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IPD A Conforme

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COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Physical Diagnosis A

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course is an outcome-based subject which emphasizes on patient interviewing, acquiring a
medical database, and performing a comprehensive physical examination. This course aims to correlate the physical findings with
the information previously acquired which is crucial in making logical decision to bring about most effective treatment possible.
This course encompasses mostly the normal physical findings during physical examination.


CONTACT HOURS: 2 Hours Lecture/Demonstration
Bate’s Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking 12th edition

Two 1x1 picture
Materials per topic (Diagnostic Kit)

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
• Define the medical history
• Enumerate by memory, the parts and contents of each part of the medical history
• Determine the significance of the medical history
• Prepare an environment conducive to the interview
• Enhance student skill on communication and history recording
• Make a survey of symptoms on a regional basis systematically
• Do complete physical examination on a patient
• Able to report the normal physical examination findings on the musculoskeletal, respiratory and cardiovascular system

Practical Examination 40%
• 12% 1st Prelim
• 12% 2nd Prelim
• 26% Finals
Return Demonstration 42%
Shifting Examination 15%
Attendance 3%
❖ 3 absences: allowable
❖ 3 lates = 1 absent
✓ 15 mins – late
✓ 16 mins - Absent
Total 100%

--------------------------------------------------------------cut here--------------------------------------------------------
I have read, understood and will comply with the department guidelines and policies presented for Introduction to Physical Diag-
nosis A subject, Second semester of school year 2020-2021.

_____________________________________ _______________________________________
Signature over printed name (Student) Signature over printed name (Guardian)

Date: ____________ Section: __________ Date: _________________________________


1.1. Shall be checked at each lecture
1.2. 3 lates=1 absence
• 15 minutes after the time shall be marked “late”
• 16 minutes late shall be marked “absent”

1.3. Absences
1.3.1 If you incur more than 3 absences within the semester, you will not be
included in Departmental Promotion Rules
2. Three consecutive absences shall require a written explanation and re-admission slip issued by
the office of the dean one week upon your return to class
3. If you accumulate absences equivalent to 20% of total number subject hours, you will be given
“No Credit due to Absences(NCA)”
4. If you will be absent in any of the lecture classes within the day, you will be marked absent for
the whole day unless a satisfactory written explanation is submitted.


1. Objectives and content shall be given at the beginning of each topic

2. Lectures are pre-recorded and shall be given via Zoom platform. Links are found in Moodle. Lecture videos are
protected by copyright under our laws and is the property of FEU-NRMF Medical Center Department of
Medicine. No part of the videos shall be copied, reproduced, distributed, published, displayed, transmitted or in
any way exploited any such content. It is prohibited without prior written permission of the department.
3. Textbook, handouts and diagnostic materials MUST be brought in all sessions
4. The whole class shall be divided into smaller groups (according to the number of professor) after lecture. This
shall be the breakout session in which students can ask questions and make clarifications.
5. After discussion of 1 topic, the students shall be required to apply with their partner the skills learned. This shall
be recorded and passed at a given specified date. This will be graded using an evaluation tool and will become
their return demo. Late videos won’t be accepted.
6. All electronic devices such as cellular phone, ipad, MP3/MP4 must be turned off during class session.
7. Complete uniform and proper ID must be worn at all times during class.


2.1. Major examinations shall be given via Moodle.

2.2. Topic for practical examination will be the topics discussed for that grading period
2.3. Final practical examination will cover the entire subject course
2.4. Shifting Examination shall be given every term via Moodle. The schedule will be Friday 12:00-1:00 PM. This
will be a week prior to the major examination week.
2.5. Students shall NOT be allowed to take the examination if they come 10 minutes after the start of examination
2.6. Completion Examination guidelines
2.6.1. Within 1 week of absence, the student shall be required to submit re-admission slip from the
2.6.2. Make-up exam shall be given to the student on the following premises: Schedule of the exam shall be announced by the Department of Medicine Highest grade shall be 75% No bonus station shall be given
2.7. Answer sheets shall be shown for review and recording in the first 30 minutes of the first session upon return to
class, the week after the scheduled examinations.
2.8. Cheating or any attempt to cheat is a ground for EXPULSION, according to the handbook on Revised Student
Code of Conduct 2015, page 14.

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