Kant and Samanta

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Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 14, No.

4, 2020

A Review and Comparative Study of Boundary Conditions Used for

Wave Transmission in Soil with Application in Free Field Response

Lakshmi Kant 1) * and Avik Samanta 2)

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engg., RRSD College of Engg., Begusarai, India.
* Corresponding Author. E-Mail: lakshmikantseth@gmail.com@gmail.com
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engg., Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India.
E-Mail: asamanta@iitp.ac.in

In soil–structure interaction (SSI) problem, the structural response is affected by additional wave energy
dissipation through radiation and material damping of soil. The infinite soil around a sizeable stiff structure
behaves like a natural damper. The modeling of such phenomenon of wave transmission that radiates outward
from the vibrating structures towards infinity has significant difficulties. In numerical analysis, the only finite
domain of the soil medium is analyzed and boundary condition (BC) is imposed to prevent the outgoing
radiation waves from reflecting of the boundary region. The accuracy of SSI simulation in numerical analysis
depends on how well the non-reflecting boundary condition is working in the simulation. Many approaches
have been developed to simulate such boundary conditions over the past few decades and the accuracy of wave-
absorbing BC has been improved over the period of time. This paper aims to review and implement the different
wave transmitting boundary conditions that are generally familiar in analyzing problems in the soil–structure
interaction. Accuracy, suitability and application of wave-absorbing BCs are studied in this paper using the
finite element program ABAQUS modeling.

KEYWORDS: Soil-structure interaction, Boundary condition, Finite element (FE), Free field response
of soil, Numerical analysis.

INTRODUCTION condition. But, in the case of ground excitation problem,

Experimental tests, such as shake table tests, are it is carried out by dividing the infinite soil into two parts
most suitable to predict the dynamic behavior of soil. as the near field and far field to take care of wave
Still, a flexible boundary is required (Tabatabaiefar, transmission in the infinite domain of soil. The part
2016) to take care of the reflection of a wave coming which includes the geometric irregularity and non-
toward the boundary. Shake table tests cannot be homogeneity of the foundation is called near field, while
performed for a large volume of soil. As a result, the the far field is an isotropic homogeneous elastic domain
finite element method (FEM) gained more popularity beyond the near field. The near field is modeled using
due to its simulation capacity related to the real complex finite elements and the far field is modeled by some
problem with more efficiency and accuracy (Far, 2017). particular artificial boundaries or connecting some
It is used by many researchers to simulate seismic special elements on the truncated boundary, which is a
ground excitation problems, such as SSI. The simulation part of the representation of the finite elements. There
of the infinite domain of soil in FEM is performed by are many artificial BCs that are developed and used by
taking only the finite domain of soil. Soil domain always researchers (Lysmer and Kuhlemeyer, 1969; Jingbo and
remains finite, even as a large domain of soil is taken. Du Yixing, 2007) to overcome some of the limitations
The general method for solving the static problem is of fixed BC. Artificial BCs can be broadly divided into
executed by applying the simplest fixed boundary two parts, which are local boundary conditions and
global boundary conditions. Local boundary conditions
Received on 17/6/2020.
provide a low-accuracy solution, but with high
Accepted for Publication on 28/8/2020.

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