Lib Info Sci BA

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Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut

Syllabus of the Subject:

Library and Information Science

For First Three Years of Under-Graduate (UG) Programme

(As per guidelines of Common Minimum Syllabus by U.P. Government according

to National Education Policy-2020 w.e.f. the session 2021-2022)

(For both University Campus and Colleges)

Members of the Board of Studies

1. Prof. N. C. Lohani, Dean, Faculty of Arts, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut
2. Prof. B. S. Nigam, Ex-Director, MCRP Campus NOIDA, NOIDA.
3. Dr. Yogendranath Sharma Arun, Ex-Principal, New Nehru Nagar, Roorkee
4. Dr. (Smt.) Poonam Bhardwaj, AKP College, Hapur (Hindi)
5. Dr. (Smt.) Amita Agarwal, MLJ College, Saharanpur (English)
6. Dr. Shiva Kanaujia Sukula, Jawahalal Nehru University, New Delhi
7. Dr. J. N. Sharma (Rtd), D.N. (PG) College, Meerut
8. Dr. Devendra Kumar, Ramabai Ambedkar Government Degree College, Gajraula
9. Dr. J. A. Siddiqui, Coordinator, Department of Library and Information
Science, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut (Convener)


Semester-wise Titles of the Papers in Under Graduate Programmes (Library and Information Science)

Year Semester Course Paper Title Theory/Practic Credits

Code al
1 I A180101T Fundamentals of Librarianship Theory 6

1 II A180201T Information Sources and Services Theory 6

2 III A180301T Library Management Theory 6

2 IV A180401T Information Storage and Retrieval System Theory 6

3 V A180501T Library Classification Theory 4

3 V A180502P Library Classification and Cataloguing Practical 2

3 V A180503T Library Cataloguing Theory 4

3 V A180504R Project (Compilation of Bibliography) Project 3

3 VI A180601T Computer Application in Libraries Theory 4

3 VI A180602T Library, Information and Society Theory 4

3 VI A180603P IT Application in Libraries Practical 2

3 VI A180604R Project (Library Survey) Project 3


Program Outcome

B.A. (Library and Information Science) aims to:

 Train students in modern library administration and prepare them for careers in Academic, Public
and Special Libraries.
 Impart education and training for generating budding library professionals in the p[resent scenario of
information age.
 Develop manpower for libraries and information centres for effective and efficient services,
professional values, dedication and attitude.
 To equip students with competent skills essentially required for carrying out various housekeeping
operations of library and Information Centers using ICT.
 To develop LIS students as competent professionals in the field by imparting employability skill
based on effective communication, critical thinking, and ethical literacy.
 Enable to become lifelong learners for their personal growth and development.

B.A. Library and Information Science

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: First Semester: I

Subject: Library and Information Science

Course Code: A180101T Course Title: Fundamentals of Librarianship(Theory)

Course outcomes: After studying this paper, the students shall be able to comprehend the concept,
objectives and development of libraries and its importance to the society. Understand the professional
ethics of librarianship and the five laws of library science with their implications on various services of
the libraries. Understand the importance of Library legislation and features of library acts.

Credits: 6 Core Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: 40

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P: 6-0-0

Unit Topics No. of

Contribution of Indian LIS Professionals in the development of
I Library Profession: S. R. Ranganathan, B.S. Kesvan, P.N. Kaula, 15
S. Bashiruddin, M. Gopinath, A. Neelameghan
Librarianship as a Profession
Definition and Concept of Library, Objectives and Functions of
II 15
Libraries. Role of Libraries in the development of Society.

User Education; Public relation; Library Extension Services;

III 10
Library Building
Functions and Duties of Librarian, History of Libraries,
IV 10
Development of Libraries in India
Types and Functions of Libraries : Academic Libraries, Public
V and Rural Libraries in Uttar Pradesh.Special Libraries 10

Laws of Library Science: Five Laws of Library Science;

VI 10
Library Legislation-Need and essential Features;
Library Acts
VII Library Acts in India; Intellectual Property Right, Right to 10
Information Act, Plagiarism
Book Selection : Policy and Procedures, Accessioning and
VIII Processing, Stock Verification, Charging Systems 10

Suggested Readings:

1. Khanna, JK: Library and Society. Kurukshetra: Research Publications, 1987.

2. Pandey, SK Sharma: Libraries and Society. New Delhi: Ess Ess, 1992.
3. Ranganathan, SR: The Five Laws of Library Science. Bangalore: Sarda Ranganathan
Endowment for Library Science, 1988.
4. Sukula, Shiva: Librarianship: Redefining and Redesigning Beyond the Customary Craft. New
Delhi, Ess Ess Publications, 2016.
5. 'kekZ] ch0 ds0] Bkdqj] ;w0,e0] ,ao yky] lh0 % xzUFkky; ,ao
lwpukfoKku] vkxjk] okÃ0 ds0 ifCy'kj] 2015
6. lsuh] vkseizdk'k% xzUFkky; ,aolekt] vkxjk] okÃ0 ds0 ifCy'kj]
Suggestive digital platforms web links


This course can be opted by the students of B.A.


Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Internal Evaluation 25 Marks :20 Marks(2 Tests –10 Marks each) 05 Marks(Assignment)
External Evaluation 75 Marks :The paper will be divided into Three Sections A, B and C.
Section A will consist of Five Short Answer Type questions not exceeding 75words. The examinee
will attempt all questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
Section B will consist of Three questions not exceeding 200 words. The examinee will attempt Two
questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
Section C will consist of Five questions in detail. The examinee will attempt Three questions. Each
question carries 15 marks

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had passed XII in any combination of subjects
with a minimum of 45% in aggregate.

Suggested equivalent online courses: Courses on Swayam / MOOCS/NPTEL


Further Suggestions:

B.A. Library and Information Science

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: First Semester: II

Subject: Library and Information Science

Course Code: A180201T Course Title: Information Sources and Services(Theory)

Course outcomes: After studying the paper, students shall be able to understand the concept of
reference and information sources and services provided in libraries. Understand criteria of evaluation
of different sources of information. Understand the reference interview and various techniques of
searching information. Understand the latest trends in Reference & Information Sources and Services.

Credits: 6 Core Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: 40
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P: 6-0-0

Unit Topics No. of

Information Sources : Definition, Need and Purpose of
I 15
Information Sources
Types of Information Sources - Primary, Secondary and Tertiary,
II Criteria of Evaluating Information Sources 15

Five Laws of Library Science and Reference Sources; Human

III 10
Resources; Institutional Information Sources
Information Services : Definition, Need, Purpose and Types,
IV Reference Service and Reference Sources 10

Searching of Information : Techniques of Information Search,

V 10
Online searching of Information Sources
User Education and Information Literacy : Definition,
VI 10
Importance and Methods, Online Information Sources
Dictionaries : General and Special, Geographical Sources : Maps,
VII Atlas, Gazetteers, Census, 10

Encyclopedias : General and Special

VIII Bibliographies : Definition, Types and Techniques 10

Suggested Readings:

1. Krishan Kumar : Reference Service. 5th rev ed. New Delhi, Vikas, 1982.
2. Ranganathan, SR : Reference Service. 2nd ed. Bombay, Asia Pub. House, 1961.
3. Mukherjee, AK : Reference Work and its Tools. 3rd rev ed. Calcutta, World Press, 1975.
4. Cheney, FN : Fundamental Reference Sources. Chicago : ALA, 1971.
5- f=ikBh] ,l0 ,e0 lwpuk ,ao lanHkZlsok ds izeq[k lzksr] vkxjk] okÃ0 ds0
ifCy'klZ] 2010-
6- f=ikBh] ,l0 ,e0] lanHkZ lsok ds uohuvk;ke] vkxjk] okÃ0 ds0 ifCy'klZ]

Suggestive digital platforms web links


This course can be opted by the students of BA


Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Internal Evaluation 25 Marks :20 Marks(2 Tests –10 Marks each) 05 Marks(Assignment)
External Evaluation 75 Marks :The paper will be divided into Three Sections A, B and C.
Section A will consist of Five Short Answer Type questions not exceeding 75words. The examinee
will attempt all questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
Section B will consist of Three questions not exceeding 200 words. The examinee will attempt Two
questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
Section C will consist of Five questions in detail. The examinee will attempt Three questions. Each
question carries 15 marks

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had passed XII in any combination of subjects
with a minimum of 45% in aggregate.

Suggested equivalent online courses: Courses on Swayam / MOOCS/NPTEL


Further Suggestions:

B.A. Library and Information Science

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: Second Semester: III

Subject: Library and Information Science

Course Code: A180301T Course Title: Library Management(Theory)

Course outcomes: After studying the paper, students shall be able to understand the concept and scope
of library management. Elaborate principles and functions of library management. Efficiently carry out
various operations of Library and Information Centres. Comprehend the concept of financial
management and human resource management. Designing of library and information system/ MIS.
Maintain the library statistics and prepare annual report

Credits: 6 Core Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: 40

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P: 6-0-0

Unit Topics No. of

Part I

General Principles of Management and their Applications to

I 15

Functions of various sections of a library : Acquisition,

II 15
Circulation, Technical and Periodical
Library Authority and Library Committee, Preservation of
III Library Resources 10

IV Library Budget, Recruitment, Staff Formula, 10

Library Rules and Regulations, Role of Librarian in the
V development and management of library. 10

Stock Verification, Library Statistics

VI 10
Library Building and Furniture Planning
VII 10
Binding of Library Materials, Annual Report
Suggested Readings:

1. Mittal, RL : Library and Administration : Theory and practice. New Delhi : Metropolitan Book,
2. Ranganathan, SR : Library Book Selection. Bombay : Asia Pub. House, 1966.
3. Mahapatra, PK and Chakrabarti, B : Preservation in Libraries. New Delhi :Ess Ess, 2003
4. Adhikari, Rajiv : Library Preservation and Automation. Delhi : Rajat Publications, 2002.
5- O;kl] ,l0 Mh0] iqLrdky; izcU/k] t;iqj iap'khyizdk'ku] 2002-
6- flag] deZ( f=[kk] lq/kk ,ao uoykuh] fd'kuh- iqLrdky; izcU/k- t;iqj] jkor
izdk'ku] 2010

Suggestive digital platforms web links


This course can be opted by the students of BA


Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Internal Evaluation 25 Marks :20 Marks(2 Tests –10 Marks each) 05 Marks(Assignment)
External Evaluation 75 Marks :The paper will be divided into Three Sections A, B and C.
Section A will consist of Five Short Answer Type questions not exceeding 75words. The examinee
will attempt all questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
Section B will consist of Three questions not exceeding 200 words. The examinee will attempt Two
questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
Section C will consist of Five questions in detail. The examinee will attempt Three questions. Each
question carries 15 marks

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had passed XII in any combination of subjects
with a minimum of 45% in aggregate.

Suggested equivalent online courses: Courses on Swayam / MOOCS/NPTEL


Further Suggestions:
B.A. Library and Information Science

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: Second Semester: IV

Subject: Library and Information Science

Course Code: A180401T Course Title: Information Storage and Retrieval System(Theory)
Course outcomes: After studying the paper, the students shall be able to understand the concept and
process of Information services in libraries. Understand the types and characteristics of index and
indexing including Pre-Coordinate and Post Coordinate indexing. Understand the concept and types of
abstract and abstracting services at the National and International Level. Understand the various
Library professional associations including NISCAIR, INFLIBNET.

Credits: 6 Core Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: 40

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P: 6-0-0

Unit Topics No. of

Part I

Information Science : Definition, Need and Functions of

I 10
Information Science
Documentation : Definition, Importance and Objectives of
II 10
Current Awareness Service(CAS) and Selective Dissemination of
III Information (SDI) 10

Concept of Index and Indexing, Subject Indexing, Keyword

IV 10
V Pre-Coordinate Indexing: Chain Procedure; PRECIS; POPSI 10

Post Coordinate Indexing System: UNITERM Indexing

Abstract and Abstracting : Scope and Importance, Types of

VI Abstracts 10

Steps of Abstracting; Concept history and services of Internet;

VII 15
Electronic information retrieval
Brief Idea of Some important Institutions : NISCAIR, NASSDOC,

Suggested Readings:

1. Guha, B : Documentation and Information : services, techniques and systems. 2nd rev ed. Calcutta,
World Press, 1983.
2. Kawatra, PS : Fundamentals of Documentation with special reference to India. New Delhi,
Sterling, 1983.
3. Khanna, JK : Documentation and Information Services : systems and techniques. Agra, Y K
Publishers, 2000.
4. Ranganathan, SR : Documentation and its facets. London, Asia Pub. House, 1963.
5. Prasher, RG : Index and Indexing. New Delhi, Medallion Press, 1989.
6.f=ikBh] ,l0 ,e0 lwpuk ,ao lanHkZlsok ds izeq[k lzksr] vkxjk] okÃ0 ds0
ifCy'klZ] 2010-
7.f=ikBh] ,l0 ,e0] lanHkZ lsok ds uohu vk;ke] vkxjk] okÃ0 ds0 ifCy'klZ] 2010-

Suggestive digital platforms web links


This course can be opted by the students of BA


Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Internal Evaluation 25 Marks :20 Marks(2 Tests –10 Marks each) 05 Marks(Assignment)
External Evaluation 75 Marks :The paper will be divided into Three Sections A, B and C.
Section A will consist of Five Short Answer Type questions not exceeding 75words. The examinee
will attempt all questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
Section B will consist of Three questions not exceeding 200 words. The examinee will attempt Two
questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
Section C will consist of Five questions in detail. The examinee will attempt Three questions. Each
question carries 15 marks

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had passed XII in any combination of subjects
with a minimum of 45% in aggregate.

Suggested equivalent online courses: Courses on Swayam / MOOCS/NPTEL


Further Suggestions:

B.A. Library and Information Science

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: Third Semester: V

Subject: Library and Information Science

Course Code: A180501T Course Title: Library Classification(Theory)

Course Outcome
After studying this paper, the students shall be able to understand the meaning, purpose, functions,
theories and canons of library classification. Analyze the characteristics, merits and demerits of
different species of library classification Schemes. Highlight salient features of major classification
schemes. Elucidate various facets of notation and call number. Review five fundamental categories and
Mnemonics in Library Classification.

Credits: 4 Core Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: 40

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P: 4-0-0

Unit Topics No. of

Library Classification: Need, functions, objectives and
I importance. 15

Species of Classification Schemes: Purely Enumerative; Almost

II 15
Enumerative; Rigidly Faceted; Faceted; Almost Faceted

Normative Principles: Work in three planes, Canons of Library

III 10

IV Principles for Helpful sequence 10

V Notation: Definition, Types and Qualities of Notation, 10

VI Class Number, Book Number, Collection Number 10

VII Five Fundamental Categories, Salient Features of DDC and CC, 10
VIII Mnemonics: Definition, Types of Mnemonics 10
Suggested Readings:

1. Hussain, Shabahat : Library Classification, facets and analysis. 2nd rev. ed. New Delhi : B. R.
Publishing Corp., 2004.
2. Krishan Kumar : Theory of Classification. 4th rev ed. Delhi : Vikas Publishing House, 1988.
3. Ranganathan, SR : Elements of Library Classification. Poona : NK Publishing House, 1945.
4. पु प यानी. पु तकालय वग करण. नई द ली : एस. एस. पि लकेशन. 1999.
5- च पावत, जी एस. पु तकालयव ग करण केfl)kUr-जयपुर : आर.बी.एस.ए. पि लशसस. 1993.

Suggestive digital platforms web links


This course can be opted by the students of BA


Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Internal Evaluation 25 Marks :20 Marks(2 Tests –10 Marks each) 05 Marks(Assignment)
External Evaluation 75 Marks :The paper will be divided into Three Sections A, B and C.
Section A will consist of Five Short Answer Type questions not exceeding 75words. The examinee
will attempt all questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
Section B will consist of Three questions not exceeding 200 words. The examinee will attempt Two
questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
Section C will consist of Five questions in detail. The examinee will attempt Three questions. Each
question carries 15 marks

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had passed XII in any combination of subjects
with a minimum of 45% in aggregate.

Suggested equivalent online courses: Courses on Swayam / MOOCS/NPTEL


Further Suggestions:

B.A. Library and Information Science

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: Third Semester: V

Subject: Library and Information Science

Course Code: A180502P Course Title: Library Classification and Cataloguing(Practical)

Course Outcome
After studying the paper, students shall be able to classify and construct the class numbers simple titles
using Dewy Decimal Classification Scheme Edition 19.Synthesize class numbers by using the tables.
Understand the preparation of Catalogue entries by Anglo American Cataloguing Rules (AACR-II)

Credits: 2 Core Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: 40

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P: 0-0-2

No. of
Unit Topics Lectures (Lab Hours
Classification of documents (using DDC)
Classification of documents with the Dewey Decimal
I Classification19th Edition with the following details: Main Classes,
Divisions, Auxiliary Tables.


Cataloguing of Documents by AACR-II

II Cataloguing of books in accordance with the latest edition of 15
AACR II and Subject Headings by Sears List of Subject Headings

Suggested Readings:

1. Dewey, Melvil: Decimal Classification and Relative Index. 19th ed. New York, Lake Placed
Club, 1979.
2. Ranganathan, SR: Elements of Library Classification. 3rd ed. Bombay, Asia Pub. House, 1962.
3. Anglo American Cataloguing Rules (AACR-II)

This course can be opted by the students of BA


Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Internal Evaluation 25 Marks :20 Marks(2 Tests –10 Marks each) 05 Marks(Assignment)
External Evaluation 75 Marks

Note: There will be Two Sections A and B.

Section A will consist of Six Titles and the examinee will classify Four Titles by Dewey Decimal

Classification Edition 19th . Each Title carries 10 marks.

Section B The practical class record of the items catalogued and entries made will be maintained by each
student. • The Practical examination will be conducted through a paper containing reproductions of
title pages of the documents along with other information required for cataloging.

Structure of Question Paper: The question paper will comprise of FOUR titles of English language
documents and the Examinee will prepare Two titles to be catalogued by AACR-2. Each Entry
carries 17.5 marks.

Methodology: Lectures, self study, case studies, assignments, experimental learning exercises

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had passed XII in any combination of subjects
with a minimum of 45% in aggregate.

Suggested equivalent online courses: Courses on Swayam / MOOCS/NPTEL


Further Suggestions:

B.A. Library and Information Science

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: Third Semester: V

Subject: Library and Information Science

Course Code: A180503T Course Title: Library Cataloguing (Theory)

Course Outcome
After studying this paper, the students shall be able to understand the concept and objectives of library
catalogue. To know about the normative principles of cataloguing. Comprehend various forms (inner
and outer) of library catalogue. Review the features and development of different cataloguing codes.
Understand various approaches of deriving subject headings. Understand the concept of co-operative
and centralized cataloguing. Examine the current trends in library cataloguing. Understand the
complexities in rendering of entries and alphabetization.

Credits: 4 Core Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: 40

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P: 4-0-0

Unit Topics No. of

Part I
Library Catalogue: Definition, Need, Objective and Functions of
I Library Catalogue. 15

II Normative Principles of Cataloguing: Forms of Library 15

Catalogue: Physical forms and Inner forms.

Types and Functions of Cataloguing: Author Catalogue; Title

III 10
Catalogue; Dictionary Catalogue, Classified Catalogue.

Library Catalogue Codes – Classified Catalogue Code (CCC) and

IV 10

V Subject Cataloguing: Concept, Principles. And Types 10

VI Chain Procedure, Lists of Subject Headings. Thesaurus 10

Centralized and Cooperative Cataloguing: Simplified and

VII 10
selective Cataloguing
Union Catalogue: Need, Rules for Compilation of Union
Suggested Readings:

1. Girja Kumar & Krishan Kumar (1975). Theory of cataloguing. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing
2. Sharma, Pandey S. K. (1986). Cataloguing Theory. New Delhi: Ess Ess Publication.
3. Viswanathan, C. G. (1983). Cataloguing: Theory and Practice. Lucknow: Print House.
4. Shera, Jesse H. &Eagan, Margret E. (1956). Classified Catalog: basic principles and practices.
Chicago: American Library Association.
5. Sengupta, B (1974). Cataloguing: Its theory & practice. Calcutta: World Press.
7. Krishan Kumar (2001). An Introduction to AACR-2 (Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules).
New Delhi: Vikas Publishing.
8. Siddiqui, JA and Husain, Mohd Sabir. Library Cataloguing with AACR-II. New Delhi, Ess Ess
Publications, 2018. ISBN 978-93-87698-03-1

9. Siddiqui, JA; Husain, Mohd. Sabir and Sharma, BK. Hindi Granthon ki Suchikaran Pirkriya.
Agra, Y. K. Publishers, 2018. ISBN 978-93-80668-97
10. 'kekZ] ik.Ms; ,l0 ds0% iqLrdky; lwphdj.k ds fl)kUr] uà fnYyh]
izHkkrizdk'ku] 2015
Suggestive digital platforms web links
This course can be opted by the students of BA

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Internal Evaluation 25 Marks :20 Marks(2 Tests –10 Marks each) 05 Marks(Assignment)
External Evaluation 75 Marks :The paper will be divided into Three Sections A, B and C.
Section A will consist of Five Short Answer Type questions not exceeding 75words. The examinee
will attempt all questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
Section B will consist of Three questions not exceeding 200 words. The examinee will attempt Two
questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
Section C will consist of Five questions in detail. The examinee will attempt Three questions. Each
question carries 15 marks

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had passed XII in any combination of subjects
with a minimum of 45% in aggregate.

Suggested equivalent online courses: Courses on Swayam / MOOCS/NPTEL


Further Suggestions:

B.A. Library and Information Science

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: Third Semester: V

Subject: Library and Information Science

Course Code: A180504R Course Title: Project (Compilation of bibliography)

Course Outcome
Course outcomes: After doing this project, students shall be able to compile a subject annotated
bibliography on a given subject. Understanding methods of searching sources on a given topic.
Compilation of author index, title index, assigning subject headings to various entries and

Credits: 3 Core Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: 40

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P: 0-0-3

Unit Topics No. of

The students shall be asked to compile an annotated
bibliography with not less than One Hundred Entries on a
topic assigned by the concerned teacher/HOD. The compiled
I 45
bibliography will be examined by an external examiner
appointed by the university/Head of the Institution.

Suggested Readings:

Suggestive digital platforms web links



This course can be opted by the students of BA


Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Internal Evaluation 25 Marks :20 Marks(2 Tests –10 Marks each) 05 Marks(Assignment)
External Evaluation 75 Marks
The compiled bibliography will be examined by an external examiner appointed by the
university/Head of the Institution.

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had passed XII in any combination of subjects
with a minimum of 45% in aggregate.

Suggested equivalent online courses: Courses on Swayam / MOOCS/NPTEL


Further Suggestions:

B.A. Library and Information Science

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: Third Semester: VI

Subject: Library and Information Science

Course Code: A180601T Course Title: Computer Application in Libraries(Theory)

Course Outcome
The aim of this course is to understand the various applications of Information Technology in libraries
with the concept of library automation, planning and implementation and to study different modules of
library management software packages.

Credits: 4 Core Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: 40

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P: 4-0-0

Unit Topics No. of

Introduction to Computers : Parts of Computer, Hardware and
I 15
Generation of Computers, MS Office : MS-Word, MS-Excel and
MS-Power Point
II 15

Application of Computers: Airport, Banks, Railway Stations,

Hospitals and Libraries.
III 10

Memory and Storage: Internal Memory, External Memory,

IV 10
Storage Devices : Hard Disk, Portable Storage,

Library Automation: Need and importance. Application of

V Library Software Packages for Library Automation, SOUL, 10
KOHA, Lybsys.

Planning and implementation of Library Automation Software

VI 10
Packages in Libraries. In house operations

Internet: Features, Applications, Search Engines. Digital

VII 10
Libraries; Repositories

Networking : Types of Networks, LAN, WAN


Suggested Readings:

1. Kumar, PSG : Computerization of Indian Libraries. Delhi, B. R. Publishing, 1987.

2. Pandey, SK Sharma : Library Computerization : theory and practice. New Delhi, Ess Ess, 1993.
3. Satyanarayana, NR : A manual of Library Automation and Networking. 2nd ed. Lucknow, New
Royal Book, 2003.
4. Dhawan, A : Computers for Beginners. New Delhi, Frank Bros, 1990.
5. Sehgal, RL : An introduction to Library Networks. New Delhi, Ess Ess, 1996.
6- falg] 'kadj] dEI;qVj ,aolwpukrduhd- uÃfnYyh- iqokZapyifCyhds'ku]
7. 'kekZ] ch0 ds0 ,aoBkdqj] ;w0 ,e0- iqLrdky; lwpukfoKku ,ao lwpuk
izks/kksfxdh- vkxjk] okÃ0 ds0 ifCy'klZ] 2010

Suggestive digital platforms web links


This course can be opted by the students of BA


Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Internal Evaluation 25 Marks :20 Marks(2 Tests –10 Marks each) 05 Marks(Assignment)
External Evaluation 75 Marks: The paper will be divided into Three Sections A, B and C.
Section A will consist of Five Short Answer Type questions not exceeding 75words. The examinee
will attempt all questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
Section B will consist of Three questions not exceeding 200 words. The examinee will attempt Two
questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
Section C will consist of Five questions in detail. The examinee will attempt Three questions. Each
question carries 15 marks

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had passed XII in any combination of subjects
with a minimum of 45% in aggregate.

Suggested equivalent online courses: Courses on Swayam / MOOCS/NPTEL


Further Suggestions:

B.A. Library and Information Science

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: Third Semester: VI

Subject: Library and Information Science

Course Code: A180602T Course Title: Library, Information and Society(Theory)

Course Outcome
After studying the paper, students shall be able to understand the development of civilization, growth
of knowledge and information. To know the society and its informational needs. Evolution of libraries
and role of library in the development of the society.

Credits: 4 Core Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: 40

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P: 4-0-0

Unit Topics No. of

I Introduction and definition of libraries. Purpose of libraries.
Functions of libraries. Modern society and libraries. 15

Librarianship as a profession; Library Ethics; User Education;

II Public relation 15

Library Path Finders; Social functions of Libraries; Types of

III documents and their utility 10

Information and library. Role of libraries in the development of

IV society 10

Role of libraries in Higher Education. Role of UGC in the

V development of Libraries 10

Role of libraries in research and development. Role of National and

VI International Organisations such as UGC; ILA; UNESCO. 10

Role of libraries in information dissemination. Role of libraries in

VII promotion and development of culture. 10

Role of libraries in recreation and leisure. Role of libraries in

VIII moral, ideological and spiritual development 10

Suggested Readings:

1. Altay, Ahmet. The Role of the Libraries in the Information Society. Available at http:// accessed on 05.02.14 at 22:00 hours IST.
2. Khanna, J. K. (1994). Library and Society, 2nd rev. ed. New Delhi, EssEss Publication.
3. Ranganathan, S R(1990). Library Manual. Bangalore, Sarda Ranganathan Endowment for Library
4. Ranganathan, S.R.(1961).Reference Service. Bangalore, Sarda Ranganathan Endowment for Library
5. Sahai, Shrinath (1973). Library and the Community. New Delhi, Today and Tomorrow's Printer &
Suggestive digital platforms web links


Elective Paper
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open
for all. Moreover no additional faculty will be required to teach this paper in
other faculties. The University/College librarians may teach this paper at their
respective university/college.
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
Internal Evaluation 25 Marks :20 Marks(2 Tests –10 Marks each) 05 Marks(Assignment)
External Evaluation 75 Marks :The paper will be divided into Three Sections A, B and C.
Section A will consist of Five Short Answer Type questions not exceeding 75words. The examinee
will attempt all questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
Section B will consist of Three questions not exceeding 200 words. The examinee will attempt Two
questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
Section C will consist of Five questions in detail. The examinee will attempt Three questions. Each
question carries 15 marks

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had passed XII in any combination of subjects
with a minimum of 45% in aggregate.

Suggested equivalent online courses: Courses on Swayam / MOOCS/NPTEL


Further Suggestions:

B.A. Library and Information Science

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: Third Semester: VI

Subject: Library and Information Science

Course Code: A180603P Course Title: IT Application in Libraries(Practical)

Course Outcome
Course outcomes: After studying the paper, students shall be able to familiarize with the basic
introduction of computers. Understanding different library automation softwares, Creation of
databases, Information searching techniques and online searching of information on given topics.
Generate barcode labels and membership cards. Search online databases.

Credits: 2 Core Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: 40

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P: 0-0-2

Unit Topics No. of

Library Server and its Maintenance. Editing and Formatting
I Word Documents. Creating Presentations with PowerPoint. 10

Installation, Configuration and Functions: Installation of SOUL
II and KOHA software. 10

Online and Offline Searching, Web Searching, Advanced Internet

III 05

Search Techniques: Searching through Search Engines, Offline

IV 05
Databases Internet and E-mail

Suggested Readings:

1. Kumar, PSG: Computerization of Indian Libraries. Delhi, B. R. Publishing, 1987.

2. Pandey, SK Sharma: Library Computerization: theory and practice. New Delhi, Ess Ess, 1993.
3. Satyanarayana, NR: A manual of Library Automation and Networking. 2nd ed. Lucknow, New
Royal Book, 2003.
4. Dhawan, A: Computers for Beginners. New Delhi, Frank Bros, 1990.
5. Sehgal, RL: An introduction to Library Networks. New Delhi, Ess Ess, 1996.
6. Devrajan, G and Rahelamma, AV: Library Computerization in India. New Delhi, Ess Ess, 1990.
7. Shiva Sukula: Information Technology: Bridge to the Wired Virtuality, New Delhi, Ess Ess
Publications, 2008.
8. Shiva Sukula: Electronic Resource Management: What, why and how, New Delhi, Ess Ess
Publications, 2010
Suggestive digital platforms web links


This course can be opted by the students of BA


Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Internal Evaluation 25 Marks :20 Marks(2 Tests –10 Marks each) 05 Marks(Assignment)
External Evaluation 75 Marks

Note: There will be Eight questions. The examinee has to answer Five questions. Each question
carries 15 marks.

i) Documents, data, database, etc. to work on for the practical assignments will be provided by the
Teacher in the computer lab
ii) Students are required to do the practical assignment in the computer lab. Evaluation of the
assignment will be done by the Teacher on the spot.
iii) Students have to make Screen Captures for all the answers and save them in one file. The
Teacher will evaluate these screen captures and give marks accordingly.

Methodology: Lectures, self study, case studies, assignments, experimental learning exercises

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the Graduation in any discipline with a
minimum of 45% in aggregate.

Suggested equivalent online courses: Courses on Swayam / MOOCS/NPTEL


Further Suggestions:

B.A. Library and Information Science

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: Third Semester: VI

Subject: Library and Information Science

Course Code: A180604R Course Title: Project (Library Survey)

Course Outcome
After doing this project, students shall be able to get the practical exposure of different types of
libraries. Understanding the various functions of different types of libraries including acquisition,
technical processing, management and retrieval of information.

Credits: 3 Core Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: 40

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P: 0-0-3

Unit Topics No. of

The students shall be asked to visit a library to understand the
collection, services and the human resources available for
information dissemination. Students shall be asked to submit a
I 45
complete report of the library survey before the
commencement of sixth semester examination.

Suggested Readings:

Suggestive digital platforms web links


This course can be opted by the students of BA


Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Internal Evaluation 25 Marks :20 Marks(2 Tests –10 Marks each) 05 Marks(Assignment)
External Evaluation 75 Marks
The submitted report of library survey will be examined by an external examiner appointed by the
university/Head of the Institution.

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the Graduation in any discipline with a
minimum of 45% in aggregate.

Suggested equivalent online courses: Courses on Swayam / MOOCS/NPTEL


Further Suggestions:


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