Syllabus Fitness Summer 2023
Syllabus Fitness Summer 2023
Syllabus Fitness Summer 2023
PhysEd22: Fitness. Summer 2023
Sports Complex
Academic Course Syllabus
Course Code and Title: Credits: 2
PhysEd22: Fitness
Semester: Summer 2023 Time and Place of the Class:
Section 1 Mon/Tue/Wen/Th/Fri 16:00–17:40
Section 1 Mon/Tue/Wen/Th/Fri 14:00–14:40
Instructor: Natalya Pereverzeva, Emails:
1. Course Description
This class provides basic knowledge and experiences necessary for a comprehensive
understanding of the relationship of fitness and physical activity to overall health and
well-being throughout the lifetime. It offers an individualized approach to fitness with a
focus on the individual’s personal responsibility for his/her fitness and health throughout life.
The online nature of the course provides flexibility to the student for participating in activity on
his/her schedule, at locations of his/her choosing. Development of knowledge and skills required
for evaluation of health-related and sport-related fitness.
2. Learning Objectives
The goal is to get students acquainted to and be able to properly administer the necessary skills
required of health and fitness careers. This course should prepare each student to administer any
one of those skills with precision.
3. Intended Learning Outcomes
Skills and knowledge
Analyze the health-related components of physical fitness: cardio-respiratory fitness,
muscle strength and endurance, body composition, and flexibility.
Identify strength, endurance, and flexibility exercises necessary for overall fitness.
Log participation in workouts designed to improve physical fitness and health.
PhysEd22: Fitness. Summer 2023
The grade scale for the course is:
6. Attendance Policy
Attendance and punctuality are strongly encouraged for all students. At 20 % of missed classes,
a student will get “Fail” for the course automatically. As any absence, regardless of the reason,
prevents students from getting the full benefit of the course and as such, no distinction is made
between excused and unexcused absences.
However, the policy requires that students be permitted to make up assignments missed with the
following exceptions:
1. Participation in University-related activities.
2. Death or serious illness in a student’s immediate family.
3. Injury or Illness that is too severe or contagious for the student to attend class.
4. Unavoidable circumstances
Students are required to be on time for all classes. If students arrive later than 10 minutes after
the start of the class, instructors have the right to refuse entry.
KIMEP supports the principle of freedom of expression for both instructors and students.
The university respects the rights of instructors to teach and students to learn. Maintenance of
these rights requires classroom conditions that do not impede their exercise. Student classroom
behavior that seriously interferes with either (1) the instructor’s ability to conduct the class or (2)
the ability of other students to profit from the instructional program will not be tolerated. An
individual engaging in disruptive classroom behavior will be subject to:
First offence: warning from instructor
Second offence: removal from class
Third offence: sanction by SA Disciplinary Committee.
Rules of netiquette:
Dear students, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the rules of the Internet and express your
formal consent to comply with them.
PhysEd22: Fitness. Summer 2023
Disruptive, as applied to the academic setting, means verbal and other behavior in the
classroom that a reasonable faculty member judges as contrary to normal academic functions.
Examples include, but are not limited to, speaking persistently without being recognized,
persistently interrupting other speakers, verbal and other behavior that distracts the class from
the subject, intimidation, physical threats, harassing behavior, use of mobile telephones, personal
insults, physical contact, and refusal to comply with faculty direction.
8. Essay topics for students with special needs and the students who miss only 1 or 2 classes
per semester:
1. Leg anatomy and types of leg exercises;
2. Back anatomy and back strengthening exercises;
3. Pectoral muscles anatomy and their physical impact;
4. Joe Weider and his technique;
5. What is Bodybuilding; bodybuilding champions;
6. What is Pumping; Pumping features;
7. Type of exercising equipment and fitness exercises;
8. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his journey
Essay Evaluation Criteria:
1. Structure and Style
2. Vocabulary and Grammar
3. Relevance to the topic and Understanding of the topic
4. Power of argumentation
5. Originality and Coherence
Emailed papers are not accepted
9. Course Calendar
06/12/2023-06/18/2023 First Mid-term
06/30/2023-Class end
9. Instructional Resources
Additional reading: Edward T. Hawley, B. Don Frenke “Health Fitness” - 2000, Olympic
literature. / Эдвард Т. Хоули, Б.Дон Френке «Оздоровительный фитнесс» - 2000,
Олимпийская литература.