for
primary current Ipl measuring it is defined that the total error is eqal to or greater 10% of the secondary
current which should apprear according to the transmission
Energy meters

Instrument security factor FS expresses the physical attribute of a CT to go into saturation

Rated continious thermal is the primary continuous current which the CT will operate with, if it is connected to the
current Icth rated burden without its temperature exceeding specified values.

Rated short time thermal is the r.m.s. value of the primary current which the CT can withstand for 1 second with
Panel meters

current Ith short-circuited secondary winding without incurring damage


Rated dynamic current Idyn is the peak value of the first amplitude of the primary current whose mechanical and
electromagnetic impact is resisted by the transformer with short-circuited secondary
4 Panel meters

Technical data
General data Standards DIN EN 60044-1, DIN 42 600, IEC 185, DIN EN 61 010 part 1
top hat rail mounting 5

Max. operating voltage 0,72 kV, Types CSW and XCSW 1,2 kV
instruments for

Test voltage 3 kV, Types CSW and XCSW 6 kV

Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz, 16 2/3 and 400 Hz on request
Instrument security factor FS5 up to 1500 A, FS10 from 1600 A and above
Rated cont. thermal current Icth 1,0 x IN, Types CSW and XCSW 1,2 x IN
Rated short time thermal current Ith 60 x IN (1 s), max. 100 kA

40 x IN (1 s), max. 100 kA at wound primary and summary CTs

Rated dynamic current Idyn 2,5 x Ith
Operating temperature -5 °C to +50 °C
Universal measu-

Storage temperature -25 °C to +70 °C

mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

Insulation class E
Housing Polycarbonate black or grey, acc. to UL 94 V 0, self extinguishing
Connection Combi-srews M5 x 10 on the secondary terminals

Marking of terminals for current transformers


The terminals for current transformers have standardized markings. These are in detail:

For the primary terminals: K - P1 and L - P2, the direction of energy is always from K-P1 to L-P2!

For the secondary terminals: k - s1 und l - s2 (in lower case)

In case of summary CTs with several input circuits, the usual terminal markings „K“ and „L“ are preceded by the capital letters „A“, „B“, „C“ ...
This serves to clearly differentiate the input circuits.
In case of input circuits with different main transformers, the main transformer with the highest transformation ratio is connected to the
terminals „AK - AL“ and then in descending order to terminal „BK - BL“ etc.
The correct connection assignment can also be found on the rating plate.
9 10apparatus

Current transformers SW-series 8.1
Error limits for current transformers

1 transducers
class 0,2 to 3, acc. to IEC 61869/2, version 09/2012

Mains and limit

2 monitoring
Current transformer error curve

Energy meters
Rated current range Overcurrent range for protection CTs
Overcurrent range for
measuring CTs up to FS 5

Panel meters
4 digital
Panel meters
Rated current

analog top hat rail mounting 5

instruments for

Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
Error history at 25% rated burden
Error history at 100% rated burden
Magnetic saturation transfor-

Measuring connection Single phase energy meter connection

9 apparatus

1 Measuring
Mains and limit
2 monitoring

Three phase energy meter connection

Energy meters
Panel meters

Power requirements of measurement devices and relays


When using current transformers, the user has two main requirements:
• high measurement accuracy in the nominal current range
Panel meters

• protectiv function in the overcurrent range

Connection of summary CTs

In order to meet these requirements, it is necessary that the range of services (the nominal apparent power) of the current transformer is
adapted as close as possible to the actual power requirement of the measuring arrangement. To determine the actual power requirement,
in addition to the internal power requirement of the connected measuring devices, the line losses of the measuring lines connected to the
top hat rail mounting 5

secondary circuit of the converter must also be taken into account.

instruments for

Internal power requirement of typical measuring devices

Moving iron current meter 100 mm 0,700 - 1,50 VA

Moving coil current meter with rectifier 0,001 - 0,25 VA

Multiple current meter 0,005 - 5,00 VA

Current recorder 0,300 - 9,00 VA
Bimetall current meter 2,500 - 3,00 VA
Universal measu-

Power meter 0,200 - 5,00 VA

mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

Power recorder 3,000 - 12,00 VA

Power factor meter 2,000 - 6,00 VA
Power facotr recorder 9,000 - 16,00 VA
Energy meter 0,400 - 1,00 VA

N-Relay 14,00 VA

Overcurrent relay 0,200 - 6,00 VA

Overcurrent time relay 3,000 - 6,00 VA
Directional relay 10,00 VA

Bimetall relay 7,000 - 11,00 VA

Distance relay 1,000 - 30,00 VA
Differential relay 0,200 - 2,00 VA

Current transformer trip switch 5,000 - 150,00 VA

Regulator 5,000 - 180,00 VA
9 10apparatus

Current transformers SW-series 8.1
Auxiliary diagram for determining the power loss (secondary line)

1 transducers
Mains and limit
2 monitoring
Energy meters
4 Panel meters
Panel meters
Distance between CT and measurement device

top hat rail mounting 5

instruments for
Outside dimensions of cables and wires

Depending on the manufacturer, the diameters can differ from the information!

Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
Cross section Type NYM.. Type NYY.. Type H07V-K
1 x 1,5 mm² 5,2 mm - 3,4 mm
1 x 2,5 mm² 6,0 mm - 4,1 mm
1 x 4 mm² 6,7 mm - 4,8 mm
1 x 6 mm² 7,2 mm - 5,3 mm

1 x 10 mm² 8,6 mm - 6,8 mm

1 x 16 mm² 9,6 mm - 8,1 mm

1 x 25 mm² 12,5 mm 13,0 mm 10,2 mm

1 x 35 mm² - 14,0 mm 11,7 mm
1 x 50 mm² - 15,0 mm 13,9 mm
1 x 70 mm² - 17,0 mm 16,0 mm
1 x 95 mm² - - 18,2 mm
1 x 120 mm² - 21,0 mm 20,2 mm

1 x 150 mm² - - 22,5 mm

1 x 185 mm² - 25,0 mm 24,9 mm

1 x 240 mm² - - 28,4 mm


Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit
10 apparatus 9 mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
8.1Current top hat rail mounting 5
6Meas. analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring transducers
1 Measuring 8.1

Current transformers SW-series 8.1

Three-phase CT sets

1 transducers
for round conductors Ø 13,5 mm / busbars 20 x 5 /
30 x 10 mm


Mains and limit

ASRD 205.37 / ARSD 310.37

2 monitoring
Type ASRD 14 Type ASRD 205.37
Width 105 mm Width 115 mm
Depth 54 mm Depth 37 mm

Energy meters
Busbar size -- mm Busbar size 20 x 5 mm
Round cond. Ø 13,5 mm Round cond. Ø 18 mm

Accessories incl. -- Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets

busbar fixing material

nsion secondary terminal
Dime e 38 cover

Panel meters
Weight approx. 300 g Weight approx. 600 g

Types and variants

Primary VA class 1 class 0,5 class 1 class 0,5
current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €
in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

Panel meters
3 x 50 1 X X - - - - - -
3 x 60 1,25 X X - - - - - -

3 x 75 1,5 X X - - - - - -
3 x 80 1,5 X X - - - - - -
3 x 100 1 - - - - X X - -

top hat rail mounting 5

2,5 X X - - - - - -

instruments for
3 x 125 2,5 X X X X - - - -
3 x 150 1,25 - - - - X X - -
2,5 X X X X - - - -
3,75 X X - - - - - -
3 x 160 1,5 - - - - X X - -

3 x 200 1,5 - - - - X X - -
3 x 250 2,5 - - - - X X - -

Accessories: see page 37

Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
Type ASRD 310.37
Width 150 mm
Depth 37 mm
Busbar size 30 x 10 mm
s Round cond. Ø 22 mm

Dime e 38
pag Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
busbar fixing material

secondary terminal

Weight approx. 600 g

€ Types and variants
Primary VA class 1 class 0,5

current net € net € net € net €

in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

3 x 250 2,5 X X - -

3 x 300 3,75 X
X - -

3 x 400 5 X X - -

3 x 500 5 X X - -

3 x 600 5 X X - -
see page 37


Tube unit current transformers

1 Measuring

for round condutors up to 14 / 21 mm

RSW 14 / RSW 21
Mains and limit
2 monitoring

Type RSW 14 Type RSW 21

Width 45 mm Width 45 mm
Depth 30 mm Depth 30 mm
Busbar size -- Busbar size -- mm
Energy meters

s Round cond. Ø 14 mm Round cond. Ø 21 mm

Dime e 39
pag Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
busbar fixing material busbar fixing material
secondary terminal secondary terminal

cover cover

Weight approx. 200 g Weight approx. 200 g

Panel meters

suitable for integrated installation in Slimline suitable for integrated installation in Slimline
switchable fuse rails size XR00 switchable fuse rails size XR00/1

€ Types and variants


Primary VA class 1 class 0,5 class 1 class 0,5

Panel meters

current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €

in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

40 1 X X - - - - - -
50 1 X X - - X X - -
1,5 X X - - - - - -
top hat rail mounting 5

60 1 - - - - X X - -
1,25 - - - - X X - -
instruments for

1,5 X X - - - - - -
75 1,25 - - - - X X - -
1,5 X X - - X X - -
80 1,25 - - - - X X - -

1,5 - - - - X X - -
100 1,5 - - - - X X X X
2,5 X X - - X X - -
125 1,5 - - - - X X X X
2,5 X X - - X X - -
Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

150 1,5 - - - - X X X X
2,5 X X - - X X X X
3,75 - - - - X X - -
200 1,5 - - - - X X X X
2,5 - - - - X X X X
3,75 - - - - X X - -
250 2,5 - - - - X X X X

5 - - - - X X - -
300 2,5 - - - - X X X X
5 - - - - X X - -

Accessories: see page 37

9 10apparatus

Current transformers SW-series 8.1

Plug-in current transformers

1 transducers
for busbars 20 x 10 mm

SW-S 2010 / SW 2010

Mains and limit

2 monitoring
Type SW-S 2010 Type SW 2010
Width 60 mm Width 70 mm
Depth 30 / 48 mm Depth 40 / 58 mm
Busbar size 20 x 10 mm Busbar size 20 x 10 mm

Energy meters
s Round cond. Ø 19,2 mm Round cond. Ø 20 mm
Dime e 40
pag Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
busbar fixing material busbar fixing material
secondary terminal secondary terminal

cover cover

Weight approx. 450 g Weight approx. 500 g

Panel meters
Special design in class 0,2S and calibrated
CTs on request.

€ Types and variants

Primary VA class 1 class 0,5 class 1 class 0,5

Panel meters
current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €
in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

40 1,5 - - - - X X - -
50 1 X X - - - - - -
1,5 - - - - X X X X

top hat rail mounting 5

2,5 - - - - - X - -

instruments for
60 1 X X - - - - - -
1,5 X X - - X X X X
2,5 - - - - X X - -
75 1,5 X X - - - - - -
2,5 X X - - X X X X

3,75 - - - - X X - -
80 1,5 X X - - - - - -
2,5 X X - - X X X X
3,75 - - - - X X - -

Universal measu-
100 1,5 X X X X - - - -

mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

2,5 X X X X X X X X
5 - - - - X X - -
125 2,5 - - - - X X X X
5 - - - - X X X X
150 2,5 X X X X X X X X
5 X X - - X X X X
200 2,5 X X X X - - - -

5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X - - X X - -
250 2,5 X X X X - - - -

5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X
300 2,5 X X X X - - - -
5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X
400 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X
500 5 X X X X X X X X

10 X X X X X X X X

Accessories: see page 37

9 apparatus


Plug-in current transformers

1 Measuring

for busbars PL 30 x 10 mm

SW-S 3010 / SW 3010

Mains and limit
2 monitoring

Type SW-S 3010 Type SW 3010

Width 60 mm Width 60 mm
Depth 30 / 48 mm Depth 40 / 58 mm
Busbar size 30 x 10 mm Busbar size 30 x 10 mm
Energy meters

s Round cond. Ø 26 mm Round cond. Ø 28 mm

Dime 40/41
page Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
busbar fixing material busbar fixing material
secondary terminal secondary terminal

cover cover

Weight approx. 300 g Weight approx. 350 g

Panel meters

Special design in class 0,2S and calibrated Special design in class 0,2S and calibrated
CTs on request. CTs on request.

€ Types and variants


Primary VA class 1 class 0,5 class 1 class 0,5

Panel meters

current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €

in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

50 1 X X - - - - - -
1,25 - - - - X X - -
1,5 - - - - X - - -
top hat rail mounting 5

60 1 X X - - - - - -
1,25 - - - - X X - -
instruments for

1,5 - - - - X X - -
75 1 X X - - - - - -
1,5 X X - - X X - -
2,5 X X - - X X - -

80 1,5 X X - - X X - -
2,5 X X - - X X - -
100 1,5 X X X X - - X X
2,5 X X X X X X X X
3,75 - - - - X X - -
Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

150 1,5 X X X X - - - -
2,5 X X X X X X X X
5 - - - - X X X -
200 2,5 X X X X X X X X
5 X X X - X X - X
7,5 - - - - X X - -
250 2,5 X X X X X X X X

5 X X X X X X X X
10 - - - - X X - -
300 2,5 X X X X X X X X

5 X X X X X X X X
10 - - - - X X X X
400 2,5 X X X X X X X X
5 X X - X X X X X
10 X X - - X X X X
500 2,5 X X X X X X X X
5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X

600 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X - X X X X X
15 X X - - X X X X
750 5 X X X X X X X X

10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X - - X X X X

Accessories: see page 37


Current transformers SW-series 8.1

Plug-in current transformers

1 transducers
for busbars 30 x 10 mm

SW-L 3010 / SW-K 3010

Mains and limit

2 monitoring
Type SW-L 3010 Type SW-K 3010
Width 60 mm Width 50 mm
Depth 50 / 68 mm Depth 50 / 68 mm
Busbar size 30 x 10 mm Busbar size 30 x 10 mm

Energy meters
s Round cond. Ø 28 mm Round cond. Ø 28 mm
Dime e 41
pag Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
busbar fixing material busbar fixing material
secondary terminal secondary terminal

cover cover

Weight approx. 400 g Weight approx. 400 g

Panel meters
Special design as calibrated CTs on request.

€ Types and variants

Primary VA class 1 class 0,5 class 1 class 0,5

Panel meters
current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €
in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

40 1 X X - - - - - -
50 1,5 X X - - - - - -
60 1 - - - - X X - -

top hat rail mounting 5

1,5 X X - - - - - -

instruments for
2,5 X X - - - - - -
75 1,25 - - - - X X - -
1,5 X X X X - - - -
2,5 X X X X - - - -
80 1,25 - - - - X X - -

1,5 X X X X - - - -
2,5 X X X X - - - -
100 1,5 - - X X X X - -
2,5 X X X X - - - -

Universal measu-
5 X X X X - - - -

mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

125 1,5 - - - - X X - X
2,5 - - - - X X - -
150 2,5 - - X X X X - -
5 X X X X - - - -
200 2,5 - - X X X X X X
5 X X X X - - - -
10 X X X X - - - -

250 2,5 - - - - X X X X
5 X X X X - X - -
10 X X X X - - - -

300 2,5 - - - - X X X X
5 X X X X X X - -
10 X X X X - - - -
15 X X X X - - - -
400 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X - - - -
15 X X - X - - - -
500 5 X X X X X X X X

10 X X X X - - - -
15 X X X X - - - -
600 10 X X X X - - - -
15 X X X X - - - -

750 10 X X X X - - - -
15 X X X X - - - -

Accessories: see page 37



Plug-in current transformers

1 Measuring

for busbars PL 40 x 10 / 40 x 12 mm

SW-S 4010 / SW 4010

Mains and limit
2 monitoring

Type SW-S 4010 Type SW 4010

Width 60 mm Width 70 mm
Depth 30 / 48 mm Depth 40 / 58 mm
Busbar size 40 x 12 / 32 x 18 mm Busbar size 40x10 / 2x30x5 mm
Energy meters

s Round cond. Ø 26 mm Round cond. Ø 32 mm

Dime e 42
pag Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
busbar fixing material busbar fixing material
secondary terminal secondary terminal

cover cover

Weight approx. 300 g Weight approx. 370 g

Panel meters

Special design in class 0,2S and calibrated

CTs on request.

€ Types and variants


Primary VA class 1 class 0,5 class 1 class 0,5

Panel meters

current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €

in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

50 1,5 - - - - X X - -
60 1,5 - - - - X X - -
75 1,5 - - - - X X - -
top hat rail mounting 5

80 2,5 - - - - X X - -
100 1,5 X X - - X X X X
instruments for

2,5 - - - - X X X X
150 1,5 X X - - X X X X
2,5 X X - - X X X X
5 - - - - X X X X

200 2,5 X X - - X X X X
5 - - - - X X X X
10 - - - - X X - -
250 2,5 X X - - X X X X
5 - - - - X X X X
Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

10 - - - - X X - -
300 2,5 X X - - X X X X
5 X X - - X X X X
10 - - - - X X X X
400 2,5 X - - - X X X X
5 X - - - X X X X
10 - - - - X X X X

500 5 X - - - X X X X
10 - - - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X X X

600 5 X - - - X X X X
10 - - - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X - -
750 5 X - - - X X X X
10 X - - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X - X
800 5 - - - - X X X X
10 - - - - X X X X

15 - - - - X X - -
1000 5 - - - - X X X X
10 - - - - X X X X

Accessories: see page 37


Current transformers SW-series 8.1

Plug-in current transformers

1 transducers
for busbars PL 40 x 10 mm

SW-L 4010

Mains and limit

2 monitoring
Type SW-L 4010
Width 70 mm
Depth 50 / 68 mm
Busbar size 40x10 / 2x30x5 mm

Energy meters
s Round cond. Ø 32 mm
Dime e 42
pag Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
busbar fixing material
secondary terminal


Weight approx. 450 g

Panel meters
Special design as calibrated CTs on request.

€ Types and variants

Primary VA class 1 class 0,5

Panel meters
current net € net € net € net €
in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

60 1,5 X X - -
75 1,5 X X - -
2,5 X X - -

top hat rail mounting 5

80 1,5 X X - -

instruments for
2,5 X X - -
100 2,5 X X - -
3,75 X X - -
150 5 X X - -
7,5 X X - -

200 5 X X X X
10 X X - -
250 10 X X X X
15 X X - -

Universal measu-
300 10 X X X X

mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

15 X X - -
400 10 X X X X
15 X X X X
500 10 X X X X
15 X X X X
600 10 X X X X
15 X X X X

750 10 X X X X
15 X X X X
800 10 X X X X

15 X X - -
1000 10 X X X X
15 X X - -

Accessories: see page 37

9 apparatus


Plug-in current transformers

1 Measuring

for busbars 50 x 12 / 2 x 50 x 10 / 60 x 10 mm

SW-S 5010 / SW 5010

Mains and limit
2 monitoring

Type SW-S 5010 Type SW 5010

Width 85 mm Width 85 mm
Depth 40 / 58 mm Depth 40 / 58 mm
Busbar size 50x12 / 2x40x10 mm Busbar size 60x10/30x40/2x50x10 mm
Energy meters

s Round cond. Ø 44 mm Round cond. Ø 44 mm

Dime e 43
pag Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
busbar fixing material busbar fixing material
secondary terminal secondary terminal

cover cover

Weight approx. 450 g Weight approx. 450 g

Panel meters

Special design in class 0,2S and calibrated

CTs on request.

€ Types and variants


Primary VA class 1 class 0,5 class 1 class 0,5

Panel meters

current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €

in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

100 1,5 X X - - - - - -
150 1,5 X X X X - - - -
2,5 X X X X - - - -
top hat rail mounting 5

200 2,5 X X X X X X - -
5 X X X X - - - -
instruments for

250 2,5 - - - - X X - -
5 X X X X X X - -
10 X X - - - - - -
300 2,5 - - X X X X X X

5 X X X X X X - -
10 X X - - - - - -
400 2,5 - - X X X X X X
5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X - -
Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

500 5 - - X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X - -
15 X X X - X X - -
600 5 - - X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X - -
750 5 - - X X X X X X

10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X - -
800 5 - - X X X X X X

10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X
1000 10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X
30 - - - - X X - -
1200 10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X
30 X X - - X X - -

1250 10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X
30 X X - - - - - -

Accessories: see page 37


Current transformers SW-series 8.1

Plug-in current transformers

1 transducers
for busbars PL 60 x 13 / 60 x 30 mm

SW 6010 / SW 6030

Mains and limit

2 monitoring
Type SW 6010 Type SW 6030
Width 95 mm Width 95 mm
Depth 40 / 58 mm Depth 40 / 58 mm
Busbar size 63x10 / 2x50x10 mm Busbar size 60x30 / 50x40 mm

Energy meters
s Round cond. Ø 44 mm Round cond. Ø 44 mm
Dime 43/44
page Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
busbar fixing material busbar fixing material
secondary terminal secondary terminal

cover cover

Weight approx. 450 g Weight approx. 450 g

Panel meters
Special design in class 0,2S and calibrated
CTs on request.

€ Types and variants

Primary VA class 1 class 0,5 class 1 class 0,5

Panel meters
current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €
in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

200 1,5 X X X X - - - -
2,5 X X X X - - - -
250 2,5 X X X X - - - -

top hat rail mounting 5

5 X X - - - - - -

instruments for
300 1,5 - - - - X X X X
2,5 X X X X X X X X
5 X X X X - - - -
400 2,5 X X X X X X X X
5 X X X X X X X X

10 X X X X - - - -
500 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X - -
15 X X - - - - - -

Universal measu-
600 5 X X X X X X X X

mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X - -
750 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X
800 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X

15 X X X X X X X X
1000 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X

15 X X X X X X X X
1200 5 - - - - X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X
30 X X X X - - - -
1250 10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X
30 X X X X - - - -

1500 10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X
30 X X X X - - - -
1600 10 X X X X X X X X

15 X X X X X X X X
30 X X X X - - - -

Accessories: see page 37



Plug-in current transformers

1 Measuring

for busbars PL 80 x 10 / 100 x 10 mm

SW 8010 / SW 10010
Mains and limit
2 monitoring

Type SW 8010 Type SW 10010

Width 120 mm Width 130 mm
Depth 40 / 58 mm Depth 40 / 58 mm
Busbar size 80x10/60x30/2x60x10 mm Busbar size 100x10/2x80x10 mm
Energy meters

s Round cond. Ø 55 mm Round cond. Ø 70 mm

Dime 44/45
page Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
busbar fixing material busbar fixing material
secondary terminal secondary terminal

cover cover

Weight approx. 500 g Weight approx. 500 g

Panel meters

Special design in class 0,2S and calibrated

CTs on request.

€ Types and variants


Primary VA class 1 class 0,5 class 1 class 0,5

Panel meters

current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €

in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

400 2,5 X X X X - - - -
5 X X X X - - - -
10 X X - - - - - -
top hat rail mounting 5

500 2,5 X X X X - - - -
5 X X X X X X X X
instruments for

10 X X X X X X - -
600 2,5 X X X X - - - -
5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X - -

750 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X - - - -
800 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X
Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

15 X X X X X X - -
1000 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X - -
1200 5 X X X X - - - -
10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X - -

30 - - - - X X - -
1250 5 X X X X - - - -
10 X X X X X X X X

15 X X X X X X - -
30 - - - - X X - -
1500 10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X
30 X X - - X X - -
1600 10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X
30 X X - - X X - -

2000 10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X
30 X X - - X X X X

Accessories: see page 37


Current transformers SW-series 8.1

Plug-in current transformers

1 transducers
for busbars PL 100 x 55 / 2 x 100 x 10 mm

SW 10055 / SW 20010

Mains and limit

2 monitoring
Type SW 10055 Type SW 20010
Width 129 mm Width 172 mm
Depth 60 / 78 mm Depth 30 / 48 mm
Busbar size 100 x 55 mm Busbar size 2x100x10 / 3x80x10 mm

Energy meters
s Round cond. Ø 55 mm Round cond. Ø 85 mm
Dime /46
45 Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
busbar fixing material busbar fixing material
secondary terminal secondary terminal

cover cover

Weight approx. 1000 g Weight approx. 750 g

Panel meters
Special design in class 0,2S and calibrated
CTs on request.

€ Types and variants

Primary VA class 1 class 0,5 class 1 class 0,5

Panel meters
current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €
in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

600 5 X X X X - - - -
10 X X - - - - - -
750 5 X X X X X X X X

top hat rail mounting 5

10 X X X X X X - -

instruments for
800 5 X X X X - - - -
10 X X X X X X X X
15 - - - - X X - -
1000 5 X X X X - - - -
10 X X X X X X X X

15 X X X X X X X X
1200 5 X X X X - - - -
10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X

Universal measu-
1250 5 X X X X - - - -

mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X
1500 10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X
30 X X X X X X - -
1600 10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X

30 X X X X X X - -
2000 10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X

30 X X X X X X X X
2500 10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X
30 X X X X X X X X
3000 10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X
30 X X X X X X X X

Accessories: see page 37

9 apparatus


Plug-in current transformers

1 Measuring

for busbars PL 123 x 30 / 128 x 38 mm

SW 12330 / SW 12838
Mains and limit
2 monitoring

Type SW 12330 Type SW 12838

Width 172 mm Width 100 mm
Depth 30 / 48 mm Depth 40 / 58 mm
Busbar size 123x30 / 3x100x10 mm Busbar size 128 x 38 mm
Energy meters

s Round cond. Ø 100 mm Round cond. -- mm

Dime 46/47
page Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
busbar fixing material busbar fixing material
secondary terminal secondary terminal

cover cover

Weight approx. 800 g Weight approx. 900 g

Panel meters

Special design in class 0,2S and calibrated

CTs on request.

€ Types and variants


Primary VA class 1 class 0,5 class 1 class 0,5

Panel meters

current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €

in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

400 2,5 - - - - X X X X
5 - - - - X X - -
500 2,5 - - - - X X X X
top hat rail mounting 5

5 - - - - X X - -
600 2,5 - - - - X X X X
instruments for

5 - - - - X X - -
750 2,5 - - - - X X X X
5 - - - - X X - -
800 5 - - - - X X X X

10 - - - - X X - -
1000 5 X X X X - - - -
10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X - -
1200 10 X X X X X X X X
Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

15 X X X X X X - -
1250 10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X - -
1500 10 X X X X - - - -
15 X X X X X X X X
30 - - - - X X - -
1600 10 X - - - - - - -

15 X - - - - - - -
1800 10 X X X X - - - -
15 X X X X - - - -

2000 15 X X X X X X X X
30 X X X X - - - -
2500 15 X X X X X X X X
30 X X X X - - - -
3000 15 X X X X - - - -
30 X X X X - - - -

Accessories: see page 37

9 10apparatus

Current transformers SW-series

Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit Measuring
10 apparatus 9 8.1Current
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments 6Meas.
top hat rail mounting 5 analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring 1 transducers

Wound primary CT
1 Measuring

for direct connection

Mains and limit
2 monitoring


Width 70 mm Width 70 mm
Depth 40 / 45 mm Depth 50 / 55 mm
Busbar size -- mm Busbar size -- mm
Energy meters

s Round cond. -- mm Round cond. -- mm

Dime e 48
pag Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
secondary terminal secondary terminal
cover cover

Weight approx. 440 g Weight approx. 500 g

Panel meters

€ Types and variants


Primary VA class 1 class 0,5 class 1 class 0,5

Panel meters

current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €

in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

1 2,5 X X X X - - - -
5 X X X X - - - -
10 X X X X - - - -
top hat rail mounting 5

2,5 2,5 X X X X - - - -
5 X X X X - - - -
instruments for

10 X X X X - - - -
5 2,5 X X X X - - - -
5 X X X X - - - -
10 X X X X - - - -

10 2,5 X X X X - - - -
5 X X X X - - - -
10 X X X X - - - -
15 2,5 X X X X - - - -
5 X X X X - - - -
Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

10 X X X X - - - -
20 2,5 X X X X - - - -
5 X X X X - - - -
10 X X X X - - - -
25 2,5 X X X X - - - -
5 X X X X - - - -
10 X X X X - - - -

30 2,5 X X X X X X X X
5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X

40 2,5 - - - - X X X X
5 - - - - X X X X
10 - - - - X X X X
50 2,5 - - - - X X X X
5 - - - - X X X X
10 - - - - X X X X

Accessories: see page 37

9 10apparatus

Current transformers SW-series 8.1

Wound primary CTs

1 transducers
for direct connection


Mains and limit

2 monitoring
Width 70 mm (with busbar 136 mm)
Depth 60 mm
Busbar size -- mm

Energy meters
s Round cond. -- mm
Dime e 48
pag Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
secondary terminal

termincal screws busbar

Weight approx. 580 g

Panel meters
€ Types and variants

Primary VA class 1 class 0,5

Panel meters
current net € net € net € net €
in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

25 5 X X X X
10 X X X X
15 - X - -

top hat rail mounting 5

30 5 X X X X

instruments for
10 X X X X
15 X X - -
40 5 X X X X
10 X X X X
15 X X - -

50 5 X X X X
10 X X X X
15 X X - -
60 5 X X X X

Universal measu-
10 X X X X

mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

15 X X - -
75 5 X X X X
10 X X X X
15 X X - -
80 5 X X X X
10 X X X X
15 X X - -

100 5 X X X X
10 X X X X
15 X X - -

Accessories: see page 37
9 apparatus


General description summary current transformers

1 Measuring

Summary current transformers are suitable for the summation of several synchronized alternating currents with similar phases but with
differing load phase shifts. It is also possible to have the summation of currents with varied nominal voltages of similar phase positions.
Mains and limit

These measurements cannot be used for tariff applications, as the existing voltage differences are recorded as errors.
2 monitoring

With the counter connection of the main transformer to the summation current transformer, it is possible to receive secondary currents
which are proportional to the differences of the primary input currents. The built-in technical know-how enables the summary current
transformers to add secondary currents of varying nominal transmissions from the main transformer.

Connection of main transformers with similar transmission ratios

Energy meters

It is irrelevant for the main transformers with similar nominal transmission ratios, to which primary circuit of the summary current trans-
former the connection is made.

Connection of main transformers with different transmission ratios

With main transformers of different nominal transmission ratios, care must be taken to adhere to the assigned connection to the ter-

minals of the summary current transformers. Is the current flow in the main transformer interrupted, the secondary circuit of the main
transformer must neither be short-circuited nor be connected to the summary current transformer, or to the main transformer.
Panel meters

Summary current transformers with unallocated primary circuits must remain open for a later connection to an additional main trans-
former. The secondary output current of the summary current transformer is in this instance lower than the secondary nominal current

of the summary current transformer by a quantity equal to the ratio of the primary nominal current of this ”missing“ main transformer
and the sum of all the primary nominal currents of the main transformer.

A measuring device with a measuring range equal to the secondary nominal current of the total current transformer can be used to
display the „total current“.
Panel meters

The ratio of the primary current of a main transformer to the sum of the primary currents of all main current transformers the ratio
must not exceed 1:8.
top hat rail mounting 5
instruments for

Caluclation and interpretation of summary current transformers


Actual situation: 3 transmission ratios 1000/5 A

800/5 A
600/5 A
Overall current 2400/5 A
Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

Burden: 1 current meter

1 power redorder

Locking for: Summary CT and the VA power of the individual main transformers

Required active performance of the summary current transformer:


Current meter 1,5 VA

Power recorder 7,0 VA
Measurement line loss 1,5 VA

Consumption summary CT 4,0 VA

Interim result 14,00 VA

The individual transformer must provide it’s VA share from this 14.0 VA corresponding to its ratio to the “total transmission”. Consideration
must also be given to the respective power loss between the main transformer and the summary transformer plus other possible losses.

1. Main transformer 1000/5 A 1000


2400 x 14,0 = 5,83 VA + additional possible losses

2. Main transformer 800/5 A 800
2400 x 14,0 = 4,67 VA + additional possible losses

3. Main transformer 600/5 A 600

2400 x 14,0 = 3,50 VA + additional possible losses

The VA values of the main transformers are to be rounded up to the corresponding VA values in our charts.

Current transformers SW-series 8.1

Summary current transformers

1 transducers
for 2 to 8 primary circuits

SSW 2 to SSW 8

Mains and limit

2 monitoring
Type SSW 2 to 3 Type SSW 4 bis 8
Width 127 mm Wandlerbreite 156 mm
Depth 57 mm Wandlertiefe 65 mm
s No. of inputs 2 or 3 Primärkreise 4; 5; 6; 7; 8
Dime e 49

Energy meters
pag Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets Zubehör inkl. Fußbefestigungswinkel
secondary terminal Sekundärklemmen-
cover abdeckung
primary terminal cover Primärklemmen-

Weight approx. 550 g Gewicht ca. 750 g
If different main circuit inputs are use, these must be Bei unterschiedlichen Hauptwandler-Übersetzungen

Panel meters
specified when ordering! müssen diese bei Bestellung unbedingt angegeben
€ Types and variants

Primary VA class 1 class 0,5 class 1 class 0,5

current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €
in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A
2 x 1 5 X X X X - - - -

Panel meters
10 X X X X - - - -
15 X X X X - - - -

2 x 5 5 X X X X - - - -
10 X X X X - - - -
15 X X X X - - - -

top hat rail mounting 5

3 x 1 5 X X X X - - - -

instruments for
10 X X X X - - - -
15 X X X X - - - -
3 x 5 5 X X X X - - - -
10 X X X X - - - -
15 X X X X - - - -

4 x 1 5 - - - - X X X X
10 - - - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X X X
4 x 5 5 - - - - X X X X

Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
10 - - - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X X X
5 x 1 5 - - - - X X X X
10 - - - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X X X
5 x 5 5 - - - - X X X X
10 - - - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X X X

6 x 1 10 - - - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X X X
30 - - - - X X - -

6 x 5 10 - - - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X X X
30 - - - - X X - -
7 x 1 10 - - - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X X X
30 - - - - X X - -
7 x 5 10 - - - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X X X

30 - - - - X X - -
8 x 1 10 - - - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X X -

30 - - - - X X - -
8 x 5 10 - - - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X X X

30 - - - - X X - -

Accessories: see page 37



Split core current transformers

1 Measuring

for round conductors up to 18,5 / 32,5 mm

SWU 18 / SWU 32
Mains and limit
2 monitoring

Type SWU 18 Type SWU 32

Width 41,6 mm Width 59,2 mm
Depth 55 / 68 mm Depth 75 / 90 mm
Busbar size -- Busbar size --
Energy meters

s Round cond. Ø 18,5 mm Round cond. Ø 32,5 mm

Dime e 50
pag Accessories incl. fixing brackets Accessories incl. fixing brackets
connection cable 2x0,75² , connection cable 2x0,75² ,
length 2,5 m length 2,5 m

Weight approx. 150 g Weight approx. 220 g

Panel meters

€ Types and variants


Primary VA class 3 class 1 class 3 class 1

Panel meters

current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €

in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

50 1 - X - - - - - -
75 1 - X - - - - - -
100 1,25 - X - - - - - -
top hat rail mounting 5

1,5 - - - - X - - -
2,5 - - - - - X - -
instruments for

125 1,5 - X - - - - - -
2,5 - - - - X - - -
3 - - - - - X - -
150 2 - X - - - - - -

3 - - - - X X - -
200 1 - - - X - - - -
3 - X - - X - - -
5 - - - - - X - -
250 1,5 - - - X - - - -
Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

3 - - - - X - - -
4 - X - - - - - -
5 - - - - - X - -
300 2,5 - - - - - - X -
5 - - - - - - - X
400 5 - - - - - - X X
500 5 - - - - - - X X

600 5 - - - - - - X X
9 10 Shunts

Current transformers SW-series 8.1

Split core current transformers

1 transducers
for busbars 20 x 30 / 50 x 80 mm

SWU 2030 / SWU 5080

Mains and limit

2 monitoring
Type SWU 2030 Type SWU 5080
Width 93 mm Width 125 mm
Depth 34 / 58 mm Depth 34 / 58 mm
Busbar size 20 x 30 mm Busbar size 50 x 80 mm

Energy meters
s Round cond. Ø 20 mm Round cond. Ø 50 mm
Dime e 51
pag Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
busbar fixing material busbar fixing material
secondary terminal secondary terminal

cover cover

Weight approx. 850 g Weight approx. 1080 g

Panel meters
€ Types and variants

Primary VA class 3 class 1 class 1 class 0,5

Panel meters
current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €
in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

100 1,25 X X - - - - - -
150 1,5 X X - - - - - -
200 2,5 X X - - - - - -

top hat rail mounting 5

250 1,5 - - X X X X - -

instruments for
300 2,5 - - - - X X - -
3,75 - - X X - - - -
400 1 - - - - - - X X
2,5 - - - - X X - -
5 X X - - - - - -

500 2,5 - - - - - - X X
5 - - - - X X - -
600 2,5 - - - - - - X X
5 - - - - X X - -

Universal measu-
750 2,5 - - - - - - X X

mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

5 - - - - X X - -
800 2,5 - - - - - - X X
7,5 - - - - X X - -
1000 5 - - - - - - X X
10 - - - - X X - -
9 Shunts


Split core current transformers

1 Measuring

for busbars PL 80 x 120 / 80 x 160 mm

SWU 80120 / SWU 80160

Mains and limit
2 monitoring

Type SWU 80120 Type SWU 80160

Width 155 mm Width 195 mm
Depth 34 / 58 mm Depth 34 / 58 mm
Busbar size 80 x 120 mm Busbar size 80 x 160 mm
Energy meters

s Round cond. Ø 80 mm Round cond. Ø 80 mm

Dime e 52
pag Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
busbar fixing material busbar fixing material
secondary terminal secondary terminal

cover cover

Weight approx. 1320 g Weight approx. 1350 g

Panel meters

€ Types and variants


Primary VA class 1 class 0,5 class 1 class 0,5

Panel meters

current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €

in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

250 1,5 X X - - - - - -
300 2,5 X X - - - - - -
400 2,5 X X - - - - - -
top hat rail mounting 5

500 2,5 - - X X - - - -
5 X X - - - - - -
instruments for

600 2,5 - - X X - - - -
5 X X - - - - - -
750 2,5 - - X X - - - -
5 X X - - - - - -

800 2,5 - - X X - - - -
7,5 X X - - - - - -
1000 5 - - X X - - - -
10 X X - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X - -
Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

1200 5 - - X X - - - -
10 X X - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X - -
1250 7,5 - - X X - - - -
15 X X - - - - - -
1500 7,5 - - X X - - - -
10 - - - - X X X X

15 X X - - X X X X
1600 10 - - - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X X X

2000 10 - - - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X X X
2500 10 - - - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X X X
3000 15 - - - - X X X X
30 - - - - X X - -
4000 15 - - - - X X X X
30 - - - - X X X X

5000 15 - - - - X X X X
30 - - - - X X X X
9 10apparatus

Current transformers SW-series

Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit Measuring
10 apparatus 9 8.1Current
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments 6Meas.
top hat rail mounting 5 analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring 1 transducers

Current transformers for industrial use

1 Measuring

with screwless connection technology „Cage Clamp“

Mains and limit

The current transformer series are characterized by their screwless connection technology with spring-loaded terminals „Cage Clamp“.
2 monitoring

This innovative connection technology enables the secondary lines to be connected directly to the secondary terminals both from the
front and from above. Both solid and flexible cables up to a cross-section of 4 mm² can be connected directly without wire end sleeves.
The current transformers of the CSW type are UL-certified.
Energy meters
Panel meters

With the „Quick-Fix“ quick fastenings, the current transformers can also be fixed to the primary cables or rails using screwless clamping
4 digital
Panel meters
analog top hat rail mounting 5
instruments for

Availabe series
The current transformers with screwless connection technology are available in the following series:

Type CSW Standard plug-in current transformers

For busbars 30 x 10 up to 100 x 10 mm
Accuarcy class 0,5 - 1 - (3)
Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

Type ECTB Standard plug-in current transformers with MID approval

Extension of the type CSW
For busbars 30 x 10 up to 100 x 10 mm
Accuarcy class 0,2S - 0,2 - 0,5S - 0,5
You can find detailed technical documents at

Type XCSW Current transformers for power quality applications up to 20 kHz (description see page 31)
High precision harmonic measurement up to 20 kHz
For busbars 30 x 10 up to 100 x 10 mm

Accuarcy class 0,2S - 0,2 - 0,5S - 0,5 - 1

You can find detailed technical documents at

Technical data
General data Standards DIN EN 60044-1, DIN 42 600, IEC 185, DIN EN 61 010 part 1
Max. operating voltage 1,2 kV, use in 690 V networks possible

Test voltage 6 kV
Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz, XCSW up to 20 kHz
Rated cont. thermal current Icth 1,2 x IN

Rated dynamic current Idyn 2,5 x Ith

Connection spring loaded terminals up to 4 mm²
UL-certified Certification no. 20100426-E336996

Current transformers SW-series 8.1

Current transformers for power quality applications up to 20 kHz

1 transducers
with screwless connection technology „Cage Clamp“

Mains and limit

2 monitoring
Energy meters
Application / Description
New measuring requirements for inductive current transformers in the area of low voltage and changes in the generation and consumer
structure require new ways of current measurement and transmission through current transformers. The current transformers of the

XCSW series for power quality applications up to 20 kHz meet these requirements.
Over the last few years, the proportion of renewable energy has grown massively. Wind, biomass, photovoltaic and hydroelectric plants
now make up approximately 30%of the energy mix. Unlike in conventional nuclear or coal-fired power stations, where all synchronous

Panel meters
generators are used to produce electricity, here inverters or frequency converters are used. As such, it is not always possible to achieve
a clean sine wave.

The distortions are caused by the switching semiconductor elements in the inverter. Harmonics generated in this way are whole multi-
ples of the first harmonic and can extend far into the single-digit kilohertz range. The total harmonic distortion (THD) factor1 specifies

the undesirable distortion ratio of the 50 Hz sinusoidal oscillation and regularly reaches between 10 and 30%.
In addition to the harmonics produced by inverters on the generator side, there have also been changes on the consumer side in recent
years. Non-linear consumers such as LED or energy-saving lamps are pushing linear ones, like traditional incandescent bulbs, out of our

Panel meters
daily lives almost completely. Plug-in power supply units for mobile phones and laptops are no longer made from small transformers
either, but from semiconductor circuits known as switched-mode power supplies. It would not be possible to create such small, light

power supply units any other way. But these benefits are set against one big disadvantage: the current is drawn from the public grid not
as a sinusoidal waveform, but in pulses. The figure below illustrates this:

top hat rail mounting 5

instruments for
Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
8.1Current transfor-

Figure: Bridge rectifier with pulsed current draw

The filter capacitor shown in the diagram not only smooths the required output voltage, it is also recharged in pulses by the rectifier diodes.
These steep current peaks generate reactive power on the one hand, and harmonics on the other.
Grid operators are primarily interested in the economic effects of harmonics. When it comes to harmonic currents, the most important phe-
nomena are as follows:
• Overloading of neutral conductors

• Overheating of transformers
• False tripping of circuit breakers / miniature circuit breakers
• Overstressing of power-factor correction capacitors

• Skin effects
The versions and dimensions of type XCSW are identical to type CSW. Detailed technical information, functional description and selection
tables for the type XCSW current transformers can be found as PDF files for download on our website



Plug-in current transformers

1 Measuring

for busbars 30 x 10 / 40 x 10 mm

CSW 31 / CSW 41
Mains and limit
2 monitoring

Type CSW 31 Type CSW 41

Width 60 mm Width 70 mm
Depth 35 / 52 mm Depth 35 / 52 mm
Busbar size 30x10 / 25x12 mm Busbar size 40x10 / 30x15 mm
Energy meters

Round cond. Ø 25,7 mm Round cond. Ø 31,8 mm

Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
busbar fixing material busbar fixing material
Dime e 53

Weight approx. 250 g Weight approx. 280 g

Special design as calibrated CTs on request. Special design as calibrated CTs on request.
Panel meters

€ Types and variants


Primary VA class 1 class 0,5 class 1 class 0,5

Panel meters

current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €

in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

60 1,25 X X - - - - - -
75 2,5 X X - - - - - -
80 2,5 X X - - - - - -
top hat rail mounting 5

100 2,5 X X - - - - - -
125 1,5 - - X X - - - -
instruments for

2,5 X X - - X X - -
150 2,5 - - X X X X - -
5 X X - - - - - -
200 1,5 - - - - - - X X

2,5 - - X X - - - -
5 X X - - X X - -
250 2,5 - - - - - - X X
5 X X X X X X - -
300 2,5 - - - - - - X X
Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

5 X X X X X X - -
10 X X - - - - - -
400 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X - - - -
500 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X - -
600 5 X X X X X X X X

10 X X X X X X X X
750 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X -

800 5 - - - - X X X X
10 - - - - X X X X
1000 5 - - - - X X X X
10 - - - - X X X X

Accessories: see page 309

9 10apparatus

Current transformers SW-series 8.1

Plug-in current transformers

1 transducers
for busbars 50 x 12 / 63 x 10 mm

CSW 51 / CSW 61

Mains and limit

2 monitoring
Type CSW 51 Type CSW 61
Width 85 mm Width 95 mm
Depth 35 / 52 mm Depth 35 / 52 mm
Busbar size 50x12 / 40x30 mm Busbar size 63x10 / 50x30 mm

Energy meters
Round cond. Ø 43,7 mm Round cond. Ø 43,7 mm

Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
busbar fixing material busbar fixing material
Dime e 54

Weight approx. 380 g Weight approx. 420 g
Special design as calibrated CTs on request. Special design as calibrated CTs on request.

Panel meters
€ Types and variants

Primary VA class 1 class 0,5 class 1 class 0,5

Panel meters
current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €
in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

100 1,25 X X - - - - - -
125 2,5 X X - - - - - -
150 2,5 X X - - - - - -

top hat rail mounting 5

200 1,5 - - X X - - - -

instruments for
2,5 - - - - X X X X
5 X X - - - - - -
250 2,5 - - X X - - X X
5 X X - - X X - -
300 2,5 - - X X - - - -

5 X X - - X X X X
400 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X - - - - - -
500 5 X X X X X X X X

Universal measu-
10 X X X X - - - -

mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

600 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X - - - -
750 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X
800 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X
1000 5 X X X X X X X X

10 X X X X X X X X
1200 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X

1250 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X
1500 5 - - - - X X X X
10 - - - - X X X X
1600 5 - - - - X X X X
10 - - - - X X X X

Accessories: see page 309

9 apparatus


Plug-in current transformers

1 Measuring

for busbars 80 x 10 / 100 x 10 mm

CSW 81 / CSW 101

Mains and limit
2 monitoring

Type CSW 81 Type CSW 101

Width 120 mm Width 130 mm
Depth 35 / 52 mm Depth 35 / 52 mm
Busbar size 80x10 / 60x30 mm Busbar size 100x10 / 80x30 mm
Energy meters

Round cond. Ø 54,7 mm Round cond. Ø 70 mm

Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets Accessories incl. foot fastening brackets
busbar fixing material busbar fixing material
Dime e 55

Weight approx. 480 g Weight approx. 550 g

Special design as calibrated CTs on request. Special design as calibrated CTs on request.
Panel meters

€ Types and variants


Primary VA class 1 class 0,5 class 1 class 0,5

Panel meters

current net € net € net € net € net € net € net € net €

in A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A sec. 5 A sec. 1 A

400 2,5 - - X X - - X X
5 X X - - X X - -
500 2,5 - - X X - - - -
top hat rail mounting 5

5 X X - - X X X X
600 5 X X X X - - X X
instruments for

10 - - - - X X - -
750 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X
800 5 X X X X X X X X

10 X X X X X X X X
1000 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X
1200 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X
Universal measu-
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments

1250 5 X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X
1500 5 X X X X - - - -
10 X X X X X X X X
15 - - - - X X X X
1600 5 X X X X - - - -
10 X X X X X X X X

15 - - - - X X X X
2000 10 X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X

2500 10 - - - - X X X X
15 - - - - X X X X

Accessories: see page 309

9 10apparatus

Current transformers SW-series 8.1

Accessories for current transformers

1 transducers
Mains and limit
2 monitoring
Snap-on mounting base
for mounting on top hat rail 35 mm (DIN EN 60715)


Energy meters
Version for CT type
A SW 2010, SW-S 3010, SW-S 4010 X
B SW 3010 X
C SW-L 3010, SW-L 4010, WSWK-N X

D SW-S 2010, SW 4010, WSWK X
E RSW 14, RSW 21 X

Panel meters
L ASRD 205.37, ASRD 310.37 X

4 digital
Panel meters
Sealed shutters

for sealing the secondary terminals after connection


top hat rail mounting 5

instruments for
Version for CT type
A SW 2010, SW-S 3010, SW-S 4010, SW 20010, SW 12330 X
B SW-S 2010, SW 3010, SW-L 3010, SW 4010, SW-L 4010, X
C SW-S 5010, SW 5010, SW 6010, SW 6030, SW 8010, X

SW 10010, SW 10055, SW 12838
G CSW 31, CSW 41 X
H CSW 51 X

Universal measu-
J CSW 61, CSW 81, CSW 101 X

mers SW-series 7 ring instruments


Quick fix fastenings

for mounting CT type CSW on the busbars

Version Application
A Standard for 85°C continuous temperature X
B Heat stabilized for up to 130°C X
9 apparatus

Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit
10 apparatus 9 mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
8.1Current top hat rail mounting 5
6Meas. analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring transducers
1 Measuring 8.1


ASRD 205.37 / 310.37

ASRD 310.37
ASRD 205.37
Dimensional drawings three-phase current transformer sets
RSW 21
RSW 14
Current transformers SW-series

Dimensional drawings tube unit current transformers

Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit Measuring
10 apparatus 9 8.1Current
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments 6Meas.
top hat rail mounting 5 analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring 1 transducers
Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit
10 apparatus 9 mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
8.1Current top hat rail mounting 5
6Meas. analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring transducers
1 Measuring 8.1

SW-S 3010
SW 2010
SW-S 2010
Dimensional drawings plug-in current transformers
SW-K 3010
SW-L 3010
SW 3010
Current transformers SW-series

Dimensional drawings plug-in current transformers

Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit Measuring
10 apparatus 9 8.1Current
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments 6Meas.
top hat rail mounting 5 analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring 1 transducers
Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit
10 apparatus 9 mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
8.1Current top hat rail mounting 5
6Meas. analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring transducers
1 Measuring 8.1

SW-L 4010
SW 4010
SW-S 4010
Dimensional drawings plug-in current transformers
SW 6010
SW 5010
SW-S 5010
Current transformers SW-series

Dimensional drawings plug-in current transformers

Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit Measuring
10 apparatus 9 8.1Current
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments 6Meas.
top hat rail mounting 5 analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring 1 transducers
Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit
10 apparatus 9 mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
8.1Current top hat rail mounting 5
6Meas. analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring transducers
1 Measuring 8.1

SW 8010
SW 6030
Dimensional drawings plug-in current transformers
SW 10055
SW 10010
Current transformers SW-series

Dimensional drawings plug-in current transformers

Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit Measuring
10 apparatus 9 8.1Current
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments 6Meas.
top hat rail mounting 5 analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring 1 transducers
Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit
10 apparatus 9 mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
8.1Current top hat rail mounting 5
6Meas. analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring transducers
1 Measuring 8.1

SW 12330
SWU 20010
Dimensional drawings plug-in current transformers
SW 12838
Current transformers SW-series

Dimensional drawings plug-in current transformers

Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit Measuring
10 apparatus 9 8.1Current
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments 6Meas.
top hat rail mounting 5 analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring 1 transducers
Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit
10 apparatus 9 mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
8.1Current top hat rail mounting 5
6Meas. analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring transducers
1 Measuring 8.1


Dimensional drawings wound primary current transformers
SWS 4-8
SWS 2-3
Current transformers SW-series

Dimensional drawings summary current transformers

Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit Measuring
10 apparatus 9 8.1Current
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments 6Meas.
top hat rail mounting 5 analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring 1 transducers
Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit
10 apparatus 9 mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
8.1Current top hat rail mounting 5
6Meas. analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring transducers
1 Measuring 8.1

SWU 32
SWU 18
Dimensional drawings split core current transformers
SWU 5080
SWU 2030
Current transformers SW-series

Dimensional drawings split core current transformers

Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit Measuring
10 apparatus 9 8.1Current
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments 6Meas.
top hat rail mounting 5 analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring 1 transducers
Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit
10 apparatus 9 mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
8.1Current top hat rail mounting 5
6Meas. analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring transducers
1 Measuring 8.1

SWU 80160
SWU 80120
Dimensional drawings split core current transformers
CSW 41
CSW 31
Current transformers SW-series

Dimensional drawings plug-in current transformers „Cage Clamp“ CSW

Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit Measuring
10 apparatus 9 8.1Current
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments 6Meas.
top hat rail mounting 5 analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring 1 transducers
Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit
10 apparatus 9 mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
8.1Current top hat rail mounting 5
6Meas. analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring transducers
1 Measuring 8.1

CSW 61
CSW 51
Dimensional drawings plug-in current transformers „Cage Clamp“ CSW
CSW 101
CSW 81
Current transformers SW-series

Dimensional drawings plug-in current transformers „Cage Clamp“ CSW

Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit Measuring
10 apparatus 9 8.1Current
mers SW-series 7 ring instruments 6Meas.
top hat rail mounting 5 analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring 1 transducers
Test Shunts transfor- Universal measu- instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit
10 apparatus 9 mers SW-series 7 ring instruments
8.1Current top hat rail mounting 5
6Meas. analog 4 digital 3 2 monitoring transducers
1 Measuring 8.1

Precision and service are the measure of all things

Test Shunts Current transfor- Universal measu- Meas. instruments for Panel meters Panel meters Energy meters Mains and limit Measuring
apparatus mers SW-series ring instruments top hat rail mounting analog digital monitoring transducers

4-0 Gunzenhausen



Elektrische Messgeräte
Industriestraße 23
91710 Gunzenhausen, Germany
Phone: +49 9831 5004-0
Mo - Thu 7 - 12 / 13 - 16 H
and Fr 7 - 12 H A member company of:
Fax: +49 9831 5004-20 Technologieholding GmbH Marienstr. 20, 90402 Nürnberg www.
V2023-04_Technical changes reserved.

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