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Applied Thermal Engineering 124 (2017) 346–352

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Applied Thermal Engineering

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Research Paper

Improving thermal characteristics and stability of phase change material

containing TiO2 nanoparticles after thermal cycles for energy storage
Samaneh Sami, Nasrin Etesami ⇑
Department of Chemical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, P.O. Box: 84156-83111, Isfahan, Iran

h i g h l i g h t s

 Thermal characteristics and stability of TiO2/paraffin with surfactant were improved.

 Thermal conductivity of TiO2/paraffin/SSL composite (3 wt%) was increased 47.85%.
 TGA results showed that thermal stability of the nanocomposite with SSL was improved.
 There is no significant variations in thermal properties of nanocomposites after thermal cycles.
 Latent heat of composites showed an optimal value with increasing TiO2 mass ratio.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study, thermal characteristics and stability of TiO2/paraffin composites with and without sodium
Received 22 February 2017 stearoyl lactylate (SSL) as a surfactant were evaluated. The TiO2/paraffin composites with 0.5, 0.7, 1, 2, 3,
Revised 11 May 2017 4 wt% were prepared in two series, with and without the SSL. FE-SEM micrographs illustrated that adding
Accepted 7 June 2017
the surfactant to the paraffin matrix could improve the dispersion of the nanoparticles efficiently. DSC
Available online 8 June 2017
analysis showed that the maximum latent heat of 165.1 and 167 J/g for nanocomposites occurs in 1
and 3 wt% for samples of TiO2/paraffin without and with the SSL, respectively. The thermal conductivity
coefficient was enhanced with adding nanoparticles, considerably. An increase of 47.85% in the thermal
Phase change material
conductivity was found for the paraffin containing 3 wt% of nanoparticles with the surfactant.
TiO2 nanoparticles TiO2/paraffin composite with 3 wt% was chosen as an optimal sample to consider the physical and ther-
Thermal cycles mal stability after several thermal cycles. TGA thermograms showed that thermal stability of the
Thermal stability TiO2/paraffin/SSL composite (3 wt%), as compared to pure paraffin and TiO2/paraffin (3 wt%), was
Thermal conductivity improved. It was found that the melting temperature and the latent heat of nanocomposites had inappre-
ciable changes after several thermal cycles. The thermal conductivity of the nanocomposites approached
the initial thermal conductivity of the pure paraffin, after several thermal cycles, while a marked decrease
in thermal conductivity of pure paraffin was apparent.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction storage in various forms such as thermal, chemical and mechanical

during the day can overcome these problems [1].
Energy storage is a useful tool for increasing energy efficiency Phase change materials (PCMs) are considered as one of the best
and energy saving. The efficient use of the energy and utilization energy storage methods. The paraffins are selected as a suitable
of the renewable energies increase because limited fossil fuel candidate for use in thermal energy storage systems because of
resources and environmental pollutions created by this type of the appropriate latent heat, the good stability and the low cost at
fuel. Solar energy is one of the types of renewable energy. The the specific temperature range [2]. Low thermal conductivity of
non-uniform and time-dependent nature is the main obstacles in the paraffins is one of the limited properties of them and reduces
the use of solar energy. The intensity of sunlight varies during their performance. For this reason, in the recent years many efforts
the day and does not exist energy during the evening. The energy were conducted to improve the thermal conductivity of the phase
change materials, particularly paraffin [3,4]. Increasing the thermal
conductivity causes to increase the heat transfer rate in the phase
⇑ Corresponding author. change materials and improve the energy storage efficiency. The
E-mail address: netesami@cc.iut.ac.ir (N. Etesami).
thermal conductivity can be improved by using the metal fins,

1359-4311/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Sami, N. Etesami / Applied Thermal Engineering 124 (2017) 346–352 347

the porous matrix and the fibrous materials [5–8]. These methods properties of composites, such as melting temperature, latent heat
are not desirable due to increase in weight and volume of the and thermal conductivity, were evaluated. Also, the changes in the
energy storage devices. Dispersing fine particles with high thermal thermal properties were considered after the alternative thermal
conductivity in the phase change material has been introduced as a cycles. The thermal stability of the samples was investigated by
convenient method to increase the effective thermal conductivity. the thermogravimetry analysis. The physical stability and the dis-
The thermal conductivity of PCM composites has been improved persion of the nanoparticles in the composites were evaluated for
by adding the low amount of the metal or the metal oxide the first time using the scanning electron microscopy, after and
nanoparticles to PCMs in some studies [9,10]. before the alternative thermal cycles.
Sohan et al. [11] reported an enhancement of 48% and 60% in
the thermal conductivity for the paraffin containing 10 wt.% and 2. Materials and methods
20 wt.% of iron nanoparticles, respectively. In literature, several
studies show that there is not necessarily a linear relationship 2.1. Materials
between the mass fraction of nanoparticles and the improvement
in the thermal conductivity [12,13]. Paraffin with the melting point about 54–58 °C (Merck, Ger-
Teng and Yu [14] studied on thermal storage properties of the many) as phase change material. Sodium stearoyl lactylate (SSL)
paraffin including different metal oxide nanoparticles. Alumina, with the chemical formula C24H43NaO6 was used as a surfactant
Titania, silica and zinc oxide were dispersed into three concentra- were purchased from Merck Company (Germany). Titanium oxide
tions of 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 wt%. Their results showed that TiO2 has nanoparticle was purchased from PlasmaChem Company (Ger-
more effect on the heat conduction performance and the thermal many) with average particle size of 5–20 nm and 50 ± 10 m2/g of
storage characteristics of the paraffin. The highest decrement ratio specific surface area.
of the melting latent heat is only 0.46%, compared with that of the
pure paraffin.
2.2. Preparation of the samples
Harikrishnan and Kalaiselvam [15] investigated the thermal
characteristics of palmitic acid contain TiO2 during energy storage
Paraffin nanocomposites containing different mass fractions of
and release processes. The results showed, the melting and solidi-
the titanium oxide nanoparticles were prepared; weighted amount
fication times of composites were reduced by 6.43, 14.62, 21.05%
of nanoparticles was added to liquid paraffin in several steps and
and 6.18, 12.37, 20.11% for 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 wt% of TiO2 respectively.
used magnetic stirrer and ultrasonic processor (Hielsher up
In the most previous studies the effect of nanoparticles on the
400 s) alternatively for appropriate dispersion in samples. Two ser-
thermal properties of the PCM has been investigated, while stabil-
ies of samples; I) without the SSL and II) with the SSL as a surfac-
ity and the dispersion of nanoparticles in the PCM matrix had not
tant with mass ratio 1:4 for SSL/TiO2, were prepared in different
been considered. Wang et al. [16] synthesized anatse titanium
mass fractions of TiO2 0, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 2, 3 and 4 wt%. Mass ratio of
oxide nanoparticles in 20 nm of diameter and examined the influ-
SSL to TiO2 was selected based on experimental observations in
ences of dispersing of TiO2 on the thermal properties of TiO2/paraf-
three mass ratio 1:3.5, 1:4 and 1:4.5.
fin composites without surfactant. The dispersion of TiO2
nanoparticles in the samples were examined using the polarizing
optical microscope (POM). But the sustainability of the produced 2.3. Characterization
samples after the heating cycles has not been evaluated. Motahar
et al. [17] performed laboratory studies on the thermal and the Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Manufacturing BAHR
rheological properties of the n-octadecane with the TiO2 nano- Thermoanalyse GmbH Germany with the relative standard uncer-
additive. The maximum improvement in thermal conductivity tainty of ±7% was used to determine the thermal characteristics of
occurred in 3 wt% of nano-particle and the reduction was seen the samples such as melting point and the latent heat under nitro-
greater than 4 wt%. They discussed more about the rheological gen, with heating rate of 5 °C/min in the range temperature of 30–
properties of PCM composites in their study. 90 °C. Thermal stability in measurable temperature range was per-
Ho and Gao [18] prepared the composite by dispersing Al2O3 formed by Thermal Gravimetry Analysis (TGA). Thermal analyzer
nanoparticles with 5 wt% and 10 wt% in n-octadecane by means TGA/DTA Pyris Diamond model was used under nitrogen from
of non-ionic surfactant. Thermo physical properties of samples, room temperature to 450 ° C temperature for thermal analysis of
such as latent heat of fusion, density, dynamic viscosity, and ther- the samples. The relative standard uncertainty of thermal analyzer
mal conductivity, were investigated experimentally. The amount of is ±10%. The Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-
nanoparticles and surfactant are the affecting factors on the stabil- SEM), Mira 3-XMU model was used to evaluate the dispersion of
ity of nanoparticles in the PCM matrix. nanoparticles in phase change material. The thermal conductivity
Nourani et al. [19] studied thermal behavior of paraffin contain- was measured by KD2 Pro Manufacturing Co. Decagon America
ing Al2O3 nanoparticles. Sodium stearoyl lactylate (SSL) has been with the relative standard uncertainty of ±3%.
used as the surfactant to increase stability of Al2O3/PCM samples.
Their results showed that thermal conductivity of composite is 3. Results and discussion
higher than that of pure PCM at phase change temperature of sam-
ple, while heat fusion and melting temperature of obtained com- 3.1. Evaluation of dispersion of nanoparticles in the samples
posite has no significant variations. In this study, stability of
nanoparticles dispersion in the obtained nanocomposites and their Fig.1 shows FE-SEM images of 1 wt% and 3 wt% of TiO2/PCM
thermal properties has not been investigated after thermal cycles. samples with (A, B) and without (a, b) the surfactant of SSL. As seen
A review of the previous research shows that there is a lack of in the Figs. 1-a and -b, the nanoparticles in the paraffin without
studies regarding the effect of adding nanoparticles to paraffin on surfactant tended to aggregate together and dispersion of nanopar-
the thermal properties of the composites, stability and dispersion ticles was less significant, while in the presence of SSL (Fig. 1-A and
of nanoparticles in the paraffin matrix. Therefore, in this work, tita- -B), dispersion of the nanoparticles appropriately occurred due to
nium oxide nanoparticles were added to paraffin in a wide range of reduction in the surface energy of the particles.
mass fractions, in the presence and the absence of sodium stearoyl It should be noted that TiO2 nanoparticles in mass ratios up to
lactylate (SSL) as an effective surfactant. In addition, the thermal 1 wt% are barely visible in the microscopic images. Wang et al.
348 S. Sami, N. Etesami / Applied Thermal Engineering 124 (2017) 346–352

Fig. 1. FE-SEM images of TiO2/paraffin composites with (a) 1.0 wt% (b) 3.0 wt% and TiO2/paraffin/SSL composites with (A) 1.0 wt% (B) 3.0 wt%.

[16] also found similar results. They also showed that mass ratios the nanoparticles were uniformly distributed, and without any
less than 1 wt% of TiO2nanoparticles could not be visible by Polar- agglomeration throughout the sample.
izing Optical Microscope (POM). Fig. 1-b shows the dispersion of Fig. 2-a and -b show the images of TiO2/paraffin composites
the nanoparticles with the mass ratio of 3 wt% in paraffin without with mass ratio of 3 wt%, with and without surfactant (SSL). Com-
the surfactant. Probability of aggregation could be enhanced with paring of Fig. 2-a and -b shows a better dispersion of the nanopar-
increasing the concentrations of TiO2 nanoparticles in the paraffin. ticles in the paraffin in presence of the surfactant. Sedimentation of
In this case, Van der Waals force acted more powerfully in the nanoparticles at the bottom of the container for sample without
short distance, thereby leading to the aggregation of nanoparticles. SSL could be observed in Fig. 2-b.
The effect of surfactant on the uniformity of the dispersion of SSL structure shows that this material decreases surface tension
nanoparticles in the paraffin phase with higher mass ratio of through the creation of an ionic environment in paraffin. It leads to
nanoparticles was more profound (see Fig. 1-B). Fig. 1-B shows that increase particle–particle interactions after adding nanoparticles.
The particle wettability and interfacial influence will be effective
on the performance of surfactant. The particle wettability rises
with increasing particle-particle interactions. Therefore, SSL will
have a better performance in the dispersion of nanoparticles.

3.2. Thermal properties

The DSC thermograms of the TiO2/paraffin composites with and

without the surfactant have been illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4. As can
be seen, with the addition of nanoparticles to paraffin for both ser-
ies, with and without the surfactant, the phase change behavior of
samples was similar, both presenting two fusion peaks [20].
The reported melting temperature in this work was the temper-
ature corresponding to the intersection of the tangent, and the left
leg of the DSC curve. Fig. 5 shows the variation in the melting tem-
perature of the paraffin with different mass ratios of the nanopar-
ticles, in the presence and absence of the surfactant. For both
Fig. 2. Images of 3 wt% of TiO2/paraffin composites (a) with SSL (b) without SSL. series, the melting temperature was decreased with the mass ratio
S. Sami, N. Etesami / Applied Thermal Engineering 124 (2017) 346–352 349

Fig. 3. DSC curves of the TiO2/paraffin composites without SSL. Fig. 6. The latent heat changes of TiO2/paraffin composites with different mass
ratio of TiO2 nanoparticles with and without the SSL.

and without SSL surfactant. By increasing the mass ratio of

nanoparticles up to 1 wt% for nanocomposites without the surfac-
tant and 3 wt% for samples with the surfactant, the latent heat
value was enhanced.
Adding nanoparticles to the paraffin could increase the interac-
tion between the paraffin molecules and the nanoparticles, result-
ing in the enhancement of the latent heat capacity of the
nanocomposite. When the dispersion of nanoparticles in the paraf-
fin matrix was more uniform, the improvement in the latent heat
could be higher. The samples prepared with the surfactant showed
a maximum latent heat at the higher mass ratio of nanoparticles
compared with the nanocomposite without surfactant. However,
further increase of nanoparticles could be followed by replacing
Fig. 4. DSC curves of the TiO2/paraffin composites with SSL.
the paraffin molecules with nanoparticles and absorbing more
energy during the melting process of composites [16]. Therefore,
the latent heat capacity of nanocomposites was decreased.

3.3. Thermal conductivity of the TiO2/paraffin composites

Thermal conductivity plays an effective role in the rate of the

energy storage or release for both solid and liquid phases. The ther-
mal conductivity for the pure paraffin and TiO2/paraffin compos-
ites, with and without the surfactant in a liquid state (at 70 °C),
have been shown in the Fig. 7.
It can be seen that the thermal conductivity of the composites
was increased with increasing the mass ratio of TiO2 nanoparticle
due to the very high thermal conductivity of TiO2, as compared
to paraffin. The presence of the SSL as a surfactant in the compos-
ites led to the more thermal conductivity.

Fig. 5. Melting temperature of TiO2/paraffin versus mass ratio of the TiO2

nanoparticles with and without surfactant.

of the nanoparticles. But, by increasing the mass ratio of the

nanoparticles from an optimal amount, the melting temperature
started to increase.
The optimal mass ratio of the nanoparticles was seen in 1wt%
for samples without surfactant. Similar results have been reported
by Wang et al. [16]. Adding SSL as a surfactant to the composite
caused to increasing the optimal mass ratio of the nanoparticles
to 3wt% due to uniform dispersion of nanoparticles in the matrix
and stabilization of composite. Adding nanoparticles more than
3wt% led to increasing the possibility of the aggregation of the par-
ticles and reduction of the interaction between the paraffin mole-
cules and the nanoparticles. Therefore, the melting point was
Fig. 6 illustrates the variation of the latent heat of TiO2/paraffin
Fig. 7. Thermal conductivity of nanocomposites versus different TiO2 mass ratio in
composites with different mass ratios of TiO2 nanoparticles, with presence and absence of SSL surfactant.
350 S. Sami, N. Etesami / Applied Thermal Engineering 124 (2017) 346–352

Table 1
Comparison between the results of thermal conductivity enhancement in this study and the previous studies.

Author PCM type Nano particle Surfactants Thermal conductivity enhancement

Jiang et al. Paraffin Al2O3 – Thermal conductivity increasing by 27% using 16 wt% nano particle in the solid
[21] state
Ho et al. [18] Paraffin Al2O3 Non-ionic The thermal conductivity increasing by 2% and 6% respectively, using 5 wt.% and
surfactant 10 wt.% of nanoparticles in the solid state
Nourani et al. Paraffin Al2O3 SSL The thermal conductivity enhancement ratios for the sample containing 10.0 wt.
[19] % nano-Al2O3 were 31% and 13% in the solid and liquid states, respectively
Shi et al. [22] Paraffin Graphene – Thermal conductivity increasing by 55% using 1 wt% nano particle in the liquid
nanoplatelet (GNP) state
Yu et al. [23] Paraffin GNP – Thermal conductivity increasing by 20% using 1 wt% nano particle in the liquid
Jeon et al. Paraffin GNP – The thermal conductivity for the sample containing 5 wt.% and 3 wt% GNP
[24] respectively, was enhanced by 101% and 76%
Zhao et al. Paraffin Halloysite nanoclay, Thermal conductivity of wax-halloysite-graphite (45/45/10%) composite showed
[25] Graphit, Carbon increased conductivity of 1.4 W/mK (3 times higher than the base wax-halloysite
nanotubes composite)
Harikrishnan Lauric acid (LA) and stearic TiO2, ZnO and CuO – Thermal conductivity increasing by 34.85%, 46.97% and 62.12% using 1 wt% TiO2,
et al. [26] acid (SA) mixture ZnO and CuO nanoparticles, respectively
Chaichan Paraffin Al2O3, TiO2 – Thermal conductivity increasing by 65% and 40% using 5 wt% Al2O3 and TiO2
et al. [27] nanoparticles, respectively
This study Paraffin TiO2 SSL Thermal conductivity increasing by 49.6% and 38.8% using 4 wt% TiO2
nanoparticles, with and without the surfactant, respectively

Fig. 8. TGA thermograms of paraffin and 3 wt% of TiO2 /paraffin composites with and without SSL.

As shown in Fig. 7, an enhancement of 49.6% and 38.8% in the a more uniform dispersion of the nanoparticles, the maximum
thermal conductivity was found for the paraffin containing 4 wt% latent heat and the appropriate melting temperature. Also, there
of nanoparticles, with and without the surfactant, respectively. was an enhancement of 18.33% in the thermal conductivity, as
This amount of improvement in the thermal conductivity could compared to the pure paraffin with 3 wt% mass fraction of
be substantial when is compared to the results which were nanoparticles. An important question arising is whether the
reported by Motahar et al. [17]. They showed an enhancement of obtained composites can retain their thermal and structural stabil-
4.5% in thermal conductivity of n-octadecane containing 4wt% tita- ity in consecutive thermal cycles.
nium oxide nanoparticles. The results obtained about the enhance- Fig. 8 compares the behavior of the thermal degradation of the
ment of thermal conductivity in the present work could be made pure paraffin and the 3wt% TiO2/paraffin composites in presence
by application of smaller particle size and an appropriate disper- and absence of SSL. According to TGA thermograms, the pure paraf-
sion of nanoparticles due to a significant sonication method in fin, TiO2/paraffin composite and TiO2/paraffin/SSL composite
the current study. Motahar et al. [17] dispersed TiO2 nanoparticles showed the weight reduction of about 91.64%, 92.56% and
in n-octadecane using the ultrasonic bath without any evaluation 87.11%, respectively, in 217–385 °C temperature range. In the other
of dispersion quality. Table 1 shows a comparison between the words, mass reduction of nanoparticles/paraffin/SSL composite
present results and the summary of the studies about the thermal was less than other samples in the same temperature range. There-
conductivity of nano-paraffin composites in recent years. Similar fore, the thermal stability of the nanoparticles/paraffin/SSL com-
results were obtained by Chaichan et al. [27]. They reported an posite was improved, as compared to pure paraffin and the
enhancement of 65% and 40% in thermal conductivity of paraffin nanoparticles/paraffin composite with 3wt% of nanoparticles.
containing Al2O3 and TiO2 nanoparticles, respectively. In the case of TiO2/paraffin composite without SSL, due to non-
uniform distribution of nanoparticles in the paraffin matrix, as
3.4. Thermal and structural stability of the samples clearly shown in FE-SEM micrographs (Fig. 1), the structural
arrangement of the paraffin somewhat was disturbed by nanopar-
As mentioned in the previous sections, the nanocomposite of ticles staying among paraffin molecules. It could be postulated that
TiO2/paraffin with 3 wt% in the presence of the surfactant showed the inappropriate distribution of nanoparticles caused the reduc-
S. Sami, N. Etesami / Applied Thermal Engineering 124 (2017) 346–352 351

Table 2
Melting temperature (Tm) and latent heat (Ls) of the phase change materials composites after thermal cycles.

Samples Cycle No.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 DTm (0–80)
Melting temperature (Tm) after the thermal cycles (°C)
Paraffin 58.9 58.8 58.54 58.21 57.92 57.78 57.31 56.62 56.31 2.59
Paraffin + 3 wt% TiO2 60.64 60.59 60.56 60.51 60.2 59.71 59.85 58.51 58.34 2.3
Paraffin + 3 wt% TiO2 + SSL 56 55.86 55.65 55.71 55.34 55.11 54.96 54.87 54.82 1.18
Latent heat (Ls) after the thermal cycles (J/g)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 DLs (0–80)
Paraffin 137.8 137.75 137.6 137.1 136.61 136.25 135.87 135.55 135.61 2.19
Paraffin + 3 wt% TiO2 136.4 136.17 135.5 135.42 135.3 135 134.94 134.88 134.71 1.69
Paraffin + 3 wt% TiO2 + SSL 167 166.91 166.82 166.64 166.55 166.32 166.19 166.11 166.05 0.95

Table 3
Thermal conductivity of the phase change materials composites after thermal cycles.

Samples Cycle No.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Dk (0–80)
Thermal conductivity after the thermal cycles (W/m °C)
Paraffin 0.147 0.146 0.141 0.139 0.137 0.124 0.116 0.086 0.08 0.067
Paraffin + 3 wt% TiO2 0.18 0.18 0.176 0.173 0.168 0.161 0.147 0.139 0.131 0.049
Paraffin + 3 wt% TiO2 + SSL 0.195 0.195 0.192 0.188 0.187 0.181 0.170 0.162 0.143 0.052

Fig. 9. FE-SEM images of (a) 3 wt% of TiO2/paraffin/ (b) 3 wt% of TiO2/paraffin/SSL after 80 thermal cycles.

tion of the thermal stability of the TiO2/paraffin composite, while nanoparticle/paraffin/SSL after 80 thermal cycles was 2.59, 2.3
adding SSL to this structure resulted in the uniform dispersion of and 1.18 °C, respectively. Also, the amount of change in the latent
the nanoparticles in the paraffin matrix (see Fig. 1-B) and the heat for these samples after 80 thermal cycles was 2.19, 1.16
enhancement of the interactions between paraffin molecules with and 0.95 J/g, respectively.
nanoparticles and together. The changes in the melting temperature and the latent heat of
The maximum degradation rate in the pure paraffin, the the samples after the 80 thermal cycles showed that the presence
nanoparticles/paraffin/SSL composite with 3 wt% nanoparticles of the nanoparticles in the PCM made lower changes in the melting
and the nanoparticles/paraffin composite with 3 wt% occurred at temperature and the latent heat due to the interaction between
temperature of about 321.42, 323.87 and 324.12 °C, respectively. paraffin molecules and nanoparticles. For TiO2/paraffin/SSL com-
The thermal stability of the nanoparticles/paraffin composite posite, the attraction between the organic functional groups of
and the effect of the presence of the SSL on the stability of the sam- paraffin and SSL cause to increase in the interactions between
ple were evaluated by measuring the melting temperature and paraffin molecules and nanoparticles due to better dispersion
latent heat after several heating and cooling cycles. For this pur- could make higher stability and lower changes in the thermal char-
pose, the melting temperature (Tm) and the latent heat (Ls) of the acteristics of paraffin after several thermal cycles.
3 wt% TiO2/paraffin composite with and without surfactant were The thermal conductivity of nanocomposite samples with 3wt%
measured after several thermal cycles by DSC analysis. The results nanoparicles after several melting/freezing cycles in Table 3 shows
are summarized in Table 2. thermal conductivity of the nanocomposites has reached the initial
The results showed that the amount of change in the melting thermal conductivity of the pure paraffin (0.147 W/m °C), after 80
temperature for the pure paraffin, nanoparticle/paraffin and thermal cycles. While the thermal conductivity of pure paraffin has
352 S. Sami, N. Etesami / Applied Thermal Engineering 124 (2017) 346–352

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