Fphy 10 869537
Fphy 10 869537
Fphy 10 869537
Applications of Terahertz
Spectroscopy in the Detection and
Recognition of Substances
Xiaojian Fu 1,2, Yujie Liu 1, Qi Chen 1, Yuan Fu 1 and Tie Jun Cui 1,2*
State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, 2Institute of Electromagnetic Space, Southeast
University, Nanjing, China
Recently, terahertz spectroscopy has received a lot of attention because of its unique
properties such as biosafety, fingerprint spectrum, and good penetration. In this review,
we focus on the research progress of terahertz spectroscopic techniques for the detection
and recognition of substances. First, we describe the fundamentals of terahertz
spectroscopy. Then, we outline the applications of terahertz spectroscopy in
biomedicine, agriculture, food production, and security inspection. Subsequently,
metamaterials, which have recently received extensive attention, are also investigated
for the applications in terahertz spectroscopic detection and recognition of substances is
illustrated. Finally, the development trend of terahertz spectroscopy for substance
detection and recognition is also prospected.
Edited by: Keywords: terahertz spectroscopy, substance detection, biological application, agriculture application, safety
Yuping Yang, inspection, metamaterial
Minzu University of China, China
Reviewed by:
Dibakar Roy Chowdhury,
Mahindra École Centrale College of
The Terahertz (THz) band of the electromagnetic spectrum lies between microwave and far infrared,
Engineering, India
Sebastiano Vasi, and is usually defined as electromagnetic radiation from 0.1 to 10 THz, corresponding to a wavelength
University of Messina, Italy range of 3 mm to 30 µm [1]. THz radiation possesses the following remarkable characteristics. 1)
Fingerprint spectrum. The photon energy of a THz radiation is similar to the excitation energy of the
Tie Jun Cui rotational transitions in molecules, so information such as molecular vibration and rotation is
tjcui@seu.edu.cn contained in the terahertz spectroscopy. This is the fingerprint characteristic of terahertz
spectroscopy, and it is also an important reason why it can be applied to substance detection and
Specialty section: recognition. 2) Good Bio-safety. Compared to X-rays, THz waves have a very low photon energy of
This article was submitted to about 4 meV at 1 THz and are non-ionizing [2]. Therefore, THz waves do not cause ionization damage
Optics and Photonics, to samples such as biological tissues [3, 4]. 3) Coherent measurement. THz waves are usually generated
a section of the journal by coherent laser pulses using nonlinear optical effects or dipole oscillations driven by coherent
Frontiers in Physics
currents, so THz waves are coherent and can directly measure the amplitude and phase information of
Received: 04 February 2022 the electric field [2]. 4) High spatial and time resolution. Compared with microwaves and millimeter
Accepted: 22 April 2022
waves, THz waves have shorter wavelengths and can achieve higher resolution [5, 6]. THz pulses have
Published: 12 May 2022
good time resolution with pulse width on the sub-picosecond to picosecond time scale, which allows
Citation: the analysis of transient changes in molecules, electrons, etc. [7, 8]. Thus, it is possible to use THz time-
Fu X, Liu Y, Chen Q, Fu Y and Cui TJ
resolved spectroscopy in the detection and recognition of substances. 5) Good penetration. THz waves
(2022) Applications of Terahertz
Spectroscopy in the Detection and
have good penetration and can penetrate general dielectric materials including plastics, clothing, and
Recognition of Substances. ceramics [9, 10]. This gives terahertz spectroscopy the potential to detect dangerous goods [11, 12].
Front. Phys. 10:869537. Although THz waves are easily absorbed and lost by polar molecules such as water [13], the absorption
doi: 10.3389/fphy.2022.869537 spectroscopy at this time can also be used to evaluate the water content of the sample [14, 15].
FIGURE 1 | Terahertz spectroscopy and some typical applications [1, 22, 25, 29, 30]. Reproduced with permissions. © 2013 Chinese Physical Society and IOP
Publishing Ltd. © 2017 IEEE. © 2020 Springer Science Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. © 2021 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.
THz radiation has so many properties that it has great achieve excellent test performances: a broad bandwidth of about
potential for applications in biomedicine [3, 16–19], 0.1–3 THz (some can even extend to 10 THz), a high peak signal-
agriculture and food manufacturing [20–23], security to-noise ratio greater than 100 dB, and a frequency resolution up to
inspection [24, 25], and many other fields [26–29], as shown 10 GHz. Besides, the sampling time can be as low as a few seconds
in Figure 1. However, due to the limitation of THz wave [37, 38].
generation and detection technologies, THz wave has not Taking into account different samples, different detection
received much attention and research before 1990s, which is standards, etc., the measurement modes of THz-TDS systems can
called “THz Gap” [2]. With the development of ultrafast usually be divided into transmission type, reflection type, attenuated
optoelectronics and low-scale semiconductor technology, total reflection type, etc. At present, the common THz-TDS
terahertz spectroscopy has made rapid progress, and related experimental systems are mainly transmission type and reflection
research and applications have focused more and more attention. type. A typical THz-TDS experimental setup is shown in Figure 2
As aforementioned, we can conclude that terahertz spectroscopy [1]. An ultrafast pulse is generated by a femtosecond laser, and then
can provide a comprehensive response to the optical characteristics of a divided into pump beam and probe beam after passing through a
sample in the detection and recognition of a substance. The current beam splitter. The pump beam excites a THz emitter (e.g., a
terahertz spectroscopic technologies can generally be divided into three photoconductive antenna) to generate a THz time-domain pulse,
types: THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy (THz-TDS) [2], time-resolved which is collimated and focused on the sample by a parabolic mirror.
terahertz spectroscopy [31, 32] and THz emission spectroscopy based Then, the THz pulse carrying the sample information is collimated
on the concept of laser THz emission microscopy [33]. The most and refocused onto the THz detector (e.g., electro-optical crystal).
commonly used technique is THz-TDS, which was first proposed in The probe beam collinear with the THz beam is used to gate the
the 1980s [34, 35]. It mainly uses a broadband pulsed radiation source detector and measure the instantaneous THz electric field. A delay
generated by the excitation of semiconductor materials using ultrashort stage is used to adjust the time delay between the pump beam and
laser pulses [36]. Based on the coherent measurement method, THz- probe beam and allows the THz temporal profile to be iteratively
TDS provides the variation of the THz electric amplitude with time sampled. The time domain waveform of the THz pulse is obtained
after a THz pulse interacts with the sample. The frequency-domain by scanning the time delay. Afterwards, the time domain waveform
amplitude and phase information of the THz response of the sample is amplified by a lock-in amplifier and processed by a computer. In
can also be calculated by performing a Fourier transform on the most cases, reflection and transmission measurement modes differ
measured time domain results. Hence, electromagnetic parameters only in that the former receives reflected pulses, while the latter
such as absorption coefficient, refractive index and dielectric constant receives transmitted pulses. Transmission spectroscopy is limited by
of the sample can be easily extracted. Terahertz spectroscopy also has the maximum dynamic range, especially when the sample absorbs
the advantages of wide bandwidth, large dynamic range, transient THz radiation strongly, resulting in a lower penetration depth. In
feature, and high sensitivity. Currently, the THz-TDS systems can contrast, the reflection spectroscopy is determined by the signal
phase and amplitude accuracy rather than the sample, the maximum identification of various biomolecules. Additionally, the non-
absorption depends on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Thus, ionizing nature of THz radiation makes it possible to detect
reflection-type THz-TDS will be more applicable to absorbing biological tissues non-invasively. THz waves are strongly
materials or devices [39]. In addition, in most experiments, the absorbed by polar molecules such as water, while biomolecules
experimental setup will be placed in a dry air or nitrogen purged box have limited absorption, so the THz spectrum can be used to
in order to avoid the absorption of THz waves by moisture in the air. distinguish the water content of biological tissues to assess their
Our paper focuses on a review of the application of terahertz status. This, coupled with the penetrating of THz and its relatively
spectroscopy for the detection and recognition of substances, high resolution, suggests that terahertz spectroscopy has
describes the fundamentals of terahertz spectroscopy, and promising applications in the biomedical field [3].
provides an overview of the applications of terahertz As early as 2002, Ferguson B et al. used THz-TDS to record
spectroscopy in biomedicine, agriculture and food production, terahertz spectroscopy of the four nucleobases [adenine (A),
and security inspection. Subsequently, the applications of cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T)] and the
metamaterials in terahertz spectroscopic detection and corresponding nucleosides that form the deoxyribonucleic acid
recognition of substances are discussed. In addition, the (DNA) building blocks, as shown in Figure 3A,B [40]. As can be
development trend of terahertz spectroscopy applied to seen, the spectrum of each molecule consists of a series of
substances detection and recognition is also prospected. resonances distributed between 1 and 3.5 THz. An absorption
peak is observed at each resonance, and the characteristic change
is related to the refractive index. In addition, due to the reduction
APPLICATIONS OF TERAHERTZ of the bond length in the system at low temperatures, the position
SPECTROSCOPY of the bands usually shifts towards high frequencies when cooling.
Globus T et al. measured the spectroscopy of DNA samples in
Terahertz Spectroscopy for Biomedical liquid phase and could distinguish the spectral patterns for native
Applications and denatured DNA [41]. Zhang W et al. measured the THz
As mentioned in the previous section, THz waves have absorption fingerprints of DNA in microliter DNA solution [17],
fingerprint spectrum, so the terahertz spectroscopy of various as shown in Figure 3C,D. Then, they clarified that the fingerprint
biomolecules is characteristic and can be relied upon for the characteristic comes from DNA locally cross-linked by hydrogen
FIGURE 3 | (A) Absorption coefficients and (B) refraction indices of the nucleobases A, C, G and T at 10 and 300 K [40]. Reproduced with permission. © 2002 IOP
Publishing Ltd. Spectra of microliters of DNA solution (C) background, sample and noise floor and (D) spectra after exclusion of background effects [17]. Reproduced
with permission. © 2013 AIP Publishing. (E) THz resonance peaks for DNA samples after baseline correction, genomic DNA from different cancer types (PC3, A431,
A549, MCF-7, and SNU-1 cell lines) has the same resonance peak at 1.67 THz [50] (F) The degree of DNA methylation for each DNA sample. The magnitude of the
resonance peak for each sample was quantified by the amount of genomic DNA methylation and compared with commercial DNA methylation quantification
measurements (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay like reaction method (ELISA)-like reaction method, Epigentek Group, Inc.) [50]. Reproduced under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. © 2016 Springer Nature.
bond. In 2013, Tsurkan MV et al. studied the THz spectra of showed that herring DNA has characteristic absorption peaks
herring degradation DNA using a femtosecond laser and 2 THz at 306 GHz, 339 GHz, and 375 GHz, providing a method for
spectroscopy methods based on Backward-Wave Oscillator more accurate analysis of DNA THz spectra [42]. In 2015, Tang
(BWO) and a high Q cavity frequency synthesizer, and M et al. applied terahertz spectroscopy to the detection of DNA
mutations, and their method successfully performed label-free observed results are in good agreement with previously reported data
analysis of single-base mutations in DNA molecules [43]. Besides, demonstrating that water is a major endogenous label for brain
terahertz spectroscopy can be used to detect amino acids [44–46], tumors in the THz range. Besides, terahertz spectroscopy is also used
proteins [47–49], and other biomolecules with good results. in the examination of human colon tissue [58, 59], oral tissue [60],
Carcinogenesis causes chemical and structural abnormalities in pigmented skin nevi [61], liver tissue [62] and related cancers.
biomolecules, one of which is widely known to be abnormal Considering the differences between cancer patients, THz
methylation of DNA. In 2016, Cheon H et al. proposed that imaging technologies were employed to aid the diagnosis of
molecular resonances could be monitored using THz-TDS in cancer. For example, Bowman TC et al. in 2015 used THz pulse
aqueous solutions of genomic DNA from cancer cell lines [50]. imaging to image and analyze heterogeneous breast cancer tissue
The quantification of resonance signals led to the identification of [63]. They proposed a THz imaging method capable of
cancer cell types with some degree of DNA methylation. It was shown distinguishing heterogeneous regions of breast tumors, and the
that identical resonance peaks at 1.67 THz were found in genomic results were compared and validated with standard
DNA from various cancer types (PC3, A431, A549, MCF-7, and histopathology images. In addition, THz imaging has also been
SNU-1 cell lines), and the THz resonance peaks for DNA samples applied to the diagnosis of colon cancer [64, 65], gastric cancer [66],
after baseline correction are shown in Figure 3E. The magnitude of skin cancer [67], liver cancer [30], etc. With the popularity of
the resonance peaks for each sample was quantified by the amount of artificial intelligence in recent years, artificial intelligence
genomic DNA methylation, the degree of DNA methylation for each techniques such as machine learning have also been used to
DNA sample is shown in Figure 3F. This demonstrates that cancer diagnose cancer by combining with terahertz spectroscopy and
cell DNA also has THz fingerprinting spectra and provides a way to imaging techniques [68–70]. Recently, Liu W et al. devised an
diagnose cancer at the molecular level. Shortly after, Cheon H et al. automatic recognition strategy for THz pulse signals in breast
applied this method to the detection of blood cancers [51], using invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) based on wavelet entropy
THz-TDS to observe characteristic resonances of DNA in blood feature extraction and machine learning classifier [69]. Using
cancers at a frequency of about 1.7 THz, and used this to analyze their principal component analysis method and machine learning
methylation levels. Subsequently, they applied THz radiation to the classifier to automatically classify THz signals from breast IDC
treatment of cancer [52]. samples, the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of breast IDC
Terahertz spectroscopy has been applied to human tissue recognition can reach 92.85%, 89.66%, and 96.67%, respectively.
scanning and cancer diagnosis since around 2000. Woodward In addition to diagnosing cancer, terahertz spectroscopy can also
RM et al. used the absorption characteristics of THz waves for be used for the diagnosis of diseases such as diabetes. As early as the
polar molecules such as water [16], and they distinguished between beginning of this century, researchers have used terahertz
carcinoma diseased tissue and normal tissue of human basal cell by spectroscopy in dental care [71–74], for example in the detection
terahertz spectroscopy. Compared to normal tissue, basal cell of dental caries, where there is a higher attenuation of THz radiation in
carcinoma shows positive THz contrast, while inflammatory and decayed enamel than that in healthy enamel. In 2010, Sy S et al.
scar tissue shows negative THz contrast, whereby THz images can be investigated in detail the correlation between THz properties of liver
further drawn, which can help to better diagnose diseases such as tissue, water content, structural changes, and cirrhosis, showing
cancer. In 2006, Wallace V further studied this and explained how significant differences between the THz properties of normal and
parameters related to reflected THz pulses provide information cirrhotic tissues [75]. Recently, Lykina AA et al. used terahertz
about the lateral spread of tumors [53]. In 2009, Ashworth PC spectroscopy to study plasma samples from diabetic and non-
et al. used terahertz spectroscopy for the identification of human diabetic patients hoping to complete the assay nondestructively
breast cancer tissue and found cancerous samples with high [76, 77]. The results showed that the normalized refractive index
refractive indices and absorption coefficients in the 0.15–2.0 THz of particles from diabetic samples in the range of 0.2–1.4 THz
range [54]. In 2014, Hou D et al. used terahertz spectroscopy to increased by an average of 9–12% compared to particles from
differentiate between normal and cancerous gastric tissues, with non-diabetic samples, and their terahertz spectroscopy were also
significantly different shapes and amplitudes between the absorption spatially separated in principal component space. Detection of
spectra of the two, and a clustering approach was used to achieve corneal edema can prevent corneal disease from reaching its end
automatic identification of gastric cancer [55]. stage, and Ke L et al. assessed the degree of corneal edema by means of
In 2014, Meng K et al. found that paraffin-embedded gliomas had high-sensitivity THz broadband spectroscopy to detect corneal
higher refractive index, absorption coefficient and dielectric constant components at different depths. The process of THz signals
than normal brain tissue under the terahertz spectroscopy [56]. In acquired from the corneal surface and corneal subsurface is
2019, Gavdush AA et al. observed differences in THz spectra of intact illustrated in Figure 4B [78].
tissue and gliomas of grades I to IV, reflecting the potential of
terahertz spectroscopy in the intraoperative label-free diagnosis of
human brain gliomas. The experimental setup is shown in Figure 4A Terahertz Spectroscopy for Agricultural
[57]. In 2021, they further proposed physical models describing the Applications
THz permittivity of healthy and pathological brain tissue, on the basis Controlling the content of pesticide residues and harmful
of the Double Debye (DD) and Double Overdamped (DO) oscillator substances in food is an important measurement to ensure
models [19]. The DO model and summation rule were applied ex food safety. This is also an important application of terahertz
vivo to estimate water content in intact tissues and gliomas, and the spectroscopy in the agricultural field. As early as 2010, Hua Y
FIGURE 4 | (A) Reflection-mode terahertz spectroscopy unit for measuring gelatin-embedded human brain gliomas, based on an off-axis gold-coated parabolic
mirror and a reference window on top of which tissue samples are placed [57]. Reproduced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. © 2019 SPIE.
(B) The process of acquiring THz signals from the corneal surface and corneal subsurface [78]. Reproduced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported
License. © 2021 SPIE. After acquiring the waveform once at an incident angle of 30°, a series of reflected beams were consecutively acquired at different distances
(multiple points with a spacing of 2 mm) away from the direct reflection.
et al. carried out research on the application of terahertz SH et al. used THz-TDS to detect methomyl (a carbamate
spectroscopy to detect the pesticide residues [79]. They insecticide) in food, and the characteristic absorption peaks of
used THz-TDS at frequencies of 0.5–1.5 THz for cyfluthrin methomyl measured at room temperature in the frequency range
n-hexane solutions in the concentration range of 1–20 mg/ml, of 0.1–3 THz were 1, 1.64, and 1.89 THz as shown in Figure 5C
and proposed THz-TDS plus partial least squares (PLS) and [83]. The three absorption peaks of methomyl are linearly
nonlinear regression methods of simple least-squares support proportional to their concentrations in high-density
vector machine (LS-SVM) is an effective tool for the polyethylene. The peak at 1 THz was used as the fingerprint
quantitative analysis of cyfluthrin n-hexane solutions. for detecting methomyl in rice and wheat flours. Figure 5D shows
Then, Hua Y et al. investigated four pesticides and three the calibration curve for methomyl which showed a regression
food powders as well as polyethylene using THz-TDS in coefficient >0.957 and a detection limit <3.74%. Accuracy and
the frequency range of 0.5–1.6 THz [20], and used PLS precision expressed as recovery and relative standard deviation
regression for the detection and analysis of imidacloprid in (RSD, %) in interday repeatability were in the ranges 78.0–96.5
polyethylene and glutinous rice powder at different weight and 2.83–4.98%, respectively. Although THz-TDS can be used to
ratios. The results of the study showed that the four pesticides rapidly detect methomyl in food, its sensitivity still needs to be
could be distinguished from each other by their unique improved. Qin B et al. applied THz-TDS combined with fast
absorption peaks, as well as from food powders that did search and find of density peaks (CFSFDP) clustering to detect
not have this feature. In addition, differences in refractive carbendazim residues [21]. Zhang H et al. combined terahertz
index between pesticides and food powders can be observed. spectroscopy with an improved PLS method for the detection of
Imidacloprid can be recognized by its absorption fingerprints the harmful additives Auramine O in the medicinal herb Pollen
in mixtures of imidacloprid and polyethylene and Typhae [84]. Liu W et al. applied machine learning to terahertz
imidacloprid and glutinous rice flour, as shown in spectroscopy to detect aflatoxin B1 in soybean oil, and obtained
Figure 5A,B. Through the linear relationship between the an accuracy rate of over 90% [85]. Recently, Ma Q et al. combined
weight ratio of imidacloprid and the absorption coefficient, terahertz spectroscopy with a back-propagation neural network
the authors predicted the weight ratio of imidacloprid in the (BPNN) for the quantitative analysis of ternary pesticide mixtures
above two mixtures of powders and achieved a relative error of in wheat flour [23], and obtained good results with correlation
less than 5%. coefficients of 0.9913, 0.9948, and 0.9923 for the prediction sets,
Subsequently, more and more researchers applied terahertz the corresponding root mean square errors of 0.0211%, 0.0176%,
spectroscopy to detect pesticides, insecticides, and fungicides and 0.0191%, respectively.
residues. Wang Q et al. conducted a study on nitrofen [80], The application of terahertz spectroscopy in the agricultural
and then measured the THz spectrum of thiabendazole at room field is far more than the detection of pesticide residues and
temperature [81]. Maeng I et al. used terahertz spectroscopy to harmful substances, but also in the identification of agricultural
detect seven different pesticide residues in wheat flour [82]. Baek products [86–88], the detection of soil [89–91] and the detection
FIGURE 5 | THz absorption spectra of different weight ratios of imidacloprid (A) in polyethylene and (B) in glutinous rice flour. The labels show the corresponding
weight percentages of imidacloprid in these mixtures. The numbers in the graph represent the location of the peaks and the arrows indicate an overall increasing trend in
the weight ratio of imidacloprid in the mixtures [20]. Reproduced with permission. © 2010 IEEE. (C) Absorption spectra of methomyl at 0.1–3 THz and (D) calibration
curve at 1 THz [83]. Reproduced with permission. © 2015 Springer Science Business Media New York.
of genetically modified crops [92–94]. More brand new explosives [24]. The experimental results show that DRS
applications are being explored. technology has higher sensitivity and easier sample
preparation than transmission spectroscopy. In 2006, they
obtained the absorption spectrum of the explosive hexahydro-
Terahertz Spectroscopy for Safety 1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) from the reflectance spectrum
Inspection Applications [99], and were able to distinguish RDX from other materials. In
In 2003, Campbell MB et al. proposed that terahertz spectroscopy 2007, they used 0.1–2.8 THz THz-TDS to study the absorption
could be used to non-destructively detect explosives and other spectrum of 17 explosives [100]. Most of the explosives show
weapons of mass destruction [95], and demonstrated that a THz characteristic absorption, which can be used as a basis to build a
spectral database that includes biological warfare agent (BWA) relevant database. Moreover, they also considered that explosives
simulants, chemical warfare agent (CWA) simulants, explosives, are usually hidden, so they studied the absorption spectrum of
pharmaceuticals, dozens of potential hoax materials as well as explosives under the cover material to prove that the THz system
several types of papers and plastics used in common containers can be used to detect hidden explosives. The experimental results
that may hold threat agents. Chen Y et al. in 2004 used Fourier show that the transmission spectra of RDX and tetramethylene
transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and THz-TDS to tetranitramine (HMX) samples covered with three different
measure 14 commonly used explosive samples [96], and the materials - plastic, cotton, and leather at 0.1–3 THz agree well
far-infrared spectra of the explosives 2, 3-dinitro toluene (2,4- with those of the samples alone, which indicates that the barrier
DNT), 4-nitro toluene (4NT), and 2, 6-dinitro toluene (2,6-DNT) materials are mostly transparent to the THz wave.
measured via FTIR and THz were in good agreement with their Considering that the sample may not be a single-component
structure and vibrational frequencies obtained using density explosive but a mixture in the actual security inspection, based
functional theory (DFT) [97, 98]. In 2005, they applied THz on the spectral data of known pure explosives components,
diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) to the detection of Chen Y et al. proposed the THz spectral uncertainty analysis
using micro genetic algorithm [101], by applying intelligent terahertz spectroscopy have also been reported. In 2003, Kiwa T
computing to the analysis and optimization of THz spectral et al. used THz emission spectroscopy to check electrical faults in
combination. In this work, the mixture of benzoic acid, o-toluic integrated circuits (IC), and the two-dimensional THz emission images
acid and p-toluic acid were specifically analyzed. In 2015, of IC chips could be clearly observed [33]. In 2008, Dressel M et al.
Trofimov VA et al. proposed a method for the efficient investigated the superconducting energy gap of superconductors using
analysis of explosives by pulsed terahertz spectroscopy using terahertz time-resolved spectroscopy [32]. They obtained terahertz
spectral dynamics [102]. In recent years, they have also spectroscopy of niobium and niobium alloys, magnesium diboride, and
developed an efficient tool to detect and identify substances some organic and high-temperature superconductors to explore the
in ternary explosive mixtures with similar spectral properties inherent laws of superconductors.
using broadband reflected THz signals [103]. Furthermore, terahertz spectroscopy can also be applied to
In security applications, terahertz spectroscopy is used not only building detection [28], energy power [116, 117], pharmaceuticals
for the inspection of explosives, but also for the inspection of other [118], food science [119], marine engineering [27], and other
contraband such as drugs [104, 105]. The THz images obtained fields [120, 121].
after the analysis and processing of THz spectral information can
also be used for the rapid detection of firearms and controlled
knives [106–108]. As the application of terahertz spectroscopy METAMATERIAL-ENHANCED TERAHERTZ
technology for security screening technology continues to mature, SPECTROSCOPY
more and more THz security inspection equipment began to put
into practical application [25, 109]. In the previous section, we have talked about the great advantages
of terahertz spectroscopy, nevertheless, the terahertz
spectroscopy for substance detection also subjects to some
Other Applications of Terahertz limitations. The fact that the electromagnetic waves in the
Spectroscopy THz band have longer wavelengths compared to X-rays, for
As we have already mentioned, terahertz spectroscopy can be example. This means that their resolution and sensitivity is
used for non-destructive testing. We have also described its not high enough for detection of small samples and trace
applications in biomedicine, security inspection, etc. This analysis when performing nondestructive testing. In order to
property can also be used for the detection of other substances solve these problems, researchers have carried out a lot of
and materials. In 2008, Jackson JB et al. used terahertz research.
spectroscopy for the nondestructive examination of frescoes One of the solutions is the application of THz metamaterials,
[110]. Subsequently, Abraham E et al. applied terahertz which can enhance the interaction of the sample with THz wave,
spectroscopy to the inspection of art paintings [26], and in thereby improving the resolution and sensitivity of THz
2015, Koch Dandolo CL et al. applied it to the inspection of spectroscopic detection. Metamaterials are artificial structures
panel paintings beneath gilded finishes [111]. composed of subwavelength unitary structures arranged and
THz fingerprints are available for pigments, adhesives and combined in a periodic or non-periodic form [122, 123]. In
substrates of artworks, however, researchers still lack a database the design process, it is only necessary to design the
of THz spectra of these substances and materials, which makes parameters of its unit structure or change its spatial
the application of terahertz spectroscopy for artwork arrangement to realize desired extraordinary physical
identification still difficult, and many researchers have set out properties that cannot or are difficult to achieve with natural
to determine the THz spectra of different pigments. Li CY et al. in materials and traditional technologies, such as negative
2017 performed terahertz spectroscopy on several traditional permittivity [124, 125], negative permeability [126, 127],
Chinese pigments including cinnabar, red lead, oyster shell negative refraction [128, 129], zero refraction [130], super
white, realgar, malachite, orpiment and azurite [112]. In 2019, absorption [131–133], super transparency [134, 135], etc. It is
Kleist EM et al. provided insight into the molecular and also possible to achieve arbitrary distribution of the medium
intermolecular forces that give rise to spectroscopy absorption parameters. In the application of THz spectroscopic detection, we
features of crystalline copper-containing historical pigments in make the resonance with THz waves appear as we need and
solid-state density flooding theory simulations and reveal enhance it by a rationally designed metamaterial unit structure.
deviations from simple harmonic vibrational behavior that As early as 2004, Yen TJ et al. proposed a metamaterial that can be
may complicate these spectra, while investigating terahertz used for THz spectroscopic detection [136]. The use of
spectroscopy of solid azurite, malachite, and verdigris [113]. In metamaterials can greatly enhance the interaction between the
the same year, Squires AD et al. analyzed phthalocyanine small or even trace samples to be measured and the THz waves,
pigments under terahertz spectroscopy [114], while the thus making terahertz spectroscopy higher sensitivy for the
identification and differentiation of copper phthalocyanines’ α, detection of substances.
β and ε crystal polymorphs is demonstrated. In 2021, Lee JE et al. For the field of biomedicine, in 2016, Bui TS et al. used THz
performed terahertz spectroscopic analysis of vermillion metamaterials as amplifiers to enhance the absorption signal
pigments in freestanding and polyethylene mixed forms [115]. of THz vibrations in the ultrathin adsorption layer of organic
The aforementioned applications of terahertz spectroscopy are molecules, and on this basis, they detected protein
almost based on typical THz-TDS. Nevertheless, other types of macromolecules such as bovine serum albumin (BSA)
FIGURE 6 | (A) Experimental setup for THz spectral detection combined with metamaterials (B) THz transmission spectra of BSA solutions with different
concentrations (C) Least squares fitting of experimental data of resonant frequencies to BSA concentrations [138]. Reproduced with permission. © 2016 IEEE. (D) THz
metamaterials with integrated microfluidics for THz spectroscopic detection [140]. Reproduced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. © 2017
Springer Nature. (E) Transmission spectroscopy of liver cancer antibody AFP (1 μg/ml) and liver cancer serum antigen (0.02524 μg/ml) were detected using SRRs
biosensors with a gap of 2 µm. The frequency shift of the transmission spectrum before and after injection of AFP antibody and serum antigen was 8.6 GHz [140] (F) The
liver cancer biomarkers GGT-II antibody (1 μg/ml) and GGT-II antigen (5 μg/ml) were also detected by the same method. The transmission spectra were shifted by
18.7 GHz before and after injection of GGT-II antibody and antigen [140] (G) THz metamaterials for biomedical detection and the mechanism of reaction of their electric
fields with analytes (H) Frequency shifts based on three dips for different concentrations of CA125 antigen and fixed concentrations (30 μg/ml) of CA125 antibody;
transmission spectra of (I) U-bowtie triangle ring (BTR) Dip1 (J) S-BTR Dip1 and (K) S-BTR Dip2 at different concentrations of CA125 antigen [145]. Reproduced with
permission. © 2021 American Chemical Society.
FIGURE 7 | (A) THz metamaterial for the detection of TCH and (B) its Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images (C) THz transmission spectra of TCH deposited
on metamaterial detected at different concentrations [147]. Reproduced with permission. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. (D) THz metamaterials for the detection of CM (E) THz
reflectance spectra and (F) Frequency shift results of CM at different concentrations (0.2–1.0 mg/L), and the blue curve is a linear fit to the data [148]. Reproduced with
permission. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd.
[137]. Wang S et al. designed a polarization-insensitive THz solution. The corresponding resonance frequencies are 1.463,
metamaterial for the detection of BSA [138]. The detection 1.413, 1.3, and 1.188 THz, respectively. This indicates that
setup is shown in Figure 6A, and the measured data are there is a red shift in the resonant frequency with increasing
displayed in Figure 6B,C. The black curve is the biosensor BSA concentration, and higher concentrations of biological
without BSA molecules, the red curve is 0.75 mmol/L, the blue analytes result in a corresponding increase in effective
curve is 1.5 mmol/L, and the pink curve is 3 mmol/L BSA dielectric constant. The change in resonant frequency is
approximately linear with the BSA concentration, so the the TCH concentration is lower than 0.1 mg/L, there is no
displacement of the resonance can be defined as a function significant difference in the transmission amplitude. It can be
of the change in BSA concentration. They obtained a found that, due to the addition of metamaterials, their method
maximum resonant frequency difference of 1.68 GHz with can successfully detect TCH as low as 0.1 mg/L, and its
a minimum resolution of 17.7 μmol/L at full-angle range sensitivity is greatly improved compared to the direct use
rotation. Another major challenge for the application of of THz-TDS. In 2017, Xu W et al. applied metamaterials to the
terahertz spectroscopy to biomedical detection is the strong detection of chlorpyrifos-methyl (CM) [148]. In this
absorption of THz waves in polar solvents such as water. In experiment, the THz metamaterial works in reflection
2018, Tang M et al. overcame this difficulty by combining THz mode as shown in Figure 7D, and 10 μL of CM solutions
metamaterials with microfluidics to detect DNA of different concentrations are dropped onto the THz
oligonucleotides with base mutations [139]. Based on THz metamaterial and repeated three times. The THz reflection
split resonant ring (SRR) metamaterials and microfluidics spectra of CM solutions at concentrations of 0.2–1.0 mg/L as
technology as shown in Figure 6D, Geng Z et al. detected well as the frequency shift results are shown in Figure 7E,F. It
alpha fetoprotein (AFP) and glutamine transferase isozyme II can be found from Figure 7E that the resonant peaks regularly
(GGT-II) as biomarkers for early hepatocellular carcinoma, shift to lower frequencies, and the value of the frequency shift
and the detection results based on individual SRR gaps are increases with the increase of the CM concentration.
shown in Figure 6E,F [140]. In 2019, Yan X et al. fabricated a Therefore, the frequency shift value should be a function of
THz metamaterial biosensor based on Fano resonance for the CM concentration, as shown in Figure 7F. We can observe a
detection of cancer cells, with a theoretical sensitivity close to good linear relationship between the CM concentration and
455.7 GHz/RIU [141]. In 2020, Karmakar S et al. developed a the frequency shift of the reflectance curve. Consequently, the
stacked metasurface for solid matter, thin film, and chemical detection limit of chlorpyrifos reached 0.204 mg/L after
detection, where analytes can be detected between stacked loading the THz metamaterial. The emergence of the good
metasurface that form Fano cavity [142]. Their study shows results is mainly due to the significant localized electric field
that broadside coupling can trigger much stronger near-field enhancement effect of the surface excitation of the THz
interactions and large-area interactions with substances leading metamaterial. Subsequently, Nie P et al. designed an all-
to ultrasensitive sensing, capable of achieving >1 THz/RIU (= dielectric broadband THz metamaterial absorber for the
1.76 × 105 nm/RIU) and a figure of merit of about 14.05 in the detection of chlorpyrifos [133], increasing the detection
THz range. After the occurrence of COVID-19, Ahmadivand A limit to 0.1 mg/L. Their design has an interaction efficiency
et al. used THz metamaterials for the detection of SARS-CoV-2, of 99% at 1.33 THz, with bandwidth covering a center
and was able to detect SARS-CoV-2 stinger protein at frequency of 600 GHz, and the sensitivity and stability can
femtomolar concentrations rapidly and accurately, which be maintained under different temperature, humidity and
provided a more convenient and rapid method for the time conditions. Recently, Liu J used THz metamaterials
detection of COVID-19 [143]. Recently, Cui N et al. used for the determination of organochlorine pesticide [149], Li
THz metamaterial biosensors (see Figure 6G) to detect early B et al. combined terahertz spectroscopy with metamaterials
cancer biomarkers carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) [144] and for low-concentration nolosin detection [150].
breast cancer marker carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125, results
in Figure 6H–K) [145] both achieved good sensitivity. All of the
above works indicate that the combination of metamaterials and CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK
terahertz spectroscopy has great potential in the future
biomedical field. In conclusion, we overview the advantages offered by terahertz
As for agriculture and food production, we mentioned in spectroscopy in the field of detection and identification of
the previous section that the researchers used terahertz substances, such as biosafety, identification properties,
spectroscopy to detect carbendazim, however, the data penetration, coherence, high resolution, etc. In addition, with
processing was complicated and the sensitivity was low. In the introduction of metamaterials, terahertz spectroscopy can
order to improve the detection sensitivity, they further further improve its resolution and sensitivity to carry out the
combined metamaterials to detect carbendazim [146]. The detection of micro or even trace substances.
results showed that, the designed metamaterial can detect At present, whether in biomedicine, security inspection or
carbendazim down to 5 mg/L. Tetracycline hydrochloride artwork identification, researchers are more likely to perform
(TCH) is a residue of antibiotics which is widely used in spectroscopic detection of specific substances. To advance the
animals, and excessive residues in food can cause adverse application of terahertz spectroscopy, a more extensive THz
effects on human health. Qin J et al. designed a THz spectrum database of substances needs to be established. This
metamaterial for TCH detection, as shown in Figure 7A,B will require more comprehensive investigations on various
[147]. The THz transmission spectra of TCH deposited on materials via terahertz spectroscopy in the future to
metamaterials were detected at different concentrations and supplement and improve the relevant data.
the results were shown in Figure 7C. It shows the Besides, the strong absorption of THz waves by polar
transmission spectra of the metamaterial as the TCH molecules such as water in the air remains an obstacle to the
concentration varies from 0.01 mg/L to 10,000 mg/L. When application of terahertz spectroscopy, and hence dry air or
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