WBC - LYM# - MID# - GRA# - LYM% - MID% - GRA% (three-part WBC differential)
The instrument has a built-in veterinary software module, which allows measuring and determining 18
hematology parameters (three-part WBC differential) from different animal blood samples.
The interfaces allow sending results to an external printer (parallel port), to a host computer (serial port). By
using the integrated 3½” floppy disk drive, the instrument can be easily upgraded at any time and it can backup
data to floppy disk.
1 2 3 4 5 7 10 9 8
Dilution rates:
1. Primary dilution 1:160
2. RBC dilution 1:32 000
3. WBC dilution 1:196
Measurement times:
1. WBC counting: approx. 5 sec (float in xVM moves downward)
2. HGB measurement (float in xVM is at bottom position)
3. RBC/PLT counting: approx. 8 sec (float in xVM moves upward)
Red The analyzer is performing a measurement process, no new measurement can be started.
2.4.3 Display
The display is a 240 x 128 dots, high contrast, CCFL backlit graphic LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) module.
Confirm error
Go to local menu (database, measurement)
Position the selection bar to the desired item with the and buttons and press the OK button. This will
validate the highlighted menu item. Press the function key to return to the previous menu level. This
method is suggested while learning instrument operation.
Pressing the number that corresponds to the desired menu item will also validate it. In this case there is no
need to press OK. Pressing the 0 (zero) button has the same effect as the function key. This method
is much more efficient in practice.
You can move between the higher and lower menu levels using the and keys.
The existence of a sub-menu is indicated by a ► symbol at the end of the menu line.
Some results can be displayed in table format. In this case, button 3 (three) has the same effect as the Page Up
key, and button 9 (nine) has the same effect as the Page Down key. Use these buttons to move between table
pages. Further positioning keys during browsing the database are 1 (Jump to top) and 7 (Jump to bottom).
Some menu items have selected and deselected (on and off) states. These items are marked with a symbol in
front of the item number. The filled mark indicates selected state. Selecting the menu item toggles its state.
Other menu items work as so-called “radio-buttons”. It means that only one of the buttons of the group can be on
at once. In some cases, more buttons are displayed together, though they correspond to different groups. In this
case, a horizontal line separates the groups.
The impedance method counts and sizes cells by detecting and measuring changes in electrical impedance
when a particle in a conductive liquid passes through a small aperture.
Each cell, passing through the aperture – where a constant DC current flows between the external and internal
electrodes – causes some change in the impedance of the conductive blood cell suspension. These changes are
recorded as increases in the voltage between the electrodes.
The number of pulses correlates to the number of particles (CBC - Counting Blood Cell). The intensity of each
pulse is proportional to the volume of that particle (WBC, RBC, PLT histograms). Pulses are counted only in
channels (in terms of femtoliters, fl) which are between the pre-set lower and upper discriminators.
Do not, for any reason, power the instrument from an electrical outlet that is not properly
An automatic start-up procedure will be initiated. During start-up, the following screen is displayed. The software
version number appears in the bottom line when the program is started.
The software will prompt you for confirmation. Press 1, and the
analyzer will perform a priming cycle to fill the chamber to avoid
dust and salt build-up, and shuts itself down.
! Message 5003/19300 Next, the analyzer asks you to remove cleaning tube kit (waste
Remove cleaning tube kit. Keep reagent inputs must still be on).
free. When finished, the analyzer will ask you to power off the system.
Set date and time DATE AND TIME (1)
The current date and time are
Enter the actual date and time using the numerical keypad. The
12.05.2000 15:00 form of the date is as it was set in the previous menu.
The next three pictures show the reference range settings of Female patient type.
Patient limits LIMITS (4)
Female FEMALE (3)
Lyse 0.70 ml
WBC 5.0 - 10.0 10^9/l Modify the highlighted lower and upper limits with the numerical
RBC 4.00 - 5.00 10^12/l keypad. Confirm with OK.
HGB 120 - 160 g/l By pressing and function key buttons, you can turn to
HCT 36.0 - 48.0 % other pages with additional parameters.
MCV 76 - 96 fl
MCH 27.0 - 32.0 pg
Actual lyse quantity can be modified in Measure mode before sampling in 0.1 ml steps to a maximum extent of
0.2 ml for that particular measurement (see 7.1.6).
In the same submenu the software also allows the user to set the different veterinary normal ranges and the
quantity of the added lyse reagent.
Patient limits Actual lyse quantity can be modified in Measure mode before
LYM 1.0 - 4.8 10^9/l sampling in 0.1 ml steps to a maximum extent of 0.2 ml for that
MID 3.0 - 12.0 10^9/l particular measurement (see 7.1.6).
GRA 0.1 - 1.3 10^9/l
LY% 12.0 - 20.0 %
MI% 3.0 - 10.0 %
GR% 62.0 - 87.0 %
Cleaner reagent has no sensor, operator should check cleaner amount daily.
If any of the fluid sensors get out of order, the analyzer can still continue operating, if the malfunctioning sensor
is manually disabled.
Fluid sensors FLUID SENSORS (5)
□ 1. Diluent
■ 2. Lyse
■ 3. Waste Any sensor can be switched on and off by toggling its state using
the OK button.
Waste contains poisonous substances (because of possible cyanide content) and human origin substances
causing biohazard. These substances are representing potential danger to environment. For this reason, safe
handling of the waste liquid is very important.
The following steps should be made for environmental protection and safety reasons:
The general characteristics of the printable area of printer paper are below:
Printer settings On the first page of Printer Settings, printer type, graphics mode
Printer: and paper settings can be set.
Seiko DPU414
Mode: Select the Printer matching your printer hardware.
Normal Wide ↑
Physical margin: Normal Different Modes result in different printout sizes. Choose the one
Paper: A4 matching your needs. Options are Small, Normal, Normal Wide.
Unit: inch Recommended mode is Normal.
Size 8.27 x 11.69
It is suggested to make a sample printout after setting up printer
Physical Margin is used to correct the printout for a printer having lower printable area. Bigger margin means
bigger physical margin. Alter the ‘normal’ setting only, if the right side of the printed result is missing, or appears
in the next line.
Select Paper, or enter correct Size parameters: either in inches or in cm, specified at Unit.
If you set One result per page to Yes, each measurement will be printed on another page.
Printer settings The third page of printer settings holds the options for the
Print ranges: Yes individual result-printning.
Print flags: Yes
Print warning flags: No If Print Ranges is set to Yes, the upper and lower limits (if
Print measure time: specified in Settings/Limits) will be printed next to each measured
In case of warning parameter for verification.
If Print Flags is set to Yes, and any measured value is out of the normal range, or there was any error, those
will be shown on the printout as well. It is recommended to set it to Yes.
If Print warning flags is enabled, any flags that was shown on the result screen will be included with the
User settings MULTI USER MODE (2)
○1.Single user mode By selecting item 2, the instrument enters multi-user mode, and a
●2.Multi user mode new item appears on the screen: Add new user.
3.Add new user
In a multi-user environment users have their own profiles describing their rights within the system. In an
environment like this there must be a so-called supervisor having the right to add, delete users and modify their
The software of the instrument has three levels of user-rights: Basic, Advanced and Supervisor.
A Basic-level user has absolutely minimal rights within the system. These are: performing measurements and
entering patient data before the measurement.
A user of the Advanced level has the power to modify settings of the instrument: as described in chapters 6.1-
6.6, do QC and Calibration. An Advanced user can also modify patient data when browsing in the database.
A Supervisor has the ability to do all the above, and additionally to modify user rights and user passwords.
User information
User ID 1 ADD NEW USER (3)
Frank Smith____________________ To each new user, the software assigns an individual ID.
Level Basic
Active Yes In the next field, a user name of 32 characters can be specified.
When the name is entered, the level should be defined. The default setting for Active is Yes. Use this option if
you want to disable a user.
Login When the User ID is entered (confirm with OK), the user name
User ID 1 corresponding to the ID appears in the lower line. If the user
Password ****_____ name was correct, enter the password, and confirm with the
User name function key. If the password was correct, the analyzer
Frank Smith continues initialization and is ready to work.
In multi-user mode the Exit menu is changed: a Log-out menu point appears.
EXIT (7)
1. Shut down When the user logged in has finished working with the instrument,
2. Preparing for shipment it is not necessary to switch off. From the main menu, selecting
3. Logout EXIT (7) brings up the EXIT menu.
a) Retracted position: inside the instrument (the status LED is either red, yellow or off).
b) Aspirating position: in front of the sampling bar; it can be activated only in certain menus associated directly
with the sampling process; status LED is green.
1. Invert the closed sample tube 11 times to achieve a homogenous sample. Do not Shake!
2. Take off the cap of the sample tube.
3. Immerse the aspiration needle well into the sample.
4. Push the sampling bar or the START/OK button.
The instrument draws 25μl of sample, and the aspirating needle is retracted while its outer surface is
automatically rinsed with diluent. This ensures a low carry-over between samples. Simultaneously, the status
LED turns red.
During aspiration, hold the sampling tube in a stable position (for approx. 1 second) until you see the status LED
flashing and hear the beeps indicating the end of the sampling process.
After these signals, you can remove and recap the sampling tube.
Attention! If you hurt yourself during analysis biohazard substances can cause infection! Use always
rubber gloves!
Make sure to immerse the sampling needle well into the sample, otherwise it can cause
erroneous sampling, giving inaccurate results.
Important! When the needle stops for a while during its movement upwards, the needle must
be out of the sample, otherwise the analyzer makes another aspiration in this state. This
extra aspiration can also cause an inaccurate measurement.
Accepted blank values are essential for proper calibration and QC measurement. For this reason, no calibration
or QC measurement can be performed without accepted blank values.
Quality control (QC) measurement and Calibration can be performed only if all blank values are in the 1st region.
7.1.3 Calibration
Calibration is the procedure used to standardize the instrument by applying the necessary correction factors.
CAUTION! New calibration will invalidate the previous one. Old values cannot be retrieved,
but can be reviewed in the VIEW CALIBRATIONS menu.
Calibration can be initiated by choosing Calibration in the Main Menu.
Target values for the calibrated parameters can be set in the following ranges:
The previous Prediluted calibration factors can not be monitored in the VIEW CALIBRATIONS submenu.
To perform factorial calibration, you should set target parameter (1 or 2), and choose item 3, Factorial
Calibration. In this case, User must have had the necessary amount of measurements with the control material,
based on which an average value can be calculated. This average value is used for fine-tuning the calibration
To enter sample information before sample analysis, press the function key. This brings up the following
On this screen, the patient age can be entered in years or in months depending on your selection.
As the requirements vary from lab to lab and is strictly related to
Sample information
regular laboratory work, the user cannot change this option.
Sample ID: 1 Contact service for further information.
Date: 2004.05.12.
Patient ID:
John Johnson
Age: 25 years ↓ Male
Doctor: dr. Harrison
Enter the name using up to 32 alphanumeric characters, (“A-Z”, “0-9”, space, comma, dot and parentheses “()”).
Use arrow keys to move between characters, backspace to delete missed characters.
Press Enter after entering the name, cancel with Esc or , confirm with . Results
At the end of a measuring procedure, the following screen is displayed, including all measured and calculated
parameters as well as the WBC, RBC and PLT histograms.
In the last line of the first result screen, warning flags can be displayed. If the last line is clear, it means that no
errors or warnings were found during measuring cycle. The meaning of each warning flag and the recommended
user action is included in the next table.
With a little diagnostic experience, the User can accept the results, because just a very small part of the RBC is
in the LYM channel. (The discriminator is in the minimum point of the dotted RBC line) Similarly, the MID
population seems to be correct, thus the results can be accepted.
In this Prediluted mode, you have to make an external 1:3 (or 1:10*) pre-dilution of whole blood, as in the
following example:
Predilution: 1 UNIT OF SAMPLE + 3 (or 10*) UNITS OF DILUENT !
Example: if 20µl capillary tubes are used for blood collection, one should add 60µl (or 200µl*) of pure
diluent to create a proper pre-dilution.
The results are corrected with the predilution factor (1:3 or 1:10) automatically.
Prediluted mode has its own calibration factors. To calibrate the instrument for this mode,
see the Calibration settings section of this manual.
To disable Prediluted mode, you must re-enter Measure local menu and deselect its box.
Humacount PLUS provides six different Quality Control profiles, so-called levels. You can set up six individual
reference sheets for each control material (e.g. low, normal and high control blood). QC measurement results
will be added to the selected level, is indicated at the top right corner.
The target values of the control material should be set only once, at the beginning of the QC
measurements. Resetting parameters deletes previous QC results of the active level.
CAUTION! Any change in the QC material setting deletes previous QC results, therefore it is
strongly recommended to have them printed out before making any changes to parameters.
Quality control
This menu allows setting and monitoring data related to the QC
1.Set QC reference procedure.
2.QC measure
3.View table of QC measures Use commercially available control material. The preparation
4.View QC diagram and measurement process is the same as with patient samples.
5.Set QC level ►
Actual QC level: 1
QC reference values
QC Level: 1
LOT No.: __________________
Exp. date: 12.05.2004.
WBC 5.5 - 19.5 10^9/l
RBC 5.00 - 10.00 10^12/l
HGB 80 - 150 g/l
HCT 24.0 - 45.0 %
MCV 39 - 55 fl
Both target values and acceptable ranges can be specified. Only the parameters displayed on these screens can
be specified. Modify displayed values using the numerical keyboard. Pressing the OK button validates values. To
move on to further parameters, press the page down function key.
Quality control measurements can only be made after an optimal blank measurement result
has been accepted (all parameters were in the 1st range).
7.2.1 QC database
The database of measured and stored QC results can be displayed at any time in table or graphic
(Levey-Jennings) formats. The QC measurement results will have subsequent ID numbers.
□3 2004.05.02 07:06
□4 2004.05.03 07:12 Move the selection bar over entries with and ↓ buttons.
□5 2004.05.04 07:02
□6 2004.05.05 07:36 Moving among parameters with and buttons.
□7 2004.05.08 06:56
□8 2004.05.09 07:01
□9 2004.05.10 07:02
□10 2004.05.11 0650
7.4 Printouts
When required, the following items can be sent to an external printer by pressing the function key button.
In this printout normal ranges (limits), flags and warning flags are all enabled. The printing modes of these
parameters can be selected within PRINTER SETTINGS submenu.
If normal ranges are set, flags are enabled, and patient values are over or below the limits specified, the result
out of the range is marked with an +/- mark.
07.03.2004 15:38 #2 Female
This printout format is similar to the previous one, but it does not include
the histograms. The laboratory name has moved into the first line.
1.View database From this menu monitoring of stored measurements can be
2.Backup database done. Select item 1 to view the database in table format.
3.Restore and view
SmpID Date PatID Pressing or button accesses the remaining, non-visible
?7 2004.05.02 14:56 20040502a12 parameter results. With or button you can scroll between
¦8 2004.05.04 14:59 HR0058AS4 the results one-by-one. Pressing the 3 and 9 buttons has the
? High05 2004.05.04 15:06 PWF55A
same effect as PageUp and PageDown scrolling keys.
? 08 2004.05.04 15:08 LNK23-B
? 12A7 2004.05.04 15:15 MK4FED
¦ UF6A8 2004.05.04 16:00 550462L
Select patient results by pressing the OK button. Its box will be
? HEM2 2004.05.04 17:26 HEMA0034A
¦ PR02 2004.05.04 17:29 ZZ3ZH
Step-by-step browsing among histograms of the selected tests is made by pressing LEFT and RIGHT ARROW
function key buttons.( and )
Backup data BACKUP ONE DAY (1)
Specify the day whose records you wish to backup to a floppy
Day to back up: disk.
This warning appears, if the disk you inserted had errors on it, or
STOP! Error 1300/12210
was write-protected.
Cannot write archive data! Check disk!
It may be unformatted, full, or bad! Check the write protection of the disk or if necessary, insert a
Do you want to retry? new, formatted disk.
7.7.1 Cleaning
Select item 1 (CLEANING) in the above MAINTENANCE menu.
This action is recommended in case any clogging problem is experienced (C error flag).
This is a relatively strong decontamination process, cleaning out possible dirt or clog from the system using high
voltage electronic pulses, cleaner solution and high-pressure backflush.
7.7.2 Priming
Priming PRIMING (2)
1. Prime all
2. Prime diluent During the priming cycle, the fluidics system gets rinsed with a
3. Prime lyse relatively large amount of diluent. It differs from the process in a
4. Prime cleaner start-up procedure; as in the latter case a simple filling up of the
fluidics is performed.
If fluid sensors are on, then the analyzer makes these procedures automatically, otherwise the User must initiate
them activating the appropriate item within this submenu.
7.7.3 Draining
Draining DRAIN (3)
1. Drain all chambers
2. Drain RBC chamber Draining is used to drain the required chamber, or chambers
3. Drain WBC chamber before servicing (e. g. manual cleaning, dismounting of the
4. Drain MIX chamber aperture). Drain all will also drain the volume limiter and the
ground electrodes as well as each chambers.
Device information DEVICE INFORMATION (1)
Model: Humacount PLUS Here, device-specific information can be retrieved. Model name,
Serial No.: 1541 serial number, software version and the date of the compilation
Version: 2.3 of the software.
Compiled: Dec 22. 2000
After replacing any component.
In case of extended time out of use.
The automatic Self test procedure can be initiated from the MAINTENANCE menu. During the test, you can see
its progress. The components, that have passed the test, get checked.
The second and third panels of the result screen include every
Self test results test result. At the end of the result line, OK, HIGH, LOW, or
HGB dark: 275 OK ERROR is displayed, which means that the actual test result is at
HGB light 17723 OK the normal range (OK), higher (HIGH), lower (LOW) than the pre-
Electr. Voltage: 51.2 V OK determined limits, or the result is an error (ERROR).
current: 879 uA OK
offset -1.9 mV OK
Ampl. test: 20000 pls OK
peak: 1641 mV OK
dev: 53 mV OK
Self test results On the third panel of the result screen, the overall test result is
Noise test: 1 pls/5 sec OK displayed which can be Successful (in case of every test result is
Atm 978 mBar OK OK), or Errors found (if HIGH, LOW or ERROR results appear).
Vacuum: 218 mBar OK
drift: 3 mBar/10sec OK
At the next start-up, the instrument will run the new software.
The reagents are stable up to the expiry date on the label when stored at 15...35°C protected from light in a dark
Once opened and installed on the instrument the reagents are stable for 60 days at 15...35°C. Instability due to
contamination is mostly indicated by cloudiness or colour change. This reagent should be replaced at once.
The manufacturer can not guarantee that pre-set volumes will always give the best results. It is therefore
strongly recommended that the user oneself shall find the necessary volumes for the veterinary application. This
requires some experiments, but the result validated a user doing vet practice will be worth it.
The two most important parameters influencing lysing are lysing time and lyse quantity. You can not change the
lysing time, as it is fine-tuned for the lysing reagent supplied by Diatron.
Above you could read that lyse of quantity can be adjusted either at patient limits, or right before measurement.
In the following figures, you can see examples of over- or under-lysed samples.
Press to increase the lyse quantity (+0.1 ml) if the separation between lysed RBCs and WBC populations is
poorly differentiated, resulting in increased WBC and LYM counts.
Under-lysed sample, some RBCs counted The same sample with lyse boost (+0.1 ml)
as WBCs WBC =13.7, good 3-part differential
WBC = 16.9, LYM% high
You can see that a lower amount of lyse will result in a less differentiated curve. If you increase the lyse quantity
it will be more differentiated, and well evaluated.
Press to decrease the lyse amount (-0.1 ml) if the WBC histogram seems to be shrunk to the left, i.e. the
different WBC populations are overlapped. This can inhibit proper separation of WBC populations.
Over-lysed sample, LYM and GRA overlapped The same sample with lyse decreased (– 0.1 ml)
WBC = 20.6, poor 3-part differential WBC = 21.0, good 3-part differential
An over lysed sample will have all its cells shifted down towards the smaller cells. It is because of too much
lysing reagent shrinking all cells to the size of their nuclei.
With lyse quantity decreased, the cells will not shrink that much, and can be differentiated easily.
Icons used in SW