Seismic Applications
Seismic Applications
Seismic Applications
Global presence
With more than 40 national subsidiaries and are clear. There‘ll always be a competent technical or sales
more than 100 importers, fischer has a global partner in your vicinity and a high level of product availabili-
network with a strong presence. The ty is also guaranteed.
advantages for you as a project customer
Customer advice
Our technical support service provides and the development of special solutions. Around
cost-effective, legally compliant advice for all the world, more than 130 engineers support you with
questions relating to fastening systems. their concentrated fastening expertise. We‘re happy to
Services that you can access include test installations, give you advice – at our fischer Academy, at your office or at
pull-out tests, individual designs, comparative calculations, the construction site itself.
We offer you a wide range of fastening solutions from the experience gleaned during
fields of chemical resins, steel and plastics. We cover a very broad more than 60 years in ancho-
application spectrum with our standard products as well as ring technology. You can
project-based solutions and customer-specific special depend on it.
developments. All of these are based on our know-how and
Services for seismic construction.
With research and development, tool-making, Through the fischer Process System (fPS), we
special machine construction and produc- continuously optimise our processes and adapt
tion facilities for chemistry, steel and flexibly to customer requirements. In
plastics, the entire production process of this way, we ensure that you can
our products takes place in-house. Our rely on innovative products with
quality management system is certified in a constantly high level of quality.
accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001.
Design software
Our new modular design application documents and extensive choice of all conventional
software suite is called load and measurement units make the software suitable for
„Fixperience“. It offers safe and international use. A free „live update“ is available at all times at:
reliable design along with top
processing comfort. The rele-
vant design standards (ETAG
001 and EC2), national
Certifications ETA-98/004
ETAG 001- 3
We don‘t compromise on the safety of our products. We take to their work. Many of our products are characterised by thorough,
Option 1 für gerissenen Beton
part in the leading international, standard-setting councils in the up-to-date, international approvals, technical certifications and
fastening technology sector, thus contributing our knowledge expert reports. For you, this means safety that you can rely on.
The environment
We actively consider the aspect of sustainable (EPD) from the Bauen und Umwelt e.v.
construction. Our environmental management (IBU) institute, which constitutes the data basis for an
system is certified in accordance with DIN EN ecological building evaluation. And our greenline product range
8C048 ISO 14001. A growing number of our products is already based on more than 50% sustainable raw materials –
have an Environmental Product Declaration certified in accordance with DIN CERTCO/TÜV Rheinland.
Structural and non-structural applications.
General equipment:
Nonstructural components like roof top mechanical units, water heaters,
shelves, modular partitions, computer equipment, switch cabinets,
emergency power systems, e.g. become hazards to life safety when they
slide, break, or fall during an earthquake. They may injure occupants or
block exits from the room or building.
HVAC applications:
The correct anchoring and bracing of non- structural components and
systems is crucial in structures intended to handle the emergency, so
that these services can continue even after an earthquake.
Structural strengthening:
Strengthening of RC structures with steel bracing systems or RC
bracings are highly efficient and economical methods to resist horizontal
forces in a frame structure. The braces are usually placed in vertically
aligned spans and allows so an increased stiffness with a minimal added
Earthquake damage to facade systems undoubtedly poses a large
threat to life. Sub-frames and brackets for curtain wall systems must be
anchored safe to the structure to ensure a proper load transfer of dead
loads and horizontal loads caused by life loads and seismic forces.
European seismic regulations.
Seismic activity can have a natural cause, such as tectonic stresses regions of high seismicity and dense population, ground-shaking can
in the crust. Also, stress changes as a consequence of human cause large human and economic losses, seismic hazard analysis is
influences, such as gas exploration, geothermal activities can occur, an important issue.
which results in so-called induces earthquakes. Since, especially in
Return period
= 475 years
= 10 % in 50 years
On a European level, general guidelines for building codes with No-collapse requirement:
respect to earthquakes have been defined in Eurocode 8, denoted ■ Withstand the design seismic action without local or global
in general by EN 1998: “Design of structures for earthquake resi- collapse.
stance” and covers the design and construction of buildings and civil ■ Retain structural integrity and residual load bearing capacity after
engineering works in seismic regions. the event.
It covers common structures and, although its provisions are of
Damage limitation requirement:
general validity, special structures, such as nuclear power plants,
■ Withstand a more frequent seismic action without damage.
large dams or offshore structures are beyond its scope. Its seismic
■ Avoid limitations of use with high costs.
design should satisfy additional requirements and be subject to
complementary verifications.
Importance Class acc. 1) Definition according to EN 1998-1:2004, 4.2.5
to EN 1998-1: 2004 4.2.5 2) ag = γ1 · agR Design ground acceleration on type A ground
ag · S 2) I II III IV (Ground types as defined in EN 1998-1:2004, Table 3.1)
γ1 importance factor (see EN 1998-1:2004, 4.2.5 )
Very low1) ag · S ≤ 0,05 g ETAG 001 Part 1 to Part 5 agR reference peak ground acceleration on type A ground (see EN 1998-1:2004, 3.2.1 )
In Europe, anchor design is generally carried out according to Annex The seismic performance of anchors subjected to seismic loading is
C of the ETAG 001 until the implementation of the CEN/TS 1992-4 categorized by performance categories C1 and C2.
as Part 4 of the Eurocode 2 is completed.
The value of ag or that of the product ag·S used in a Member State
With the amendment for the assessment of metal anchors under to define thresholds for the seismicity classes may be found in its
seismic actions, ETAG 001, Annex E: “ASSESSMENT OF METAL National Annex of EN 1998-1 and may be different to the values
ANCHORS UNDER SEISMIC ACTION” in 2013 the seismic pre- given as in table Table 1.
qualification of anchors has been regulated.
Furthermore, the assignment of the seismic performance categories
C1 and C2 to the seismicity level and building importance classes is
in the responsibility of each individual Member State.
For an exact seismic design please use our
new fixperience software.
Anchor qualification
Performance category C1 provides anchor capacities in terms of Qualification of anchors for category C2 includes reference tests up
strength (forces), while performance category C2 provides anchor to failure, tests under pulsating tension load, tests under alternating
capacities in terms of both strength (forces) and deformations. In shear load as well as tests under crack cycling. In these tests forces
both cases, the effect of concrete cracking is taken into account. The and displacements are measured either continuously or at certain
maximum crack width considered in C1 is Δw = 0,5 mm and in C2 it intervals. Qualification of anchors for category C2 places higher
is Δw = 0,8 mm. demands on the performance of anchors under seismic action as
Qualification of anchors for category C1 comprises tests under compared to category C1.
pulsating tension load and tests under alternating shear load.
The design of post installed anchors shall be in accordance with To calculate the resistance of the anchor element the seismic
the design method given in the Technical report TR045 unless the category must be known. To find the right category the buildings
implementation of the CEN/TS 1992-4 as Part 4 of the Eurocode 2 importance (I,II,III or IV) and the ground acceleration ag as well as
is completed. the soil factor S must be known.
The forces in the anchor shall be derived using appropriate combi- These data’s can be taken from national risk maps (Soil maps and
nations of actions for seismic design situations on the anchorage as earthquake zones)
recommended in EN 1990.
In cases of very low seismicity according to EN 1998-1 it shall be
permitted to design as for static loading situations, if for the follow-
ing situations a simplified verification may be carried out as stated:
High performance steel anchors.
Evaluation Report
EAD 330232-00-0601 ESR-2948
Option 1 for cracked concrete
■ While having the widest product range the international approvals ■ The reduced anchorage enables considerably shorter drill-hole
guarantee maximum safety and the best performance. Applications depth. This means 27 % less drilling effort compared with the
in earthquake regions with highest requirements (Seismic C1 + C2) standard version, so providing a noticeable faster installation.
like connections between structural elements are also covered by
these approvals.
■ The tried-and-trusted expansion clip makes large load-bearing
capacities possible even under high seismic requirements, so fewer
fixing points and smaller anchor plates are feasible.
Evaluation Report
ETA-07/0025 ESR-2691
ETAG 001- 2
■ The international approvals guarantee maximum safety and the ■ The anchor design enables different head shapes for fixing points
best performance. Applications to attachments of non-structural with as sophisticated design.
elements in earthquake regions (Seismic C1) are also covered by
■ The excellent expansion behavior ensures functioning in seismic
these approvals.
regions and enables flexible applications in cracked concrete.
■ The known FH II geometry minimizes the setting energy to a few
hammer taps and thus ensures power-saving assembly.
High performance chemical fixings.
Evaluation Report
R 240
EAD 330499-00-0601
Option 1 for cracked concrete
■ The international approvals guarantee maximum safety and ■ High bond strengths and minor mortar shrinkage allow maximum
the best performance. Applications in earthquake regions with load application in cracked and non-cracked concrete, even with
highest requirements (Seismic C1 + C2) like connections between large threaded rod diameters of up to M30.
structural elements are also covered by these approvals.
■ FIS EM Plus is also approved for diamond drilled and water-filled
■ Variable anchorage depths from 4x to 20x the threaded rod drill holes, thus ensuring more flexibility on the construction site.
diameter allow for ideal adaptation to the load to be applied, and
ensure an optimised installation time and use of materials.
ETAG 001- 5
■ The Superbond system is a combined capsule and injection system ■ Approved for seismic applications (performance category C1 + C2)
for cracked and non-cracked concrete. The injection mortar FIS SB as well as in waterfilled and diamond drilled holes (capsule only - C1)
and resin capsule RSB perform the same. This gives the installer ensures safety even in extreme conditions.
maximum flexibility.
■ Maximum application temperatures of up to +150 °C and minimum
temperatures of -30 °C open up new areas of use for bonded anchors.
Structural strengthening
The design and information software suite
The modular design program includes engineering software and
application modules.
The software is based on international design standards (ETAG 001,
EC1, EC2, EC3 and EC5), including the national application documents.
All common force and measurement units are available.
Incorrect input will be recognized and the software gives tips to get a
correct result. This ensures a safe and reliable design every time.
The graphical display can easily be rotated through 360°, panned, tilted
or zoomed as required.
The 3D display gives a detailed and realistic image.
The “live update” feature helps to keep the program up to date ensuring
you are always working with the latest version.
Free download and updates at
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Qualified technical consulting for economical and compliant fastening
solutions. Also on-site at the construction site if requested.
Training sessions, some with accreditation, at your premises or at the
fischer academy.
Design and construction software for demanding applications.