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Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179 (2006) 985–992


Photoluminescence in disordered Zn2TiO4

Alexsandra C. Chavesa, Severino J.G. Limab, Regiane C.M.U. Araújoa, Maria Aldeiza
M.A. Maureraa, Elson Longoc, Paulo S. Pizanid, Luiz G.P. Simõesc, Luiz E.B. Soledadea,
Antonio G. Souzaa, Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santosa,
LTM, Departamento de Quı´mica, CCEN, Universidade Federal da Paraı´ba, 58059-900, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil
LSR, Departamento de Tecnologia Mecânica, CT, Universidade Federal da Paraı´ba, 58059-900, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil
CMDMC, Instituto de Quı´mica de Araraquara, UNESP, 14800-900, Araraquara, SP, Brazil
Departamento de Fı´sica, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Caixa Posta 676, 13565-905, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
Received 7 October 2005; received in revised form 12 December 2005; accepted 13 December 2005
Available online 2 February 2006


In this work, the polymeric precursor method was used to obtain disordered Zn2TiO4 powders, either undoped or doped with Sn4+,
Cr3+ and V5+, to be applied as photoluminescent material. The characterization was undertaken by means of thermal analysis (TG and
DTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and photoluminescence (PL). Previous works stated that titanate octahedra
containing a short Ti–O distance show efficient luminescence at room temperature if these octahedra are isolated from each other. In the
present work, the phenomenon was observed in condensed octahedra, sharing edges. The room temperature PL noticed in undoped
Zn2TiO4 had its intensity increased by the dopant addition—the increase was of about 300% for V5+ doping, 400% for Cr3+ and 800%
for Sn4+.
r 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Disordered materials; Pechini; Luminescence; Titanate; Spinel

1. Introduction electrochemical properties in order to investigate different

applications [8,9].
Spinels have awakened great interest in crystallographic Zinc titanate is usually synthesized by solid-state
areas, particularly in the study of the physico-chemical reaction, at high temperatures. When a temperature below
properties of binary compounds and solid solutions [1]. 1000 1C is used, a long heat treatment is necessary [2–4,9].
Zinc titanate (Zn2TiO4) is an inverse spinel, which has been Chemical synthesis methods were also employed—when
used as a catalyst and a pigment. In the catalysis area, co-precipitation method was used, a heat treatment at
different authors report the use of Zn2TiO4 as sorbent for 700 1C for 2 h was used, but secondary phases were
removing sulfur from coal gasification product gases, in observed [7]; when citrate method was used, a heat
hot gas desulfurization units, at temperatures at the treatment at 720 1C for 12 h was used. In this case, a
400–700 1C range. Zinc titanate not only withstands these single-phase material was obtained [6].
high temperatures, without meaningful zinc loss, but is also In the last decades, photoluminescence (PL) of crystal-
one of the leading regenerable catalysts [2–7]. As a line materials was extensively studied. Recently, disordered
dielectric material, zinc titanate was used as one of the and/or nanostructured materials with high photolumines-
components in dielectric compositions. Different authors cent emission in the visible region were evaluated, including
have been studying their physical, electrical, and photo- titanium dioxide and titanates. These materials may
substitute the crystalline compounds in many optical-
electronic applications. Besides the advantage of their low
Corresponding author. Fax: +55 83 3216 7441. synthesis temperature, their use is more convenient,
E-mail address: ieda@quimica.ufpb.br (I.M.G. Santos). once crystalline materials are photoluminescent only at

0022-4596/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
986 A.C. Chaves et al. / Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179 (2006) 985–992

cryogenic temperatures, whereas disordered materials dis- above this temperature. A synthetic air atmosphere was
play PL at room temperature [10–17]. used in order to simulate the furnace conditions and
The chemical processing using solutions, including soft guarantee the carbon elimination.
solution processing, has been attracting increased interest. The characterization by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and
Soft solution processing can be defined as an environmen- infrared spectroscopy (IR) was undertaken with samples
tally friendly processing, using aqueous solution. It also heat treated at different temperatures. PL was evaluated
seems to provide results similar to every other process that after heat treatment at 300 1C.
uses fluids such as vapor [18], gas [19] and plasma or beam/ The device used in the XRD was a Siemens diffract-
vacuum processing [20], while consuming less total energy ometer, model D-5000, with CuKa radiation
than other processing routes. (l ¼ 1.54056 Å). The Rede 93 program, developed at
In the present study, the soft solution processing, the so- the Chemistry Institute of Unesp, in Araraquara,
called polymeric precursor method [21–23], has been Brazil, was used to calculate the lattice parameters [26].
adopted for the synthesis of Zn2TiO4, with spinel structure, Quartz was used as an external standard. The full-width
undoped and doped with Sn4+, V5+ and Cr3+. The crystal at half-maximum (FWHM) of the (311) peaks was
structure and photoluminescent properties were investi- determined in order to evaluate the structural dis-
gated. order. The crystallite sizes were calculated using Scherrer
equation [27].
2. Experimental The IR spectra were recorded in a Bomem (FT-DA8)
infrared spectrophotometer with KBr pellets in the
The reagents used in the synthesis were: citric acid 400–4000 cm1 range.
(Vetec), ethylene glycol (Synth), zinc nitrate (Synth), tin The PL measurements were taken using a U1000
citrate (prepared from tin chloride (Mallinckrodt) [24]), Jobin–Yvon double monochromator coupled to a cooled
chromium III nitrate (Vetec), vanadium oxide (Aldrich) GaAs photomultiplier and a conventional photon-counting
and titanium citrate (prepared from titanium isopropoxide system. The 488.0 nm excitation wavelength of an argon-
(Hulls-Ag) [25]). The synthesis of the powder was ion laser was used, with maximum output power of the
performed using the polymeric precursor method, as laser kept at 20 mW. Previous works indicate a linear
described in Fig. 1. relation between the maximum emission peak wavelength
A thermal analysis was carried out to evaluate the (lEmission) and the exciting wavelength (lExciting) [28]. As the
powder precursor decomposition. TG/DTA was performed 488.0 nm excitation wavelength has been used by other
by means of a TA Instrument, model SDT-2960. The authors [13–16], it was chosen in order to compare PL in
analyses were done using approximately 20 mg of the titanates with spinel structure with titanates with perovs-
powders, at a heating rate of 10 1C min1 up to 700 1C, as kite structure. All the measurements were taken at room
previous analyses indicated that the material is stable temperature.

Titanium citrate + Citric acid

Ethylene Glycol Zinc nitrate

Chromium III nitrate or (90 °C)
Vanadium oxide or
Tin citrate

Primary Calcination
300 °C / 1 h

Thermal analysis
Heat treatment
(300 – 500 °C)


Fig. 1. Flow chart for the synthesis of Zn2Ti1xMexO4 (Me ¼ Cr3+, Sn4+ and V5+, x ¼ 0–1%) spinel.
A.C. Chaves et al. / Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179 (2006) 985–992 987

3. Results and discussion treatment at different temperatures. The powder precursor

presents broad bands at about 460 cm1, related to the
Thermogravimetric results (Fig. 2 and Table 1) indicate metal–oxygen stretching, and at 3425 cm1, related to
that all powder precursors present two thermal decom- water. It also presents a shoulder at 1600 cm1 and well-
position steps. The first step can be attributed to the loss of defined bands at 1547 and 1390 cm1. The shoulder is
water and some gases adsorbed on the powder surface, at characteristic of a n(C ¼ O) stretching mode for a
the 65–85 1C temperature range. The second step refers to unidentate complex, and the vibrations at 1547 and
organic matter decomposition, as well as to carboxyl 1300 cm1 are ascribed to the carboxyl stretching frequen-
groups bonded to metals, at the 215–500 1C temperature cies, n(C ¼ O) and n(C–O), respectively, being related to a
range. A reduction of mass loss after doping was observed. bidentate complex [25,30]. In the spectra, no bands related
DTA results indicate one endothermic peak, related to
the loss of water, and one broad exothermic peak, related
to organic matter decomposition. Samples doped with
vanadium presented two exothermic peaks. Peak tempera-
tures are presented in Table 1.
The differences in the DTA profiles may be related to the
preferential sites occupied by the substitutional cation. In
the case of V5+, when zinc is present, VO+ 2 groups are
formed, which hardly lead to compounds with s(V–C)
bonds [29]. This may conduce to segregation in the resin,
with two decomposition steps.
Fig. 3 illustrates the spectra in the infrared region.
Fig. 3a illustrates the powder precursor spectra after heat

Fig. 3. (a) IR spectra of the Zn2TiO4 powder precursor, heat treated at

different temperatures; (b) IR spectra of Zn2Ti0.99Me0.01O4 (Me ¼ Cr3+,
Fig. 2. Thermal analysis curves of the undoped Zn2TiO4 powder
precursor. Sn4+ and V5+), heat treated at 500 1C.

Table 1
TG/DTA results of the thermal decomposition of the powder precursors

Samples TG—second stage DTA (1C) Mass loss (%)

Ti (1C)a Tf (1C)b Tp (1C)c First peak Second peak

Zn2TiO4 227 460 341, 406, 433, 448 438 70

Zn1.99TiCr0.01O4 240 447 336, 407, 445 439 69
Zn1.99TiSn0.01O4 269 455 336, 367, 400 377 63
Zn1.99TiV0.01O4 263 463 338, 356, 405, 415, 422 354 422 62
Onset of decomposition temperature.
Final decomposition temperature.
Peak temperature, according to DTG curve.
988 A.C. Chaves et al. / Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179 (2006) 985–992

to ester groups are observed, indicating that it has already Using the REDE 93 program, the unit cell volume was
been decomposed, during the primary calcinations [31]. determined. According to JCPDS files, the unit cell volume
After heat treatment of the powder precursor, the of the Zn2TiO4 phase is 605.5 Å3. In the present study, a
intensity of the carboxylate bands related to bidentate smaller unit cell volume was obtained (601.2 Å3), probably
complex (1638 cm1) decreases more than the unidentate due to the smaller amount of defects in the structure, which
ones (1550 and 1410 cm1), indicating that bidentate is characteristic of the polymeric precursor method.
bonds are broken more easily than unidentate ones. For The results of the unit cell volume are presented in Fig. 5.
samples heat treated between 300 and 500 1C, bands at 461, For the doping with chromium and tin, an increase in the
615, 650, 770 (shoulder), 1088 and 3440 cm1 are also unit cell volume with the dopant amount is observed,
observed. whereas in the case of vanadium a decrease occurs. This
The bands at 1088 and 3440 cm1 are related to the behavior is related to the distortion caused by each dopant
presence of C–OH. The band at 3440 cm1 is assigned to
the axial stretching of O–H, more specifically, to the
hydrogen bonds among polymer molecules. The band at
1088 cm1 is assigned to the axial stretching of C–O,
coupled to the stretching of an adjacent C–C bond [32].
The bands at 461, 615, 650 and 770 (shoulder) cm1 are
attributed to the oxygen–metal linkage. The application of
group theory to a rhombohedral spinel leads to the
conclusion that four modes only are i.r. active. These four
modes may be classified in two groups: the two modes
having the highest frequencies, n1 and n2, are due to the
motion of oxygen with respect to the cations; the two low
frequency modes, n3 and n4, must be related to the
displacements of the metallic cations. Moreover, if the
cation masses and the electronic structures are not too
widely different, the valency state is generally the most
important factor determining the cation–oxygen bonding
force, and the corresponding vibrational frequency. In the
present case, only the high-frequency bands were evaluated
[33]. As Zn2TiO4 is an inverse spinel, bands related to
[TiO6], [ZnO6] and (ZnO4) are expected. The absorption
range of condensed [TiO6] octahedral groups occurs at
650–550 cm1, and the absorption range of isolated (ZnO4)
tetrahedral groups occurs at 500–400 cm1 [33]. Fig. 4. XRD patterns of Zn2Ti0.99Me0.01O4 (Me ¼ Cr3+, Sn4+ and V5+),
Fig. 3b illustrates the spectra of the undoped and doped heat treated at 500 1C. *, Zn2TiO4; +, ZnO;  , ZnTiO3.
powder precursors calcined at 500 1C, in which a change in
the spectra profile is observed. While the undoped sample
presents well-defined bands at 770, 650, 610 and 458 cm1,
doped samples present broad bands. The V-doped sample
presents a broad band in the range 710–400 cm1, the Cr-
doped sample also presents a broad band in this region, but
a well-defined band starts at about 400 cm1, the Sn-doped
sample presents a band at 585 cm1 and another well-
defined band starts at about 400 cm1. The partial loss of
order and a random cation distribution could account for
the loss of resolution in the spectra [34]. An important
point is the decrease in the C–OH bond, indicated by the
disappearance of the band at 1088 cm1.
Fig. 4 illustrates the diffraction patterns of the Zn2TiO4
doped with Cr3+, Sn4+ and V5+, heat treated at 500 1C.
The spinel phase can be observed. When V5+ cations are
introduced, secondary phases are formed. As it is
difficult for V5+ to be introduced into the Zn2TiO4 lattice,
due to its coordination, segregation occurs in the resin,
leading to the formation of secondary phases (ZnO and Fig. 5. Unit cell volume of Zn2Ti1xMexO4 (Me ¼ Cr3+, Sn4+ and V5+,
ZnTiO3). x ¼ 0–1%), heat treated at 500 1C.
A.C. Chaves et al. / Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179 (2006) 985–992 989

in the octahedral sites. In relation to vanadium, the

decrease in unit cell volume indicates that, in spite of the
difficulty of its introduction into the unit cell, some
vanadium ions succeed in doing so.
Fig. 6a shows FWHM of the Zn2TiO4 doped with
1 mol% of Cr3+, Sn4+ and V5+, heat treated at 400 and
500 1C. After calcinations at 400 1C, the results indicate a
decrease in FWHM with doping, pointing out to a lower
degree of disorder—this disorder decrease may be due to
an increase in crystallite size and/or due to a lower internal
After heat treatment at 500 1C, the variation of FWHM
is smaller. The (311) peak of the Cr-doped sample presents
the same FWHM of the undoped sample, while both the V-
and Sn-doped samples display a smaller value. These
results are in agreement with the unit cell volume
measurements, which indicate that chromium addition
leads to the smallest change in the lattice parameters.
Crystallite size results, Fig. 6b, indicate that the change
in FWHM is strictly related to crystallite growth, once the
graphics present the same profile. Therefore, the IR and
XRD results indicate that the doping leads to an increase in
short-range disorder, but increases the diffusion rate,
increasing crystallite size and, consequently, decreasing
surface defects. Chromium doping leads to the smallest
change in structure.
In relation to the doping level (Fig. 6c), it may be
observed that samples doped with smaller amounts
(0.1–0.4 mol%) of Sn4+ or Cr3+ present higher crystallite
sizes than samples doped with 1 mol%. At small doping
levels, similar sizes were obtained, whereas for 1 mol%, tin-
doped samples present higher crystallite size than the
chromium-doped samples. This result indicates that
chromium doping also leads to the smallest changes in
The PL results (Figs. 7a, 7b and 7c) indicate that
disordered titanates with spinel structure present high
luminescence, especially when the dopants are introduced
within the structure [16]. This is probably due to the
increase in short-range disorder, as indicated by the
infrared results. This result is in agreement with the
literature, as it will be discussed as follows. It should be
emphasized that 1 mol% of chromium doping, which leads
to the smallest change in spinel structure, leads to the
smallest increase in PL (Fig. 7b).
Bouma and Blasse studied the PL in crystalline titanates
and concluded that titanate octahedra containing a short
Ti–O distance show efficient luminescence at room
temperature, if these octahedra are isolated from each
other [10]. In the present case, PL is observed in an Fig. 6. Evaluation of XRD results of Zn2Ti0.99Me0.01O4 (Me ¼ Cr3+,
amorphous titanate, in which the coordination octahedral Sn4+ and V5+) as a function of doping. (a) FWHM; (b) crystallite size of
samples, with 1 mol% of dopant, heat treated at different temperatures; (c)
share edges, instead of corners, a characteristic of the spinel crystallite size of samples with different dopant amounts, heat treated at
structure of the space group Fd3m [35]. PL in Li2ZnTi3O8 500 1C.
spinel has already been observed, as presented by Câmara
et al. [36]. In their work, the spinel of the space group leads to the appearance of new energy levels, both in the
P4332 was evaluated and the authors concluded that PL valence band and in the conduction band, decreasing the
depends on the degree of the system disordering, which band gap. In the present case, besides the low synthesis
990 A.C. Chaves et al. / Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179 (2006) 985–992

Zn2TiO4. The highest decrease is observed for chromium

doping, while no meaningful change is noted for vanadium.
This result may be related to a decrease in the band gap due
to the creation of defects in the structure [1].
As explained by Blasse and Grabmaier [39], the PL arises
from a radiative return to the ground state, a phenomenon
that is in concurrence with the non-radiative return to the
ground state, in which the energy of the excited state is
used to excite the vibrations of the host lattice, i.e. to heat
the lattice. The radiative emission process occurs more
easily if trapped holes or trapped electrons exist in the
The literature results of PL in amorphous titanates
indicate that the phenomenon is related to the presence of
[TiO5] clusters, leading to delocalized electronic levels in
the optical gap. Studies of different titanates showed that
the visible PL emission in amorphous material is directly
related to the exponential optical edges and tails. The
nature of these exponential optical edges and tails may be
associated to defects promoted by the disordered structure
of the amorphous material [14–17].
The XANES studies on SrTiO3 pointed out that
disordered titanates synthesized using a soft chemical
processing are formed basically by sixfold oxygen–Ti
coordination (TiO6—octahedra) and fivefold oxygen–Ti
coordination (TiO5—square-base pyramids) [40].
Recently, Orhan et al. evaluated the PL in SrTiO3 and
stated that two main and connected factors are responsible
for the PL behavior of SrO-deficient Sr1xTiO3x: (i)
localized electronic levels induced in the valence band by
the symmetry-breaking process ongoing from stoichio-
metric to Sr-deficient Sr1xTiO3x, and (ii) the coexistence
of both [TiO6] and [TiO4] cluster configurations in the
deficient Sr1xTiO3x structure, yielding a charge imbal-
ance that encourages the trapping of holes in the previously
mentioned localized states [13].
In relation to quantum efficiency (Table 2), tin doping
led to the highest PLQ, for all transitions, in all doping
amounts. In all samples, the maximum PLQ was observed
in the second peak (2.050–2.095 eV). For chromium and
vanadium, the addition of 1 mol% of the dopant leads to
the decrease in PLQ.
Fig. 7. PL spectra of Zn2Ti1xMexO4 (Me ¼ Cr3+, Sn4+ and V5+,
Depending on the ligand field energy, dopant addition
x ¼ 0–1%), heat treated at 300 1C. (a) Vanadium; (b) chromium; (c) tin. can lead to intermediate electronic levels, making electron
transition easier. Different behaviors are observed accord-
ing to the dopant. For Cr3+ and V5+, ionic or electronic
defects are probably created, according to Eqs. (1)–(4). For
temperature, doping is also used to increase the disorder Sn4+, these defects are not created.
degree. Zn2 TiO4 x
Deconvolution of the PL spectra of all samples (Fig. 8) Cr2 O3 ! 2Cr0 Ti þ Vdd
O þ 3OO (1)
showed four peaks. The results extracted from the
Zn2 TiO4
deconvolution spectra are presented in Table 2. The fourth Cr2 O3 ! 2Cr0 Ti þ 2hd þ 3OxO (2)
peak was not considered due to its high width and low
intensity. PL quantum efficiency (PLQ) was evaluated from Zn2 TiO4 d þ V00 þ 5Ox
V2 O5 ! 2VTi Zn O (3)
the integrated area under the peaks [37,38].
The results indicate a small tendency of decrease in the Zn2 TiO4
V2 O5 ! 2VTi d þ 2e0 þ 5Ox (4)
energy of all three peaks, when the dopant is added to O
A.C. Chaves et al. / Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179 (2006) 985–992 991

Fig. 8. Deconvolution of the PL spectrum of Zn2TiO4, heat treated at 300 1C.

Table 2
PL peak energy and quantum efficiency (PLQ) of the different transitions, extracted from the deconvoluted spectra of the doped and undoped Zn2TiO4

Sample Peak 1 Peak 2 Peak 3

Energy (eV) PLQ Energy (eV) PLQ Energy (eV) PLQ

Zn2TiO4 2.30170.004 1.1 2.08870.014 2.4 1.84070.016 2.0

Zn2Ti0.999Cr0.001O4 2.29270.004 0.53 2.07470.017 3.0 1.81870.013 1.8
Zn2Ti0.998Cr0.002O4 2.26770.004 3.2 2.05670.014 13 1.83270.016 9.4
Zn2Ti0.99Cr0.01O4 2.27970.004 0.69 2.05070.013 3.2 1.78770.010 1.9
Zn2Ti0.998Sn0.002O4 2.27970.004 3.1 2.06770.010 14 1.83270.013 9.4
Zn2Ti0.99Sn0.01O4 2.28870.004 5.6 2.05670.007 28 1.81370.005 8.3
Zn2Ti0.999V0.001O4 2.28870.004 1.5 2.06770.010 5.9 1.82670.013 3.8
Zn2Ti0.998V0.002O4 2.29270.004 2.2 2.08170.010 12 1.83270.011 5.7
Zn2Ti0.99V0.01O4 2.30170.004 1.1 2.09570.007 6.1 1.85470.008 4.3

The lower PL intensity of the samples doped with Cr3+ In spite of this, a change in the lattice parameters indicates
and V5+, compared with the Sn4+ samples, is probably that some vanadium succeeds in being introduced into the
due to the charge polarization in the structure. According Zn2TiO4 lattice. It was observed that doping leads to an
to Diallo et al. [41], several electronic defects are increase in short-range disorder and to an increase in
undesirable because their presence in the material, even crystallite size. Chromium doping leads to the smallest
at low concentration, can contribute to quench the change.
luminescence. PL results indicate a high emission when dopants are
It should be emphasized that, in spite of the vanadium added, probably associated to short-range disorder. Tin
segregation, its presence increases the PL intensity. doping leads to the highest photoluminescent emission. For
For tin, the decrease in luminescent emission, noticed for chromium and vanadium, ionic or electronic defects
higher doping levels, is not observed. This probably occurs probably lead to charge polarization, decreasing the
because Sn4+ substitutes Ti4+, leading to a disorder in the luminescent emission, when higher dopant amounts are
lattice, without formation of electronic or ionic defects. added.
Thus, more tin may be added to the structure.
4. Conclusions
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial sup-
Zinc titanate, doped with chromium or tin, is single port of the Brazilian agencies CNPq/PRONEX, CNPq/
phase, while vanadium doping leads to secondary phases. PADCT, CAPES and FAPESP/CEPID.
992 A.C. Chaves et al. / Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179 (2006) 985–992

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