# 'ZA02 - 04 - 01 - 2022 Tab1 GMT 0522
# 'ZA02 - 04 - 01 - 2022 Tab1 GMT 0522
# 'ZA02 - 04 - 01 - 2022 Tab1 GMT 0522
(anon): Gay boys only, tryna get some bussy tonight
Mxangel: >_>
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm genderfluid but fine
Mxangel: You can't get any like that. Ya gotta log in
(anon): No dick, no service.
Callmelili: F
(anon): uck my butt
(anon): NOW!
Tallguy: Welcome to coochie land
Blue_jollyrancher: is vaping alllowed
Tallguy: grabbing them by the pussy is allowed
Blue_jollyrancher: but vaping?
Tallguy: is also allowed
Blue_jollyrancher: nice
Tallguy: ciggarites are not allowed
Tallguy: Our newest location would be in florida
Tallguy: so you know you are safe
Tallguy: *We are not responsible for any interactions with florida men or women
Tallguy: or hurricanes
Tallguy: or southerners
Tallguy: or alligators
Tallguy: or bla...
Tallguy: any ways come join us today
Tallguy: also free head
Blue_jollyrancher: my power is out
Tallguy: snow ?
Blue_jollyrancher: nope i don't know what
Tallguy: bruh
Tallguy: people in your neighborhood is maybe using to much power
Blue_jollyrancher: nah it don't happen often
Koda: yall got cum?
Koda: im hungry.
Tallguy: yeah :)
Koda: not you.
Koda: idk you.
Tallguy: ;(
Koda: k.
Tallguy: blue give koda cum
Koda: no
Blue_jollyrancher: no
Koda: i have a gf.
Tallguy: ok ?
Tallguy: your the one asking for cUm
Koda: you're*
Koda: god damn it is hard to find someone who can use the right your/you're
Tallguy: ima be in the background sooo
Koda: or to/too/two
Tallguy: yeah
Callmelili: Ohhh
Logan_single: Hello?
Mxangel: Logan
Blue_jollyrancher: damn sup logan
Logan_single: Hey
Logan_single: Yeah angel
Logan_single: Oooook then
Logan_single: Dead chat XwX
Logan_single: Ima gooo then
Nekogirl: please do
Logan_single: not anymore just to piss neko off
Nekogirl: you wont piss me off
Logan_single: I’m just here to annoy people now
(anon): nice
Logan_single: Anyway
Logan_single: E
Logan_single: e
Logan_single: e
Logan_single: eeeeee
Logan_single: e
Logan_single: e
Logan_single: e
Logan_single: e
Logan_single: e
Logan_single: e
Logan_single: e
(anon): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l18A5BOTlzE
(anon): bop
(anon): no
Generic: beatbox
Generic: is better
Generic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CQ_ehoRfsE
(anon): B
Kitsune_izzy: 🅱
(anon): b
(anon): 🅱itties
(anon): fresh 🅱alls
(anon): dead ass
Blue_jollyrancher: hello?
Nekogirl: hi blue
Blue_jollyrancher: hi
(anon): e
Blue_jollyrancher: a
(anon): dead pool
Generic: :O
Blue_jollyrancher: noice
Nekogirl: Ara ara~
Kitsune_izzy: 🅾w🅾
Generic: n🅾
Nekogirl: only blue and izzy will get that
Blue_jollyrancher: o///o yeah
Generic: not like ara ara is a regular furry phrase or anything yk
(anon): horny
Nekogirl: i made a character
Generic: i made a cum
(anon): ...
(anon): da fuq
Generic: on anons face
(anon): on generics mommas face
Blue_jollyrancher: its so dark
Generic: *generic's
Generic: ur statement is now invalid
(anon): u said anons
Generic: u have no proof
(anon): i thought id be illiterate like u
(anon): <3
Generic: u have 0 proof of such thing
(anon): "Generic: on anons face"
Generic: fake news
(anon): incoming news, Generic is generic
Generic: Generic: on anon's face
Generic: smh
(anon): well look at that
(anon): edited
Generic: cant believe u spread fake news like that
(anon): my apologies
Generic: its ok
(anon): thank u for being so forgiving
Generic: thas wut they call me
Generic: 'forjiving generc'
(anon): they is me
Generic: no they is they
(anon): nawh
(anon): they is me
(anon): they said the n word
Generic: nice
(anon): Niggas
(anon): in Paris
Kitsune_izzy: A friend of mine lives in Paris
Kitsune_izzy: His name is Gasteau
(anon): i have a friend named joe
(anon): joe dirt
Tallguy: I wanna chill girl to watch anime and cuddle with 😭
Generic: too bad ur a loser :O
Generic: nah im jus playin big dawg get out there and get u some
Tallguy: my guy one they are rare af and two a lot of girls dont fuck with me like
Callmelili: Gn guys
(anon): A
(anon): cock
(anon): cock
(anon): cock
Generic: cock is hot
Tallguy: tomboys are too
(anon): facts
Generic: depends
Tallguy: on ?
Generic: who it is?
Tallguy: ?
Generic: nvm
Tallguy: personality can kill the mood ngl
Generic: thats sorta wut i was going for
Tallguy: yeah i figured it out
Generic: lets just be honest tho
Generic: tomboys < femboys
Tallguy: *coughs on carrot* wtf
Tallguy: thats a lie
Tallguy: question
Tallguy: damn chats dead
Generic: bc of ur dumb statement
Tallguy: you made the dumb statement
(anon): ye
Tallguy: anyways
Tallguy: have yall ever tried cum ?
Kitsune_izzy: Yes
Kitsune_izzy: 0/10 would not recommend
Tallguy: how does it taste
Tallguy: ?
Kitsune_izzy: Like a salt flat
Tallguy: hm
Tallguy: im surpised
Tallguy: wait boy or girl cum izzy ?
Shitinmymouthplz: thank god this cold spell is over
Kitsune_izzy: Boy juice
Tallguy: oh
Shitinmymouthplz: it lasted just long enough to freeze all the limp wristed faggy
soyboy people and left only the strong
Generic: tallguy u dont cum in a shot glass and take it down the hatch everytime u
Shitinmymouthplz: basically God froze all the low testosterone sodomites
Tallguy: no
Generic: tf is wrong wit u...
Tallguy: i thought about it though
Tallguy: i wanna try girl cum
Shitinmymouthplz: basically all their tiny faggy nuts froze off
Tallguy: that sounds weird to say out loud
Kitsune_izzy: I want that too
Tallguy: hm
Tallguy: trying new things
Shitinmymouthplz: now all the hetero men can repopulate this land
Shitinmymouthplz: safe from musical theater
Tallguy: thats very high class of you izzy
Kitsune_izzy: I am a classy lady
Kitsune_izzy: Sometimes
Sannkaed: im bored
Tallguy: Gen shes fun
Generic: wut?
Generic: whos fun
Tallguy: izzy is a fun person like san
Sannkaed: aye
Generic: ok...
Kitsune_izzy: retarded*
Koda: oh god
Tallguy: me ?
Generic: until im give one of em sloppy toppy they aint cool in my books
Generic: i*
Koda: all kinds of retards in chat
Kitsune_izzy: I am the retarded
Shitinmymouthplz: Prepare your body for rape
Sannkaed: i like sloppy toppy
Koda: ratartad
Sannkaed: ratard
Koda: rererere
Shitinmymouthplz: I only rape the retarded
Generic: im ur man then.
Sannkaed: that has never been said before
Kitsune_izzy: Rape me dad
Sannkaed: ok
Generic: daddy*
Shitinmymouthplz: I like the way they sound when I sodomize them
Sannkaed: thats....
Koda: kodaddy
Sannkaed: ok
Generic: im not smart enough to know wut that word means
Generic: hol up hol up define sodomize for me
Sannkaed: this is why i love yall
Koda: what noise does drooling make.
Koda: tf.
Tallguy: naw izzy you're cool af
Sannkaed: sod·om·ize
Learn to pronounce
have anal intercourse with (someone).
Definitions from Oxford Languages
Generic: oh nice
Kitsune_izzy: I am a sodomite
Sannkaed: who has discord
Koda: oh shit thats she stuff that be in food
Koda: fuckin sodium.
Sannkaed: @sylent.scream#5305
Tallguy: fuck discord
Generic: i thought those were the packets at the bottom of the beef jerky bag...
Koda: im on discord but im not getting yours
Koda: thatsforsure.
Shitinmymouthplz: my Discord has the endless sounds of sodomy
Koda: my discord is P O P P I N G
Shitinmymouthplz: These retard's buttholes are POPPING
Kitsune_izzy: Oh my
Kitsune_izzy: Very explicit
Koda: izzy pee on my eyelids hurry
Kitsune_izzy: I would rather not
Koda: it's a life or death situation
Koda: either you pee on my eyelids
Koda: or generic dies
Kitsune_izzy: Can I die?
Kitsune_izzy: Instead?
Koda: no.
Koda: you can't.
Koda: people like you more than generic.
Koda: and you're gay
Koda: so.
Koda: no.
Kitsune_izzy: So, I will die
Kitsune_izzy: Understandable
Koda: no.
Koda: you won't.
Koda: no dying.
Koda: for you.
Kitsune_izzy: Too late, I am bones
Kitsune_izzy: Bones help nobody
Tallguy: ass or tits ?
Limeprotogen: ass
Generic: ass
Generic: all day
Kitsune_izzy: Personality
Generic: big tits are overrated
Limeprotogen: yup
Koda: depends if its on a man or a women what my choice is
Generic: ass no matter wut gender
Tallguy: personality doesn't count
Generic: the day i find a nice femboy with a bubble butt is the day i get married
Koda: yea personality doesnt matter during sex guys
Blue_jollyrancher: ✨Thighs✨
Koda: smh
Tallguy: Im a tits type of guy
Kitsune_izzy: I don't have sex
Kitsune_izzy: I just want cuddles
Koda: want to?
Koda: in your sleep?
Generic: so ur wrong tallguy?
Koda: while you're drunk and drugged up?
Tallguy: i can say the same
Kitsune_izzy: I'd rather not, brings back memories
Kitsune_izzy: Bad memories
Generic: no tits to look at when ur hitting it from the back
Koda: oh ok fine.
Tallguy: oof
Koda: you dont have to be drunk
Koda: but everything else.
Tallguy: hitting it from the front is sexier
Koda: you talk like youve had sex before
Koda: puberty ass mf.
Generic: ok ok so are we talking NO tits at all?
Generic: or NO ass at all
Generic: or like.
Tallguy: I have 3 bodys
Generic: bro wtf. y do u have 3 bodies.
Generic: where do u keep them?
Generic: im calling the feds on u
Koda: sounds like cap.
Tallguy: one of them is in cali rn
Tallguy: the other two stays in texas
Koda: i dont think anyone is gon believe you on that one tbh
Generic: tallguy how old is u
Tallguy: just turned 16
Tallguy: in dec
Generic: nah nah
Koda: now we KNOW its cap x-x
Koda: virgin mf
Generic: ight i woulda believed u but nah u aint gettin 3 bodies after JUST turning
Koda: yea fr
Koda: maybe 3 fleshlights
Generic: but MAYBE if they were absolute whores.
Koda: and if the 3 bodies are ur sisters maybe
Generic: then MAYBE
Koda: but thats about it
Koda: virginforsure.
Tallguy: ew no
Generic: i believe he aint a virgin
Koda: nah
Generic: but the 3 bodies part is iffu
Koda: hes a virgin
Generic: iffy*
Koda: family members dont count.
Koda: hes a virgin :|
Generic: also oral sex doesnt count
Tallguy: and a lot of girls thought i was cute
Koda: :|
Generic: im talking dick in pussy.
Koda: sounds like some shit a 5 year old would say
Tallguy: yep
Koda: "a lot of girls thought im cute :)"
Koda: "and i have a mansion, and helicopters and a boat and 5 girlfriends too!"
Koda: lmao
Badge: who said that
Koda: nobody
Tallguy: damn cook
Tallguy: cool
Koda: but tallguy is saying he has fucked 3 girls
Generic: ion think tallguy is a virgin bruh.
Koda: while just turning 16.
Koda: and im calling cap
Koda: generic 100% of the time i have called someone out for cap
Generic: how old were u when u lost it tall?
Koda: i have been right.
Tallguy: you can ask aniece
Tallguy: idk
Generic: then cap
Koda: aniece who hasnt been on here for like a month? lmaooo
Koda: its cap.
Generic: u would now
Generic: know*
Koda: this mf spitting so much cap its a top hat.
Generic: mans is 16 and dont know the age he lost his virginity :|
Koda: fr lmao
Badge: Just saying theres no rush to lose your virginity if some of you haven't
done it yet
Generic: ^
Koda: yea and my guy
Koda: saying you arent a virgin isnt something that makes u sound cooler.
Tallguy: not on some illegal shit
Koda: nobody really cares x-x
Generic: wym "illegal shit"
Badge: Mhm
Badge: fkn lag
Tallguy: but the farest back i can remember is the 6th grade
Generic: cap
Generic: cap
Generic: cap
Generic: cap
Generic: cap
Generic: cap
Generic: ca
Generic: p
Generic: c
Generic: a
Generic: p
Koda: yea thats cap
Koda: u may as well stop talking about it bc you arent making it better for you
Generic: do u even hit puberty by 6th grade....
Tallguy: nope
Generic: then how tf...
Koda: bc hes capping.
Badge: now im concerned
Generic: wut did u make some 7 yr old suck u off flaccid x-x
Tallguy: idk
Sannkaed: balls
Badge: Hmmmm
Generic: im not even sure wut to say at this point.
Tallguy: that shit wasn't on my mind so that was them
Koda: mhm
Koda: ima go vibe on discord
Koda: goodbye
Badge: Just dont let it fry your brain
Sannkaed: capital one venture x
Tallguy: anyways
Sannkaed: What's in your wallet?
Tallguy: 120 dollars
Badge: why over 100
Tallguy: christmas has been good to me
Sannkaed: F
Sannkaed: lucky ass mf
Generic: cowboy gun talk load it up buck him
Tallguy: my actual gifts sucks though
Generic: choppa like nunchucks choosy like chuck now
Blue_jollyrancher: hello?
Mxangel: Hey :P
Generic: and same tall. im kinda going to court so my parents werent very keen on
getting me very many gifts
Tallguy: hi
Blue_jollyrancher: hi
Badge: Parents just have you money?
Generic: who are u talking to.
Badge: You gen
Generic: wym have my money....
Badge: gave i mean
Badge: i mean like did they only give you money
Generic: nah i jus got clothes mainly.
Generic: but i aint rly complaining.
Tallguy: im simple so that couldent find anything
Badge: I mean you couldn've given them hints but nvm
Badge: f me
Badge: could've*
Tallguy: i didnt want nothing
Badge: not literally tho right?
Tallguy: ehh
Tallguy: im playing my
Badge: ?
Tallguy: game thats why its taking me a while to type
Badge: oh ok
Tallguy: a ps would be nice
Badge: ps5?
Generic: wut game.
Tallguy: i aint tripping
Badge: ps5 are massive
Generic: so is my dick
Tallguy: 4 or 5 it doesnt matter
Generic: nah im playing im average asf.
Badge: to a plankton yes
Generic: plankton got a 5 dollar footlong no cap
Nekogirl: im back
Generic: kk
Tallguy: welcome back
Nekogirl: i also found the bell
Tallguy: ?
Kitsune_izzy: Cow bell?
Nekogirl: no
Blue_jollyrancher: hi neko
Tallguy: butt plug bell ?
Nekogirl: no
Kitsune_izzy: I'm not even going to ask
Kitsune_izzy: I probably won't like the answer
(anon): Nigga
Nekogirl: hi blue :3
(anon): What
(anon): What
(anon): What what what what what
Blue_jollyrancher: i'm floating
Generic: fugma
Nekogirl: nope
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm floating
Nekogirl: why
(anon): drugs
Blue_jollyrancher: Nic
Mr_mackey: drugs are bad mk
Kitsune_izzy: Yes
Nekogirl: i know how, why?
Blue_jollyrancher: I know they are mkay
Generic: nic is nice tho.
Nekogirl: i got my cowboy hat on :3
Generic: when i was a kid i rly didnt understand the purpose of smoking, i thought
ppl did it for the sole purpose of looking cool.
Blue_jollyrancher: nice
Generic: i didnt rly know wut nic was.
(anon): cancer sticks
Nekogirl: i knew why from an early age
Generic: well i dont smoke cigarettes cuz im not a retard
Blue_jollyrancher: It relieves stress is what i was told
Nekogirl: because when mom tried to quit, lets just say you watched your step
Generic: for one. combustion is the main reason cigs are bad. for two. they are
legit disgusting
Generic: i dont see y ppl still smoke cigs
Blue_jollyrancher: its cheap
Generic: u think cigs are cheap..
Nekogirl: well, cheaper
Tallguy: hitting it from the front is sexier
Koda: you talk like youve had sex before
Koda: puberty ass mf.
Generic: ok ok so are we talking NO tits at all?
Generic: or NO ass at all
Generic: or like.
Tallguy: I have 3 bodys
Generic: bro wtf. y do u have 3 bodies.
Generic: where do u keep them?
Generic: im calling the feds on u
Koda: sounds like cap.
Tallguy: one of them is in cali rn
Tallguy: the other two stays in texas
Koda: i dont think anyone is gon believe you on that one tbh
Generic: tallguy how old is u
Tallguy: just turned 16
Tallguy: in dec
Generic: nah nah
Koda: now we KNOW its cap x-x
Koda: virgin mf
Generic: ight i woulda believed u but nah u aint gettin 3 bodies after JUST turning
Koda: yea fr
Koda: maybe 3 fleshlights
Generic: but MAYBE if they were absolute whores.
Koda: and if the 3 bodies are ur sisters maybe
Generic: then MAYBE
Koda: but thats about it
Koda: virginforsure.
Tallguy: ew no
Generic: i believe he aint a virgin
Koda: nah
Generic: but the 3 bodies part is iffu
Koda: hes a virgin
Generic: iffy*
Koda: family members dont count.
Koda: hes a virgin :|
Generic: also oral sex doesnt count
Tallguy: and a lot of girls thought i was cute
Koda: :|
Generic: im talking dick in pussy.
Koda: sounds like some shit a 5 year old would say
Tallguy: yep
Koda: "a lot of girls thought im cute :)"
Koda: "and i have a mansion, and helicopters and a boat and 5 girlfriends too!"
Koda: lmao
Badge: who said that
Koda: nobody
Tallguy: damn cook
Tallguy: cool
Koda: but tallguy is saying he has fucked 3 girls
Generic: ion think tallguy is a virgin bruh.
Koda: while just turning 16.
Koda: and im calling cap
Koda: generic 100% of the time i have called someone out for cap
Generic: how old were u when u lost it tall?
Koda: i have been right.
Tallguy: you can ask aniece
Tallguy: idk
Generic: then cap
Koda: aniece who hasnt been on here for like a month? lmaooo
Koda: its cap.
Generic: u would now
Generic: know*
Koda: this mf spitting so much cap its a top hat.
Generic: mans is 16 and dont know the age he lost his virginity :|
Koda: fr lmao
Badge: Just saying theres no rush to lose your virginity if some of you haven't
done it yet
Generic: ^
Koda: yea and my guy
Koda: saying you arent a virgin isnt something that makes u sound cooler.
Tallguy: not on some illegal shit
Koda: nobody really cares x-x
Generic: wym "illegal shit"
Badge: Mhm
Badge: fkn lag
Tallguy: but the farest back i can remember is the 6th grade
Generic: cap
Generic: cap
Generic: cap
Generic: cap
Generic: cap
Generic: cap
Generic: ca
Generic: p
Generic: c
Generic: a
Generic: p
Koda: yea thats cap
Koda: u may as well stop talking about it bc you arent making it better for you
Generic: do u even hit puberty by 6th grade....
Tallguy: nope
Generic: then how tf...
Koda: bc hes capping.
Badge: now im concerned
Generic: wut did u make some 7 yr old suck u off flaccid x-x
Tallguy: idk
Sannkaed: balls
Badge: Hmmmm
Generic: im not even sure wut to say at this point.
Tallguy: that shit wasn't on my mind so that was them
Koda: mhm
Koda: ima go vibe on discord
Koda: goodbye
Badge: Just dont let it fry your brain
Sannkaed: capital one venture x
Tallguy: anyways
Sannkaed: What's in your wallet?
Tallguy: 120 dollars
Badge: why over 100
Tallguy: christmas has been good to me
Sannkaed: F
Sannkaed: lucky ass mf
Generic: cowboy gun talk load it up buck him
Tallguy: my actual gifts sucks though
Generic: choppa like nunchucks choosy like chuck now
Blue_jollyrancher: hello?
Mxangel: Hey :P
Generic: and same tall. im kinda going to court so my parents werent very keen on
getting me very many gifts
Tallguy: hi
Blue_jollyrancher: hi
Badge: Parents just have you money?
Generic: who are u talking to.
Badge: You gen
Generic: wym have my money....
Badge: gave i mean
Badge: i mean like did they only give you money
Generic: nah i jus got clothes mainly.
Generic: but i aint rly complaining.
Tallguy: im simple so that couldent find anything
Badge: I mean you couldn've given them hints but nvm
Badge: f me
Badge: could've*
Tallguy: i didnt want nothing
Badge: not literally tho right?
Tallguy: ehh
Tallguy: im playing my
Badge: ?
Tallguy: game thats why its taking me a while to type
Badge: oh ok
Tallguy: a ps would be nice
Badge: ps5?
Generic: wut game.
Tallguy: i aint tripping
Badge: ps5 are massive
Generic: so is my dick
Tallguy: 4 or 5 it doesnt matter
Generic: nah im playing im average asf.
Badge: to a plankton yes
Generic: plankton got a 5 dollar footlong no cap
Nekogirl: im back
Generic: kk
Tallguy: welcome back
Nekogirl: i also found the bell
Tallguy: ?
Kitsune_izzy: Cow bell?
Nekogirl: no
Blue_jollyrancher: hi neko
Tallguy: butt plug bell ?
Nekogirl: no
Kitsune_izzy: I'm not even going to ask
Kitsune_izzy: I probably won't like the answer
(anon): Nigga
Nekogirl: hi blue :3
(anon): What
(anon): What
(anon): What what what what what
Blue_jollyrancher: i'm floating
Generic: fugma
Nekogirl: nope
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm floating
Nekogirl: why
(anon): drugs
Blue_jollyrancher: Nic
Mr_mackey: drugs are bad mk
Kitsune_izzy: Yes
Nekogirl: i know how, why?
Blue_jollyrancher: I know they are mkay
Generic: nic is nice tho.
Nekogirl: i got my cowboy hat on :3
Generic: when i was a kid i rly didnt understand the purpose of smoking, i thought
ppl did it for the sole purpose of looking cool.
Blue_jollyrancher: nice
Generic: i didnt rly know wut nic was.
(anon): cancer sticks
Nekogirl: i knew why from an early age
Generic: well i dont smoke cigarettes cuz im not a retard
Blue_jollyrancher: It relieves stress is what i was told
Nekogirl: because when mom tried to quit, lets just say you watched your step
Generic: for one. combustion is the main reason cigs are bad. for two. they are
legit disgusting
Generic: i dont see y ppl still smoke cigs
Blue_jollyrancher: its cheap
Generic: u think cigs are cheap..
Nekogirl: well, cheaper
Generic: i disagree
Mxangel: If they're cheap, then I have no fucking clue where you're getting them
Generic: well for me at least. cuz i never cheifed my shit or nothing. i always got
disposables and they lasted me a good bit
Nekogirl: i gtg
Nekogirl: TwT
Generic: i gtc
Generic: (got to cum)
Blue_jollyrancher: bye neko
Mxangel: Trust me, I grew up poor. Cigs are not cheap. Not in Georgia, at least
(anon): balls cum
Generic: cigs have been getting hella expensive x-x
Tallguy: yeah they aint cheap
Mxangel: "Getting"? Nah, they've *been* expensive
Blue_jollyrancher: $10 for a box of 12
Tallguy: 12 cigs or 12 boxs ??
Mxangel: 12 cigs
Tallguy: damn
Generic: yes but they getting more expensive.
Tallguy: idk where you live
Tallguy: but its like 4 or 5 dollars for 12
Generic: bruh do u live in a fkn 3rd world country or something
Tallguy: hell naw
Tallguy: but tbh ive been around cigs so much in my life i can smell the brand
Generic: sad
Mxangel: "Cigarette prices per state vary between $5.25 and $12.85 per pack. With
20 cigarettes per pack, this ranges between $.26 and $.64 per cigarette."
Generic: yea it rly jus depends on wut state u live in
Generic: but still 5 bucks a pack can add up REAL fkn quick
Mxangel: Depends on how much you smoke
Generic: lets be honest.
Tallguy: I stayed in the ghetto so it was most likey cheaper
Generic: most ppl smoking cigs are old ppl who have been addicted since the age of
Generic: they going thru a few packs a day
Tallguy: the case of my uncle
Kitsune_izzy: My dad
(anon): my whole family
(anon): is gay.
Mxangel: My parents don't go through them *that* quick, but my dad buys them pretty
The_one: Hahdhehsbdh
Mxangel: I wish they'd quit. The smoke really fuckin bothers me, and I would be
surprised if my sister and I didn't have any health problems bc of it
Nekogirl: i guess im gonna go back to being me
Blue_jollyrancher: what?
Daughter: e?
Death25: Hi guys
Nekogirl: hi death :3
Blue_jollyrancher: hi death
Death25: Hi
Kitsune_izzy: Hello sir, are you Death? Can you kill me?
Kitsune_izzy: If so, go ahead
Nekogirl: hes the intern, note the 25
Daughter: no
Blue_jollyrancher: They won't I've asked
Death25: It is not ur time yet
Kitsune_izzy: Oh well, maybe next year
Nekogirl: you know what my favorite part about being me is
(anon): deez
Nekogirl: i can say ridiculous things like "thats it the shirt is coming off!"
Death25: And neko I'm not a Intern I'm the 25th generation of death
Tallguy: its only when your 69 thats your time
Blue_jollyrancher: You can turn people into nekos?
(anon): Cum
Nekogirl: speaking of shirts
Nekogirl: *strips down to just underwear*
Nekogirl: thats better
Death25: Yare yare daze
Tallguy: i might actually do that
Death25: BRB
Blue_jollyrancher: *Averts eyes*
Kitsune_izzy: Respectfully, please no
(anon): please yes
Nekogirl: what, im not huting anyone
Kitsune_izzy: That's... debatable
Death25: ...
Blue_jollyrancher: *Still not looking* Your not
Death25: You
Death25: Yh
Death25: Ajtox
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: ajtox
Death25: Autocorrect
Blue_jollyrancher: Am I able to look?
Death25: Idk
Kitsune_izzy: I was about to say something really stupid
Nekogirl: you can....
Nekogirl: idc
Kitsune_izzy: So instead I will say this
Kitsune_izzy: Pizza rolls.
Blue_jollyrancher: well I thought I would ask
Nekogirl: *shurgs*
Nekogirl: *and shrugs*
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: shurging
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
Daughter: help
Blue_jollyrancher: *Takes off hoodie*
Tallguy: *takes off my magnum dong
Nekogirl: help how?
Daughter: cramping
Daughter: pained
Nekogirl: oof
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: oof
Mxangel: Damn ;-;
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: pain hurts
Daughter: id guessed it did
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: good guess
Nekogirl: im getting my ass kicked TwT
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: in raid shadow legends
Daughter: im gonna go to the bathroom and die
Daughter: be back in 5 minute
Daughter: s
Nekogirl: i am both glad and upset im not a girl
Kitsune_izzy: I am mostly the second one
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: girls gotta die
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: no girls
Pricecheck: what?
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: no more girls
Pricecheck: im not a girl though-
Nekogirl: well studies have shown a period is as painful as a heart attack, and
they have to go through it 12 times a year, and men think they're better how?
Kitsune_izzy: Because they look so good?
Kitsune_izzy: And people like them?
Pricecheck: i mean, don't periods only hurt because of the cramps people get?
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: periods are not kino
Generic: tf when did price come back
Pricecheck: heh-
Generic: wb ig
Death25: Lol
Pricecheck: lol
Blue_jollyrancher: ...
Pricecheck: oh hey blue
(anon): e
Blue_jollyrancher: hello
Nekogirl: ya get it it that time?
Blue_jollyrancher: get what?
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: dn
Nekogirl: nothing blue
Daughter: my pp hurts
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: ooftastic
Tallguy: ima make my pp hurt
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: nice
Tallguy: :)
Trees_the_proto: Yello?
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
Trees_the_proto: Is fluff on?
Blue_jollyrancher: No'p'e
Dominatrix: did i hear cock and ball torture going on in tere?
Nekogirl: hi trees
Trees_the_proto: Ah fuck...
Nekogirl: im back to my usual outfit
Necrophillia: oop
Dominatrix: oh lord not necrophillia and dominatrix is not a good mix
Necrophillia: true
Blue_jollyrancher: neko was nakey
Dominatrix: imma a
Dominatrix: imma go
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: kinky
Nekogirl: *is
Trees_the_proto: FUCK
Nekogirl: well not completely
Tallguy: nice
Blue_jollyrancher: Neko *IS* nakey
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: nice
Generic: nice
Necrophillia: noice
Kitsune_izzy: Not nice
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm to fat for that
Trees_the_proto: Ugh I miss everything here...
Tallguy: go big or go home thats what i say neko
(anon): 🅰🅱🅱🅰
Nekogirl: no
Tallguy: ohh
Tallguy: so you want to help you hm
Blue_jollyrancher: 4 out of the seven people on my fl have seen me naked
Blue_jollyrancher: interesting
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: yes
Mxangel: :P
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: interesting
Tallguy: * blue to help you*
Nekogirl: no
Necrophillia: f
Blue_jollyrancher: No wait out of the people online that I know of its 5
Generic: ?
Tallguy: yes
Nekogirl: no
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: very interesting
Nekogirl: bad tallguy
Trees_the_proto: Someone took the username of just Trees...
Blue_jollyrancher: damn
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: treedude
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: the man the myth the legend
Trees_the_proto: ?
Nekogirl: im just getting my ass kicked over and over again in halo
Necrophillia: sounds fun
Nekogirl: also blue im not completely naked
Tallguy: blue x neko fanfic coming2023
Nekogirl: no
Necrophillia: thats me but replace halo with warzone
Their_in_the_trees: HA
Mxangel: Oop
Kitsune_izzy: No
Tallguy: yes
Blue_jollyrancher: no
Daughter: no
Nekogirl: no
Blue_jollyrancher: no
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: no?
Nekogirl: no
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: idk
Tallguy: lmao
Their_in_the_trees: Lmao
Blue_jollyrancher: Daughter x Neko though
Necrophillia: no?
Kitsune_izzy: No.
Their_in_the_trees: Yes.
(anon): balls
(anon): angel x blue
Mxangel: >_>
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: yes
Necrophillia: yes
Nekogirl: wait blue?
Tallguy: Blue x daughter x neko fanfic
Ozziegerff: Thick nuts.
Blue_jollyrancher: No thanks
Nekogirl: no
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: everyone x everyone
Necrophillia: no
Their_in_the_trees: No
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: orgy
Tallguy: ehh
Blue_jollyrancher: no