IPD A Conforme
IPD A Conforme
IPD A Conforme
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course is an outcome-based subject which emphasizes on patient interviewing, acquiring a
medical database, and performing a comprehensive physical examination. This course aims to correlate the physical findings with
the information previously acquired which is crucial in making logical decision to bring about most effective treatment possible.
This course encompasses mostly the normal physical findings during physical examination.
Two 1x1 picture
Materials per topic (Diagnostic Kit)
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
• Define the medical history
• Enumerate by memory, the parts and contents of each part of the medical history
• Determine the significance of the medical history
• Prepare an environment conducive to the interview
• Enhance student skill on communication and history recording
• Make a survey of symptoms on a regional basis systematically
• Do complete physical examination on a patient
• Able to report the normal physical examination findings on the musculoskeletal, respiratory and cardiovascular system
Practical Examination 40%
• 12% 1st Prelim
• 12% 2nd Prelim
• 26% Finals
Return Demonstration 42%
Shifting Examination 15%
Attendance 3%
❖ 3 absences: allowable
❖ 3 lates = 1 absent
✓ 15 mins – late
✓ 16 mins - Absent
Total 100%
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I have read, understood and will comply with the department guidelines and policies presented for Introduction to Physical Diag-
nosis A subject, Second semester of school year 2020-2021.
_____________________________________ _______________________________________
Signature over printed name (Student) Signature over printed name (Guardian)
1.1. Shall be checked at each lecture
1.2. 3 lates=1 absence
• 15 minutes after the time shall be marked “late”
• 16 minutes late shall be marked “absent”
1.3. Absences
1.3.1 If you incur more than 3 absences within the semester, you will not be
included in Departmental Promotion Rules
2. Three consecutive absences shall require a written explanation and re-admission slip issued by
the office of the dean one week upon your return to class
3. If you accumulate absences equivalent to 20% of total number subject hours, you will be given
“No Credit due to Absences(NCA)”
4. If you will be absent in any of the lecture classes within the day, you will be marked absent for
the whole day unless a satisfactory written explanation is submitted.