Abstract: The ever-increasing population has given a direction to the existing kind to follow up the idea of the sustainable development. Be
that as it may, India treats just 20% of its sewage and rest fall straightforwardly into streams causing serious issues. The sewage treatment
plant gives exact same opportunity to recycle the waste water and use it for future needs. This is a conventional kind of study. The main
objective of the study was to monitor the physicochemical parameters in waste water.
This research paper deals with the comparative study of two STP (Sewage Treatment Plant) located in Delawas, Jaipur and Delhi.
From this comparative study we conclude that Delawas STP comprises of two stage limits each of 62.5 MLD (million litre per day and treat
water efficiently but still lacks in efficiency compared to Delhi STP. But the results suggest, as there is development in technology there is a
considerable improvement in treated wastewater over the time.
Keywords: Sewage Treatment Plant, Wastewater, Water Quality, Pollution, Monitoring, Delawas, Delhi
Across the globe water shortage is a concerned issue. According to survey 2 out of 10 people don't have access to drinking water. Meanwhile
the sewage treatment plant is a kind of redemption to meet the gap of available water and consumed one. Discharge of wastewater directly in
waterbodies is a general practice in India. Water released by industries and household practices after use for various purposes is termed as
sewage. Generally, sewage through such origins have 99% water and 1% sediments and colloidal material.
Sewage treatment is a process of removing harmful contaminants from the water and making it available for the future need. This
contaminant mainly consists of the house hold sewage and industrial sewage. The treatment is done in three process namely primary process,
secondary process and tertiary process. The efficiency of STP and go up to 85%-90% in best cases and particularly speaking of Delawas
efficiency range is between 75%-80%.
This research paper deals with the comparative study of Delhi STP and Delawas STP. According to the survey Jaipur receive basic (pH >7)
kind of sewage to be treated than Delhi. The pH range of the inlet at the Jaipur has an average value of 7.36, whereas Delhi has pH of about
6.37. Considering other parameters of the Jaipur STP namely TDS (Total Dissolved Solids), TSS (Total Suspended Solids), BOD (Biological
Oxygen Demand) and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) have efficiency in range of 50%, 57.7%, 37.25% and 60.48% respectively. It is
very clear that the after treating 62.5 MLD of sewage water, results are considerable but not very promising. On the other hand, percentage
results of Delhi STP are 85.3%, 98.47%, 97.85%, 95.75%. The results of the Delhi STP are very relying as because the advancement of the
technology is very welcome over there. This research paper is statically comparing the two STP following the same methodology yet
producing so different results. Obviously, Jaipur STP require much accuracy because in this growing world we should focus on sustainable
development and follow every possible path to follow the ideology of reuse and recycle.
3 Total land area Total 28 Hectare, STP constructed in 7.50 Hectare. Remaining area for
future expansion
4 Process Activated Sludge Process with anaerobic Digester and centrifuge unit (no
sludge drying beds)
2 Keshopur 72 68.6
4 Rithala 80 42.0
6 Pappankalan 20 8.2
7 Najafgarh 5 0.2
The pH values show slightly increase at all locations except Najafgarh and Coronation Pillar after treatment.
Study was started with identification of general infrastructure problems in Jaipur and Delhi. Turns out that the treatment of waste water
generation is major problem in both the cities. After identification of the problem, the aim, objectives and the methodology were framed.
Firstly, the study is carried out for geographical conditions and existing sewage conditions of cities. Primary and secondary data is collected
from several sources.
1. Inlet is the place where all the sewage of the city is collected for the further treatment of turning this waste water in a usable form.
2. Initially the water is sent for coarse screening to separate out the waste of big size example plastic bags, cans, bottles etc.
3. Collecting Channel is the place where water is stored after the screening so that the stable water can be pumped up.
4. In Pumping the water is pumped up with the help of pipes of various diameter varying from 32mm to 75mm.
5. Fine Screening is the step which involves the removal of fine impurities from the sludge. This step is important because removing the
fine impurities like jute bags, scrap of plastic, hairs, threads etc. will reduce the cost of treatment.
6. The sewage water from screen chamber flows to grit chamber, where coarse particles of sand, ash and clinkers, egg shells, bone clips
and inert materials are removed by method of Grit Separation.
7. The sewage water from grit chamber flows to primary clarifier where sedimentation of settleable solids takes place. Primary clarifier
also reduces the organics load on secondary treatment units.
8. The sewage water from primary clarifier flows to aeration tank, where the sewage containing waste organic matter is aerated and micro-
organisms metabolize the soluble and suspended organic matter.
9. The waste water from aeration tank flows to secondary settling tank, where separation of biological sludge takes place. The efficient
separation of the biological sludge is necessary for ensuring final effluent quality and also for return of adequate sludge to maintain the
MLSS level in the aeration tank.
10. The Primary sludge Digestion is the step in which anaerobic sludge digestion takes place.
The idea of STP is very promising step that each city should plant. It gives us the liberty to reuse the sewage water. By using the STP,
water is available for variety of uses like it can be discharged easily to any water bodies, can be used for irrigation and cultivation
purpose and what not. STP also develop biogas which is used to make different form of energy available for government, specifically
mentioning, Jaipur STP produces electricity of 12-19 kWh. Moreover, production of methane also contributes to the unavoidable
advantage of STP. The idea of waste to vitality is the prime concern that draws the attention. In Jaipur STP the water is discharged to
the canal which is running all over the city and finally ends up in a water body. Further this water is used for irrigation purpose. The
sludge generated from the secondary treatment process is used as manure besides this, the production of biogas is enough for running
the plant and also available for the government uses. Jaipur STP lacks the tertiary treatment process which makes it suppressing in
terms of efficiency than Delhi STP. But still Jaipur STP is a very effectively treating sewage of Jaipur.
DELHI Jaipur
S Parameter Unit
“STP” “STP” Parameters
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