Hydraulic Jump-1

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(GROUP - 3)
1. What is hydraulic jump?

It is a sudden change in water level, analogous to a shock wave,

commonly seen below weirs and sluice gates where a smooth stream of
water suddenly rises at a foaming front. The fact that the speed of
water waves varies with wavelength and with amplitude leads to a wide
variety of effects. Tidal bores, which may be observed on some
estuaries, are large-scale examples.

When the rapid change in the depth of flow is from a low stage to high
stage, the result is usually and abrupt rise of the water surface. This
local phenomenon is known as the hydraulic jump.


Classified based on flow form, approach Froude number, and energy


a) Undular Jump (1<Fn1<1.7)
 Slight undulation
 Two conjugate depths are close
 Transition is not abrupt – slightly ruffled water surface

b) Weak Jump (1.7<Fn1<2.5)

 Eddies and rollers are formed on the surface
 Energy loss is small
 The ration of the final depth to initial depth ~ between 2.0
and 3.1.

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c) Oscillating Jump (2.5<Fn1<4.5)

 Jet oscillates from top to bottom – generates surface
waves that persist beyond the end of the jump
 Ratio final depth to initial depth ~ between 3.1 to 5.0
 To prevent destructive effects this type of jump should be

d) Stable Jump (4.5<Fn1<9)

 Many advantages
 Position of jump fixed regardless of downstream
 Good dissipation of energy
 Considerable rise in downstream water level
 Ratio of final to initial depth ~ between 5.9 and 12.0

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e) Strong or Rough Jump (Fn1>9)
 Jump becomes increasingly rough
 Fn1 should not be allowed to exceed 12 – otherwise required
stilling basins will be large and massive
 Ability of jump to dissipate energy in massive
 Ration of final to initial depth ~ over 12 and may exceed


 When depth of flow is forced to change from a supercritical depth to
a subcritical depth
 Or Froude number decreases from greater than 1.0 to less than 1.0.
 Jump will not occur when Froude number is less than 1.0
 Jump does not occur from subcritical to supercritical flow only vice

Y1 – supercritical flow
Y2 – subcritical flow

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Where NF1 is the Froude number at section 1.

NOTE: subcritical depth Y2 only depends on Y1 and the Froude number.



The hydraulic jump is nature’s energy dissipation device. A hydraulic jump

occurs whenever fluid transitions from supercritical to subcritical flow. This
phenomena is marked by a great deal of turbulence and consequently, high-
energy losses. Since energy losses are non-trivial, they must be included in
the expression that also relates water depths upstream and downstream of
a hydraulic jump. Therefore, the head losses are found by using the
momentum balance equation. Energy losses across a jump can be computed
once the depths are known.

Several basic characteristics of the hydraulics jump in the specific energies

before and after the jump. The loss is:

The ratio of ∆E = E / E1 is known as the relative loss.

Theoretical depth after jump – alternate depth

Actual depth after jump – sequent depth
Length of jump – caries – but about 7 times the subcritical depth.

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Fig.3. Characteristic curves of the hydraulic jumps in horizontal

rectangular channels.

The ratio of the specific energy after the jump to that before the
jump is defined as the efficiency of the jump.

This equation indicates that the efficiency of a jump is a dimensionless

function, depending only on the Froude number of the approaching flow.
The relative loss is equal to 1 – E2 / E1 this also is a dimensionless function of

Fig.4. Length in terms of sequent depth y2 of jumps in horizontal channels.

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The difference between the depths after and before the jump is the
height of the jump, or hj = y2-y1. Expressing each term as a ratio with
respect to the initial specific gravity,

hj /E1 is the relative height,
y1 / E1 is the relative initial depth, and
y2 / E1 is the relative sequent depth.

All this ratios can be shown to be dimensionless functions of F 1. For


Since the relative loss, efficiency, relative height, and relative initial and
sequent depths of a hydraulics jump in a horizontal rectangular channel
are functions of F1, they can be plotted against F1, resulting in a set of
characteristic curves.

The length of a jump may be defined as the distance measures from
the face of the jump to a point on the surface immediately downstream
from the roller.

The experimental data on length of jump can be plotted conveniently

with the Froude number F1 against a dimensionless ratio (L (Y2 – Y1), L/Y1, or
L/Y2). The curve shown in Fig. 4 was developed primarily for jumps occurring
in rectangular channels. In the absence of the adequate data, this curve may
also be applied approximately to jumps formed in trapezoidal channels.

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(GROUP - 3)
2. What is the significance of hydraulic jump in hydraulics?

a) To dissipate energy in water flowing over dams, weirs, and other

hydraulic structures and thus prevent scouring downstream
from the structures
b) To recover head or rise the water level on the downstream side of
a measuring flume and thus maintain high water level in the side
of a measuring flume and thus maintain high water level in the
channel for irrigation or other water – distribution process;
c) To increase weight on an apron and thus reduce uplift pressure
under a masonry structure by rising the water depth on the
d) To increase the discharge of a sluice by holding back tailwater,
since the effective head will be reduced if the tailwater is
allowed to drown the jump;
e) To indicate special flow conditions, such as the existence of
supercritical flow or the presence of a control section so that
gaging station may be located;
f) To mix chemicals used for water purification;
g) To aerate water from city water supplies; and
h) To remove air pockets from water – supply lines and thus
prevent air locking.

3. Give 10 examples of hydraulic jump.


The flow rate under a sluice gate in an 8ft wide rectangular channel is 40
cfs, with a 0.7ft depth of flow. If the channel slope is mild, will there be a
hydraulic jump downstream of the sluice gate?

From the problem statement: y = 0.7ft and Q = 40 cfs. Average
velocity, V, can be calculated and then Fr can be calculated to determine
whether this is subcritical or supercritical flow.

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Fr>1, so the flow after the sluice gate is supercritical. The channel slope is
mild, so there will be a hydraulic jump to make the transition from
supercritical to subcritical flow.

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(GROUP - 3)

What will be the depth of flow and average velocity in the subcritical flow
following the hydraulic jump of EXAMPLE #1?

Fr1 = 1.50 and y1 = 0.7.

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Determine the height and length of a hydraulic jump in a box culvert with a
2.134 m span. Also, estimate the range of flows for which a jump would be
triggered as discharged to a trapezoidal channel.

S = 0.2%
Q = 11.33 m3/s
V1 = 5.79 m/s
y1 = 0.914 m
Fr = 1.9

For the trapezoidal channel:

B = 3.04 m
Side slopes = 1V:2H
n = 0.03
S = 0.04%

Step 1. Find the conjugate depth from Figure 6.4.

J = y2 /y1 = 2.2
y = 2.2(0.914) = 2.011 m

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Step 2. Find the Length of jump from Figure 6.5

L = 0.914(9.0) = 8.226 m

Step 3. Calculate the after jump velocity

Velocity reduction is


A rectangular horizontal channel 2m wide carries a flow of 4 m3/s. The

depth water on the downstream side of the hydraulic jump is 1m.
a) What is the depth upstream?
b) What is the loss of head?

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Q = 18 m3/s, rectangular channel = 3m wide, channel – unfinished form

concrete, hydraulic jump occurs where the depth is 1m = y1. Determine
velocity before jump, depth after jump, velocity after jump, energy
dissipated in the jump.


For rectangular channel, yh = y

Find y2

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Compute for loss of energy,


Water flows along a 10-m wide rectangular channel and through a

hydraulic jump. If the flow depth just before the jump is 2.0 m, and 3.0 m
after it, what is the discharge through the channel?


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A sluice gate at the base of a large reservoir is raised 1.7 m, as shown

opposite, and the water discharges through this 5.0 m-wide rectangular
orifice into a rectangular channel of the same width. If a hydraulic jump
forms in the channel, what will be its height?

Since the reservoir is large, we can assume that the water depth will not
change rapidly and that the depth of water in the tank represents the total
head E1 = 3.0 m. Thus we can write the Bernoulli equation for this case as

The flow discharging from under the sluice gate is supercritical since

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If a hydraulic jump forms in the channel its geometry is specified by the
equation as
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Since y1 = 1.70 m, y2 = 2.242 m so that the hydraulic jump must be 0.542 m



Analyze the water-surface profile in a long rectangular channel lined with

concrete (n=0.013). The channel is 10 ft wide; the flow rate is 400 cfs, and the
channel slope changes abruptly from 0.0150 to 0.0016. Find also the
horsepower loss in the resulting jump.


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Using a similar procedure, the normal depth y2 on the lower slope is 4.81 ft.

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The flow is supercritical (y1<yc) before the break in slope and subcritical
(y2>yc) after the break, so a hydraulic jump must occur. The depth
conjugate to the 2.17-ft normal depth on the upper slope is:

{ * + }

Therefore, a jump on the upper slope must rise to 5.77 ft. When the flow
enters the lower slope, the depth would be greater than y2=4.81 ft. A jump
cannot occur because the water surface cannot come down from 5.77 ft to
4.81 ft. The depth conjugate to the 4.81-ft normal depth on the lower slope

{ * + }

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This lower conjugate depth of 2.74 ft will occur downstream of the break in
slope. The water surface on the lower slope can rise from 2.16 ft to 2.74 ft
and therefore, a jump will occur.

The location of the jump (its distance below the break in slope) is:

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Thus, the depth on the upper slope is 2.17 ft; downstream of the break the
depth increases gradually to 2.74 ft over a distance of approximately 152
ft; then a hydraulic jump occurs from a depth of 2.74 ft to 4.81 ft;
downstream of the jump the depth remains constant at 4.81 ft.

To find the horsepower loss in the jump:


A flow of 28 m3/sec occurs in an earth-lined trapezoidal channel having

base width 3.0m, side slopes 1V:2H and n= 0.022. Calculate the critical depth
and critical slope.

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At critical flow Froude number is equal to unity
Q = 28 m3/s B= 3 n=0.022 slope 1V:2H

Solving by trial and error yc= 1.495m

From Manning’s Solving for Sc = 0.0052


A rectangular wood stave flume (n – 0.012) is 4ft wide and carries 40cfs.of
water. The bed slope is 0.0005, and at a certain section the depth is 2.6ft.
Find the distance to the section where the depth is 2.4 ft.


A single step calculation will be used for the 2.0 ft change in depth. From
the problem statement: Q = 40cfs, n= 0.012, So = 0.0005, b = 4 ft, y1 = 2.6 ft.
and y2 = 2.4 ft.

The other necessary parameters are calculated as follows:

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Substituting all these values:

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