# 'H07 - 08 - 12 - 2021 Diff

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Generic: chair, rope, and a sturdy ceiling fan is in my future

Nekogonzales2002: ...
Nekogonzales2002: don't do that
Blue_jollyrancher: *I pet kens head*
Dr_k: *Ear twitch*
Blue_jollyrancher: Baby come here and bun stay
Agent_47: what
Nekogonzales2002: Wait what?
Agent_47: oh no what is blue doing
Blue_jollyrancher: Come here
Nekogonzales2002: *Approach* ok
Blue_jollyrancher: *I hug Jose* thank you
Nekogonzales2002: *big hug*
Agent_47: oh alright then I guess we're hugging everyone now
Blue_jollyrancher: AFFECTION
Agent_47: good luck with that
Blue_jollyrancher: Fqck you
Nekogonzales2002: yeesh
Nekogonzales2002: bit drastic
(anon): Favorite porn site?

Yt kids
Dr_k: WOAH
Trees_the_proto: ?
Nekogonzales2002: Anon no
Blue_jollyrancher: Hiiii trees
Dr_k: wtf am I being sent by my IRL friends
(anon): supor idel
Nekogonzales2002: im afraid
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm a fucking slut
Doofy296: Its about drive its about power
Nekogonzales2002: Hello doofy
Doofy296: hi
Charles_fenton: Im back
Nekogonzales2002: watcha up to doof
Doofy296: sleeping
(anon): I remember
I forgor
I remember
I forgor
I remember
I forgor
I remember
I forgor
Generic: we stay hungry we devour
Charles_fenton: damn that sucks anon
(anon): *Hot milk*
Nekogonzales2002: God I hate that song so much
Generic: bruh its heat
Generic: ur music taste is garb
Doofy296: its just a meme now
Generic: wuts my mf name
Generic: ROCK
Generic: supa heat
Generic: LMAOOO
Doofy296: The rock is just on side missions now.
Nekogonzales2002: damn
Generic: fr
Generic: he got face off
Charles_fenton: Shitpost status videos scare me
Generic: eyebrow meme
Nekogonzales2002: Ok, lets think for a second
Generic: fortnite
Blue_jollyrancher: I am a big slut
Dr_k: cool
Generic: blue
Generic: chilll out
Nekogonzales2002: they mention the foundation, right? and what is jonesy wearing in
the trailer?
Nekogonzales2002: an orange Jumpsuit.
(anon): S T O P
Nekogonzales2002: WE GONNA GET 1471 AND SHIT IN FORTNITE!
Generic: wut are u talking abt...
(anon): N O O O
Nekogonzales2002: new fortnite update
Doofy296: it is true
Charles_fenton: Jose why is this what keeps you up at night
Blue_jollyrancher: Bye imma go hang out with an older dude bye~
Nekogonzales2002: WOAH
Generic: ik but like. i dont rly follow the story, i jus know that the rock is it
it now and it got decent again
Charles_fenton: O_o
Generic: ight bye blue
Dr_k: uhm
Dr_k: well then I guess thats gonna happen.
Doofy296: hhhhh
Generic: https://c.tenor.com/3isOAaPzSlMAAAAd/the-rock-dwayne-johnson.gif
Mxangel: :P
Nekogonzales2002: accurate
Charles_fenton: We do not stay hungry *Eats food*
Charles_fenton: -=editors note; Add minecraft eating sound here=-
Generic: could go for some dick rn~ i mean a uh breadstick...
Nekogonzales2002: 🤨📸
(anon): *Vine boom*
Doofy296: your mom :)
Charles_fenton: thank you doofy very cool
Generic: https://c.tenor.com/3isOAaPzSlMAAAAd/the-rock-dwayne-johnson.gif
Generic: https://c.tenor.com/kHcmsxlKHEAAAAAC/rock-one-eyebrow-raised-rock-
(anon): https://www.boxoloco.com/gay-test/
Dr_k: what
Generic: gay test..
Generic: ight bet
Generic: https://c.tenor.com/X24lJCALrgEAAAAd/rock-nodding.gif
Charles_fenton: wtf is that
Charles_fenton: I can't see it and its scaring me
Dr_k: I hope blue is ok
(anon): i'm gay 😔
Charles_fenton: congrats
Generic: bisexual, no surprise there
Charles_fenton: but who is the anon
Generic: i think boner
Dr_k: its anon
Generic: but i might be wrong
Generic: boner is that u?
Charles_fenton: No response
Generic: also ik that nobody asked, but i get gayer by the week, like b4 it was a
little bit of interest in guys, but rn it def feels more 50/50
Charles_fenton: well that doesn't help
Charles_fenton: also damn generic
Generic: LMAO
Charles_fenton: eh
Charles_fenton: could be worse
Generic: wym its not a bad thing at all...
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm kinda sober now
Dr_k: well thats good atleas
Dr_k: atleast
Charles_fenton: damn it now I wanna get drunk
Dr_k: no
Generic: alcohol=gay
Charles_fenton: *Chugs 8 bottles of whiskey* try me
Generic: *smokes 8 pcp dipped joints* try me
Blue_jollyrancher: Well bye
Dr_k: bye
Charles_fenton: *Snorts 160 kilos of coke* Bet
Generic: *snorts a perc line irl* ight
Dr_k: Jesus christ charles
Charles_fenton: *Snorts 6*
Generic: *no like actually*
Charles_fenton: *🤨 you think I lied?*
Generic: *yes*
Charles_fenton: *I got done making fentanyl Irl and am snorting that shit*
Generic: *have fun being a retard, fentanyl aint shit to fw*
Charles_fenton: eh its fine Im already braindead
Generic: *shitll kill u quicker than a train 5 inches away from u while u tied down
on the tracks*
Depresseddom52: yooo
Depresseddom52: My school's boys basketball teams are fucking cracked
Generic: yooo
Generic: i didnt fkn ask
Charles_fenton: good
Nekogonzales2002: well then...
(anon): uh oh
Nekogonzales2002: that happened
Dr_k: what did?
Nekogonzales2002: nothing
Nekogonzales2002: dont worry about it
Dr_k: ok then
(anon): Definitely going to kill him and his family today
Dr_k: what?!
Charles_fenton: oh ok then
Daughter: wait
Charles_fenton: oh hello D
Daughter: well uh im scared
Dr_k: same here
(anon): Im boutta smother a cat brb
Charles_fenton: woah
(anon): Smother the pussy
Generic: my*
Daughter: yeah um im just gonna... go
Mxangel: >_>
Charles_fenton: awh ok
Generic: byeee
Depresseddom52: dead chat
Mommymilkers42069: hi people
Mxangel: Hi
Mommymilkers42069: how are you
Mxangel: I'm alright
Mxangel: Hbu?
Mommymilkers42069: ehhh im ok
Doggo: yo
Doggo: any pedo activities going on rn i need to know abt?
Doggo: ok and no one is on
Doggo: o well
Doggo: goodnight all <3
Doggo: sleep well
Generic: DOGGOO
Doggo: GENNN
Generic: bruhhhh
Doggo: i got yo fuckin watch btw
Generic: oh yuh
Generic: lmao
Doggo: i think...
Generic: who got my okeefes bruh
Doggo: richard
Generic: y tf did he take it
Doggo: ion know where i left yo watch...
Generic: lmao idc
Doggo: i checked and im not wearing it
Doggo: oh i found it nvm
Generic: i was wearing it at the end of 3rd
Generic: oh lmao
Generic: also, u heard anything bout dash yet?
Generic: other than hes locked up
Doggo: nah i just know he got jail time for that shit
Generic: damn bruh
Generic: wasnt he like a new kid too?
Doggo: and apparently tony got a drug test this weekend
Doggo: nah dash has been here the whole year lmao
Generic: ik not NEW NEW
Generic: white tony or tony wasileski
Doggo: i think he mightve went to chatham but im not certain you'll have to ask
carter or someone
Doggo: and hispanic tony
Doggo: he not white lmao
Generic: oh no clue who dat tony is
Doggo: the one in our 3rd block dumbass
Generic: bruh hes hispanic?
Generic: cap
Doggo: yea lmaooo
Generic: nah ur fkn wit me
Doggo: why do you think he says nig all the time
Generic: he says the n word....
Generic: bruh wtf
Generic: y am i jus now realizing all of this
Doggo: LMAOO
Generic: wait is tony fr hispanic
Doggo: yes lmaoo
Generic: like maybe half hispanic
Generic: but no way hes full on
Doggo: yea i think so
Doggo: hald
Doggo: half*
Generic: now that makes sense.
Doggo: how is no one on rn wtf
Generic: bruh ig jus his political views and the fact he looks like a white mf
Doggo: lmao
Generic: and i have no clue where everyone else is
(anon): died
Doggo: as long as mommy dont know im on im good
Generic: stfu anon
Generic: get a name mf
Doggo: oh its an anon
Generic: it might be boner tho
Generic: idfk
Generic: he has an acct but is always an anon for some reason
Doggo: lmao
Generic: oh yea, bruh i hit andys shit on the bus
Doggo: oh shit
Generic: well i did yesterday too but
Doggo: his shit hits good today
Doggo: yesterday his battery was dead so
Generic: bruh fr i was higher than a tall bitch.
Generic: it hit for me
Generic: maybe he got a new one idfk
Doggo: WAIT
Generic: prolly lurking
Doggo: prob
Generic: bruh i stg this place never this dead
Generic: u have an effect on this chat
Doggo: fr lmao
Doggo: ima leave and see what happens lmao
Generic: bruh andy was chiefin his shit on the bus and he said he wasnt feeling
nothing....mans tolerance rly that high
Generic: i did 2 blinkers and i was done for
Doggo: well thats cuz you dont hit karts as much as him lmao
Generic: true
Generic: but he dont even fkn try to hide it
Generic: he be hotboxing the whole bus
Furryanimeboy: REEEEEEEE
Doggo: andy is a whole fuckin fiend when it comes to karts lmaooo
Todd_clorox: My dog keeps pooping in his pants. How do I get him to stop?
Generic: and somehow the fkn driver dont notice all the smoke
Doggo: yo two ppl hopped on
Generic: i lost track of all the different furries
Furryanimeboy: i been here
Generic: u been erping prolly
Furryanimeboy: no
Doggo: there is furryboi furryanimeboy furryanimegirl and furrygurl
Generic: and todd jus shoot it
Generic: i bet they all the same person....
Furryanimegirl: hewo
Doggo: nah
Doggo: see
Doggo: she here now
Furryanimegirl: im here
Furryanimeboy: so what now
Generic: .uia
Generic: nope 2 diff ips
Doggo: yea
Doggo: ik
Generic: how many of u are there~ :O
Doggo: i named them all lmao
Doggo: at least
Doggo: as i know of
Generic: theres ore
Generic: more*
Doggo: oh
Doggo: damn
Generic: oh yuh bruh u know layla right?
Doggo: i aint seen em but aight
Doggo: layla?
Generic: yuh
Doggo: um
Generic: white.
Generic: black hair
Doggo: sounds familiar
Generic: boots
Doggo: keep going
Generic: hangs out wit tre
Doggo: OH
Doggo: YEA
Doggo: ik who you talkin bout
Generic: ight so we was talking on the bus
Doggo: mhm?
Generic: and this bitch says "i got this song stuck in my head"
Generic: im like wut is it
Generic: she says "fuck me rn" and high me could not get past that
Generic: i was asking other ppl on the bus if she was giving me signals
Doggo: pffftttttt
Generic: and when she got off the bus i yelled out the window "DONT LIE TO URSELF
Generic: she neva denied it tho so
Generic: lmao
Doggo: mommy stop lurking
Generic: they all prolly being horny mf erping in whispers
Furryanimegirl: we're listening to the story
Doggo: oh lmaooo
Furryanimeboy: yep just listening
Generic: bruh i need a rebound.
Generic: kayla was tuff bruh
(anon): horny
Generic: anon get a name or stfu
Furryanimeboy: HOW
Doggo: just get back wither
Doggo: wit her*
Generic: i been lowkey trying but she keeps shooting anything i say down
Generic: and idk if she doing it cuz she still salty or wut
Doggo: cause ik someone who is trying to get with her now
Doggo: bro she agreed too
Doggo: so
Doggo: she cant be salty
Doggo: tf?
Generic: agreed to wut?
Doggo: parting ways
Generic: oh yuh
Generic: but fr ion know how she feels
Doggo: yea idk
Doggo: she's weird
Generic: it was an impulsive decision to break up
Generic: i was jus frustrated
Generic: plus she been changing lately
Doggo: yea true
Generic: also hope all of yall lurking are getting entertainment outa this
Furryanimeboy: why erp at all when i can rp with her irl she is my gf after all
Doggo: ayo??
Doggo: rp irl???
Generic: lmao u get it big dawg
Furryanimegirl: lmao
Doggo: ik where that goes
Furryanimegirl: yea in a little maid dress
Doggo: oh???
Doggo: i wanna see this
Doggo: when we meetin up irl
Furryanimeboy: WHY BABE
Furryanimegirl: Cause i can babe
Doggo: bc i wanna see it
Doggo: oi
Generic: same
Doggo: stop stealin my bf
Doggo: OI
Dergeilesiggii69: FICKEN
Doggo: chicken*
Furryanimegirl: IM EATIN ERE"
Furryanimeboy: eaten what~
Doggo: you~
Doggo: ;)
Generic: OUH
Furryanimeboy: AYO
Furryanimegirl: I mean~
Doggo: ;))
Doggo: anywaysssss
Generic: bruh where tf is mario judah at
Generic: i mean koda
Doggo: where the fuck is xxxtentacion at
Doggo: oh wait...
Mommymilkers42069: hai
Doggo: gn all <3
Furryanimeboy: bro i mean threesomes fun and all but i don't think im ready
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Generic: MOMMMY
Mommymilkers42069: hi gen bye doggo
Furryanimeboy: hey milk
Generic: hah said my name first loser
Generic: when?
Doggo: STFU
Doggo: I H8 YOU
Generic: we can meet up in the 100 hall bathroom tmr b4 school?
Furryanimeboy: AYO FOURSOME
Generic: YUHHH
Furryanimegirl: More or less orgie at this oint
Dr_k: well then...
Doggo: ay i got sum goin on in the morning with a certain someone tmr so...
Generic: u joining doc?
Generic: AYO???
Dr_k: Joining what?
Generic: also who won dat game?
Doggo: me
Doggo: it was ez w
Generic: bruh u suck
Doggo: wym????
Doggo: i do suck ;)
Furryanimeboy: and you swallow
Generic: if u lost then....
Doggo: nah i won lmao
Generic: u coulda got ur winning prize plus some
Doggo: i just said i won
Doggo: OH
Doggo: TRUE
Doggo: but
Doggo: she comin over friday so
Generic: oh ight
Doggo: i still get both
Dr_k: Im confused
Generic: she still dating her bf or...
Doggo: yea smh
Furryanimegirl: what?
Generic: bruh when tf she jus gon break up wit him
Doggo: frrrrr
Generic: u betta be careful or u gon have to fight someone
Doggo: like damn he kinda annoying and they never talk
Doofy296: opinuytfbxreza
Doggo: bitch i'll beat the fuck outa her bf tf??
Doggo: i have
Doggo: he taller than me but can still catch these hands smh
Generic: lmao u should brag abt how u hit that shit the other day
Generic: IMAGINE
Doggo: he prolly aint even do it yet smhhhh
Doggo: stole her first time from em
Doggo: ez w
Lin_the_transfurred_protag: hello?
Generic: WAIT FR
Doggo: yessirrrrr
Lin_the_transfurred_protag: what??
Dr_k: idfk lin
Doggo: hi lin
Furryanimegirl: hi lin
Doggo: would you like to be my friend?
Lin_the_transfurred_protag: hi, and what all did I miss?
Doggo: not much
Doggo: there rlly isnt anyone talking but me and gen rn lmao
Lin_the_transfurred_protag: I see talk about virgins and tapping ass, I Clearly
missed something
Doggo: ONG
(anon): PFT
Doggo: couldnt be me dawg
Dr_k: yeah thats CAH for you
Generic: all this fuck bitches on ma line damn bitch u must wanna die tonight
Blue_jollyrancher: Blue is here!
Generic: ya i rock a choker wit a .45
Generic: BLUEEE
Lin_the_transfurred_protag: Blue!
Furryanimegirl: HEY BLUE!
Generic: u good bruh?
Lin_the_transfurred_protag: Generic you WHAT?!
Dr_k: welcome back
(anon): [big shot]
Furryanimeboy: BLUE
(anon): [big shot]
Furryanimeboy: hi
Generic: doggo blue was so fkn high earlier
(anon): [big shit]
Doggo: ik
Lin_the_transfurred_protag: ._.
Doggo: i was lurking
Blue_jollyrancher: HI LIN HI DOGGO HI GIRL HI BOY
Doggo: just ignores lin's question lmao
Dr_k: awh
Generic: damn not gon say hi to me ight ight
Lin_the_transfurred_protag: yeah
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi bunny
Generic: thas fine bruh
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Doggo: alr i'll c yall
Generic: peace
Dr_k: Hi Nurse
(anon): AYO?!
Furryanimegirl: bye Doggo
Mommymilkers42069: bye
(anon): uhm
Generic: pfft doggos such a nerd bruh
Doggo: fr
Koda: void
Koda: ur disgusting.
Gamerzrayus29: but seriously why is Koda savvy now?

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