Moon Guide Digital
Moon Guide Digital
Moon Guide Digital
Maramataka Guide Sheet
te rārangi Kupu l Vocab List
Rangi - Skies Tangata - Person Wairua - Spirit soul
Whenua - Land Tāngata - People Hinengaro - Mind, thought,
Moana - Seas Whānau - Family intellect, consciouness
Tohu - Signs Wai - Water Wānanga - to meet, discuss
Te Taiao - The Environment Pure - Cleansing Ceremony and deliberate, tribal
Atua - Maori Deities Marama - Moon knowledge, lore learning
Wahine - Woman Whakapapa - Geneology / Noho puku - Fasting
Wāhine - Women Connections Mātauranga - Knowledge
Tāne - Men/ Male Mōteatea - Traditional chant
rauemi l Resources
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TWWA This is the number of lunar nights & their corresponding names for the
commonly known maramataka of Te Whānau ā Apanui iwi.
MAJ Majority of other hapū/iwi start their maramataka from Whiro, the new moon.
The lunar “count”, for them, starts at Whiro - number 1 in the second column.
Activities & Some general activities you may want to pursue during these phases with
Observations some observations to make. This list is NOT exhaustive, but it is a starter for
you to explore further.