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National Simulator Program

FSTD Qualification Guidance Bulletin

NSP GB 18-02
U.S. Department of DATE: 09/20/2018
Federal Aviation Flight Standards Service
Administration Washington, DC

National Simulator Program Guidance Bulletin

An NSP GB contains valuable information for FSTD sponsors that should help them meet certain
administrative, regulatory, or operational requirements with relatively low urgency or impact on safety.

Subject: Modeling for FSTD Qualification Runway Status Lights (RWSL) and Land and Hold
Short Operations (LAHSO)

Purpose: To provide FSTD sponsors guidance on the evaluation and qualification of Runway
Status Lights (RWSL) and Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO), as necessary to
accomplish training objectives.

Regulatory References: 14 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Table A3C (Class II Airport Models),
Sections 3.b. (runway lighting) and 3.d. (taxiway lighting).

Background: A runway incursion (RI) is defined as any occurrence at an airport involving the
incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle, or person on the protected area of a surface designated
for the landing and takeoff of aircraft. Reduction in the number and severity of runway
incursions is one of the FAA’s top priorities.
FAA data shows that pilot deviations are the largest cause of runway incursions 1and there is an
intense effort to expedite installation of new technologies at airports, conduct outreach, retrain
pilots and improve airport infrastructure lighting, signage and markings. The FAA has also
improved air traffic procedures for controllers and adopted international surface phraseology.
A heightened awareness of RI led to the development of Runway Status Lights (RWSL) and is
FAA’s response to NTSB Recommendation A-00-66. RWSL is an automated system to provide
immediate warnings of probable collisions/incursions” directly to flight crews in the cockpit
analogous to the airborne conflict alert system to alert controllers to pending runway incursions”.
LAHSO is an acronym for “Land and Hold Short Operations.” These operations include landing
and holding short of an intersecting runway, an intersecting taxiway, or some other designated
point on a runway other than an intersecting runway or taxiway

National Runway Safety Report 2013 – 2014

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Revision Description of Change Effective Date

0 Original Draft. 09/15/2018

On page 9 there was an error in the 3rd bullet. Changed

1 from “Qualification of RWSL operations…” to 09/20/2018
“qualification of LAHSO operations….”

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Runway Status Lights (RWSL)

RWSL Concept of Operations

Runway Status Lights is an essential FAA system which uses Airport Surface Detection
Equipment, Model X surveillance data to determine vehicle and aircraft locations. Runway Status
Lights processes this data using complex software algorithms with adjustable parameters to control
airfield lights in accordance with Air Traffic operations, including anticipated separation. Red
airfield lights (Runway Entrance Lights and Takeoff Hold Lights) illuminate and extinguish as
vehicles and aircraft traverse the airfield.

Runway Status Lights – RELs and THLs

Runway Entrance Lights (RELs) and Takeoff Hold Lights (THLs): RWSL are a series of red in-
pavement lights that warn pilots of high-speed aircraft or vehicles on runways which operate
independently of Air Traffic Control. Runway Status Lights have two states: ON (lights are
illuminated red) and OFF (lights are off) and are switched automatically based on information
from airport surface surveillance systems. Controllers can set in-pavement lights to one of five
brightness levels to assure maximum conspicuity under all visibility and lighting conditions.
Controllers can also shutdown RSL under specific conditions.

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The RWSL system has two types of lights. Runway Entrance Lights (RELs) are installed at
taxiways and Takeoff Hold Lights (THLs) on runways.

Runway Entrance Lights (REL)

The Runway Entrance Lights system is composed of flush mounted, in-pavement, unidirectional
fixtures that are parallel to and focused along the taxiway centerline and directed toward the pilot
at the hold line. A specific array of Runway Entrance Lights include the first light at the hold line
followed by a series of evenly spaced lights to the runway edge; and one additional light at the
runway centerline in line with the last two lights before the runway edge. When activated, these
red lights indicate that there is high speed traffic on the runway or there is an aircraft on final
approach within the activation area.

1. Operating Characteristics – Departing Aircraft: When a departing aircraft reaches 30

knots, all taxiway intersections with Runway Entrance Lights arrays along the runway
ahead of the aircraft will illuminate. As the aircraft approaches a Runway Entrance Lights
equipped taxiway intersection, the lights at that intersection extinguish approximately 2
to 3 seconds before the aircraft reaches it. This allows controllers to apply "anticipated
separation" to permit Air Traffic Control to move traffic more expeditiously without
compromising safety. After the aircraft is declared "airborne" by the system, all lights
will extinguish.
2. Operating Characteristics – Arriving Aircraft: When an aircraft on final approach is
approximately 1 mile from the runway threshold all sets of Runway Entrance Light
arrays along the runway will illuminate. The distance is adjustable and can be configured
for specific operations at particular airports. Lights extinguish at each equipped taxiway
intersection approximately 2 to 3 seconds before the aircraft reaches it to apply
anticipated separation until the aircraft has slowed to approximately 80 knots (site
adjustable parameter). Below 80 knots, all arrays that are not within 30 seconds of the
aircraft's forward path are extinguished. Once the arriving aircraft slows to approximately
34 knots (site adjustable parameter), it is declared to be in a taxi state, and all lights
3. What a pilot would observe: A pilot at or approaching the hold line to a runway will
observe Runway Entrance Lights illuminating and extinguishing in reaction to an aircraft
or vehicle operating on the runway, or an arriving aircraft operating less than 1 mile from
the runway threshold.

Takeoff Hold Lights (THL)

The Takeoff Hold Lights system is composed of in-pavement; unidirectional fixtures in a double
longitudinal row aligned either side of the runway centerline lighting. Fixtures are focused toward
the arrival end of the runway at the "line up and wait" point and they extend for 1,500 feet in front
of the holding aircraft. Illuminated red lights provide a signal, to an aircraft in position for takeoff
or rolling, that it is unsafe to takeoff because the runway is occupied or about to be occupied by
another aircraft or ground vehicle. Two aircraft, or a surface vehicle and an aircraft, are required
for the lights to illuminate. The departing aircraft must be in position for takeoff or beginning
takeoff roll. Another aircraft or a surface vehicle must be on or about to cross the runway.

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1. Operating Characteristics – Departing Aircraft: Takeoff Hold Lights will illuminate for
an aircraft in position for departure or departing when there is another aircraft or vehicle
on the runway or about to enter the runway (see FIG 2-1-9.) Once that aircraft or vehicle
exits the runway, the Takeoff Hold Lights extinguish. A pilot may notice lights
extinguish prior to the downfield aircraft or vehicle being completely clear of the runway
but still moving. Like Runway Entrance Lights, Takeoff Hold Lights have an "anticipated
separation" feature.
2. What a pilot would observe: A pilot in position to depart from a runway, or has begun
takeoff roll, will observe Takeoff Hold Lights illuminating in reaction to an aircraft or
vehicle on the runway or about to enter or cross it. Lights will extinguish when the
runway is clear. A pilot may observe several cycles of lights illuminating and
extinguishing depending on the amount of crossing traffic

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FSTD Evaluation Criteria and Considerations for RWSL Qualification
In order to issue FSTD qualification for RWSL training, the NSP will evaluate the FSTD for
RWSL operations at a minimum of one correctly modeled “in-use” runway. The NSP will use the
following criteria in conducting the FSTD evaluation and issuing qualification for RWSL
• RWSL operation may be demonstrated at a Class I, Class II or Class III airport model.
• A method should be provided on the IOS panel to turn ON the Runway Status Lights
(RWSL) function prior to RWSL operations and to activate the RWSL lights when
crossing or interfering aircraft or vehicles enter the active runway environment when
the own-ship is on the active runway or in position for departure.
• RWSL lights should operate automatically when conflicting ground or air traffic is
selected by the instructor; however, a manual IOS operation from the IOS instructor
will be acceptable.
• As of this GB release, RWSL are in operation at LAX, SFO, MCO, PHX, IAH, SEA,
Where a “real world” in-use runway is equipped with RWSL at a Class I or Class II
airport model, this feature should be incorporated into the FSTD’s visual models. See
Runway Status Lights for most up to date listing of airport with RWSL.
• On the Jeppesen approach plate, Runway Status Lights (RWSL) at an airport, such as
KFLL, is carried as a note normally in the GENERAL note section of the 10-9A page.
• Qualification of RWSL operations will be indicated section 3.a. of the FSTD’s
Statement of Qualification.

The latest information on RWSL to include active and planned airport locations, airport diagrams
and photos/video of the system is available at Runway Status Lights.

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Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO)
LAHSO operations include landing and holding short of an intersecting runway, an intersecting
taxiway, or some other predetermined point on the runway other than on a runway or taxiway.
Previously, SOIR, the acronym for "simultaneous operations on intersecting runways," was used
exclusively to describe simultaneous operations on two intersecting runways -either two aircraft
landing simultaneously or one aircraft landing and another one departing. The term LARSO
incorporates SOIR and is expanded to include holding short of a taxiway and holding short of
predetermined points on the runway.

Examples of LAHSO Operations

Hold Short of a Designated Point on a Runway other than an Intersecting Runway or Taxiway

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Land and Hold Short of an Intersecting Taxiway

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Land and Hold Short of an Intersecting Runway

FSTD Evaluation Criteria for LAHSO Qualifications

In order to issue FSTD qualification for LAHSO training, the NSP will evaluate the FSTD for
LAHSO operations at a minimum of one correctly modeled “in-use” runway at a Class I, II, or III
airport model.

• Where a “real world” in-use runway is equipped with LAHSO signage or lights at a
Class I or Class II airport model, this feature should be incorporated into the FSTD’s
visual models.
• LAHSO lighting should be controllable at the IOS.
• Qualification of LAHSO operations will be indicated section 3.a. of the FSTD’s
Statement of Qualification.

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The following LAHSO features will be evaluated for FSTD qualification:

Available Landing Distance (ALD) - The portion of a runway available for landing and
rollout for aircraft cleared for LAHSO as measured from the landing threshold to the
hold-short point.
Hold-Short Point - A point on the runway beyond which a landing aircraft with a LAHSO
clearance is not authorized to proceed.
Hold-Short Position Marking - The painted runway holding position marking located at
the hold short point on all LAHSO runways.
Hold-Short Position Signs - Red and white holding position signs located alongside the
hold short point
Land-And-Hold-Short Lights - Six or seven in-pavement, pulsing white lights at
the LAHSO hold-short point
Vertical Guidance - Visual or electronic glide slope, a precision approach path
indicator (PAPI) or Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI)

For addition information, photos, diagrams and descriptions of LAHSO signage and lights, see
references below.

LAHSO References:

Land and Hold Short Operations (FAA Order JO 7110.118A)

Standards for Airport Sign Systems (AC 150/5340-18F)
Standards for Airport Markings (AC 150/5340-1J)
Runway Incursion Avoidance (Runway Markings) pages 1-13 thru 1-22

Contact: Questions or comments regarding this NSP guidance bulletin can be directed to the
National Simulator Program, AFS-205, at (404) 474-5620.

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