Grade 5 DLL Science 5 q4 Week 9

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School: PILAR P.


GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: ROSEMARIE B. MARTINEZ Learning Area: SCIENCE
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: JUNE 26-20, 2023 (WEEK 9) Quarter: 4TH Quarter


A. Content Standards The Learners demonstrate understanding of…constellations and the information derived from their location in the sky.

B. Performance Standards The Learners should be able to…debug local myths and folklore about the Moon and the Stars by presenting pieces of evidence to convince the community
C. Learning 1.Identify star patterns that To be familiar with the Eid'l Adha (Feast of 4th Quarterly Examinations 4th Quarterly Examinations
Competencies/Objectives can be seen at particular different star patterns. Sacrifice)
Write the LC code for each times of the year. Regular Holiday
a. To form star patterns by
connecting dots
S5FE-IVij-1/ Page 34of 66 K
I. CONTENT The Stars
4.1Patterns of stars
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages Science
Exploring Science 6
Science & Health 6
4. Additional Materials from Internet
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Bond paper, pen What you Need?
You should be able to set up
this project quickly. Before
the project starts, print out
enough copies of the dove
handout for half your
students, and the horse
handout for the other half.
Print out a copy of the
constellation grid for each
student. Before students
arrive in the computer lab,
on each computer. You
should also spend a few
minutes practicing using the
Navigation tool, so you can
help students who have
A. Reviewing previous Day 1:
lesson or presenting the Review
new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for A.Engagement:
the lesson 1.Show pictures of stars at
2.Sharing of ideas about the
C. Presenting B.Exploration: Day 2:
examples/instances of the 1.“Connecting Dots” refer to B. Exploration:
new lesson LM Activity 1. Do LM Activity No. 2 “Do
1. What shapes can you You Know Me?”
form from the dots?
D. Discussing new concepts C.Explanation: . Explanation:
and practicing new skills #1 1.Reporting of pupils answers 1. Recognition of patterns
to their activities. formed.

E. Discussing new concepts D.Elaboration: .

and practicing new skills #2 1. Teacher gives a brief
history about constellation.

History of Constellations
More than half of modern day
constellations are based on
the writings of Ptolemy.
For as long as mankind has
walked the Earth it is likely we
have always recognized
patterns formed by stars in
the night sky. Some European
cave paintings that date back
over 10,000 years bare the
marks of star formations that
are familiar to us even to this
day. The earliest official
records of constellations were
made more than 3,000 years
ago by the Babylonians, an
ancient civilization based in
what is now modern day Iraq.
The twelve signs of the zodiac
are based on their
observations and those of
their predecessors.
In the 4th century BC these
zodiacal constellations and
others recorded by the
Babylonians were introduced
into ancient Greek culture by
the astronomer Eudoxus of
Cnidus. Some five hundred
years later the Greco-Roman
scientist Claudius Ptolemy
listed 48 constellations in his
book Almagest, these
constellations and the names
he gave them exist to this day
and are the basis for all the 88
official constellations listed by
the International
Astronomical Union.
To find constellations you’ll
need a star chart, these give
you a snapshot of what the
night sky will look like at any
one time and at any one
location. The star chart above
shows you how the night sky
will look above most of the
United States at 8 pm in late
January. These maps may
seem rather baffling and
confusing at first but they’re
actually very simple to use. To
simplify matters the chart
above only shows
constellations but normally
they will also indicate
prominent stars, galaxies,
nebulae and planets.
The first thing you may notice
is that east and west seem to
be the wrong way round, but
if you imagine holding the
chart above your head, which
is how they are designed to
be used, it becomes apparent
this is not the case. The outer
edge of the chart indicates
the horizon, so the further the
stars are from the edge the
higher they will be in the sky.
The center of the chart shows
the stars and constellations
that will be directly overhead,
so the map above shows you
that the constellations of
Auriga, Taurus and Perseus
will be directly above you at
that time.
To find your bearings it is
helpful to find Polaris, the star
which always points north.
First find the famous Big
Dipper, which is part of the
constellation Ursa Major and
visible all year in the Northern
hemisphere, draw an
imaginary line through the
outer two stars of the Big
Dipper’s bowl and you will
come to Polaris, which is the
brightest star in the
constellation of Ursa Minor. In
the Southern hemisphere it is
helpful to find the Southern
Cross, which always points
south, this is done by drawing
a line through the bright stars
Alpha and Beta Centauri.
Once you have found your
bearings you can start
searching out constellations
and the objects they contain.
Using the chart above if you
look south you’ll notice the
constellation of Orion,
perhaps the most
recognizable constellation of
them all. As well as the Orion
nebula the constellation also
contains the bright supergiant
stars Betelgeuse and Rigel.
Overhead and to the west
you’ll find the Andromeda
constellation which contains
the Andromeda Galaxy, the
most distant object that can
be viewed with the naked
eye. There are many other
fascinating objects to look out
for and a star chart will be
essential in guiding you
around the night sky.
Stars do not stay fixed in the
night sky, as the Earth rotates
they change position, as a
result the night sky will look
different at midnight from
what it did several hours
before or after. Most
constellations are also
seasonal, meaning that ones
that are visible in winter may
not be visible in summer and
vice-versa, so sky charts
usually come in seasonal
versions. Constellations may
also be drawn slightly
differently on each chart and
it’s also worth noting that
there are separate charts for
the Northern and Southern
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson

I. Evaluating learning
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I Master Teacher I

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