Efficiency and Pressure Drop of Cyclones Across A
Efficiency and Pressure Drop of Cyclones Across A
Efficiency and Pressure Drop of Cyclones Across A
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All content following this page was uploaded by William B Faulkner on 21 May 2014.
ABSTRACT. Cyclone separators are widely used in agricultural processing industries as air pollution abatement devices. The
Texas A&M Cyclone Design (TCD) method is a simple method for designing cyclones based on an inlet design velocity. The
TCD method specifies “ideal” inlet velocities of 975 + 120 m/min (3200 + 400 fpm) and 914 + 120 m/min (3000 + 400 fpm)
for 1D3D and 2D2D cyclones, respectively. There is evidence that higher dust collection efficiencies may be obtained from
cyclones using different inlet velocities than those specified as the “ideal” velocity. This article quantifies the inlet velocities
at which maximum collection efficiencies are obtained for 1D3D and 2D2D cyclones and the marginal pressure drop
associated with reaching these collection efficiencies. It is demonstrated that for large particles, the collection efficiency of
six inch diameter 1D3D and 2D2D cyclones is similar for inlet velocities from 10.16 standard m/s (2000 fpm) up to the design
velocity, with significantly lower pressure drop at lower inlet velocities.
Keywords. Cyclone, 1D3D, 2D2D, Abatement, Inlet velocity, Collection efficiency.
yclones are the most widely used air pollution The Lapple cyclone design method also predicts the
abatement devices for removing particulate matter efficiency with which particles of a given size will be
from air streams in agricultural processing indus- separated from the air stream. According to the Lapple
tries. Relative to other abatement systems, cy- method, dust collection efficiency increases unconditionally
clones have low initial costs, maintenance requirements, and with increased air stream velocity. However, according to
energy consumption. Cyclones use centrifugal force to sepa- Parnell (1996), above a threshold airspeed, the vortex inside
rate particulates from an air stream. A dust-laden air stream a cyclone becomes disturbed and collection efficiencies
enters a cyclone tangentially near the top of the cyclone and decline. Furthermore, Parnell (1996) indicates that the
flows downward in a spiral. Inertial and centrifugal forces act Lapple method significantly underestimates collection effi-
on the particulates, forcing them to the wall of the cyclone ciency.
where they slide down the wall to the bottom of the cone and The efficiency of cyclone systems is a function of the
are removed. The air stream spirals to the bottom of the de- particle size distribution (PSD) of entrained dust and the
vice, where it reverses direction and flows upward and out the velocity of the air stream entering the abatement device
top of the cyclone (Cooper and Alley, 2002). (Wang et al., 2000). The particle size distribution of most
The Lapple cyclone design method, often referred to as aerosols can be described by a log-normal distribution
the standard cyclone design method, specifies the dimen- (Hinds, 1999). While they have historically been considered
sions of a cyclone based on the barrel diameter. The most low-efficiency collectors, recent studies have shown that
commonly used cyclones are the 2D2D (Shepherd and cyclones can reach efficiencies exceeding 99% for particles
Lapple, 1939) and 1D3D cyclones (Parnell and Davis, 1979). larger than five micrometers (Cooper and Alley, 2002).
The Ds in the 1D3D and 2D2D designations refer to the The Texas A&M Cyclone Design (TCD) method is a
diameter of the cyclone barrel, while the numbers preceding simple method for designing cyclones based on an “optimal”
the Ds refer to the length of the barrel and cone sections, inlet velocity. According to the TCD method, the optimal
respectively. A 1D3D cyclone, for instance, has a barrel inlet air speed for a 1D3D cyclone is 975 ± 120 m/min (3200
length equal to the barrel diameter and a cone length equal to ± 400 fpm) and 914 ± 120 m/min (3000 ± 400 fpm) for 2D2D
three times the barrel diameter. The design parameters for cyclones under standard conditions (Parnell, 1996). The air
1D3D and 2D2D cyclones are shown in figure 1. stream velocities specified by the TCD method seek to
balance the competing desires for high efficiency and low
pressure drop through the abatement device. Further testing
Article was submitted for review in June 2005; approved for has indicated that higher efficiencies than those predicted by
publication by the Structures & Environment Division of ASABE in the TCD method may be achieved by increasing air speed
November 2005. through the cyclone. However, an increase in exit concentra-
The authors are William B. Faulkner, ASABE Member Engineer, tions has been observed for velocities that are significantly
Graduate Research Assistant, and Bryan W. Shaw, ASABE Member
Engineer, Associate Professor, Department of Biological and Agricultural higher or lower than the design velocities. This higher
Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. collection efficiency is accompanied by increased pressure
Corresponding author: William B. Faulkner, Dept. of Biological and drop across the cyclone, thus requiring higher energy inputs.
Agricultural Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2117 TAMU, College There may be times when it is economically beneficial for a
Station, TX 77843-2117; phone: 979-845-3693; fax: 979-845-3932;
processing industry to incur higher energy costs rather than
e-mail: faulkner@tamu.edu.
convert to a filter system, the cost of which may be five to ten ESD = equivalent spherical diameter
times higher than that of a cyclonic abatement system ρp = particle density (g/cm3)
(Parnell, 1996). χ = shape factor
The objective of the research described in this article is to The AED of an aerosol particle is the diameter of a unit
characterize the collection efficiency and pressure drop density sphere (i.e.: density = 1.00 g/cm3) that would have the
associated with 1D3D and 2D2D cyclones across a range of same settling velocity as the particle or aerosol in question.
inlet velocities. A secondary objective is to determine the The particle size distribution was described as a log-nor-
maximum collection efficiency and associated inlet velocity mal distribution using a MMD and geometric standard
for 1D3D and 2D2D cyclones with varying loading rates of deviation (GSD), where MMD is the particle size for which
two dust samples. Additionally, the “optimal” inlet velocities half of the mass is contributed to by particles smaller than the
specified by the TCD method will be evaluated based on MMD and half by particles larger than the MMD (Hinds,
collection efficiency and operating costs, which are a 1999). The GSD is calculated using equation 2:
function of both inlet velocity and pressure drop.
d84.1% d d84.1%
GSD = σ g = = 50% = (2)
d 50% d15.9% d15.9%
MATERIALS AND METHODS where dn% is the particle size for which n percent of the mass
A three-factorial experiment was conducted for both is contributed by particles less than d.
1D3D and 2D2D cyclones, varying inlet loading concentra- 1D3D and 2D2D metal cyclones with a diameter of
tion, aerosol PSD, and inlet velocity. Commercially available 0.1524 m (6 in.) were used to conduct experiments with the
cornstarch and alumina were used as the test dusts in these pull system shown in figure 2.
trials (table 1). Cornstarch was used because the PSD of A laminar flow element (LFE) (Meriam Instrument Model
cornstarch is similar to that of corn dust from grain elevators. 50MC2-2, Serial No. 773880-NI, Cleveland, Ohio), cali-
Alumina was also used because a second dust with a brated by the manufacturer, was used to determine the flow
relatively low mass median diameter (MMD) was desired. A rate of air through the system, and a voltage controller was
Beckman Coulter Counter MultisizerTM 3 (Beckman Coul- used to obtain the desired flow rate. The actual flow rate was
ter, Miami, Fla.) was used to determine the PSD of each dust. corrected for air temperature using a correction factor
The Coulter Counter is calibrated by the manufacturer furnished by the LFE manufacturer.
annually and by laboratory technicians every 100 runs.
The Coulter Counter measures Equivalent Spherical Table 1. Properties of experimental aerosols.
Diameter (ESD) which is then converted to Aerodynamic Particle MMD
Equivalent Diameter (AED) using equation 1: Density Shape (AED[a])
Aerosol (g/cm3) Factor (µm) GSD
ρp Cornstarch 1.5 1.00 17.95 1.41
AED = ESD (1)
χ Alumina 3.9 1.44[b] 9.96 1.42
[a] Aerodynamic equivalent diameter.
where [b] Source: (Mark et al., 1985).
AED = aerodynamic equivalent diameter
Figure 4. Collection efficiencies with 95% confidence intervals of the 2D2D cyclone for all replications at each inlet velocity and inlet loading rate com-
When separating large aerosols from process air streams,
The pressure drop across the cyclone is directly related to
cyclones may be operated at inlet velocities well below the
the fan power required to operate a cyclonic abatement
TCD design specifications. The results of this research show
device. Therefore, it is important that the pressure drop that agricultural processing industries such as cotton gins and
associated with each inlet velocity be measured so that an
grain elevators can operate cyclones at lower inlet velocities
estimate of the operating cost at each inlet velocity may be
obtained. The pressure drops for each replication as mea- Table 3. Potential energy savings.
sured across the 1D3D and 2D2D cyclones are shown in
% Energy
figures 5 and 6, respectively. Inlet Pressure Use v.
As expected, the pressure drop through both the 1D3D and Velocity Flow Rate Drop Energy TCD[a]
2D2D cyclones increased as inlet velocity increased (figs. 5 Cyclone (m/s) (m3/s) (kPa) (kW) (%)
and 6). However, the experimentally observed pressure drop 1D3D 16.26 0.0425 1.03 0.44 100
was higher than that predicted by the TCD method for both 13.21 0.0345 0.62 0.22 49
cyclones. Given the wide range over which collection 10.16 0.0265 0.32 0.09 20
efficiencies were equal, it is desirable to operate at the lowest 2D2D 15.24 0.0398 1.18 0.47 100
flow rate possible for which the collection efficiency of the 12.70 0.0332 0.73 0.24 52
cyclone is acceptable in order to reduce operating costs of the 10.16 0.0265 0.41 0.10 23
abatement device. [a] TCD = Texas A&M Cyclone Design.
Figure 5. Pressure drop measured across the 1D3D cyclone for all replications at each inlet velocity.
and easily obtain collection efficiencies equal to those Mark, D. J., J. H. Vincent, H. Gibson, and W. A. Witherspoon.
predicted by the TCD method. These findings make it much 1985. Applications of closely graded powders of fused alumina
less critical for these industries to maintain the narrow as test dusts for aerosol studies. J. of Aerosol Sci. 16(2):
window of flow rates specified by the TCD method in order 125-131.
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to be in regulatory compliance with federal and state permit
associated with agricultural operations. Proc. of the 1996
guidelines. All treatments demonstrated collection efficien- Beltwide Cotton Production Conferences. Nashville, Tenn.:
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cyclones. emissions. ASAE Paper No SWR79040. St. Joseph, Mich.:
Shepherd, C. B., and C. E. Lapple. 1939. Flow patterns and
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