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Behavior Therapy 52 (2021) 234 – 249


Emotion Regulatory Strategies in Complicated Grief:

A Systematic Review
Maarten C. Eisma
University of Groningen
Margaret S. Stroebe
University of Groningen and Utrecht University

methods and experiments across diverse samples. Increasing

Prolonged grief disorder, characterized by severe, persistent, knowledge in this domain will improve clinical practice.
and disabling grief, has recently been included in the
International Classification of Diseases-11 (ICD-11). Emotion-
al disturbances are central to such complicated grief responses. Keywords: Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder; prolonged
grief disorder; affect regulation; coping; treatment
Accordingly, emotion regulation is assumed critical in the
development, persistence, and treatment of complicated
grief. Yet, a comprehensive review on this topic is lacking.
We conducted a systematic review (PROSPERO: BEREAVEMENT IS ASSOCIATED WITH complications in the
CRD42017076061) searching PsycInfo, Web of Science, and grieving process for a significant minority of people.
PubMed to identify quantitative research examining relation- For example, grief may remain intense and disabling
ships between emotion regulation and complicated grief. Sixty- over a long duration, beyond what would be expected
four studies on 7,715 bereaved people were identified, focusing given the characteristics of the loss. For current
on a variety of emotion regulation strategies (i.e., experiential purposes, we adopt complicated grief (CG) as the
avoidance, behavioral avoidance, expressive suppression, label for such grief responses and the following as our
rumination, worry, problem solving, cognitive reappraisal, working definition (cf. Stroebe, Schut, & van den
positive thought, and mindfulness). Our synthesis showed Bout, 2013): CG is a clinically significant condition
strong evidence that experiential avoidance and rumination which (a) deviates from normal grief [according to
play a role in the persistence of complicated grief. More (cultural) norms] in the time course and/or intensity of
generally, surveys support positive associations between grief symptoms (e.g., separation distress, difficulties
putative maladaptive emotion regulation strategies and com- accepting the loss and moving on); (b) is associated
plicated grief, and negative associations between putative with impairment in significant areas of health, social,
adaptive emotion regulation strategies and complicated grief. and occupational functioning.
Laboratory research yielded mixed results. Emotion regulation There are good reasons to focus scientific investi-
is critical in complicated grief, and in particular experiential gation specifically on the phenomena and manifesta-
avoidance and rumination form important targets in compli- tions of CG. CG is increasingly recognized as a distinct
cated grief treatments. We advise expanding current knowl- entity, related to (but distinguishable from) a number
edge, by employing more advanced, intensive data collection of other established mental health disorders, that
requires specific psychological treatments (Doering &
Maarten C. Eisma was supported by a Netherlands Organization Eisma, 2016). CG is associated with severe psycho-
for Scientific Research (NWO) Veni grant [Grant ID: 016.
veni195.113]. The funder did not play a role in the study design, logical outcomes, including reduced quality of life and
collection, analysis or interpretation of the data, in the writing of the suicidal tendencies, beyond those predicted by depres-
report or in the decision to submit the article for publication. sion, PTSD, or anxiety (e.g., Latham & Prigerson,
Address correspondenc to Dr. Maarten Eisma, Department of
Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychopathology, University 2011). In the DSM-5 system, a disorder characterized
of Groningen, Grote Kruisstraat 2/1, 9712 TS Groningen, The by severe, persistent, and disabling grief, called
Netherlands; e-mail: m.c.eisma@rug.nl. Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder (PCBD;
0005-7894/© 2021 Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. American Psychiatric Association, 2013), is listed as a
Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. condition for further research. A related but distinct
emotion regulation in complicated grief 235

(cf. Boelen, Lenferink, & Smid, 2019) disorder known into definitions in both general reviews and in
as Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) has recently empirical research across a variety of domains (for a
become an established diagnostic category in the conceptual review: Naragon-Gainey et al., 2017; for
ICD-11 (World Health Organization, 2018). Clearly, domain-specific information: Aldao, Nolen-
understanding the nature of grief complications is Hoeksema, & Schweizer, 2010; in relation to specific
relevant to the ongoing discussion about the diagnos- psychopathologies: e.g., Seligowski, Lee, Bardeen, &
tic status and symptomatology of CG. Orcutt, 2015, for PTSD). Multiple category systems
There are also good reasons to focus scientific listing intrapersonal ER-related strategies have been
research on emotion regulatory (ER) processes when developed. Within such systems, strategies are often
investigating CG. Bereavement is associated with classified as being either adaptive or maladaptive, and
intense emotional pain, particularly for those meta-analyses of surveys have generally confirmed
experiencing complications in their grieving process. that adaptive and maladaptive strategies are on
In the ICD-11 (World Health Organization, 2018) average related to different types of psychopathology
diagnostic system, many of the core symptoms of CG in predicted directions (e.g., Aldao et al., 2010;
(PGD) are emotional: longing, sadness, guilt, anger, Seligowski et al., 2015). Despite the consistency of
emotional numbing, and blame. It stands to reason such findings, the adaptiveness of a specific ER strategy
that dealing with these emotional experiences is in a particular situation may depend on multiple
critical for recovery. Emotions can be regulated, and factors, including the context in which it is applied and
unlike other factors that increase the risk of poor the flexibility with which one can apply ER strategies
adaptation to bereavement (e.g., traumatic death, to different types of stressors (termed oscillation:
spousal loss, attachment)—such ER processes are Stroebe & Schut, 1999, or coping flexibility:
amenable to change. To illustrate: certain ER Bonanno & Burton, 2013). Surveys, depending on
processes have not only been shown to lead to the retrospective, trait-like measures of emotion regula-
persistence of CG, but have also featured as treatment tion, may not fully capture this complex process.
targets in therapy programs for CG (e.g., exposure to Therefore, to understand how ER strategies play a
target avoidance of loss-related cues and associated role in CG, we aim to examine which ER strategies
emotions) (e.g., Boelen, de Keijser, van den Hout, & relate to CG in all types of quantitative research on this
van den Bout, 2007). This aligns with research in the topic. To do so, we need a list of common but specific
broader field of psychopathology. For example, in a strategies. This was provided in a review by Naragon-
major review, Naragon-Gainey, McMahon, and Gainey et al. (2017), who selected 10 frequently
Chacko (2017) affirmed the key role of ER strategies studied ER strategies (i.e., experiential avoidance,
in mental disorders more generally, stressing the behavioral avoidance, expressive suppression, rumi-
relevance for therapy, for example: “… improved nation, worry, acceptance, mindfulness, problem
emotion regulation is an important target in many solving, reappraisal, and distraction), providing pre-
psychological interventions” (p. 384). cise descriptions of each construct. Notably, while this
What, though, is the potential range and what list provides a useful inventarization of often-studied
precisely the impact of ER strategies in CG? Has a ER strategies, it is not all-inclusive, nor was it intended
causal role of ER strategies in CG yet been established? to be. Therefore, the ER strategies listed by Naragon-
To what extent has empirical research actually Gainey et al. (2017) will serve as a starting point for
demonstrated that ER-related interventions reduce our review of ER in CG. However, we will evaluate
CG? In the field of bereavement research and the extent to which these strategies have been studied
intervention specifically, we still need to establish in bereaved samples, and whether ER strategy
which ER strategies underlie the phenomenology of categories need to be altered, or added.
CG and the nature of their impact (cf. Mancini & How do we go about reviewing the ER-CG
Bonanno, 2012). To our knowledge, no systematic relationship? Our approach differs in important
review of the role of ER strategies in CG has yet been ways from that of other reviews in this area. Some
provided to clarify such questions. researchers have focused on fine-grained examination
To conduct such a review, we first need to establish of a few or single, key ER-CG strategies (e.g., Eisma &
what exactly ER processes are. Gross (1998) defined Stroebe, 2017). Others have adopted more compre-
ER as “…the process by which individuals influence hensive, theory-driven CG-model-building ap-
which emotions they have, when they have them, and proaches to include a wider range of factors,
how they experience them. Emotion regulation including but not limited to ER strategies (e.g.,
strategies may be automatic or controlled, conscious Maccallum & Bryant, 2013). By contrast, our focus
or unconscious, and may have their effects at one point is both more broadly on the range of different ER
or many points in the emotion generative process” (p. strategies (not just one strategy), as well as more
275). Such principles have since been incorporated narrowly just on ER strategies (and not on other
236 eisma & stroebe

factors influencing ER or CG). This way, we put the developed in 1995 (Inventory of Complicated Grief
ER strategies themselves under the magnifying glass. [ICG]; Prigerson et al., 1995). Articles were further
In our view, our approach complements the other included if they were quantitative, peer-reviewed,
approaches just described. Not only does our review English-language scientific journal articles, to safe-
cover the full range of ER strategies investigated in guard study quality, interpretability and compara-
relation to CG, it does so “a-theoretically,” without bility of study results. We considered only articles
commitment to any particular theory, thereby re- on ER in bereaved samples (i.e., people who have
maining as unbiased, nonselective, and comprehensive experienced the death of a close person, e.g., parent,
as possible. To the best of our knowledge, this will be child, spouse, friend) and not people who experi-
the first systematic review of ER strategies and CG. enced other types of loss (e.g., missing relatives).
In summary: Our main objective in this article is to Articles needed to include at least one standardized
examine which intrapersonal ER strategies are linked measure of CG, and at least one standardized
with CG symptoms. More specifically, we set out to measure of an ER strategy, the latter according to
review the state of knowledge about associations between our previously presented definition (Gross, 1998).
ER strategies and CG in bereaved people, derived from That is, a process was regarded as an ER strategy if it
quantitative empirical investigations that conducted since describes an automatic or controlled, conscious or
the emergence of measures that specifically assess CG unconscious process, which has an effect at one or
symptoms. Our main goal is to provide a systematic many points in the emotion generative process, used
overview of scientific research on ER strategies in CG, by individuals to influence the emotions they have,
synthesizing knowledge about helpful and detrimental when they have them and how they experience them.
ER processing following bereavement to inform re- A priori, it was decided to include not only papers
searchers and health care professionals, and improve of ER measures selected by Naragon-Gainey et al.
psychotherapeutic interventions. (2017), but also articles that assessed ER strategies
specific to the bereaved, where the strategy pertains
Methods to the loss experience, which is not measurable
among nonbereaved people (e.g., loss-related
This study was preregistered at PROSPERO’s avoidance; Boelen & van den Bout, 2010).
international registry of systematic reviews under Further, a statistical relationship between CG and
registration number CRD42017076061 (http://www. ER measures needed to be reported in the article.
crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/display_record.php?ID= Among other things, this implied that intervention
CRD42017076061). A PRISMA checklist can be trials were only included if a direct one-on-one
found in Appendix A. relationship could be established between an
intervention exclusively targeting a specific ER
SEARCH STRATEGY strategy (e.g., exposure targeting loss-related avoid-
We searched PsycInfo, Web of Science, and PubMed ance) and CG. Thus, trials were included if they tested
using the keywords “prolonged grief,” “complicated the effect of a single module of an ER-focused therapy
grief,” “persistent complex bereavement-related dis- on CG levels (e.g., Boelen et al., 2007), but not if the
order,” “traumatic grief,” OR “pathological grief.” effect of a multicomponent intervention was tested
No search terms were specified for ER, since searching (e.g., Shear et al., 2016). Moreover, a minimum
for the most common phrases to indicate CG would sample size of bereaved persons was set at 20, so the
ensure access to potentially relevant papers on ER and included studies were (at least) adequately powered to
CG and would still yield a manageable number of detect strong correlations between constructs (r = .80,
articles. In total, our final search conducted on the Cohen, 1988).
January 17, 2019, returned 3,550 articles, of which Articles were excluded if they only focused on non-
1,463 duplicates were removed, leaving 2,087 papers ER processes/constructs, such as personality traits
for screening. Screening and selection of papers was (e.g., neuroticism), or more or less static, cognitive
done independently by the two authors of this paper. constructs (e.g., negative cognitions); if single ER
Differences in opinion were discussed until mutual strategies could not be derived from the constructs,
consensus was reached. Following title and abstract including constructs that combine multiple ER
screening, 191 articles were retained and after full-text strategies (e.g., problem-focused coping); that only
screening 64 articles were selected. Figure 1 shows a partly reflect ER strategies, which cannot be sepa-
PRISMA flowchart. rated from the generic construct (e.g., continuing
bonds); potential outcomes of ER strategies (e.g.,
I N C L U SI O N A N D E X C L U S I O N C R I T E R I A meaning made), or constructs of relevance to ER that
Articles published after 1994 were included, as the are not specific ER strategies (e.g., emotional clarity).
first validated instrument for complicated grief was Articles reporting exclusively on symptom analyses,
emotion regulation in complicated grief 237

FIGURE 1 PRISMA flowchart of literature search

such as network analyses and latent class analyses, characteristics (comprehensive vs. not), (c) study
were excluded. Articles employing only measures not design (more advanced design vs. cross-sectional
specifically designed to assess CG (e.g., normal grief, survey), (d) ER measure (established, oft-used,
depression, posttraumatic stress) were also excluded. validated, lab task vs. unvalidated), (e) CG mea-
sure: as for ER measure, (f) Effect sizes reported (yes
vs. no). Given the large variability in research
We extracted sample characteristics (e.g., gender, design, methods, statistical techniques, dependent
age), loss-related characteristics (e.g., time since variables, and low anticipated number of studies for
loss, kinship with deceased), characteristics of the a majority of investigated ER strategies we did not
ER measure, CG measure, and statistical associa- conduct meta-analyses. However, we extracted
tions between ER and CG measures. The second information on study design to weigh the evidence
author extracted sample and loss-related charac- for specific ER-CG associations, and effect sizes, if
teristics. Both authors independently extracted all these were reported.
other information. Interrater agreement for double-
extracted information was high (overall agreement:
95%). Differences in results of the data extraction Results
were discussed until consensus was reached. We Our search (see Figure 1) included 2,087 peer-
used no formal assessment of study quality, as our reviewed papers. The 64 papers identified as eligible
review covered a wide range of study designs (e.g., were based on 48 independent datasets, due to partial
surveys, laboratory experiments, randomized con- overlap. In total, papers reported on 7,715 bereaved
trolled trials [RCTs]) and no existing quality participants (excluding overlapping datasets). Thirty-
assessment tool can provide reliable and valid one reported on cross-sectional surveys (48%), 13 on
comparisons of study quality for investigations longitudinal surveys (20%), 11 on quasi-experimental
using many different research designs. Instead, an or correlational laboratory studies (17%), 8 on
estimate of the study quality was provided based on treatment trials (13%), and 1 on a diary study (2%).
the following criteria: (a) inclusion of a control Forty-one studies (64%) employed a version of the
group (yes vs. no), (b) description of sample ICG as a measure for CG symptoms.
238 eisma & stroebe

To summarize the main (unweighted) sample between concurrent correlational evidence for an
characteristics across studies: Participants were on ER-CG relationship (cross-sectional surveys), lon-
average 45.81 years old (SD = 11.92), with an gitudinal correlational evidence (longitudinal sur-
average of 78% females. Seventy-two percent (n = veys, open trials, secondary analyses of RCTs,
46) of the investigations included samples of people laboratory studies with or without a control group),
with varying kinship relations to the deceased. and causal evidence (RCTs). If longitudinal analy-
Those focusing on specific relationships most ses controlled for baseline symptoms (n = 7) or
frequently studied the loss of a spouse/partner analyzed change scores (n = 2), this is highlighted
(14%; n = 9), followed by loss of a child (6%, n = in-text and Appendix B. If any analyses controlled
4). Causes of death were categorized into violent for comorbid (non-CG) symptoms (n = 13), this is
versus nonviolent types, with the former including shown in Appendix B.
murder, accidents, suicide, and various other Table 1 shows study quality characteristics. One-
traumatic deaths. The percentages of violent deaths fifth of all included studies employed a control
in the samples generally comprised significant group (20%). Sample characteristics were described
minorities (28%), with the majority of reports comprehensively in nearly all papers (97%). Half of
explicitly stating that people experiencing these all papers employed study designs that were more
types of deaths were included (66%, n = 42), and advanced than cross-sectional surveys (50%). The
few studies focusing exclusively on people who use of unvalidated measures for ER (12%) and CG
experienced violent loss (8%, n = 5). The average (6%) was rare. Effect sizes were reported in about
duration of bereavement at baseline in the studies two-thirds of papers (63%).
was 28.93 months (SD = 24.65), spanning recent to Given the limited variability in sample characteris-
long-term bereavement. tics reporting and validity of ER and CG measures,
Studies of the ER-CG relationship fell mostly this information is only shown in Table 1. In addition
within the major categories listed by Naragon- to information about designs (including control group
Gainey et al. (2017); only distraction was not use), reported effect sizes for ER-CG relationship are
covered. The most-investigated strategies were mentioned below in line with common standards for
experiential avoidance (n = 23; 36%) and behav- effect sizes (e.g., r = .10 = small; r = .30 = moderate; r =
ioral avoidance (n = 25; 39%).1 Notably, experi- .50 = large; Cohen, 1988).
ential acceptance [willingness to experience one’s
current emotions, even if they are aversive] was Experiential Avoidance
mainly studied as the opposite of experiential Experiential avoidance [avoiding unwanted inter-
avoidance assessed with versions of the AAQ nal stimuli, such as thoughts, physical sensations, or
(e.g., Bond et al., 2011), and will thus not be emotions], has been studied in two main ways.
discussed separately. Rumination (n = 13; 20%), First, researchers have examined the association
worry (n = 3; 5%), cognitive reappraisal (including between general experiential avoidance (including
meaning making) (n = 3; 5%), problem solving (n = cognitive avoidance strategies) and CG. Second,
2; 3%), mindfulness (n = 1; 2%), and expressive researchers have tested associations between cog-
suppression (n = 1; 2%), were also studied in nitive avoidance of loss-related stimuli (i.e.,
relationship to CG. A few ER-CG studies investi- thoughts, memories) and CG.
gated additional strategies such as positive repeti-
tive thought (n = 3; 5%). Additionally, four studies General Experiential Avoidance
(6%) examined dynamic ER constructs such as A number of surveys demonstrated moderate to
coping flexibility. strong positive associations between experiential
avoidance and CG symptoms, concurrently and
longitudinally (Boelen & Reijntjes, 2008; Boelen
et al., 2010; Davis et al., 2016; Eisma et al., 2013;
The ER-CG relationship studies are presented in Morina, 2011; Nam, 2016). However, in a small-
detail in Appendix B. Here we summarize the scale longitudinal survey, experiential avoidance
emerging patterns from the ER-CG studies listed did not predict CG symptoms over and above
above, following the definitions of Naragon-Gainey baseline symptoms (Boelen et al., 2010). Other
et al. (2017, cf. pp 389-390; presented in square experiential avoidance strategies, e.g., thought
brackets below) and established definitions for the suppression, showed large positive associations
additional strategies. In this section, we distinguish with CG symptoms concurrently and longitudinally
in surveys (Eisma et al., 2013; Harper et al., 2014;
1 Terhorst & Mitchell, 2012; for a null-result see:
Given that multiple ER strategies are included in some studies, the total
N does not add up to 64. Coelho et al., 2016).
Table 1
Quality Assessment of Included Studies
Study (authors, date) Criterion 1: Criterion 2: Criterion 3: Criterion 4: Criterion 5: Criterion 6: Total score
Control group Sample characteristics Study design ER measure CG measure ER-CG results, (6 =highest quality
effect size given assessment)
Boelen (2007) N Y N Y Y Y 4
Boelen (2009) N Y N Y Y Y 4
Boelen (2010a) N Y N Y Y N 3
Boelen (2010b) N Y N Y Y Y 4
Boelen (2012) N Y N Y Y N 3
Boelen, de Keijser, and Smid (2015) N Y N Y Y N 3
Boelen et al. (2007) N Y Y Y Y Y 5
Boelen, de Keijser, van den Hout, and van den Bout (2011) N Y Y Y Y N 4
Boelen and Eisma (2015) N Y Y Y Y Y 5
Boelen and Klugkist (2011) N Y N Y Y N 3
Boelen and Reijntjes (2008) N Y N Y Y Y 4
Boelen, Reijntjes, and Smid (2016) N Y Y Y Y Y 5
Boelen, Keijsers, and van den Hout (2012) N Y Y Y Y N 4
Boelen and van den Bout (2002) N Y N Y Y Y 4
Boelen and van den Bout (2010) N Y N Y Y Y 4
Boelen, van den Bout, and van den Hout (2006) N Y Y Y Y Y 5
Boelen, van den Bout, and van den Hout (2010) N Y Y Y Y Y 5
Boelen and van den Hout (2008) N Y N Y Y N 3
Bonanno, Keltner, Holen, and Horowitz (1995) N Y Y N N N 2
Bryant et al. (2017) [follow-up to Bryant et al., 2014; so earlier article Y Y Y Y Y Y 6
not reported here]
Burton et al. (2011) Y Y N Y Y N 4
Chukwuorji, Ifeagwazi, and Eze (2018) N Y N Y Y Y 4
Coelho, Delalibera, and Barbosa (2016) N Y Y N Y N 3
Davis, Deane, and Lyons (2016) N Y N Y Y Y 4
Delespaux, Ryckebosch-Dayez, Heeren, and Zech (2013) N Y N N Y Y 3
Delespaux and Zech (2015) N Y N Y Y Y 4
Doering, Barke, Friehs, and Eisma (2018) N Y N Y Y Y 4
Dyregrov, Nordanger, and Dyregrov (2003) N Y N N Y Y 3
emotion regulation in complicated grief

Eisma, Boelen, Schut, and Stroebe (2017) N Y Y Y Y Y 5

Eisma et al. (2013) N Y Y Y Y Y 5
Eisma, Schut, et al. (2014) N Y Y Y Y N 4
Eisma, Stroebe, et al. (2014) N Y N Y Y Y 4
Eisma, Boelen, et al. (2015) Y Y Y Y Y Y 6
Eisma, Rinck, et al. (2015) N Y Y Y Y N 4
Eisma, Schut, et al. (2015) N Y Y Y Y Y 5
Gander, Schiestl, Dahlbender, Ronel, and Buchheim (2018) Y Y Y Y Y Y 6
(continued on next page)
Table 1 (continued)
Study (authors, date) Criterion 1: Criterion 2: Criterion 3: Criterion 4: Criterion 5: Criterion 6: Total score
Control group Sample characteristics Study design ER measure CG measure ER-CG results, (6= highest quality

effect size given assessment)

Glickman, Shear, and Wall (2017) Y N Y Y Y N 4
Gupta and Bonanno (2011) Y Y Y N N N 3
Harper, O’Connor, and O’Carroll (2014) N Y N N Y Y 3
Hershenberg, Paulson, Gros, & Acierno (2015) N N Y Y Y Y 4
Johnsen, Dyregrov, Matthiesen, and Laberg (2018) N Y Y Y Y Y 5
Kaplow et al. (2013) N Y N Y Y Y 4
Knowles and O'Connor (2015) N Y N Y Y N 3
Lenferink, Wessel, and Boelen (2018) N Y N Y Y Y 4
Lichtenthal and Cruess (2010) Y N Y Y Y Y 5
Maccallum and Bryant (2010a) Y Y Y Y Y N 5
Maccallum and Bryant (2010b) Y Y Y Y Y Y 6
Maccallum, Sawday, Rinck, and Bryant (2015) Y Y Y Y Y N 5
Mancini and Bonanno (2012) Y N Y Y N N 3
Meert et al. (2010) N Y N Y Y Y 4
Meert et al. (2011) N Y Y Y Y Y 5
Follow-up of 2010 study
Monk, Houck, and Shear (2006) Y Y Y Y Y N 5
Morina (2011) N Y N Y Y Y 4
Nam (2016) N Y N Y Y Y 4
O’Connor and Arizmendi (2013) Y N Y Y Y N 4
Pohlkamp, Kreicbergs, Prigerson, and Sveen (2018) N Y N Y Y Y 4
Schneck et al. (2018) N Y Y Y Y N 4
Shear et al. (2007) N Y N Y Y Y 4
Stahl and Schulz (2018) N Y N Y Y Y 4
eisma & stroebe

Tang, Eisma, Li, & Chow (2019) N Y N Y Y Y 4

Terhorst and Mitchell (2012) N Y N Y Y Y 4
van der Houwen, Stroebe, Schut, Stroebe, and van den Bout N Y Y N Y N 3
Yu et al. (2017) N Y Y Y Y N 4
Note: Assessment of quality is based on study design characteristics, derived from 6 columns in Appendix B (l-r, from 2nd column), range = 0-6. Y = yes; N=no. Details of the rated criteria: 1. Inclusion
of control group: includes bereaved control groups. 2. Detailed sample characteristics: Y = all details included or only one “not given”; N= two or more “not given”. 3. Study design: Y =longitudinal
correlational (longitudinal surveys, open trials, secondary analyses of RCTs), quasi-experimental evidence (laboratory studies with a control group) and causal evidence (RCTs), N= cross-sectional
surveys. 4. ER measure: Y =established / often used / validated measure or lab tasks / treatment; N =not established etc. measure. 5. CG measure: as for ER measure. 6. ER-CG results, Y =effect
size given
emotion regulation in complicated grief 241

Loss-Related Experiential Avoidance behavioral avoidance of social, occupational, and

Surveys demonstrated moderate to large positive recreational activities, also termed depressive
relationships between loss-related cognitive avoid- avoidance (Boelen & van den Bout, 2010).
ance (e.g., memory avoidance; thought suppres-
sion) and CG symptoms concurrently (Boelen et al., Loss-Related Behavioral Avoidance
2015; Boelen & Eisma, 2015; Boelen & van den Three surveys studied behavioral avoidance of loss-
Bout, 2010; Eisma et al., 2013), and longitudinally related objects or situations. Shear et al. (2007)
(Eisma et al., 2013), also while controlling for showed that the avoidance of objects, situations,
baseline symptoms (Boelen & Eisma, 2015). Other and activities that may remind one of the loss had
investigations, assessing multiple types of loss- small to moderate positive associations with CG
related avoidance (mostly experiential) with one symptoms. Meert et al. (2010, 2011) also showed
generic measure and CG symptoms, demonstrated small concurrent and longitudinal associations
large positive associations between these constructs between such avoidance behavior and CG symp-
concurrently and longitudinally (Boelen, 2009; toms. However, Meert et al. (2011) also supported
Boelen, 2010a; Boelen & Klugkist, 2011; Boelen, a negative association between reductions on
van den Bout, & van den Hout, 2006). generic measure of loss-avoidance and reductions
However, some surveys yielded contrasting in CG symptoms between 6 and 18 months post-
results. One cross-sectional survey demonstrated a loss. In another survey, avoidance of loss-related
negative concurrent association between loss- situations were unrelated to CG symptoms (Boelen
related thought suppression and CG symptoms & van den Hout, 2008).
(Boelen & van den Hout, 2008), and one study did There is also a growing literature reporting quasi-
not find an incremental predictive value of loss- experimental laboratory studies of behavioral avoid-
related avoidance longitudinally, over and above ance of loss-related cues, but despite the promise of
baseline CG levels (Boelen, van den Bout, & van insight from this type of study, results are thus far
den Hout, 2006). Similarly, a small-scale laborato- inconclusive (and effect sizes often small or not
ry study with a longitudinal follow-up suggested reported). A series of Stroop tasks demonstrated
long-term adaptiveness of early emotional avoid- longer reaction times when color naming loss-related
ance (Bonanno et al., 1995). In this study, negative words (vs. non-loss words) and the deceased name
dissociation (i.e., low reported emotionality during (vs. name other attachment figures) for people with
an interview about the deceased and high heart rate CG versus people without CG (Maccallum &
responsivity) scores at 6 months post-loss were Bryant, 2010a; O’Connor & Arizmendi, 2013;
linked with lower (b median) CG symptoms both at Schneck et al., 2018: for a different result with a
6 and 14 months post-loss. more complex task, see Mancini & Bonanno, 2012).
A secondary analysis of an RCT demonstrated Two studies to date used an Approach Avoidance
that pre-post reductions in cognitive-loss-related Task to assess the relation between implicit behav-
avoidance related positively to pre-post CG symp- ioral approach and avoidance of loss-related cues
tom reduction in CBT (Boelen et al., 2011). Three (e.g., picture funeral; Maccallum et al., 2015) and
RCTs provided causal evidence for a role of loss- loss-reality cues (i.e., picture deceased + loss word;
related experiential avoidance in CG. Exposure Eisma, Rinck, et al., 2015) and CG symptoms.
treatments, including exercises to confront oneself Maccallum et al. (2015) found that people with CG
with thoughts about permanence of separation pushed grief stimuli more slowly than non-CG
from the deceased, reduced CG symptoms relative participants, and that people with CG were faster
to waitlist and active control groups, yielding large at pulling grief stimuli towards them than pushing
effects (Boelen et al., 2007; Eisma, Boelen, et al., them away. However, this study did not show that
2015), and more effectively reduced CG symptoms the CG group had significantly larger differences
when added to cognitive behavioral treatment between push-pull difference scores than the non-CG
(CBT) than CBT alone (Bryant et al., 2014; group. Eisma, Rinck, et al. (2015) similarly reported
Bryant et al., 2017). null-results regarding the relation between this push-
pull difference score and CG symptoms, in a
Behavioral Avoidance regression analysis also controlling for age and
Behavioral avoidance [avoiding external stimuli rumination levels. Yu et al. (2017) further showed
(e.g., situations, people, places) that evoke unwant- that a group with high CG symptoms (vs. low CG
ed emotions] has been investigated in two ways, symptom group) was slower to respond to death-
namely, by investigating overt behavioral avoid- related (vs. living-related) words in subliminal and
ance of loss-related stimuli, which we will term loss- supraliminal tasks, indicating that people with CG
related behavioral avoidance, and by studying showed relative avoidance of death-related words.
242 eisma & stroebe

Gander et al. (2018) also showed that looking away Rumination

from a cemetery picture during an interview was The association between different types of rumina-
associated with CG. However, Eisma, Schut, et al. tion (repetitively thinking about the experience,
(2014) found no convincing evidence for a role of CG causes, and consequences of negative emotion in a
symptoms in attentional avoidance of loss-reality passive manner) and CG symptoms has also been
stimuli over and above grief rumination levels in an frequently investigated. The trait tendency to
eye-tracking task. engage in ruminative self-focus is concurrently
Contrasting these mixed findings, secondary and longitudinally moderately positively associated
analyses of RCTs have consistently demonstrated with CG symptoms (Eisma, Stroebe, et al., 2014;
a potential role of behavioral loss-related avoidance Eisma et al., 2013; Morina, 2011; Tang, Eisma, Li,
in CG. Pre-post treatment changes in situational loss- & Chow, 2019), but did not predict CG symptoms
related avoidance were associated with pre-post over a year when controlling for baseline symptoms
treatment changes of CG in CBT (Boelen et al., (Eisma et al., 2013).
2011). Similarly, pre-to-post treatment changes in Depressive rumination (thinking repetitively
loss-related behavioral avoidance was an independent about causes and consequences of depressive
mediator (while controlling for mediators guilt, self- symptoms) is higher in bereaved people with
blame, and negative cognitions) of the pre-post probable CG compared to those without
treatment changes in CG in CBT (vs. interpersonal (Delespaux & Zech, 2015). The depressive rumi-
psychotherapy; Glickman et al., 2017). nation subtype brooding generally shows moderate
to large positive concurrent and longitudinal
Depressive Avoidance associations with CG symptoms, whereas such
Depressive avoidance was investigated in 10 studies. associations are small or nonsignificant for reflec-
Surveys demonstrated moderate to large positive tion (Boelen et al., 2012; Boelen et al., 2016;
associations between depressive avoidance and CG Doering et al., 2018; Eisma, Stroebe, et al., 2014;
symptoms concurrently (Boelen, 2012; Boelen et al., Eisma, Schut, et al., 2015; Lenferink et al., 2018). In
2015; Boelen & Eisma, 2015; Boelen & van den Bout, one longitudinal study, brooding was no longer
2010; Eisma et al., 2013) and longitudinally (Eisma associated with CG symptoms longitudinally, after
et al., 2013). However, in a longitudinal analysis controlling for baseline CG symptoms and various
controlling for baseline symptoms and loss-related cognitive and personality variables (Boelen et al.,
avoidance, depressive avoidance did not predict CG 2016). Another study demonstrated that both
symptoms (Boelen & Eisma, 2015). reflection and brooding were both negatively
Relatedly, one cross-sectional survey with multiple associated with CG symptoms 6 to 12 months
samples demonstrated moderate to large positive later when controlling for background characteris-
association between seeking social isolation and CG tics, neuroticism, and baseline symptoms (Eisma,
symptoms (Dyregrov et al., 2003). Engaging in Schut, et al., 2015).
pleasurable social activities (e.g., sports, visiting Grief rumination (repetitive thinking about the
friends) was negatively related to CG symptoms causes and consequences of the loss) was also
(Stahl & Schulz, 2018). In a 2-week diary investiga- higher in people with higher (vs. lower) CG
tion of activity patterns, it was demonstrated that symptom levels with a large effect size (Doering
bereaved people with CG on average had less days et al., 2018) and vice versa, high grief ruminators
they had contact with others, had breakfast, lunch, or demonstrate higher CG symptom levels than low
dinner, started work, went outside, napped or had an grief ruminators (Eisma, Schut, et al., 2014). Grief
evening snack (Monk et al., 2006). rumination and its subtypes generally show moderate
Last, two trials shed some light on the relation- to large positive associations with CG symptoms
ship between depressive avoidance and CG symp- concurrently and longitudinally (Boelen, 2012; Boelen
toms. An open trial of behavioral activation among & van den Hout, 2008; Doering et al., 2018; Eisma
20 people with elevated CG symptoms, temporal et al., 2013; Eisma, Schut, et al., 2015; Johnsen et al.,
reductions were observed in CG symptoms, but 2018; Pohlkamp et al., 2018; Tang et al., 2019; van
these changes were unrelated to changes in activity der Houwen et al., 2010). In one study, grief
patterns (Hershenberg, Paulson, Gros, & Acierno, rumination was related to CG symptoms, even when
2015). Causal evidence for a role of depressive controlling for baseline symptoms (but this effect was
avoidance in CG was provided in an RCT of Eisma, marginally significant; Eisma et al., 2013). Similarly,
Boelen, et al. (2015), which demonstrated in an grief rumination about injustice and social relation-
intention-to-treat analysis that a module of behav- ships predicted higher CG symptoms, whereas
ioral activation led to large reductions of CG rumination about emotional reactions predicted
symptoms relative to a waitlist group. lower CG symptoms in a multivariate longitudinal
emotion regulation in complicated grief 243

analysis, controlling for baseline symptoms, back- small positive association between deliberate rumi-
ground characteristics, and neuroticism (Eisma, nation (a process measure of meaning making) and
Schut, et al., 2015). CG symptoms in an African bereaved sample.
RCTs on CBT further demonstrated the impor- Terhorst and Mitchell (2012) found nonsignificant
tance of rumination by showing that CBT treat- relationships between positive reinterpretation and
ments yield moderate to large effects on grief CG symptoms in a small-scale survey. Causal
rumination and depressive rumination (Boelen evidence was found in an RCT by Lichtenthal and
et al., 2011; Eisma, Boelen, et al., 2015). A Cruess (2010), who showed that increasing finding
secondary analysis of the effects CBT further benefits in the loss decreased CG symptoms more
demonstrated that pre-post changes in grief rumi- strongly than a waitlist.
nation were associated with pre-post CG symptom
Problem Solving
change (Boelen et al., 2011).
Two studies shed light on the relation between
Worry problem solving (attempts to actively modify an
The relationship between worry (repetitive, nega- undesirable situation or its consequences) and CG
tive thoughts and images about the future) and CG symptoms. One small-scale cross-sectional survey
symptoms was examined in three surveys that did not find a positive association between a
showed moderate positive associations between tendency to engage in planful problem solving
worry and CG symptoms concurrently and longi- and CG symptoms (Terhorst & Mitchell, 2012).
tudinally (Boelen, 2010b; Boelen et al., 2016; Eisma However, a quasi-experiment demonstrated that
et al., 2017). One longitudinal study demonstrated bereaved people with CG (vs. without) performed
that worry predicted CG symptoms over and above poorer on social problem-solving ability assessed
baseline symptoms and background variables with the Means-End Problem Solving Task
(Eisma et al., 2017). Boelen et al. (2016) showed (Maccallum & Bryant, 2010b).
that worry was associated with CG symptoms
Other ER Strategies
concurrently and longitudinally, but no longer
The relationships between other ER strategies and
when controlling for background variables, intol-
CG symptoms were studied too infrequently to
erance of uncertainty, neuroticism and depressive
warrant detailed consideration (but for a small-
rumination (and baseline symptoms in longitudinal
scale multivariate approach, see Terhorst &
Mitchell, 2012). However, based on Naragon-
Positive Repetitive Thought Gainey et al.’s (2017) selection of ER strategies,
Positive repetitive thought styles (including positive the negative association between mindfulness (an
rumination, repetitive thought about positive emo- open awareness of the present moment without
tion, and trait tendencies to enhance or dampen evaluation) and CG symptoms found in one recent
positive affect) and CG symptoms were assessed in large-scale survey is notable (Tang et al., 2019).
three studies. Moderate negative associations were Moreover, expressive suppression (inhibiting the
found between general positive thought, positive outward expression of an emotion) was concur-
thought on daily functioning, self-evaluation, rently positively associated with CG symptoms in a
others’ evaluation of self, future expectations, and small cross-sectional survey (Kaplow et al., 2013).
social functioning, and CG symptoms (Boelen,
Dynamic ER Constructs
2007). Another study showed moderate negative
While not the explicit focus of the present review, it
associations between general positive thought and
warrants mention that four studies specifically
CG symptoms (Boelen & van den Bout, 2002).
aimed to investigate dynamic interrelations be-
Lenferink et al. (2018) showed that enhancing
tween ER strategies and CG symptoms. Multiple
positive emotions had a small negative association
cross-sectional surveys assessed if coping flexibility
with CG symptoms, while dampening of positive
(assessed as a balance between self-reported coping
emotions had a small positive association with CG
with loss-related stressors and coping with
symptoms. Enhancing but not dampening was
restoration-related stressors) was associated with
significantly associated with CG symptoms over and
CG symptoms. Loss-related stressors are those to
above sociodemographic variables and brooding.
do with the loss of the close person; restoration-
Cognitive Reappraisal related stressors refer to stressful changes in
Two surveys investigated strategies akin to cogni- ongoing life, matters that also have to be dealt
tive reappraisal (changing one’s perspective or with besides the bereavement itself. A comparative
interpretation to recognize positive aspects of a study by Burton et al. (2011) showed that bereaved
situation). Chukwuorji et al. (2018) demonstrated a people with CG report coping less with restoration-
244 eisma & stroebe

oriented stressors, and show less coping flexibility sectional surveys. The same picture emerged from
than bereaved people without CG and nonbereaved longitudinal surveys. However, longitudinal asso-
married participants. Similarly, Knowles and ciations between experiential avoidance and CG
O'Connor (2015) found that less restoration- sometimes did (Boelen & Eisma, 2015), and
oriented coping and coping flexibility were related sometimes did not (Boelen et al., 2010) hold when
to higher CG symptoms, and Delespaux et al. controlling for baseline symptoms. Particularly
(2013) reported that using more loss- versus notable was the finding that multiple RCTs showed
restoration-oriented coping showed a large positive that exposure to cognitively avoided aspects of the
association with CG symptoms. loss strongly reduced CG symptoms relative to
Relatedly, Gupta and Bonanno (2011) demon- active or inactive control groups (Boelen et al.,
strated that bereaved people with CG showed less 2007; Bryant et al., 2014, 2017; Eisma, Boelen,
emotional flexibility (enhancing or suppressing et al., 2015). The evidence for a role of experiential
emotional expression) compared to bereaved peo- avoidance in CG can therefore be regarded as
ple without CG and a nonbereaved married group. strong.
That is, people with CG appeared relatively less Complementing these results is the strong evi-
emotionally flexible while watching evocative dence for positive relations between grief rumina-
pictures. tion, a process which serves an avoidant function
(e.g., Eisma et al., 2013), and CG. Grief rumination
Discussion was also generally consistently associated with CG
In this review, we set out to establish the state of in cross-sectional surveys and longitudinal surveys
knowledge about the role of ER strategies in (even when controlling for baseline symptoms;
relation to CG. The clinical importance of this Eisma et al., 2013; Eisma, Schut, et al., 2015),
endeavor cannot be underestimated, because— and RCTs demonstrated that exposure for CG
unlike other variables that impact on post-loss causes reductions in rumination (Boelen et al.,
adjustment (e.g., the circumstances of death)—such 2007; Eisma, Boelen, et al., 2015). Moreover,
strategies are potentially changeable and amenable reductions in grief rumination were related to
to intervention. A first main finding was that all treatment effects on CG symptoms in such trials
frequently studied ER strategies identified by (Boelen et al., 2011).
Naragon-Gainey et al. (2017) had been studied in Results were less conclusive regarding links
relation to CG. Only the relationship between between trait rumination and depressive rumina-
distraction and CG was not explicitly considered. A tion and CG. Despite generally consistent cross-
second main finding was that, with a few notable sectional and longitudinal associations for trait
exceptions, associations between ER strategies and rumination and depressive rumination with CG, no
CG symptoms were in the expected direction. studies yet demonstrated that longitudinal associa-
Putative maladaptive ER strategies (e.g., experien- tions in expected directions exist when controlling
tial avoidance, behavioral avoidance, expressive for baseline symptoms. Moreover, only one RCT
suppression, rumination, and worry) were general- demonstrated that exposure (vs. waitlist) reduced
ly positively associated with CG symptoms, where- depressive rumination (Eisma, Boelen, et al., 2015).
as putative adaptive ER strategies (e.g., problem Fewer studies were available on the related strategy
solving, cognitive reappraisal and mindfulness) of worry, yet we found some evidence for concur-
were generally negatively associated with CG rent and longitudinal associations with CG. Worry
symptoms. Additionally, positive repetitive thought predicted symptoms longitudinally over and above
and emotional and coping flexibility were investi- baseline symptoms in one study (Eisma et al.,
gated in relation to CG. Positive thought, enhancing 2017), yet not in another (Boelen et al., 2016).
positive affect, and emotional and coping flexibility Loss-related behavioral avoidance (i.e., avoid-
were negatively associated with CG, yet dampening ance of loss-related cues) was concurrently and
positive affect was positively related to CG. longitudinally positively related to CG symptoms in
What does the review reveal about specific ER surveys (although no longitudinal analyses demon-
strategies and their link with CG? Avoidance strated that it predicted residual symptom change).
strategies have received most empirical attention. Secondary pre-post change analyses of RCTs also
Experiential avoidance, both as a general process supported the importance of behavioral loss avoid-
(i.e., cognitive and emotional strategies to avoid ance in the treatment of CG (e.g., Glickman et al.,
unwanted internal stimuli) and as loss-related 2017). However, laboratory studies have yielded
avoidance (i.e., avoidance of loss-related thoughts, equivocal findings on avoidance of loss-related cues
emotions and memories), was strongly and gener- and CG, sometimes yielding positive associations
ally consistently associated with CG in cross- (Gander et al., 2018; Yu et al., 2017), sometimes
emotion regulation in complicated grief 245

null-results (Eisma, Rinck, et al., 2015), and ducted. Findings are in line with contemporary
sometimes negative associations (Maccallum theories that posit that avoidance strategies perpet-
et al., 2015). One explanation for these mixed uate CG (e.g., Boelen, van den Hout, & van den
findings is methodological: cues that people with CG Bout, 2006; Shear et al., 2007). Clinically, it
avoid are often highly idiosyncratic, as they are supports the use of specific cognitive-behavioral
interlinked with one’s personal experiences (e.g., techniques that target loss-related avoidance strat-
avoiding looking at pictures of the deceased from the egies, such as exposure, or those that aim to reduce
holiday before the death). Therefore, identifying the behavioral avoidance of activities, such as behav-
optimal cues to use in experiments on approach and ioral activation. However, evidence for a role of
avoidance tendencies in group-based experiments is behavioral loss avoidance in CG is mixed. Research
difficult. Relatedly, loss-related approach behaviors on coping flexibility, and putative adaptive ER
(e.g., proximity seeking to the deceased) may strategies such as positive thinking, cognitive
paradoxically serve to avoid the reality of the loss reappraisal, problem solving, and mindfulness in
(cf. Field, Gal-Oz, & Bonanno, 2003), which makes CG have not gone beyond establishing cross-
it difficult to develop laboratory tasks that uniquely sectional associations.
assess avoidance behavior most typical to CG. Some limitations and conceptual issues should be
A qualitatively different avoidance strategy con- considered. First, while associations between ER
cerns the behavioral avoidance of social, recrea- strategies and CG symptomatology were demon-
tional, and professional activities, which related strated, temporal precedence and causality in these
concurrently with CG symptoms in most surveys, relationships has not been established for the
yet not always longitudinally when controlling for majority of ER strategies. These strategies may
baseline symptoms. Activity patterns also appear to thus be consequences rather than causes of CG.
be different for people with CG. An open trial and Testing temporal precedence and causality in ER-
an RCT further provided evidence that behavioral CG relations is a major task for future research.
activation reduces CG symptoms. Second, since this is the first systematic review of
Putative adaptive ER strategies have received the relationships between ER strategies in CG, we
considerably less attention, so strong conclusions wished to be comprehensive. This led us to use a
cannot be drawn. Nevertheless, positive thought, broad definition of emotion regulatory strategies
cognitive reappraisal, problem solving, and mind- (including automatic and controlled, and conscious
fulness were mostly associated negatively with CG and unconscious processes). For the same reason,
in cross-sectional surveys tentatively supporting we decided to include all study types and designs, as
their proposed adaptive effects. long as the studies shed light on an ER-CG
Last, despite the long-standing prominence of relationship. However, this decision comes at a
coping flexibility theories within bereavement cost: the considerable variability in our study set
research (Burton et al., 2011; Stroebe & Schut, restricts our opportunities to conduct a meta-
1999), we only identified three studies specifically analysis. Had we chosen a more narrow definition
examining coping flexibility (and one examining of ER strategies, or had we set out to be less
the related construct of emotion flexibility) in comprehensive in our scope, then this may have led
relation to CG. Since these three studies were to the inclusion of different ER strategies in our
surveys, they could not provide a stringent empir- review or to a different presentation of our results.
ical test of the idea that flexible use of specific ER Third, despite our broad scope, inclusion criteria
strategies to different stressor types, occurring in were strict. For example, research on some con-
certain contexts, may contribute to CG. Instead, they structs, although frequently investigated, could not
demonstrated that an imbalance in coping with a be considered, as they had not been assessed
predominant focus on loss-related stressors as opposed appropriately. To illustrate, while meaning making
to restoration stressors, related positively to CG. and benefit finding could be considered processes
In summary, the available evidence strongly involving cognitive reappraisal, researchers com-
supported a role for experiential avoidance and monly assess them as “meaning made” or “benefit
(grief-related) rumination in perpetuation and found.” Since these constructs are outcomes of
treatment of CG. Behavioral avoidance of activities applying an ER strategy, yet not the ER strategy
was causally related to CG symptoms in treatment itself, these studies could not be included.
trials, but longitudinal analyses did not consistently Fourth, bereaved adult women from western
demonstrate temporal precedence in this ER-CG countries recruited through convenience sampling
relationship. Similarly, one longitudinal survey from the general community were overrepresented
supported that worry precedes CG symptoms, but in the included studies, potentially limiting the
causal studies of this relationship were not con- generalizability of findings. Relatedly, the majority
246 eisma & stroebe

of studies used a version of the ICG (Prigerson et al., American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and
1995) to assess CG, and this instrument does not statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5 (5th ed.).
Washington, DCAmerican Psychiatric Association. https://
assess all current criteria for ICD-11 PGD and doi.org/10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.
DSM-5 PCBD. Future research should thus estab- x00diagnosticclassification
lish if the results from this review apply to people Boelen, P. A. (2007). Psychometric Properties of the Dutch
with these disorders. version of the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire–Positive
Suggestions for future research directions emerge (ATQ–P). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 36(1), 23–33.
from the limitations. To clarify temporal relationships Boelen, P. A. (2009). The centrality of a loss and its role in
between ER strategies and CG we recommend emotional problems among bereaved people. Behaviour
intensive longitudinal studies, including diary-based Research and Therapy, 47(7), 616–622. https://doi.org/10.
approaches, applying cross-lagged analyses. To estab- 1016/j.brat.2009.03.009
lish causality, treatment-component randomized con- Boelen, P. A. (2010a). A sense of ‘unrealness’ about the death of
a loved-one: An exploratory study of its role in emotional
trolled trials, and laboratory experiments, in which complications among bereaved individuals. Applied Cogni-
specific ER strategies are manipulated and (state) CG tive Psychology, 24(2), 238–251. https://doi.org/10.1002/
symptoms are used as dependent variables, are acp.1557
recommended. Furthermore, we advocate the use of Boelen, P. A. (2010b). Intolerance of uncertainty and emotional
validated ER measures, and new CG measures, that distress following the death of a loved one. Anxiety, Stress,
& Coping, 23(4), 471–478. https://doi.org/10.1080/
assess the most current criteria for ICD-11 and DSM-5 10615800903494135
grief disorders. Other directions for future research Boelen, P. A. (2012). Variables mediating the linkage between
include further examination of putative adaptive loss centrality and postloss psychopathology. Journal of
emotion regulation strategies and clarifying Nervous and Mental Disease, 200(9), 801–806. https://doi.
the temporal relations between ER strategies and org/10.1097/nmd.0b013e318266ba02
Boelen, P. A., de Keijser, J., & Smid, G. (2015). Cognitive–
interactions between different ER strategies on CG behavioral variables mediate the impact of violent loss on
symptoms. post-loss psychopathology. Psychological Trauma: Theory,
Research, Practice, and Policy, 7(4), 382–390. https://doi.
Given recent developments in diagnostic hand- Boelen, P. A., de Keijser, J., van den Hout, M. A., & van den
books, we considered it timely to comprehensively Bout, J. (2007). Treatment of complicated grief: A compar-
review research on ER-CG relationships, providing ison between cognitive-behavioral therapy and supportive
counseling. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,
an overview of current knowledge to guide future 75(2), 277–284. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-006x.75.2.
research and practice. Despite the limitations in the 277
database, the take-home message is clear: On Boelen, P. A., de Keijser, J., van den Hout, M. A., & van den
balance, our review has shown that experiential Bout, J. (2011). Factors associated with outcome of
avoidance, (grief) rumination, and (to a lesser cognitive–behavioural therapy for complicated grief: A
preliminary study. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy,
extent) behavioral avoidance play a crucial part in 18(4), 284–291. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpp.720
the persistence and treatment of CG. Preliminary Boelen, P. A., & Eisma, M. C. (2015). Anxious and depressive
evidence emerged for potential roles of worry, avoidance behavior in post-loss psychopathology: A longi-
positive thought, cognitive reappraisal, problem tudinal study. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 28(5), 587–600.
solving, and mindfulness in CG. We consider it https://doi.org/10.1080/10615806.2015.1004054
Boelen, P. A., Keijsers, L., & van den Hout, M. A. (2012). The
critical to build on current knowledge, using role of self-concept clarity in prolonged grief disorder.
diverse, more advanced methodology, to enhance Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 200(1), 56–62.
our understanding of the ER mechanisms underly- https://doi.org/10.1097/nmd.0b013e31823e577f
ing CG. In our view, this is one of the most urgent Boelen, P. A., & Klugkist, I. (2011). Cognitive behavioral
aims for scientific investigation in the bereavement variables mediate the associations of neuroticism and
attachment insecurity with prolonged grief disorder severity.
field for the near future. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 24(3), 291–307. https://doi.org/
Supplementary data to this article can be found Boelen, P. A., Lenferink, L. I. M., & Smid, G. E. (2019). Further
online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beth.2020.04.004. evaluation of the factor structure, prevalence, and concur-
rent validity of DSM-5 criteria for Persistent Complex
Conflict of Interest Statement Bereavement Disorder and ICD-11 criteria for Prolonged
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest. Grief Disorder. Psychiatry Research, 273, 206–210. https://
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