09a Parallel Runways
09a Parallel Runways
09a Parallel Runways
Fig. 1-Parallel-approach radar monitoring. A special radar monitoring system maintains safe separation between
aircraft approaching parallel runways during periods of limited visibility.
additional mile of in-trail separation, and the with dependent approaches, relative to inde-
burden of synchronizing the two approaches, pendent-approach costs. Figure 4 shows the
results in arrival-rate reductions of as much as
25%. The current IMC capacity at the Memphis
International Airport, which is 45 dependently 3nmi
sequenced aircraft per hour. could be increased
to about 55 aircraft per hour if independent
approaches were authorized [2].
Figure 3 shows the major domestic airports
currently conducting parallel approaches [3].
Some of these airports, such as Los Angeles and
JFK, have multiple parallel runways and are
thus listed twice. At these airports, if one of the 4 nmi
The FAA estimated the delay costs associated Fig. 2-lndependent and dependent parallel approaches.
Instrument-Approach Procedures
During instrument meteoro- fled flight path relative to current tected. When the aircraft reaches
loc.rical conditions (IMC). a variety aircraft position. The flight crew the missed-approach point
of procedures have been devel- then adjusts aircraft attitude and (MAP). typically 0.5 nmi from. and
oped to c.ruide appropriately power to fly -to the needles. - A 200 ft above. the runway thresh-
equipped aircraft safely to the third VHF sirnal indicates pas- old. the flight crew must see the
vicinity of the runway. The most sage of the outer. middle. and in runway environment (typically a
precise procedure in common use some instances irmer markers. at high-intensity lighting system)
is the Instrument Landinc.r Sys- published distances from the before they visually complete the
tem (ILS). The ILS. shown in Fig. runway touchdown location. An landing. If the flight crew is un-
A. provides three radio-naviga- approach plate developed by the able to see the runway environ-
tion signals that indicate lateral FAA describes each instrument ment. they must reject the land-
position. vertical position. and approach. ing and follow a missed -approach
the occurrence of two or three In operation. radar controllers procedure. Several categOries of
checkpoints during the fmal ap- vector aircraft to intercept the ILS landings exist. which permits
proach to the runway. VHF and localizer signal (lateral c.ruidance) approaches in reduced weather
UHF sic.rnals provide lateral and 5 to 15 nmi from the runway visibilities and ceilings, but they
vertical gUidance. respectively. threshold. The aircraft will stabi- require a more precise ILS. addi-
which is then displayed to the lize on the localizer and begin tional avionics (such as a radar
flight crew on an instrument that descending when the c.rlide-slope altimeter). and more strinc.rent
indicates the location ofthe speci- sic.rnal (vertical guidance) is de- crew certifications.
Fig. A- The Instrument Landing System (ILS). The course deviation indicator informs the flight crew oftheir horizontal
and vertical location during final approach.
During simultaneous 113 ap- proach course before the higher operating zone into a 2.000-ft no-
proaches to parallel runways. aircraft intercepts the glide slope. transgression zone. as shown in
aircraft are vectored onto the two Radar monitoring begins when Fig. B. any endangered aircraft on
final approach courses with a separation based on the 1,OOO-ft the other approach is turned
1.OOO-ftaltitude buffer. as shown altitude buffer is lost as the higher away in time to prevent a colli-
in Fig. A. The buffer assures that aircraft begins descending on the sion. The controllers accomplish
collisions will not occur if aircraft glide slope. Two radar monitor this by overriding the VHF com-
overshoot the localizer. Control- controllers observe the parallel munication frequency between
lers also insure that both aircraft approaches and insure that if an the tower and aircraft on each
are stabilized on the final-ap- aircraft blunders from the normal approach.
Fig. A-Parallel runway approaches. Aircraftare vectored onto the final approach course at different altitudes. Radar
monitoring starts when the higher aircraft begins a descent on the ILS glide slope.
delay costs that were computed from estimated normal operating zone [5-9). The studies ana-
delay hours, where $1,600 is the approximate lyzed data collected from several airports to
cost absorbed by an airline for one aircraft-delay justifY reductions in minimum runway spacing
hour (4). These costs and similar passenger cost from 5,000 ft in 1963 to 4,300ftin 1974. A Mitre
estimates are the major reasons for developing Corporation study in 1981 examined thepoten-
better radar monitoring systems. tial benefits of improved surveillance accuracy
and update rate, and concluded that the mini-
Sensor Options mum runway spacing for independent parallel
approaches could be further reduced (10). Table
The need to reduce the impact of weather on 1 shows the results of the Mitre study. Azimuth
parallel-approach operations led to several accuracy is a significant surveillance measure
studies that examined sensor options and how because sensors located near the runways use it
well aircraft can be expected to stay within the to estimate localizer deviations.
1000 . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
the following technical issues should be ad-
1987 dressed to develop an improved monitor.
.2000 Surveillance-what is the surveillance per-
.. formance ofa Mode-S sensor with back-to-back
antennas dUring parallel-approach and rnissed-
r SLC approach flight procedures?
Data Display--how should surveillance infor-
mation be provided to the controller?
.... Automation-what are the benefits of auto-
matic caution and warning alerts, and how
should they be displayed to the controller?
System Peiformance-what is the overall
system performance of the monitoring system?
Specifically, what is the relationship between
0.1 1 false alerts and late alerts, as system thresholds
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Airport are varied, for postulated blunder scenarios?
User Acceptance-is the system acceptable to
Fig. 4-Estimatedannual airline-delay costs. These figures the user community, including pilots, air traffic
are derived from annual delay hours multiplied by $1,600 controllers, airlines, and airport operators?
per aircraft-delay hour. The remainder of this paper describes the
current status of activity at Lincoln Laboratory
was selected to evaluate the Mode-S option. with respect to each of these technical issues.
Update Rate
4 2 1 0.5
9 .~r------- 27
! \ LUlcolrl
each antenna face to insure compliance with the
reqUired azimuth accuracy. Surveillance data in
the form of target reports with correlating track
Sensor S(~I1~){)r
numbers are transmitted to the site building on
2 3 4 5 678 6000 ...-----,rQIo...-:c:---,---,---.----,---,---,
Number of Consecutive Scans with
No Target Report
2000 .-------,--.,.----r-~--,---..._-._____, 4000
§ 2000
C .~
Aircraft 50G
~:::J "5
~ 0
o 1000 OJ
Qi $c -2000
E o
Z -4000
-6000 L-----l_----I..._---L..._....l..-_..1...-_l..-----l._---l
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4
Number of Consecutive Scans with
Erroneous Azimuth Data Distance from Threshold (nmi)
2000 .-------,--.,.----r-~--,---..._-._____,
Fig. 9-Bedford Airport flight test data: close proximity
surveillance performance.
o 1000 sensor was tested both by simulation and by
'0 flight test.
Qi A simulation was developed by using simpli-
E fied but conservative processing algorithms that
emulate the production-sensor surveillance
design. Monte Carlo trials were conducted to
2345678 determine the ability of the sensor to estimate
Number of Consecutive Scans with correctly the range. azimuth. and transponder
No Altitude Data reply data (either identity or barometric altitude)
Fig. 8-Sensor Performance Simulation Results. (a)Proba- during an approach and in the presence of
bility ofconsecutive missing target reports. (b) Probability of nearby interfering aircraft. Figure 8 gives an
erroneous azimuth data. (c) Probability of no altitude data. example of the simulation results for Memphis.
These data came from 150,000 scans during 500 parallel
landings at Memphis International Airport, where the run-
Figure 8(a) shows that the number of times a
way spacing is 3,450 ft. target report is missing for more than one or two
consecutive 2.4-s scans is very small. Figures
a data line. The site building contains parallel 8(b) and 8(c) show that it is unlikely that errone-
runway monitor (PRM) displays and other ous azimuth or missing altitude data will per-
Experimental D
Sensor i
Weather Macintosh
Data SE
Fig. 12-Parallel runway monitor (PRM) system configuration at Memphis International Airport.
require stricter velocity and heading consis- and refined by Memphis air traffic controllers.
tency between target reports and tracks for Figure 13 shows a reproduction of the radar
aircraft within 5 nmi of the airport. Early test display, taken from recordings of aircraft in IMe
results indicate that these tests will eliminate at Memphis. Map features such as approach-
most or all of the false moving targets. corridor boundaries, the Mississippi River,
In general, the tests confirm that a Mode-S
sensor with back-to-back antennas for the
2.4-s data rate can provide high-quality surveil-
lance data during parallel-approach operations,
and should support the requirement for surveil-
lance during missed-approach procedures.
Data Presentation
To determine how the improved surveillance
information should be provided to air traffic
controllers, Lincoln Laboratory developed a new
radar monitor display system. The display sys-
tem design incorporates high-resolution color
graphics and provisions for format modifica-
tions by controllers. Figure 12 shows how the
display system connects to the experimental
Mode-S sensor. The initial display format design
was derived from FAA air traffic requirements Fig. 13-PRM experimental monitor display.
location of the aircraft on a final approach observe aircraft dUring a 10- to I5-nmi final
course, it results in a distortion of heading and approach, and a 2-nmi missed approach, and
ground speed. This distortion is difficult to avoid insure that aircraft stay out of a 2.000-ft-wide
because the monitor controller is required to NTZ centered between approach paths that can
Fig. 16-Air Traffic Simulation. (top left) At 15:52: 11 a caution alert occurs for American Airlines (AAL) flight 1030, on runway
18R, indicating NTZpenetration within 10 s unless the aircraft changes course. (top right) At 15:52: 16 AAL flight 1030 is 200
ft from the edge of the NTZ The blue box defines the window region. The controller monitoring runway 18L directs Delta
Airlines (DAL) flight 2524 to turn left immediately. (bottom left) At 15:52:21 a warning alert occurs for AAL flight 1030 as the
aircraft penetrates the NTZ (bottom right) At 15:52:40 DAL flight 2524 has turned away; the separation between the two
aircraft at closest point of approach was approximately 1,700 feet.
18L 18R
Monitor- Monitor-
Automatic Controller Controller
Figure Event Alert Response Response
16 15:52:40
bottom DAL 2524 completes
right evasive turn after a
delay of 8 seconds.
be as close as 3,400 ft or less. Controllers are controllers, if necessary, can change these air-
examining several options, including the use of space dimensions through the display menu
auxiliary windows and advanced 20-in square system.
displays, to resolve this issue. Figures 16(a) through 16(d) illustrate how the
caution and warning alerts function, based on
Automation simultaneous ILS traffic generated by a com-
puter traffic simulation. Table 2 describes the
To utilize the improved surveillance perform- associated event sequence, the aural and visual
ance provided by the Mode-S sensor, the PRM automatic alerts, and the expected actions ofthe
display system includes algorithms that esti- controllers. Figure 16(b) shows a window that is
mate future aircraft locations. The algorithms available to assist the monitor controller in
provide a caution alert if an aircraft appears to assessing the seriousness of a deviation. The
be heading toward the NTZ and a warning alert window. which is located by the blue box and
when the aircraft actually penetrates the zone. has equal magnification in both directions.
The alert algorithms operate only on aircraft shows an actual heading of 25° for American
within the airspace defined in Fig. 15. Memphis Airlines flight 1030, rather than the apparent
heading of 65° as shown in the main display. displays have been obtained for site evaluations.
The automatic-alert algorithms were devel-
oped to act only when an aircraft deviates from System Performance Analysis
an assigned runway toward the NTZ. The recog-
nition of runway assignment avoids unneces- Overall system performance must be as-
sary alerts when aircraft are cleared to cross the sessed to insure that a monitoring system de-
NTZ for an approach to the other parallel run- sign will reduce weather-related delays and not
way. Other design features act similarly to compromise air traffic safety, and that it is both
minimize the incidence of false alerts or to alert practical and effective. The two major systems
the controller if the beacon surveillance has issues to be addressed are:
become unreliable. For the latter circumstance. (1) Will the monitor provide timely alerts that
the sensor automatically substitutes a primary- lead to acceptable miss distances for pos-
radar target symbol (which is less accurate) for tulated blunder scenarios?
the missing beacon-radar target symbol. The (2) Will the false-alert rate be acceptably
con troller will then decide whether to permi t the small?
approach to continue or require the aircraft to go A model of PRM performance was developed
around for a dependently spaced arrival. to determine the false-alarm rate and the late-
Preliminary evaluations were conducted by alarm rate of the system. The following section
air traffic controllers from Memphis. describes an analysis of the performance ofPRM
Dallas-Fort Worth. and Atlanta, along with FAA designs based on that model. The model is
staff from Washington. D.C. They observed live statistically consistent and capable of modular
traffic and staged approach blunders flown by improvement. In particular, as field data be-
Lincoln Laboratory test aircraft at the Bedford comes available, it can be inserted into the
and Memphis airports. Several preliminary model framework.
conclusions can be made on the basis of the
initial display and automatic-alert evaluations: Model Assumptions
(1) Controllers are very enthusiastic about
high-resolution color traffic displays. There are three basic assumptions in the
(2) Controllers and flight crews are im- PRM model. First, blunders and normal ap-
pressed by the improved surveillance proaches are assumed to derive from different
accuracy. processes and should be described by different
(3) Controllers strongly prefer higher data probability distributions. This assumption is
rates for monitoring simultaneous ILS made because blunders do not result from the
approaches. tails of the distribution of normal approach
(4) The caution alert can Significantly reduce deviations. Special events (such as an engine
the probability that a monitor controller failure or the sudden onset of hazardous
will miss the onset of a serious deviation. weather) are more likely to cause deviations
The caution alert may also reduce the large enough to endanger aircraft. Thus, blun-
reaction time of the controller. ders and normal approaches must be subjected
(6) Controllers and airline pilots prefer a to separate study.
display of primary-radar surveillance if The second assumption is that only one air-
the aircraft transponder should fail or craft will blunder at a time. Since available FAA
become unreliable during parallel ap- and NTSB records do not reveal any parallel
proaches. runway blunders, the actual number, including
(7) A display larger than 19 in is desired to unreported occurrences. can be assumed to be
reduce the distortion of heading and small. Therefore the probability ofsimultaneous
ground speed resulting from asymmetric blunders can be considered negligible.
magnifications. The third assumption is that only one non-
As a result of the last conclusion, four 28-in blundering aircraft is threatened by a given
ta t t
f3 T
q where F r is the cumulative distribution function
for y. The tails of the ydistribution will provide
the false alarms for practical operating points.
1\ 1\ Figure 18 summarizes the process of deter-
S = max (y + T Y) mining the PRM false-alarm rate through simu-
Fig. l8-Flow diagram of false-alarm simulation. lation, where IJs is the cross-range standard-
deviation error and t s is the sensor update
interval. Figure 19 shows representative false-
the maximum cross-range position was used. alarm rates, as well as the relationship of the
Then the alarm criterion was applied to the false-alarm rates to the alarm thresholds and
maximum position prediction for rseconds. The the normal-approach deviations. The estimated
probability ofa false alarm is the probability that localizer deviations and velocities of the mod- .
the maximum predicted position exceeds the el will be replaced with the actual distribution
alarm threshold q. This probability is equivalent of normal-approach trajectories from the
to the probability that the amplitude y will lie Memphis data.
Late-Alarm Rate
Us = Normal Deviation Amplitude
The second part of the model determines the
probability of a late alarm (PLA)' Given that a
10 blunder is occurring, the late-alarm rate is the
.r:: 10- 1
u probability that the alarm will be issued too late
e0. 10-2 for effective avoidance. The maj or effort in calcu-
0. 1ating the late-alarm rate is in modeling the
-:: 10-3
OJ aircraft blunder.
E 10-4 The blunder model is based on several as-
~ sumptions about the sequence of events when
<i: 10-5 an aircraft abnormally deviates (blunders) dur-
~ 10-6
ing final approach. Figure 20 illustrates the
blunder scenario. The start of the blunder
10-7 Memphis_ maneuver is assumed to be a randomly selected
1O-8 l----_----l.._ _....L---IL-l..-_--L._ _..I..-_-l point on a normal approach. The deviating air-
500 1000 1500 craft then accelerates with a constant rate until
Line Alarm Threshold (tt) the crosstrack velocity Wis achieved; thereafter
the aircraft is constrained to W. The alarm
Parameter Symbol Value criterion is based on the motion of the blunder-
ing aircraft, and not on the relative motion with
Normal Deviation Period T U(100,140) s
respect to the threatened aircraft.
Projection Time T 10 s
The model includes a delay between the
alarm generation and the controller's transmis-
Fig. 19-Probability of false alarm versus alarm threshold sion of the alarm to the aircraft. The avoidance
and normal deviation amplitude.
maneuver of the threatened aircraft consists of
5. Avoidance
Achieved 4. Avoidance Acceleration
A2 Begins at t 1;1 7d
--- -- - - - -
Alarm Delivered
2. PRM Alarm
Generated at
t Ta
------- - --
t 1. Blunder Begins at t 0
(Acceleration Al)
another delay (due to the reaction time of both lays are combined into one delay term in this
the pilot and the aircraft), followed by a constant formulation.
acceleration that is also constrained by the The next step in developing the model is to
crosstrack velocity W. Note that the time describe the positions of the blundering aircraft
required for the controller to transmit an alarm and the threatened aircraft when avoidance is
to the aircraft and for the aircraft to re- achieved. The miss distance is the cross-range
spond is independent of the motion that gen- separation ofthe two aircraft at that time, and a
erated the alarm. specific miss-distance requirement determines
The major concern with a blundering aircraft the upper limit of a tolerable delay time, Yd' Any
is that the warning alarm might be late. There- longer value of T d will result in a late alarm. The
fore, an objective of the model is to examine the equation for Yd can be written in closed form:
delay times inherent with each step. To examine
delay times, the various delays were combined
into two main delays. The first delay is the time
Ta required to detect the blunder. The second
delay is the time Td required to issue the avoid-
ance instruction and begin the avoidance ma-
neuver. Note that T d combines the controller The right side of the above equation has five
delay in issuing the alarm and the aircraft delay terms. The first term is the warning time pro-
in starting the avoidance maneuver. For the vided by that portion of the runway separation
sake of mathematical simplicity, these de- which is in excess of the required separation
Reaction FT C
S mreq Delay 0
O"y T n
Tolerable F-T
Y1 d I
Total Delay u
Normal- Y1 Blunder t
Approach Y2 Trajectory i
Model Generation Detection 0
Y2 Delay n
q r
ts -.. L-_ _----l
The probability of a late alarm on a given trial Normal Deviation Period T 100 s
Required Miss Distance mreq 200 tt
is the probability that the delay time T d exceeds
Radar Cross-Range Error 30 tt
the maximum tolerable delay time rd' In mathe- O"s
Tracker Gains ex 0.8
matical notation this probability is
f3 0.53
Alarm Threshold q 1000 tt
Projection Time r 10 s
Final Cross-Range Velocity W 70 kt
Recall that the delay T d that is actually
Acceleration A1 = A 2 0.5 g
achieved depends on the response of both con-
Actual Response Delay Td U(10, 20) s
troller and aircraft, and is independent of sur-
veillance and aircraft motion leading to the
alarm. Thus, treating response Td as the pri- Fig. 22-Probability of late alarm versus runway spacing
mary variable leads to a convenient formulation and radar scan time.
1 11111
Figure 22 shows representative late-alarm rates
""'1 ""'I ""'1 "~
.1 =- • 4300 ft Sensor
Preliminary Model Results
Sensor 3400 ft
• Simulations that use preliminary assump-
tions for controller and aircraft response delays
iii Mode S
« .01 Sensor
have produced two outputs: system operating
co ~ ~ points and a sensitivity analysis. System operat-
::::!- ing points, shown in Fig. 23, define the relation-
4300 ft ship between false alarm and late alarm for four
Mode S cases that compare the current FAA monitoring
.001 ~ ~
Sensor system with a Mode-S-based monitor for run-
• way separations of 4,300 ft and 3,400 ft, and for
the current 2,OOO-ft NTZ. The results suggest
.0001 """, ,""", """, 1111",
10-7 10. 6 10-5 10.4 10- 3 10-2 the potential benefits of improved surveillance
P (False Alarm) and the use of an automatic alert. While the
assumptions used to generate the operating
Parameter Current ModeS points are reasonable, performance compari-
-- - --
Update Rate 4.8 s 2.4 s sons cannot be made until the model uses
Prediction Os 5s measured probability density functions of con-
Response (Td) U (7.5, 15) U (7.5, 15) troller-response, pilot-response, and aircraft-
response times.
Fig. 23-Preliminary false-alarm late-alarm model A sensitivity analysis determined the relative
results. These results suggest significant performance importance of various system parameters. A set
benefits when the Mode-S sensor is used as an approach
monitor. of parameter values were chosen to establish a
system baseline. Each parameter was then
varied to determine the change in false-alarm
in which the distribution of Td can be deter-
mined by simulation, and the distribution ofTd
can be determined from a separate probability
The probability of a late alarm can be
rewritten as
PLA = p[ Td - Td < 0]' E
iii 10
This equation can be evaluated by integrating «Q)
the probability density function of Td (obtained en
from simulation) and the cumulative probability
distribution function ofTd (specified from theory -0
or experiment). When T d is uniformly distrib- .!::::!
uted from tmax to tmin
. , then
E .1
Lma.... z
t max
- t min
Lmln .01 L..-....l..-----'-_-'----'-----JL....-....l..-----'-_-'----'----'
o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
where F y is the cumulative distribution function Case
for the tolerable delay time.
Figure 21 shows a block diagram of the Fig. 24-Preliminary model results for false-alarm sensitiv-
simulation to determine the distribution of Td , ityanalysis.
Nominal Varied
Case Parameter Symbol Value Value
arrived on runways 18 Left and 18 Right. Most measured 200-ft overcast ceiling. Ij2-mi visi-
aircraft were Boeing 727, DC-9, Boeing 757, and bilityin fog and light rain. a 54° temperature and
a few turboprop commuter aircraft. Each point dew point, a 3-kt wind from 020 degrees. and a
represents the radar target-report position esti- barometric setting of 30.09 inches.
mate at each 2.4-s update interval. The scale Figure 28 compares the 29 January data and
was expanded in the east-west direction to clar- IMC data from 26 January. The 9-kt surface-
ifY deviations, and a 2,000-ft NTZ was added. level crosswind on 26 January is a possible
The weather dUring this data set consisted of a explanation for the larger approach deviations
'> 1200
0 1000
800 No-Transgression Zone
"0 600
(jj 400
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Range (nmi)
Fig. 28-Analysis of approach data at Memphis International Airport on 26 January 1989 and 29
January 1989.
Data Collection
Past activities to measure monitor-controller
responses have not included the effect of high-
resolution color displays and predictive alerts.
To understand these effects a human-factors
Federal Aviation Agency. National Aviation Facilities 9. A.L. Haines. "Requirements for 3500 Foot Spacings for
Experimental Center(July 1961). Simultaneous Parallel IFR Approaches." MITRE Cor-
6. J.R. Speckart. "An Operational Evaluation ofthe Par- poration (Jan 1975) MTR-6841.
allellLS System-O'Hare International Airport." Flight 10. A.L. Haines and W.J. Swedish. "Requirements for Inde-
Standard Service. Flight Inspection and Processing
Division. Standards Branch. Federal Aviation Admini-
pendent and Dependent Parallel Instrument Ap-
proaches at Reduced Runway Spacing." MITRE Corpo-
stration (Nov. 1962). ration (May 1981). FAA EM-81-8.
7. "Lateral Separation.- Report FAA-RD-72-58 1.2. Re- 11. D. Buckanin and R. Biedrzycki. "Navigation Perform-
salab Inc. (July 1972). ance ofAircraft Making Dependent ILSApproaches at
8. A.L. Haines. "Reduction of Parallel Runway Require- Memphis International Airport... FAATechnical Center
ments." MITRE Corporation (Jan. 1973). FAA-EM- (Feb. 1987) DOT/FAA/CT-TN86/59.
associate grou p leader in the
System Design and Evalu-
ation Group. He is currently
program manager of the
Parallel and Converging
Runway Monitor Program.
and oversees development programs in Mode-S Data Link
Avionics and Mode-SSurface Surveillance and Communica-
tions. He is also the leader ofa technical team supporting the
FAA in the development of ajoint U.s.-Soviet satellite navi-
gation capability for civil aircraft.
Ray began working on FAA programs in 1974. designing
digital and analog hardware for an instrument-approach
monitor. In 1979 he managed a design team that developed
TCAS II night hardware. and led several TCAS II night-test
activities on various aircraft. including a Boeing 727. During
the 1980s he managed the development ofvarious Mode-S
data-link avionics: a GPS navigation set for small general
aviation aircraft; and the design ofTCAS II air-to-air coordi-
nation logiC. which involved several hundred staged midair
Ray received B.S.E.E. and M.S.E.E. degrees from Michi-
gan State University in 1961 and 1963. respectively. He
served as a research and development test officer in the U.S.
Army from 1963 to 1969. with assignments in the United
States. Vietnam. Europe. and Africa. He is a member of the
Institution of Electrical Engineers. Eta Kappa Nu. Tau Beta
Pi. AOPA. and NAA. Ray received an FAA commendation for
his efforts in the development ofTCAS II. He is also a licensed
private pilot and owns a Piper Archer II.