Ewp Lab QP

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Name of the Laboratory: Electrical Workshop Practice Laboratory

Lab Code: EE-308
Year & Branch: II Year III Sem DEEE
Date of the Exam: 10-10-2015.
Name of the Lab In-charge: Mr. Y. Hari Madhava Reddy.

The following are the Questions for Internal Lab Examinations

1. 220V, 5A, 50 Hz Supply is given to a series connected lamps then design circuit diagram for

that. Explain how the bulbs will glow?

2. 220V, 5A, 50 Hz Supply is given to a parallel connected lamps then design circuit diagram for

that. Explain how the bulbs will glow?

3. Design circuit for electric bell from three different locations?

4. Design wiring diagram for street lighting purpose?

5. Prepare switch board and circuit diagram for starting a 5 H.P, 1-Φ induction motor?

6. Design wiring system for small capacity window type air conditioner?

7. Design circuit diagram for installing a computer in house wiring system?

8. Design circuit diagram for house wiring with help of energy meter and fuse cut outs?

9. Design wiring diagram for house lighting purpose?

10. Prepare switch board and circuit diagram for starting a 10 H.P, 3-Φ induction motor?

11. Draw a neat sketch of pipe earthing showing dimensions and estimate the materials required?

12. Draw a neat sketch of plate earthing showing dimensions and estimate the materials required?


1. 220V, 5A, 50 Hz Supply is given to a series connected lamps then design circuit diagram for
that. Explain how the bulbs will glow?

2. 220V, 5A, 50 Hz Supply is given to a parallel connected lamps then design circuit diagram for
that. Explain how the bulbs will glow?

3. Design circuit for electric bell from three different locations?

4. Design wiring diagram for street lighting purpose?

5. Prepare switch board and circuit diagram for starting a 5 H.P, 1-Φ induction motor?

6. Design wiring system for small capacity window type air conditioner?

7. Design circuit diagram for installing a computer in house wiring system?

8. Design circuit diagram for house wiring with help of energy meter and fuse cut outs?

9. Design wiring diagram for house lighting purpose?

10. Prepare switch board and circuit diagram for starting a 10 H.P, 3-Φ induction motor?

11. Draw a neat sketch of pipe earthing showing dimensions and estimate the materials required?

12. Draw a neat sketch of plate earthing showing dimensions and estimate the materials required?

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