2nd Quarter Exam Grade 11 Afa

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Tambongan, Candijay, Bohol


2 nd Quarter Examination

1. Broiler Poultry Farming is mainly aimed at.?

A. Eggs B. Meat
C. Gaming D. Animal or Bird Fat Oil
2. Layer Poultry Farming is mainly aimed at.?
A. Eggs B. Meat
C. Gaming D. Animal or Bird Fat Oil
3. What is the ideal temperature for hatching eggs.?
A. 21 degrees celsius
B. 41.5 degrees celsius
C. 30 degrees celsius
D. 100 degrees celsius
4. Which is the oldest animal or bird domesticated by humans.?
A. Goat B. Cat
C. Hen D. Dog
5. What is a male chicken called.?
A. Hen B. Rooster
C. Roaster D. Chick
6. What is a female chicken called.?
A. Hen B. Roaster
C. Rooster D. Chick
7. A Rooster is also called ____ ?
A. Hen B. Chicken
C. Cock D. Pullet
8. Younger female chickens are also called ___.
A. Hen B. Pullets
C. Rooster D. Bird
9. How many days are required to turn an egg into a chicken in poultry hatcheries?
A. 14 days B. 21 days
C. 28 days D. 35 days
10. What is the technique used to hatch chickens without birth defects during 18- 21 days?
A. Shaking eggs B. Heating eggs to 110 Fahreinheit
C. Knocking eggs with less pressure D. Turning eggs upside down occasionally
11. Chickens are affected by Chickenpox disease.
12. Which is a deadly disease affecting chickens causing a mass extinction?
A. Bird Flu or Avian Influenza B. Cold infection
C. Scaly Leg disease D. Mycoplasma
13. Which of the following is not an aspect of animal breeding?
a. Improve desirable qualities of breeds
b. Increasing the yield
c. Making diseased organisms
d. Making disease resistance breeds
14. What is inbreeding?
a. Mating of closely related species
b. Mating of unrelated species
c. Mating of clones
d. Mating of different breeds
15. Crosses between different breeds are called inbreeding.
a. True
b. False
16. Which of the following type of animals breeding is used to develop a pure line in any animal?
a. Outcrossing b. Crossbreeding
c. Hybridisation d. Purebreeding
17. Which breeding is used to produce hybrid vigor or heterosis?
a. Out-crossing b. Cross-breeding
c. Line breeding d. Inbreeding
18. It is a complex science that requires skill and knowledge to achieve genetic improvement
a. selection b. breeding
c. production c. business
19.It refers to the removal of undesirable chicken from the flock
a. molting b. culling
c. marketing d. slaughtering
20. Losing and replacement of feathers in chicken is called
a. molting b. culling
c. marketing d. slaughtering
A. occupational safety B. safety C. psychosocial environment D. biological
13. What is the other term of environment that is nonliving?
A. Ecosystem B. Abiotic C. Non-abiotic D. Ecology
14. How is organic farming beneficial to the environment?
A. Its benefits can be both personal and biological.
B. Plants can be used for personal benefit in recreational settings.
C. Pesticides has been proven to cause problems such as water contamination, emergence of
resistant populations, and decline in certain bird populations.
D. a & b
15. IPM is an ecosystem-based strategy that focuses on long-term prevention of pests or their damage
through a combination of techniques such as biological control, habitat manipulation, modification of
cultural practices, and use of resistant varieties, IPM means?
A. Integrates Pest Management C. Integrated Pest Management
B. Integrated Prevention Management D. Integrates Pest Manipulation
A. What is the purpose of record keeping?
3. __________________________________________________________________________
4 ___________________________________________________________________________
B. How do you protect your concoction from contaminations?
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________________________
C. Give the importance of labeling when making organic concoctions
21. What particular concoction have been adapting and surviving within the native soil environments
throughout the years and primarily make up beneficial fungi, bacteria, and yeasts?
A. Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (Labs) C. Oriental Herbal Nutrients (OHN)
B. Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO) D. Natural Calcium Phosphate (CALPHOS)
22. This kind of concoction is made from axillary buds and young fruits, fast growing plants, and young
leaves of plants, it is the______.
A. Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ) C. Oriental Herbal Nutrients (OHN)
B. Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ) D. Natural Calcium Phosphate (CALPHOS)
23. The following are preparation for work in making concoction, EXCEPT ONE, which one?
A. Raw materials used are cleaned and freed from synthetic chemicals
B. Tools, materials and equipment used are cleaned, freed from contamination and must be of
“food grade” quality.
C. Prevent customers from coming into the farm
D. Personal hygiene is observed according to OHS procedures.
24. Which is NOT an advantage of practicing organic agriculture?
A. High production cost B. High yield
C. Reduce soil erosion D. Chemical-free vegetables
25. Organic production system was designed to:
A. Decrease soil biological activity. B. Rely on renewable resources
C. Maintain short-term soil fertility D. Promote intensive use of farm.
26. Which is the biggest organ of a chicken?
A. Eyes B. Heart
C. Liver D. Lungs
27. Which breed of chicken thrives in the wild in the Philippines and is ideal for organic chicken
production by small and marginal farmers?
A. Crossbreed chicken B. Genetically engineered chicken
C. Native chicken D. Pure breed chicken
28. Which of the following describes organic agriculture?
A. They are raised on commercial poultry farms and fed with commercial feeds.
B. They are raised on organic poultry farms and fed with organic feedstuff.
C. They are on a free-range system and fed with commercial feeds.
D. They are raised in cages and fed with commercial feeds


Match the word in column A with the description in column B (1 point) and give its complete meaning.
(2 points)


1. IMO______________________________ a. Taste enhancer

2. LABS _____________________________ b. flower inducer
3. FPJ_______________________________ c. insect attractant
4. FFJ_______________________________ d. natural immune booster
5. CALPHOS__________________________ e. natural enzymes
6. OHN______________________________ f. beneficial microorganisms
7. FAA_______________________________ g. growth enhancer
8. NIA _______________________________ h. amino acid


Tambongan, Candijay, Bohol


Instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1.What macronutrient is found in FFJ which can be used to increase the fruiting process of
plants as well as to increase yield in some leafy green vegetables?
A. Potassium B. Nitrogen
C. Phosphorous D. Molybdenum
2. What can cause havoc for banana farmers?
A. Spiders `` C. Panama disease
B. Monkeys
3. What do bananas lack in?
A. Potassium C. Fibre
B. Sodium D. Sugar
4. Which is not a pest in banana?
A. Aphids C. stem borer
B. Rice bug D. fruit fly
5. What causes bugtok disease in banana?
A. Virus C. fungi
B. Bacteria D. nematodes
6. Which of the following raw materials is used in fermenting Oriental Herbal Nutrient for insect
A. ripe mangoes C. papaya
B. chilli D. banana sucker
7. What will be the substitute ingredient you can use if the molasses is not available?
A. Vinegar C. White sugar
B. Muscovado sugar D. Brown sugar
8..What is a banana plant?
A. A tree C. A herb
B. A bamboo
9. How is organic farming beneficial to the environment?
A. Its benefits can be both personal and biological.
B. Plants can be used for personal benefit in recreational settings.
C. Pesticides has been proven to cause problems such as water contamination,
emergence of resistant populations, and decline in certain bird populations.
D. a & b
10. What is another word for concoction?
A. organic B. mixture
C. tools D. crop
11. What particular concoction have been adapting and surviving within the native soil
environments throughout the years and primarily make up beneficial fungi, bacteria, and
A. Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (Labs)
B. Oriental Herbal Nutrients (OHN)
C. Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO)
D. Natural Calcium Phosphate (CALPHOS)
12. This kind of concoction is made from axillary buds and young fruits, fast growing plants, and
young leaves of plants, it is the______.
A. Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ)
B. Oriental Herbal Nutrients (OHN)
C. Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ)
D. Natural Calcium Phosphate (CALPHOS)
13. To choose materials for FFJ, you should use those that are locally produced, free from
insect pests and diseases, and free from chemical _______
A. higher concentrations B. toxic
C. spill D. contaminants
14. How to prolong the life span of our hand tools and equipment in making concoction?
A. Always check the cleanliness of the storage area
B. Implement the sharpening and spray of lubricant oil
C. Routine check-up of tools and equipment
D. Fixing the broken parts of the tools and equipment
15. How many days the fermentation of fish extracts?
A. 7 days B. 14 days
C. 20 days D. 30 days
16. Packaging concoction is very important because it directly affects the shelf life of concoction
and in the long term of its______.
A. expiration B. availability
C. potency D. vigor
17. What kind of concoction had long history of use in food preservation by many world
A. Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (Labs) C. Oriental Herbal Nutrients (OHN)
B. Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO) D. Natural Calcium Phosphate (CALPHOS)
18. What particular concoction have been adapting and surviving within the native soil
throughout the years and primarily make up beneficial fungi, bacteria, and yeasts?
A. Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (Labs) C. Oriental Herbal Nutrients (OHN)
B. Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO) D. Natural Calcium Phosphate (CALPHOS)
19. This kind of concoction is made from axillary buds and young fruits, fast growing plants, and
leaves of plants, it is the______.
A. Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ) C. Oriental Herbal Nutrients (OHN)
B. Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ) D. Natural Calcium Phosphate (CALPHOS)
20. The following are preparation for work in making concoction, EXCEPT ONE, which one?
A. Raw materials used are cleaned and freed from synthetic chemicals
B. Tools, materials and equipment used are cleaned, freed from contamination and must
be of
“food grade” quality.
C. Prevent customers from coming into the farm
D. Personal hygiene is observed according to OHS procedures.
21. Which is NOT an advantage of practicing organic agriculture?
A. High production cost B. High yield
C. Reduce soil erosion D. Chemical-free vegetables
22. Organic production system was designed to:
A. Decrease soil biological activity. B. Rely on renewable resources
C. Maintain short-term soil fertility D. Promote intensive use of farm.
23. Which can be used as insecticide and fungicide?
A. Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (Labs) C. Oriental Herbal Nutrients (OHN)
B. Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO) D. Natural Calcium Phosphate (CALPHOS)
24. Ideal place to store concoctions.
A. under the trees C. inside a closed room
B. a place far from contaminants D. dry dark and cool place

1. IMO______________________________ a. Taste enhancer

2. LABS _____________________________ b. flower inducer
3. FPJ_______________________________ c. insect attractant
4. FFJ_______________________________ d. natural immune booster
5. CALPHOS__________________________ e. natural enzymes
6. OHN______________________________ f. beneficial microorganisms
7. FAA_______________________________ g. growth enhancer
8. NIA_______________________________ h. amino acid

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