PART-C Water Master Plan
PART-C Water Master Plan
PART-C Water Master Plan
water) .
However, the amount demanded is deducted in consideration of the use (5% of a city water duty, and
30% of the amount of industrial water) of sewer resurgent water. Furthermore, a water service
diffusion rate in large cities are 100% by 2020, 100% by 2035 in municipal areas (50% in 2010),
100% by 2035 in the district communities (40% in 2010).
Conventional water sources, such as dam, shallow groundwater and deep fossil water (Wajid Aquifer)
are subjected to the main water sources, and water by desalinization of seawater is also subject to the
main water source. The plan water supply of MOWE is used for the plan water supply of conventional
type water sources.
The Red Sea water lifeline (alternative-1) selected in section B of Chapter 5 is considered as a water
transportation route.
(3) Management of Water Demand
Municipal Water
In order to decrease the water consumption of municipal water on the demand side, the measure for
water demand reduction according to the demand characteristic is examined.
Moreover, the economical effect produced by demand fluctuation is examined using the result of the
sensitivity analysis concerning the demand of Municipal water. The evaluation case was carried out as
- 10% reduction of the water supply source unit
- Demand by the present water supply unit
- A 5% improvement of the leakage-of-water rate.
In any case, the demand in the planned target year (2035) is assumed. Furthermore, the proposal about
future demand management is performed based on these examination results.
Water for Agricultural Use
About the irrigation amount of water, the demand management amount of irrigation water is important.
This is because the present water-resources potential is not enough.
From this viewpoint, in accordance with the plan Decision335 by MOA, crop conversion of fruit trees,
which can be expected to increase in demand in neighboring towns, and vegetables with small unit
water consumption from crops with large unit water consumption (e.g. feed crop, cereals) are
Moreover, irrigation use of sewer resurgent water should also be promoted. Based on these
examinations, agriculture for each state will be proposed.
Management Control of Maintenance
The following matters are examined about the management control of maintenance for the exploitation
of water resources.
Comprehensive water management system (dam, Red Sea water lifeline, and an executive
The groundwater recharge by using dams (Cooperation with dam and aquifer in the
downstream area, development of the groundwater which cooperated with recharge dam)
Monitoring (rainfall , water level / discharge of Wadi , groundwater level)
Conservation of water resources (surface water, groundwater)
Establishment of organization and, operation and maintenance system
Personnel training, capacity development
The educational campaign for water use
Reservoir Dam
Urban Use Area
Urban Use Area
Development of Surface Water and Groundwater by the Combination of Large Dams and
Groundwater Aquifers
In case of small sized dams or limited annual flow regime at dam sites, surface water is recharged and
stored in the groundwater aquifer to increase development volume. To increase recharge volume,
recharge wells and trenches are employed.
Urban Use Area
Urban Use Area
from Dam
Groundwater Recharge with
Discharged Water from Dam
Figure C.2-2 Surface Water & Groundwater Development by Combination with Large Dam
and Aquifer
from Dam
Groundwater Recharge with
Discharged Water from Dam
2.1.2 Target Development Discharge of Dam of Future Water Supply Plan and Irrigation
The target dam of the future water supply plan of study areas and irrigation is as shown in Table C.2-1.
Table C.2-1 Target Dam of Future Water Supply Plan and Irrigation Plan Relevant to Three
Catchment Annual Reservoir Specific Flow
Stat Name of Location of Reservoir
Region Area Flow Volume *1
us Dam River Volume *2
(km2) (MCM/y) (MCM) (MCM/y/km2)
Al Baha U/C Aradah East(Desert) 304 15.2 68.0 0.050 4.5
Asir Exi. King Fahd East(Desert) 7,600 69.1 325.0 0.009 4.7
Asir U/C Tabalah East(Desert) 863 12.3 68.4 0.014 5.6
Asir U/C Ranyah East(Desert) 4,375 99.6 219.8 0.023 2.2
Asir U/C Hirjab East(Desert) 788 16.8 4.6 0.021 0.3
Jazan Exi. Jizan West(Redsea) 1,317 78.9 51.0 0.060 0.6
Jazan U/C Baysh West(Redsea) 4,600 104.6 193.6 0.023 1.9
Jazan U/C Damad West(Redsea) 907 61.5 55.5 0.068 0.9
Makkah U/C Hali West(Redsea) 4,843 122.3 249.9 0.025 2.0
Makkah U/C Qanunah West(Redsea) 2,000 21.3 79.2 0.011 3.7
Makkah U/C Yiba West(Redsea) 2,242 81.3 80.9 0.036 1.0
Total 29,839 682.9 1,395.9 0.023 2.0
Total East(Desert) 13,930 213.0 685.8 0.015 3.2
Total West(Redsea) 15,909 469.9 710.1 0.030 1.5
[Note] *1: Specific Flow=Annual Mean Flow / Catchment Area、*2: Specific Reservoir Volume =Reservoir Volume/
Annual Mean Flow
Hali Dam, Baysh Dam and King Fahd Dam show large development volumes and high
development ratios.
On the contrary Tabalah Dam and Hirjab Dam show small development volumes and low
development ratios.
Dams having larger reservoir volume compared with annual flow volumes show higher
development ratios. (Development Volume / Annual Flow Volume)
Due to good annual flow regime, dams in the west side (Red Sea side) basins show higher
development volume than dams in the east side basins.
Table C.2-2 Development Discharge of Main Dams for Three Regions
Development Safe 97%*1 Development Safe95%*2
Annual Reservoir
Name of Development Development Development Development
Location of River Flow Volume Development Development
(MCM/y) (MCM) Discharge Volume
3 Ratio*3 (α)
Discharge Volume
3 Ratio *3 (α)
(MCM/y) (1000m /d) (MCM/y) (1000m /d)
Aradah East(Desert) 15.2 68.0 6.7 18 44% 7.5 21 49%
King Fahd East(Desert) 69.1 325.0 55.3 152 80% 57.3 157 83%
Tabalah East(Desert) 12.3 68.4 3.6 10 29% 3.8 11 31%
Ranyah East(Desert) 99.6 219.8 32.9 90 33% 37.9 104 38%
Hirjab East(Desert) 16.8 4.6 3.4 9 20% 4.4 12 26%
Jazan West(Redsea) 78.9 51.0 23.7 65 30% 25.2 69 32%
Baysh West(Redsea) 104.6 193.6 73.2 201 70% 90.0 247 86%
Damad West(Redsea) 61.5 55.5 24.0 66 39% 25.8 71 42%
Hali West(Redsea) 122.3 249.9 97.8 268 80% 104.0 285 85%
Qanunah West(Redsea) 21.3 79.2 6.4 18 30% 7.4 20 35%
Yiba West(Redsea) 81.3 80.9 24.4 67 30% 26.0 71 32%
Total 682.9 1,395.9 351.4 964 51% 389.3 1,068 57%
Total East(Desert) 213.0 685.8 101.9 279 48% 110.9 305 52%
Total West(Redsea) 469.9 710.1 249.5 685 53% 278.4 763 59%
[Note] *1:Development Safe97%=30% of development volume is insufficient once in 10 years、*2:Development Safe 95%=50% of
development volume is insufficient once in 10 years、*3:Development Rate(α)=Development Volume/Annual Flow
An n u a l I n f lo w t o Da m ( Ba s h Da m )
1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003
A nnua l Inflo w to D a m (H a li D a m )
m 0
1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003
Figure C.2-4 Annual Inflow to Dam (Baysh Dam and Hali Dam)
o )
m C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Figure C.2-5 Monthly Discharge Volume to Dam (Baysh Dam)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
19 5
19 6
19 8
19 0
19 1
19 2
19 4
19 6
19 7
19 9
19 1
19 2
19 4
19 5
19 7
20 9
20 0
20 2
20 3
Figure C.2-6 Monthly Discharge Volume to Dam (Hali Dam)
<Baysh Dam>
Design Actual
Annual Evaporation Water from Spill
Development Development
Inflow Volume Way
Volume Volume
Volume (MCM/Y) 105 73.5 71 13 21
Rate (%) 100% 70% 68% 12% 20%
Annual Water Use = 70% x Annual Flow (73.5) Æ 97% of Expected Volume
Annual Water Use (MCM)
Figure C.2-7 Water Resources Development by Baysh Dam
<Hali Dam>
Design Actual
Annual Evaporation Water from Spill
Development Development
Inflow Volume Way
Volume Volume
Volume (MCM/Y) 122 97.6 95 11 16
Rate (%) 100% 80% 78% 9% 13%
Annual Water Use = 80% x Annual Flow (97.6 MCM) Æ 97% of Expected Volume
Annual Water Use (MCM)
of agricultural water. The service coverage of reclaimed waste water for agricultural use is still low.
The desalinated seawater is the aquatic resources, which are the effects of time of water supply to the
urban regions and emergency correspondence at the time of abnormal drought with an aspect of stable
water supply. Desalinated seawater is already supplied within the three regions in the Target Area of
the M/P, and an expansion of the plants is stimulated now by MOWE.
The reclaimed waste water is utilized only in the Asir Region among the three regions at present.
Reclaimed waste water is supplied by truck haul, and it is used for tree planting and agriculture. A plan
to spread the use of the reclaimed waste water is processing for the future.
The water supplied for municipal and industrial use is drained as sewage. The users of this water
supply and water supply providers are treating sewage from the viewpoint of environmental
safeguards and hygiene while allowing it to operate naturally.
As mentioned above, waste water treatment plants in the main cities are planned to be construct up to
the year of 2020. See Table C.2-4.
Table C.2-4 Use of Reclaimed Waste Water at the Year of 2020
Items Al Baha Asir Jazan
(1) Waste Water Volume (1000m³/day) 35 211 107
(2) Treatment Capacity (1000m³/day) 41 232 132
(3) Municipal Water Demand (1000m³/day) 80 436 325
(4) Industrial Water Demand (1000m³/day) 1 13 3
(5) For Municipal Use (5%) and Industrial Use
4 26 7
(30%) (1000m³/day)
(6) For Agricultural Use (1000m³/day):(1)-(5) 31 185 100
(7) For Agricultural Use(MCM/year) 11.3 67.5 36.5
(8) Agricultural Demand(MCM/year) 53.9 268.4 1,501.9
(9) Rate of Agricultural Use (7)/(8) 21 % 25 % 2%
As shown in the table above regarding the recycle use of reclaimed waste water, utilization for
municipal water and industrial water is limited and relatively small but for agricultural water is large.
In the Al Baha Region and the Asir Region, the rates of agricultural use (Available Reclaimed Waste
Water for Agricultural Use / Total Agricultural Demand in Region) are 21% in Al Baha and 25% in the
Asir Regions. This means that the reclaimed waste water will become a promising water resource for
agricultural use in the regions of Al Baha and Asir.
<Recycle Use of Reclaimed Waste Water Æ Utilization Merritt for Municipal and Industrial
If 5% of the municipal water is replaced with reclaimed waste water, consequently the municipal water
demand will decrease by 5%. According to SWCC Annual Report 2008, the water unit price
(production cost and a transportation cost) of desalinated seawater is 8.0 SR/m3 from 3.5 SR/m3. In
particular, transportation costs increase, and the water supply to the plateau city rises.
For example, the decrease in government subsidies for one year reaches SR67.8 Million if 5%
(25,800m3/day) on city water demand 516,000m3/day at 2020 in Al Baha Region and Asir Region, and
government subsidy supposes with 90% (8.0SR/m3 x 90% = 7.2SR/m3).
<Proposal Æ Recycle Use of Reclaimed Waste Water for Agricultural Use>
As shown in Table -5.6, recycle rate of reclaimed waste water for agricultural use (more than 20%) is
high in the Al Baha and Asir Regions. Therefore, to promote agricultural use of reclaimed waste water,
“Distributed System of Sewage Treatment and Recycle Use“ is recommended than “Intensive System”
in Al Baha Region and Asir Region. See Figure C.2-9.
There are excellent aquifers along the Red Sea, which is composed of sand and gravel in Quaternary
Plains. On the other hand, great amount of groundwater is pumped from the aquifer for agricultural
and domestic use. As a result, the groundwater level is being lowered, and seawater is intruding into
the coastal aquifer. For countermeasures against this, the rising of the groundwater level by artificial
recharge is effective. It is recommended to use reclaimed waste water as an artificial recharge water
This method can be applied by use of reclaimed waste water discharged from Jizan city. The southern
part of Jizan city, where seawater intrusion is taking place, should be the target of this method.
Pumping no
Pumping Seawater
Red Sea Fresh water 淡
Seawater Red Sea 淡水 water
淡水/ 海 水
Seawater intrusion
Seawater intrusion
There are two methods for artificial recharge. These are, i) Artificial recharge through surface water
(pond and trench) and ii) Artificial recharge though wells.
Measures against seawater intrusion should be implemented in large area along the coast. From
this view point, artificial recharge by wells is not realistic due to the huge cost for drilling many
wells. Furthermore, the target for artificial recharge is unconfined aquifer and artificial recharge
through well drilling is not necessary in case of unconfined aquifer.
It is effective to put underground pipes with holes near the ground surface (around GL-0.5m)
along the coast. Reclaimed waste water should be drained though the underground pipes. This
method has advantages in cost. Underground pipes can be extended from treatment plant along
the Red Sea.
Amount of reclaimed waster water available for artificial recharge is limited. This should be
implemented only for urban areas where the seawater intrusion is serious. Local cities in the
southern part of Jazan Region, where lowering of the groundwater level is serious, should be
targets for this method.
Reclaimed waste water will be purified by natural filtering when it flows though sandy aquifers.
However, underground pipes should be located far from the existing wells (more than 100m
from wells).
Reclaimed waste water from the underground pipes should be used to grow vegetation by
planting vegetation along the pipes.
The feasibility (F/S) study on the use of reclaimed waste water for water source of artificial recharge
shall be recommended.
Water Supply Facilities are Recommend to be Developed and be Used as far as Possible Near Site
from Water Demand Places.
The cost of water transmission becomes higher in proportion with the length of pipeline. Therefore, it
is recommended to supply the water demand from nearby facilities to reduce the cost of water use.
Allocation of Water Resource between Sectors
The amount of water production will be applied to each dam according to the supply plans.
The existing pipeline network of water sources, water demand and supplied water are shown as follows:
From Al Shuaibah
D Aradah Dam
W.D: 3 W.D: 3
Al Qari Gov. Al Aqiq Gov.
W Wadi Thrad
Al Aqiq Dam D
Al Qari No.7
2 Al Qari 1
No.3 Al Aqiq
W 1 Al Aqiq
Al Mandaq
W.D: 5 W
5 W.D:21 Al Baha Gov.
Al Mandaq Gov.
10 R
8 Al Baha 1
W.D: 6
2 No.1
Qilwah Gov. Al Baha
No.6 W.D: 7 1
Biljurashi Gov. W
W.D: 6
Al Mukhwah Gov. 1 Al Mukhwah
: Center of Governorate
: City / Town
W : Well (Renewable Water)
D : Dam (Surface Water + Treatment Plant)
: Existing transmission line for supplying Groundwater
: Expanded transmission line for supplying Groundwater
: Existing transmission line for supplying Desalinated Water
: Expanded transmission line for supplying Desalinated Water
: Existing transmission line for supplying Groundwater + Desalinated Water
: Expanded transmission line for supplying Groundwater + Desalinated Water
7 : Supply Amount of Groundwater (1,000m /d) Black Letter)
5&6 : Supply Amount of Desalinated Water (1,000m /d) (Red Letter or Blue Letter)
W.D : Water Demand with exception of landscaping and Industrial Purpose (1,000m /d)
Bishah 2
13 W.D: 5
13 W W Al Bahim
Tathlith Gov.
No.15 W.D: 33
W.D: 7 Tabalah (Bishah)
Bishah Gov.
Balqarn Gov. No.11
1 W No.7
4 2 3 W
W.D: 10 W.D: 5
Al Majardah Gov. An Namas Gov.
W Mushayt 1
No.13 1
No.8 W
Al Birk (Abha) Rijar Almah No.6
1 W 9
Sarat Abidah
Ahad Rifaydah
: Center of Governorate
: City / Town
W : Renewable Water (Well)
: Existing transmission line for supplying Groundwater
: Expanded transmission line for supplying Groundwater
: Existing transmission line for supplying Desalinated Water
: Expanded transmission line for supplying Desalinated Water
: Existing transmission line for supplying Groundwater + Desalinated Water
: Expanded transmission line for supplying Groundwater + Desalinated Water
7 : Supply Amount of Groundwater (1,000m /d) Black Letter)
5&6 : Supply Amount of Desalinated Water (1,000m /d) (Red Letter or Blue Letter)
W.D : Water Demand with exception of landscaping and Industrial Purpose (1,000m /d)
2 W.D: 6 W.D: 1
Ad Darb Gov. Jazan Gov. 2 W.D: 2
From Al 3 W Ar Rayth Gov.
Shuqaiq Plant
: Center of Governorate
: City / Town
W : Well (Renewable Water)
: Existing transmission line for supplying Groundwater
: Expanded transmission line for supplying Groundwater
: Existing transmission line for supplying Desalinated Water
: Expanded transmission line for supplying Desalinated Water
7 : Supply Amount of Groundwater (1,000m /d) Black Letter)
5&6 : Supply Amount of Desalinated Water (1,000m /d) (Red Letter or Blue Letter)
W.D : Water Demand with exception of landscaping and Industrial Purpose (1,000m /d)
140 131
120 Wate r De man d
Re n e wabl e 3 5
100 Re n e wabl e 7 0
Hali -35
Existing 100
Volume (1000m /day)
Hali 35
90 Nilah & Qiwlah 11
AL janabin 5
80 Existing 19
60 De sal i n at i o n 9 6
De sal i n at i o n ( Ne w pl an t 2 1 )
50 Ne w Pl an t 7 5
S h u ai bah - 4 0
S h u ai bah
20 Existing19 De sal i n at i o n 4 0
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035
Figure C.3-4 Projection of Water Demand and Water Production in Al Baha (2010-2035)
J eddah DP
Al Taif
Tur abah
Tur abah
Shuaiba DP Ar adh
Al Baha
Al Aqiq Ranyah
Al Lith Thr ad Tabalah
Al Baha Bishah
: Under Construction Dam Niala Al J anabin
: Existing Dam K ing Fahd
: Planned Dam
: Existing Pipeline Dawqah DP
: On-going planned pipeline
: Planned pipeline
: Existing Desalination
Plant Qanunah
: Planned
Al Qunfudhah Asir
: City Yiba
0 50km
Figure C.3-5 Dams and Desalination Plants in Al Baha Region Khamis Mush
Water production of 35,000m3/day from Hali Dam and 30,000m3/day from Qanunah Dam will be
proposed. 35,000m3/day of Hali Dam is supplied to Al Baha Region. In addition, water supply from
Nilah & Qilwah Dams (11, 000m3/day) and Al Janabin Dam (5,000m3/day) will be planned. The total
capacity of water production amounts to about 70,000m3/day.
Moreover, the total amount of 110,000m3/day including water production of 40,000m3/day, which
transferred from Shuaibah Desalination Plant in Makkah, can be supplied to Al Baha Region.
Consequently, total water production will make up 1.7 times the water demand in 2015.
Proportion between renewable and desalination water is 70,000m3/day (64%) versus 40,000m3/day
(36%). The capacity of water production is 42,000m3/day greater than water demand in 2015. This
concludes to be the required amount of water for dwellers.
Facilities plan for water supply from 2011 to 2015 is shown in Table C.3-6.
Table C.3-6 Water Supply Facilities Plan in Al Baha Region (2011-2015)
Facililities Demensions
Pipeline A Section:Dowqa-Al Baha, Length=115Km
Pipeline B Section:Dowqa-Hali, Length=108Km
Note: Location of facilities is shown in Figure C.6-1.
Facilities plan for water supply from 2016 to 2020 is shown in Table C.3-8.
Table C.3-8 Water Supply Facilities Plan in Al Baha Region (2016-2020)
Facililities Demensions
Dawqah Desalination Plant Production Volume: 75,000 m3
Note: Location of facilities is shown in Figure C.3-5.
A breakdown of renewable water in 2035 shows 11,000m3/day at Nilah & Qilwah Dams, and
5,000m3/day at Al Janabin Dam as well as 19,000m3/day (Existing) at Aradah, Aqiq, Thrad Dams and
Wadis. Total water production amounts 135,000m3/day including desalination water production of
Facilities plan for water supply is shown in Table C.3-10.
Table C.3-10 Water Supply Facilities Plan in Al Baha Region (2026-2035)
Facililities Demensions
Dawqah Desalination Plant Extension Production Volume: 25,000 m3
Note: Location of facilities is shown in Figure C.3-5.
New Desalination
Plant (Dawqah)
Figure C.3-6 Water Supply Plan and Water Sources in Al Baha Region (2035)
W at e r De m an d
600 604
R enew a bl e 240
500 497
Volume (1000m3/day)
R enew a bl e 240
R e n e wable 2 4 0 F os s i l w a ter 61
Exsiting 40 Wajid -2 61
400 Baysh 25
367 Hali 70
R e n e wable 1 1 0 Tabalah 10 F os s i l w ater 61
Existing 40 Hirjab 9 Wajid -2 61
Ranya 68
300 Baysh 25
Hali 35
Al Bah a 6 5
Qanuah 18
Tabalah 10
Fo ssi l wat e r 2 9
wajid -1 29
122 D es al i na ti on 378
De sali n at io n 2 2 8 D es a l i na ti on 303
Sh o qu iq Exp
100 Existing 40
Desalination 82
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035
Figure C.3-7 Projection of Water Demand and Water Production in Asir (2011-2035)
Shuaiba DP Ar adh
Al Baha
Al Aqiq Ranyah
Al Lith Thr ad Tabalah
Al Baha Bishah
Niala Al J anabin
King Fahd
Tathlit h
Dawq ah DP
Tarj as
Al Qunfudhah Asir
Najr an
Khamis Mushayt
It awad
Shuqaiq DP Baysh
Najr an
Najran Qissi
Figure C.3-8 Dams and Desalination Plants in Asir Region
Accordingly, the total amount of renewable water production 110,000m3/day including the existing
water production is 40,000m3/day.
Meanwhile, as for desalination, the capacity of Shuqaiq desalination plant will be expand to
228,00m3/day by 2015 from 82,000m3/day as of 2011.
Wajid fossil water of about 29,000m3/day, which is under construction in the Najran Region, is
planned to be transferred to the internal land of the Asir Region
All of water production of renewable, desalination and fossil water by 2015 will be 367,000m3/day,
which results in 30%, 62% and 8% of total water production for renewable, desalination and fossil
water respectively.
Facilities plan for water supply is shown in Table C.3-13.
Renewable Water 240 Unit : 1000m3/day
Figure C.3-9 Water Supply Plan and Water Sources in Asir Region (2035)
Water Demand
Damad 9
289 Renewable 214 Existing 136
Baysh 33
Qissi 36
250 Renewable 214 Damad 9
Baysh 33 Existing 136
Qissi 9
Damad 36
200 Renewable 205 Existing 136
Baysh 33
Desalination Desalination
100 169 224
Renewable 136
50 Desalination 119
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035
Figure C.3-10 Projection of Water Demand and Water Production in Jazan (2011-2035)
Khamis Mushayt
Shuqaiq DP Baysh
: Under Construction Dam
: Existing Dam Qissi Najran
: Planned Dam Damad
Existing Pipeline
On-going planned pipeline Sabya DP Sabya
: Planned pipeline Jizan
: Existing Desalination
Abu Arish
: Planned
Desalination JazanJizan
: City
0 50km
Shuqaiq 1 Desalination 224
Figure C.3-12 Water Supply Plan and Water Sources in Jazan Region (2035)
The first pillar (Reduce) focuses on "reduction of the amount used", and the second pillar (Reuse) is
reuse of water that was once used. For example, in the KSA before the five times a day prayer in
mosque and in order to purify the body, there is the custom to use water. It seems that such water is
collected and used for surrounding tree planting city water etc. The third pillar (Recycle) is recycling
of water. This collects water used in factories, for example, and after it is purified, it is used for rinsing
water or other uses in factories again.
Table C.4-1 Example of Water Saving Activities
Reduce • Saving water consumption (a toilet, wash, a bath, cook, etc)
• Preventive measures of leakage of water
Reuse • Collect used water in Mosque. And use it for greening etc
Recycle • Reclaimed waste water ⇒ fruit tree, roadside trees, etc
• Reuse purification water and cooling water in a factory after processing the water.
not installed and grasp of the amount used and collection of the charge based on it are not performed
as a matter of fact. For a setup of suitable water charge, recovery of the cost by it, and reduction of
water consumption, it is required to perform meter installation in a research zone.
W ater Tariff (S R/m 3)
1 50 2 100 3 150 4 200 5 250 6 300 7 350 8
Water Consumed in One Month (m3)
Figure C.4-2 Amount of the Water Use and Water Charge in Riyadh (Accommodation Area)
The amount of reduction of the demand at the time of 10% of LCD reduction is as being shown in
Table C.4-2 in amount of money. In the five regions, the sum total of 575,700,000 SR can save in one
When the newly developed amount of water by dam construction estimates this again, it becomes
larger than the development amount of water by the dam under present plan in Makkah region and Al
Baha region, and also even other states are equivalent to the development amount of water by two or
more dams.
Since the unit cost of developing water by a dam is cheaper than desalinization of seawater, if priority
is given to dam development, curtailment of the quantity of production of desalinization of seawater
will turn into mitigation of a fiscal burden after all.
(2) The Effect in the Financial Aspects in the Case of Continuing the Present LCD Level
Level of LCD tends to increase by change of a lifestyle, or improvement in economic strength.
However, the fixed water-saving effect is expectable with the measure of various water saving
including 3-R movement. Here, economical evaluation was performed about assumption that the
present water supply level is maintained as is by water-saving efforts of citizens.
Table C.4-3 The Effect in the Financial Aspect in the Case of Continuing the Present LCD
Makkah Region Al Baha Region Asir Region Jazan Region Najran Region
Municipal Water Demand 2,278 135 648 436 178
Demand at the present 2,066 122 583 392 160
LCD level (*1)
The amount of demand 212 13 65 44 18
Government assistance 278.6 34.2 170.8 57.8 23.7 (*3)
equivalent to reduction of
water (*2)
(million SR/year) Total 565.1
(Reference) Rabigh (44) Nilah (11) Ranya (68) Baysh (33)
The newly developed Maruwani (36) Al Janabin (5) Hirjab (9) Qissi (9)
amount of water by dam Al Lith (16) (Total 16) Tabalah (16) Damad (36)
Name of dam Yiba (38) Baysh (25) (Total 78)
(Development of water: (Total144) Qanunah (30)
1000m3/day) Hali (70)
(Total 218)
*1) It presumed from the demand of Option4 and Option5 of sensitivity analyses.
*2) Calculation of the government assistance equivalent to reduction amount of water referred to the method of examination of the use merit
of "report 3.2 Reuse of reclaimed waste water."
As for Al Baha and Asir, 7.2SR/m3 (8.0 SR/m3x 90%=7.2 SR/m3), Makkah, Jazan, and Najran assumed the water unit price of
desalinization-of-seawater water to be 3.6SR/m3 (4.0 SR/m3 x 90%=3.6 SR/m3).
*3) Najran region assumed as evaluation that it was desalinization-of-seawater water here, although desalinization-of-seawater water was not
The amount of reduction of the demand in the premise of supplying the present water supply level
over the future is as being shown in Table C4-3 in amount of money. In the five regions, the sum total
of 565,100,000 SR can save in one year.
If the newly developed amount of water by dam construction estimates this, it will become larger than
the development amount of water by the dam under present plan in Makkah region again, and also it is
equivalent to two or more dams in other states.
Since the newly developed water value by a dam is cheaper than desalinization of seawater, if priority
is given to dam development, curtailment of the quantity of production of desalinization-of-seawater
water will turn into mitigation of a fiscal burden after all.
The amount of reduction of the demand in the premise of supplying the present water supply level
over the future is as being shown in Table C.4-4 in amount of money. In the five regions, the sum total
of 298,300,000 SR can save in one year.
When the newly developed amount of water by dam construction estimates this, it is equivalent to the
development amount of water by two or more dams in each state again.
Since the newly developed water value by a dam is cheaper than desalinization of seawater, if priority
is given to dam development, curtailment of the quantity of production of desalinization-of-seawater
water will turn into mitigation of a fiscal burden after all.
by a flow instrument and the actual amount of water supply, and it becomes possible to focus on areas
effectively where improvement of a leakage-of-water rate should be carried out.
z Introduction of leakage-of-water diagnostic technology
Apparatus and diagnostic technology for leakage-of-water discovery are introduced, and the early
detection organization of leakage of water is built.
In Japan, since the Tokyo Waterworks Bureau has attained the top-level low leakage-of-water rate
also in the world of around 3% and leakage-of-water diagnostic technology is excellent. This kind
of technology should be master by training etc. is desired.
Although promotion of demand management needs many costs, as already seen, there is an effect to
the extent that the riverhead development by many dams becomes unnecessary only by a unit of LCD
becoming small 10%. It is important to examine the cost which can apply a water-saving target to
demand management supposing a financial burden reducibility.
examination of long-term water demand and supply balance are not completed, data and the plan for
water supplies which are collected in the statistical yearbook prepared by MOA and the MOA regional
office are adopted as assumption conditions. The main things are as follows;
The amount of the present water use for agriculture
z Based on the data such as the planted area, a crop coefficient and etc., the net water
requirement is computed and then the gross water requirement is computed in consideration
of the conveyance loss and the irrigation application loss.
The prediction conditions for future agricultural water demand
z Planted area is constant from 2007 to 2035.
z Since the planted area is constant, the planted area according to region and the period of the
above are constant.
z Although irrigation efficiency is set up for every crop, the above-mentioned period is
The setting conditions of estimate for the agricultural water use in the water demand-and-supply
balance simulation of a sensitivity analysis etc.
z The target water resource is renewable water, and the result of the water resources potential
calculation by SWAT model is used as basic data.
z Surface water in the water demand-and-supply balance simulation gives priority to the water
supply to a city, and supplies 30% of total water, and then assigns the remaining of 70% to
water use in the down stream and agricultural water use.
z Irrigation efficiency is set 85% in target year from 70% of present condition, supposing a
sprinkler, drip irrigation and etc. popularizing further in the future, and irrigation efficiency
increasing about vegetables and fruit trees.
z The reuse of the sewage water for every region sets up based on the data prepared by Ital
z Regarding the planting crops, the demand of fruit and vegetable will be increased in the
future, and these planting are performed in the farming land outside a city focusing on
vegetables with less water requirement and fruit trees, and assign renewal water with the
priority to these crops.
z Since it is water balance simulation in case the absolute quantity of water resources is
insufficient, all the amounts of losses assume that repetitive use is carried out in order to
understand a sever water shortage condition.
Although the demand for agricultural water use is calculated based on many assumptions explained in
the above, many problems in each region such as water level decline and dry up of the well for
agriculture use are occurring. Since the phenomena such as salty water intrusion are also seen in the
observation wells along the coastal line of Jazan region, accordingly it is obvious that the potential of
the water resources for agricultural use is limited.
(2) Calculation Examination
The calculation examination are 3 region as follows.
<Al Baha Region>
Comparison of the agricultural water demand and the renewable water resources in 2007 will generate
a water shortage in Al Baha, Al Mandaq, and Al Qari governorate.
The planted area of the 2007 level is securable in gross by the reuse of reclaimed waste water and the
water-saving irrigation in the planned target 2035 year.
Regarding Mandaq governorate, 250ha of planted area needs to be reduced in 2035. (250ha reduction
of the planted area of cereals/fodder crops will be carried out from the 2007 level)
Table C.4-5 Water Balance Simulation and Planted Area in Al Baha Region
No Items Total
Albaha Biljurashi Almandaq Almukwah Alaqiq Qilwah Alqari
(1) PlantedAreain2007(ha) 563 490 589 209 1019 21 1560 4450
(2) PlantedAreain2035(ha) 563 490 564 209 1019 21 1560 4425
(3) AgriculturalWaterDemandin2007(MCM) 6.8 5.9 7.1 2.5 12.3 0.3 18.9 53.9
(4) AgriculturalWaterDemandin2035(MCM) 6.8 5.9 6.8 2.5 12.3 0.3 18.9 53.6
(5) WaterSupplyDemand(MCM) 1.4 0.7 0.4 5.7 3.0 4.9 0.3 16.4
(6) Water-resourcesPotential(MCM) 2.6 10.0 3.5 14.4 35.4 21.9 11.6 99.4
(7) Water-resourcesafterwatersupply(MCM) 1.2 9.3 3.1 8.7 32.4 17.0 11.3 83.0
(8) WaterBalancein2035(MCM)(7)-(4) -5.6 3.4 -3.7 6.2 20.0 16.7 -7.6 29.4
(9) WaterSaving(MCM) 1.1 0.9 1.1 0.4 1.9 0.0 2.9 8.4
(10) WasteWaterRe-use(MCM) 2.2 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 4.2
(11) ReturnFlow(MCM) 2.7 2.4 2.7 1.0 4.9 0.1 7.6 21.4
(12) WaterBalance(MCM)(8)+(9)+(10)+(11) 0.4 7.5 0.1 8.0 27.2 17.1 3.1 63.4
(13) Changeofcultivationarea(ha)in2035 0 0 -250 00 00 00 00 -250
(14) Changeofirrigationwater(MCM)in2035 0.0 0.0 -0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.3
[Note] (9): Development of Modern irrigation system, (10): Waste water re-use (Data source: By ITAL CONSULT)
(11): Return flow (Irrigation losses) = Demand*(1-1/1.67) = Demand*0.4
<Asir Region>
Comparison of the agricultural water demanded and the renewable water resources in 2007 will
generate a water shortage in Khamis Mushayt, Bisha, An Namas, Ahad Rifaydah, Zahran Aljanub, and
Balqarn governorate.
By the reuse of reclaimed waste water and the water-saving irrigation in the planned target 2035 year,
the planted area of the 2007 level is securable in gross except for two governorates.
Regarding An Namas and Ahad Rifaydah governorate, the planted area of 255ha and 40ha still need to
be reduced respectively.
Table C.4-6 Water Balance Simulation and Planted Area in Asir Region
No Items Khamis Sarat Rijal
Abha Bishah Annamas Muhayil Tathlith
Mushayt Abidah Alma
(1) PlantedAreain2007(ha) 3,591 1,947 6,554 965 1,366 521 661 435
(2) PlantedAreain2035(ha) 3,591 1,947 6,554 710 1,366 521 661 435
(3) AgriculturalWaterDemandin2007(MCM) 45.8 24.8 83.6 12.3 17.4 6.6 8.4 5.5
(4) AgriculturalWaterDemandin2035(MCM) 45.8 24.8 83.6 8.4 17.4 6.6 8.4 5.5
(5) WaterSupplyDemand(MCM) 3.9 3.3 4.9 0.3 2.8 0.7 1.0 0.4
(6) Water-resourcesPotential(MCM) 65.5 10.2 47.0 2.5 39.9 92.7 56.3 16.1
(7) Water-resourcesafterwatersupply(MCM) 61.6 6.9 42.1 2.2 37.1 92.0 55.3 15.7
(8) WaterBalancein2035(MCM)(7)-(4) 15.8 -17.9 -41.4 -6.3 19.7 85.4 46.9 10.2
(9) WaterSaving(MCM) 5.1 2.8 9.3 1.4 1.9 0.7 0.9 0.6
(10) WasteWaterRe-use(MCM) 13.8 25.5 6.2 1.5 5.1 0.8 1.4 0.0
(11) ReturnFlow(MCM) 18.3 9.9 33.4 3.4 7.0 2.7 3.4 2.2
(12) WaterBalance(MCM)(8)+(9)+(10)+(11) 53.0 20.2 7.5 0.0 33.7 89.6 52.6 13.0
(13) Changeofcultivationarea(ha)in2035 0 0 0 -255 0 0 0 0
(14) Changeofirrigationwater(MCM)in2035 0.0 0.0 0.0 -3.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
No Items Ahad Zahran Almajar Total
Rifaydah Aljanub dah
(1) PlantedAreain2007(ha) 1,441 539 2,303 741 21,054
(2) PlantedAreain2035(ha) 1400 530 2,303 741 20,759
(3) AgriculturalWaterDemandin2007(MCM) 18.4 6.8 29.4 9.4 268.4
(4) AgriculturalWaterDemandin2035(MCM) 16.7 6.8 29.4 9.4 262.8
(5) WaterSupplyDemand(MCM) 1.7 0.4 0.2 0.8 20.4
(6) Water-resourcesPotential(MCM) 5.6 5.4 18.1 21.2 380.5
(7) Water-resourcesafterwatersupply(MCM) 3.9 5.0 17.9 20.4 360.1
(8) WaterBalancein2035(MCM)(7)-(4) -12.7 -1.8 -11.5 11.0 97.3
(9) WaterSaving(MCM) 2.0 0.7 3.3 1.0 29.8
(10) WasteWaterRe-use(MCM) 4.0 1.3 1.6 0.9 62.1
No Items Ahad Zahran Almajar Total
Rifaydah Aljanub dah
(11) ReturnFlow(MCM) 6.7 2.7 11.7 3.8 105.1
(12) WaterBalance(MCM)(8)+(9)+(10)+(11) 0.0 3.0 5.1 16.7 294.3
(13) Changeofcultivationarea(ha)in2035 -40 0 0 0 -295
(14) Changeofirrigationwater(MCM)in2035 -1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 -5.6
[Note] (9): Development of Modern irrigation system, (10): Waste water re-use (Data source: By ITAL CONSULT)
(11): Return flow (Irrigation losses) = Demand*(1-1/1.67)=Demand*0.4
<Jazan Region>
A water shortage occurs in almost all the governorate, and the water balance simulation serves as
1,200 MCM minus.
Although the amount of water resources newly securable by the reuse of sewage water and the
water-saving irrigation by the planned target 2035 year serves as about 44MCM, when this is
converted into vegetable cultivation, it is only about 6,200ha.
Table C.4-7 Water Balance Simulation and Planed Area in Jazan Region
No Items Abu
Jazan Sabya Samtah Alharth Damad Arrayth Baysh
(1) PlantedAreain2007(ha) 3,589 22,785 9,395 28,175 8,452 3,797 5,839 584
(2) PlantedAreain2035(ha) 902 5,726 2,361 7,080 2,124 954 1,468 147
(3) AgriculturalWaterDemandin2007(MCM) 47.5 301.3 124.3 372.6 111.8 50.2 77.2 7.7
(4) AgriculturalWaterDemandin2035(MCM) 47.5 77.7 27.8 11.9 0.3 18.2 48.0 7.7
(5) WaterSupplyDemand(MCM) 28.0 15.6 11.4 9.1 4.8 3.2 1.3 5.9
(6) Water-resourcesPotential(MCM) 61.2 50.9 21.9 6.4 2.9 10.9 28.6 25.5
(7) Water-resourcesafterwatersupply(MCM) 33.2 35.3 10.5 -2.7 -1.9 7.7 27.3 19.6
(8) WaterBalancein2035(MCM)(7)-(4) -14.2 -42.3 -17.3 -14.6 -2.3 -10.5 -20.7 11.9
(9) WaterSaving(MCM) 0.9 5.7 2.4 7.1 2.1 1.0 1.5 0.1
(10) WasteWaterRe-use(MCM) 3.5 5.5 3.8 2.7 0.0 2.3 0.0 0.6
(11) ReturnFlow(MCM) 19.0 31.1 11.1 4.8 0.1 7.3 19.2 3.1
(12) WaterBalance(MCM)(8)+(9)+(10)+(11) 9.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.7
(13) Changeofcultivationarea(ha)in2035 -2,687 -17,058 -7,034 -21,094 -6,328 -2,843 -4,372 -437
(14) Changeofirrigationwater(MCM)in2035 0.0 -223.7 -96.5 -360.7 -111.4 -32.1 -29.2 0.0
No Items Ahad Total
Farasan Addair Almusar Alidabi Alaridah Addarb
(1) PlantedAreain2007(ha) 718 406 22,540 812 4,290 2,176 113,558
(2) PlantedAreain2035(ha) 180 102 5665 204 1,078 547 28,539
(3) AgriculturalWaterDemandin2007(MCM) 9.5 5.4 298.1 10.7 56.7 28.8 1501.9
(4) AgriculturalWaterDemandin2035(MCM) 9.5 5.4 28.4 10.7 31.2 25.1 349.3
(5) WaterSupplyDemand(MCM) 0.0 4.9 9.0 5.3 6.2 2.3 106.9
(6) Water-resourcesPotential(MCM) 26.9 19.1 28.4 23.8 16.4 322.9
(7) Water-resourcesafterwatersupply(MCM) 22.0 10.1 23.1 17.6 14.1 216.0
(8) WaterBalancein2035(MCM)(7)-(4) 16.6 -18.2 12.3 -13.6 -11.0 -123.8
(9) WaterSaving(MCM) 0.1 5.7 0.2 1.1 0.5 24.0
(10) WasteWaterRe-use(MCM) 0.4 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.4 20.3
(11) ReturnFlow(MCM) 2.1 11.3 4.3 12.5 10.0 135.9
(12) WaterBalance(MCM)(8)+(9)+(10)+(11) 19.2 0.0 16.8 0.0 0.0 60.7
(13) Changeofcultivationarea(ha)in2035 -304 -16,875 -608 -3,212 -1,629 -84,481
(14) Changeofirrigationwater(MCM)in2035 0.0 -269.7 0.0 -25.6 -3.7 -1152.6
[Note] (9): Development of Modern irrigation system, (10): Waste water re-use (Data source: By ITAL CONSULT)
(11): Return flow (Irrigation losses) = Demand*(1-1/1.67)=Demand*0.4
Based on the result of water balance simulation with the 3 regions mentioned above, in Al Baha region
and Asir region, it is possible to maintain agriculture by the crop conversion. However, in Jazan region
the water demand for agricultural use is large, and the shortage of water resources is inevitable. As a
measure against future, a method only has reducing the planted area until it balances renewable
water-resources potential. Accordingly, following agricultural measures are proposed in order to
the policy which promotes the agriculture of Asir region can be considered.
<Jazan Region>
Although the planted area aiming at 2035 can secure planting of the scale in 2007 about fruit trees and
vegetables, it stops planting of fodder crop, and 93% reduction of planted area about cereals is
The agriculture in the region will cooperate with "Jazan Agriculture Research Center" which FAO is
carrying out technical assistance in the region. If the fruit tree which suited the climate of the region,
and the agriculture in suburban areas which specialized in vegetables are promoted and water
resources have a margin, it is possible to survive in the intensive agriculture of performing cash crop
cultivation such as maize, millet, sesame and etc.
According to a hearing at the MOA regional office, it is pointed out that a farmer's aging and luck of
successor are becoming big issues in the region. It is also a problem that the Agriculture of Saudi
Arabia is performed by Saudi peoples as a manager and foreigner as a farmer, therefore MOA does not
like to advice to foreigners positively.
If the present condition mentioned above and insufficient water resources are taken into consideration,
it will be judged that the agriculture in Jazan region is obliged to a decline. Therefore, other industries
which accept agricultural population need to be introduced.
Fortunately, the Jazan Economic City project is progressing near Sabya which locates in 60km
northwest of Jazan, and the number of the labor force of this project will be needed about 300,000. On
the other hand, the number of the agricultural labor force in Jazan is about 30,000; accordingly
acceptance by this project is possible enough.
Therefore, if the issues mentioned above are not solved, industrial structure should be transformed and
the surplus farmer should be assigned to the labor force of Jazan Economic City. In addition, when
carrying out industrial structure conversion, necessity has the political to the small-scale farmer which
has made its living by traditional agriculture.
The total amount of groundwater extraction of Jazan province is (740 MCM/year), which is as twice
as large as groundwater development potential (402 MCM/year). It will result in future draw down of
groundwater level, which was analyzed by computer simulation on condition that the current pumping
is continued in the future. The result is shown in Figure C.4-3. It was expected that groundwater level
will be under sea level in large area of the central and southern part of Jazan Region by the year of
2035 and 2060. Then, seawater will intrude into aquifers along the coast in large scale. On the other
hand, groundwater level will recover by reducing pumping rate. As shown in Figure C.4-4, draw down
of groundwater level will stop by 70% reduction of the pumping amount, and furthermore,
groundwater level will go up by 90% reduction of pumping amount.
Groundwater Groundwater 50
level level
Groundwater level(GLm)
Area of groundwater 30
level is below sea level 90%reductio
70% reduction
10 50% reduction
0 30% reduction
-10 10% reduction
-20 0% reduction
2010 2030 2050
(2035) (2060) Year
Figure C 4-3 Predicted Draw Down of Groundwater Level Figure C 4-4 Recovery of Groundwater
under Current Pumping Rate Level by Redaction of Pumping Rate
Organization Action
organizations under the instruction and help of the MOWE and the MOA
To discuss with the MOWE and adjust deliberations of the quantity of production of the
desalinated seawater by SWCC and the amount of supply of the renewable water to NWC by
To discuss with the MOWE and MOA and adjust deliberations of the quantity of renewable
water to the agricultural water sector
To execute supply of renewable water to each water use sector in a neutral and a fair position
Water-for-agricultural-use To prepare a farming program and the plan for water use under instruction of the MOA
sector To manage demand of agricultural water sector and target allocation of renewable water decided
by the MOWE based on the farming program and the plan for water use under instruction of the
To promote setting up water use group in the agricultural sector, which is organized at proper
area by farmers
Saline Water Conversion To take measures to the stable supply of desalinated seawater in cooperation with MOWE and
Corporation (SWCC) NWC
National Water Company To supply municipal water stably to water users
resources management for carrying out above-mentioned management is shown below. A "RWPC
water management office" shall be arranged in the Al Baha region and the Asir region, and the "RWPC
comprehensive management office" which watches and controls regional offices shall be placed in the
Jazan region.
Unit: 1000m3/day
Image of
Transmission pipeline
Report, Instruction Management
Existing desalination plant Information Sharing
O&M System of Water
New Desalination Plant Office
O&M O&M O&M Fossil Water 61
O&M O&M Office Office Office
Office Office Office O&M O&M O&M
Office Office Existing Existing
Office Office Office Existing
AL Janabin Ranyah Hirjab Tabala
Baysh Qiss Dama
Desalination Desalination
Dawqah 100 Sabya 215
Shuqaiq 378
(Construction 2015) (Construction 2025)
P la n n e d D a m
W e ll F ie ld s
R e c h ar g e a b le Tr e n c h
R e c h a r g e in W a d i
W e ll F ie ld s
Well from Wadi
Red sea
Seawater intrusion
Each dam of reservoirs volume (multiple of the effective volume of a dam), and development volume
and a development rate is adopted for index and these indexes are examined. Where, the calculation
conditions of the above and different conditions are as follows.
• Reservoirs volume is considered as the sum total of the volume of a dam, and reservoirs
volume (void volume) of an underground aquifer.
• When there is a flow over effective volume, this flow becomes invalid discharge and is
excepted from the object for development.
• The osmosis losses (loss by evaporation etc.) to the amount of evaporation and aquifer from
the reservoir surface of a lake were assumed to be daily evaporation of about 5mm.
• It was considered as the flow which can develop 97% at the time of the ability to develop that
there is no shortage for 30 years as examination of the development volume of a dam as a
planned development flow.
(2) Result of Development Volume
Table C.5-2 shows the relationship between the development volume and total volume (Reservoir
Volume + Aquifer Volume). As a result, the larger volume is the higher rate of development such as
King Fahd Dam, Baysh Dam and Hali Dam, except for Aradah Dam and Ranyah Dam.
These preliminary calculation, 1) Storage volume is made into zero as an initial condition of an aquifer,
2) The percolation loss to an aquifer is considered as an equivalent for surface-of-a-lake evaporation of
a reservoir, 3) The percolation well or percolation canal for promoting recharge artificially are not
taken into consideration. A result of the safe side is brought for the reason. Anyway, since it turned out
that the water resources development of the wadi by cooperation with a dam and a downstream aquifer
is effective, it is the next steps and recommends a detailed examination.
Table C.5-2 Development Volume of Dam in Combination with Aquifer
V1 V2 V3=V2 V3=2xV2 V3=3xV2 V3=5xV2
Dam Reservoir Average Deve. Deve. Deve. Deve.
Deve. Deve. Deve. Deve.
Volume Flow Volume Volume Volume Volume
Rate Rate Rate Rate
(MCM) (MCM/y) (MCM/y) (MCM/y) (MCM/y) (MCM/y)
Aradah 68.0 15.2 5.3 35% 6.7 44% 6.7 44% 6.7 44%
King Fahd 325.0 69.1 34.5 50% 44.9 65% 51.1 74% 57.3 83%
Tabalah 68.4 12.3 1.8 15% 2.5 20% 3.1 25% 3.7 30%
Ranyah 219.8 99.6 26.9 27% 32.9 33% 32.9 33% 32.9 33%
Hirjab 4.6 16.8 8.4 50% 10.9 65% 12.2 73% 13.8 82%
Jazan 51.0 78.9 24.1 31% 26.0 33% 27.6 35% 30.0 38%
Baysh 193.6 104.6 71.2 68% 83.7 80% 93.1 89% 95.2 91%
Damad 55.5 61.5 24.6 40% 25.2 41% 26.5 43% 28.3 46%
Hali 249.9 122.3 79.5 65% 100.3 82% 105.2 86% 106.4 87%
Qanunah 79.2 21.3 3.0 14% 4.9 23% 6.4 30% 10.0 47%
Yiba 80.9 81.3 24.8 31% 26.0 32% 27.6 34% 30.1 37%
Development Ratio (Dev. Volume / Annual Inflow) Aradah
80% King Fahd
70% Ranyah
60% Hirjab
50% Baysh
30% Qanuna
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Maximum transmission
loss related to
Effective Discharge
Discharge of wadi infiltration capacity of
Ineffective Discharge
wadi bed
Dry soil
Wet soil
Groundwater infiltration
Water absorbed by soil
can not reach
groundwater table
Wadi flow→ Wadi flow→ Wadi flow→ Wadi flow→ Wadi flow→
Groundwater table
recharge begins
after soil became
Figure C.5-5 Groundwater Recharge and Soil Moisture
Adequate Discharge
Discharge from recharge dam must be controlled to prevent ineffective discharge that will finally flow
into Red Sea, considering size of alluvial plain along Red Sea. Size of alluvial Plain is shown in Table
C.5-3. On the other hand, in the area of west side of Shield, amount of discharge from recharge dam
should be decided considering distance between the dam to the target area for water use.
Table C.5-3 Size of Alluvial Plain along Red Sea
Width of alluvial plain Average gradient of wadi bed
(Distance form mountain to sea) along alluvial plain
North to Central
30-40km 0.003-0.005
(Makkah and Asir Region)
South (Jazan Region) 10-50km 0.001-0.0045
To decide adequate rate of discharge from dam, relation between discharge and flowing distance must
be examined. For this purpose, the equation below is proposed in Study Area.
Vx=Vo×(1-a)x (Wheater, 1993)
Vo : Discharge from recharge dam (m3/day)
Vx : flow rate at X (km) downstream from recharge dam (m3/day)
Relation between flow distance and transmission loss by drawing off is shown in Figure -5.24.
loss/Accumulated discharge from
Accumulated transmission
60% 50,000m3/day
40% 100,000m3/day
Width of alluvial
20% plain 500,000m3/day
(along Red Sea)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Distance from Dam(km)
Figure C.5-6 Example of Transmission Losses and Flow Distance (by Wheater Equation)
According to the example in Figure C.5-6, flow rate of 500,000m3/day from recharge dam can fully
become transmission loss within alluvial plain before reaching Red Sea. However, this flow rate
depends on parameter of Wheater equation.
Interval of Discharge
Transmission loss can be efficiently changed into ground water recharge by controlling interval of
discharge. Relation between transmission loss and groundwater recharge of the Study Area is proposed
as below:
Groundwater Recharge(m)=0.0567+0.556×TL-0.099 ×ANTEC (A.U.Sorman and M.J.Abdulrazzak,
TL : Transmission loss (×106m3/day)
ANTEC : Parameter relating discharge interval (day). ANTEC=1-0.9T
T : Interval after the previous discharge (day)
As shown in Figure C.5-7, the more frequently water discharged, the more groundwater can be
recharged. According to the existing Study in Wadi Tabalah, 75% of transmission loss will become
groundwater recharge under the natural condition. Remaining 25% will become groundwater recharge
under permanent flow condition.
Groundwater recharge/transmission
Average=75% in
70% natural condition
loss (%)
Discharge from dam
30% 100,000m3/day
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Discharge Interval (days)
<Flow regime>
Without dam
With dam
Discharge from dam
Figure C.5-8 Improvement of flow Regime and Increase of Transmission Losses
in west of shield). On the other hand, discharge when it reaches the lower most reaches of the
area where water is used was calculated (inland basin in east of shield). As seen in Table C.2-7,
this discharge was analyzed using Wheaters equation explained in the previous section. The
discharge was defined as “Discharge at lower most reaches (m3/day)”.
• Transmission loss was obtained as below:
- Transmission loss (m3/day) = Discharge at dam site – Discharge at lower most reaches
However, in case that transmission loss is lager than maximum transmission loss, transmission
loss was set the same as maximum transmission loss (m3/day).
• Calculation above was conducted for two cases, (i)case with dam, (ii)case without dam,each for
46 years from 1960 to 2006 in daily base. Total amount of transmission loss for 46 years was
calculated for above two cases.
• Total amount of transmission loss for 46 years in case with dam was calculated changing
discharge rate from the dam as 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%,
80%, 90%. Maximum transmission loss of different discharge rate above was defined as
“transmission loss (m3)”.
• Increase of transmission loss by improvement of flow regime was finally calculated as shown
Increase of transmission loss (%)
= (Amount of transmission loss for 46 years in case with dam – Amount of transmission loss
for 46 years in case with dam)÷Amount of transmission loss for 46 years without dam)
Detail analysis to find the optimum relationship between discharge from dam and ground water recharge
will be done in the next study such as the feasibility study.
As these reasons, since the monitoring in Hijaz Asir highland area has good access to monitoring
station, it is easy to manage every day. On the other hand, at the station in a desert area, it thinks
because access is difficult and daily control of maintenance is also difficult. Due to density of
monitoring stations, compared with the western area of the Study Area, accuracy of aerial rainfall
in the eastern area serves as an inaccurate situation.
z Data collection for monitoring data
Although monitoring using a telemetry and transmission are also carried out partly in KSA, the
current condition is that monitoring usually using a rain gauge is common, and has transmitted to
MOWE headquarters by fax.
On the other hand, if there are no people for monitoring, there is information that the theft of
monitoring equipment, breakage, etc. increase, and it is in the current condition that labor-saving
and introduction of telemetry system do not progress.
z Data analysis and apply for runoff and water resources development
Collection of rainfall data is a main purpose in daily hydrological activities in MOWE, and
practical use to analysis or water resources development plan is seldom carried out.
As mentioned above, the proposal for the maintenance plan on rainfall monitoring and a monitoring
plan is shown as follows.
z There is tendency on rainfall characteristics that the central part from Taif to Yemen border in
Hijaz Asir highland area has much rain, and the desert area in an eastern part of the Study Area
has little rain. Taking into account the quantitative characteristics in rainfall, it will be thought that
it is necessary to add rainfall stations to Hijaz Asir highland area and its neighborhood
preferentially from now on. Moreover, since there are only three rainfall stations located in
Najran Region and also centers in the western part of region altogether, it is needed to be located
additionally in the central part and the eastern part of the region.
z The Study Team proposes introduction of telemetry system, from the view point of advancing
management, in the regional office and water supply facilities consisting of dams and well fields
in future.
z The Study Team also proposes positive utilization on rainfall data based on the monitoring for the
water resources development of water supply by grasping and arranging the rainfall characteristic
(geographical distribution, annual quantitative change on rainfall, and aerial quantitative
Figure C.5-9 Location of Monitoring Stations for Water Level and Discharge
Since there is no bridge for monitoring of the discharge at the dam site in Wadi Hirjab, the flow
velocity monitoring with a propeller type is impossible, and the cable type current meter which
stretching a cable-way between both bank of Wadi, hanging a current meter on the cable, and
measuring the flow velocity was installed.(Refer to Figure C.5-10)
It is impossible to continuously observe flow amount for 24 hours over 365 days by the present
condition of the skills, and thus it is required to make a stage-flow amount curve showing the
correlation between flow amount and water level and convert the water level into flow amount without
actually measuring the flow amount continuously. Based on the monitoring records between flow
depth and discharge, stage-flow amount curve should be made up at each water level station.
Figure C.5-10 Current Meter Measuring at Bridge (Left) and Cable-way Type Current Meter
As mentioned above, the proposal of the monitoring plan for water level and flow velocity becomes as
z Since it is important to record a water level, maintenance and operation on automatic water level
recorder shall be fully performed and the checking in operation shall be needed periodically.
z In an occurrence of floods, the flow velocity shall be monitored by the district water office in
Bisha and Najran.
z By accumulating and analyzing data on relationship between rainfall and discharge in Wadi, this
data shall be used for the planning and design for water supply and water development plan
Current toe
Toe of year 2035
Toe of year 2060
0 km
0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000
Figure C.5-11 Predicted Seawater Intrusion by Current Water Extraction (by Study Team)
10% reduction
Figure C.5-12 Reduction of Groundwater Extraction and Area of Groundwater Level below
0m (JICA Study Team)
Simulation result should be examined by monitoring result. If there is considerable difference between
them, its reason must be made clear and simulation result must be modified. Groundwater monitoring
plan was proposed in Table C.5-8, and monitoring points were proposed in Figure C.5-13.
Table C.5-8 Groundwater Monitoring Plan
Frequency of
Item Purpose of monitoring
Monitoring well
Monitoring line
5.4.2 Groundwater
For conservation of groundwater resources, sound water balance must be maintained to keep normal
groundwater environment. On the other hand, over-extraction of groundwater will break water balance
and make groundwater environment deteriorated, which will lead to consumption of groundwater
resources rapidly. Over-extraction of groundwater will give impact as listed below:
Lowering of groundwater level.
Seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer due to lowering of groundwater level.
Rising of salty groundwater from deep aquifer due to lowering of groundwater level
Methods shown in Figure C.5-14 are effective to prevent or mitigate impact above.
a) Extraction regulation
Recharge dams
b) Increase of groundwater recharge
Recharge Wells
Above b) and c) methods have been already implemented or planned in the Study Area. Above a)
method is most effective, if alternative water sources for groundwater users are prepared before its
implementation. Above d) method can be applicable in coastal plain, such as in southern part of Jazan
In addition to above methods, continuous groundwater monitoring (groundwater level and salt
concentration) is indispensable to know groundwater environment and result of above measures.
( Mi ni s try of Wa ter & E nerg y )
Wate r User
Large City Other Regional Area
Figure C.5-15 Water Management Organizations (Present)
Supply Supply
Supply Desalination
Intake/ Supply
Withdrawal Supply
water &
Groundwater Desalination
Selling Natural Desalination
Agriculture NWC
Water Water
Sector Resources
National Water
Coordinating Company
Agriculture Water Supply
Water Use Company
Buying/ Selling Drinking/
Domestic/ Industrial Water
Farmers Water Service for User (City) Water Service for User (Rural)
Figure C.5-17 Improvement Proposal of Water Administrative Organizations
The role of the present organization is arranged and the new organizations are added according to
following directions.
z In the improvement of organizations including new organizations, the division of roles such as
policy decision, regulation and supervision, and project implementation is reconsidered.
z On the level of policy decision, the function of agreement formation for the direction of water
resources development and management, and for the required development administrative plan
etc. is given to MOWE as a center organization and other all related ministries and agencies.
z On the level of project enforcement, according to the development administrative plan which is
agreed based on the policy of the government for the water resources development and
management, the organization for undertaking main projects in response to the commission from
the government is established, and the function to make projects undertake efficiently is given to
the organization.
z On the level of the supervision of project implementation and the operation and maintenance after
project completion, The function to supervise that projects enforcement situation attain the policy
objective and regulation for environmental preservation before project commencement, the
conservation of water resources or the reduction of influence on environment, etc. are protected
while performing execution management of projects during projects implementation, and the
sustainable water management is conducted in alignment with the policy objective is given the
z By clarifying the division of function, roles of the policy board, the projects enforcement
organization, and the supervisor and a regulatory agency are clarified, and clarification of
responsibility is attained to related organizations.
It proposes newly establishing the following organizations for achievement of the above-mentioned
Water Authority and Water Council
This organization is established for strengthening of a policy decision level. Water authority is
constituted by the minister and secretary of each ministry and agency related to water, and the director
general, and perform determination of national water policy and basic strategy of water, and
adjustment between relevant ministries and agencies.
Moreover, it agrees on the water resources development and management plan of broad-based area
like two or more provinces are related or important state capital by this water authority and a water
Especially, the future water utility of the agricultural water sector which is the largest user of
renewable water resources is not only a subject of water resources but a subject interlocked with a
food policy and agricultural policy. To decide a direction to the future, the argument and adjustment in
which it crosses ministries and government offices are needed. Therefore, it is assumed as one of the
important subjects treated by this water authority and the water council.
Water council is constituted by the deputy minister, vice-president official, and academic expert of
relevant ministries and agencies as a consultative body of water policy, is deliberated to consultation
of water authority, and proposes a draft doctrine etc.
Renewable Water Production Corporation (RWPC)
This organization is established for the project enforcement concerning development and management
of renewable water and for assuring neutral and fair water supply. Based on the broad-based and
important water development administrative plan on which it has agreed by the national policy, water
authority, and water council, required projects are undertaken by the commission from the ministries
and agencies to supervise.
This public corporation makes MOWE relevant authorities, and undertakes projects on the basis of
supervisor instruction of MOWE.
The operation and maintenance of dams for integrated control and other large-scale important dams,
the operation and maintenance of main groundwater basins which perform joint operations, the control
of intake or withdrawal of main natural water resources and water supply networks are managed
RWPC performs the management and maintenance of main dams which performs joint operations, and
management and maintenance of main groundwater basins. And RWPC shall manage intake of main
renewable water resources, and a water supply network, and shall supply renewable water. This public
corporation achieves the following functions and roles.
1) Supply of renewable water to a water service enterprise etc. as raw water.
2) Operation of facilities for groundwater recharge
3) Control and maintenance of large-scale dams and middle-scale dams (flood control, intake
control, control and maintenance of facilities)
4) Monitoring of main aquifers (for controlling yeild and water quality) and operation and
maintenance of facilities (observation wells, production wells, pumping up facilities)
5) Main pipeline transportation (transportation control, control and maintenance of facilities) and
sale of the producing water
6) The planning, investigation, design, and construction management of large-scale dams and
middle-scale dams, and groundwater withdrawal facilities by commission from MOWE
7) Promotion of dissemination of rain water harvesting facilities
RWPC is a corporation which competes with SWCC, which is undertaking production and supply
enterprise of desalinization water under the supervisor of MOWE, in the water production and supply
enterprise field of renewable water. SWCC is accepted that efficient management is performed as a
public corporation organization. It is recommended that RWPC also should be established as public
corporation so that it runs efficiently.
Now, SWCC is in the state which is undertaking desalination water supply enterprise also foreseeing
privatization with role as a center of water supply, and in which the competitor of water supply is not.
When RWPC performs development and supply of renewable water intentionally, by extension,
SWCC is expected to become an organization which supplies cheaper water with more efficient
Ministry of Agriculture
Agricultural Cooperative
General Dairectorate of Central Union
Agriculture in Region
農業生産指導部他 production Agricultural Water
Management Division Management Division
De ve lope d fr om e xist e n c e organ ization
市場農産物販売組織production Agricultural Cooperative
sales organization Association
<Joint Management>
Production (Techni cal devel opment)
Agricultural Water
Wi thdrawal , Water di s tri buti on, drai nag e f aci l i ty
Water-s av i ng i rri g a ti on, wa ter-s avi ng crop
R ecog ni ti on of water s ources condi ti on & mana g ement
Stuff In-charge of
In-charge of In-charge of Work Site Training
administrator, part of In-charge of
part of Terminal (On the job training)
Stuff Engineer & Information part of Project
Administration Equipment
skilled worker System
Figure C.5-19 Diagram of Education System by Sector and Work Level Classification
In order to make bottom-up of skill and technical level of workers or managers concerning terminal
equipment, and in order to raise human resources who can control combined several facilities, who
can manage each division of higher rank, and furthermore who can manage synthetically the whole of
the organization, the improvement of the following organizations and systems are proposed.
z Establishment of a training center: In order to raise the skill and the technical level of the capable
persons concerning terminal equipment and each facility, long-term and planned function training
and technical education are carried out. As an organization for this, a training center is founded
and instructors are stationed.
z Strengthening of on the job training: In order to apply and reflect the results of education received
in the training center to each worksite, and fix it as an absolute technique, repeating site work
education (on the job training) and training center education are carried out. For this reason, at
each work site the system that a higher rank leader guides group constituents by making-up team
organization is proposed.
z University and research institution training: The training for middle-level manager and engineer is
carried out according to utilization of the university and the research institution, and more
advanced management ability and technical capabilities are mastered. The creation of training
program and teaching materials are requested to a university and a research institution.
z Other external training: In order that upper position manager and engineer master a broad view
and make it reflected in the management work, overseas trainings and temporary transfers to
external organization (for example, temporary transfer to a consultant with technical high-level
capabilities, etc.) are carried out.
z Introduction of qualification and authorization system: In order to encourage the personnel's
spontaneous capacity building, the qualification system for every member is introduced.
Moreover, an acquisition of qualification or authorization of an external authority is also
encouraged. The system that the acquisition of qualification contributes to the status promotion is
Dimensions of dams including under construction are also shown in Table C.6-2.
Table C.6-2 Dimensions for Dams
Catchment Development
Length Height Capacity
Region Name of Dam Area Water
(km2) (m) (m) (1000m3) (m3/day)
Makkah Hali 4,843 384 95 249.6 35,000
Qanunah 2,310 385 50 79.2 30,000
Yiba 2,242 284 64 80.9 38,000
Al Baha Al Janabin - 592 55 55.5 5,000
Nilah-Qiwlah - - - - 11,000
Tabalah 863 396 40 68,410.0 16,000
Asir Hirjab 600 - - - 9,000
Ranyah 4,375 - - - 68,000
Jazan Baysh 7,600 340 106 193.6 58,000
Damad 1,000 154 28 55.5 36,000
Qissi 272 1044 25 151.0 9,000
Water facility plan and locations for proposed facilities is shown in Figure C.6-1.
: Under Construction Dam by
: Existing Dam
: Planned Dam by MOWE
: Existing Pipeline
: On-going by MOWE
: Planned pipeline by MOWE
Rabigh : Planned pipeline by JICA
Study Team
Rabigh DP : Existing Desalination Plant
Al Taif
Shuaiba DP
Al Baha
Al Aqiq
Al Lith Thrad Ranyah
A Tabalah Bishah
Al Baha
Length Najran
Region Item Name of facility H
(km) Khamis Mushayt
Al Birk DP
pipeline D Abha
Section A Dawqah ~Al 115
Baha(Φ1500mm) E
(1) AL Section B Hali ~ 108 Maraba
Baha Dawqah(Φ1500mm) Itawad
2.Pumping station 21.6 KW
3.Reservoir 400,000 Baysh
4.Desalination Plant Dawqah(Stage 1) 75,000 Shuqaiq DP
Dawqah (Stage 2) 21,000
1.Transmission Najran
Section D Shuqaiq~ 124 Qissi
Abha(Φ1500mm) Damad Najran
Section E Shuqaiq~AL Birk 96
(Φ600mm) Sabya DP Jizan
Section H Abha ~AL Janabin 148
(Φ800mm) Abu Arish
(2) Asir Section G Abha ~ AL Alayah 216 Jazan F Jizan
Section C AL Baha - AL Alayah 105
(Φ800mm) Samtah
Section I AL Alayah - Bisha 96
2.Desalination Plant Shuqaiq Increase 230,000
3. Fossil Water from Stage 1 Well (Φ1100mm) 150
Wajid Aqufer Stage 2 Well
1.Transmission pipe
Section F Shuqaiq ~ Samta 151
(3) Jazan (Φ1500mm)
2.Desalination Plant Sabya (Stage 1) 35,000
Sabya (Stage 2) 125,000 0 50 100km
Sabya (Stage 3) 81,000
Figure C.6-1 Water Supply Facility Plan in Al Baha, Asir and Jazan
Table C.6-4 Unit Cost per Dam Volume (Concrete Gravity Dam, Rock-fill Dam)
Ragions Name of dam Type Purpose Length Height Storing C. (1000M3) Contaract C.(1000 SR) Unit Cost(m3/SR)
Makkah Hali Concrete Control 384 95 651.92 249,560 226,620 347.6
Rabig Concrete Control 380 80.5 555 220,350 168,900 304.3
Jazan Baysh Concrete Control 340 106 680 193,644 213,186 313.5
Damad Concrete Flood,irrigati 154 28 375 55,500 147,281 392.7
Average 339.6
Makkah Al Marwani Rockfill Control 580 101 6,000 183,600 262,321 43.7
Al Lith Rockfill Control 420 79.5 2,486.00 88,570 124,296 50.0
Average 46.9
Source) Progress report for each dam
The Construction Cost implementation period from 2010 to 2015 shows the highest cost with SR
3,485 Million (US$ 929million), followed by period 2015 to 2020 with SR1,438 Million
(US$ 383million), and period 2020 to 2035 (SR 562 Million, US$ 150 Million) and then period 2025
to 2025 with SR143 Million (US$ 38 Million).
Construction Cost(million SR)
4,000 AL Baha
2,000 Total
2011- 2016- 2021- 2026- 2031- Total
2015 2020 2025 2030 2035
Construction Schedule
Figure C.6-2 Construction Cost for every Five Years Implementation Period
Table C.6-7 shows operation and maintenance cost from Year of 2010 to Year of 2035. The operation
and maintenance cost by 2015 serves as SR130Million per every year, hereafter, increases every year
and serves as per every year and SR298Milion for the targeted Year of 2035.
Table C.6-7 Operation and Maintenance Cost (Million SR/Year)
Region 2011-2015 2016-2020 2021-2025 2026-2030 2031-2035
Al Baha 17 43 43 43 43
Asir 81 120 131 138 138
Jazan 102 114 158 187 187
Total 130 207 262 298 298
Table C.6-8 Implementation Plan for the Major Facilities in the Water M/P
Construction Period
Region Facility Section or Location Name (Water volume 2006-10 2011-15 2016-20 2021-25 2026-30 2031-35 Remarks
103m3 )
Dawqah - Albaha 2016-2030 (135) 70 135 135 135
Transmission line Hali-Dawqah 2016-2015 (75) 75
AL Baha - AL Alayah 2016-2020 (65) 65
Return to
Shuaibah 2006-2010 (40) 40 0
Desalination Makkah
Dawqah Plant 2021-2030 (96) 75 75 100
Existing 2011-2015 (19) 19
AL Baha Return to
Hali Dam 2011-2015 (35) 35 0
Return to
Qanunah Dma 2011-2015 (30) 30 0
Renewable Water Makkah
Return to
Yiba Dam 2016-2020 (38-0) 38 0
Al Janabin Dam 2011-2015 (5) 5
Nilah& Qilwah Dam 2011-2015 (11) 11
Shuqaiq - Abha 2006-2025 (313) 82 238 238 313
Shuqaiq - AL Birk 2016-2020 (10) 10
Abha -Al Alayan 2016-2020 (40) 40
Transmission line
Abha -Al Janoub 2021-2025 (19) 19
AL Baha - AL Alayan 2021-2025 (65) 65
AL Alayan - Bisha 2006-2025 (65) 65
Desalination Shuqaiq 2011-2025 (313) 82 238 238 313
Fossil water 2011-2025 (32) 29 29 61
Existing 2006-2010 (57) 57
Baysh 2011-2015 (25) 25
Hali 2011-2015 (35) 35
Tabalah 2011-2015 (16) 16
Hirjab 2016-2020 (9) 9
Ranyah 2016-2020 (68) 68
Transmission line UKAD-Samtah 2011-2015 (75) 75
Baysh 2011-2015 (33) 33
Dam Damad 2011-2015 (36) 36
Jizan Qissi 2011-2015 (9) 9
No use in
Shuqaiq 2006-2025 (75) 3 75 75 0
Desalination 2025
Sabya 2016-2030 (206) 35 160 215
Note) 1.Implementation period is shown by pattern coloring.
2. Number in a pattern shows the sum total water supply (quantity of production) for the target within the
implementation period..
1 23.2% (individual indirect tax) + 5.7% (retail sales tax) = 29% The retail sales tax is determined in each
state. 5.7% is the mean value between the maximum value of 8.5% and the minimum value of 2.9%.
2 Source: Energy Prices and Tax, IEA
3 Table of Remaining Life Time for SWCC Plants
The grounds for the calculation of the project benefit are summarized in the next table.
Table C.7-4 Grounds for the Calculation of the Project Benefit
Project Benefit Unit Benefit Remark Source
Municipal water SR 0.40 /m3 Financial value of water Water tariff
Economic value of water, estimated by Operation and maintenance report
Municipal water SR 4.99 /m3
the cost of desalination of SWCC
The financial and economic costs are summarized in the next table.
Table C.7-6 Financial and Economic Project Cost(MSR)
Construction Cost Annual O&M Cost
Project Cost
Al Baha Asir Jazan Total Al Baha Asir Jazan Total
Financial Cost 1,838 3,350 1,429 6,617 52.9 149.2 96.9 299.0
Economic Cost 2,205 4,020 1,715 7,941 63.5 179.0 116.3 358.8
The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) was calculated at 6.8%. The standard of the discount rate in the
sector of water development is considered between 6 and 7%, approximately. Hence the proposed
water supply plan could be evaluated feasible from the economic aspect. This result means that the
proposed water supply plan is one of the mixed models of desalinated, surface and ground water,
which can be feasible even if the standard discount ratio is applied to them.
Under the zero option scenario (Case 1), nevertheless the natural environment would be reserved as
present, deterioration of some social environments were projected due to shortage of water supply.
Execution of the alternative scenario (Case 3) may cause local pollution such as air pollution and
adverse impacts on global warming due to complex and multiple effects of the facilities.
5) Recommendations
The concrete construction locations or scale of the proposing facilities are not precisely identified yet
at the M/P phase. Additionally, due to limitation of the information, the projection was conducted at
IEE level. The degree of the projection and the effects of the countermeasures embrace uncertainty.
Therefore, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia shall evaluate more detail social and environmental impacts
and their affected area by the proposing facilities after the completion of this study by JICA Study
Team. In accordance to the Article five (5) of the General Environmental Law and Rules for
Implementation (2001) and Appendix-2 of its associated regulation on the Environmental Standard,
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) are required for all newly proposed facilities (i.e. dams,
pipelines and desalination plants) at Feasibility Study Stage. It is recommended that the Kingdom shall
conduct EIA and prepare social and environmental considerations not only limited to but particularly
for the items that adverse impacts are possibly projected.
Table C.7-10 shows the items to be intensively examined in the EIA study and the recommended
survey items.
Table C.7-10 Recommendation for Accentuated Survey in EIA
Environmental Season/
Facility Survey Item Survey Location
Factor Frequency
Upper and Lower basin of the
z Habitation dams
Pipeline Condition Anytime Route + 100m in width
Desalination z Land Use
Facility area + 500m
z Water Level Dam position
Groundwater Dam Anytime
z Pumping test Downstream of the dam
Hydrological z Discharge
Dam Upon Flood Reservoir entrance
Condition Observation
Dam z Literature Survey Reservoir area + 500m
Flora and Pipeline z Field Survey Dry Season Pipeline route + 100m in width
Fauna Desalination z Interview with Rainy Season
Experts Plant area + 500m
Reservoir entrance
Upon water Centre of the reservoir
z Water Quality
flow Downstream (before
(pH, BOD, Do, etc)
Once/month conjugation with another
Dam wadi)
Upon water
Water z Heavy Metals and
flow Reservoir entrance
Pollution Organics
z Land Use Anytime Upstream of the dam
z Seawater quality Once/month Discharge Point
Desalination Dry Season 500m north and south from the
z Marine Biology
Plant Rainy Season discharge point
z Case Study Anytime
Location for booster pump
z Field Survey Once/year
Noise and z Case Study
Vibration z Inhabitation Location for booster pump
Plant Anytime
Condition facility
z Land Use
(1) Implementation of Projects Proposed in the Water M/P
The proposed Water M/P is prepared on the basis of the upper plans and programs such as National
Five-Years Development Plan, National Water Strategy etc. to develop properly conventional water
resources and non-conventional water resources and to supply municipal water and agricultural water
for the areas of Al Baha, Asir and Jazan Regions so that the prosperous socio-economy and
comfortable people’s life are achieved in the three Regions.
The Water M/P proposes the reasonable plans of water demand and supply targeting the year of 2035
for three Regions based on the socio-economic framework by sector. To prepare the Water M/P, the
opinions collected at the Stakeholder Meetings are taken into consideration.
The M/P prepared in such process proposes to solve or minimize water issues at present and in future.
That is why the M/P is useful and important for the people of the regions. It is recommendable that the
projects proposed in the M/P are implemented in accordance with the implementation schedule.
(2) Re-confirmation of Design Water Supply Volume from Dam
The Study team examined the new dam-projects in five Wadis (Ghoran, Naaman, Hirjab, Yiba,
Khulab) based on the water balance study done in this Study. But the Study Team and MOWE
concluded that these projects are not suitable for new projects judging from hydrologic,
hydro-geologic and topographic conditions. Therefore, all the dams included in the M/P are the dams
planned and under-constructed by MOWE.
The M/P uses the design water supply volume developed at each dam that is planned by MOWE.
Before the operation of each dam, MOWE must confirm whether the design development volume
covers the design volumes for municipal water supply, irrigation and compensation water of current
users. Also MOWE must prepare the operation rule and manual for new dam.
For MOWE’s confirmation and preparation mentioned above, the Study Team recommends the
3-Dimensional Computer Simulator to evaluate 1) sustainable water development volume and 2)
effectiveness of joint operation (dam reservoir and aquifer in Wadi).
Furthermore, it shall be recommended for a preparing the data which can be used for evaluation of
productive ground water potential to avoid an unrecoverable groundwater descending, and change of
various environmental conditions.
(3) Promotion of Reclaimed Waste Water Reuse
At the main cities in the target regions covered by the M/P, the reclaimed waste water projects are
being implemented by MOWE. The M/P proposed municipal greening water, industrial cooling water
and irrigation water as a target of reuse of reclaimed waste water. Irrigation is the largest user for the
reclaimed waste water. In Al Baha Region and Asir Region, each region’s coverage of reclaimed waste
water is respectively 20% and 25% of total irrigation water volume.
In these highland mountainous areas, the Study Team recommends the Distributed Waste Water
Treatment System suitable for this kind of topography for targeting the promotion of reuse of
reclaimed waste water. Also protection project of the seawater intrusion by recharging reclaimed waste
water is recommendable in Jazan Region. Before starting the project operation of waste water
treatment, feasibility study (F/S) on reuse of reclaimed waste water is recommendable.
(4) Further Study on Two New Desalination Plants in Water Supply Plan
The water supply plan proposed in the M/P targets municipal water use and industrial water use. The
water resources of the water supply are surface water, renewable groundwater, fossil groundwater and
desalinated sea water.
Desalinated sea water becomes the most useful water resources at the time of sever drought. Currently
SWCC is supplying desalinated sea water for the areas of 3 Regions, and expanding the capacities of
production and distribution.
The M/P Study clarified the renewable water resources potential and projected future water demand,
and concluded that the renewable water resources potential is not sufficient to cover all the demand. It
is indispensable for SWCC to continue and expand the desalination project to meet future water
demand of municipal water and industrial water. However production cost of desalinated sea water is
still 3 – 4 times higher than that of renewable water. As the cost of water conveyance is also high, new
desalination plants should be constructed near the consumer areas to minimize water conveyance
distance and cost.
The M/P proposes two new desalination plants at Dawqah in Makkah Region and Sabya in Jazan
Region. Implementation of F/S Study on these projects is recommendable.
(5) Demand Management for Municipal Water
For the demand management of municipal water supply, the M/P proposes such promotion measures
to decrease LCD (or daily water consumption per capita) as 1) Introduction of Water Saving Type
Apparatus Up-dated, 2) Review of Proper Water Charge and Its Collecting System, 3) Renewal of
Institution for Improvement in Water Recycling Rate of in Factory, and 4) Recognition of Importance
of Water Saving by Education and Enlightenment. Also the M/P proposes such promotion measures to
decrease leakage ratio of pipelines as 1) Planned Renewal of Decrepit Pipelines 2) Improvement of
Flow Measurement, and 3) Introduction of Diagnostic Technology for Water Leakage.
Although the measures mentioned above need some amount of financial investment, the investment is
effective in financial aspect that same amount of the investment save several dam construction for
water supply. Therefore it is recommendable for water related organization to implement demand
control measures to decrease LCD.
(6) Demand Management for Irrigation Water
The water sources of irrigation water are renewable water resources and reclaimed waste water. The
examination done in the M/P shows that the agriculture of 2007-year level in Al Baha and Asir Region
will be sustainable in 2035 by using renewable water and reclaimed waste water in each region, and
that the agriculture in Jazan (National Top-3 Agricultural Region) will not be sustainable even in 2035
by using renewable water and reclaimed waste water in the region.
For Jazan Region specially, the demand management of irrigation water is recommended including 1)
Popularization of Modern Irrigation System, 2) Conversion to Crops with Small Water Requirement
Based on MOA-Decision335, and 3) Promotion of Utilization of Reclaimed Waste Water. Therefore, if
the agricultural issues are not solved, industrial structure should be transformed and the surplus farmer
should be assigned to the other industries such as Jazan Economic City - Project. In addition, when
carrying out industrial structure conversion, political consideration is necessary to the small-scale
farmer which has made its living by traditional agriculture.
(7) Feasibility Study on Establishment of RWPC
As basics of the total water service management, the Water M/P proposes recommendation such as to
perform efficient and economical management combining different water resources by integrated
network system.
The M/P proposes a new organization of RWPC (Renewable Water Production Corporation as a core
of the total water service management. The objectives of RWPC are to implement development, O&M
of renewable water resources, and coordination with organizations concerned.
Also the M/P clarifies the mandates and activities on water resources management for water related
organizations such as MOWE and MOWE Regional Office (General Directorate of Water, GDW),
other ministries, SWCC, NWC and so on. Further study (F/S Study) on the establishment of RWPC is
quite recommendable to realize good water management in the study area.
(8) Feasibility Study on Establishment of REWLIP (Red-Sea Water Lifeline Project)
The Study Team proposes REWLIP based on the two important aspects: 1) Economic Aspect to Secure
Less Expensive Water, and 2) Technical Aspect to Secure Necessary Water Sufficiently in Wide Area
by Different Water Sources and Well Connected Water Conveyance Systems.
This large project (which produces desalinated seawater and renewable water and distributes water in
4 Regions) is the first and very important project for the area and for KSA. The Study Team
recommends the F/S Study on this very important project to realize soon for the regions and KSA.