Homolog Series-Alcohol (Repaired) Latest

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Definition of isomer: 1

No number because no isomer

Prepared by: Rudi bin Zainal 0197525195
Tiada nombor sebab tiada isomer

Homolog series : Alcohol Homolog series : Carboxylic Acid Homolog series : Ester
Siri homolog : Alcohol Siri homolog : Asid karbosilik Siri homolog : Ester
General formula/formula am: General formula/formula am: General formula/formula am:
CnH2n+1OH n= 1, 2, 3 ... CnH2n+1 COOH n= 0, 1, 2, 3 ... O
Name/nama molecular Structural ||
Name/nama molecular Structural formula/ formula/formula R - C - O - R’ Atau RCOOR’
formula/ formula/formula formula struktur
formula struktur molekul
molekul Propanoic acid
Ethanol ||
Butanoic acid R–C-O :
Derived from carboxylic acid, name ending with ‘oate’.
R is alkyl group with general formula CnH2n+1, n = 0, 1, 2,…
Pentanoic acid
Berasal daripada asid karbosilik, penamaan diakhiri dengan’ oat’
Butan-1-ol -R’ :
Hexanoic acid Derived from alcohol, name ending with ‘yl’.
Pentan-1-ol Berasal daripada alcohol, penamaan diakhiri dengan ‘il’
Heptanoic acid R’ is alkyl group with general formula CnH2n+1 ; n = 1, 2,….

Functional group/kumpulan berfungsi: Functional group/kumpulan berfungsi: Functional group/kumpulan berfungsi:

Hydroxyl(-OH) carboxyl(-COOH) Carboxylate RCOOR’
Hidroksil karboksil karboksilat RCOOR’
Each member of alcohol series contains hydroxyl Each member of carboxylic series contains Each member of ester series contains carboxylate as the
as the functional group ( -OH ) which is covalently carboxyl as the functional group ( -COOH) functional group ( R-COO-R’)
bonded to the carbon atom. Setiap ahli kumpulan karbosilik mengandungi Setiap ahli kumpulan ester mengandungi karboksilat
Setiap ahli kumpulan alkohol mengandungi karboksil sebagai kumpulan berfungsi ( -COOH ) sebagai kumpulan berfungsi ( R-COO-R’)
hidroksil sebagai kumpulan berfungsi ( -OH ) yang
mana terikat secara kovalen dengan atom karbon.

Try this! Draw the Structural formula of butanol

Butan-1-ol Butan-2-ol
C4H9OH(Molecular Formula)

Naming/penamaan Naming/penamaan
Replace the ending “e” from the name of alkane ethanol → Ethanoic acid
with “ol” propanol → Propanoic acid
Example : butanol → Butanoic acid
Methane - Methanol
Ethane- Ethanol
Propane - Propanol 4 carbon -COOH

Butane- Butanol atoms

Butanoic acid
4 carbon -OH
atoms Kenapa tak perlu Tak perlu nombor
nombor? keran
-OH at the 2nd C .................................

Draw the structural formula Try this! Draw the structural formula Name/nama: ......................................
Try this! of 3-methylpentan-1-ol: Structural formula: of 3-methylpentanoic acid:
Structural formula: Formula struktur:
Formula struktur:

Name/nama: ......................................

Name General Fuctional Name General Fuctional

Nama formula group Nama formula group
Formula Am Kump. Formula Am Kump.
berfungsi berfungsi

Name/nama: ......................................
C2H5OH + 2[O] → CH3COOH + H2O
Ethanol KMnO4/K2Cr2O7 Ethanoic acid
In structural formula/Di dalam formula struktur

Penyediaan: Penyediaan: Penyediaan:

Two methods of preparation of Ethanol Laboratory preparation  through oxidation of Laboratory preparation  through esterification by
Dua kaedah untuk menyediakan etanol ethanol by acidified KMnO4 / K2Cr2O7 solution carboxylic acid and alcohol
1)Preparation of ethanol, C2H5OH in the Penyediaan dimakmal  melalui pengoksidaan Penyediaan dimakmal  melalui pegesteran oleh asid
laboratory ( Fermentation of glucose) etanol oleh larutan KMnO4 / K2Cr2O7 berasid. karbosilik dan alkohol
Penyediaan etanol C2H5OH di dalam makmal C2H5OH +2[O]→ CH3COOH + H2O CH3COOH + C2H5OH→ CH3COOC2H5 + H2O
(penapaian glukosa) Ethanol Ethanoic acid Ethanoic acid Ethanol Ethyl ethanoate

C6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 KMnO4(aq) Nice smell/berbau sedap

Glucose Ethanol karbon dioksida
(air kapur menjadi keruh)

Alcohol Carboxylic acid

Procedure/langkah-langkah: Alcohol
1. Put 2 cm3 of ethanol into test tube.
Masukkan 2 cm3 etanol ke dalam tabung Procedure/langkah-langkah:
uji. 1. Put 2cm3 of ethanoic acid into test tube.
2. Add 1 cm3 acidified KMnO4 into test tube Masukkan 2 cm3 etanol ke dalam tabung uji.
and 1 cm3 concentrated sulphuric acid as 2. Add 2 cm3 ethanol into test tube and 1 cm3
catalyst concentrated sulphuric acid as catalyst.
Fermentation is a process in which microorganism Masukkan 1 cm3 KMnO4 berasid ke dalam Masukkan 2 cm3 etanol ke dalam tabung uji dan
such as yeast act on carbohydrates (sugar or tabung uji dan 1 cm3 asid sulfurik pekat 1 cm3 asid sulfurik pekat sebagai mangkin.
starch) to produce ethanol and carbon dioxide. sebagai mangkin. 3. Panaskan campuran tersebut.
Penapaian adalah proses yang mana 3. Panaskan campuran tersebut. Heat the mixture.
mikrooraganismaseperti yis bertindak terhadap Heat the mixture. Observation/pemerhatian:
Observation/pemerhatian: -Nice smell produce
karbohidrat(gula atau kanji) untuk menghasilkan
KMnO4: ………………………………………………. -bau yang sedap terhasil
etanol dan karbon dioksida.
K2Cr2O7: ……………………………………………….
Remember! Only ethanol can be produced -Turn moist blue paper to …………………….
by fermentation. Other alcohol cannot -Tukarkan kertas biru lembap kepada…………..
Ingat! Hanya etanol sahaja yang boleh -Sour smell produce
dihasilkan melalui penapaian. Alkohol yang -bau masam terhasil
lain-lain tidak boleh.

Industrial production of ethanol, C2H5OH ( Reflux method/kaedah reflux: Reflux method/kaedah reflux:
Hydration of ethene)
2)Alkene is reacted with steam (H2O) at How much How much
temperature; volume of volume of
Alkena telah bertindak balas dengan wap air pada reactant and reactant and
suhu; 300 oC dan tekanan; 60 atm dengan catalyst? catalyst?
kehadiran asid fosforik (H3PO4) sebagai mangkin.

Chemical equation of the reaction : Reactant/bahan Reactant/bahan

Persamaan kimia untuk tindak balas : tindak balas tindak balas
C2H4 + H2O → C2 H5OH …………..cm3 …………..cm3
Ethene steam ethanol alcohol alcohol
Draw the structural formula for this reaction: +…………..cm3 +…………..cm3
Lukiskan formula struktur untuk tindak balas ini: oxidising agent carboxylic acid
Follow ratio 1 : 4 Follow ratio 1 : 4

Catalyst /mangkin Catalyst /mangkin

…………..cm3 concentrated H2SO4 …………..cm3 concentrated H2SO4

Physical properties: Physical properties: Physical properties:

Alcohols with one to eleven carbon atoms exist as Carboxylic acid is substance that partially ionises • Has nice smell
liquids. in water to produce hydrogen ion, H+(weak acid) Mempunyai bau yang sedap
Alkohol dengan satu hingga 7 atom karbon wujud Asid karbosilik adalah bahan yang mengion • Can not dissolve in water
sebagai cecair separa di dalam air untuk menghasilkan ion Tidak boleh larut di dalam air
Methanol, ethanol and propanol are miscible in all
proportions with water.
hidrogen, H+(asid lemah) • Ester is a neutral compound with a sweet smell / fruity
Metanol, etanol dan propanol bercampur dengan air
Example : ethanoic acid, CH3COOH smell.
dengan baik. CH3COOH↔ CH3COO- + H+ Ester adalah sebatian neutral yang mempunyai bau
 The solubility of alcohol in water decreases with Draw the structural formula: yang wangi/bau buah-buahan
increasing of their molecular size // number of carbon lukiskan formula struktur: • Esters have low density ; less dense than water.
atom. Ester mempunyai ketumpatan yang rendah; kurang
tumpat daripada air(terapung di atas air)
• Simple esters are colourless liquid at room

Propanol, butanol, pentanol,and others alcohol can be

produced by this method!

Physical properties of ethanol, C2H5OH : Physical of ethanoic acid, CH3COOH Ester yang ringkas adalah cecair yang tidak berwarna di
• colourless liquid • colourless liquid dalam keadaan bilik.
cecair tidak berwarna cecair tidak berwarna •Simple esters are very volatile.
• mixes with water in all proportions • can turn blue litmus paper to red in aqueous Insoluble in water
bercampur dengan air pada semua bahagian boleh menukarkan kertas litmus biru ke merah Ester yang ringkas mudah meruap. Tidak larut di dalam
• less dense than water dalam keadaan akues.
kurang tumpat dari air • Boleh mengkonduksikan elektrik dalam keadaan
• boiling point is 78 oC at 1 atm. akues
Zn +2 HCl→ZnCl2 +H2
Takat didih ialah 78 oC pada 1 atm. kurang tumpat dari air
• Not flammable
Ionic compound produced when hydrogen ion H+ from
Tidak mudah terbakar acid is replaced by metal ion or ammonium ion NH +

Chemical properties of ethanol, C2H5OH : Chemical properties of ethanoic acid, CH3COOH Uses of esters :
I)Combustion of ethanol/pembakaran I)Reacts as an acid with base, metal carbonates and Kegunaan ester:
Ethanol burns in air to produce water and carbon metals that are more electropositive than hydrogen.
dioxide. Ethanol burns readily with a blue flame and Bertindak balas dengan bes/logam oksida, logam ▪ Most simple esters are found naturally in fruits and flowers.
without producing soot. karbonat dan logam yang lebih elektropositif The fragrance of flowers and fruits is due to the presence of
daripada hidrogen(sifat kimia asid) esters.
C2H5OH + 3O2 → 2CO2 + 3H2O a)Carboxylic acid + electropositive metal → Kebanyakan ester yang ringkas dijumpai secara semulajadi di
carboxylate salt + hydrogen gas dalam buah-buahan dan bunga-bungaan. Bau wangi bunga-
Combustion of ethanol releases large amount of heat Contoh: bungaan dan buah-buahan adalah disebabkan oleh
(ethanol is suitable for use as a fuel) kehadiran ester

☺ Balance the following equations : Example:

b)Carboxylic acid + base/metal oxide →
2C3H7OH + 9O2 → 6CO2 + 8H2O carboxylate salt + water Natural
C4H9OH + O2 → CO2 + H2O Contoh: Name source
C5H11OH + O2 → CO2 + H2O Nama Punca
C6H13OH + O2 → CO2 + H2O semulajadi
Pentyl Pineapple
Ethanol : c)Carboxylic acid + metal carbonate → CH3COOC5H11
ethanoate Nenas
C2H5OH +O2→ carboxylate salt + water + carbon dioxide Methyl Apple
Methanol: C2H5COOCH3
propanoate Epal
Pentyl Banana
Heptanol : C3H7COOC5H11
butanoate Pisang

II)Oxidation of ethanol Complete the following equations : ▪ Used in the preparation of cosmetics and perfumes.
Pengoksidaan etanol Digunakan di dalam penyediaan kosmetik dan pewangi.
Ethanol is oxidised by an oxidising agent such as HCOOH + Mg → + ▪ As artificial flavour in processed of food and drinks
acidified potassium manganate(VII), KMnO4 or Methanoic acid …………………. ………. ………. Sebagai perisa buatan di dalam pemprosesan makanan dan
acidified potassium dichromate(VI), K2Cr2O7 solution. minuman.
C2H5COOH + KOH → + H2O ▪ Used in the production of polyester ( synthetic fibers for
Both these oxidising agents are represented as 2[O] in Propanoic acid …………… ……………. ……… making textiles)
the chemical equation. Digunakan di dalam penghasilan piliester(fiber sintetik untuk
CH3COOH + Na2CO3 → CH3COONa+ H2O +CO2 pakaian)
One oxygen atom joins the ethanol molecule to form C …………. acid sodium carbonate Sodium ethanoate + water ▪ Natural fats are esters which react with alkalis to produce
= O and the other oxygen atom is joined to the two + carbon dioxide soap.
hydrogen atoms that are removed from the ethanol to Lemak semulajadi adalah ester di mana bertindak balas
form H2O. C2H5COOH + K2CO3 → + + CO2 dengan alkali untuk menghasilkan sabun.
……………… …………. ……………. ……….. ………
Oxidation of alcohol is the process where an alcohol C2H5COOH + NaOH → +
molecule loses two H atoms and receives one O atom. …………….. ………….. …………….. …………. CH3COOH + C2H5OH 
Pengoksidaan alcohol adalah proses di mana alcohol C5H11COOH + K → +
molekul kehilangan dua atom H dan menerima satu ………………. ……………. ……………. …………..
atom O.
C2H5OH + 2[O] → CH3COOH + H2O
Draw the structural formula: II)React with alcohol to produce ester and water.
Lukiskan formula struktur: Oxidising Agent Bertindakbalas dengan alcohol untuk menghasilkan
KMnO4/K2Cr2O7 ester dan air CH3OH + C2H5COOH 
 Carboxylic acid reacts with alcohol to produce ester
and water with the presence of concentrated sulphuric
acid as a catalyst (Esterification reaction)(pengesteran)

Draw the structural formula of this reaction:

*Ingat lagi pengoksidaan alkena? Lukiskan formula struktur untuk tindak balas ini.
C2H4 + H2O + [O] → C2H4(OH)2 C2H5COOH + C2H5OH → C2H3COOC2H5 + H2O
Ethene Ethan-1,2-diol propanoic acid ethanol ethyl propanoate
Draw the structural formula:
Lukiskan formula struktur:

Complete the following equations :

C3H7OH + 2[O] → + H2O C3H7COOH + C3H7OH → C2H3COOC2H5 + H2O
butanoic acid propanol propyl butanoate

CH3CH2 CH2OH + 2[O] → ……………………… + H2O
Propanol propanoic acid

+ 2[O] →



methanoic acid ethanol ethyl methanoate
C5H11OH + 2[O] →


III)Dehydration of ethanol
Penyingkiran air daripada etanol

Dehydration of an alcohol involves the removal of

water molecule from each of alcohol molecule.
Water molecule from the alcohol molecule is
removed by a dehydrating agents such as porcelain
chips / aluminium oxide (alumina) / concentrated
sulphuric acid / concentrated phosphoric acid.

There are two ways to carry out the dehydration of

ethanol in the laboratory :

Hot vapour of ethanol is passed over a heated catalyst

such as porcelain chips /aluminium oxide.

a) Draw a labeled diagram to show the set-up of

apparatus to carry out the dehydration of ethanol.

b)Ethanol is heated under reflux with excess of Reflux method/kaedah reflux:

concentrated sulphuric acid / concentrated phosphoric
acid. How much
volume of
Draw a labelled diagram to show the set-up of reactant and
apparatus to carry out the dehydration of ethanol.
☺Complete the following equations :
(a)C3H7OH → + H2O Reactant/bahan
……….. ………… tindak balas
(b) → + H2O
Butanol …………
Follow ratio 1 : 4

Catalyst /mangkin
(c) → C5H10 + H2O …………..cm3 con.

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