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Dust cyclone design

Article  in  Applied Engineering in Agriculture · July 2001

DOI: 10.13031/2013.6458 · Source: OAI

9 7,282

3 authors:

P.A. Funk S.E. Hughs

United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service


Greg Holt
United States Department of Agriculture


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P. A. Funk, S. E. Hughs, G. A. Holt

ABSTRACT. Dust cyclones are a cost effective means of treating process air released by cotton gins. Modifications to the
currently recommended cyclone design were tested to improve collection efficiency. Factors normally considered
uncontrolled (dust loading and relative humidity) were included in a mixed–level fractional factorial experimental design.
Pre–weighed gin trash was metered into inlet air. Exhaust air was passed through a filter that was weighed to determine dust
loading and collection efficiency. Square and angled inlet modifications lowered cyclone performance. Neutral air tube and
expansion chamber modifications were insignificant. Pressure drop increased linearly with increasing air entrance velocity
while collection efficiency decreased slightly. Reducing entrance velocity may save energy without adversely affecting
Keywords. Dust Cyclones, Modeling, Cotton ginning.

he USDA–ARS cotton ginning research ANTECEDENTS
laboratories at Lubbock, Texas, and Mesilla Park, Chemical industry cyclone separators are occasionally
New Mexico experiment with dust cyclones in designed with inlets at various angles other than
hopes of improving collection efficiency. Dust perpendicular to the cyclone axis. For this reason positive and
cyclones are a cost effective way for cotton gins to clean negative angled entrance ducts were examined to determine
conveying air before it is released to the environment. Other their potential for improving dust cyclone performance.
methods of dust collection such as rotary drum filters, bag Previous USDA cyclone research had indicated performance
houses, and spray systems are more expensive to build and improvements when using an expansion chamber at the
operate. A typical 30 bale per hour cotton gin might require bottom of a cyclone employing a tapered air outlet, though
as much as 113 m3/s (240,000 cfm) total air for transporting not with regular air outlets (Holt et al., 1999). Further
materials between successive stages of the ginning process. experimentation was desired to confirm the potential of this
Depending on crop condition and source, some of that modification. The Clifford tube and the expansion chamber
conveying air may carry as much as 100 g/m3 (44 grains/ft3) were each expected to stabilize the bottom of the vortex,
total suspended particulate (TSP). The Environmental reducing particle re–entrainment at the trash exit. The
Protection Agency (1987) limits allowable dust emission of importance of minimizing re–circulation of lint and fine
particles having an aerodynamic diameter of less than particles near the bottom of the cone has been identified
10 microns (PM10) to 150 µg/m3 (66 × 10–6 grains/ft3). Local previously (Baker et al., 1996) in reducing emissions and
jurisdictions may have more stringent requirements. wear.
Cyclones alone usually suffice to remove TSP and PM10. If
air quality regulations become more restrictive, more INITIAL MODELING
efficient cyclones will be needed for gins to continue to Computational Fluid Dynamics software (AEA
economically comply with air quality permitting Technology plc, 1999) was used to predict airflow
requirements. streamlines in a dust cyclone. The modeled space was the
cyclone barrel and cone volumes. The boundary was drawn
at the bottom of the vortex finder because the software could
not accept a separate volume within an active volume.
Article was submitted for review in August 2000; approved for The resulting graphic outputs enabled visualization of
publication by the Power & Machinery Division ASAE in February 2001. airflow rather than particle flow. In the plan view of cyclone
Presented at the 2000 ASAE Annual Meeting as Paper No. 00–4026. streamlines (fig. 1) air makes one revolution in the barrel of
Mention of trade names or commercial products in this article is solely
for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply the cyclone, collides with incoming air, and makes an abrupt
recommendation or endorsement by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. change in direction near the entrance. This forces the
The authors are Paul A. Funk, ASAE Member Engineer, Agricultural dust–laden air to make a tight turn inward and downward.
Engineer, S. Ed Hughs, ASAE Member Engineer, Research Leader, The fact that the air is leaving the dust behind at that point
USDA–ARS Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Lab, Mesilla Park,
New Mexico, and Greg A. Holt, ASAE Member Engineer, Agricultural
appeared to be more important to cyclone efficiency than the
Engineer, USDA–ARS Cotton Production and Processing Research Unit, fact that the dust is reintroduced into incoming air. This
Lubbock, Texas. Corresponding author: P. A. Funk, USDA Agricultural alternate approach to understanding cyclone dynamics was
Research Service, Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Laboratory, P.O. thought to possibly explain the results of an earlier
Box 578, Mesilla Park, NM 88047–0578; phone: 505–526–6381; fax: experiment, which attempted to prevent particle
505–525–1076; e–mail:

Applied Engineering in Agriculture

Vol. 17(4): 441–444 2001 American Society of Agricultural Engineers ISSN 0883–8542 441
chamber and one with a plain cone (both with a terminal di-
ameter of D/3). To these cone sections were fitted sealed
buckets or buckets with a Clifford tube extending half way up
the center of the cone (fig. 3b). Various possible combina-
tions of barrel and cone were realized by bolting together the
interchangeable barrels and cones as called for by a comput-
er–generated randomized fractional mixed–level experiment
design (SAS Institute, 1997). Velocity and dust loading were
varied over three and two levels, respectively. A total of
27 observations were made because of a sub–test examining
relative humidity influence, as indicated by table 1.


A preweighed 60– × 60–cm (24– × 24–in.) Hi–vol
fiberglass filter captured the particles that were not removed
from the air stream by the cyclone. A flat–blade fan operating
Figure 1. Plan view of cyclone streamlines generated by CFX at constant speed drew air through the filter. A variable speed
computational fluid dynamics numerical modeling software. fan was used to set the air velocity entering the cyclone. A
standard pitot tube was used to set the air flow before each run
The inlet helix was placed inside the cyclone to one of three predetermined velocity pressure levels
cylinder and spiraled downward from a point at corresponding to actual cyclone inlet air velocities of 13,
the top of the air inlet extending one revolution 15.5, or 18 m/s (2560, 3050, or 3540 ft/min). Trials that
around the cyclone and ended at the bottom of the included the Clifford tube required a two–step set up. The
air inlet. [The] inlet helix reduced cyclone back cyclone was run with clean air to determine Clifford tube
pressure. Unfortunately, [it] also reduced suction and flow. A hood connecting the cyclone exhaust to
collection efficiency. About three times as much
trash material was lost from cyclones using [this]
device as compared to an unmodified cyclone
(Baker and Stedronski, 1967).
Adding the helix had prevented the re–entrainment of
particles crossing the incoming air stream, but paradoxically
it had also reduced the collection efficiency. This led to the
square inlet portion of the experiment. + 10° 0° – 10°
Another attempt to model cyclone performance was based
on the Leith and Licht model (Leith and Licht, 1972;
referenced by Cooper and Alley, 1994). Results from that
algorithm showed efficiency increasing with air entrance
velocity indefinitely, whereas experience has shown that
there is a practical upper limit (efficiency decreases at the
upper end, as in fig. 2). This observation led to the differing + 10° 0° – 10°
entrance velocity portion of the experiment.
Figure 3a. Square and rectangular inlets at three different angles.

Figure 3 illustrates the general design of the experiment.
Six barrels were constructed having square or rectangular
inlets angled –10°, 0, and 10° from horizontal (fig. 3a). Two
cone sections were constructed, one with an expansion

Collection Efficiency

Empirical Results

Leith & Licht Model

Expansion Chamber Plain Cone
40 45 50 55 60
Entrance Velocity (ft/sec)
Figure 3b. Expansion chamber and plain cone sections used in empirical
Figure 2. Leith and Licht model compared to empirical results for four trials.
cyclone designs.


Table 1. Experimental design with cyclone configuration,
entrance velocity and dust loading.
Angle Velocity Load
Lot Shape (°) Cone Bucket (m/s) (g/m3)
1 Square 0 Expansion C–tube 18 16
2 Rectangle –10 Plain C–tube 15.5 16
3 Rectangle 10 Plain Standard 18 8
4 Square 10 Plain C–tube 15.5 8
5 Rectangle 0 Expansion C–tube 13 8
6 Rectangle –10 Expansion C–tube 18 16
7 Rectangle 0 Plain Standard 18 8
8 Square 0 Plain Standard 13 16
9 Square 10 Plain C–tube 13 16
10 Square 10 Expansion C–tube 18 16
11 Square 0 Expansion Standard 15.5 16
12 Rectangle 10 Expansion Standard 13 8
13 Rectangle 10 Expansion Standard 15.5 16 Figure 4. Detail showing Clifford tube and its flow control mechanism.
14 Square –10 Expansion Standard 15.5 8
15 Square –10 Plain Standard 18 8 Pressures and air temperatures were recorded with an
16 Rectangle 0 Plain C–tube 15.5 8 HP34970 data logger. The test apparatus is depicted in
17 Rectangle –10 Plain Standard 13 16 figure 5. Data analysis was performed using JMP software
18 Square –10 Expansion C–tube 13 8 (SAS Institute, Inc, 1997). The probability that each
0 Rectangle –10 Plain C–tube 18 16 parameter made a significant contribution to cyclone
h1 Rectangle 0 Expansion Standard 15.5 16 efficiency was tested at the 5% level of confidence.
h2 Rectangle 0 Expansion Standard 15.5 8
h3 Rectangle 0 Expansion Standard 15.5 16
h4 Rectangle 0 Expansion Standard 15.5 8
d1 Rectangle 0 Expansion Standard 15.5 16 RESULTS
d2 Rectangle 0 Expansion Standard 15.5 8 DESIGN PARAMETERS
d3 Rectangle 0 Expansion Standard 15.5 16 Table 2 presents average efficiencies for each of the
d4 Rectangle 0 Expansion Standard 15.5 8 experimental cyclone modifications and the corresponding
control. Two of the four design modifications, the expansion
the filter was added and the previously determined airflow chamber and the Clifford tube, resulted in cyclone
was reestablished while the filter fan was running. A small efficiencies that were not significantly different from the
plastic cone inserted into the Clifford tube entrance bell regu- control. The expansion chamber results agree with results
lated airflow much like a needle valve (fig. 4). published previously by Holt et al. (1999). The Clifford tube
The trash catch bucket was weighed and attached to the results were not expected; that modification made no
bottom of the cyclone being tested. A conveyor belt loaded difference in cyclone efficiency despite introducing an
with gin trash proportional to one of two dust loading rates, additional 20% airflow (by volume) into the heart of the
8 or 16 g/m3 (3.5 or 7 grains/ ft3), metered a steady stream of vortex. However, if dust loading of exhaust air is measured,
particles (size distribution determined by Hughs and Baker, it was reduced proportionately.
1998) into the inlet of the variable speed fan for 120 s. The The square inlet resulted in lower cyclone efficiency,
cyclone catch bucket and filter were weighed again to which also was not expected. The theory that a more abrupt
determine the proportion of material captured by the cyclone airflow direction change would improve performance did not
and lost in its exhaust. hold in this test, possibly because the inlet partially
overlapped the exhaust duct (vortex finder) near the center.

Figure 5. Test Apparatus used to perform these experiments.

Vol. 17(4): 441–444 443

Table 2. Results from screening trials.
Control and Average
Parameter Modification Efficiency Probability > F 0.994

Cyclone Efficiency (%)

Entrance shape Rectangle 0.9928 b 0.0014 0.993
Square 0.9915 a 0.992
Entrance angle –10° 0.9928 b
0° 0.9931 b <0.0001
+10° 0.9906 a 0.99

Entrance velocity 13 m/s 0.9931 b 0.989

15.5 m/s 0.9927 b 0.0006 0.988
18 m/s 0.9910 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Dust loading 8 g/m3 0.9917 a 0.0003 Entrance Velocity (m/s)
16 g/m3 0.9930 b
Cone configuration Plain and 0.9921 a Figure 6. Cyclone efficiency as a function of entrance velocity.
expansion chamber 0.9919 a n.s.

Cyclone Pressure Drop (in w.g.)

Collection bucket Standard and 0.9918 a 1100 4.5

Cyclone Pressure Drop (Pa)

Clifford tube 0.9922 a n.s.
Relative humidity Dry (20%) and 0.9932 a 4
Wet (80%) 0.9933 a n.s. 900
A 2D2D–type cyclone inlet still results in the best perfor- 3
mance. 700
The angle of the entrance did impact cyclone efficiency in 2.5
a statistically significant way. Introducing dust–burdened air
into a cyclone at an upward angle of 10° such that it strikes 500 2
the top of the cyclone reduced collection efficiency by a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
quarter of one percent, from 0.9931 to 0.9906. Introducing Entrance Velocity (m/s)
the airflow downward did not reduce efficiency substantially
from the efficiency realized with a horizontal inlet duct. In Figure 7. Cyclone pressure drop as a function of entrance velocity.
absolute terms the difference was 0.025%.
portion of the energy used by a modern cotton gin. For the
UNCONTROLLED PARAMETERS scale model cyclones tested, there appears to be an advantage
Loading rate was also statistically significant. As shown to running the cyclones at a lower speed. This result must be
by many researchers previously, a lightly loaded cyclone is confirmed with full–scale cyclones in an actual ginning situa-
not as efficient as one heavily loaded. While it has a lower tion. Lowering the cyclone entrance velocity merits further
total emission in g/m3, a higher proportion of the dust investigation because it would not significantly increase
entering the cyclone escapes to the atmosphere. emissions, and it possibly could reduce energy consumption.
Theoretically, the efficiency of a cyclone should increase
as air velocity and inertia increase. But turbulence caused by
minor surface imperfections also increases, and dust particles REFERENCES
that were at the wall can be thrown back into the air stream. AEA Technology plc. 1999. CFX Computational Fluid Dynamics
In this study, the reduction in efficiency attributed to Software release 4.2.
turbulence exceeded the gains attributed to particle inertia. Baker, R.V., S. E. Hughs, M. N. Gillum, and J. K. Green. 1996.
Efficiency decreased with increasing entrance velocity. Influence of trash exit design on cyclone performance. Proc. of
Further testing on full–scale cyclones with open trash outlets the 1996 Beltwide Cotton Production Conferences, 1605–1609.
is needed to verify these findings. There is some concern that Nashville, Tenn.: National Cotton Council. Nashville, Tenn.
eliminating airflow at the trash outlet may have masked some Baker, R. V., and V. L. Stedronski. 1967. Collection efficiency of
of the velocity effects. There also is concern that minor small diameter cyclones. The Cotton Gin and Oil Mill Press
variances in fabrication may have a large impact on 68(12): 7–8.
Cooper, C. D., and F. C. Alley. 1994. Air Pollution Control, 2nd
performance. Figure 6 presents a curve fitting cyclone
Ed. Prospect Heights, Ill.: Waveland Press, Inc.
efficiency to velocity. The whisker plots indicate one Environmental Protection Agency. 1987. Revisions to the national
standard deviation. ambient air quality standards for particulate matter. Federal
Register 52: 24634–24669.s
Hughs, S. E., and R. V. Baker. 1998. Effectiveness of model
cyclone designs in collecting gin trash particulate emissions.
DISCUSSION Applied Engineering in Agriculture 14(3): 317–322.
Figure 7 is a plot of the cyclone operating pressure at each Holt, G. A., R. V. Baker, and S. E. Hughs. 1999. Evaluation of static
entrance velocity. The whisker plots indicate one standard pressure drops and PM10 and TSP emissions for modified
deviation. Cyclone pressure drop is important because fan 1D–3D cyclones. Transactions of the ASAE 42(6): 1541–1547.
motors pushing air through cyclones consume a significant SAS Institute, Inc. 1997. JMP version 3.2.2. Carey, N.C.


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