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3 authors:
Greg Holt
United States Department of Agriculture
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ABSTRACT. Dust cyclones are a cost effective means of treating process air released by cotton gins. Modifications to the
currently recommended cyclone design were tested to improve collection efficiency. Factors normally considered
uncontrolled (dust loading and relative humidity) were included in a mixed–level fractional factorial experimental design.
Pre–weighed gin trash was metered into inlet air. Exhaust air was passed through a filter that was weighed to determine dust
loading and collection efficiency. Square and angled inlet modifications lowered cyclone performance. Neutral air tube and
expansion chamber modifications were insignificant. Pressure drop increased linearly with increasing air entrance velocity
while collection efficiency decreased slightly. Reducing entrance velocity may save energy without adversely affecting
Keywords. Dust Cyclones, Modeling, Cotton ginning.
he USDA–ARS cotton ginning research ANTECEDENTS
laboratories at Lubbock, Texas, and Mesilla Park, Chemical industry cyclone separators are occasionally
New Mexico experiment with dust cyclones in designed with inlets at various angles other than
hopes of improving collection efficiency. Dust perpendicular to the cyclone axis. For this reason positive and
cyclones are a cost effective way for cotton gins to clean negative angled entrance ducts were examined to determine
conveying air before it is released to the environment. Other their potential for improving dust cyclone performance.
methods of dust collection such as rotary drum filters, bag Previous USDA cyclone research had indicated performance
houses, and spray systems are more expensive to build and improvements when using an expansion chamber at the
operate. A typical 30 bale per hour cotton gin might require bottom of a cyclone employing a tapered air outlet, though
as much as 113 m3/s (240,000 cfm) total air for transporting not with regular air outlets (Holt et al., 1999). Further
materials between successive stages of the ginning process. experimentation was desired to confirm the potential of this
Depending on crop condition and source, some of that modification. The Clifford tube and the expansion chamber
conveying air may carry as much as 100 g/m3 (44 grains/ft3) were each expected to stabilize the bottom of the vortex,
total suspended particulate (TSP). The Environmental reducing particle re–entrainment at the trash exit. The
Protection Agency (1987) limits allowable dust emission of importance of minimizing re–circulation of lint and fine
particles having an aerodynamic diameter of less than particles near the bottom of the cone has been identified
10 microns (PM10) to 150 µg/m3 (66 × 10–6 grains/ft3). Local previously (Baker et al., 1996) in reducing emissions and
jurisdictions may have more stringent requirements. wear.
Cyclones alone usually suffice to remove TSP and PM10. If
air quality regulations become more restrictive, more INITIAL MODELING
efficient cyclones will be needed for gins to continue to Computational Fluid Dynamics software (AEA
economically comply with air quality permitting Technology plc, 1999) was used to predict airflow
requirements. streamlines in a dust cyclone. The modeled space was the
cyclone barrel and cone volumes. The boundary was drawn
at the bottom of the vortex finder because the software could
not accept a separate volume within an active volume.
Article was submitted for review in August 2000; approved for The resulting graphic outputs enabled visualization of
publication by the Power & Machinery Division ASAE in February 2001. airflow rather than particle flow. In the plan view of cyclone
Presented at the 2000 ASAE Annual Meeting as Paper No. 00–4026. streamlines (fig. 1) air makes one revolution in the barrel of
Mention of trade names or commercial products in this article is solely
for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply the cyclone, collides with incoming air, and makes an abrupt
recommendation or endorsement by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. change in direction near the entrance. This forces the
The authors are Paul A. Funk, ASAE Member Engineer, Agricultural dust–laden air to make a tight turn inward and downward.
Engineer, S. Ed Hughs, ASAE Member Engineer, Research Leader, The fact that the air is leaving the dust behind at that point
USDA–ARS Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Lab, Mesilla Park,
New Mexico, and Greg A. Holt, ASAE Member Engineer, Agricultural
appeared to be more important to cyclone efficiency than the
Engineer, USDA–ARS Cotton Production and Processing Research Unit, fact that the dust is reintroduced into incoming air. This
Lubbock, Texas. Corresponding author: P. A. Funk, USDA Agricultural alternate approach to understanding cyclone dynamics was
Research Service, Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Laboratory, P.O. thought to possibly explain the results of an earlier
Box 578, Mesilla Park, NM 88047–0578; phone: 505–526–6381; fax: experiment, which attempted to prevent particle
505–525–1076; e–mail:
Figure 3 illustrates the general design of the experiment.
Six barrels were constructed having square or rectangular
inlets angled –10°, 0, and 10° from horizontal (fig. 3a). Two
cone sections were constructed, one with an expansion
Collection Efficiency
Empirical Results
Leith & Licht Model
Expansion Chamber Plain Cone
40 45 50 55 60
Entrance Velocity (ft/sec)
Figure 3b. Expansion chamber and plain cone sections used in empirical
Figure 2. Leith and Licht model compared to empirical results for four trials.
cyclone designs.