Semester 2 - Report Card
Semester 2 - Report Card
Semester 2 - Report Card
How I grow How I think &
A Ramaniyam Group Initiative School based on Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) &
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Syllabus
My One Page Profile
*The attributes mentioned in SEC A&B represents a combination of values, attitudes and skills. We believe that
every learner should develop and demonstrate these attributes in order to be successful in his learning.
Semester1: Rohaan Gopinath remains an active learner throughout the school day He shows respect for teachers and
peers. He creates vibrant and intriguing artwork. He is interested in his own learning, listens attentively, and makes a
solid effort to avoid distractions that could interrupt the learning process. He shows responsible behavior, works well
with a group and shows appreciation for the efforts of classmates. He is well-prepared for class each day.
Semester2: Rohaan Gopinath has made some progress this term. He can be depended on to do what he is asked to do.
He creates vibrant and intriguing artwork. He is showing increased willingness to focus and complete assigned work in
class. He often struggles to focus in class, which harms his ability to engage well with class activities and assignments.
He chooses to spend free time with friends. He needs to improve his cooperation in group settings. He arrives on time
for school and all classes every day.
No: 697/3, Anand Nagar Main Road, Thoraipakkam, Chennai 600 097, India | Tel No +91 044 4076 1199 | |
Is aware of own emotions Adapting Adapting
Expresses own feelings appropriately Adapting Adapting
Has a well-developed sense of right and wrong Adapting Adapting
Has clearly defined personal values & beliefs Adapting Adapting
Is open to feedback and to acknowledging own mistakes Adapting Adapting
Manages impulsivity and regulates own behavior Adapting Adapting
Is emotionally independent Adapting Adapting
Has an accurate perception, understanding and acceptance of
Adapting Adapting
Defines boundaries for self Adapting Adapting
Sets well defined standards and goals for self Adapting Adapting
Seeks appropriate help to address emotional & social issues
Adapting Adapting
for self and peers
Is confident of confronting issues with peers and adults
Adapting Adapting
Respects commitments and is reliable Adapting Adapting
Accepts and respects school norms Adapting Adapting
Shows considerable regard for peers and others Adapting Adapting
Listens to others with understanding and empathy Adapting Adapting
Speaks pleasantly and respectfully to everyone Adapting Adapting
Takes initiative to help others Adapting Adapting
Establishes mutually satisfying relationships and relates well
Adapting Adapting
with others
Values peace and harmony Adapting Adapting
Is a valuable team player Adapting Adapting
Shows positive involvement with the whole school
Adapting Adapting
Has a healthy sense of humor Adapting Adapting
Responds spontaneously in all interactions Adapting Adapting
Is happy and optimistic Adapting Adapting
No: 697/3, Anand Nagar Main Road, Thoraipakkam, Chennai 600 097, India | Tel No +91 044 4076 1199 | |
Max Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Marks / Grades
67 C 56 D 65 C 76 B 59 D 69 C 73 B 35 U
Obtained in SEM 1
Marks / Grades
75 B 47 E 70 B 54 D 58 D 66 C 62 C 35 U
Obtained in SEM 2
Note: # - Student joined/opted for the subject during/after the assessment cycle
>90% A* 59 – 50% D
89 – 80% A 49 – 40% E
79 – 70% B BELOW 40% U
69 – 60% C
No: 697/3, Anand Nagar Main Road, Thoraipakkam, Chennai 600 097, India | Tel No +91 044 4076 1199 | |
offers Cambridge International &
NIOS Curriculum
MA -20% Marks out Submission Classroom ABILITY LEVEL EFFORT LEVEL
Max Marks Marks Obtained
of 100 Participation
Regularity Quality
Works independently Stretches beyond
SEM 1 - 70 47 67 B A B
and is Quick in grasping capacity
Works independently Extends effort
SEM 2 15 130 98/130 60/80 75 A A A
and is Quick in grasping comfortably
Note: The ability level measures the aptitude and skill of a student’s learning.
The effort level measures the capacity of a student to extend and persist in achieving the learning. Work ethics legend
NA- Not Assessed
A Always B Often C Sometimes D Rarely
Achievement Achievement Feedback – Semester 1
Level – Sem 1 Level – Sem 2 Rohaan Gopinath is a polite, cheerful and
LISTENING AND SPEAKING pleasant learner. He doesn't participate
Understand, with little or no support, the main points of short and frequently but is able to contribute when posed
Applying Applying
extended talk. a question. He is usually able to complete most
Deduce meaning from context and understand some implied of his daily required assignments in class. He
Applying Applying
meaning, with support, in short and extended talk. uses the most appropriate spelling strategy as
Pronounce words and phrases clearly; generally use intonation and necessary. He uses language precisely to clarify
Applying Applying
place stress at word,phrase and sentence level appropriately. and extend intended meaning. He uses formal
READING and informal registers appropriately according
Read an increasing range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts to context, purpose and audience. He uses
Applying Applying
with confidence and enjoyment. appropriate connectives and sentence openings
Understand, with little or no support, specific information and detail to clarify connections in writing, e.g.
Applying Applying
in short and extended texts. connectives for comparison, sequencing,
Recognise the opinions of the writer(s) in short and extended texts. Applying Applying qualifying. He uses a range of planning
WRITING AND GRAMMAR methods to generate, organise and shape ideas.
Generate ideas, plan, write, edit and proofread extended texts, with He makes it a habit to read teacher/peer
Applying Applying feedback and incorporate it in his future
little or no support.
Write, with support, extended texts which describe people, places assignments. He has started to demonstrate an
and objects, and past and present actions and events [real and ability to accept constructive criticism and use
imagined]. Applying Applying it to improve his work.
No: 697/3, Anand Nagar Main Road, Thoraipakkam, Chennai 600 097, India | Tel No +91 044 4076 1199 ||
No: 697/3, Anand Nagar Main Road, Thoraipakkam, Chennai 600 097, India | Tel No +91 044 4076 1199 ||
MA - Assignment Submission
Max Marks out of Classroom ABILITY LEVEL EFFORT LEVEL
20% Marks Obtained
Marks 100 Participation
Regularity Quality
Works independently and is
SEM 1 - 110 61.5 56 B B A Adequate application
Quick in grasping
Works independently but needs Adequate application
SEM 2 10 110 51.5/110 37/80 47 B B B
Note: The ability level measures the aptitude and skill of a student’s learning.
The effort level measures the capacity of a student to extend and persist in achieving the learning.
CCP-20% MA + 80% Semester
Work ethics legend
A Always B Often C Sometimes D Rarely
Achievement Achievement Feedback – Semester 1
Level – Sem 1 Level – Sem 2 Rohaan Gopinath is able to follow the steps of a
KNOWLEDGE WITH UNDERSTANDING OF: simple problem-solving process. He can solve
Recognition and identification of negative numbers, rounding, Attaining Assessed in one-step and two-step problems involving
multiples, factors, primes,squares,roots and BIDMAS Semester 1 whole numbers and decimals and all four
Presentation of concise, reasoned arguments to justify solutions or Attaining Attaining operations, choosing and using appropriate
generalizations using symbols, diagrams or graphs and related calculation strategies. He needs to slow down
explanations and check his work carefully. He needs to
Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Ratio and proportion To be Attaining improve the speed of solving problems which
assessed in include comprehending the problem,
Sem 2 identifying the appropriate strategy and arriving
Notation and labeling conventions for points, lines, angles and shapes, To be Attaining at the solution. This can be achieved only by
Recognition and usage of spatial relationships in two dimensions and assessed in practice.
three dimensions. Sem 2 Feedback – Semester 2
Algebraic terms ,Expressions, Equations, Substitution, Sequences, Attaining Assessed in Rohaan Gopinath He listens to and follows
Functions and graphs Semester 1 directions precisely and attentively. He can
Statistics, types of data, different representation of data, frequency Attaining Attaining solve one-step and two-step problems involving
tables, Averages, Probability whole numbers and decimals and all four
CALCULATIONS operations, choosing and using appropriate
Estimation, approximation and checking of the working. Attaining Attaining calculation strategies. His comfort level with
Solving a range of word problems involving single or multi-step Attaining Attaining math problem-solving should improve with
calculations. increased amount of practice and exposure at
Consolidation of the rapid recall of number facts Attaining Attaining home. He needs to practice and recall all the
Ability to use everyday systems of measurement effectively and To be Attaining arithmetic operations as part of a daily routine,
perform conversions of metric units & units of time assessed in would help with his computational skills. He
Sem 2 needs to properly utilise the time available
Effectively applying suitable strategies to get the output in the time Attaining Attaining which thus benefits his learning and practical
provided. skills.
Use techniques and skills in solving problems by applying properties, Attaining Attaining
laws and formulae
Draw accurate mathematical diagrams, graphs, and constructions Attaining Attaining
Calculate accurately, choosing operations and mental or written Attaining Attaining
methods appropriate to the numbers and context.
Manipulate numbers, algebraic expressions and equations, and apply Attaining Assessed in
routine algorithms. Semester 1
No: 697/3, Anand Nagar Main Road, Thoraipakkam, Chennai 600 097, India | Tel No +91 044 4076 1199 ||
MA - Assignment Submission
Max Marks out of Classroom ABILITY LEVEL EFFORT LEVEL
20% Marks Obtained
Marks 100 Participation
Regularity Quality
Works independently but needs Extends effort
SEM 1 - 100 65 65 B A A
prompting comfortably
Works independently but needs
SEM 2 16 200 134/200 54/80 70 B B B Adequate application
Note: The ability level measures the aptitude and skill of a student’s learning.
The effort level measures the capacity of a student to extend and persist in achieving the learning. Work ethics legend
CCP=20% MA+80% Semester
A Always B Often C Sometimes D Rarely
No: 697/3, Anand Nagar Main Road, Thoraipakkam, Chennai 600 097, India | Tel No +91 044 4076 1199 ||
No: 697/3, Anand Nagar Main Road, Thoraipakkam, Chennai 600 097, India | Tel No +91 044 4076 1199 ||
MA - Assignment Submission
Max Marks out of Classroom ABILITY LEVEL EFFORT LEVEL
20% Marks Obtained
Marks 100 Participation
Regularity Quality
Note: The ability level measures the aptitude and skill of a student’s learning. Work ethics legend
The effort level measures the capacity of a student to extend and persist in achieving the learning.
CCP=20% MA+80%Semester 2 Almost
A Always B Often C Sometimes D Rarely
Achievement Achievement Feedback – Semester 1
Level – Sem 1 Level – Sem 2 Rohaan Gopinath enjoys participating in conversation
PROBLEM SOLVING AND REALIZATION: and discussion. He struggles to gain marks in exam
Using LibreOffice Calc to understand how the information can be Acquiring Assessed in questions through a clear lack of knowledge and needs
stored, retrieved and processed in a pictorial manner.Performing Semester 1 to develop this through revision. He works at a casual
calculations using Functions and Formulas in LibreOffice Calc. rate in lessons. He needs to push himself to complete as
Understanding of the Number Systems and its applications in a Applying Assessed in much work as he can and aim to complete extension
computer. Ability to convert numbers from one number system to Semester 1 activities. He has a good understanding of topics
another. covered in Computer Science this semester. He has
Using the GIMP software to edit images/photos efficiently. Acquiring Assessed in sometimes neglected to submit assignments by due date
Understand the components of GIMP, it's features, tools and to Semester 1 and is encouraged to make a consistent effort to submit
effectively use them to edit images. them on time. He needs to increase his focus and effort
COMMUNICATION: in Computer Science in order to achieve. He needs to
Use ICT equipment and software to communicate ideas and Acquiring Applying spend more time to understand the Number Systems and
information using Email Service and other forums available on the the conversions. He is able to make calculations in Calc
internet using functions with some help and represent data using
Understanding of the potential risks involved while Acquiring Applying graphs. He has also demonstrated a fair understanding
communicating online and to protect oneself from cyber threats and purpose while editing images using GIMP. To
and cyber attacks. Understand the importance of being a improve his performance, he needs to apply his focus
responsible netizen. fully to tasks in lessons, and ask questions in the lessons
to check his understanding, He also needs to revise work
on a regular schedule.
Feedback – Semester 2
Rohaan Gopinath is a very pleasant student to work
with. He is extremely enthusiastic in Computer class!
He has maintained a reasonable standard of effort and
interest throughout the smester. He can complete work
to a reasonable standard but I feel he is capable of
achieving more when he puts further effort in to his
work. His work habits are improving. He has shown an
enthusiastic approach to Computer Science, tackling
each topic with interest. He has enjoyed Python
programming and demonstrated fair understanding of
the programs logic. He has been able to use the Audacity
software efficiently and create captivating music
collages using the various effects and tools learnt this
semester. He worked hard during the HTML unit that
was learnt this semester and made real progress with his
understanding of how web pages are constructed. In
order to keep achieving in Computer Science, he needs
to continue showing a positive attitude to learning and
enthusiasm for the topics covered. So far, he has made a
great start and I have no doubt will continue to achieve.
No: 697/3, Anand Nagar Main Road, Thoraipakkam, Chennai 600 097, India | Tel No +91 044 4076 1199 | |
MA - Assignment Submission
Max Marks out of Classroom ABILITY LEVEL EFFORT LEVEL
20% Marks Obtained
Marks 100 Participation
Regularity Quality
Works independently and
SEM 1 - 80 47 59 A A A Beginning to apply
is Quick in grasping
Works independently and
SEM 2 8 80 50/80 50 58 A A B Beginning to apply
is Quick in grasping
Note: The ability level measures the aptitude and skill of a student’s learning.
The effort level measures the capacity of a student to extend and persist in achieving the learning.
CCP-20% MA+80%Semester 2
Work ethics legend
A Always B Often C Sometimes D Rarely
Achievement Achievement Feedback – Semester 1
Level – Sem 1 Level – Sem 2 Rohaan Gopinath exhibits a positive outlook and
Promote an understanding of key historical concepts: cause and Acquiring Acquiring attitude in the classroom. He is able to present his
consequence, change and continuity, and similarity and difference ideas and opinions with clarity & precision. He has
Provide a sound basis for further study and the pursuit of personal Acquiring Acquiring to work steadily to improve his knowledge on the
interest concepts taught this term. He is showing some
Interpret data, maps, news articles and images to retrieve Acquiring Acquiring evidence of striving to improve independent work
information skills. Regular reading of content-based text and
Make connections to real life situations Acquiring Acquiring reading extra resource materials would enhance
Understanding how a complex series of events interact. Acquiring Acquiring his performance.
Interpretation, distinguishing between cause and consequence, Acquiring Acquiring Feedback – Semester 2
identifying changes. Rohaan Gopinath exhibits a positive outlook and
Balancing strengths and weaknesses and drawing conclusion. Acquiring Acquiring attitude in the classroom. He has readily grasped
Questioning, attention to detail and using evidence. Acquiring Acquiring all the concepts taught in this term. He has worked
Logical thinking and decision making. Acquiring Acquiring steadily and shown that he has good knowledge of
Interest and enthusiasm for learning about the past Acquiring Acquiring all the concepts taught this term. He has a good
Constructing a reasoned argument in a piece of extended writing to Acquiring Acquiring attitude towards work and always hands in
support a considered judgment about a historical issue or about an assignments on time. Regular reading of content-
interpretation of history. based text and reading extra resource materials
Analysing the text of two pieces of source material contemporary Acquiring Acquiring would enhance his performance.
to the period of study, making choices as to the salient features
which form the basis of comparison in order to establish the extent
to which they differ on an aspect of history.
Forming a personal understanding of the view of an author in an Acquiring Acquiring
unseen extract through identifying and understanding explicit and
implicit meaning
Making a choice whether to support the proposition given for Acquiring Acquiring
judgment in question requiring extended answers. Weighing the
strength of evidence countering and supporting the proposition and
choosing relevant historical knowledge in order to support a
personal decision.
No: 697/3, Anand Nagar Main Road, Thoraipakkam, Chennai 600 097, India | Tel No +91 044 4076 1199 | |
MA - Assignment Submission
Max Marks out of Classroom ABILITY LEVEL EFFORT LEVEL
20% Marks Obtained
Marks 100 Participation
Regularity Quality
Works independently and
SEM 1 - 80 55.5 69 A A B Stretches beyond capacity
is Quick in grasping
Works independently and
SEM 2 13 80 53/80 53/80 66 A A A Stretches beyond capacity
is Quick in grasping
Note: The ability level measures the aptitude and skill of a student’s learning.
The effort level measures the capacity of a student to extend and persist in achieving the learning.
CCP=20% MA+80%Semester
Work ethics legend
A Always B Often C Sometimes D Rarely
Achievement Achievement Feedback – Semester 1
Level – Sem 1 Level – Sem 2 Rohaan Gopinath is an out of the box thinker who
DEMONSTRATE KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF has good critical thinking skills and interest for the
Using various geographical concepts (including information Applying Applying subject. She has gained a sound understanding of
collected from geographical enquiry) and synthesising this the key concepts and the topics she has studied this
information to make judgements. semester. She shows a lot of interest in all class
Evaluate geographical issues, questions and information to form Applying Applying room activities and is interested in activity based
conclusions which draw on evidence such as strengths, weaknesses, learning. She does geographic analysis using
alternatives and relevant data. analytical skills to broaden her understanding of
Apply understanding of geographical issues in familiar situations Applying Applying the subject. She displayed her in-depth
and adapt these to use them in new and unfamiliar situations. e.g.: understanding of the concept by engaging in
the use of unfamiliar photographs/newspaper meaningful debate during the session. She can
articles. improve subject knowledge by undertaking
Planning how to apply practical geographical enquiry skills and Applying Applying independent research. She should select and
investigate geographical issues; consideration of the process and organise information to write in a structured way
impact of the plan and reviewing outcomes. using appropriate dates and terms. She should try
Application of existing geographical knowledge and understanding Applying Applying to substantiate conclusions independently. She
to unfamiliar situations and/or use geographical concepts to explain needs support in using correct vocabulary in
an unusual geographical scenario. Geography.
Use a different or unexpected way to answer a geographical Applying Applying Feedback – Semester 2
question, for example those using data/statistics which require the Rohaan Gopinath is an out of the box thinker who
application of geographical skills. has good critical thinking skills and interest for the
Ability to select and apply geographical skills across different topics Applying Applying subject. She has gained a sound understanding of
(‘transferable skills’) to support knowledge and understanding / the key concepts and the topics she has studied this
learning process. semester. She shows a lot of interest in all class
Planning and reflecting on own-learning goals and meeting them Applying Applying room activities and is interested in activity based
regularly learning. She does geographic analysis using
Identifying their own geographical questions under their own Applying Applying analytical skills to broaden her understanding of
initiative, and exploring the causes, consequences and possible the subject. She displayed her in-depth
solutions. understanding of the concept by engaging in
Using geographical knowledge, independently (without guided Adapting Adapting meaningful debate during the session. She can
learning), to further own understanding. Using different forms of improve subject knowledge by undertaking
media to investigate real world stories. independent research. She should select and
Be able to spot opportunities to apply knowledge to questions Applying Applying organise information to write in a structured way
allowing complex arguments to be articulated in coherent, logical using appropriate dates and terms. She should try
chains of reasoning. to substantiate conclusions independently. She
Taking responsibility for any errors or omissions in own work and Applying Applying needs support in using correct vocabulary in
creating a plan to improve. Geography.
No: 697/3, Anand Nagar Main Road, Thoraipakkam, Chennai 600 097, India | Tel No +91 044 4076 1199 | |
Note: The ability level measures the aptitude and skill of a student’s learning.
The effort level measures the capacity of a student to extend and persist in achieving the learning.
NA- Not Assessed Work ethics legend
A Always B Often C Sometimes D Rarely
No: 697/3, Anand Nagar Main Road, Thoraipakkam, Chennai 600 097, India | Tel No +91 044 4076 1199 ||
Note: The ability level measures the aptitude and skill of a student’s learning.
The effort level measures the capacity of a student to extend and persist in achieving the learning. Work Ethics Legend:
NA- Not Assessed Almost
A Always
B Often C Sometimes D Rarely
Achievement Achievement Feedback – Semester 1
Level – Sem 1 Level – Sem 2 Rohaan Gopinath makes good effort and has
VOCABULARY SKILLS a great desire for learning the language. He
Recognition and knowledge of alphabets and match it to produces creative work and makes great
Applying Attaining
appropriate sounds (K) effort towards completing it. He writes short
Ability to learn new content words (K) Applying Attaining sentences and communicates simple ideas.
Ability to use words appropriately to context (U, A) Attaining Attaining There are mistakes in spelling and grammar,
Understand spelling and spell most words correctly (U, A) Attaining Attaining but the main points are communicated. He
GRAMMAR SKILLS takes great interest in reading articles related
Understand language structure of basic verbs (K, U) Attaining Attaining or not related to the topic. He takes good
Ability to apply simple structures appropriate to context (A) Attaining Attaining effort and has a desire for speaking in the
Ability to write simple sentences accurately (A) Attaining Attaining language, but often gives answers in one
word. He is encouraged to practice writing
the vocabulary, taking care to spell each letter
Ability to read fluently and with appropriate stops (K) Attaining Attaining
accurately, using the German alphabet to do
Ability to read and understand simple conversations (U) Applying Attaining
WRITING SKILLS Feedback – Semester 2
Use all words and alphabet forms in writing (K) Applying Adapting Rohaan Gopinath is an energetic student, but
Ability to make deliberate choice of word (A) Attaining Attaining often needs reminders to stay focused. He
SPEAKING AND LISTENING SKILLS takes good initiative to make his work the
Ability to recognise individual words and sentences of native best. He writes short sentences and
Applying Attaining
speakers (A) communicates simple ideas. There are
Ability to respond to simple questions (K, U, A) Attaining Attaining mistakes in spelling and grammar, but the
Ability to memorise and sing songs, nursery rhymes, etc. (K) Attaining Attaining main points are communicated. He takes
great interest in reading articles related or not
related to the topic. He takes good effort and
has a desire for speaking in the language, but
often gives answers in one word.
Familiarizing him on sentence structure and
practicing writing regularly with spellings is a
No: 697/3, Anand Nagar Main Road, Thoraipakkam, Chennai 600 097, India | Tel No +91 044 4076 1199 | |
Note: The ability level measures the aptitude and skill of a student’s learning.
The effort level measures the capacity of a student to extend and persist in achieving the learning.
Work Ethics Legend:
NA- Not Assessed
A Always
B Often C Sometimes D Rarely
Achievement Achievement Feedback – Semester 1
Level – Sem 1 Level – Sem 2 Rohaan Gopinath is a friendly member of the
EXPERIENCING group who displays interest in the subject and
Encounter, sense, experiment with and respond to a Adapting Adapting demonstrates a good understanding of the
wide range of sources, including a range of art from skills taught. He demonstrates an excellent
understanding of all the new skills and
different times and cultures. concepts taught so far. He produces excellent
Explore media, materials, tools, technologies and Adapting Adapting drawings showing precise observations. I
processes. hope he can sustain his current interest and
Gather and record experiences and visual Adapting Adapting enthusiasm towards art.
information. Feedback – Semester 2
MAKING Rohaan Gopinath enjoys art and this is
Learn to use a range of media, materials, tools, Adapting Adapting reflected in his finished drawings and
paintings. He demonstrates an excellent
technologies and processes with increasing skill,
understanding of all the new skills and
independence and confidence. concepts taught so far. He produces excellent
Select appropriate media, materials, tools, Adapting Adapting drawings showing precise observations. He
technologies and processes for a purpose. can sustain the current interest and
REFLECTING enthusiasm towards art.
Celebrate artistic experiences and learning. Adapting Adapting
Analyse, critique and connect own and others’ work Adapting Adapting
as part of the artistic process.
Generate, develop, create, innovate and Adapting Adapting
communicate ideas by using and connecting the
artistic processes of experiencing, making and
Embrace challenges and opportunities, working with Adapting Adapting
growing independence.
Review and refine own work. Adapting Adapting
No: 697/3, Anand Nagar Main Road, Thoraipakkam, Chennai 600 097, India | Tel No +91 044 4076 1199 | |
Under Weight - below19.9 Kg/m²
Height (cms) 141.5 159 Normal Weight - 20 to 24.9 Kg/m²
Weight (Kgs) 30.3 37.3 Over Weight - 25 to 29.9 Kg/m²
Obesity - above 30 Kg m²
Body Mass Index (Kg/m²) 15.13 14.75
Football SEMESTER 1 Badminton SEMESTER 2
Sport related skills A Excellent
FB_Passing C BD_Forehand D B Very Good
C Good
FB_Receiving C BD_Backhand D
D Average
BD_High_Clear & E Needs Improvement
FB_Dribble C D
NT Test not taken
FB_Heading C BD_Smash D
FB_Shooting C D
FB_Playing_Ability C BD_Playing_Ability D
Semester 1: Rohaan Gopinath is an enthusiastic member in the class. He has the ability to work well with all members of the class. He needs to
improve his speed skills.
Semester 2: Rohaan Gopinath is an enthusiastic member in the class. He has the ability to work well with all members of the class. He needs to
improve his speed skills. He was part of BasketBall Runners-up team.
Participated in - He participated in 100mtrs, long jump and basketball
Position - Basketball Runner-up
Facilitators Comments:
Basket 1:
This semester, the students learnt to make Millet laddu, Green gram salad, Bhel puri, Veg sandwich, Cornflakes bhel. They
prepared these dishes in the food lab with the facilitator's help. They also discussed a few recipies and learnt about 'My Plate'
concept and Seasonal fruits and vegetables.
Facilitators Comments:
Basket 2:
The World of Wisdom
The students continued their journey at the World of Wisland after understanding the major concepts of Learning how to Learning
and the tenants of public speaking. As the storyline continues the students are informed of the Mythical Tree of Gaiya and the fruit
that it bears in situations of crisis. Last time the tree bore fruit was when the Dushman had taken over the Isles of Wisland. They
are sent on a quest to retrieve the fruit of Gaiya which will help them unlock the truth about the death of King Lahvish and the
new political player Obsidian Dread. In their quest to find the fruit students are introduced to a series of Games and Challenges
that train and test their ability to speak and think. From Just A minute, to filler free minutes, to quizzing and Spin a yarn, they
journey to the forest of Agni in order to collect the fruit. As they do, they find out they have been framed and end up in Wislandic
Jail. As they escape the prison, they are informed of their checkpoint 1. Which included a written 'test' that chekced their recall of
previous concepts covered, as well as their creative writing abilities. Thry are currently undergoing part 2 of the checkpoint which
is to speak infront of a camera, as their speeches are recorded. Students are poised to receive their first Progress Report along with
their Ranks - which come with powers and abilities based on their performance. The story will continue as school reopens at the
break, where in the kids will be introduced to the game cards and they will have the chance to use their new found abilities in the
Facilitators Comments:
Basket 1:
This semester, the students learned how to make a variety of dishes, including strawberry milkshakes, murukku sandwiches, poha,
garlic bread, banana pancakes, and chana chaat salad. They gladly assisted in preparing the ingredients and actively took part in
finishing the dishes. Also, they viewed video on the recipes.
Facilitators Comments:
Basket 2:
The World of Wisdom
The semester began with the introduction of the ideas questions through the game of Contact. Beginning the students journey
towards the skills of framing and asking questions towards a desired outcome, also honing the ability to arrive at logical answer to
questions posed by other students.The students were allotted their new levels (ranks) based on their performance over the year and
in their Checkpoint. Each student was then provided with the opportunity to pick a power/powers based on their rank.The winning
team of the era was announced. The new Note based Currency of Willz was introduced, with each player receiving Willz for their
basics attendance in class, their current rank. With the winning team receiving extra.The concepts of Fines and Cheques was
introduced to the class. With the new ranks, a set of rules based on the currency in place and absolute fundamentals of speaking,
thinking and writing covered. The class was reshuffled into fresh teams with new Captains. The final leg of the journey beings,
where the students compete to be the team with the maximum points by the culmination of the course
No: 697/3, Anand Nagar Main Road, Thoraipakkam, Chennai 600 097, India | Tel No +91 044 4076 1199 | |
Awards at APL Global School are aimed at fostering students’ ability to set and
achieve personal goals in all areas of their development. The awards are therefore
based on the highest CCP scores in individual subjects, self comparison that
measures individual student achievements vis a vis their performance targets
and goals and students' respect for time and decorum. These awards are con-
ferred at the end of the academic year.
Our certificates -
1. Scholastic Proficiency Award is awarded to students who score 80 % and
above in an individual subject.
2. Progression Award is awarded to students for demonstrating a positive and
willing to learn attitude with a steady progression in their areas of learning, both
scholastic and non-scholastic.
3. APL Role Model Award is granted to students who show adherence to time
and various codes of conduct at school.