03-2023 Newsletterpdf

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March 25-26:

March 24th & May 5th) Contact Michelle or April 15-16: Big Willow Shoot, Indian Head
Ryan Bollar to sign up Bowhunters, New Plymouth

Keep an eye on the range calendar (on the wall, April 19: Board Meeting, 7pm, Nampa Indoor
by the door in the range) for events and Range Classroom (members welcome)
activities going on at the range. Some events
are closed to open shooting and other activities
allow open shooting, if there is room, while the
April 22–23: State Safari, Viola, Idaho
activity is in progress.
See eedahowbowhunters.com for more info

Newsletter 1
April 29–30: NFAA National Marked 3D had much larger turn out this year. We also
Shoot, Clearwater Archers, Dworshak State talked about how we could make this a better
Park, Idaho shoot next year. The S3DA folks talked about
maybe providing food for next year. We also
May 20-21: Moose Shoot, Indian Head discussed working with the local Pro shops to
Bowhunters, Mill Creek see if they can reach out to their industry reps to
see if they will donate a bow for this or our
May 27-28: Herrick Shoot, Black Canyon other shoots.
Bowmen, Herrick Reservoir

It was brought up that we should investigate the

possibility of becoming a 501(c)3 organization.
NFAA Upcoming Events Kim advised that it we may have to
March 24-26: NFAA Indoor National reincorporate and file completely new
Championship, Louisville, Kentucky paperwork with the state and the federal
government again. A committee was formed
April 15-16: Break the Barriers 30 Open & with Kim heading it up with Jason & Page,
NFAA National Championship, Fresno, CA Ryan & Michelle and Nathan on the committee.
It was agreed that further research will be done
May 5-7: NFAA National Marked 3D on this.
Championship, Redding, California
The city of Nampa has not made progress on
Next General Meeting finding a new location for our club building.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Robert spoke about possible 3-D Range at
April 5, 2023. We will have a drawing for a Eagle Island State Park.
$25 gift card to Texas Roadhouse.
The upcoming Tripod shoot is progressing with
We will be discussing increasing membership Cathy and Virgil heading up the shoot. Michelle
and other fees. Please attend as we want to said that she had the forest service permit and
hear from the membership. We are proposing she also has acquired the trophies. S3DA will
20% increase of all membership fees and provide food. The Tripod shoot will be on June
$100.00 per year for lockers. Any changes will 24th and 25th.
not occur until January 2024.
Robert also brought up the Nampa Parks & Rec
is looking for an instructor for kid’s archery
March Meeting Summary classes for the summer. The classes will be 3 2-
Our March general membership meeting was week sessions, 2 1-hour classes3 nights a week
held Wednesday, March 1, 2023 beginning at held anytime during June, July and possibly
7pm in the classroom at the indoor range. August. Parks & Rec will pay $14.00 per hour.
If anyone is interested, please let Robert know.
Terry Hubler spoke about the Idaho Sportsman The city is very flexible with days and times.
Show to be held at Expo Idaho in Garden City. The instructor will be paid 3 hours per night.
He and Carl Claycomb measured heads/racks
that were taken in Idaho. On Saturday afternoon Ryan Bollar won the gift card to Texas
we also had a kids shoot that S3DA assisted Roadhouse.
Meeting adjourned at 8:02pm
We discussed the NW Bowhunter Classic that
was held in January as we did not have a
February meeting. As for profit/loss we pretty
much broke even. Due to Covid last year we
Newsletter 2
March Board Meeting Summary classes for the summer. The city is very flexible
The board meeting was held on March 15 . The with days and times. It would be a feather in our
first item discussed was the upcoming Tripod cap, if we could assist the city with this as we
shoot. Nathan said that things were progressing need their help with our new club range and
fine. Discussed class definitions around the building. Please let a board member know if
bowhunter class. anyone is interested.

Russ Scharman proposed that he take care of It was brought up that we still have 4 old target
the club’s kids bows (the Genesis bows) as butts that we still have and need to get rid of.
some of them are in need of some care. The Any club member that wants them please let a
board voted that Russ take care of the bows. board member know.

The club was given $500.00 by Spectra Rick is also going to install roofs on the existing
Productions due to the kids shoot that we had at outdoor target butts. He said that as soon as the
the Idaho Sportsman Show. The board decided weather gets a little better, he will take care of
to split the money with half of it going to that.
facilitate the maintenance of the Genesis bows
and the other half was given to the S3DA Meeting adjourned at 8:02pm.

Robert is still looking for someone to help out

with the Nampa Parks & Rec’s kid’s archery

Newsletter 3

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