Plumbing Work JSA HSE Professionals
Plumbing Work JSA HSE Professionals
Plumbing Work JSA HSE Professionals
Location:- Date :
Sr.No. Sub-Activity Name Type Of Hazard Risk(s) Involved Risk Control measures
Untrained Only inducted worker shall be deputed at the work place.
1 Manpower Mobilization worker,lack of skill Personal injury
awareness Given Tool Box Talk to all workers.
Material shifting by two person.
Material shifting to
Personal injury,
2 work location Manually Fall of material Pathway should be clear and free from any material.
Property damage
(App.wt 50Kg.)
Cotton handgloves shall be provide.
Uninspected All hand tools should be inspected before use for its damage.
Cut injury.
handtools Ensure that hand tools should be use for its define work.
Machine should be inspected before starting of work by safety dept and provide
valid tag.
3 Use of Hand Tools
Electric supply cable should be having industrial/waterproof pin top
Electric hazard Shock
Name & Signature of Site Engineer / Supervisor :___________ Name & Signature of Site In-charge :___________
Name & Signature of Project In-charge :__________ Name & Signature of HSE Officer : ______