Aristotle - On The Life-Bearing Spirit (De Spiritu)

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Aristotle, On the

Life-Bearing Spirit (De Spiritu)

A Discussion with Plato and his Predecessors on
Pneuma as the Instrumental Body of the Soul

Introduction, Translation, and Commentary by

Abraham ~ Bos and Rein Ferwerda


On the cover: Water, by Esther van't Land (2007). Published with the kind permission
of the artist.

This book is printed on acid-free paper.

Library of Congress Data

Bos, A. P.
Aristotle, On the life-bearing spirit (De spiritu) : a discussion with Plato and his
predecessors on pneuma as the instrumental body of the soul: introduction,
translation, and commentary / by Abraham P. Bos and Rein Ferwerda.
Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and indexes.
ISBN 978-90-04-16458-1 (hardback: alk. paper) l. Aristotle. De spiritu. 2. Soul.
3. Psychology. 4. Life. 5. Plato. Timaeus. I. Ferwerda, R. (Rein) 11. Title. Ill. Title:
On the life-bearing spirit (De spiritu).

B463.B67 2008


ISBN 978 90 04 16458 I

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The authors are grateful to the Netherlands Organization for Scientific
Research (NWO) for providing a grant towards an English translation.

List of Abbreviations IX

Introduction .

Translation 29


Chapter One 47

Chapter Two 71

Chapter Three 91

Chapter Four 101

Chapter Five 113

Chapter Six 141

Chapter Seven 153

Chapter Eight 163

Chapter Nine 173

De partibus animalium I 1, 642a31-b4 189

Bibliography........ 197

Index Locorum 201

Index Nominum 208

Anim. De anima On the soul

E.JY. Ethica Nicomachea Nicomachean Ethics
Eudem. Eudemus* Eudemus or On the sout*
G.A. De generatione animalium Generation if animals
H.A. Histona animalium Histona animalium
I.A. De incessu animalium Progression if animals
Iuv. De iuventute On youth and old age
Long. De longitudine vitae On length if life
MA. De motu animalium Movement if animals
Metaph. Metaphysica Metaphysics
Meteor. Meteorologica Meteorology
Mund. De mundo On the cosmos
EA. De partibus animalium Parts if animals
Phaedr. Phaedrus Phaedrus
Philos. De philosophia * On philosophy *
PI. Plato Plato
Pol. Politica Politics
Probl. Problemata Problems
Resp. De respiratione On respiration
Rhet. ad Alex. Rhetonca ad Alexandrum Rhetonc to Alexander
Sens. De sensibus On sense and sensible objects
Spir. De spintu On the life beanng spint
Somn. De somno On sleeping and waking
Tim. Timaeus Timaeus

The Aristotelian Corpus includes a work entitled 'Peri pneumatos', usu-

ally cited by its Latin title 'De spiritu'. References to this text are rare
in the modern era. Aristotle's authorship has been almost generally
denied since the 15th century. 1 The only exception to prove the rule
is r Gohlke. 2
The Greek text of the work, fourteen pages in all, leaves much to
be desired. But the subject announced in the opening sentence may
arouse the reader's curiosity. We read there: 'The innate pneuma, how
does it maintain itself and grow?'3
The 'innate pneuma'4 is a central subject in Aristotle's biological works.
For living creatures this substance is often presented as being crucial
to the quality of their life, perception, mental activity, and physiologi-
cal vigour. According to a famous text in De generatione animalium II 3,
736b30-737a1, pneuma is already present in semen and is an analogue
of the astral element, which is responsible for the fertility and life-
generating power of semen. It seems natural to assume that there is

I Cf.]. Tricot (1951) v and ix; A. Roselli (1992) 17 (see n. 3 below).

2 P. Gohlke, Die Entstehung der Aristotelische Prinzipienlehre (Tiibingen 1949) 88; id.
Aristoteles, Kleine Schriften zur Seelenkunde (Paderborn 1947) 18 and 196. Gohlke does see
the work as uncompleted, a sketch, from Aristotle's final phase (21).
3 Spir. 1, 481 a 1: TiC; " tOU el-.up{rrou 1tVEUllatOC; OtaIlOvl) Kat tic; " aU~l'l(:nc;; Cf. Motu
animo 10, 703alO; luv. 6, 470a22 if.; Resp. 5, 472b7. For Spir. see Aristotelis De animalium
motione et De animalium lncessu; Pseudo-Aristotelis de Spiritu libeUus, ed. V.G.Jaeger (Leipzig
1913); the Works if Aristotle, transl. into English under the editorship of W.D. Ross,
vol. III (Oxford 1931) De spiritu by].F. Dobson (first edition 1914); Aristotle, On the soul;
Parva naturalia; On breath with an English trans!' by W.S. Hett (London 1936); Aristoteles,
Kleine Schriften zur Seelenkunde, iibers. von P. Gohlke (Paderborn 1947; repr. 1953); Aristote,
Parva naturalia suivis du Traiti Ps. -aristotilicien De spiritu, trad. nouvelle et notes par
]. Tricot (Paris 1951); ne Complete Works if Aristotle. ne Revised Oif(Jfd Translation ed.
by J. Barnes (Princeton 1984) vo!. 1 (As regards Spir. this edition is almost identical
to Dobson's 1914 edition); [Aristotele] De spiritu a cura di A. Roselli (Pisa 1992), with a
revised Greek text based on a collation of additional manuscripts and with a critical
apparatus, translation and commentary.
+ 'Innate' should not be mistaken to mean 'present from birth'. Spir. 5, 483a 13 notes
that though respiration starts at birth, nutrition and growth occur before birth, owing
to pneuma or vital heat. Pneuma is best left untranslated. If we must choose an English
equivalent, 'vital' or 'life-bearing spirit' is better than 'vital breath', because the latter
term suggests a connection with respiration. For the translation of the title we opted
for 'Life-Bearing Spirit'.

more pneuma in a fully grown living creature than in the semen through
which the creature was formed (or in the menstrual blood fertilized by
it). The obvious question then is: what maintains pneuma and how does
the volume of pneuma increase?
A generally acknowledged work by Aristotle also seems to have
underlined the interest of this theme. De motu animalium, in a section
which emphasizes the importance of pneuma in living creatures, contains
the following remark: 'How this innate pneuma is preserved has been set
out elsewhere.'5 The question is whether this refers to any particular
part of the Corpus.
Another intriguing feature of the De spiritu text is that it seems to say
that pneuma 'is connected with the soul'.6 But the author also says that
it 'is the vehicle of the soul in a primary sense'.7 These are remarkable
statements which compel us to ask: how does the position of De spiritu
relate to Aristotle's generally recognized doctrine of soul? In passing
the author also suggests that the innate pneuma is 'the primary mov-
ing cause'.8 His argument against the position that pneuma increases
through the process of respiration is completely in line with Aristotle's
method. He contends that there are also living creatures which do not

5 Motu animo 10, 703alO: 'ti~ ~Ev o-\)v ~ (JO)'tTlpia 'tOu (Ju~<pUtOU 1tVEu~a'to~, dPTltUl
EV &AJ..Ot~. E. Zeller, Die Philosophie der G-ritchen in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung, Zweiter
Teil, Zweite Abteilung, 'Aristoteles und die alten Peripatetiker' (Leipzig 4th ed. 1921;
repr. Hildesheim 1965) II 96 n. and 937-38 had denied De motu animalium to Aristotle
on account of this 'reference to De spiritu'. The passage is usually regarded as an aside
and put between brackets. In Jaeger's view the reference forms an interruption and
seems to duplicate 703a16: 'Whether the pneuma is always the same or is always chang-
ing must be discussed elsewhere' (1totEpoV ~Ev o-\)v tal>tov E(J'tt 'to 1tVEU~a ad il yiVE'tUl
aEl E'tEPOV, £(J't(J) a.J..Ao~ /..6yor,) (art. 1913; repr. 1960, p. 76). Cr. E.S. Forster (1937)
472; M.C. Nussbaum, Aristotle's De motu animalium. Text with translation, comm. and
interpretive essays (Princeton 1978; repr. 1985) 375. In De somno 2, 456a8 Aristotle
remarked: 'Nature has supplied both breathing and the power of cooling by moisture
with a view to the conservation of the heat in that part. This will later be discussed
separately' (to aVa1tVElV '1:E Kat t<1> UYP<1> Ka'ta",UXE<JSUl 1tpO~ yE tTtV (J(J)'tTlpiav 'tou EV
toutcp ~opicp SEP~OU ~ <pU(Jlr, 1tE1t0P1KEV' PTl8tl(JE'tUl OE 1tEpt autilr, U(J'tEpOV KaS' aimlv).
W.D. Ross, Aristotle, Paroa naturalia. A revised text with introd. and comm. (Oxford
1955) 260 connects this with Iuv. 14 and 19. Cf. also Resp. 6, 470a20: 'The assistance
which plants get through food and the surrounding air is sufficient for the preservation
of their natural heat' ('tolC; ~EV <pu'tolr, it bta 'tpo<pilr, Kat 'tOU 1tEP1EXOVtOr, ixavit yiVEtUl
po~9£ta 1tpor, tTtv tOU <pU(J1KOU SEP~OU (Jo)'tTlpiav).
6 Spir. 1, 48la16: Ka9apron:pov yap 0 Tfl 'I'uxn (J'\)~<PUEr,. Cr. also 9, 485bl3: 'Therefore
it is not incorrect to identify it with them' (b\.01tEP ou KaKWs dr, 'tautov), referring to
the unity of the soul and pneuma as its instrument.
7 Spir. 5, 483b10: 'to 1tprotOV OEKtlKOV ",UXllr,. Cr. also 3, 482b23.
8 SpiT. 2, 481bl7: to 1tpro'tov K1VOUV. Cf. 8, 485a7: 'to 1tVEU~a 'to KtVll'ttKov.

breathe (but which do possess pneuma).9 Also,S, 483b24 seems to refer

to the Anatomies, a source which Aristotle often cites in his biological
works. lo Such references are found only in Aristotle's work. I I But in 3,
482b8 the author also says: 'Therefore we must, as we said, look at
respiration, the purpose for which it takes place and for which parts
and how.' The words 'as we said' may well refer back to De respiratione
3, 471 b26-29.

2. What was known about De spiritu in Antiquiry?

The title of a work 'On pneuma' is absent in the Greek lists of Aristotle's
writings l2 but it is mentioned in the Arabic catalogue of Ptolemy el-
Garib. Some modern authors believe that Galen and Pliny may have
referred to De spiritu. 13

9 SpiT. 2, 482a8; 482a22.

10 Cf. W.D. Ross, Paroa natuTalia (1955) 264: 'References in A. to aVatOllat are
frequent. Sometimes the reference is to actual dissections (De Juu. 474b9; 478a27; De
Part. 677a9; De Gen. An. 746a22, 764a35, 771 b32, 779a8); in other cases the reference
is to the record of dissections in a work now lost (e.g..... Hist. Anim. 497a32; cf. ibid.
525a9, 566a15, De Gen. An. 746aI5).' See also n. 11 below.
11 Curiously, this passage represents the position of others, so that it seems in SpiT.
that Aristotle's opponents are citing material from the Anatomies. For W. Jaeger, 'Das
Pneuma im Lykeion', Hermes 48 (1913) 29-74; reprinted in id. Scripta minora (Roma
1960) 57-102, repr. p. 62, it is unthinkable that a later pupil of Aristotle would refer
to the Metaphysics, as in Motu animo 1, 698a7, but he makes light of the idea that such a
'handbook' would have been cited by a later author. Note, however, that 5, 483b22-23
says that the aTteria contains moisture. This seems to imply that a corpse has been
observed. If it is then said that 'EK trov aVatOllrov is clear', we could specifically relate
this to the dissection of corpses.
12 W. Jaeger (art. 1913; repr. 1960) 77 observes that De motu animalium occurs in
Resychius (no. 156) and Ptolemy (no. 41), but SpiT. does not. However, as A. Roselli
(1992) 13 n. 1 indicated, a De spiritu in three books is mentioned in the Arabic cata-
logue ascribed to Ptolemy e1-Garib, no. 24 in the numbering according to the new
Arabic manuscript found in Istanbul and presented in C. Rein, Definition und Einteilung
do Philosophie. Von do spiitantiken EinleitungsliteratuT ZUT arabischen En:::;yklopiidie (Frankfurt
am Main/Bern/New York 1985) 388-439. P. Moraux, Les listes anciennes des ouvTages
d'Aristote (Louvain 1951) 294 notes of SpiT.: 'L'ouvrage (en un seullivre) est bien issu
de l'ecole peripateticienne, mais il est surement postaristotelicien. L'auteur fait montre
de connaissances d'ordre anatomique et medical qui permettent de le situer vers le
milieu du 3< siede avant J.-C.' See also p. 300.
13 cr. Galen, De simpl. med. temp. etftc. V 9 (XI 730,16 ff., ed. G.c. Kuhn): 'But we

must recognize that the vital heat is meant, which we also call pneuma in all animals.
Aristotle has written about this' (aA.A.' Ttllo.<; XPl, ... ytyvroaKEtV EIlCPUtov dpilcreat 9EPIlOV,
01tEP Kat 1tVEUlla EKacr'tqJ 'tmv S</JOlV ovollasollEv, \mEp of> Kat f\ptcrtO't€A.ll<; eypa'l'EV),

3. What has been said about De spiritu in the modern era?

In his well-known 1913 article W Jaeger also discusses De spiritU. 14 But

first he outlines Aristotle's doctrine of pneuma, which he believes to be
the earliest identifiable representative of the doctrine of an innate pneuma
(p. 71): 'Alle Lebewesen besitzen angeborenes Pneuma, in ihm wurzelt
ihre Lebenskraft' (p. 74). This also applies to De motu animalium.
Briefly summarizing the contents of De spiritu, he stresses how inco-
herent its composition is. The opening question of De spiritu-how
does the innate pneuma maintain itself and grow?-is dealt with rather
tentatively in the first two chapters (p. 86). The author then goes on to
discuss various issues regarding respiration and the functions of blood.
Everything Jaeger considers dissatisfactory here is seen to result from
an abridgement of a more extensive discussion. This abridgement was
carried out by a person with little talent and expertise (p. 89). Jaeger is
nevertheless prepared to assume some coherence for chapters 1 through
8. In his view, however, chapter 9 is a later addition by a Stoic with an
interest in the Peripatetic theory of the innate pneuma. IS
In arguing against the work's authenticity, Jaeger follows V Rose,
whom he greatly admires. 16 In his accepted writings Aristotle shows
knowledge of two kinds of blood, but only of one kind of blood ves-
sel (phlebes). And the Greek word arteria means 'windpipe' in Aristotle.
According to Jaeger, however, De spiritu distinguishes 'veins' (phlebes) and
arteriai to designate the system of veins and arteries. 17 Jaeger believes

and Pliny, Nat. hist. XI 220, which looks like a quotation of SpiT. 6, 484a35. Cr.
A. Roselli 13.
If W.Jaeger, 'Das Pnroma im Lykeion', (1913; repr. 1960) esp. 86-100. At the same

time J aeger published a text edition of De motu animalium, De pTogressu animalium, and
De spiritu in the Bibliotheca Teubneriana The article provides the reasons why Jaeger
considers the authenticity of De motu animalium, which had been denied since V. Rose,
De Aristotelis librorum oTdine et auctoritate (Berlin 1854) 163, to be absolutely unassailable,
but also why De spiritu is dearly non-Aristotelian. O. Regenbogen, 'Theophrastos',
in P. W-R.E. supplem. vo!. VII (Stuttgart 1940) 1354-1562, cols. 1545-1546 agrees
with Jaeger.
15 W.Jaeger (repr. 1960) 98-100. On that chapter, see earlier E. Neustadt, Hennes 44
(1909) 6Q----f)9.Jaeger's chief objection to chapter. 9 is that it assigns such an important
role to fire. But the author of SpiT. 9, 485b9 says quite explicidy that the generation
of living entities is not a matter of fire or pnroma (in itself), but of the soul which uses
fire as its instrument. The theory of Anim. 11 4, 416a9-18 is not fundamentally differ-
ent. The fact that the Stoa also talked about a 'creative fire' (tqV\1COV 1tUp) is entirely
irrelevant as an argument against the work's authenticity.
16 V. Rose, De Aristotelis libTorum oTdine et auctoritate (Berolini 1854) 163 ff.
17 W. Jaeger (repr. 1960) 89. J. Tricot (Paris 1951) v, regards this argument as

that it depends here on the anatomist Praxagoras of Cos, who devel-

oped this notion at the same time as Aristotle or slightly later (p. 89).
But this dependence must have been mediated by Praxagoras' pupil
Erasistratus, who (unlike Praxagoras) was also a Peripatetic. 18

JE Dobson (1914)
The UOrks of Aristotle 1Tanslated into English, vo!' III (Oxford 1931) includes
the translation of De spiritu whichJ.F Dobson published in 1914. In the
Preface the author notes: 'This treatise has been rejected as spurious by
practically all editors, one of the chief reasons being the confusion of the
senses assigned to arteria. It is sometimes ascribed to Theophrastus. Its
author had certainly studied the Aristotelian Corpus, and analogies may
be traced to the de Respiratione and some of the zoological treatises.'
The translation usedJaeger's 1913 edition of the Greek text. Despite
its countless defects, it was included without any changes in The complete
works of Aristotle (1984).

ws. Hell (1936)

W.S. Hett (1936) 484-485 calls Spir. 'obviously un-Aristotelian'. He
observes 'a general lack of coherence in the thought'. The work's central
notions, pneuma and arteria, are left clouded in obscurity.
Also, the Greek text (which Hett adds in his edition) is uncertain in
many places, often making a satisfactory interpretation impossible.

P Gohlke (1947)
:P. Gohlke, always a stalwart defender of the texts attributed to Aristo-
tle, must concede in the Introduction to his translation (1947) 18-21
'dass man wirklich an ihrer Echtheit zweifeln konnte.' (18) The work
is clearly incomplete and little more than a compendium of notes. Yet

unsound: 'l'auteur, quel qu'il soit, entend par arteres, non pas les vaisseaux sanguins,
mais des ramifications respiratoires, ce qui enleve toute portee a cette pretendue dis-
tinction'. er. also 176 n. 4; 181 n. 2.
18 W. Jaeger (repr. 1960) 90. Cf. C.R.S. Harris, TIe Heart and the Vascular System in
Ancient Greek Medicine (Oxford 1973) 97 fr. For Harris's assessment of SpiT., see also pp.
164 and 175-176 n. 1.

Gohlke maintains 'dass Aristoteles selber die Schrift in ihrem jetzigen

Zustande hinterlassen hat.' (18)
The work's theme, the 'Lebensluft', disappears from view in the
last section (19). But the theme does belong to the philosopher's last
phase (20).
Gohlke sees the work's statements on arteriai as a new insight into the
difference between arteries and veins as we recognize it today (20).
The author proposes corrections to the Greek text in twelve places.
His own translation of the Greek text needs to be corrected in even
more places.

] Tricot (1951)
De spiritu was first published in French in this translation of the Parva
naturalia and De spiritu. Tricot assigns the work to the oeuvre of the
physician Erasistratus of Ceos and dates it to c. 250 BCE (p. v).
Importantly, Tricot notes that the use of the term arteria in the work
does not indicate the author's familiarity with the distinction between
the venous and the arterial systems, asJaeger and others had claimed. 19
In De spiritu, says Tricot, arteriai are not blood vessels but branches of
the windpipe. De spiritu has no knowledge of the distinction between
veins and arteries in the vascular system (pp. v; 176, n. 4).
Tricot did not use the translations by WS. Hett (1936) and P Gohlke

A. Kenny (1976)
In 1976 A. Kenny published an article 'The stylometric study of the
Aristotelian writings', in which he describes the results of three tests
on the language of the treatises in the Corpus Aristotelicum. The
article was republished in Essays on the Aristotelian tradition (Oxford 2001)
127-149. On p. 147 Kenny shows in Table 10.6 that De spiritu emerges
from all three tests as a genuine Aristotelian work, though the consensus
of the authorities selected by Kenny described the work as inauthentic.
Kenny notes on p. 146 that the arguments against the authenticity of

19 Likewise P. Siwek s.j., Aristotelis Paroa naturalia (Romae 1963) 353 in n. 144 on Resp.
He remarks there: 'Whoever the author may be, it is certain that he was thoroughly
familiar with the Peripatetic sciences and astutely elaborated and rounded off many
matters only hinted at in De respiratione.'

De spiritu do not appear to him to be decisive. Earlier he had usefully

applied stylometry in his book The Aristotelian Ethics. A Study of the Rela-
tionship between the Eudemian and the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle (Oxford
1978), concluding that the common books of the Ethica Eudemia and
the Nicomachean Ethics should be assigned to the former work.

MC. Nussbaum (1978)

In her valuable edition with commentary of De motu animalium'2O M.C.
Nussbaum also makes some remarks on De spiritu. She notes that '[V]
Rose denied that the.MA could be connected with the obviously inferior
De SPiritu ...' :And in general we have every reason to dissociate this care-
ful and interesting treatise [.MA] from the messy later work.' (p. 7)
In her commentary on.MA 10, 703a10-11 she notes: 'The De Spiritu
is a confused and inferior late work that does not even profess to be by
Aristotle and acknowledges its late date by references to the theories
of Aristogenes of Knidos, who wrote around the middle of the third
century B.C.' (p. 375).

The Revised Oxftrd Translation (1984)

This new edition of the Complete Vlforks of Aristotle assigns two asterisks
to De spiritu, explaining: 'a pair of asterisks indicates that its spurious-
ness has never been seriously contested.' (p. XIII)
The translation byJ.E Dobson has been integrally adopted, including
mistakes like those in 2, 482a9; 482b6-7; 3, 482b6; 5, 483b31; 484a7
and the gross error in 8, 485a22. However, the footnotes omit some
of Dobson's comments.

lE. Annas (1992)

In her book Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind (Berkeley/Los Angeles/Oxford
1992) J.E. Annas supports M.C. Nussbaum in her assessment of De
spiritu as 'a dismal little work' ... 'clearly written in the later Lyceum,
since the author knows of Erasistratus' discoveries' (27). On account
of this incorrect appraisal she notes on p. 17: 'What is most striking

20 Aristotle's De motu animalium. Text with translation, comm. and interpretive essays
by M.C. Nussbaum (Princeton 1978; repr. 1985).

about Hellenistic medical theory, by contrast with Aristotle's work, is

the prominence it gives to the notion of pneuma . ..'. Though she believes
that Aristotle gave the initial impetus for this, 'Aristotle has no overall
coherent view of the biological role of pneuma; perhaps he would have
developed one if he had lived longer.' (20)

A. Roselli (1992)
A. Roselli published a new edition of the Greek text with translation
and commentary of De spiritu in 1992. 21 She follows W Jaeger in con-
cluding that it is a rather early Peripatetic text, but believes that it uses
insights developed by the well-known Hellenistic scholar Erasistratus,
though his name is not mentioned. 22 The physician Aristogenes, who
is mentioned and discussed in De spiritu,23 is said to have been writing
around the middle of the third century BCE.24
According to Roselli, De spiritu owes its name to the work's first two
chapters. But the author fails to develop his own position in these. The
next two chapters deal with subjects that do have a certain connection
with the theme of pneuma. Chapters 5 and 6 are the least comprehen-
sible. They reproduce abstracts of texts by others. They are followed
by chapters on the bones (chap. 7) of living creatures and on locomo-
tion (chap. 8). The final chapter talks about the role of vital heat in
all that lives.
According to Roselli, then, the entire work is fragmentary and fails
to tell us anything about the author's own views (p. 5). For this reason
she has given up on the idea of finding a coherent series of positions in
the work (p. 6). Roselli finds it more useful to compare the treatise with
the medical text of the Anonymus Londinensis and with the Hippocratic
Corpus and the work of later medical authors like Galen.
Roselli notes an ambivalent use of the term arteria in the work,
sometimes linking up with the older anatomical tradition, sometimes
following the newer (p. 10).

21 See R. Sharples's review in Classical Review 43 (1993) 254--255.

22 A. Roselli (1992) 18 and 10.
23 Spir. 2, 481 a28 fr.
2-J. Cr. W.Jaeger (repr. 1960) 91 and 101; A. Roselli (1992) 76-78. A man by this
name who came from Cnidos was supposedly a pupil of the physician Chrysippus,
who was also Erasistratus' teacher.

Likewise the term neuron sometimes occurs in the early sense of 'sinew'
and sometimes in the newer, Alexandrian sense of 'nerve' (p. 11).
Remarkably, Roselli rejects the view of E. Neustadt (1909) and
W Jaeger (1913) that the final chapter is much later than the rest and
moves outside the Peripatetic tradition (p. 12).
According to Roselli, the work is important because it allows us
to reconstruct some of the discussions following from the anatomical
discoveries by Alexandrian physicians (p. 12).
Roselli did not use P Gohlke's German translation (1947).

4. Critical evaluation qf the modern debate

It is astonishing how confidently Jaeger spoke in his 1913 article and

how since then every student of De spiritu has followed in his footsteps,
while on the other hand many other scholars have neglected the work,
because they accepted Jaeger's authority without question. Jaeger is
convinced that Aristotle is not the author of De spiritu. Virtually the
only arguments he adduces are those which support this position. But
we should look at the other side of the picture as well: if the work is
later than Aristotle's time, which facets of the work can be seen to sit
uncomfortably with this date?
Thus the work mentions an Aristogenes who defended a theory of
pneuma that is rejected by the author of De spiritu. Aristogenes' position
seems to have been that respiration increases the volume of the innate
pneuma during the growth of an individual. Each of the arguments
marshalled against this view in De spiritu can be found in Aristotle's
recognized work. Another view attributed to the opponents is that fishes
have a respiratory system. 2j As in Aristotle's generally recognized works,
the author of De spiritu argues that water does not contain air.
The question urges itself: isn't the theory attributed to Aristogenes
rather naIve and simplistic and could it have been defended a hundred
years after Aristotle's death? First of all we need to examine whether
the theory which Aristotle disputes in De respiratione 6 is the same as
that of ~ristogenes' in De spiritu 2. De respiratione 6 dismisses a theory
which holds that respiration serves to 'feed' the 'internal fire' of a

2j SpiT. 5, 483b34. It would be interesting to point out examples of such a position

from the time around 250 BeE.
10 DESPIRlnr

living creature, in the sense that the inhaled air provides fuel for the
vital heat. Jaeger was convinced that the 'Aristogenes' of De spiritu came
from Cnidos and lived in the time of Erasistratus and King Antigonus
Gonatas, whose physician he was. 26 But there is no indication of this
in the work itself There was probably more than one Aristogenes. 27
And it is doubtful whether an opponent criticizing an Aristogenes who
lived a hundred years after Aristotle could have awarded the special
kind of mediatory role to pneuma as 'Seelenorgan'28 which pneuma pos-
sesses in De spiritu.
Modern authors who date De spiritu after Aristotle's death should also
explain why this text, like the Parva naturalia, mainly conducts a debate
on theories like those of Empedocles (who is mentioned three times)
and Democritus, whereas (apart from the name 'Aristogenes') it fails to
mention (contemporaries oD Praxagoras or Erasistratus. 29
Rose and Jaeger are doubtless right when they point to a difference
in terminology between most of Aristotle's biological works and De
spiritu, particularly in regard to the term arteria. In the work this term
sometimes seems to denote an air passage and sometimes a blood ves-
sel. But it is unclear what consequences should be attached to this. We
know that the distinction between two parts of the vascular system was
familiar to Aristotle in De generatione animalium. 30 But there is no indica-
tion that he connected this with a distinction between oxygen-rich and
oxygen-poor blood.
Jaeger also regards Erasistratus as the source of De spiritu, because he
believes that the work no longer assigns a role to the soul: nature has

26 W. Jaeger (repr. 1960) 91.

27 M. Wellmann, 'Aristogenes', P. W-R.E. II 1 (Stuttgart 1895) cols. 932-933 men-
tions four more people with the same name. And, of course, the claim that the work
cannot be Aristotelian because the name of Aristogenes occurs in it is just as strong
as the claim that the Aristogenes in question must have lived before 322 because he
is mentioned in a work by Aristotle.
28 cr. W. Jaeger (repr. 1960) 83-84: after Aristotle 'bricht die kunstvolle Synthese
des Aristoteles notwendig einmal wieder auseinander'.
29 A Roselli (1992) 76 notes: 'la menzione di Aristogene fomisce l'unico elemento
esplicito per la datazione di Spir.'
30 P. Siwek sJ. (1963) 353 wrongly states that Aristotle was unfamiliar with this
distinction. Cr. Gener. animo II 4, 738a 11: 'Higher up in the body the two blood-vessels,
the Great Blood-vessel and the Aorta branch out into many fine blood-vessels, which
terminate in the uterus' (traml AL. Peck) (<JXtsO~EVOOV avoo6Ev 'tow 01>0 CPAEpffiv, 't11<;
IlEYa.All<; Kat 't11<; aop't11<;, 1tOAAat Kat AElt'tat cpAEPE<; 'tEAEl)'t(l)<JlV d<; 'tCx<; U<J'tEpa<;). AL.
Peck in Aristotle) Generation qfanimals, with an English translation (London 1942) 180 n.
a comments here: 'the vena cava and the whole venous system, and the aorta and the
whole arterial system'. See also 740a28.

taken its place and a blind mechanism of pneuma-matter seems to be

posited.3' We should note, though, that the author of this work, though
focusing on pneuma, most certainly knows that Pneuma is only so important
because it is the primary vehicle and instrument of the soul!32

5. Vital heat as the soul's multifUnctional instrument in chapter 9

In view of the foregoing, it may be useful to look in somewhat more

detail at chapter 9, which concludes De spiritu. The author enters into
a debate there with those who refuse to attribute any productive activ-
ity to 'fire', but are willing only to award it one power: the power to
cut. 33 A striking point here is that the author uses the term 'to bring
about', 'to produce'. This term also featured in Aristotle's criticism
of Plato's theory of Ideas in Metaphysics A 9, where Aristotle blamed
Plato for distinguishing only between the Ideas and that which receives
the Ideas. According to Aristotle, 'a productive factor' was lacking in
Plato's system. 34
The term had also featured in De anima 11 4, where Aristotle states
that fire by itself cannot be 'the productive principle', but 'fire-under-
the-soul's-direction' can. 35
The author of De spiritu disputes the views he rejects by pointing out
that heat has very different effects on different substances: it can con-
dense and rarefy, dissolve and harden substances. 36 Aristotle had men-
tioned the same variation in effects of pneuma in De motu animalium 8. 37

31 W. Jaeger (repr. 1960) 96.

32 cr. SpiT. 1, 481 a 17 and all of chap. 9.
33 SpiT. 9, 485a28: 'Our opponents who hold that it is not the vital heat which is the
efficient principle in bodies, or that fire has only one direction of movement and only
a power to cut, are wrong' (Oi aVutpOuvtE~ ffi~ ou to eEp~OV 'to EPYU~O~EVOV EV to'i~
OcO~U<HV, i\ Ott ~1U tt~ cpopa KUt OUVU~l~ ~ 't~TlttJd, tOU 1tUpo<;, ou KUA.O><; A.EYOU<HV).
A. Roselli (1992) 123 notes that Arist. Cael. III 5, 304a12 and 8, 307a26 urges this
criticism against Plato's um. 56a.
34 Metaph. A 9, 991 a22: 'What is the entity which produces while contemplating
the Ideas?' (t1 yap EOtt to EPYU~O~EVOV 1tpo<; tae; iOEU<; a1to~A.E1tOV;) Aristotle repeat-
edly criticizes his teacher for the lack of a 'third principle'; cf. Metaph. A 9, 991b3-5;
Gener. COTT. II 9, 335a30; 335b8. Ambrose, Hexaimeron I 1, 1 had therefore attributed
to Aristotle not only the principles of 'species' and 'materia' but also a third principle,
which he called 'operatorium'.
35 Anim. 11 4, 416a9-18. Cr. also lUD. 4, 469b6-13.
36 SpiT. 9, 485a32: 'some things it condenses, others it rarefies, others it dissolves, yet
others it hardens' (ta Il£V 1tUlCVOl, 'ta o£ llaVOl, Kat tl1KEl, 'ta O£ ttflYVU01V).
37 Motu animo 8, 702a9-10: 'changing as they do from solid to liquid and from liquid

In De generatione animalium 11 1 he had also presented these qualities as

being caused by vital heat and its decrease. 38 But he was quick to add
that the 'exact proportion', the logos of these qualities, was not a result
of heat but of the governing principle!39
As regards production in living creatures, we should assume the same
state of affairs, and try as it were to discern 'the fire of nature', like
the fire of craft (in the cases mentioned earlier).40 Looking at the vari-
ous crafts, we can observe the different effects of fire which melts gold
and casts bronze and dries brick and cooks food. Or, rather perhaps,
the crafts have these different effects. But they have these effects while
using fire for their various purposes. For they use fire as an instrument
for melting, for casting, and for drying, but in some cases for purposes
of shaping. 41
Just as we can say of these craftsmen that, besides their specific tools,
they use fire as soma organikon, so Aristotle argued in De anima I 3 that
the soul uses its soma as an instrument. 42 De spiritu makes it perfectly
clear that the soul's 'instrumental body' is not the visible body but
pneuma (or its analogue).

to solid, and from soft to hard and vice versa' (J.J.f-ra~uAAoV'ta EK 1tmTl'yo't(ov lrypa Kat
E~ uyp&v 1tmilyo't<X Kat llaAaKa Kat crKA;T\pa E~ UAAilAffiV).
:,8 Gener. animo II 1, 734b31: 'As for hardness, softness, toughness, brittleness and the
rest of such qualities which belong to the parts that have soul in them-heat and cold
may very well produce these' (crKATlpa Il£V oily Kat llaAU1ca Kat YAicrxpa Kat Kpaupa
Kat ooa a.AAa -rotau-ra 1tu6Tl lmuPXEl 'tol<; Ell'l'uXOt<; 1l0ptOt<;, 6fPllO'tTl<; Kat 'l'UXP0'tT\<;
1tOtilcrEtfV a.v). For this work, see also Aristoteles, Over voortplanting, vertaald, ingeleid en
van aantekeningen voorzien door R. Ferwerda (Groningen 2005). See also Part. animo
II 2, 648a20--649b8.
39 Gener. animo II 1, 734b33-735a4.

40 Spir. 9, 485a33: 'We must therefore assume that the same situation applies to
ensouled creatures, when we inquire into what can be called the fire which nature
uses, as into the fire which craft uses' (EV DE Dl, 'tOl<; Ell'l'uXOt<; ou't(o<; l>1tOATl1ttEov, rocrm:p
<j>Ucrfffi<; 7tUP ~Tltouvta, Ka6um:p tEXVT\<;).
41 Spir. 9, 485b 1: 'For they use fire as an instrument to soften or melt or dry things,

and also to shape some things' (xp&v't<Xt yap rocrm:p opyavCll llaM:XttOucrat Kat tl1Koucrat
Kat ~T\patvoucrat, EVLU BE Kat pUellt~oucrat). It is interesting to compare the argu-
ment of Arist. Pol. I 2, 1252b 1-3, where Aristotle reasons that nature does not try to
produce a kind of Swiss anny-knife with dozens of functions: 'Nature is not niggardly
like the smith who fashions the Delphian knife for l1}any uses; she makes each thing
for a single use' (ouoE yap iI <j>ucrt<; 7tOtft tOlOUtOV oiov Ot xaAKOtU1tOt 'ti,v M:A<j>tKl,V
jlaXatpav 7tEVtxpoo<;, UU.: EV 7tpo<; €v).
42 Anim. I 3, 407b25: 'each craft must employ its own tools, and each soul its own
body' (DEl yap 'ti,v llEV teXVllv XPllcr9at tOt<; opyavot<;, 'ti,v OE 'VUXl,v t4l croollan).

'The natural vital principles (of living creatures) do the same. Hence
their products differ,' says the author of De spiritu. 43 These vital principles
play the same role in nature as the crafts in human production. That
is to say, they provide the logos for the effect of fire. 44
'And this is not problematical, but rather it is hard to understand that
nature herself uses the vital heat, and that, together with the visible
qualities, nature also produces the form. For this is no longer a matter
of fire or pneuma. '45 This observation, too, is entirely Aristotelian, as
we can particularly infer from the passage in De generatione animalium 11
1 cited above. 46 The author then continues: 'It is clearly remarkable
that such a power should be combined with these matters [i.e. 'fire'
and 'pneuma']. And the case is just as remarkable with the soul. For it
is present in them. '47
In any case the author of De spiritu is saying in plain words here
that the soul is present in 'fire' and in 'pneuma'. In 5, 483b 11 he had
also said that pneuma is the primary vehicle of the soul. Thus De spiritu
uses the same authentically Aristotelian system as De motu animalium 10:
pneuma is the vehicle of the soul, the visible body is animated by the
presence of pneuma.
This is followed by a few lines of which it is very difficult to deter-
mine what the author exactly means. 48

+3 SpiT. 9, 485b3: To auto Oll tOUtO Kat at ~ucrEt~· 09EV Oll Kat 7tpO~ aAATJAa oui~opa.
(The Greek manuscripts read otaq>opat and ola~opav.)
44 Cr. Gener. animo II 1, 734b37-735a4: 'Heat and cold make the iron soft and hard,
but the movement of the tools that contains the essential form of craft makes this into
a sword. For craft is the origin and the form of the object that is made, but it lies in
something else; by contrast, the movement of nature lies in the thing itself, though it
comes from a different nature which possesses the form in actuality' (crKATlPOV IlfV yap
Kat llaAaKov tOV crtOT\POV 7tOtEl to 9EPllov Kat to ",UXpov, 0.1..1..0. ~t~oe; ~ KiVT\crl~ ~ trov
opyavrov Exoucra AOYov [tOY] tft~ texvT\~' ~ yap texvT\ apXll Kat dooe; tOU ylyvOIlEVOU,
0.1..1..: EV £-rEP<P, ~ Of tTl~ <PUcrEro~ KtVT\crt~ EV aut<!l a<p' £-rEpa~ o-ocra ~UcrEro~ tTl~ EXOUcrT\~
to doo~ EVEPYEi~).
+') SpiT. 9, 485b8: Du Oll 'tOUtO xaAE7tov, aAAa llaAAov to tllv ~UcrlV au'tllv vOTlcrm

tllv XProllEvl1v, tl'tt~ alla 'tOt~ aicr9Tl'tol~ 7ta9Ecrt Kat tOy pu9Jlov a7toorocrEt. 'tOU'tO yap
OUKEn 7tUpOe; OUOf 7tvE'\)llato~.
+6 Gener. animo II 1, 734b36. Cr. Anim. II 4, 416al3-1B.
+7 SpiT. 9, 485b 11: tOUtot~ Oll KatallEIltx9m totautT\v ouvalllV 9aullacrtov. En Of
tOUtO 9auJ.1uO"'tov KUt 7tEpt ",uxft~· EV 'tOUtOle; yap \mapXEt.
+8 SpiT. 9, 485b13: OlO7tEP ou KUKro~ de; tau'tov, 11 (X7tAroe; 11IJ.OP10V "CL 'to OTllJ.lOUPYOUv,
Kat to lllV KivT\crlV ad tilv olJ.oiav \mapXEtv £vepynuv· Kat yap li ~uO"t~, a<p' ~t; Kat li
yEVEO"tt;. W.S. Hett 515 translates here: 'Therefore the fact that its motion always exerts
a similar activity may reasonably be referred to the same agent, either absolutely or
to some definite effective part: for nature, from which they are generated, remains the
same.' Perhaps this should be read as: 'Therefore it is not incorrect to identity them

The final problem tackled by the author is the question of the dif-
ferences in the effects of vital heat in various species. Differences in
fire are differences of more and less. These in turn are related to the
degree to which fire is mixed with something else. The purer fire is,
the more fire it is. 49
Again he locks horns with Empedocles, who assumed the same mix-
ture of flesh for all species of creatures. The author of De spiritu, like
Aristotle elsewhere in the Corpus, considers this too rough and ready.
In his view, the specific logos of horse-flesh and of ox-flesh is deter-
mined by vital heat led by the natural principle of a horse and an ox
respectively. The effect of vital heat50 results in different end products
owing to the natural principle.

6. Briif outline qf the contents qfDe spiritu

Chap. 1
The work starts by clearly indicating its subject: the innate pneuma, how
does it maintain itself and grow?
The answer to this is: by the supply of food. Next, 481 a6-7 proposes
two options: this supply may result from respiration or from concoction
of ordinary food. The author seems to opt for the second possibility.
But he immediately goes on to formulate two theories of which he is
harshly critical.
Theory B, which is best viewed as depending on Empedocles' theory,
argues that the innate pneuma results from the addition of food and the
concoction of this food thanks to the process of respiration.
Theory A sees the innate pneuma as being boosted by the inhaled air
and concocted by the motion of the lungs. The result of this treatment
of the inhaled air is to increase the innate pneuma. This theory is best

[fire/pneuma and the soul], either as a whole or one of its parts, the part [of the soul]
that forms and that causes the motion always to be actually the same. For that is also
the case for the natural principle of life, to which generation is due.' D. Furlanus and
W. Jaeger suggest a correction here: EVEPYOUV. Perhaps EVEPYEtlil (A. Roselli) should
be preferred. _
+9 SpiT. 9, 485b17: ltUPOC; yap OUl(jlOpat K:a1:a 'to Jl&,AA.oV Kat T1't'tOV. 'tOU'tO OE crXEoov
(b<11tEP EV Jli~El Kat aJll~tlil' 'to yap Ka8apro'tEpov JliiAAOV.
50 Cr. SpiT. 9, 485b22: 'tfl KpacrEl ola<pEpEl.V (with D. Furlanus) and 485b23: 'tOte;
AOYOle; av Ota<pEp01..

understood as reproducing the passage in Plato's Timaeus on respiration

and the nutrition of living creatures (see section 10 below).
Both theories are based on the principle that respiration is the central
phenomenon in all life processes.
Chap. 1 lodges three objections to theory B, all of which can be under-
stood against the background of well-known Aristotelian positions.

Chap. 2
Theory A, attributed to 'Aristogenes', runs up against at least eight
objections applying to living creatures with respiration.
The author also considers the problems of theories A and B for
insects (which do not possess a respiratory system) and for fishes (in
water, where respiration is impossible).
The clear structure and tight approach of chapters 1 and 2 are
emphasized by a constant repetition of the problem that forms the
work's starting-point. The key words 'maintenance' (or 'nutrition')
and 'growth' in the opening sentence 1, 481 a 1 recur throughout. 1,
481a27 concludes the discussion of theory B in this way. 2, 481a28
indicates clearly that theory A will now be dealt with. 482a8 repeats
the question for breathless creatures and 482a21 for aquatic animals.
482a27 clearly marks the end of chaps. 1 and 2 as a whole. 2, 481 b29
refers to the objections already given in 1, 481a22-27 (2, 481bl men-
tions that theory A has more objections than theory B). The order of
discussion of (a) animals with respiration, (b) insects, and (c) fishes also
plays a role in 5, 483b I and in chap. 8 (and is also familiar from the
Parva naturalia).

Chap. 3
Because the disputed theories see respiration as the central phenomenon
in all vital processes, the author continues with this subject. His oppo-
nents hold that all parts of a creature's body benefit from respiration
for their nutrition and refrigeration. The author adduces objections to
both facets of the theory on the basis of positions familiar from parts
of the Parva naturalia.
But in passing he also raises the point that for instance the bones of
a living creature depend for their nutrition and for supply of the innate
pneuma on the processes which are initiated by respiration (482b7). The
author wants to contest this and so is forced in chaps. 6, 7, and 8 to

deal with the topic of bone and its functions and, in t~rn, with s~n~w,
and with the question what the real principle of motIOn of a hYIng
creature is. This will also clarify what purposes respiration serves and
what parts of the body it benefits.
He also casually mentions that plants possess life and are nourished.
Evidently they need no system of respiration for this.

Chap. 4
In chap. 4 he discusses how (a) respiration is related to (b) the pulsatory
motion and (c) the introduction of nutriment. According to the disputed
theory, all three are connected with the breath in the arteria. He dem-
onstrates that respiration cannot be primary but, in the development
of an individual creature, begins only after the pulsatory motion and
the introduction of food. He also proves that the pulsatory motion is
due to the blood in the heart, and therefore cannot be located in the
arteria. This chapter, too, helps to provide a clearer picture of respira-
tion than that offered by his opponents, and to indicate that there are
vital processes which are independent of respiration.

Chap. 5
The following chapter deals with the distribution of food to all parts of
the body as a result of respiration. The arteria is given priority here. It
alone contains breath/pneuma. The arteria system is a dense network that
distributes the innate pneuma, as bearer of vital heat and the perceptive
faculty, throughout the body of the living creature. The opponents hold
that this dense network runs parallel to the system of blood vessels. The
author makes much of their view that the bones, but not the sinews,
are directly connected with the arteriai. This raises the question whether
pneuma acts directly on the bones to set them in motion.
This, too, is a matter in which he wants to underline his very differ-
ent position (as he does in chaps. 7 and 8).
Again in this chapter (as in 4, 482b22-25) it seems as if Aristotle's
opponents have been unable to explain their view of the soul and its
role in the process of respiration (5, 483a24-28). In 5, 483a28-29 he
seems to suggest that his opponents, like Plato, have failed to integrate
the various 'parts' (functions) of the soul.
A recognizable link with chapter 4 can be noted in 5, 483a23. The
author says here that the exhalation of breath can be empirically

established. In 4, 482b 19 he had said that this system of respiration is

'perceptible only to a certain extent'.
In this chapter the author observes once again that, according to
his opponents, fishes must also possess respiration to live. He rejects
this utterly.
The key word in the opening sentence of chapter 1, 'maintenance',
is once again a striking feature here in 484a8.

Chap. 6
In the sixth chapter the author asks whether semen passes through the
arteriai and he looks in detail at the relation between sinews and bones,
and how they receive nutriment. Because his opponents posit a close
link between the system of the arteriai with pneuma and the vascular
system with blood, he points to the fact that birds, snakes, and fishes
have no blood at all.

Chap. 7
The author goes on to enumerate various functions of bones and then
illustrates them systematically. They do form parts of members that can
move, but movement is not the primary function of bones. For there
are members which do move but do not contain bones (the heart; the
abdomen and the intestines in it). He also formulates the thesis that all
movement needs an unmoved starting-point.

Chap. 8
Keenly analyzing the final cause of things, the author concludes that
the sinews bring about the movement of a living creature's members.
So they must primarily contain the cause of movement, pneuma. The
author illustrates this by speaking about the movement of bipeds, quad-
rupeds, birds, bats, and many-footed insects and shellfish, from a fund
of knowledge that immediately brings to mind De incessu animalium.

Chap. 9
In the final chapter the author administers the coup de grace to his
opponents. Since chapter 1 the subject has been 'the innate pneuma'.
But his opponents took this in the sense of 'the vital breath' of (higher)

living creatures, and they added fishes. The author has developed an
entirely different interpretation. For him it is 'the innate vital heat'
which is active not only in seed and in plants but in all species of
animals, from their very first beginning, under the direction of their
form of life or soul.
The opening sentence of chapter 9 characterizes the opponents as
'those who hold that it is not the vital heat that is the efficient prin-
ciple in bodies' and so characterizes the supporters of theory A and
the rejected variant of theory B from chapter 1 as those who assume
a different 'efficient principle'. Though these opponents talk about a
life-bearing pneuma, they see respiration as a more original and efficient
Chapter 9 is an ode to the varied activity of this life-bearing and
life-producing fire or vital heat. In this chapter the author underlines
the close bond between the soul and its instrumental vital heat. And
entirely in line with De generatione animalium and the (rest of the) Parva
naturalia he describes how this one instrument of the soul brings forth
a great variety of results in the whole of natural reality.
If De sPiritu had received more attention and therefore been better
understood, the fatal misinterpretation of Aristotle's psychology by
Alexander of Aphrodisias, in which Aristotle regarded the soul as the
entelechy of the visible body, could never have taken root. 51

7. What positions are held by the author qfDe spiritu himself?

In the course of his critical inquiry into the two theories which he
rejects, we find several positions which the author of De spiritu himself
holds. 52
He is convinced that the concoction of food received by a living
creature not only produces building materials for the parts of the
visible body but always residues (perittomata) as well-I, 481 a 19-20;

51 er. AP. Bos, The soul and its Instrnmental Botfy. A Reinterpretation qfAristotle's Philosophy
qf Living Nature (Leiden 2003).
52 It would be useful to compare these with the description of 'Die pneumatische
Theorie des Aristoteles' which W. Jaeger (art. 1913; repr. 1960) gives on pp. 70-78.
But that would take up too much room here.

The respiration of living creatures is not characteristic of all living

entities and not even of all animals, and therefore is not the central and
most fundamental vital process, but serves to cool living creatures with
high vital heat-2, 482a16; 3, 482a31; b1; 5, 483b6; 484a9-10.
A related position is that insects (which have no respiration) do
have a cooling system, but one which works via their diaphragm-2,
Water does not contain air (and so fishes cannot possibly have a
respiratory system)-2, 482a23.
The pu1satory movement noticeable in many living creatures is not
a phenomenon connected with respiration and the inhaled pneuma, but
of the blood in the heart region-4, 482b36.
All living creatures, including those which possess no respiratory sys-
tem, have a principle of vital heat. That is why they need an opposite
principle that provides the right balance in temperature-5, 484a7.
Everything that is moved starts from a state of rest-7, 484b 19.
J. Tricot (1951) 189 n. 3 calls this a 'principe fondamental de la Physique
et meme de la Metaphysique aristoteIiciennes.'
Bones have a glutinous fluid surrounding them which can be regarded
as blood that has not been fully concocted. They do not receive their
nutriment via respiration or the arteriai-6, 484a32.
In natural inquiry it is most useful to determine accurately what a
thing's final cause is-8, 485a4-6.
An interesting detail is that the author of De sPiritu states in 8, 485a21
that shellfish do have feet, but not for the purpose of movement but to
support their weight, as De incessu animalium 19, 714b 14 also argues.
A fundamental starting-point in natural inquiry is: comparable effects
have the same causes in the same way-2, 482a 10-11; 482a24-25; 6,
484b7-8; 8, 485all-12.
All these are positions that Aristotle developed and/or defended, like
the very important position on 'the soul' held in De spiritu.

8. The position if the author if De spiritu on the soul

While discussing the two theories which he reports in chap. 1, the author
of De sPiritu makes various remarks which build up an increasingly clear
picture of his position on the soul.
In 1, 481 a 16 he asks: can pneuma arise from nutriment, if it is itself
primary (proton)? Because that which is connected with the soul is 'purer'

(481 a 17), one would not expect it to arise from something like nutri-
ment. This already sheds light on the view underlying the entire work
that pneuma is a soma which is connected with the soul in a very special
way and is the instrument of this soul. (For 'purer', c( also 481a24.)
In 2, 481 b 15-17 he opposes 'Aristogenes' when the latter states that
breath derives its heat from the movement of the lungs. The author
objects that in that case the vital breath is not 'the primary moving
cause'. Clearly for the author pneuma does constitute 'the primary mov-
ing cause' (directed by the soul-principle).
In 4, 483a3 the author distinguishes somatic disorders from fears,
hopes, and tensions of the soul, which affect the frequency of the
pulsatory movement of the blood in the heart. To anyone familiar
with Aristotle's biological works, this passage makes it clear that in De
spiritu, too, he posits a close relation between the soul and a soma, not
however the visible, coarse-material body, but the fine-material soul-
soma or pneuma, which forms an indissoluble unity with the soul. This
soul-soma is also the 'prime mover' of all vital activity, including the
pulsatory movement.
In 5, 483a23-27 the soul comes up in a discussion on perception.
The author states that, according to his opponents, only the arteria pos-
sesses perception. He asks whether this is due to the inhaled air which
flows through the arteria; or whether his opponents see the inhaled air
as subordinate and serviceable to the soul, and so really regard the
soul as the subject of perception. The starting-point of this question
seems to be Aristotle's own theory of perception as a matter of the
soul assisted by its instrumental pneuma.
In 483a27-30 he raises the issue that, besides the nutritive activity
of the soul, there is also the rational and the conative activity. The
underlying question here seems to be: what guarantees the unity of
the soul? This is a question which Aristotle often poses as a challenge
to Plato.
In 483b 10 he talks about inhaled air in the view of his opponents as
'that which is the primary vehicle of the soul'. Again he uses his own
terminology here and concludes that such a substance would have to
be of the finest quality.
In chap. 9 the author finishes off the opponents whose theory he
contests throughout De spiritu. He states there that nature uses the
vital heat to produce living creatures (485b6-9). The soul is active in
the vital heat or pneuma. And it can be viewed as forming a unity with
pneuma (485b13-15). It is the theory of the soul and its instrumental

body which Aristotle uses extensively in De generatione animalium Ill, as

in all his biological writings. 53

9. What is the position if 54ristogenes J

that the author if De spiritu contests?

If the author of De spiritu thinks and writes from the scientific perspec-
tive of Aristotle and nobody else, we must accurately determine what
position he criticizes so persistently.
This position awards a dominant place to respiration (and pays no
or insufficient attention to life forms which do not have respiration).
This view assigns a special place to inhaled air as the vehicle of all
vital processes.
The inhaled air also possesses vital heat as a result of the movement
of this air in the lungs-2, 481 b 12-15.
As a result of the respiratory process, blood is distributed via the
veins and breath via the arteriai throughout the visible body of a living
creature-5, 483a18-22; 483b25.
Veins and arteriai are always situated side by side-5, 483b30-31.
They are not two parts of one system, in the sense of blood vessels
with oxygen-rich blood and blood vessels with oxygen-poor blood, but
separate systems which need each other.
The heat of the pneuma in the arteriai is responsible for the heat and
the liquidity of the blood in the veins-5, 483b 19-22.
A living creature has perception because it possesses the vital
pneuma which is found in the arteriai throughout the visible body-5,
The alternating movement of respiration ensures that the vital pneuma
is distributed through the arteriai and blood through the veins to the
other parts of the visible body, for instance to the bones.
Bones are set in motion through the effect of the vital pneuma.
The process of respiration is a process that also brings about refrig-
eration of certain parts of the living creature-3, 482a31.
The relation of vital breath to the soul remains remarkably unclear
in the discussion of the theory ascribed to ~stogenes'. In one place we

j3 G .S. Claghorn, Aristotle's Criticism qf Plato's Timaeus (The Hague 1954) does
contain an entire chapter (chap. 7) on 'Aristotle's criticism of soul', but not a single
word about SpiT. and about what could be regarded as the most extensive criticism
of Plato's 7imaeus.
22 DESPIRln'

are given the impression that he distinguishes three 'parts' of the soul,
but does not indicate how their unity is to be seen (5, 483a28-30).

10. Who are the opponents in De spiritu and who is ~ristogenes'?

The author of De spiritu thinks entirely in line with Aristotle's biologi-

cal writings and his De anima. There is no position occupied by the
author of De sPiritu that cannot be explained with reference to parts
of Aristotle's surviving and generally recognized work.
The debate in De spiritu is also conducted with Empedocles and
Democritus from the time before Aristotle, as in the Parva naturalia.
The author speaks here with the self-confidence of a teacher before
an audience that recognizes him as such-2, 482a33; 6, 484a32. He
also has the same tendency to deal with subjects as a related whole,
and therefore holds over a detailed discussion of the distribution of
food to the parts of the body-3, 482b 12-13-, just as Aristotle often
does in his generally recognized writings.
His criticism is mainly directed at the 'Aristogenes' mentioned in
chap. 2, but also at supporters of 'Aristogenes', who seem to form a
clearly identifiable group-2, 481b14; b18; 5, 483a27.
Nothing in their views decisively indicates a late date. On the
other hand, all the themes of De spiritu figure prominently in Plato's
Plato describes the body of a living creature as being provided
throughout with ducts by which food is conveyed (77c7).
This food, after being processed and dissected by the internal fire
(78e6---ro 1tUP EV'tO<;), is transferred from the abdomen to the veins
thanks to the process of respiration (78e5), and distributed through
these veins (cr 70d2; 80d).
The respiratory system not only serves the purpose of nutrition but
also cools the heart (70c5).
De spiritu 5, 483b34 attributes to 'Aristogenes' the view that fishes
breathe. This is also the position of Plato, Timaeus 92a7-b6.
What Plato says in Timaeus 77d3 and 73b2 but particularly in 91a4
about the central importance of the marrow is a plausible explana-
tion for the question in De spiritu 6, 484a 14 whether semen is pressed
through the arteria, a question which at first sight seems to come out
of the blue.

In the Timaeus Plato also holds the view that the natural effect of fire
is separation and cutting (cf. De spiritu 9, 485a29).
In the Timaeus Plato also awards sinews the function of holding
bones together (75d4).
The writer seems to identify ~ristogenes' with Plato. He may have
permitted himself a literary joke here, with ~ristogenes' as a sly allu-
sion to Plato, whose father was in fact called Ariston. 54

I 1. Conclusions

Certainly De spiritu has places where the Greek text is corrupt.5:"i But
these do not prevent us from following a large part of the author's
argument and establishing that he is attacking two theories with which
his own position is fundamentally at odds.
The two theories place respiration at the heart of all vital processes.
For Aristotle, respiration is not a primary process, not even for living
creatures which possess such a system. Aristotle knows that all kinds of
vegetative processes start in the seeds of a plant and the eggs of fishes
and birds and the semen of blooded animals long before there can be
any question of animal processes like respiration. Aristotle took pride
in explaining the possibility and purposiveness of these processes by
means of his theory of the soul as (first) entelechy in an indissoluble
unity with its instrumental body, pneuma or vital heat.
Crucial to an understanding of the argument of De spiritu is the
insight that this work talks about arteriai as 'vessels' which contain pneuma,
but which also extend throughout the body and ensure concoction
and distribution of the food. This was also essential to the theories of

j{ er. the way Heracles is referred to as 'Kadmogcnes' in Sophocles, Trachiniae 118

and Xerxes as 'Dareiogenes' in Aeschylus, Persians 6 and 146. It might be objected

that 'Aristono-genes' would be the expected form. However, we do know quite a few
people called 'Apollodorus', 'Apollophanes', 'Apollothemis', 'Artemidorus', 'Isidorus'
but not many called 'Apollonophanes', 'Apollonodorus', etc. Cr. F. Bechtcl, Die histo-
rischen Personennamen des Griechischen his ::,UT KaiseT::.eit (Halle 191 7; repr. Darmstadt 1964).
Plato himself was originally called 'Aristocles', after his grandfather. Cf. Diogenes
Laertius III 4.
j j Invaluable support for restoration of the text in several places \vas prO\ided by

Prof. D. Holwerda of the University of Groningen. \Ve would like to thank Patrick
Macfarlane, Ph.D. student at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, for a number of valu-
able remarks.

Empedocles and Plato disputed by Aristode, as we can establish from

Aristotle's own statements about these predecessors elsewhere in the
Corpus. 56
If we read De spiritu as a preliminary 'shorthand' study by Aristotle,
in the style of the Problemata but also many parts of the Parva naturalia,
we find no compelling reason in the discussion to regard any part of
it as post-Aristotelian. The author defends Aristotle's positions against
Aristotle's opponents. It therefore seems justified to substitute ~ristotle'
for the designation ~onymus' in ]aeger's text edition.
Aristode did not need to set out in detail the alternative doctrine of an
innate pneuma (which is not identical with the inhaled air), given that this
theory was familiar enough from his Parua naturalia and other biological
works (and from the Eudemus and De philosophia, we might add).
It is striking, though, that he does not give a detailed answer to the
question with which the treatise opens: 'The innate pneuma, how does
it maintain itself and grow?'
But if our explanation of chap. 1 is correct, the author, though the
thrust of his work is critical, also gives a clear indication of his own
position. We opt for the reading that Aristotle supports the proposi-
tion of 1, 481 a 10-14 and then immediately goes on to criticize a view
which comes close to his own, but which assigns a central place to res-
piration. In that case we could suppose that Aristode saw the original
pneuma of the embryo as providing for its own increase owing to the
fact that pneuma is present in all things (De generatione animalium III 11,
762a 18-21) and the process of digestion causes pneuma to be added to
the original pneuma.
What he achieves in any case in this work is to demonstrate convinc-
ingly that respiration cannot be the fundamental principle of life and
that this role should be awarded to the innate heat.

12. The place qf De spiritu in the Aristotelian Corpus

There are sound arguments for the place assigned to De spiritu in I.

Bekker's edition, viz. directly after the series of Parva naturalia. It is

56 cr. Arist. Resp. 7, 473bl-474a6 on Empedocles, and Hist. Anim. III 3, 664b6,
where most scholars assume an allusion to PI. Tim. 70c6-7.

preceded by discussions of youth and old age, life and death, and the
respiration of living creatures. Aristotle consistently emphasizes here
the importance of the heart (or its analogue) at the centre of the living
creature, as the primary location of the vital heat or pneuma and of
the intimately connected (immaterial) soul, including all the 'parts' or
'faculties' which belong to a certain kind of soul.
Because in this context Aristotle repeatedly links life and death of
the living entity to the presence and activity of the vegetative soul-
principle,57 it is natural to ask how the enduring presence of the vegeta-
tive principle can be explained.
In the final chapter of this part of the Parva naturalia Aristotle speaks
without any hesitation about 'the growth' of the vital heat in which the
nutritive soul-principle is present,58 And he explains this growth by refer-
ring to the 'nutrition' of the vital heat. This vital principle has an even
greater need for nutriment than the other parts of the living creature,
since it is itself the cause of nutrition for those parts. 59 In this context
he therefore speaks freely about an 'increase' of the vital heat,60
Following on from this discussion, the author needs to refute all
theories in which the vital principle is presented as somehow connected
with and resulting from respiration.
The fact that the Arabic list of Aristotle's works mentions a treatise
De spiritu in three books may suggest that the treatises De iuventute De J

respiratione, and De spiritu were, at some point in time, taken (by Androni-
cus?) to be closely connected.

5i Cr. luv. 24 I Resp. 18, 479a29-30: 'Generation is therefore the very first contact
of the vital heat with the nutritive soul, and life the continuation of this contact'
n n
(rEv EO" le; IlEV oilv EcrtlV 1tprotll IlE9E~le; EV 'tep 9EPllep 'tile; 9pE1t'tucile; \jIuxile;, ~ro1, 8 '
,.1OV1, 'tautlle;).
58 luv. 27 I Resp. 21, 480a 16: 'Respiration arises because the vital heat, in which
the nutritiv~ principle is present, increases' CH 8' ava1tvo1, ylvE'tal au~avollEvoU 'to\)
9EPllo\) EV ep ~ apx1, it 9pE1ttlriJ).
jq luv. 27 I Resp. 21, 480a 17: 'This part requires nutrition, like the other parts, and
e~en more so. For it is also the cause of nutrition for the others' (Ka8a1tEp yap Kat
'taAAa 8cital 'tpocpile;, KaKElvo, Kat 'toov aAArov llaAAov. Kat yap 'tolC; aAAOle; EKElvo
'tile; 'tpocpilc; al'tlov Ecr'tlV).
60 luv. 27 I Resp. 21, 480a 19: 'It is necessary that when this increases' (f\. vaylCTl 8il
1tAEOV YlvoIlEVOV, .. ).

13. From life-bearing breath to life-bearing spirit

The Greek word pneuma, 'wind', obviously derives from the verb 1tVE1V
(pnein) , 'to blow'. As such it is synonYmous with aVEJlO~ (anemos), which
is also a standard word for 'wind'.61
But the process of 'in-halation' (avu1tvoTt, aVa1tVEU(n~) and 'ex-hala-
tion' (£K1tVOTt, EK1tVEU(:n~) also derives from the verb pnein. Aristotle
compares this process to the operation of a bellows (De respiratione 7,
It is thus understandable that pneuma was interpreted as the bearer of
vital functions and of vitality and as being present in a living creature
so long as this living creature is alive ('breath of life').
The Latin words 'animus' and 'anima' are related to the Greek word
aVEJ.LO~ and also carry the meaning 'breath of life'.62
Aristotle mentions in Anim. I 5, 4l0b29 that the doctrine of the
so-called Orphic poems stated that 'the soul enters from the cosmos
though inhalation, and that this soul is borne in on the winds.'
He also knows that Plato closely connected the presence of life with
the respiratory function.
However, in all the writings in which he talks about living creatures,
Aristotle is convinced that the bearer of vital processes is present prior to
the process of respiration. For respiration requires lungs. And before the
lungs can function, they must be formed in the embryological process
of development (De generatione animalium II 6, 742a5).
Moreover, Aristotle became convinced that the vital functions must
have a somatic aspect. The transfer of life via semen, but also the
phenomenon that a bearer of vital potency does not display any vital
activity (the situation of 'germinal rest' in a grain of corn, flower bulbs,
and potatoes kept in storage), led him to conclude that life is inseparably
bound up with a physical entity. Aristotle chose to use the term pneuma
for this, even though it was clear that this gave a radically new meaning
to the term, and even though he thus created confusion with the word
pneuma in the sense of 'breath', which he also continued to use.

61 cr. G.L. Duprat, 'La theorie du 7tVEUIlU chez Aristote', Archivfiir Gesch. der PhilM.
12 (1898) 305-321, p. 306. Aristotle himself states in De mundo 4, 394b8-9, 12-13 that
pneuma is synonymous \,vith anemos as 'a compact mass of air which blows'.
b2 cr. R.B. Onians, The Origins qfEuropean Thought (Cambridge 1951) 93 fr. The word

'1fUXll is also etymologically related to the verb 'psychein', 'to blow'. Cr. J. Bremmer, The
Early Greek Concept qf the Soul (Princeton 1983) 21.

'Pneuma' in the specifically Aristotelian sense:

- the most essential feature of pneuma is that it is the bearer of vital

heat (De generatione animalium 11 3, 736b33-737al);
- as the bearer of vital heat it is the bearer of the anima nutritiva or
anima vegetativa;
- as such it is responsible for the entire embryological process of
development which precedes the possibility of respiration in living
creatures that (later) possess a respiratory process; and which results
in the entire living specimen in lower animals and in plants;
- Aristotle emphatically distinguishes the heat of pneuma from the heat
of fire. The nature of pneuma is equivalent to the element of the sun,
stars (De generatione animalium 11 3, 736b35-737al);
on one occasion Aristotle describes pneuma as 'hot air' (De generatione
animalium 11 2, 736al). Again we should probably connect the 'heat'
of this air with astral heat;
- but pneuma cannot be real 'air'. Aristotle says in De generatione anima-
lium III 11, 762a18-21 that pneuma is present everywhere in water
(and that therefore 'soul' is present everywhere in a certain sense!),
but he firmly rejects the idea that water could contain air: all the
air introduced into water is forced to the surface by its own natural
movement (De spiritu 2, 482a22-24);63
- pneuma is present throughout the living organism because it is present
in the blood (or its analogue).

The two entirely different meanings of the Greek word pneuma are lucidly
contrasted by Aristotle in De mundo 4, 394b9-12 64 (and nowhere else).
The debate with the traditional concept of pneuma in Plato and his
predecessors was conducted by Aristotle in De spiritu. We believe that
he did develop an 'overall view of the biological role of pneuma' in this
work. 55

6\ On the confusion about the term 'pneuma', see also G.E.R. Uoyd, 'Aspects of

the relationship between Aristotle's psychology and his zoology', in M.C. Nussbaum,
A. Oksenberg Rorty (eds), Essays on Aristotle's De anima (Oxford 1992) 147-167,
pp. 152-153, 166 (repr. in id., Aristotelian Explorations (Cambridge 1996) 38-66, pp.
6.J. Cf. G. Reale; A.P. Bos, 11 trattato Sui cosmo per Alessandro attribuito ad Aristotele (Milano
1995) 285-288.
6:, Against ].E. Annas (1992) 20.

Under the direction of the vegetative soul (or the vegetative soul-
'pare), pneuma first of all forms the heart or its analogue in the central
part of the living entity. It itself is always most present in the heart,
because the heart is the largest blood vessel; but it is also present in
the other parts of the living creature via the interconnected system of
blood vessels.
Through its heat pneuma causes the chest to expand and in this way
causes the movement of the lungs, which via respiration have a mod-
erating effect on the internal vital heat (De respiratione 21).
Guided by the soul's perception, pneuma, through its expansion and
contraction, causes the movements of the instrumental parts (De motu
animalium 8).66

fi6 For the best discussion of Aristotle's concept of 'innate pneuma', see A.L. Peck,

Aristotle, Generation cif animals (1942) Appendix B, 586-593. The view of G. Freudenthal,
Aristotle's 7heory cif Material Substance. Heat and Pneuma (Oxford 1995) is unsatisfactory on
a number of points.

Chapter 1

[The innate pneuma: two views on its maintenance]

1, 481al. The innate pneuma, how does it maintain itself and grow?
For we see that it increases and becomes stronger with age and as the
physical disposition changes.
Is it the same as with the other parts, because something is added?
Now what is added is food for ensouled creatures. (1 a5) So we should
consider the nature and origin of the food.
Now there are two ways in which food is produced for the innate
pneuma, namely either (A) by means of respiration or (B) by means of
the process of concoction which accompanies the introduction of food,
as for the other parts.
Of these two the <former> manner of nutrition I seems just as likely
to take place by means of nutritive substance. For a body is nourished
by a body, (1 a 10) and pneuma is a body.

[Aristotle's position]
So how does this work? Most probably by a kind of drawing of blood
from the veins and a process of concoction of this blood. For blood is
food in its last phase, which is the same for all living creatures. Just as
blood absorbs food for its own vessel, so also for that which is enclosed
by it, i.e. the vital heat.

I Instead of oux o,hO)~ in the manuscripts we read £K:EiVo)~. This word may have
been mistakenly replaced by a marginal gloss.

[The content of the version of theory B which is rejected]

Now the air supplies it [food] and is responsible for the actIvity
and, by adding the activity of concoction to itself, causes growth and

[The rejected version of theory B critically discussed]

Objection 1
481 a 15. This in itself is perhaps not so strange. But it is strange that
what is primary has been formed from the food. For that which is
connected with the soul is purer. Unless somebody were to say that
the soul, too, is formed later, when the seeds separate and begin to
develop into life forms.

O,?jection 2
And now if there is a residue of every form of food, (1 a20) by what
passage is it transported outside? It is not reasonable to assume that this
takes place via exhalation. For it is immediately followed by inhalation.
So the only possibility left is: through the pores of the arteria.

Objection 3
But what is discharged is either thinner or thicker. But both make for
an absurdity, if the innate pneuma is assumed to be the purest of all. But
if it is thicker, it follows (la25) that some pores must be larger.

Objection 2 (repeated)
But if the living creature therefore takes in food and discharges the
residue by the same passages, this is illogical and absurd.

[The criticism of the rejected variant of theory B concluded]

Such are the arguments for the growth and maintenance of the innate
pneuma on the basis of food.

Chapter 2

[Theory A of 51ristogenes' criticallY discussed]

481 a28. But the growth and maintenance of the innate pneuma as a
result of respiration, as Aristogenes holds-for he believes that breath,
too, is food, because the air (I a30) is concocted in the <lungs>, 2 and
this breath is distributed to the vessels-causes more problems.

[1. O!?jections to theory A as regards living creatures with respiration]

Objection 1
481 b2. For the concoction of the inhaled air, by what is this caused?
Most probably by itself [breath], like the concoction of the other nutri-
tive substances. But this in turn is strange, if it does not differ from
the outer air. If this is the case, however, the vital heat is probably the
cause of concoction.

Objection 2
(I b5) And certainly it is also logical that it is thicker, mixed as it is with
the moisture of the vessels, and of the entire mass of the body, so that
concoction doubtless makes it more corporeal.

Objection 3
But if the residue becomes thinner, this is implausible.

Objection 4
And the rapidity of the concoction is illogical too. For exhalation
immediately follows inhalation. (I b I0) What agent would be capable
of causing a change and alteration so rapidly? Naturally one might
suppose in the first place that it is the vital heat. This is also supported
by perception, for the exhaled air is hot.

2 All Greek mss read here 1tVn)~HX'tl. The Latin translation of Daniel Furlanus
translates 1tVEUjlOVl.

Objection 5
And moreover, if what is concocted is in the lungs and in the arteria,
the power of the vital heat also resides in these. But they deny this; but
they say that the food is heated by the movement of the air3 (I b 15).

Objection 6
But if it [the innate pneuma] draws, as it were, food from something
else or receives it from something else that causes movement, this is
even stranger. In that case, moreover, it is not itself the primary mov-
mg cause.

Olijection 7
Moreover, respiration extends as far as the lungs, as they themselves
say, but the innate pneuma is present throughout the living creature. And
if it is also distributed from the lungs both to the lower parts and to
the others, (1 b20) how can the concoction take place so rapidly? This
is even stranger and a greater problem. For they [the lungs] do not
<immediately> pass on the air, which is not concocted immediately,
to the lower parts. 4 And yet this would seem necessary if the concoc-
tion takes place in the lungs and if the lower parts, too, are involved
in the respiratory process. (lb25). But the consequence of this is an
even greater and more unexpected problem: in that case the process of
concoction takes place as it were casually and by contact only.

Objection 8
And this, too, is illogical and even less tenable, s if the same passage 6 is
used for the food and the residue. But if it is transported via another
internal part, the same arguments would hold as above. Unless some-
one were to say (1 b30) that a residue is not formed from all food and
not for all living creatures, (2a I) anymore than it is in plants, since it
cannot be demonstrated for each individual part of the body, unless in
the sense that it forms part of the body as a whole.

3 Most mss read 1tvdllluLO<; here too. Only Dl reads 1tV£UJlovo<;. CC also 5, 484a6.
A. Roselli (1992) 80 opts for 'the movement of the lungs'. But in turn this movement
itself must have a principle.
.. See Objection 4, which was forcibly underlined in Objection 7. In 481b21-22 we
read: ou yap lhU1tEIl1tet (£u8i><;) ou't£ l' £u8U<; 1t£'t'tOIl£VOV 'tov aEpu 101:<; 1(lLro.
-, The ms Z has A.oyoo£<J'tEpOV here. By letter of August 9, 2005, D. Holwerda
has proposed to read: o.A.oy(ou epy)rooE<J'tEPOV: 'even more difficult (to explain) than
something that is illogical'.
6 The Greek text hac; /..oyo<; here. W. Jaeger (1913) already proposed to read 1tOpo<;.

But the growth of the vessels is just like that of the other parts,
and because these [vessels] become broader and distended, (2a5) the
air which flows in and out increases. But whether something must be
present in them, that is what we are trying to find out. And what this
natural air is, and how it increases in a healthy way, that will be obvi-
ous on the basis of that. 7

[IL Objections to theory A and theory B with regard to insects (which do not
have respiration)]
And how then does nutrition and growth of the innate pneuma take
place for living creatures without respiration? For they no longer obtain
the food from the air inhaled from outside.

Objection 1
But if they receive their food for that (2a I 0) from what is inside and
from ordinary food, it is reasonable to assume that this also applies to
living creatures with respiration. For similar matters come from the
same causes and in the same way.

Objection 2
Unless of course it also comes from outside for living creatures without
respiration-just as they perceive smells-, but then it is something like
respiration after all.
The correctness of this could be disputed by adducing this argument,
(2aI5) as well as the matter of food intake (for the drawing in of pneuma
takes place at the same time), and moreover by objecting with regard
to refrigeration that they need it just as much. And if this takes place
for them via their waist, the intake of air naturally also takes place by
that way. So that it is much the same as respiration.

Objection 3
But it is not determined how and by what cause this drawing in takes
place, or, (2a20) if there is no drawing in, how the intake takes place.
Unless, of course, it occurs spontaneously.
This point requires a separate investigation.

7 In 482a7, following He. Bussemaker and W Jaeger, we read Etll instead of dEV
of the manuscripts.

[Ill. Objections to theory A and theory B with regard to fishes (in the water,
where respiration is impossible)}
And what about the nutrition and growth of the innate pneuma in
aquatic animals? For in the first place they do not draw breath, and
we say further that no air is present in the moist substance.
The only remaining possibility is that the innate pneuma is nourished
and grows by means of ordinary food, so that the method is either not
the same for all, (2a25) or the other living creatures with respiration
also nourish and increase [their innate pneuma] by means of ordinary
food. For it must needs be one of these three.
This now is enough as regards the growth and nourishment of

Chapter 3

[Problems in some theories if respiration]

Objection J
3, 482a28. But as regards respiration, some do not say what purpose
it serves, but only in what way it takes place, for instance Empedocles
and Democritus. (2a30)

Objection 2
Others do not even discuss the way it takes place but pretend that it
is evident.

Objection 3
And also when respiration serves the purpose of refrigeration, it is
necessary to elucidate this point. For if the vital heat resides in the
upper parts of the living creature, <the parts>8 below no longer need
refrigeration. But the innate pneuma pervades the entire living creature.
And it has its starting-point in the lungs, but the result of respiration,
it seems in their view, (2a35) is also distributed to all parts of the living
creature through the continuity of the system. So they must demonstrate
that this is not the case. On the other hand it is strange if these [lower

8 ue. Bussemaker proposed to read: (tu) l(litro.


parts] do not require a certain motive agent and a form of nutrition.

(2b 1) But if respiration pervades the entire body, it can no longer be
for the purpose of refrigeration.

Objection 4
But this distribution of the breath throughout the body cannot be
perceived anyway, no more than its speed.

Objection 5
And the process of counterflow is also surprising, if it takes place from
all parts. Unless it takes place in a different way (2b5) from the outer
parts, but the primary and central process from the cardiac region. But
in that case the activities and powers are divided among a plurality
of principles.

Objection 6
Yet it is strange if it is also distributed to the bones: for they say that
these also obtain their breath and nutrition from the arteriai. Therefore
we must, as we said, look at respiration, the purpose for which it takes
place and for what parts and how.

Objection 7
(2b 10) Moreover, it does not appear for all parts that the supply of food
takes place through the arteriai, for instance for the vessels themselves
and for certain other parts. And plants also live and receive food.
But these matters belong perhaps more to a study on kinds of

Chapter 4

[Inquiry into the relation qf respiration, pulsation, and nutrition. Continued

analysis qf the theory qf respiration held by Aristotle's opponents}
4, 482b14. There are three movements of the air in the arteria [accord-
ing to their theory], (2b 15) viz. respiration, pulsation, and thirdly the
movement which supplies and assimilates the food.
It is therefore necessary to say of each of these three where and how
and for what purpose it occurs.
36 DE/o,'PIRln'

[The question: 'Where?'}

Of these the movement of pulsation can even be clearly perceived
by touching any part of the body. But the movement of respiration
is perceptible only to a certain extent and is largely based on logical
argumentation. (2b20) And the movement of the supply and assimila-
tion of the food is virtually in its entirety a matter of argumentation,
but in the sense that it is concluded on the basis of matters which take
place in an empirically observable way.
Now respiration clearly has its origin from within, to be designated
a power of the soul or the soul itself, or something else again, for
instance a mixture of bodies, which by means of these bodies causes
such an attraction.
(2b25) The nutritive movement may seem to have its origin in
respiration: for it [respiration] is cyclical and is in fact constant. But
whether the whole body does not keep the same pace with regard to
the timing of this movement, or whether there is no difference for all
its parts, should be investigated.
But the pulsating movement is peculiar and distinct from the two
mentioned earlier. (2b30) On the one hand it seems accidental, since,
if there is much heat in a fluid, it is necessary that what evaporates
causes a pulsation, because it is enclosed [in the fluid].
But it is present in the origin and primarily, since it is present by
nature in the very first parts. For it is chiefly and primarily present in
the heart, and from there in the other parts. But perhaps, in relation
(2b35) to the underlying substance of the living creature, when it starts
to function in reality, it is a necessary side effect.

[The question: 'How?'}

There is an indication that pulsation has nothing to do with respira-
tion: (3a I) when someone breathes rapidly or evenly, and when he
breathes heavily or lightly, the pulsating movement is the same and
unchanged, but an irregular and agitated pulse occurs during some
bodily ailments and in the case of fears, hopeful expectations, and
afHictions of the soul.
(3a5) But we need to consider whether it is true that pulsation also
occurs in the artbiai, even when its rhythm is constant and regular.
At any rate it does not seem to be the case for parts which are far

[The question: (For what purpose?)

And it does not seem to occur for any purpose at all, as we already
said. 9 For respiration and the supply of food, whether they are entirely
independent of each other (3alO) or stand in relation to each other, do
seem to have a purpose and a reason.
But of these three it would be logical [in their view] for pulsation and
respiration to be prior. For nutrition is always nutrition of something
that already exists.

Objection 1
Or is this not so? For respiration only begins when separation has
taken place from her who has borne the new living creature, and the
supply and the food belong both to what is being formed and to what
already exists.

Objection 2
(3a 15) But pulsation occurs from the very first, while the heart is form-
ing, as can be observed in incubated eggs. In this way it is the first
movement, and it resembles an activity and not an enclosure of air,
unless this fact therefore contributes to this activity.lo

Chapter 5

[The relationship of respiration and nutrition in the theory of Aristotle)s

483a18. But the air which is the result of respiration is [they say] trans-
ported to the belly, (3a20) not via the oesophagus (for this is impossible);
but there is a passage along the loins through which the inhaled air is
transported by the respiration from the bronchi to the belly and out
again. And this last [in their view] can be established by perception.

9 cr 4, 482b30.
10 As suggested in 4, 482b34-36.
38 DE SP1RlTIf

[A problem relating to the subject if perception}

But there is also a problem with [their view of] perception. For if only
the arteria perceives, (3a25) is this by the breath which flows through it
or by the total mass or by its material substance [viz. the arteria
Or, if air is the first that comes directly below soul, does the arteria
perceive by that which is more dominant and prior [viz. the soul]?
What then is the soul? They say that it is a power that is the cause
of this movement.

But of course you cannot rightly criticize those who describe the
rational and emotional parts as powers. For they, too, describe those
parts as powers.

(3a30) But if the soul is present in this air, the air is ordinary air. Or
does it really undergo an effect [from the soul] and thereby change?
Obviously the air as ensouled 11 or as soul is brought to what is akin to
it, and like increases by like.
Or is this not so? For the whole is not air. But the whole is something
that contributes to this power.
Or not this either? (3a35) That which brings about and has brought
about this power, that is the origin and foundation.

[Is the vital breath identical with or dijfirent from the outer air?}
5, 483b 1: But do non-respiring animals have no breath in order that
the air in the arteria is not mixed with the outer air? Or is this not the
reason, but is it mixed in a different way?

And how does the air in the arteria differ from the air outside? For it is
plausible and perhaps even necessary that it differs in fineness.

IJ All the manuscripts have d5'l1uxoV here. He. Bussemaker corrected this to

But there is also the problem (3b5) whether it is hot by itself or by
something else. For the air within seems to be just like the outer air.
But it receives help through refrigeration.
Which views are right? The air outside is at rest, but when enclosed,
it becomes pneuma, condensed as it were and somehow introduced into
a transport system.

Or must the air obtain a kind of mixture, because it circulates in a
moist and coarse-material environment? But in that case the air (3b I0)
is not the finest, because it has undergone a mixture. Yet it is logi-
cal that the vehicle of the soul in a primary sense is very fine, unless
something similar applies to the soul too, and it is not something pure
and unmixed.

Only the arteriai [they say] can contain breath, but not the sinews.
Another difference is that the sinews are elastic, but the arteriai burst
easily, like veins.
(3bI5) The skin [they say] contains veins, sinews, and arteriai. Veins,
for when the skin is pricked, it emits blood; sinews, for the skin is
elastic; arteriai, for air is breathed through the skin. For only the arteria
can contain pneuma. But the veins [they say] have pores, in which l2 the
vital heat [of the breath in the arteriai] (3b20) is present, and in this
way heats the blood as in a cauldron.
For blood is not hot by nature, but like metals becomes liquid through
heat. That is why it coagulates. l3
And the arteria also has moisture in itself and in the coverings which
enclose the cavity. This is shown both by dissections and by the fact that
(3b25) both the veins and the arteriai, which probably draw in the food,
are connected with the intestines and the belly. From the veins the food
is distributed to the flesh, not via the sides but via the opening.
For, as if they were irrigation pipes, thin veins alongside l 4- the veins
extend [in their view] from the large vein (3b30) and the arteria past
every rib, and the arteriai and the veins lie side by side.

12 The mss read ai<; here. This can only refer back to the 'veins',].F. Dobson pro-

posed to read oi<;, which may refer back to nopol.

13 We read a full stop behind 1tTnvucr8at.

14 ].F. Dobson already proposed to delete <pA.E~roV. At the suggestion of D. Holwerda

we opt to insert the article "[rov before <pA.E~roV.

Moreover, the bones are attached to the sinews and the veins by
being joined in the middle and in the connections of the head of the
bones, and they [the bones] thus take in food from the veinsY
Fishes also breathe [in their opinion]. If they did not breathe, they
would immediately die on being taken out of the water.
The veins and the arteriai (4a 1) are connected with each other, and in
their view this can be established by perception too. This would not be
the case if the moisture did not require air and the air did not require
moisture, on account of the heat in the sinew, in the arteria, and in the
vein, a heat which is hottest and most fieryl6 (4a5) in the sinew.

O,?jection 1
Now this vital heat is not suited to the arteria as the location of the
inhaled air, especially not if respiration exists for the purpose of refrig-
eration. But if the vital heat is the producing agent l7 and kindles life,
as it were, through heat, it would be possible.

Objection 2
Moreover, what about the maintenance of all living creatures that
possess this innate vital heat, if there is no opposite, nor anything
that cools? For it is clear, (4al0) I think, that all living creatures need
The blood [in their view] retains the vital heat in the veins and
shelters it as it were. Hence it [the blood], when it flows out, also lets
[the heat] go and the animal dies, because the liver has no arteria.

Chapter 6

[Problems relating to the nutrition of bones, sinews, and the flesh of living
6, 484a 14. Does the semen pass through the arteria and is it also
compressed, (4aI5) and does this happen only in emission?18 So the

vYe read a full stop after bEXEO"SUt.

The mss have <pA£~robEO"'ta'tov here. A. Roselli 107, following D. Furlanus, cor-
rects to <pAoyrobEO"'tULOV.
li To SEPI-lOV is the subject of nOtE!. er 9, 485a28: 'to SEPI-lOV 'to Epya~OI-lEVOV.
18 A. Roselli assumes a lacuna here in the Greek text.J.E Dobson assumes a lacuna
before this sentence.

<bones>19 also show the change from blood, because the sinews are
nourished from the bones. For they are attached to them.

Or is this not true either? For there are sinews in the heart too. And
sinews are attached to the bones, but not on the other side, because
they end in flesh.
4a20. But this means nothing. For the food for the sinews could still
come from the bone. But would the food for these bones themselves
rather come from the sinews? For this is strange too. For bone is by
nature dry and has no passages for liquid. And food is liquid.
But we should first consider, if the sinews receive their nutrition from
the bones, what the nutrition of bone is. Do perhaps passages (4a25)
carry it there both from the vein and from the arteria? In many bones
these passages are clearly visible, particularly those leading to the spine.
But [in their view] the veins and artbiai leading from the bones form a
continuous whole with them, for instance along the ribs.

But in what way do these passages receive their food from the belly,
or how does the drawing-in take place? After all, most (bones) are not
elastic (cartilaginous), for instance the spine.
But it does not serve (4a30) the purpose of movement either. Is it
for connecting?
And we must also know, if the bone is nourished from the sinews,
what the nutrition of the sinew is. But we say that a sinew is nourished
by the sticky fluid which surrounds it. And whence and how this fluid
arises is yet to be discussed.

But to say that flesh consists of veins and arteria because blood issues
from any point where it is pricked is false, (4a35) in any case with regard
to the other living creatures, like birds, snakes, and fishes or oviparous
animals in general. But this is a specific feature of full-blooded animals.
For when the breast of a small bird is cut, serum issues, not blood.
But Empedocles assumes that nails are formed from sinews, by a
process of hardening. (4b 1) Is the relation of skin to flesh the same?

19 We could consider reading EV (oo't)Ot~ here.


But how is it possible for shellfish and crustaceans that nutrition takes
place from outside by means of respiration? It seems on the contrary
that it takes place from inside rather than outside.

Moreover, how and through what passages does transport from the belly
take place? (4b5) And, next, how do they bend back to the flesh, even if
this is illogical? For this seems most surprising and totally impossible.
Is this then food for some animals and something else for others,
and is the blood not food for all? But the other parts are nourished
from it.

Chapter 7

[The various junctions if the bones]

7, 484b9. We therefore need to consider whether bones are designed
for movement or (4b 10) for support and as a protective covering, and
moreover whether some of them are a kind of origin, like the celestial
axis (in the cosmos). By 'for movement' I mean for instance the bone
of a foot or a hand or a leg or an arm, both the movement of bend-
ing and locomotion. For the latter is impossible without the movement
of bending.
The legs (the 'supporting parts'), we can say, belong to these as
(4bl5) But bones also serve as a protective covering; the bones of
the head have this function for the brain, and those who regard the
marrow as the origin, as is well known, assign the same function to the
spine. And the ribs are for enclosing.
The primary and stable factor is the spine, to which the ribs are
attached for the purpose of enclosing. For there must be something of
this kind. For everything that is moved starts from a state of rest.
4b20. But there must always be a goal for the sake of which some-
thing exists. Some therefore find the origin here, in the spinal marrow
and the brain.
Moreover, bones are for joining and enclosing, like the collar-bone.
Perhaps its name (key-bone) derives from this.
Every bone is well-suited to its function. For bending is not pos-
sible, either of the whole or of the parts, (4b25) unless there are such

bones, such as the spine, the foot, the arm. For there must be a bend-
ing inwards, for the sake of functionality, as much of the foot as of
the other limbs.
They all serve some purpose, including the bones which form part of
them, like the radius in the forearm for turning 20 the forearm and the
hand. For we could not bend the arm forwards and backwards (4b30)
without this radius, and would could not raise and bend our legs if
there were not two radii functioning in the lower leg. 21
Just so we should consider for the other bones, for instance the
movement of the neck, whether this is one bone. And we should also
do this for the bones which serve to fasten and connect, for instance
the kneecap over the knee.
But we should also investigate why the others do not have this.
(4b35) All bones with a motor function have sinews, and perhaps in
particular those which are suitable for doing something, like those of
the arms and the legs, the hands and the feet.
The other bones with a connective function have sinews to the
extent that they need them. For some hardly need them or not at all,
for instance the spine. But hinge joints do.
(5al) For what fastens them together is serum and a mucous fluid.
The others are moreover connected by sinews, for instance those about
the joints.

Chapter 8

[The .fUnctionality of all things in nature]

8, 485a4. A better explanation of all things is obtained by an investi-
gation like the present. But we must study as far as adequate the final
causes for the sake of which things exist.
In our view, it is not the bones which exist for the sake of movement,
but rather the sinews or their analogues, the primary part containing
the pneuma which causes movement.
For even the belly moves and the heart has sinews. Bones are not
present in all living creatures, but in some they are necessarily present.

20 I. Bekker has rightly corrected 'tpO(jll1<; as found in the fiSS to (cr)'tpO(jll1<;.

21 With fiS Z, A. Roselli reads here: EV 'tfl ICvTu.rn. The other fiSS have: 1C1VfJcrEl.
44 DESPIRln'

And such a living creature requires sinews for such a movement (SaIO)
or for < >.22
For an octopus can walk, if only small distances and with difficulty.
For we should assume as a principle that the bones of all animals
serve the purpose of movement, or some other purpose, but contribut-
ing to their characteristic movement.
For instance the feet for land animals, two for those that stand erect,
but more for animals which move entirely on the ground, whose matter
(SaIS) is earthier and colder (other animals can even move without feet,
for they move in their situation with a movement all of their own),23
and wings for birds, and their form is suited to their nature, but they
differ for the faster and heavier flyers.
They have feet for the purpose of getting food and for standing,
except in the case of the bat. That is why the bat gets its food (Sa20)
from the air. And that is why it does not need to rest. For they do not
need <to alternate>.24
But among aquatic animals shellfish have feet on account of their
weight [and not for locomotion]. Thus far on locomotion.
But for everything which serves other purposes the governing prin-
ciple (for our inquiry) is what is specific to each living creature, even if
this is not very clear, for instance why (Sa2S) many-footed insects are
the slowest (whereas quadrupeds are faster than bipeds). Is this because
their bodies move entirely on the ground or because they are naturally
cold and move with difficulty, or for another reason?

Chapter 9

[Vital heat as the only and multi-jimctional life-bearing principle]

Our opponents who hold that it is not the vital heat which is the effi-
cient principle in bodies, and who claim (Sa30) that fire has only one
direction of movement and only a power to cut, are wrong. For even
in inanimate things it does not always produce the same effect in all

The text seems to have a lacuna of 5 to 6 letters here.

We propose to read here: OAroc;. trxropci (iD)i~ [se. KWT1cn:t] yap o,hro KtVEtaem,

instead of ~i~.
24 We propose to correct Dt' aAArov to DtaAA(ay)rov. Bats do not need to interrupt

their flight to search for food on the ground, as birds do. Cr. 1. A. 18, 714b20-22.
TRA..'\lSLATIOl" 45

cases, ~5 but some things it condenses, others it rarefies, others it dissolves,

yet others it hardens. \Ve must therefore assume that the same situation
applies to ensouled creatures, when we inquire into what can be called
the fire which nature uses, as into the fire which craft uses.
For in the crafts, too, the fire of the goldsmith produces a different
result (5a35) from that of the coppersmith and that of the carpenter
and the cook. But perhaps it is more correct to say that the crafts
accomplish this: for they use fire (5b 1) as an instrument to soften or
melt or dry things, and also to shape some things.
The natural vital principles (of living creatures) do the same. Hence
their products differ. 26
It is therefore ridiculous to judge by externals only. For whether
the action of heat and fire separates or refines or whatever, (5b5) the
products will be different for the users of this fire.
But the crafts use fire solely as an instrument; nature, on the other
hand, also uses it as matter. And this is not problematical, but rather it
is hard to understand that nature herself uses the vital heat, and that,
together with the visible qualities, nature also produces the form.
(5b 10) For this is no longer a matter of fire or air. It is clearly remark-
able that such a power should be combined with these matters. And
the case is just as remarkable with the soul. For it is present in them.
Therefore it is not incorrect to identify it with them, either as a whole
or one of its parts, the part that forms and that causes the movement
always to be actually the same. ~7 For this also applies to the nature
(5b 15) to which generation, too, is due.
But how are we then to explain the difference of the vital heat in
each individual living creature, the heat taken as instrument or as
matter or as both? For fire displays differences of more and less. This
is much like mixed or unmixed. For purer fire is more fire. The same
rule applies to the other simple bodies.
(5b20) For because the bone and flesh of a horse differ from those
of an ox, it is necessary that they consist of different components or
differ in the proportion of their mixture. 28 Now if the components are
different, what are the differences of each of the simple bodies in itself

25 j.F. Dobson corrects oAa to OA(J)~ with reference to 3, 482a30 and 2, 482a23.
26 We propose to correct ota<popat in b3 to oux<popa.
27 D. Furlanus and WJaeger correct EVEpYElaV to EV€pyouv. A. Roselli 127 proposes:
20 The mss have XPl1<J€l here. D. Furlanus proposed to read ICpU<J£l. C£ 485b25.

and what <is their power> ?29 For we are searching for these <differ-
ences>. But if the components are the same, they will differ owing to
the proportions of their mixture.
For it must needs be one of the two, as in the other cases: (5b25)
for a mixture of wine and honey differs [from another mixture] on
account of the underlying substance, but one quantity of wine differs
from another through its constitution.
Hence Empedocles <speaks>30 too simply about the formation of
bone, since [in his view] all bones have the same proportion in their
mixture. In that case there ought to be no difference between the bones
of a horse and a lion or a man. But in reality they differ in hardness,
softness, (5b30) density, and so on.
Moreover, even parts of the same living creature differ in density and
rarity, and so on. So they do not have the same proportion of mixture
in their components. For the difference between thick and thin and
large and small may be due to quantity, but hard and dense and their
opposites (5b35) are due to the quality of the mixture.
But those who speak in this way must see (5b35) how the formative
principle may differ (6a 1) because its own quantity varies or because
something by itself or mixed or in something else is heated, like the
difference between something that is cooked and that is baked. Perhaps
this is true. For the vital heat of nature is mixed with it and produces
the bones at the same time. So the argument holds good for the flesh
[of a living creature]. (6bl) For the same differences occur there, and
most probably also in the vein and the arteria (windpipe), and so on.
So one of the two: either the proportion of the components in the
mixture is not the same, or we should not try to determine the propor-
tions for hardness and density and their opposites.

29 W. Jaeger supposes a lacuna in the text here and suggests: Tt OuvaJ.ll~; Another
possibility is: Tt cruVe£(n~.
30 Perhaps q>umv of the manuscripts should be corrected into q>TJcriv, as D. Holwerda
suggested by letter of September 19, 2005.


[The innate pneuma: two views on its maintenance]

481 a 1: 'The innate pneuma, how does it maintain itself and grow?' (Ti<;
it 'tou E)l<PU'tO'U 1tV£ulla'to<; OtaIlOVTJ, Kat 'ti<; it aU~ll(JtC;;)
The central subject of this treatise is the innate pneuma or life-bear-
ing spirit.
The title of the work derives from the first sentence, just as in some
recognized works of Aristotle.
Pneuma is present in all living creatures from their conception. Accord-
ing to Aristotle, it is present in living creatures both with and without
a respiratory system.
Moreover, living creatures with respiration always undergo a devel-
opmental phase in which the respiratory function has not yet been
actualized. For pneuma is already present in the semen from which every
living entity is born. This is because the begetter of such a living entity
is himself a bearer of pneuma too, and through his vital heat is able
to concoct the food he has eaten, so that it becomes a useful nutrient,
blood. Through this process of concoction the begetter also produces
semen as a residue (perittoma) of high purity, which contains pneuma
and passes on a life-generating movement to the menstrual blood of
the female partner. I
Like A.L. Peck, it seems best to us to leave pneuma untranslated, on
account of the misunderstandings which words like 'vital spirit' of 'vital
breath' are liable to create. If a translation is nevertheless chosen, 'vital'
or 'life-bearing spirit' is preferable to 'vital breath', because it avoids
the suggestion of a respiratory process.

I For a sound treatment of this concept in Aristode's oeuvre, see Aristotle, Generation
of animals, ....r:ith an English translation by A.L. Peck (London 1942) 576-593. See
also Aristoteles, Over voortplanting vertaald, ingeleid en van aantckeningen voorzien door
R. Ferwerda (Groningen 2005).

This concept of the innate pneuma as the bearer of soul and all
vital functions in all living creatures was a fundamental concept of
Aristotle's philosophy. And of no one else. 2 The Stoic theory of pneuma
is radically different.
But Aristotle had to do with predecessors who also assigned a vital
role to pneuma, namely all those who saw 'vital breath' as the central
force of life and who considered this life inextricably connected with
respiration. In his De respiratione Aristotle discussed at length the theories
of Empedocles, Democritus, Diogenes of Apollonia, Anaxagoras, and
Plato's Timaeus. But the only question he addresses there is how they
understood the process of respiration. The discussion in De spiritu focuses
on clarifying the concept of 'the innate pneuma'. For Aristotle this pneuma
is something special, the analogue of the astral element in sublunary
creatures and the instrumental body of the soul (soma organikon). For
his opponents it is 'vital breath', which they identify with the soul, or
at least assume to be closely connected with the soul.
J.H. Dobson's translation (1914) 'natural breath' is unfortunate. It
has nevertheless been retained in the Revised Oxflrd Translation (1984)
vol. 1, 764. WS. Hett 487 has: 'the breath inherent in us'; :P. Gohlke
(1947) 19 opts for 'angeborene Lebensluft', 'weil es sich dabei weder
urn gewohnliche Luft, noch auch nur urn Atemluft handelt'. But this
translation remains confusing too. J. Tricot (1951) 177 chooses 'souffle
vital'. A. Roselli (1992) 133 has: 'il pneuma congenito'. But this is not
yet precise either. For Aristotle it is a fundamental point that pneuma
is not just present from birth (see 5, 483aI3-17!), but earlier. We have
chosen to translate EIl<Pu'tov as 'innate', though this can also create
misunderstanding if associated with the moment of birth.
'Innate' (EIl<{)l.ltov) occurs only here in Spir. The term OUIl<PU'tov,
which is synonymous, occurs six times. This difference in frequency is
also found in the Corpus Aristotelicum (the collection of all the extant
works attributed to Aristotle).
The passage in MA. 10, 703al0: 'How this innate pneuma is preserved
has been set out elsewhere' ('tt~ Il£V 01)V 1, oOl'tTlPta 'tau oUIl<PU'tOU
1tV£ulla'to~, ElPlltat EV aAAot~) has often been connected with De spiritu.
e£ the highly questionable discussion by WJaeger (art. 1913; repr. 1960)
76-77. A. Roselli 69 denies the necessity of this connection and states
that 'la autenticita di U4 dunque non e infirmata da un rimando al

2 For the foundation of this thesis, see AP. Bos, The soul and its instrumental battY. A
reinterpretation of Aristotle's philosophy of living nature (Leiden 2003).

non autentico Spir.' It may be that the passage from MA. 10 refers to
luv. 6, 470a19-b5, which talks about 'the preservation of the natural
vital heat' ('tTtV 'tou <pUcrlKOU 8EPJ.10U crco'tllpiav). But this connection is
not necessary either. See also our commentary on 481a12.

1, 481 a 1: does maintain itself' (olaJ.1ovft)-here at the beginning and

in 481 a27 at the conclusion of chap. 1; but it recurs in 5, 484a8. The
only place where it occurs in the Corpus Aristotelicum is De plantis: I
3, 818a40; 7, 822a1; II 6, 826b19. 3
A comparable place is 'the continuance of the presence of the nutri-
tive soul in vital heat' (Tt J.10VTt (EV 'tip 8EPJ.1ip 't11<; 8pE1tn1cil<; ",UX11<;)) in
luv. 24 / Resp. 18, 479a30.
The verb 'to be maintained' (OtaJ.1fVElv) is common in Aristotle. E.g.
Resp. I, 470b15; b21. See also U1tOJ.1fVElV in luv. 4, 469b14: U1tOJ.1fVEl
'to ~l1v.
For the distinction between 'to be maintained' (otaJ.1ovft) and 'growth'
(au~llcrt<;), cf. Anim. II 4, 416b II in the discussion of the anima nutritiva
or vegetativa, the vital principle of plants and the most basic soul-part of
animals and humans: 'There is a difference between nutritive substance
and growth substance. For a living creature as something that possesses a
certain bulk, there is growth substance, for something that is a concrete
entity, nutritive substance' (Ecrn 0' f'tEPOV 'tpo<pn Kat aU~llnKip dvat·
n JlEv yap 1tocrov n 'to EJ.1'VUXOV, aU~llnKoV, Tt OE 'tOOE tt Kat oucria,
'tpo<Pft). G.A. II 6, 744b32-36. Simply to stay alive requires a supply of
food. Growth requires an extra supply of food. G. C. I 5, 322a 19-33.

I, 481 a2: 'For we see that it increases and becomes stronger with age
and as the physical disposition changes.' (OproJ.1EV yap on 1tAfOV Kat
icrXUPO'tEPOV yivE'tat Kat Ka8' TtA1Kta<; J.1E'ta~OATtV Kat Ka'ta Oux8EcrlV
cr G.A. V I, 778a23. We may ask how it can be determined that the
innate pneuma increases in volume and strength. For this, see esp. luv. 27 /
Resp. 21, 4BOa 19: 'when the vital heat, in which the nutritive principle
is situated, increases' (1tA-fOV ytvOJ.1EVOV (se. 'to 8EpJ.10V EV <p " apXTt "

3 The Greek text of De plantis is a retranslation into Greek of a Latin translation

of an Arabic translation of the (lost) Greek work De plantis by Nicolaus Damascenus,
in which he probably makes extensive use of the lost writings of the same name by
Aristotle and Theophrastus. Cr. [Aristoteles] Nicolaus Damascenus, De plantis. Five translations,
ed. and introd. by HJ. Drossaart Lulofs, E.LJ. Poortman (Amsterdam 1989).

8pE1tnldt)) quoted below, and EA. III 4, 667a27: 'the pneuma increases
and becomes stronger' (to 1tVEUJia 1tAnov Kat EVtcrXUEt JiUAAOV).
G.A. V 7, 787b6: 'As animals grow older, the part that causes
motion becomes stronger' (1tPOtOucrll<; ()E 't11<; TtAtKia<; icrxuEt JiuAAov
'tou'to 'to JioptOV 'to KtvOUV EV £Kacr'tOt<;) deals with the (human) voice
and sounds of animals and differences in their pitch and volume. Cr.
786b27; 787a15; 787a18; 787a31; 787blO; 787b15: 'Bulls are the most
muscular, also their hearts, so that the part by which they set the air in
motion is tense, like a cord of sinews drawn tight' (JiaAtcr'ta ()' oi'taupOl
VEUPcO()Et<;, Kat Tt Kap()ia' ()t01tEP crUV'tOVOV EXOUcrt 'tOU'tO 'to f.10ptOV ~
KtVOUcrt 'to 1tVEUf.1a Wcr1tEP XOP()lW 'tE'taJiEVllv VEUpivllv). Especially the
last passage makes it clear that voice results from the inhaled air being
set in motion.
See also lUD. 6, 470a29: 'the strength of its vital heat withers'
(E~auaivE'tat Tt 'tou 8EpJiOU icrxu<;-WD. Ross 1955) and MA. 10,
703a8; EA. III 4, 667a27, which are more specifically concerned with
the innate pneuma.

1, 481 a3: 'Is it the same as with the other parts, because something is
added?' (11 00<; 't&AAa f.1£Pll, 1tpocrytVOf.1£VOU 'ttvo<;;)
Cr. Cael. I 3, 270a23: 'Anything which is subject to growth grows ... in
consequence of substance of the same kind being added to it and
dissolving into its matter' ('to aU~avOf.1EvoV a.1tav au~avE'tat ... 1mo
aUyyEvou<; 1tpocrtOVtO<; Kat aVaAUOf.1£VOU d<; 'tllV UAllV).

1, 481a4: 'Now what is added is food for ensouled creatures' (1tpocryivE'tat

()E 'tPO<!>ll 't01:<; Ef.1",UXOt<;).
All living creatures, starting from the level of plants, t~ke in food
because they need food. In some cases this food is ready and direcdy
suitable for taking in (e.g. for plants; cr. EA. 11 3, 650a22; 10, 655b32;
HA. IV 6, 531 b 10). But animals take in food that is not direcdy suitable
for integration in their own physical constitution. This food must first
be 'elaborated' in a 'process of concoction', so that it is made suitable
for integration. 4
Because of the author's starting-point in the first lines of this treatise,
the entire remaining discussion will focus on vegetative processes, which

4 cr. G.E.R. Uoyd, 'The master cook', in id., Aristotelian explorations (Cambridge
1996) 83-103; R. FeIWerda, 'Het inwendig ovenlje. De rol van warmte in het denken
van Aristoteles over spijsvertering en voortplanting en over de positie van de vrouw',
Filosofie 11 (2001) 3, pp. 17-26.

for Aristotle take place on the level of the anima nutritiva and the vital
heat connected with it.
Here Aristotle talks about 'food' without further specification. In 1,
481all he calls blood 'food in its final phase'. Blood is the substance
which can be integrated in the various parts of the visible body. 2,
482al0 also talks about 'ordinary food' (tll~ Kotvil~ 'tpoq)'il~).

1, 481 a5: 'So we should consider the nature and origin of the food'
(ro(J'tE 'tau't11v CfKElt'tEOV, 1tota 'tE Kat 1tOeEV).
In what follows, the question of what is food for the innate pneuma
takes on broad ramifications and also returns in the question of the
nutrition of plants, and of bones, sinews, and flesh. Only the question
of the nutrition of plants is assigned in 3, 482b 13 to a separate study
on kinds of food.
The treatise De spiritu could, however, be interpreted as a study 'on
the nutrition of the innate pneuma' of animals and humans.
'So we should consider' (C>KE1t'tEOV).
This term occurs eight times in Spir. In addition we find C>KE\jIt~ once.
It always marks the introduction of a new point of interest.
The last chapter of the last treatise of the Parva naturalia contains
a passage which could be regarded as a reason for writing Spir.: Resp.
21, 480a 17: 'Respiration arises because the vital heat in which the
vegetative principle is located increases. For just as the other parts need
food, so too the vital heat, and even more than the other parts. For
this is also the cause of nutrition for the others. So it is necessary that
if this heat increases, the instrument [of respiration and refrigeration]
also increases in volume. And we must assume that the constitution of
the instrument is comparable with bellows in smithies' CH 0' avu1tvoll
YlvE'tUt UU~UVOJ,lEVO'U 'tau eEpJ,lOU, £V q> ~ apXll " epE1t'ttKtl. KUeU1tEp
yap KUt 'tttAAa OEt'tUt 'tPO<Pll~, KaKElvo, Kat 'tmv aAAmv J,laAA.ov· KUt
yap 'tOt~ aAAOt~ £1(EtVO 'tll~ 'tPO<Pll~ Ut'ttOV £C>'ttV. avuYKll Oll 1tAEOV
YlVOJ,lEVOV atpEtv 'to oPYuvov. OEt 0' i)7tOAU~EtV 'tllv crucr'taCftV 'tau
oPyuvo'U 1tUpa1tAllcrtuv J,lEV dvut 'tUt~ <puC>Ut~ 'tat~ £v 'tOt~ XUAKdot~).
The same problem was touched upon in Resp. 6, 473aIO-12.
This connection could plausibly suggest that Spir. comes directly after
Resp. But a case can also be made for Spir. preceding luv. and Resp.

1, 481 a6: 'Now there are two ways in which food is produced for the
innate pneuma, namely either (A) by means of respiration or (B) by
means of the process of concoction which accompanies the introduc-
tion of food, as for the other parts' (ouo 01, 'tP01tOt Ot' <bv ylVE'CUt, 11

bUI 't11<; avu1tvo11<;, 11 OtU 't11<; KU'tU 't~V 't11<; 'tpo<P11<; 1tpoa<popuv 1t£\jfEOO<;,
KU8U1tEp 'to1<; aAA.Ot<;).
J.F Dobson: 'nutrition may result in either of two ways ... ' Likewise
W.S. Hett 487; P Gohlke 158: 'Sie kommt auf zwei Wegen'; J. Tricot
175: '11 y a deux fa<;ons dont la nutrition a lieu.' Likewise A. Roselli
133. None of these translators seems to have any hesitations about the
author's opinion in this matter.
For bt' 6)V, cf. Rhet. ad Alex. 36, 1442b25: 'could not obtain in any
other way' (Ot' aA-Mu 'tp61tou 'tUXE1v aOuvu'tov) and 31, 1438b 14: 'There
are three different methods in which we shall arrange them' ('ta~Of.!Ev
bE uu'tu<; bUI 'tptOOV 'tp6mov).
The statement seems simply to mean that there are two ways in which
food is taken in. But in that case we would not expect a disjunction
but a conjunction of the two different options.
The subject van yiVE'tUt is 'food' ('tpo<p~) from 481a5, i.e. 'food for
the pneuma'. This means that, as regards the first option, we certainly
have a most un-Aristotelian position here. Aristotle regarded respira-
tion not as a process of nutrition but of refrigeration. And in chap. 2
he disputes the position of 'Aristogenes' that respiration is a process
of nutrition.

1, 481 a6: 'either (A) by means of respiration or (B) by means of the pro-
cess of concoction which accompanies the introduction of food' (11 btu
't11<; avu1tvo11<; 11 btu 't11<; KU'tU 't~v 't11<; 'tpo<P11<; 1tpoa<popuv 1t£\jfEOO<;).
These two possibilities also seem to suggest that the author wants
to talk about how 'nutrition of the innate pneuma' comes about. Mter
all, respiration ensures that a living creature is supplied with breath
(pneuma). And as an alternative the author does not simply mention the
introduction of food via the oesophagus and stomach, but 'the pro-
cess of concoction' which accompanies the introduction of food. This
'cooking' or 'concoction' also results in an 'evaporatiorl (anatJrymiasis /
pneumatOsis). In the view of some, this explains the pulsing movement
in the veins, or the arteriai-c£ 4, 482b30-32.
But both here and in 481a27 and 28 and 2, 482a24-26 there is a
clear contrast: (B) is the option of growth by means of food; (A) is the
option of growth by means of respiration.
The importance of two forms of nutrition for living creatures, i.e.
via respiration and via the process of concoction, is motivated in 5,
484a2-3 (in a representation of the position of Aristotle's opponents) by
the remark that veins and artbiai are interconnected, because moisture
needs pneuma, and pneuma moisture.

We can observe, further, that the word 'food' in this opening sec-
tion varies somewhat in meaning. 481 a4 talks about 'food' for living
creatures. We think this means: everything that is taken in through the
mouth (of animals) or the roots (of plants). In 2, 482al0 this seems to
be meant by 'ordinary food'. But in 481 a6 the focus seems to shift to
'food for the pneuma', because pneuma is regarded as a 'part' (481a4) of
a living creature. But if 'respiration' is mentioned as a possible pro-
vider of 'food' here (481a6), we are obviously dealing with 'food' in
an analogous sense. For this is not food taken in via the mouth (and
oesophagus) or the roots. 481 a 11 then goes on to talk about 'food' as a
result of digestion of the food introduced through the mouth (a diges-
tion which, in Aristotle's view, always produces a residue).
The interest in respiration here is not a duplication of De respiratione.
Respiration is discussed in SpiT. because of questions about the relation-
ship with the innate pneuma. SpiT. shows that the innate pneuma is the
precondition for respiration.
In De respiratione 5 and 6 Aristotle gave two descriptions of theories
which he says claim to talk about the maintenance of vital heat: the
theory in Plato, Timaeus 79a-80d, which describes respiration as a pro-
cess of simultaneous air displacement ('periosis' /'antiperistasis') , and an
anonymous theory which presents air as 'food' for the vital heat. j This
idea could be inspired by the empirical fact that fire flares up when
air is added (as with bellows in a smithy-er Resp. 7, 474a12-15, in a
passage on Empedocles). This theory strongly resembles the theory of
AAstogenes' in SpiT. 2 and Plato's discussions in the Timaeus.
In Resp. 7, 47 3b 1-8 Aristotle reports Empedocles' theory of respira-
tion as a process by which air flows up and down through the body via
the veins and thus brings about respiration, a process in which air from
these veins/air ducts also comes out through their pores and through
the skin.
These theories come closest to the questions discussed in De spiritu.
And, as we saw above, De spiritu also seems to link up directly with the
problems dealt with in De respiratione.

5 CC Resp. 6, 473a3: 'But we must not entertain the notion that it is for purposes of
nutrition that respiration is designed, and believe that the internal fire is fed by pneuma;
respiration, as it were, adding fuel to the fire, while the feeding of the flame results
in expiration' ('A'A.w ~llv oUOE 'tpo<pfl<; yE xapw imoA:rl1t'teov yiVE<J8at 'tllv aVCl1tV011V,
00<; 'tpEcpo~evou 'tip 1tVEU~Cl'tt 'tOU Evto<; 1tUpo<;, KClt aVCl1tVeov'to<; ~Ev wcmEp E1tt 1tUP
i>1teKKaU~Cl imol3a'A.'A.E08at, tpacpevto<; oE 'tOU 1tUpo<; yiYVE08at tllv EK7tV011V).

1, 481 a8: 'for the other parts' ('tOt<; aAAOt<;).

J.E Dobson translates: 'the other parts'; W.S. Hett 487: 'the rest of
the body'; J. Tricot 175: 'les autres parties du corps'; A. Roselli 133:
'le altre parti del corpo'; cf. p. 71.
This seems plausible if Aristotle means: the innate pneuma is 'nour-
ished' by respiration or by the process of concoction which accompanies
the supply of ordinary food, just as the other parts of the living creature
(apart from pneuma) are nourished in this way. In that case 'tot<; aAAOt<;
is identical to 'tctAA.a f..lEPll in 481 a4. Cf. Resp. 21, 480a 17-19.
In view of the discussion which follows, however, it may also be
that 'tOt<; aAAOt<; should be connected with a tacit Ef..l'VUXOt<;, 'the other
living creatures' (see 481 a5), and that this anticipates the statement in
2, 482a7: 'tOt<; 8E 8~ Jl1, avunvEuanKOt<; and 2, 482a21: 'tOt<; 8E 81,
EVUYPOt<;, that living creatures without a system of respiration seem
equally to need 'nourishment' of their pneuma. This position seems
underlined by 481a12: nuatV-'allliving creatures' and by the state-
ment that non-breathing creatures get this nutrition from 'ordinary
food' (2, 482a10).

1, 481 a8-9: 'Of these two the <former> manner of nutrition seems
just as likely to take place by means of nutritive substance' ('tOU'tOlV
lCHo<; oux ~'t'tov av OUX o15't<O<; 80~EtEV 8tu 't11<; 'tpoq>11<;).
What does 'tou't<Ov refer to? To the 8uo 'tponOt of a6 or to aAAOt<; in
a8? WS. Hett 487 opts for 'tponot: 'Of the two the method by means
of food seems more likely'; likewise J.E Dobson; J. Tricot 175; also
A. Roselli 133. P Gohlke 158 seems to opt for aAAOt<;: 'Und eben-
sowenig, wie in andern Fallen, ist bei der Lebensluft die Erneuerung
durch Nahrung abzulehnen.' The choice of 'tponot seems right, but
Hett's translation is incorrect, because if Aristotle meant what Hett
thinks, the chosen alternative would have to be formulated as Q 8u1
't11<; 'tPOq>11<;·
It would in fact be strange if the author first declares that there are
two kinds of 'nutrition' ('tpoq>~), and then calls one of them 'the nutri-
tion by means of food'.
Another argument against Hett's translation is that OUX o15't<O<; in
a8 is deleted as incomprehensible, though it is impossible to indicate
why it entered the text. In the second place it makes lines 481 a9-1 0
completely incomprehensible. For in that case the argument 'body is
nourished by body, and breath is a body' is interpreted in the sense:

every body is nourished by bodily nutrition; and pneuma is a body; so

it is nourished by the result of the concoction of food. But this cannot
possibly have been used as an argument for underlining a preference
for option (B), since option (A) talks about 'nourishment' of pneuma by
the inhaled air, and this inhaled air is of course a 'body' too.
More probably the author is aware that the phrase 'nutrition of
pneuma by respiration' may sound strange to his audience. This may
have led him to clarify that this nutrition by respiration also involves a
'nutritive substance', viz. the inhaled air. 2, 48la29 underlines this by
stating that, in the view of 'Aristogenes', the inhaled air is 'food'.
Perhaps we should therefore replace the OUX oU"Co)~ of the manu-
scripts with: E.KdvO)~, and interpret the sentence as follows: 'of the
two ways mentioned the nutrition of pneuma <in the former manner>
may seem just as likely to take place by means of food'. In that case
OUX outCO~ makes sense as a marginal gloss clarifying EKEiVo)~, which
entered the text by mistake. er. G. c. 11 7, 334b 15-19: 'not as matter
exists potentially, but in the sense explained earlier' (OUX outO)~ OE ffi~
~ UAll ... EKdv(i)~ OE UAll "Co ytV6~£vov). 334a35: 'But it is not possible
in the way they say' (tOt~ 0' EKdv(i)~ A£YO,\)(Jt OUK EVO£X£'tUt). Metaph.
B 4, 1001 a8: 'For some people think they are of the former, others of
the latter nature' (oi ~EV yap EK£ivO)~ oi 0' oU"Co)~ Otov"CUt "C~v <pUCHV
EX£tV). E.N V 11, l136a16: 'and is all suffering of injustice of the lat-
ter kind or else all of the former' (Kat &pu nav oU"Co)~ 11 EK£iv(i)~). Pol.
n 9, 1270a22; IV 13, 1297a40-41; 15, 1300a27; 29; V 8, 1308b7-9;
Meteor. III 6, 377b 13; IV 9, 387b31. See also the use of EK£tVU in Spir.
2, 482a10, 16 and 25.
In this interpretation, lines 481 a8-1 0 are meant to broaden the
~ concept of 'food'. The author explains that food need not only be
understood as the substances which are taken in through the mouth
(and the oesophagus) or the roots, but that 'nutritive substance' can be
taken more broadly.
This means that we have to place lines a8-10 between brackets as a
parenthetical remark. It now becomes clearer that 481 a 10: 'So how does
this work?' ("Ci~ 01)V 0 "Cp6no~) follows on from option B in 481a7.
In the further discussion of the two alternative views, viz. 'by means
of respiration' (A) or 'by means of (concoction of) food' (B), it is good
to bear in mind that Aristotle in Resp. 6 (in a critique of a theory which
seems identical to that of 'Aristogenes' here) does declare a preference
for theory B: 6, 473alo-12: 'Again, what are we to say of this imaginary
56 DESPIRln'

generation of heat from the inhaled breath? For we can see that it is
rather due to food' (E1tEt'tU Kat 'to yiyw:cr8at 'to 8£PJlOV EK 'tou 1tvd)Jlu'to~
'tiva xP~ 'tpC)7tOV Ar:yEtV, 1tAacrJla'tcOO£~ QV; JlUAAOV yap EK 'tf1~ 'tpO(pf1~
'to\l'tO ytYVOJl£VOV OpOOJ.l£v).

1, 481 a9: ('For a body is nourished by a body, and pneuma is a body. ')
(crcOllU yap U1tO crw/la'to~ 'tpE<p£'tal, 'to OE 1tV£Ulla crooJla).
On the subject in general, cr G.c. 15 fE, esp. 321a5: 'It is necessary
that (something that grows) grows through something immaterial or
through something material' (' AvayKa'tov O~ 11 UcrffiJlCl'tCP au~avEcr8al
11 crwJ.lan).
The pneuma referred to here is not the innate pneuma of 481al, asJ.E
Dobson and P Gohlke 158 believe, but the pneuma supplied from without
by respiration. This meaning is clearly intended in 2, 481 a29: 'he also
holds breath to be food' ('tpo<p~v o'{£'tal Kat 'to 1tVEulla). Aristotle uses
it in the same way in Resp. 3, 471a26: 'All animals which breathe in or
draw in pneuma' (1tav'tffiv 'tcOv uva1tV£OV'tffiV Kat EAKOV'tffiV 'to 1tVEulla).
471 b4: 'fishes, which do not possess any pneuma from without' (('toov
iX8uffiV) OUK EXOV'tffiV 1tVEU/la 8upa8£v OU8EV). 4, 472a35; 5, 473a2:
'we draw breath frequently' (1tOAAaKl<; 'to 1tv£ cruJ.l~uivEt cr1tuv) and
in 6, 473a4: 'as if the internal fire is fed by breath' (ro~ 'tP£<pOJlEVOU
'tip 1tv£uJ.lan 'tou EV'tO~ 1tUp0<;) and 473a10. er also 10, 476a9: '(The
lung) its name-pneumon-seems due to its being a receptacle for
breath-pneuma' (EOtKE Kat ' ElAll<PEvat 0 1tV£UJ.lffiV Ota 't~v 'tou
1tv£'to~ U1toOOxnv). Sometimes Aristotle uses the phrase 'pneuma
drawn in from without' (1tv£uJla 8upa8£v E1tEtcraK'tOV), e.g. EA. 11 16,
659b 19, in contrast to 'the innate pneuma' ('to crUJ.l<pu'tov 1tv£, which
all living creatures possess by nature. Because he developed a new
view of vital phenomena and generation, he is responsible for giving
a whole new conceptual meaning to the word pneuma. Confusingly, he
continued to use 'pneuma' in the sense of 'inhaled air'. Hence we can
find him stating that preservation of the 'innate pneuma' requires cooling
by means of inhaled pneuma.
In the interpretation indicated by our translation, this sentence does
not contain an 'argomentazione solo apparentemente dimostrativa', as
A. Roselli 7 I claims.
But the idea that the innate pneuma is fed by inhaled air is totally
unacceptable to Aristotle. He holds that respiration has the sole func-
tion of cooling the central parts of the body.

[Aristotle)s position}

1, 481a10: 'So how does this work?' (Tl<; oilv 0 tP01to<;;)

The question here is not: 'so which (of the two ways mentioned in
a6-7) is it'? Greek would not use Tl<; but IIOtEpo<; for this. The question
here is: 'In what way does food for the innate pneuma come about?',
following on from the previous section.

1, 481alO: 'Most probably by a kind of drawing of blood from the

veins and a process of concoction of this blood' (11 tl11Aov 00<; EK t11<;
q>AE~O<; OAK'f1 nVt Kat 1tE'VEt).
This must be an elaboration of 481 a 7: 'by means of the process of
concoction which accompanies the introduction of food' (t11<; Kata tl,V
tTl<; tpoq>11<; 1tpoO"q>opav 1tE'VEffi<;). At first food is bread or fruit. This food
enters the stomach via the mouth and oesophagus and is turned into
blood by an initial process of concoction. But food in this undigested
form is not found in the veins. This passage talks about food deriving
from the veins. This must be blood, result of the ordinary process of
concoction. The idea here, we might suppose, is that respiration draws
blood from the veins and this blood strengthens the innate pneuma in a
second process of concoction.

1, 481 a 11: 'For blood is food in its last phase, which is the same for all
living creatures' (to yap at~a it EO"xat11 tpoq>l, Kat it al>'tl, 1tuO"tv).
This is a position defended by Plato in Tim. 80e7: 'We call this liquid
"blood". It is the sustenance of the flesh and of the entire body' (at~a,
VO~l,v O"apKOOV Kat O"u~1taVto<; tOU O"ro~ato<;).
But it is a central tenet for Aristotle too; cr. JUD. 3, 469al: 'for
blooded animals blood is the ultimate food from which the parts are
formed' (... to at~a tOt<; Evai~ot<; EO"tt tEAE1l'taia tpoq>it, E~ oil yiVEtat
ta ~Opta). Also Resp. 8, 47 4b3: 'the food from which the parts of the
animals are formed is blood. And blood and the veins must have the
same origin: for the one exists for the sake of the other, as a vessel and
receptacle' (it tpoq>Tt ~EV yap E~ ~<; 11011 YlvEtat to. ~Opta t01<; ScP Ot<; it
tou at~ato<; q>uO"t<; EO"tlV. tOU 0' at~ato<; Kat tmv q>AE~mV tl,V autl,v
apxl,v avaYKa10v Etvat· 8atEpou yap EVEKa 8UtEpOV EO"nv, 00<; ayyEt.OV
Kat OEKttlCOV). G.A. IV 1, 766a33; I 19, 726b2; 20, 728a20; a more
accurate formulation is found in 11 4, 740a21: 'the animars ultimate
food is blood or its equivalent. The veins are the blood vessels' (tP0<9i,

o£ s£ilOU it EOXa:tll atJ,Ul Kat 'to uvu'Aoyov, 'tOU't(OV 0' uyyetOV at <p'AEpe~).
The idea here is that blood is drawn from the veins and concocted
and that its evaporation serves to maintain and strengthen the innate
pneuma. Cr. also 2, 482alO: 'the ordinary food' ('tll~ KotVll~ 'tp0<Pll<;) and
4, 482b31 on 'to EK1tVEUlla'touIlEvOV.
This position does raise the question how the various parts of the
body, like flesh, bone, sinews, and skin, can all be built up out of the
same ultimate food. Chap. 9 answers this question by making it clear
that the vital heat of the innate pneuma can make its products liquid
and solid, compact and rarefied. Aristotle regards semen and menstrual
blood as residues of the concoction of the blood by pneuma with its
vital heat, the important difference being that the residue of a male
specimen is the product of greater vital heat.

1, 481a12: 'for all living creatures' (nuotv).

].F Dobson translates: 'for the blood is the ultimate and universal
nutriment.' This can be interpreted along the lines of WS. Hett 487:
'for blood is the ultimate food for every part alike.' ~ Gohlke 158 does
not translate 1tU01V. But 1tUOtV can be taken as 'all living creatures that
possess blood.' Cr. Somn. 3, 456a34: 'For all blooded creatures, blood
is the ultimate food, and for bloodless animals its equivalent. Blood is
located in the veins. The origin of these is the heart. (This is clear from
dissections.) ... We discussed this in On nutrition' ('tpo<pn 0' EO'tt 1tU01V
it E<Jxu'tll 'tol~ Il£v EvaillOt<; it 'tou atlla'to<; <pU01<;, 'tol~ 8' uvuillot~ 'to
avu'Aoyov, 't01tO~ o£ 'tOU atlla'to~ at <p'AEPE~, 'tou'twv 0' upxn it Kupoiu
(<puvepov o£ 'to 'AEX8£v EK 't&v uva'toll&v).... etPll'tal o£ 1tept 'tou'twv EV
'tol<; TIept 'tpo<Pll<;). cr. G.A. II 4, 740a21-24; IV 1, 766a33. See also 2,
482a9-11 and 6, 484b7.

1, 481 a 12-14: Just as blood absorbs food for its own vessel, so also
for that which is enclosed by it, i.e. the vital heat' (ro01tEP o{)v Kat ei<;
'to uyyelov uu'tOU Kat ei~ 'to 1tepleXOllevov 'AuIlPUVEt *** 'tpo<pnv ei<; 'to
This sentence is problematical. We should consider that crucial ele-
ments in this passage may be beyond our grasp.
In his 1913 text edition W Jaeger assumed a lacuna after 'AUIlPUVEl
and suggested: 'just as it receives food from what is supplied, so it
receives pneuma from blood by a kind of drawing in' «'tpo<pnv EK
'tIDV 1tpOO<PEPOIlEVWV, oihw Kat 'to 1tVEUIlCl EK 'tOU CltIlCl'to<; oAK'ft nvt
1tpoo'AuIlPcivEt». A. Rosel1i 72 assumed a lacuna after 1tEptexoIlEvov.j.£

Dobson follows WD. Ross in his correction: 1tEp1EXov. His translation:

'So the breath receives food into the hot element as into its vessel and
receptacle' does not make sound sense. Likewise WS. Hett 487 and
J. Tricot 175. This means that they distinguish between innate pneuma
and vital heat. The vital heat is now the 'vessel' (a:yyEiov) of the pneuma.
This seems at odds with G.A. 11 3, 736b37, where 'the so-called vital
heat' ('to KaAou~EvOV eEp~6v) is identified with 'pneuma and the nature
of pneuma' ('to 1tVEU~a l(a1ll EV 'tiP 1tVEU~an <pu(n~).6
The essence of the problem is the subject of Aa~~aVEl. Because
the issue is the nutrition of the innate pneuma (48Ia9-l0), Dobson and
Hett opt for pneuma as subject. But E Gohlke 158 opts in his transla-
tion for blood as subject: 'Dieses nimmt die Nahrung auf, gleichsam
in sein GeHiss und die darin enthaltene Warme.' A. Roselli 133 has:
'come dunque sia per il vaso que 10 contiene sia per il contenuto <... >
prende il nutrimento per il calore.'
H. Bonitz, Index Aristotelicus 581 a5l notes for 'to 1tEptEX6~EVOV: 'forma
medii esse videtur.' He is right that a passive form would imply 'that
which is enclosed (by the vessel), i.e. blood.' But the meaning may be
that the vital heat is present in the blood.
We should take 'the vessel' in 1, 481 a 12 to refer to the blood ves-
sels. The vessel of the blood is the heart and the veins. CC H.A. III
19, 520a 12. In the embryonic development, according to Aristotle, the
heart forms the basis for the entire vascular system. CC G.A. 11 6, 744a5.
See also PA. 11 1, 647b4: 'But because the heart is the starting-point
of the veins, and has in itself the capacity which first forms the blood,
it is natural to assume that it consists of the same material as the food
which it absorbs' (ll KapBia, Btu 'to 'tIDV <pAE~IDV apx~v Etvat Ka1 EXElV
EV au'tn 't~v Buva~tv 't~v Bll~tOUpyouClav 'to at~a 1tPro'tllV, EUAOYOV, E~
ota~ B£XE'tat 'tpoqril~, El( 'totau'tT\~ CluvECl'taVat Ka1 au't1)v).
The theory of 'Aristogenes' mentions that the 'vessels' which con-
tain inhaled air also require food for their growth: 2, 482a3 and 4,

.. 6 er. W. Jaeger, art. 1913; repr. 1960, 77 n. 3. But he considers this 'nur eine
Ubertreibung' and believes that Aristotle maintains a systematic distinction between
innate pneuma and vital heat-cf. p. 75. This is also why Jaeger considers chap. 9 to
be not Aristotelian but Stoic.

1, 481a12: Just as' (rocr1tEP oily).

Is this perhaps where the lacuna is? Is this where the name of an
earlier author was mentioned, for instance the name of Empedocles,
just as Aristotle starts chap. 2 with: 'as Aristogenes holds' (rocr1tEP
'AptcrtOYEVT\~ OtEtat)?7
This would support the idea that lines 481 a 10-12 first contain a clear
choice of position by the author of Spir.: maintenance and growth of
the innate pneuma is in fact a matter of drawing in from the veins and
concoction. After this position is outlined, it is followed by the mention
of an author who holds the same view, but reduces the process to respiration.
For purposes of orientation we suggest: '<Empedocles' assumption is
impossible. For he says that the air, while it flows into the arteria>, just
as for its own vessel, also takes in food for what is enclosed by it, i.e.
for the vital heat' « rocr1tEP 'E~1tEboKA;ft~ OtEtat ou buvatov. AEyEt yap
tOV UEpa dcrpEOVta d~ t~V aptllpiav> rocr1tEP oilv Kat d~ 'to UYYE'iov
au'tou Kat d~ 'to 1tEptEXOIlEVOV Aall~aVEt<v> 'tpo<p~v d~ to 8EPIlOV).
This would remove the problem that Spir. fails to answer the question
which it raises. However, the text offers no specific leads for this.

1, 481a13: 'i.e. the vital heat' (Aall~aVEt tpo<p~v d~ to 8EPllov).

er Resp. 6, 473alO, which talks about 'the generation of the vital heat
from the inhaled air' (to yiyvEcr8at 'to 8EPllov £K toU 1tvEullatO~).
A.all~avEtv may stand for 'to take in' here. In 481 a21 avnAall~aVEt
stands for 'to inhale'. See also 481 a26: 'take in and discharge' (Aall~avEt
Kat £K1tEIl1tEt). The correction to aVnA.all~avE<'ta>t by A. Roselli 75
in a21 is unconvincing.
The appearance of 'the vital heat' (to 8EPllov) is striking. Doubtless it
is identical here with the pneuma of respiration in the view of Aristotle's
opponents. But 9, 485a28 shows it to be Aristotle's own central concept,
and essentially different from the view of those opponents.

7 This could be surmised on the basis of 2, 48la31: 'produces more problems'

(1tAEiouS EXEl faS (l1topia<;), which suggests that chap. I also discusses views not shared
by the author.

[The content cif the version cif theory B which is rejected}

1, 481al4-16: 'Now the air supplies it [food] and is responsible for the
activity and, by adding the activity of concoction to itself, causes growth
and nutrition' (ayEt 3' 6 allP 'tllv EVEpyEtaV 1t01&V, 't~v 'tE 1t£1t'tlJcilv
au'to~ au'tip 1tpocr'tled~ aU~£l Kat 'tpECPEt).
This passage marks a shift from Aristotle's own position to a variant
which he disputes. 1, 481 a 10-14 can be interpreted as a postulation of
Aristotle's own position. (And in that case there is no problem in seeing
MA. 10, 703a10 as a reference to Spir.) Aristotle's critical inquiry thus
begins here in 481 a 14 with a discussion of the question whether we
should see inhaled air as the principle of the drawing in and concoc-
tion of blood.
First we must determine what aU't6~ refers back to. The subject
of 'causes growth and nutrition' (aU~Et Kat 'tpEcpn) must be 'the air'
(6 allP). In 4, 482b15 the author talks about a movement in the arteria
which 'supplies the food' ('tl,v 'tpoCPllv E1tayoucra).
The second question is: what kind of air is meant in 481a14? ].E
Dobson, who translated crUf.lcpu'tov 1tV£ in 481a1 as 'natural breath',
translates a~p here as 'air', but adds in a note: 'a~p is here identified
with breath; contrast 481b4 sqq.' WS. Hett 487 follows a similar proce-
dure. It is more natural to assume that the air referred to here should
not yet be identified with 'innate pneuma', but that it is respiratory air
or outer air. This air is now said to supply food for intake.]. Tricot 175
writes 'souffle respiratoire' here instead of 'souffle vital'.
The third question is: how are we to construe 'of concoction' ('tl,V
'tE 1t£1t'tl1dlv)? This phrase cannot be taken with any other word than
'activity' (EvEpynav) in a14. But should this word in fact be connected
with this phrase, or is it an object of 7tpocrned~?].E Dobson's translation
is clear: 'The air draws in the nutriment and imparts the activity, and
applying to itself the digestive power is the cause of its own growth and
nutrition'; c( A. Roselli 133: 'I 'aria ... applicando a se stessa la faculra
di cuocere, fa crescere e nutre il pneuma'.
It is clear in any case that the activity of concoction is the activity
by which food is digested in the veins, as was announced in a 11. So
the air supplies food and is responsible for the activity of concocting
this food. In this way respiration (which Aristotle recognized as belong-
ing to humans and higher animals) is connected with the vegetative
activity of concocting food, which Aristotle regards as a function on

the level of plant life. This means that the position represented here
is refuted in chap. 9.
A difference compared with theory A discussed in chap. 2 is that the
author says there 'that the air is concocted', which immediately raises
the question: what agent is responsible for this concoction (481 a29
and 32)?
Finally, there is the question: what entity is said to increase in volume
and be nourished? Dobson is clear on this point too. W.S. Hett 487
leaves it open: 'causes growth and nourishment'. It is more natural to
assume that the result of concoction is presented as being caused by
respiratory air and, after concoction, being added by the air to itself.
This involves a view which sees the breath of respiration as (closely con-
nected with) the soul of the living creature, which causes vital activity,
including digestive activity, and which adds to itself the result of this
concoction of food as new, fresh vital breath.
For this interpretation of 1tpocrn8d<;, cf. Phys. VII 2, 245a26: 'For
growth is a kind of addition' (1tPOcr8Ecrt<; yap n<; " uU~11crt<;). G. C. II 6,
333a35: 'But in the view of Empedocles there can be no growth
other than as a form of addition. For fire grows by fire' ('AAAa lll1v
OUO' UU~11crl<; av E'(11 KU't' 'EIl1tEOO1CAEU, aAA' ~ KU'ta 1tPOcr8EcrtV' 1tUpt
yap UU~Et 'to 1tUp). Phys. I 7, 190b5: 'Things which come to be in the
proper sense, come to be ... some by addition, like everything that
grows' (yiYVE'tUt Of 'to. ytYVOIlEVU a1tAm<; 'to. IlEV ... 'to. Of 1tpOcr8EcrEt,
otov 'to. UU~UVOIlEVU).
What we have here, then, is a description of a theory which holds the
breath of respiration responsible for the vital movements in the living
creature (and so not the vital heat, as Aristotle does; and as the author
of this work will set out in chap. 9). This means that chap. I presents
two non-Aristotelian theories, which are thoroughly analyzed and rejected. The
gist of the first theory is that the vital principle of a living creature is
maintained by food supplied and concocted thanks to the effect of the
inhaled air (B). The other is the theory that respiration directly provides
new vital heat by 'concoction' of inhaled air (A).
Inasmuch as both theories assign a central role to respiration for
vital activity, both must deny life in a proper sense to large groups of
animals and to all plants. Cf. Aristotle against Empedocles in Anim. II
4, 415b27-416a9. For Aristotle both theories are 'hot air'.
Strong support for this interpretation of chaps. 1 and 2 can be found
in the opening lines of the last chapter. Aristotle calls his opponents
there people 'who hold that it is not the vital heat which is the efficient

principle' (9, 485a28). The sentence suddenly becomes transparent if

we realize that the two theories (A) and (B), which have been the focus
of critical attention from chap. 1 through to chap. 8, did not see the
ultimate 'efficient cause' in the innate pneuma, as Aristotle did, but in
To recognize this is to see the indissoluble unity between chap. 9 and
the eight preceding chapters.

[The rejected version qf theory B critically discussed]

Objection 1
1, 48la15: This in itself is perhaps not so strange. But it is strange that
what is primary has been formed from the food' (ou8£v 8' '(aO)~ a'to1tov
au'to yE 't01ho, [/)..) . .0. yEvfa9at 'to 1tpro'tOV EK 'tll~ 'tpo<Pll~).
The author brings up a fundamental point here. He accepts a theory
on how food for the innate pneuma can be formed in a process in which
food is concocted. But he objects that the innate pneuma is something
which precedes all processes of concoction. For as all Aristotle's biologi-
cal writings show, this pneuma is the principle qf all vegetative processes.
'to 1tponov should be taken here as the subject of yEvfa9at. Not food
but the vegetative soul-principle is primary. Hence pneuma as instrument
of the soul is 'primary'.
In the same way 4, 482b32 says that pulsation must be primary
because it is directly connected with the 'first' parts, that is, with the
heart as 'first' form of vital dynamics. er. 4, 483a17. Hence the first
is also 'the first principle of movement'-2, 481 b 17.

1, 481 a 17: 'For that which is connected with the soul is purer'
(Ka9apoo'tEPoV yap 0 'tfl 'Vuxfl aUJl<Puf~).
A. Roselli 74 notes that, in his authentic writings, Aristotle neglected
to give a definition of the innate pneuma. But here the innate pneuma is
described not just as innate but as ' "strettamente connesso, della stessa
natura" dell'anima'. This leads Roselli to assert that the author of Spir.
has a material conception of the soul too and that we are therefore
dealing with a Stoic conception.
This is entirely wrong. The critique of the view discussed here cites
the soundly Aristotelian theory that the innate pneuma 'is connected with
the soul'. The same thing is said in 9, 485b 1Q-13. Pneuma is interpreted

here as 'soma physikon organikon' or 'instrumental body' of the soul, with

which it forms a unity. Mund. 4, 394b9-11 talks about pneuma in the
same way: 'the ensouled and life-giving substance in plants and animals'
(n 'tE EV qnYtole; Kat scP0le; ... £J.l'Vuxoe; 'tE Kat yOVlJ.l0e; oUCJia).
Against the idea that the innate pneuma is nourished by food deriving
from the blood, the author argues that the innate pneuma must have a
higher degree of purity, and so cannot result from the concoction of
food. s
He admits that the objection is invalid if the unity with the soul is
said to be realized not from the outset, but at a later stage.

1, 481a17: 'Unless somebody were to say that the soul, too, is formed
later, when the seeds separate and begin to develop into life forms' (d J.lll
Kat 'tl,V 'VUXllV UCJ'tEPOV AEYOl yiVECJeat, BtUKPlV0J.lEVrov 't&V'troV
Kat de; <j>UCJlV iOV'tffiV).
This is a puzzling passage too.].E Dobson translates: 'unless we were
to say that the soul is a later product than the body, arising when the
seeds are sorted out and move towards the development of their nature'
and notes: 'i.e. from the Cr. de Caelo iii 305b4, of Empedocles';
likewise]. Tricot 176.
In Anim. I 4, 408a 18-19 Aristotle had connected such a view with
Empedocles. The latter had spoken about the phase in which the
four elements separate and about the soul as the ratio (logos) of the
mixture (mixis) of the elements: 'the ratio of the mixture is a harmony
and soul' (0 BE 'tile;; Aoyoe; apJ.lovia Kat 'l'Uxit). See also Spir. 9,
485b28. It is natural to assume that the elements come first and that
the ratio of their mixture is secondary. The most comparable place is
G.A. I 18, 722b6 f[, where Aristotle discusses Empedocles' view that
man and woman both contribute semen to the generation of the new
individual, completing each other's contribution, such that neither is
entirely responsible for the new specimen.
But such a view is entirely unacceptable to Aristotle. Empedocles
is known to have explained the process of generation of all things
as a result of the 'combination' (synkrisis) effected by Philotes (Love):
Metaph. A 4, 985a21; Phys. VIII I, 252aI9-27; 9, 265bI9-22, with
265b22: ~axagoras claims that the mind as prime mover brings about

8 But Aristotle himself does regard semen as a (high-quality) residue of concoction

and the ultimate product of blood, and holds this semen to contain pneuma.

separation' (Kat 'tOY VOUV OE q>ll(HV 'Ava~ayopa<; OtaKplvEtv 'tOY

KtvTtO"aV'ta 1tpOl'tOV). See also G. C. I 1, 314b6: 'Hence Empedocles claims
that there is no coming-to-be of anything, only mixture and separation
of what is mixed' (~tO AEyEt 'tou'tov 'tOY 'tP01tOV Kat 'EIl1t£()OKAn<; on
q>uO"t<; ouO£vo<; fO"nv ... aAAa 1l0VOV 1l1~t<; 't£ ot(iAA.a~l<; 't£ IltyEV'tffiV) and
11 1, 329a3: 'like Empedocles: because they are combined and separated
or changed there is coming-to-be and passing-away of things' (roO"1t£p
'EIl1t£()01CAn<;' f~ <by O"UYKptVOIlEVffiV Kat OtaKptVOIlEVffiV 11 aAA.otoUIlEVffiV
O"ull~alVEtV 't~V YEV£(HV Kat 't~V q>8opav 't01<; 1tpaYllaO"tv). It seems
arguable that the theory disputed in Spir. 1 should be most associated
with Empedocles, and the theory in Spir. 2 most with Plato's Timaeus.
(On the other hand the term 'seeds' (O"1tEPlla'ta) is more reminiscent
of Anaxagoras.)
A. Roselli 133 translates here: 'a meno che non si sostenga che anche
l'anima si genera in un secondo momento, quando cioe i semi di essa
si separino e raggiungano la loro condizione naturale'.
In the time before Aristotle it was common to assume that the soul
only entered a living creature during delivery, when respiration started.
er Anim. I 5, 41 Ob27-411 a2. According to PI. Tim. 78d-e, too, a living
creature lives from his first till his last breath.
Aristotle is convinced that every process of growth and development
of a living entity is guided by a soul-principle which is already present
in the semen. He rejects the idea that there is first a process of devel-
opment and only later a soul. cr G.A. 11 1, 734a 13-16.

I, 48la19: 'begin to develop into life forms' (d<; q>uO"tV iOV'tffiV).

In Spir. <puO"t<; sometimes means the 'life form' of an individual liv-
ing entity. cr 9, 485b2: ai q>uO"Et<; (and perhaps b8: 't~v <puO"tV au'tl,v
vonoat 'tl,v XPffiIlEVllV). See also Anim. I 5, 411 b23: 'they do not possess
the instruments necessary for maintenance of their nature' (opyava yap
OUK EXOU(HV OO't£ O"wl;EtV 't~V q>uO"tv). Iuv. 2, 468b5-6; 23, 479a6-7:
'by the inferiority of their natural constitution' (OtU 'to 1J.l, cruyK£10"8at
't~v <pUOtV au'trov £-6).

Objection 2
1, 481 a 19: 'And now if there is a residue of every form of food, by
what passage is it transported outside? It is not reasonable to assume
that this takes place via exhalation' (d 't£ 1t£pl't'tffilla mxOT\<; 'tpoq>r,<; EO"tt,
1toi~ ~ha1tEIJ.1t£'tat 'to1)'to; Ka'ta Il£V yap tllV EK1tVOllV OUK £'\.lAoyov).

C£ Resp. 6, 473a6: 'and after the fire has been fed, exhalation occurs'
(tpaq>EV'to~ of: tOU 1tUPO~ yiyvEa8at tl,v £K1tVO~V).
A soundly Aristotelian argument is put forward here against the
view that food for the innate pneuma is supplied from the veins. Aris-
totle always distinguished sharply between the part of the body that
takes in food (the mouth, the roots) and the part where digested food
is discharged as a residue. See Resp. 6, 473a12: 'the consequence is that
the food is taken in by the same passage as that by which the residue
is discharged. But we do not see this happen in other cases' (au~~aivEt
tE Kata tauto oEXEcr8at tl,V tpoq>l,V Kat to 1tEptttffiJla aq>tEVat· tOUtO
0' £1tt tmv aA:A,ffiv OUX opm~Ev ytV6~EVOV).
Aristotle believes that the food supplied via the mouth and oesophagus
is 'concocted', producing not only 'food in its last phase' (blood) but
also residues (perittomata) , such as faeces and urine. However, he also
calls semen a residue of the process of concoction. For each residue
he indicates the place where it is stored and discharged. But the theory
discussed here claims that the innate pneuma results from a higher-level
process of concoction, a concoction of the blood. Aristotle then raises
the question, reasonable in his theory, whether there must not be a
residue of this process of concoction and how it is discharged. Because
a kind of evaporation of the blood must be involved, he suggests that
this discharge must take place via the airways. But 'exhalation' is not
an option, because it is the countermovement of inhalation and must
be seen in connection with inhalation.
2, 481 b30-3l might briefly give the impression that the rule formu-
lated here does not hold for plants. Not so, though plants do repres€nt
a special case of this general rule. C£ Sens. 5, 445a17: 'In the first place
we see that food must be composite (for the beings nourished are not
simple either; hence residues of the food are formed, either internally,
or, as in the case of plants, externally ...)' (1tpmtov ~f:V yap opmJlEV ott
tl,v tpoq>l,v OEI dvat cruv8Et~V (Kat yap ta tpEq>6~Eva oUX a1tAa £attv,
Oto Kat 1tEptttffi~ata yiyvEtat ti1~ tpoq>i1~, 11 £v autol~ 11 E~ffi, ma1tEP
tOI~ q>UtOI~ ...)).

1, 481 a20: 'by what passage?' (1toiq.-sc. (00).

1, 48la2l: 'For it is immediately followed by inhalation' (avttAa~~avEt

yap EUeU~).
The same argument, also in a polemical sense, in 2, 481 b9: 'For
exhalation immediately follows inhalation' (ru9Uc; yap J.lEta tl,v EimrvoTtv

1 481a21-22: 'So the only possibility left is: through the pores of the
a;t£ria' (AOt1tOV O£ OftAov on Ou'1 'tow 'tft<; ap'tTlpia<; 1tOprov).
The idea is that air which the blood supplies as food and concocts
for the innate pneuma also produces residues of this concoction, and that
these cannot be discharged by the same passage via exhalation. The
alternative is that they are discharged via the pores of the arteria.
Here we are confronted for the first time with a central problem
in De spiritu. Aristotle always uses the term arteria for the 'windpipe'
through which air is conducted from the mouth to the lungs to cool
the heart. Cr. HA. I 12, 492b 7 and I 16, 495b 16: 'the arteria takes in
and lets go only pneuma, but nothing else which is dry or liquid, or else
it causes problems' (11 JlEV o-ov ap'tTlpia ... 0EXE'tal Jlovov 'to 1tVEUJla Kat
cupiTl<HV, aAAO 0' OUOEV OU'tE ~TlPOV ou9' irypov, ll1tOVOV 1tapEXEl). (In
addition the windpipe has a function in the process of speech.) Spir.
regularly uses arteria for a vessel which contains breath (and liquid-er.
5, 483b22) and which is present throughout the botfy. W Jaeger (art. 1913;
repr. 1960) 89 translates 'Luftkanale'.
R.B. Onians, The Origins of European Thought. About the Body, the Mind,
the Soul, the T11orld, Time and Fate (Cambridge 1951) 80 proposes the
explanation: 'To the earlier, as to later Greeks it might well seem that
the arteries, which after death are found empty and dilated, contained
"breath" and perhaps also that the pores were 1tOPOl, "passages"
inwards', referring in n. 4 to Empedocles B 100 and Spir. 5, 483b15.
We will have to assume that the author is representing the view
of opponents here, as in Resp. 7, 473b 1-5. This passage talks about
Empedocles' view that some veins (phlebes) contain air as well as blood
and that they have pores which form a connection with the outer air: 'he
says that inhalation and exhalation take place because there are certain
vessels which contain blood but which are not full of blood, but which
have openings to the outer air' (yiYVEa9at OE <PTlat 'tl,V ava1tVol,V Kat
EK1tVOllV Ou'1 'to <pAE~a<; dvai nva<; EV at<; fVEan Il£v atJla, ou JlEV'tOt
1tA~PEt<; datv atJla'to<;, fxoual OE 1tOpou<; d<; 'tOY f~ro aEpa).
This is also the basic assumption in Plato's theories of perception
and respiration, Tim. 67a7-b5; 70c7-8 (criticized in Arist. EA. III 3,
664b6); 79a5-e10. Cr. the rule formulated in Tim. 78a2 ff.: 'everything
that consists of smaller particles is impenetrable to larger particles, but
that which consists of large particles cannot prevent smaller particles
from penetrating it. Fire has the smallest particles of all kinds' (1tuv'tu
oau E~ EAunovffiv auvto'ta'tut (HEyEl 'tu /lEtSOJ, 'to. ~E EK JlElSOVffiV 'to.
OJlllCPO'tEPU OU ~uvu'tUt, 1tUP ~E 1tuv'tOJv yEvWV aJltlCpOJ,1EPEO'tu'tOV),
cited by A. Roselli 75.

J. Tricot 176 n. 4 rightly points out that the use of the term arteria
in Spir. does not indicate the sharp distinction drawn in modern medi-
cine between the venous and arterial systems of the blood vessels. This
distinction is based on the (much later) insight that blood flowing from
the heart is oxygen-rich and blood flowing to the heart is oxygen-poor.
In Spir. we are dealing with two independent systems, that of the blood
vessels and that of the artmai. The fact that nowadays 'arteries' also
has the meaning 'veins' and in Aristotle's time the meaning 'windpipe'
is an added complication.

Objection 3
1, 481a23: 'But both make for an absurdity, if the innate pneuma is
assumed to be the purest of all. But if it is thicker, it follows that some
pores must be larger' (U~HPO'tEP(o<; 8' a'to1tov' El 'totho mlv't(Ov E<nUt
lCu9uponu'tov. Et 8E 1tUx{nEpov, EO'ov'tui nVE<; 1tOPOt ~d~ou<;).
The sentence seems deficient. A. Roselli 76 follows the suggestion
of I. Garofalo (1988) to insert <yap AE1t'tO'tEPOV> after the first El, and
translates on p. 133: 'se il residuo e piu sottile dovra essere piu puro
di ogni altro pneuma'.
But the sentence can also be read elliptically as: 'But in both cases
this makes for an absurdity. [That is, if the residue is finer, it could be
discharged by the pores of the arteria, but this is absurd] if that [afore-
mentioned innate pneuma] is assumed to be purest of all-as was pos-
tulated in 481 a 1; but if the residue is thicker, it follows that some pores
[of the arteria] must be larger'-but in that case the innate pneuma, .which
is finer, passes through them as well! e£ J. Tricot 176 n. 5. Underlying
this debate is a fundamental principle which Plato formulated in Tim.
78a2 and which we already quoted above. Aristotle attributes the same
principle to Empedocles in Resp. 7, 473b3: 'but they have passages to
the outer air which are too small to allow parts of the body to pass
through, but larger than the particles of air' (EXOUO't bE 1tOpou<; Ei<; 'tOY
E~(o UEpU, 't(ov IlEv 'tou O'ro~Uto<; ~opi(Ov EA.<l't'tOU<;, 't(ov bE 'tOU UEPO<;
~dt;ou<;) (where WD. Ross, Aristotle, Parva naturalia, a revised text with
introd. and comm., Oxford 1955, 315 rightly proposes to read 'blood
particles' ('tou u'{~u'to<; ~opi(Ov) instead of 'parts of the body'.

Objection 2 (repeated)
1, 481 a26: 'But if the living creature therefore takes in food and dis-
charges the residue by the same passages, this is illogical and absurd' (Ei
0' apa Ka1u 10U~ al)'tou~ AaIJ.~UVEt Kat EK1tEIJ.1tEt, 10U1' aU1:o 1tapuAoyov
Kat a101tOV). C£ Resp. 6, 4 73a 12 (cited above).

[The criticism of the rejected variant of theory B concluded]

1, 481 a27-28: 'Such are the arguments for the growth and maintenance
of the innate pneuma on the basis of food' (Tt IJ.EV o~v EK: 1il~ 1:po<pil~
aU~T\(n~ Kat OtaIJ.OvT1 aXEOov 1au1a).
The author's argument is clearly and tightly organized. In 1, 481 a6
he presents two alternative theories and goes on to discuss one of these.
481 a27-28 concludes the first part. Chap. 2 starts by reiterating the
theme and referring to the second theory. In 2, 482a8 the author states
the theme once again and then puts forward a number of objections
which apply equally to one variant of theory B and to theory A, because
the debate in this passage focuses on all animals which do not possess
a respiratory system. 2, 482a21 restates the central question. Finally, 2,
482a26 clearly indicates that the discussion of the central theme has
now been concluded. (In the same vein 8, 485a22: 'Thus far on the
change of place' (Kat 1au1a IJ.EV 1tPO~ 1T1v Ka1u 161tov aAAaYT1V), to
conclude a section on the locomotive function of (some) bones).

[The theory of Jiristogenes' critically discussed]

2, 481a28: 'But the growth and maintenance of the innate pneuma as

a result of respiration' CH 8' EK 'tfl~ avu1tvofl~).
8' provides a clear link with the final sentence of chap. 1, as in the
transition from chap. 2 to chap. 3.
We will have to mentally add the words 'growth and maintenance'
(au~l1(H~ KUt <>tUJ.lOVtl) from 1, 481a27. Theory A referred to in 1,
481 a6, which was also to be investigated, comes up for discussion now.
This theory therefore sees the increase in the innate pneuma not as result-
ing from concoction of ordinary food and blood (option B), but regards
the inhaled air itself as food for the vital heat, after the inhaled air itself
has been concocted. Like the theory discussed in chapter I, this theory
is countered with soundly Aristotelian arguments.

2, 481a28: 'as Aristogenes holds-for he believes that breath, too, is

food, because the air is concocted in the <lungs>' (oocr1tEP f\.ptcr'toyEvll~
OlE'tUt ('tpO<p~V yap OlE'tUt KUt 'to 1tVEUJ.lU 1tE't'tOJ.lEVOU 'tOU aEpo~ EV tip
7tVEt)J.lOVt ...)).
This person is mentioned only here in the Corpus. A physician called
Aristogenes is known only as a contemporary of Antigonus Gonatas,
who was a king of Macedonia from 276 to 239. 1 If this is the person
referred to, Aristotle cannot be the author of De spiritu. A. Roselli 76
notes: 'la menzione di Aristogene fornisce l'unico elemento esplicito per
la datazione di SpiT. '
This is correct, but it would only help us to date De spiritu if we could
really determine when this Aristogenes lived. There is no compelling
reason to assume that the Aristogenes mentioned here should be identi-
fied with the only person with this name of whom we have some knowl-
edge, even if he was a physician of a certain status. The argument that
SpiT. cannot be by Aristotle because of the reference to Aristogenes is

I M. Wellmann, 'Aristogenes', in P. W-R.E. II 1 (Stuttgart 1895) cols. 932-933

mentions four other people of the same name.

just as strong as the proposition that Aristogenes must have been a con-
temporary of Aristotle because he is mentioned by Aristotle.
It is more natural to associate the person of Aristogenes with a figure
who somehow links up with the theories of Empedocles, Anaximenes,
Diogenes of Apollonia, Anaxagoras or Plato on the soul and respiration
which are described by Aristotle and which have a clear affinity with the
theory criticized here. 2
Resp. 6, 47 3a3, in a passage which comes directly after a critique of
Plato's Timaeus, rejects a position very close to that of'Aristogenes': 'But
nor should we assume that respiration exists for the sake of nutrition,
in the sense that the inner fire is fed by breath and that someone who
breathes provides fuel for this fire and exhalation takes place after the
fire has received its food' ('A'A:Aa Jl~V ouo£ tpo<pil<; yE XaPlV U1tOA:Tl1ttEOV
YlvEa8ul t~v ava1tV011V, m<; tPE<pOJlEVOU ter 1tVEUJlatl tOU EVto<; 1tUpO<;,
Kat aVa1tVEOVtO<; Jl£V O)a1tEp E1tt 1tUP U1tEKKauJla U1tO~aAAEa8al,
tpa<pEVto<; o£ tOU 1tUpo<; YlvEa8al t~V EK1tvol1v).]. Tricot 148 n. 5 associ-
ated this passage with pupils of Plato. A. Roselli 77-78 wrongly disputes
the connection between this text and Spir. by remarking that Resp. 6 is
concerned with the vital heat which 'is fed'. In the view of'Aristogenes',
the pneuma (breath) is the vehicle of vital heat.
Precisely in Paroa naturalia we often find Aristotle casually mentioning
matters in one place and elaborating on them in a later context. It is
therefore worth considering that 'APl(HoYEVll<; may be a playful, literary
allusion to 6 'Apla't{ovo<;,3 and that Aristotle is referring to Plato, the son
ifAriston. Another argument supporting this view is that Aristotle effort-
lessly switches to a plural 'they say' (481 b 14; b 18, where he refe(S to
the opinion of Aristogenes in 481 a29-31 with the words: 'they say'; 5,
483a27), and also in 2, 482a23 and 6, 484a32 forcefully formulates his
own view in the words 'but we say'.
Cr. also the surprising remark in Sens. 5, 445a16: 'But what some
Pythagoreans say is unreasonable. For they say that some animals are
nourished bv odours' (0 o£ AEyoual tlVE<; toov TIu8ayopdrov, OUK EatlV
EiSAOYOV' tpE<pEa8al yap <pualv EVlU sera tal:<; oaJla't<;). In his commen-

1 Cf. i.\1etaph. A 3, 984a5 (Anaximenes and Diogenes of Apollonia); Anim. I 2, 405a21

(Diogenes); Resp. 1, 470b6; blO (Diogenes); 2, 470b30 (Anaxagoras and Diogenes); 3,
471b15 (Diogenes).
3 \Ve can compare the sobriquet 'Kadmogenes' for Heracles in Sophocles, Trachiniae
116 and 'Dareiogenes' for Xerxes in Aeschylus, Persae 6 and 146. See also Introduction,

tary W.D. Ross (1955) says nothing about the possible identity of these

2, 481 a29: 'for he believes that breath, too, is food' ('tpocp~v yap OtE'tat
Kat 'to 1tVEu~a).
Cf. PI. Tim. 78e4: 'this activity [of respiration] was assigned to our
body in order that it could nourish itself and live by means of moisten-
ing and cooling' (il~&v 'tip acO~a'tt Y£YOVEV apooJ,t£vcp Kat ava'Vuxo~£vcp
'tp£cpEa8at Kat Sl1v).
So this theory gives a broader interpretation to the word 'food' than
most people (and Aristotle himself) commonly do. In 1, 481a8-1 0, if our
interpretation of these lines is correct, Aristotle already created latitude
for an interpretation of the inhaled air as 'food'. It is also a substance
(soma), and bodies are nourished by nutritive substances.
A. Roselli 77 therefore believes that this theory of Aristogenes does
not take respiration to serve the purpose of refrigeration. But this is not
stated anywhere and seems at odds with 3, 482a31 fr.
For Aristotle the view of 'Aristogenes' is also implausible because
Aristotle holds that food must be 'composite': Sens. 5, 445a 18: 'food
must be composite (since the creatures nourished by it are not simple
either)' (t~V 'tpocp~v OEt dvat auv8E'tilv (Kat yap 'ta 'tPEcpoJ,tEva OUX a:lCAa
Ea'ttV ...)).

2, 481 a29: 'because the air in the <lungs> is concocted' (1tE't'tOJ,t£vou

'tou a£poc; EV 'tip nvEt)J,tovt).
This is at odds with Aristotle's views. He holds that the (only) pro-
cess of concoction takes place in the stomach and then in the heart (as
regards blood). No concoction takes place in the lungs, but the air
which is drawn to there serves to cool the heart, which is adjacent to
the lungs.
The Greek mss. read nVEu~a'tt here, but it would be strange for
pneuma to be concocted in pneuma and the Latin translation by Furlanus
seems to have rendered 'lungs' (nvEuJ,tovl). The confusion here is wholly
understandable on account of't01ho which follows in 481 a30 and must
certainly refer to pneuma. The reading nVEUJ.loVt seems to be supported
by 2, 481 b 17-19: 'Moreover, respiration extends as far as the lungs, as
they themselves say, but the innate pneuma is present throughout the liv-
ing creature' (E'tt 0' il J.lEv avanvo~ J.lEXpt 'tou 1tVEUJlOVOC;, Wa1tEp AEyOUcrt
aU'tol, 'to OE 1tVEUJ.lU Ot' DAOU 'to crUJ.lcptl'tov). This passage seems a

repetition in different words of 2, 481a29-30. Cf. also 3, 482a33-34.

P. Gohlke 159 nevertheless has: 'in der Lebensluft'.

2, 481a30: 'and this (breath] is distributed to the vessels' (toiho 0' de; tu
a:yyEl,f1. Otf1.0ioocrSat).
In this view, the air concocted in the lungs is then distributed to the
'vessels'. This terms usually denotes blood vessels (thus perhaps in 1,
481a12). W.S. Hett 489 talks about 'several receptacles',]. Tricot 177
about 'les vaisseaux sanguins'. But because this passage deals with 'con-
cocted air' which is distributed, the 'vessels' are probably the artbiai,
'air ducts'. Cf. 5, 483bI2 and bI8, where only artmai are said to receive
pneuma. In the views of Empedocles, Plato and 'Aristogenes' rejected by
Aristotle, it is impossible to draw a sharp distinction between blood ves-
sels and air ducts.
For 'to distribute' (Otf1.0iOwJ,u), cf. PI. nm. 45b 1; 49c6; 64b4; cl; e5;
and 67b3. Outside of the nm. the verb is found only three times in

2, 481 b 1: 'causes more problems' (1tAEioue; EXEt tae; u1topif1.e;).

Three objections were made to the rejected variant of theory B.
Partly the same objections, but also a series of others, are raised against
theory A. These objections relate to the successive elements in the brief
summary of Aristogenes' theory: (a) concoction (the efficient cause; the
speed and place of concoction); (b) the distribution of pneuma to the ves-
sels, and (c) the residue problem.

[f Objections to theory A as regards living creatures with respiration]

Objection 1
2, 481 b2: 'For the concoction of the inhaled air, by what is this caused?'
(~ tE yap 1tE'Vt<; \mo tivoe;;)
If inhaled outer air becomes food for the innate pneuma as a result
of concoction (a29), it makes sense to ask what is responsible for the
concoction. If it is the innate pneuma itself, where does this very first
pneuma come from?

481b2: 'Most probably by itself [breath], like the concoction of the

other nutritive substances' (Ehco<; J.lEV yup im' f1.\YtOU, Ka8u1tEp Kf1.t tOW
O}.. A.ffiV).

The concoction of the inhaled air, like the concoction of the other
nutritive substances, is probably caused by itself, that is, respiratory

2, 481 b3: 'But this in turn is strange, if it does not differ from the outer
air' (auto O£ 'tOUt' ato1tov, d Jl~ OlC:l<pEptt 'tou E~(() a.epo~).
The subject of Ota<pEptt in b4 must be identical with au'to<; in b2. er
5, 483b2-6. According to Aristotle, concoction is a matter of the innate
pneuma and its vital heat. But he rejects concoction of the inhaled air. On
the other hand 'Aristogenes' holds that inhaled air becomes pneuma as a
result of concoction. But in that case the inhaled air, before it has been
concocted, must differ from the vital pneuma. For in a homogeneous
mass there cannot be anything that undergoes or causes an effect.
Cf. PI. Tim. 57a3-5: 'For any kind that is similar and identical to itself
cannot possibly bring about any change ... nor undergo any change'
(to yap 0JlOWV Kat 'tau'tov au'tcp yEVO<; EKacrtOV ou't£ tlva Jle'ta~OA~V
EJl1tOl11cra1 Ouva'tov ou'te t11ta8etv " .)

2,481 b4: 'Ifthis is the case, however, the vital heat is probably the cause
of concoction' (ou't(J) 0' it 8epllo't1l<; liv 1tE't'tOt).
ou'tO) here means: 'But if (the vital breath differs from the outer
air, because it possesses vital heat as a specific property), in that case ...'
cr 5, 484a6-7. But this implies a vital heat which is more original than
the breath of respiration. This is the constant direction of Aristotle's

Objection 2
2, 481 b4: 'And certainly it is also logical that it is thicker' (Kat JlTtV Kat
1taxut£pov alrtov eUAoyov dval).
au'tov cannot refer back to the innate heat (8epJlo't1l<;) and must relate
to the air. The proposition here is that the inhaled air is made thicker
by the process of concoction, because it comes into contact with mois-
ture from the blood (vessels) and air (ducts) and the mass of the body
as a whole. This seems to formulate an objection, since the author has
posited as his own position in 481 a 17: 'that which is connected with the
soul is purer'. Cf. also 1, 481 a22-25.
We would actually expect auto as a reference to pneuma. QV in 481 b6,
which has been passed down as a variant of ovta, would go well with

2, 481 b5: 'mixed as it is with the moisture from the vessels' (/lEe'
uypO'tlyroe; tne; (l1tO tmv aYYE10lv).
Cr. 5, 483b22: 'the arteria has moisture in itself and in the coverings
which enclose the cavity' (tllv ap'tTlP1av Kat EXElV uypOtllta Kat EV auti\
Kat EV tOte; xttOOt tOte; 1tEPlEXOU<Jl to K01AOlJ.1a).

2, 481 b6: 'and of the entire mass of the body' (Kat tmv OAOlV OYKOlV).
J.F. Dobson translates: 'and from the solid parts'; W.S. Hett 489:
'and from the solid parts in general'; A. Roselli 134: 'da tutto il corpo'.
The meaning does in fact seem to be: 'the entire mass of the visible
body'. Cf. 5, 483b8: 'because it circulates in a moist and coarse-material
environment' (EV uYPOtlltl tE Kat <JOlJ.1a'tlKOte; OYKOle; ava<JtpEq>OJ.1EVOV).

Objection 3
2, 481 b 7: 'But if the residue becomes thinner, this is implausible' (to
OE 1tEplttOl/la, cl1tEP yiVEtal A€1ttOtEpOV, ou 1tl8avov).
Cr. Objection 3 to theory B in I, 481 a22. 'Aristogenes' seems to as-
sume that exhalation takes place via the pores in the veins/ air ducts and
throughout the body. This obviously presupposes that the concocted
air remains inside, whereas the residues are discharged. But in a system
of pores this is only possible if the matter remaining inside cannot pass
through the pores, and the matter that is discharged can. But a residue
is usually thicker than what it is formed from. Cr. 1, 481a22.

Objection 4
2, 481 b8: ~nd the rapidity of the concoction is illogical too. For exha-
lation immediately follows inhalation' (aAoyoe; OE Kat n
taxutlle; tne;
1tf\VEOle;' Eu8ue; 'Yap J.1€ta tll v d<J1tvollv EK1tVofl).
Cr. Objection 2 raised against the rejected variant of theory B in 1,
481 a 19-21. Objection 4 clearly implies that 'Aristogenes' must have
presented exhalation as the discharge of residues. But we should con-
sider that the concept of residues is an Aristotelian concept. It is natu-
ral to assume that Aristotle here presents the exhalation to which his
opponents refer as the discharge of a residue.

2, 481 b 12-15: cf. 5, 484a5-7!

2, 481 b 12: 'For the exhaled air is hot' (0 yap EK1tVEOJ.lEVOC; 8EPJ.lOC;).

Cf. Resp. 5, 472b33 (in the critical discussion of PI. Tim.): 'It is strange,
toO, that inhalation stands for the entrance of (vital) heat. For the op-
posite is found to be the case. For the exhaled air is hot' (Ut01tOV OE KUt
'IOU 8£PI.lOU tl,v avu1tvol,v £laoOov dvut. q>ulv£tUl yap toUVUVtlOV' to
j.l£v yap EK1tV£0J.l£VOV dVUl 8£Pllov).

Objection 5
2, 4S1 b 14: 'But they deny this' (01t£P ou <puatv).
J.F. Dobson creates confusion with his translation: 'but the common
view is that it is not'; likewise]. Tricot 177. W.S. Hett 491 rightly: 'this
they deny'. For 'Aristogenes', apparently, the heat which concocts the
inhaled air results from movement, and is not the work of a vital source
of heat, which is Aristotle's view.]' Tricot 178 n. I remarks that this
seems at odds with 2, 4S1 b2. A. Roselli SO comments here: 'sembra
che Spir. si riferisca alla dottrina di Erasistrato', which we believe to be
The author shifts his target here from the individual 'Aristogenes' to
various supporters of the theory under discussion. 'Aristogenes' there-
fore does not stand for an individual thinker, but is the representative
and leader of a group or school. Cf. also 481 b IS: 'as they themselves
say' (wa1t£p AEyoualv UUtOl), which can be regarded as a direct refer-
ence to the position of Aristogenes formulated in 2, 4S1a29-31 and 3,

2, 481b14: 'but [they say] that the food is heated by the movement
of the air' (aAA' EV 'In K1Vl1a£t tn tau 1tV£1>J.lUtO<; EK8£p/lulv£aeut tl,V
There is one manuscript Dl that reads 'IOU 1tV£1>J.l0VO<; ('the lungs'),
a reading adopted by A. Roselli 80. But this is not absolutely neces-
sary. In the description of PI. Tim. 77 c6-79aS the inhaled air is heated
while the process of inhalation and exhalation goes on continuously. Cf.
7ge2: 'The <air> driven round which falls into the fire is heated' (to b£
1t£puoaeEv £1.<; to 1tUP EJ.l1tl1ttOV eEPllulVEtUt).

Objection 6
2, 481 b 15: 'But if it [the innate pneuma] draws, as it were, food from
something else or receives it from something else that causes movement'
(£1. b' E~ £tEPO\) 'ttVOC; olov E1tla1tatul i1 KUt K1VOUVtO<; bEXE'tUl).

Aristotle draws consequences from propositions of his opponents

which they themselves may not have drawn. But if the vital breath is
fed by inhaled air which is concocted in the lungs and the air duct by
the movement of this air (or the lungs), this process seems to take place
independently of the vital breath itself. This raises the question: what is
actually the vital principle and for what is it reponsible, in the view of
'Aristogenes' and his supporters? Aristotle is firmly convinced that the
soul with its innate pneuma is the first principle of movement ('to 1tponov
K1vouv-b 17) and that the soul is the 'unmoved' principle and pneuma
'the moved mover'. Cr. MA. 10.

2, 481 b 18: 'as they themselves say' (roa1tEp AEyoualv au'toi).

This statement in b 17-19 floats in the air, unless we take it as a ref-
erence to 2, 481a29-30. If this is right, Aristotle switches smoothly
from the opinion of Aristogenes to the view of his school. Cf. also 3,

2, 481b19: 'And ifit is also distributed from there [i.e. from the lungs]
both to the lower parts and the others, how can the concoction take
place so rapidly?' (£1 0' a1tO 'to{YWU 01aoioo'ta1 Kat 1tpo<; 'tu Kuno Kat
1tPO<; 'to. aAAa, 1too<; ll1tE"'l<; ouno 'taXEla;).
Cf. 3, 482a34-36; 482b2-5; 5,483a18-22; 483b24-26. This is a cor-
rect description of the theory set out in PI. Tim. 77c-80d. Cf. 78c4: 'The
funnel being twofold, he let down one of the two through the windpipe
into the lungs, the other past the windpipe into the abdomen' (Ol1tAOU Of
QV'to<; al>'tou Ka'tO: J,LfV 'ta<; ap'tllpia<; d<; 'tOY 1tAE1)J,LOVa Ku811KEv 8u't£pov,
'to. 0' £1<; 'tT,v K01~Uav 1tapa 'ta<; ap't11pia<;). 78e5: 'Indeed, when the res-
piration goes in or out, it is followed by the internal fire connected with
it. The fire floating up and down penetrates the abdomen and takes in
food and drink there. It dissolves these ...' (c)7to'tav yap £law Kat E~W
't11<; aVU1tvoll<; louall<; 'to 1tUP EV'tO<; aUVllJ,LJ,LEVOV £1tll'ta1, 01a1wpouJ,LEVOV
Of ad 010. 't11<; K01Aiu<; EiaEA80v 'to. ania Kat 'to. 1tO'ta AU~n, 'ttl KEl
ful, etc.).

Objection 7
2, 481 b21: 'For they [the lungs] do not <immediately> pass on the
air, which is not concocted immediately, to the lower parts' (ou yap
<hU1tEJ,L1tEt t'tou'to y't EUeU~ 1tE't'tOJ,LEVOV 'tOY UEpa 'tOt~ KU'tro).
Thus A. Roselli 82. The transmitted Greek text clearly raises prob-
lems. Objection 7 seems to accentuate Objection 4. The concoction of

the inhaled air cannot reasonably take place in the brief time between
inhalation and exhalation. Even more unlikely is the idea that this air is
distributed in no time throughout the entire body. Perhaps we should
read: ou ya.p ~hu1t£Jl1tEl <Eu8U<;> OUtE y' EUeU<; 1tEttOJlEVOV tOY u£pa
'[01<; Katoo.
J.R. Dobson translates: 'For the lungs cannot distribute the air to the
lower parts during the actual process of its digestion.' This translation
connects the neuter tOU"to with 'the lungs'. It would be better to read
tOlhov y' and connect it with the air.

2, 481 b23: 'And yet this would seem necessary if the concoction takes
place in the lungs' (Kaitot to JlEV OO~ElEV <ay> uvayKa'iov dvat tou'to
til<; 1t£\jIEOO<; ytVOJl£V11<; EV 'tip 1tVEl)JlOVt).
By letter of August 9, 2005 D. Holwerda has proposed to reconstruct
this sentence by reading KUltm <'tou>'to and deleting the tou'to that
comes after dvat as a reader's conjecture which has ended up in the
wrong place in the text.

2,481 b26: 'as it were casually and by contact only' (otov ya.p ~hoocp Kat
ei~El yiVEtat Jlovov).
So Aristotle considers it impossible that the process of concoction
should take place so 'casually'. But he does believe that the vital heat
is cooled by means of a casual 'contact'. Cf. Resp. 21, 480b3: 'while the
air is cold when it is inhaled, but warm when it is exhaled, owing to
its contact with the heat present in this part of the body' (El(HOVta JlEV
\jIUXPOv E~toVta DE eEPJlOV Dux t~V &q>~v tOU eEPJlOU tOU EVOV'tO<; EV tip
Jloptcp tOUtcp).

Objection 8
2, 481 b27: ~nd this, too, is illogical and even less tenable~ (aAoyov DE
Kat 'tOUtt Kat tAOYOOECJ'tEpOVt).
This is the Z reading. The other manuscripts read: UAOYOOO£CJtEpOV.
W.Jaeger already commented that a comparative is unacceptable after
an ordinary positive.J.F. Dobson reads: AOyOOEECJtEPOV and translates:
'still more untenable'. He is followed by "V.S. Hett 491; P. Gohlke 161:
'Das ware unverstandlich, und noch unverstandlicher, wenn fUr ... '
j. Tricot 178: 'Voici encore une consequence plus irrationnelle et plus
insoutenable encore, puisque ...' A. Roselli proposes to read Aoy01.)
EVOE£CJtEPOV or KUtUOEECJ'tEpOV, because no word AoyoOEr,; is attested.
For a suggestion by D. Holwerda, see the note to the translation.
80 DESPIRln"

The closest extant text is PI. Tim. 62a6, where Plato expresses a wish
that the effect of fire and its opposite may 'not lack an explanation':
f..lTlOEV E1ttOEE<; £a1(o AOyOU.

2, 481 b27: 'the same passage' (6 au'to<; 1tOpo<;).

The Greek text has AOYO<;, which is retained by J.F. Dobson: 'the
same account'. Likewise W.S. Hett 491 and J. Tricot 178. W. Jaeger
proposed to read 1tOpo<;; cf. 1, 481 a25 and 2, 481 b28. His proposal is
accepted by A. Roselli 82.

2, 481 b29: 'the same arguments would hold as above' (Ot aU'tot AOYOt
Ot Kat 1tpO'tEPOV).
Again we find that the author has a clear picture in his mind of
the theories of his opponents and their weak points. He refers here to
Objections 2 and 3 to theory B, discussed in 1, 481 a22-27. Cf. Resp. 6,

2, 481 b29: 'Unless someone were to say that a residue is not formed
from all food and not for all living creatures' (Ei f..lll 'tou'to AfYOt n<;, 00<;
ou 1tU<JTl<; 't11<; 'tpo<P11<; OUOE 1tnat yivE'tat 1tEpi't'tOlf..lU).
The theory that a residue is formed from all food, which was put
forward in 1, 481 a 19 and seemed a sound argument, is criticized here.
This allows Aristotle's opponents to argue that no residue is formed as a
result of concoction of the inhaled air.

2, 482a 1: 'anymore than it is in plants' (KaeU1tEp OUOE 't01:<; <pu'to1:<;).

Aristotle himself believes that plants draw food from the earth which
the earth has already processed into directly absorbable food for all veg-
etative forms of life. Cf. P.A. 11 3, 650a20: 'For plants take the ready-
to-eat food from the earth with their roots: hence they do not secrete
residues, for they use the earth and the heat in it as a stomach' ('ta f..lEV
yap <pu'ta AUf..l~UVEt 'tllV 'tpo<Pllv Ku'tEtpyaaf..lfVllv EK 't11<; Yil<; 'tu1:<; ptSUt<;
(OtO Kat ou yiVE'tUt 't01:<; q)'l)'tO't<;· 't11 yap Y1l KUt t1l EV au'tft
eEPf..lo'tTln XP11'tat roa1tEp KOtAt~).
Cf. also Sens. 5, 445a18. So in a certain sense there is a residue
of plants, but it is stored in the earth, which serves as a nutrient

2, 482a2: 'unless in the sense that if fonus part of the body as a whole'
(Ei OE flit oun yE 1tav'to<;).

W.Jaeger reads: on
yE 1tavto<;.
J.F. Dobson translates: 'at least not in all animals'. Likewise]. Tricot
178. Perhaps we should prefer: 'And if this is not the case, no [residue
need be formed] from every kind [of concocted food] either'.

2, 482a3-7: 'But the growth of the vessels is just like that of the other
parts, and because these [vessels] become broader and distended, the
air which flows in and out increases. But whether something must be
present in them, that is what we are trying to find out. And what this
natural air is, and how it increases in a healthy way, that will be obvi-
ous on the basis of this' (aAA' apa yE Tt ~£v ayydmv aU~T\(n<; Tt alYrT]Kal
t&v aAAmv ~oplmv, EUPUVO~EVffiV 8£ Kat 8lt(rta~Evmv 'tolrtmv 1tAdmv 0
a1lP 0 ElcrPEffiV Kat EKpEmv. El 8E n avayKalov EVU1tCXPXEt, 't01)'tO au'to
ST\'tEl'tat 'tl<; 0 <()'\)crtKO<;. Kat 1t&<; 0-0't0<; 1tAEtmv uyt&<;, EK 'to'\l'tOU <pavEpov
av ElT\).
er. Anim. 1I 9, 422a3: 'because the veins and the passages become
broader' (8tEUpuvo~Evmv't&v <pA.E~&V Kat 'trov 1topmv). ~lt(J'ta~Evmv can
also refer to the distension of bones and the like, HA. III 11, 5l8b9; G.A.
11 6, 742a9. This passage should be seen in connection with 3, 482blO,
which emphatically denies that the supply of food for the 'vessels' (i.e.
artiriai) is the same as for other parts, since pneuma and food can only be
supplied through the artbiai when the artiriai have developed. But this
process does not involve respiration. Cf. 4, 483a12-15.
].F. Dobson translates this passage as follows: 'But according to
this view the vessels grow just like the other parts, and as they become
broadened and distended, the volume of air which flows in and out is
increased: and if there must inevitably be some air contained in them,
the actual question which we are now asking, "What is the air which
naturally exists in them and how does this increase under healthy condi-
tions?" will be obvious from the preceding statement.' He adds a note:
'Reading 't01)'t0 au'to <0> ST\'tEl'tat. 'tt<; 0 <pUcrlKO<; Kat. .. (W.D.R.).'
W.S. Hett 491-493 broadly follows Dobson. Other translators do not
offer clear improvements.
The author first says that the inhaled air increases because the vessels
increase in circumference (and the inhaled air can therefore increase in
volume). He immediately goes on to talk about living creatures which
lack a respiratory function (and whose vessels therefore cannot contain
air from respiration).
The question raised here may therefore be whether in fact the vessels
of the body always necessarily contain inhaled air.

We might therefore consider making a small correction to the Greek:

tOUtO a.UtO SlltEt <K>a.t ti[~] 6 q>UCHK6~. Ka.t 1tm~ ... Now 6 <PU(HK6~ is
not an adjective connected with 'the air', but denotes 'the man of sci-
ence', 'the natural scientist'. The construction is comparable with 9,
485b21-23: 'If the components are different, what are the differences
of each of the simple bodies in itself and what <is their capacity>? For
it is these differences which we are seeking' (Ei ~£v oilv E'tEPa., 'tiVE~ a.i
81a.<pOpa.t EKua'tou 'tmv a1tAmV Ka.t 'ti~ <... > 'ta.U'ta.~ yap Sll'tOU~EV). See
also 9, 485a33: Sll'touv'ta.. Read in this way, the passage becomes more
relevant precisely in the transition to the discussion of non-breathing
animals. Moreover, it suggests that Aristotle here is touching on the
question whether the development of the 'vessels' both in the embry-
onic phase (when there is no respiration yet) and in living creatures
without respiration is not necessarily the product of something other
than inhaled air. In chap. 9 he will then explain at length 'what this is'.

[II Objections to theory A and theory B with regard to insects

(which do not have respiration})

It seems to make sense to see the previous eight Objections as specifi-

cally targeted at 'Aristogenes'. The arguments adduced from 482a7
onwards are aimed against theory A and theory B together.

2, 482a7: 'And how ... for living creatures without respiration' ('tot~ 8£
8'h ~'h UVa.1tVEUOttKOt~).
See also 5, 483bl and in 8, 485all and a21 'octopuses' and 'multi-
pedes' and shellfish and crustaceans. Aristotle is chiefly thinking of in-
sects when he talks about non-respiring creatures. er. Resp. 2, 471al9
and 9,474b31-475a20; a29: 'insects are creatures which do not breathe'
(OUK ava.1tVEt 'to. £v'to~a. tmv s4>wv). Among insects the specimens which
are longer-lived do have a cooling system, but not via the lungs. Insects
are divided into two, as it were, and in the middle have a membrane
which is set in motion by their innate pneuma and makes a buzzing noise.
The movement of the membrane cools the insects; cf. 474b31: 'The
insects which are longer-lived ... are split behind their middle part, so
that they can be cooled by the membrane, which is very thin' (ooa 8£
~a.KPOPt(O'tEPa. tOW EVt6~wv ... tOUtOl~ \mo to OuiSw~a. OlEOX10'ta.t,
01t~ oux AE1ttO'tEPOU ov'to~ tOU i>~EvO~ 'l'UXT\ta.t).

On the basis ofC.A. II 4-6 W.Jaeger (art. 1913; repr. 1960) 73 con-
cluded: 'Aristoteles schliesst auf das angeborene Pneuma der hoheren
Tiergattungen aus der Notwendigkeit, es ftir die niedrigeren, zumal die
Nichtatmer, zu statuieren.' Exactly the same train of thought is followed
in Spir.
ava1tvEu<J'tu::a-in the Aristotelian Corpus, besides here and in 4,
483a12, only in Sens. 5, 445a27: 'to the place of respiration' (d~ 'tOY
ava.1tVEU<J'ttKOV ... 't01tov) (in a passage disputing a theory of the Pythag-
oreans, who held that some living creatures could be nourished by

Objection 1
2, 482a9: 'But if they receive their food for that from what is inside and
from ordinary food, it is reasonable to assume that this also applies to
living creatures with respiration' (d 8' uno 't<Ov £v'to~ Kat 'tft~ KOlvft~
'tpo<pfl~, Et>Aoyov KUKElV01~).
J.F. Dobson turns matters upside down in his translation: 'If in the
former case it was from forces within, and from the common nutri-
ment of the body, it is reasonable to say that the same is true in their
case also.' Likewise the Revised Oxford Translation (1984) I 766 and
J. Tricot 179. But KUKElV01~ must refer to what is further away in the
text, i.e. 'living creatures with respiration', which is the subject from the
beginning of chap. 2. So the idea is that if insects do not receive their
food for the innate pneuma through respiration, this argues for the case
that respiring land animals do not receive it in this way either.
In 2, 482a16 KUKElVroV also refers to 'the aforementioned' Qiving
creatures with respiration]. But again the sentence should be under-
stood elliptically: 'and moreover by objecting with regard to refrigera-
tion that they [insects] need it just as much', like living creatures with
respiration, and therefore need respiration just as much.

2, 482a10: 'ordinary food' ('tfl~ KOlvft~ 'tpo<pfl~).

Not inhaled air but ordinary food, common to all living creatures,
which is taken in via the mouth (or a plant's roots) and is concocted into
blood in the stomach. It should therefore be distinguished here from
what is meant in 1, 481 all: 'For blood is food in its last phase, which
is the same for all living creatures' ('to yap at~ul " E<JXa'tll 'tpo<PllK(lt "
O:l)'tll 1tU<J!V).
84 DESPIRln'

2, 482alO-ll: 'For similar matters come from the same causes and in
the same way' (a1to yup 'tcov au'tcov 'to. 0JlOla Kat waal)'tOO<;).
This principle of universality is found repeatedly in Spir.; cf. 2,
482a24-26; 6,484b7-8; 8, 485all-12.

Objection 2
2, 482all: 'Unless of course it also comes from outside for living crea-
tures without respiration' (£1 Jlll apa Kat 'tOU'tOl<; a1tO 'tOU EK'tO<;).
481 a9 established that insects do not have a respiratory system like
dogs and human beings. It seems natural to conclude that the mainte-
nance of their innate pneuma must be due to food. But the author here
considers whether there may be another possibility.

2, 482a12: just as they perceive smells' (ooa1tEp Kat 'tCOV oaJlCOv

Cf. Anim. 11 7, 419a35: 'Animals that live in water also seem to
perceive smells. But human beings and animals that breathe cannot
smell without breathing. The reason for this will be discussed later'
(q>aivE'tal yup Kat 'to. Evubpa 'tCOV ~cPOOv EXElV ataS"alV oaJlT1<;. 'AAA'
6 JlfV avSpOO1to<; Kat 'tCOV 1tE~COV oaa ava1tVE1, aDuva'tE1 oaJlftaSal Jlll
aVa1tVEOV'ta. 'li D' aitia Kat1tEpt 'tOU'toov ua'tEpov AExeTtaE'tal) (viz. in
9, 421 b 13-422a6); Anim. 11 9, 421 b25: 'Bloodless animals must pos-
sess smell, but without breathing' (O<Jq>paivEaSal JlfV oilv avayKa10v,
aAA' OUK aVa1tVEOVta (sc. 'tu aValJla)); b32: 'Similarly in certain spe-
cies of animals the organ of smell is like the eye (of hard-eyed ani.mals),
uncurtained, while in others which take in air it has a curtain over it,
which is drawn back in inhalation, owing to the dilating of the veins or
pores' (transl. J.A. Smith) (ou'too<; oilv Kat 'to o<Jq>pavnKov ai<J9,,'tTlplOV
'to1<; JlfV aKaAu<pE<; dvat, OO<J1tEP 'to oJlJla, 't01<; Of 'tOY aEpa bEXOJlEvot<;
EXEtV E1tlKaAUJllla, 0 aVa1tVEov'toov a1tOKaAU1t'tE<JSal, DIEUPUVOJlEVOOV
'tCOV q>AE~ffiv Kat 'tCOV 1tOpoov.) See also Sens. 5, 443a3-6: 'This is clear
in the case of fishes and shellfish. For these possess the faculty of smell
although there is no air in water (for air rises when it enters water) and
they do not breathe' (DT1AOV D' E1tt 'tcov lXSUoov Kat 'tmv o<J'tpaKobEPJlOOV·
<paivov'tal yup oaq>patvOJlEVa OU'tE aEpo<; OV'tO<; EV 'tip \lOan (E1tl1toAcisEl
yup 0 allP, o'tav eYYEV11'tal) ou't' au'tu aVa1tVEov'ta). W.D. Ross (1955)
213 notes: 'It was not until the time of Boyle (1670) that it was known
that water contains air, and not until the time of Bernouilli (1690) that
it was known that fish cannot live in water from which the air has been

expelled by boiling.' See also Sens. 5, 444b7-20 and P.A. 11 16, 659b15:
'Some perceive odours with their gills, others through their blow-hole,
and insects via their waist. They are all, so to speak, moved by the in-
nate pneuma in their body: they all possess this pneuma by nature; it has
not been introduced from outside' (ta J.l£V BIa tmv ~payXtrov, ta B£ BIa
'tou aUAou, ta B' BIa tOU i)7[oscOJ.lato~ atcr8avovnlt tmv oOJ.lmv,
Kat 1tavta tep cru/J.<jrunp 1tVEUJ.lan "Cou crcOJ.lato~ ffi<:mEp KIVE1"Cat· "COUtO B'
\mupx n <pUOEt 1taOl Kat ou 8upa8Ev E1tdoaKtoV Eonv).
Aristotle is convinced that insects and fishes perceive odours, but do
not possess respiration. er. 2, 482a23.

2, 482a13: 'but then it is something like respiration after all' (aAA' OUtro~
y' otov aVa1tVOll ytVEtal).
Ms. Z and A. Roselli 82 read OUtro~ y' here. W. Jaeger opted for
OlhOIY'. Another variant is oun yE. J.F. Dobson opts for the Z reading:
'but then they must have some process similar to respiration.' Likewise
W.S. Hett 493; J. Tricot 179; A. Roselli 135. P. Gohlke: 'ohne dass
geradezu ein Einatmen zu beobachten ware' (?). D. Holwerda (October
3, 2005) proposes to acceptJaeger's reading.
Naturally we must take a18 into account here: 'so that it is roughly
the same as respiration' (0008' OJ.lOIOV "Cl t11 aVa1tvoft). It seems as if
482a 11-19 is a discussion by the author against his own firm opinion,
expressed in a9, that insects do not have respiration. His opponents
could say: insects need to be cooled; this must be effected by the inhaled
air. Aristotle does not give his answer here, but we know from Resp. that
he concedes that some insects have refrigeration, but not a process of

2, 482a 13: 'The correctness of this could be disputed' (1tEpt 0-0 Kav
unoPTtcrEt£ n<;).
It seems as if Aristotle lists arguments here which his opponents could
marshal against him:
a) insects take in food and take in air at the same time;
b) insects also require refrigeration (a proposition which Aristotle en-
dorses); therefore they also need a system of respiration, like land
animals (which Aristotle denies);
c) if refrigeration of insects takes place via their
(as Aristotle believes), air can also be supplied via the waist (which
Aristotle denies).

2, 482a15: 'the matter of food intake (for the drawing in of pneuma takes
place at the same time)' ('t1W E1tlcr7t(:UHV 't11<; 'tpo<j)l1<;-OAlcil yap
].F. Dobson: 'the way in which they draw nutriment; for we should
say that they must draw in some breath at the same time.' Likewise
W.S. Hett 493;]. Tricot 179; P. Gohlke 161-162.
For 'to draw (in)' (E1tlCmucrtv), see 481 b 15: 'draws' (E1ttcr1tCttcu). Aris-
totle's opponents can also argue: insects take in food; with the food they
take in air. OAKTl here is the drawing in of air (see a 18). 1, 481 a 11 talked
about the 'drawing' of blood from the veins, 6, 484a28 talks about the
'drawing' of food from the abdomen. According to Aristotle's oppo-
nents, however, this is always a consequence of the respiratory process.
When Aristotle remarks in a19 that his opponents do not specifiy this
'drawing in', he seems to mean: the 'drawing in' of air is clear for crea-
tures with lungs; for creatures without lungs it is impossible to be clear
how this 'drawing in' takes place.

2, 482a17: 'And if this takes place for them via their waist' (d OE oux toU
l)7to~ffiJlato<; autot<; ylVEtat).
].F. Dobson: 'But if in their case the refrigeration takes place through
their diaphragm.' Likewise W.S. Hett 493; P. Gohlke 162: 'Erfolgt diese
aber durch die Kerbstelle hindurch ... ';]. Tricot 179: 'Mais si, chez eux,
le refroidissement s'opere par la region du corps situee sous le corselet',
with a reference to Resp. 9, 475a3.
But the word used there is to (475a2). In PA. 11 16, 659b16
we find the word {> in the statement that 'insects perceive odours
via their middle part' (to. 0' Ota tOU l)7to~ffiJ.lato<; alcr8avov'tat
'tow ocrJlffiv) and H. Bonitz, Index 796a59 notes that 1) and alternate in Aristotle. Thus e.g. in HA. III 1, 509b 17 and 25.
But A. Preus 4 has cast doubt on the passage in PA. 11 16, partly on
account of the use of the term 1)7t6~ffiJla. Cr. A. Roselli 84. This doubt
has no firm foundation. Preus is familiar with the passage in SpiT. 2
(p. 272), but regards it as inauthentic and at odds with (other) state-
ments by Aristotle. He disregards the fact that the passage in SpiT. fol-
lows from a consideration of the opponents' position. Both passagf's
show that Aristotle denies respiration to insects but attributes smell to

+ A. Prcus, 'Aristotle's Parts if animals II 16, 659b 13-19: is it authentic?', Classical

Qyarterry 18 (1968) 270-278.

them, even though he does not know how this takes place. er. Sens.
5, 444b7-28 with 444b13: 'many other similar animals have an acute
perception of their food by its odour. It is not equally certain what the
organ is whereby they so perceive' (transI.].1. Beare) (Kat TCO'A'AU 'trov
if)..'/'.. rov trov tOto{YCrov s4>rov 0SEro<; aicr9<ivE'tat 't11<; 'tpoCP11<; 8tu 't~v ocr"ulv.
otcp 8£ aicr9<ivE'tat, OUX OIlOtro<; cpavEp6v).

Objection 3
2, 482a 19: 'But it is not determined how and by what cause this drawing
in takes place' (1tA~V OUX acpoptSE'tat 'tt<; o'A~ Kat U1tO 'ttvo<;).
J.F. Dobson translates: 'But it cannot be determined ... ' A better
translation is W.S. Hett 493: 'But this does not define what this drawing
., ,
III IS ...
The possibility suggested in I, 481 a 14: 'But the air supplies the food'
(urn 3' 6 a~p) does not apply to animals without respiration. Aristotle
here blames his opponents for failing to indicate clearly how insects
draw in air and by what instrument. In respiring animals the lungs are
the instrument which, spurred on by the heart, effectuates respiration.
Lungs are lacking in insects and fishes. The underlying motive here is
that, for Aristotle, the innate pneuma is the efficient cause, but it requires
a different interpretation from that of his opponents.
er. PI. Tim. 79a5-80d 1: Plato here explains the 'drawing in' of air
and food from the fact that empty spaces cannot exist, so that wher-
ever a certain substance is pushed away another substance is 'drawn in'
which fills the gap. In 80c he adduces the 'attraction' (EASt<;) of magnets
and explains it (away) by remarking that it does not really involve a
form of 'drawing' (o'Aldt) but of simultaneous displacement, owing to the
impossibility of a void.

[Ill. Objections to theory A and theory B with regard to fishes

(in the water, where respiration is impossible})

2, 482a21: 'And what about the nutrition and growth of the innate
pneuma in aquatic animals?' (Tot<; 3£ 3~ EVUypOt<;).
The systematic organization which Aristotle used in Resp. is in evi-
dence here too. After land animals with respiration he discussed land
animals without respiration. Now he turns to aquatic animals without

respiration. Cf. 8, 485a21: tmv EvoOpcov-the word Aristotle uses more

frequently for water animals.
A relevant passage in this connection is PI. Tim. 92a7: 'But the fourth
kind, which lives in the water, ... They ... thought these creatures un-
worthy even to inhale pure air: ... condemned them to inhale the
muddy water of the depths' ('to of. tEtup'tOV YEVO~ EVUOpov ... OUO'
avu1tvoil~ Ku8apa~ E'tt ~~icoaav ... aAA' ... Ei~ uOa'to~ 80AEpav Kat
pa8EtaV Ecoaav aVU1tVEUatv). See also 5, 483b34, which attributes to
Aristotle's opponents the view that fishes also breathe.

2, 482a23: 'and we say further that no air is present in the moist sub-
stance' (OUO' EVU1tapXEtv oAco~ EV tip uypip <pUJlEV aEpa).
A. Roselli 86 refers here to Resp. 2, 470b28 if. She adds: 'ma la con-
futazione di Aristotele e molto decisa e dettagliata.' But if Aristotle is
also the author of Spir., he can obviously confine himself in Spir. to a
brief statement of his position.
The author uses the plural here, thus clearly indicating that he is a
supporter of the Peripatetic line, over against the camp of his oppo-
nents. Cf. 6, 484a32. See also Sens. 5, 443a3-6 (cited in our comm. on
Spir. 2, 482a 12).
In various manuscripts aEpa is followed by the words: 'because
pneuma is formed from (ordinary) food' (on Ota til~ tpo<pil~ li 'to\)
1tVEUJla'to~ yEVECJU;). D. Furlanus deletes these words as a marginal com-
ment which found its way into the text.

2, 482a24: 'The only remaining possibility is that the innate is

nourished and grows by means of ordinary food' (AOt1tOV apa otix 'til~
'tpo<pil~) .
J. Tricot 179: 'Reste donc que c'est seulement par le moyen de la
nourriture que ces animaux absorbent l'air.'
This translation may cause misunderstandings. In his critique of the-
ory A held by 'Aristogenes' Aristotle states here that this theory does
not apply to fishes, and that therefore the innate pneuma of fishes cannot
be nourished by inhaled air, but, if at all, by ordinary food (as theory B

2, 482a24: 'so that the method is either not the same for all, or the other
living creatures with respiration also nourish and increase [their innate
pneuma] by means of ordinary food. For it must needs be one of these

three' (ffi~ OUX 6~oi(O~ 1taalV il K(XlcElva Oux 'tll~ 'tpoqril~ ['ta fvuypa]·
tptrov yap 'to{)'t(OV avayKalov EV).
Cf. 9, 486b2: 'So one of the two' (roa'tE OUElv 8U'tEPOV). Aristotle's op-
ponents had argued that, for all living creatures, the maintenance and
growth of their innate pneuma was due to food or respiration; the third
possibility is: some in this way, others in that. But a final decision has
not yet been made. A. Roselli 86 reads a question mark after 'tpo<Pll~. A
raised dot is better.
ta Evuypa in the transmitted text is probably based on a misunder-
standing, since KaKUVa refers back to 'the aforementioned creatures
with respiration'. Therefore Jaeger's suggestion to read 'ta <~l,>
Evuypa is no more plausible than deletion of the words ta fvuypa, as
D.e. Bussemaker proposed (followed by A. Roselli 86).
For OUx 6~oi(O~ 1tUalV, cf. the Aristotelian proposition already formu-
lated in 2, 482a 10-11: 'For similar matters come from the same causes
and in the same way' (a1tO yap trov autrov 'ta o~ola Kat ffiaaUt(O~). Like-
wise 6, 484b7-8 and 8, 485all-12 (with commentary).

2, 482a26: 'This now is enough as regards the growth and nourish-

ment of pneuma' (Kat tauta ~EV m~ 1tEpt tl,v aU~l1alv Kat tpo<pl,V 'tou
1tVEU ~ato~).
Cf. 8, 485a22: 'Thus far on the change of place'.
The addition of ffi~ is meant restrictively here: 'as regards'. See Lid-
dell, H.G., Scott, R., Jones, H.S., A Greek English Lexicon (Oxford, 9th
ed. 1940; repr. 1961) s. v. AbII2, who refer to Xenophon, Anabasis IV
3, 31. See also Arist. Cael. I 3, 269b21: vuv JlEV iKavro~ ffi~ 1tPO~ tl,v
1tapouaav xpEiav, aKpt~EatEpov OE mlAlv, otav £1tlaK01troJlEV 1tEpt tll~
ouaia~ autrov.
Chap. 2 is clearly connected with chap. 3 by the word pair JlEV ... OE
(a26-27), as is chap. 1 with chap. 2.
~e thank Prof. D. Holwerda for suggestions in his letter of October

[Problems in some theories of respiration]

Chap. 3 is entirely dedicated to an enumeration of seven objections to
the theories on respiration of Aristogenes and all others who regard it
as the most fundamental vital process.

Objection 1
3, 482a28: 'But as regards respiration, some do not say ... ' (TIept OE
ava1tvoll~ Ot IlEV ou AEYOUcrtV ...).
In his critical apparatus W Jaeger refers to Resp. I, 470b6 ff, and
notes: 'this derives from there' (unde haec petita), thus underlining his view
that SpiT. is by an anonymous author from the time after Aristotle.
In fact: why does the author in this work now address the theme of
respiration, after De respiratione had done so at length? This could indicate
that it was written by someone other than Aristotle, unless there is a
clear connection with the preceding chapters I and 2 of SpiT.
This connection certainly exists, since chap. 2 is purely concerned
with a theory which holds respiration directly responsible for the mainte-
nance and growth of the innate pneuma; and chap. I critically discussed
a theory which holds respiration indirectly responsible for this process.
This connection is reinforced by the relationship with 2, 481 b 17 f[:
'Moreover, respiration extends as far as the lungs, as they themselves say,
but the innate pneuma is present thoughout the living creature. And if it
is also distributed from there [viz.: from the lungs] to the lower parts'
(En 0' ,; IlEV aVa1tVO~ IlEXpt 'tou 1tvd)llovo~, rocr1tep AEyoUcrtV aU'toi, 'to
oE 1tVeulla. Ot' OAOU 'to crull<PU'tov. et 0' a1tO 'tou'tou ota.oioo'ta.t Ka.t 1tpO~
'ta K<i'tro ...). In what follows Aristotle will make it clear that the vital
principle must already be present before respiration and that the innate
pneuma has no connection with the inhaled air! The entire work deals
with the question: what is the innate pneuma? Is it the breath which is
taken in via respiration, or is it something of a different order, which
is already operative on an even more fundamental level? In actual fact
there is no overlap with Resp.
92 DESPIRln'

It is striking that Aristogenes is not mentioned here in Objec-

tion 1. We should probably conclude that, according to Aristotle, he did
explain what purpose respiration serves, viz. (a) for the nourishment of
the innate pneuma and (b) for the refrigeration of the living creature.

3, 482a29: 'for instance Empedocles and Democritus' (Ka8a1tEp

'E/..l1tEBoKA:n<; Kat ~llJl6KPl'tO<;).
A full discussion of respiration will have to talk about the efficient
cause and the final cause. Empedocles and Democritus address only the
purpose of respiration. This is also stated in Resp. 4, 471 b30-472a3 and
7, 473a15-16. Others are deficient on both counts. In Spir. Democritus
is mentioned only here. We will come across Empedocles again in 6,
484a38 and 9, 485b26. Again, therefore, the setting of Spir. is closely
similar to that of the (other) Parva naturalia.
Interpreters of this work who propose to date it half a century
or more after Aristotle should at least indicate why Praxagoras and
Erasistratus and such thinkers are not mentioned explicitly anywhere,
if their influence is as clearly noticeable in Spir. as they say.

Objection 3
3, 482a31: 'And also when respiration serves the purpose of refrigera-
tion, it is necessary to elucidate this point' (BEt BE Kat El Ka'ta\If'U~Eo)<;
XaptV, a1>10 'tou'to Btaoaqrnoat).
As appears from 2, 482a16, the disputed theory of 'Aristogenes' and
his supporters also attributed a refrigerative function to respiratiQn.
The discussion on this matter plays an important part in Spir.: 3,
482a13; 482b1; 4, 483b6; 5, 484a6; 484a10. Aristotle considers refrig-
eration of the cardiac region to be the primary function of respira-
tion, which is confined to the windpipe and the lungs. His opponents
are also aware of the necessity of refrigeration, but cannot provide a
consistent theory because they hold that the respiratory flow of air
extends throughout the body.
Pi. Tlm. 70d1 also attributes a refrigerative function to the lungs:
'in order to cool the heart and give it rest and relief in its burning'
(lva ... \1f'Uxoucra, avu1tvoT,V Ked p~o't(ovllv £v 'tiP KaUJlan 1tapExm). So
there is no need to find an objection by Aristotle against himself here.
In 482b 1 Aristotle emphatically objects against his opponents that their
theory, if they claim that the inhaled air is distributed throughout the
living creature, makes it impossible to attribute a refrigerative function

torespiration, since on the argument of 2, 481 b 12-15 heat should be

mainly located in the lungs and the arteriai.

3, 482a32: 'For if the vital heat resides in the upper parts of the living
creature, <the parts> below no longer need refrigeration' (£1 yap EV
tot~ avO) to 8epJ1ov, oin( av Et! OEOltO KatO) (se. t11<; Kata",U~eoo<;)).
Though Aristotle situates the vital heat (and the soul) in a living
creature's centre, this is not the mathematical centre: the heart is clearly
located in the upper half. I The upper half is therefore more the bearer
of vital heat than the lower half. This is crucial to an interpretation
of the problematic phrase 'the fire above' (to nup avoo) in Long. 3,
465b2. 2
Aristotle draws attention to a real problem here: if the vital pneuma
is distributed throughout the visible body of the living creature, and if
it is the bearer of the vital heat, why is refrigeration necessary in the
cardiac region in particular? Is the heat of the one vital pneuma different
in different places in the visible body? On the necessity of refrigera-
tion, cf. Resp. 1, 470b24: 'All animals possessing lungs with blood have
greater need of respiration on account of their high degree of heat'
(to. 0' EvatJ10v ExoV'ta 1tveuJ1ova 1tavta J1UAAOV Oeltat t11~ aVa1tvo11<;
iha to 1tA118o<; t11<; 8epflOtllto<;)-in contrast to frogs and tortoises.
D.C. Bussemaker proposed to read here OUK av Et! OEOltO <to.>
1(&tO). Cf. 2, 481 b20. This proposal is accepted by].E Dobson, WS.
Hett 494 and]. Tricot 180.

3, 482a34: :And it has its starting-point in the lungs' (Kat apxil a1tO
tou 1tve\>flovo<;).
It is un-Aristotelian to claim that the innate pneuma has its starting-
point in the lungs. For Aristotle the heart is the starting-point of the
innate pneuma. Aristotle regards the lungs as the starting-point of respi-
ration, which serves to cool the heart. The author seems to be thinking
here of 2, 481 b 17, where he imputed to Aristogenes and his supporters
the view that respiration extends as far as the lungs.

I er. PA. III 4, 665b18: 'it (the heart) is in the middle, more in its upper than in its
lower half' (m:pt Il£crov yap, lluUov B' EV 1:</> a.vro 11 ]((l'tro).
'1 On this subject, see A.P. Bos, '''Fire above": the relation of soul to its instru-
mental body in Aristotle's De longitudine et brevitate vitae 2-3', Ancient philosophy 22 (2002)

3, 482a34: 'but the result of respiration, it seems in their view, is also

distributed to all parts of the living creature through the continuity
of the system' (o01n:! OE Kat 1:0 1:11<; ava1tvo11<; d<; mlV1:a olaoiooa8cu
Ka1:a aUVExnav
\ ' ).
This idea was already presented and criticized in 2, 481 b 19. We can
conclude from what follows that the disputed theory holds the inhaled
air to be conveyed by the artinai into the abdomen, and from there to
the bones and from there to the sinews and the flesh. In HA. 11 17,
507a34 Aristotle clearly contrasts the windpipe with the oesophagus.
The former issues into the lungs; the oesophagus extends as far as the
stomach via the midriff.
Without any foundation A. Roselli 88 claims of Ka1:U aUVEXEtav: 'non
e espressione aristotelica'. Aristotle regularly uses the term auvEX~<; to
indicate the continuity and connectedness of systems. e£ HA. III 5,
515a32-b6; 7, 516a8-1 0; EA. III 5, 668b25. The term auvEXEla is also
found in H.A. III 5, 515b6.
Perhaps this ouv£xna is also involved in Objection 4 of 3, 482b4-7
and in 6, 484a2 7. Plato describes a similar process of distribution with
a kind of relay character for perception in Tim. 64b4: 'this impression
is passed on by the various parts' (olaoiowolV KUKAql JlOpla (1:Epa
E1:£P01<; 'ta\nov a1tEp)'a~OJlEva,). e£ also 45d 1: 'It therefore passes
on ... those movements to the entire body as far as the soul' ('tOU1:WV
1:u<; Klv~an<; Ola010ov d<; a1tav 1:0 a&Jla JlEXpt 1:11<; 'l'uxi1<; at<J811alV

3, 482a35: 'So they must demonstrate that this is not the case' ((,la'tE
't01>'1:0 OnK1:£OV w<; OUK £<J'ttv).
Aristotle, too, opposes the view that the inhaled air is distributed as
a vitalizing principle thoughout the body. He argues this in 6, 484a27
and 484b4. But here he is still concerned with an internal contradiction
in the system of Aristogenes and his supporters. If they hold refrigera-
tion to be an important aspect of respiration, they must demonstrate
that the air does not circulate through the entire body.

Objection 4
3, 482a36: 'On the other hand it is strange if these [lower parts] do
not require a certain motive agent and a form of nutrition' «ho1tov OE
El Jll, oEl'tat 'tlVO~ Kl\"'OEW~ Kat otov 'tpO(pll~).

J.E Dobson: 'It is strange if the lower parts do not require some
motive force and, as it were, some nutriment'; likewise WS. Hett 495
and J. Tricot 180. A. Roselli 135 also takes 'le parte inferiori' as the
subject of ()~itctt; P Gohlke 163: 'die Lebensluft'.
Aristotle himself reduces all vital functions to the activity of the
innate pneuma. See Resp. 3, 471a26: 'In all animals that breathe and
draw breath we see that a movement occurs of the part which draws
in the air' (miv'twv 'tmv ava1tV£ov'tffiV Kat £AKOV'tWV 'to 1tv£UM-a op&~£v
ytVO~£vllV 'tlVU KtVTlCHV 'tOU ~optOU 'tOU £AKOV'tO~).
In Resp. 21, 480a 16-b 12 Aristotle describes the process of respira-
tion as being caused by an increase in vital heat in the centre of the
living creature. Because this heat increases, the adjacent lungs and the
surrounding thorax also expand.
See also EA. III 6, 669a13: 'The lung is the instrument for respira-
tion. It has the origin of its movement in the heart' ('tou 0' ava1tv£lv
o 1tA£U~ffiV opyavov [(Ht, 'tl,V ~€V apxl,V 'tll~ KtVn(j£W~ EXffiV a1tO 'tll~

3, 482b 1: 'But if respiration pervades the entire body, it can no longer

be for the purpose of refrigeration' (cl OE Ota1tv£t 1tpO~ 1taV OUK E'tl
Ka'ta'Vu~£w~ clTl XaptV).
W Jaeger proposed to add <a.v> here before En.
].E Dobson, who considers this unnecessary, translates: 'And it is
strange that it should no longer be for the sake of refrigeration, if it
does pervade the whole.' Likewise]. Tricot 180. WS. Hett 495 comes
closer with: 'while if the breath is all-pervasive its purpose cannot be
refrigeration'; likewise P Gohlke 163 and A. Roselli 135. Jaeger's addi-
tion does not in fact seem strictly necessary. And the subject of Ota1tv£l
is perhaps not pneuma, but 'respiration'. PI. Tim. 70c-d also states that
refrigeration is above all necessary for the location of the central fire.
Refrigeration is in fact the function of the lungs. Aristotle objects that
the theory of respiration which pervades the body with its effects is at
odds with this. Cr. PI. Tim. 78b and EM. Cornford, Plato's Cosmology
308 f[ On p. 314 Cornford notes that Galen referred to Plato's system
as Ota1tvoft-a kind of 'trans-spiration', because as well as respiration
it also assumed a passage of air and fiery particles through and out of
the body (and back again).

Objection 5
3, 482b3: 'And the process of counterflow is also surprising, if it takes
place from all parts' (Kat 1taAtV 'to 'tflc; 1taAtppoiac;, El1tEP a1tO 1tavnOV,
We can compare Empedocles D.K. 31 fr. B 100, line 23: 'whenever
it shrinks away into the far recesses' (01t1tO'tE IlEV 1taAivopcrov U1tUi~EtE
IlU XOVOE), in the extensive quotation that Aristotle gives in Resp. 7,
474a4 ff.
Aristoteles uses the term 1tuAippotu for a part of his own concep-
tion in Somn. 3, 461 a6: 'the counterflow of the vital heat' ('t~v 'tou
8EPllou 1tuAippotuv) and EA. III 7, 670b9. Plato does not use the term,
but he does employ the metaphor of ebb and flow for the respira-
tory and nutritive systems: Tim. 43b5: 'For no matter how important
the overflowing and flowing off of the tide of nutrition was' ('tou
Ka'taKAU~ov'tOC; Kat a1tOPPEOV'tOC; KUIlU'tOC; 0 't~V 'tpo<p~v 1tapEiXEV). Cf
43a4-6: a1tOppu'tOV.

3, 482b4: 'Unless it takes place in a different way from the outer parts,
but the primary and central process from the cardiac region' (1tA~V Ei
aAAov 'tP01tOV ano nov £crXa'tOlV, 'to OE npo)'tOlC; ... U1tO 'trov 1tEpt 't~V
Cf 4, 483a7: 'in parts far removed [from the heart]' ('tOtC; llaKpav
anll p'tllIlEvmc;).

3, 482b6: 'But in that case the activities and powers are divided among
a plurality of principles' (£V 1tOAAOtC; 3' 01)'t(O 'to 't(OV £VEPYEtroV Kat'trov
].E Dobson translates this difficult sentence as follows: 'In many
instances such a want of symmetry in functions and faculties may be
observed.' W.S. Hett 495: 'Such discrepancy of functions and facul-
ties is common'; likewise]. Tricot 181. ~ Goh1ke 163: 'so wie vielfach
Wirksamkeit und Krafte verteilt sind.' A. Roselli 136 translates: 'In
molti casi (?) *** delle attivita e delle facolta' and notes on p. 89: 'il
testo e corrotto e probabi1mente lacunoso; forse si introduceva qui
un'aporia sulle facolta delle singoli parti in relazione alIa presenza in
esse del pneuma.'
It is a mystery what observations Dobson is thinking of Aristotle is
probably making a critical comment here, to which he returns in 4,
482b26-28. If the process of counterflow to the heart region is not the

same as in the rest of the body, the one activity of respiration seems to
break up into a plurality of activities. In that case the process differs from
a 'distribution through the continuity of the parts' (8tuoioocreut Ku'ta
(J'UVEXnuv), which is mentioned in 3, 482a35. For a similar critique, see
EA. 1114, 665b28: 'Firstly, these people assume that there are a number
of different origins lying scattered here and there' (1tOA.Aae; apxae; KUt
bt£CmupJ,lEVUe; 1tOlOUcrlV) and Metaph. A 10, 1075b37-l076a4.

Objection 6
3, 482b7: 'Yet it is strange if it is also distributed to the bones' (cho1tov
o~v oJ,lWe; d Kat de; 'to ocr'tOUV oluoioo'tut).
The disputed theory holds that respiration has an effect on the entire
body; cf 482a3; and 482b 1: de; mlv1:u lhuoioocreut and 482b 1: OtU1tV£t
1tpOe; 1tav. Including the skeleton therefore. This takes place via the
arteria. The question of how bones are nourished by pneuma is picked
up in 6, 484a 16 and following. We should consider here that PI. Tim.
74e calls some bones EJ,l'l'UXO'tu'tu and others a'l'uxo'tu'tu. Bones con-
taining 'much soul' are in Plato the bones which protect the brain and
spinal fluid and are chiefly involved in the irrigation system described
in Tim. 77 c6 and following.
].F Dobson corrects o~v to youv: 'However, it is at any rate strange ...'
He is followed by WS. Hett 495 and]. Tricot 181. A. Roselli 89 prefers
8' o~v.

3, 482b8: 'for they say that these also obtain their breath and nutrition
from the arteriai' (KUt yap o~ 'tOU'tO cpacrtV E~ ap'tTlPt&V).
~ Gohlke 163 has the strange translation here: 'auch diese haben ja
ersichtlich Luftrohren'. According to his explanatory note on p. 196,
he holds this to be Aristotle's own opinion. Strong arguments against
this view are CPUcrlV in 482b8 and 6, 484a22-23. It may well be that
Aristotle makes this statement as being implied in his rendering of
Aristogenes' view in 2, 48la30.
So the issue here is not just the supply of blood or the like to the
It is entirely legitimate to see the description of the living organism's
irrigation system, as given in PI. Tim. 77c6 f[, as the textual basis for
this claim about Aristotle's opponents. This irrigation system is an
interconnected system for the supply of blood and air.

3, 482b8: 'as we said' (Ka8u1tEp dpTltat).

This may refer back to 3, 482a28-32. Aristotle's own view of the
matter is that the purpose of respiration is to cool the vital heat in the
heart's blood. This respiration is caused by the innate pneuma when heat
becomes excessive. Cf. Resp. 3, 471 b26-29.

3, 482b9: 'Therefore we must ... look at respiration, the purpose for

which it takes place and for what parts and how' (OKE1ttfOv 1tEpt
ava1tvone;, Kat ttVOe; EVEKa Kat1totOte; JlfPEOt Kat1t&e;).
It is remarkable in Spir. how, starting from one opening question,
Aristotle constantly weaves new themes into his inquiry. In 1, 481 a5
he had said: 'So we should consider the nature and origin of the food'
(tau'tTlv ('tllv 'tpo~~v) OKE1t'tfOV, 1tota 'tE Kat1to8Ev). Here it is respira-
tion which is to be thoroughly analyzed. In 4, 482b 16 it is the three
movements of pneuma in the artena which need to be discussed and
in 7, 484b9 the nature and purpose of bones require investigation.
But this is not an indiscrirninate copying of other people's notes; it
follows from the fundamental discussion which the author wishes to
3, 482b9: 'and for what parts' (Kat 1totOte; JlfPEot).
J.E Dobson: 'the parts which it affects'; likewise the other translators.
The dative can in fact be interpreted as a dativus commodi: 'for what
parts'. In that case the question is what parts of the living body benefit
from respiration. It will need to be discussed whether the entire body
benefits, or only the upper part (482b32-33); and whether the bones
also receive pneuma from the arteria (482a7-8).
But another possibility is a causal dative: 'by what parts'. The primary
reference here would be to the lungs. But the opponents talk about a
continuous process in which the inhaled air is distributed thoughout the
body. And about the opposite process. This involves more parts than
the lungs alone (482b3-7).

Objection 7
3, 482b 10: 'Moreover, it does not appear for all parts that the supply
of food takes place through the arteriai, for instance for the vessels
themselves and for certain other parts' (En bE oub' E1tt<popa tile; tpo~fle;
~alvEtat 1tU(H bt' aptTlptmv, otov autOte; 'rE tOte; aYYE10te; Kat a.AAOte;
not tmv JlEpmv).

The Z reading <patVE'tat seems preferable here to the reading <pEpE'tal

of the other manuscripts and W. Jaeger.
er 2, 482a3-4, where it is said that the growth of vessels takes place
in the same way as the growth of other parts.
Why is it that the vessels do not receive their nutrition from the
arteriai? The answer must be: first there need to be arteriai and they
must be built up from food that the nascent living creature has taken
in-as Aristotle had indicated already in 2, 482a3-, before food can
be carried through the artenai. Aristotle thus infers the necessity of
an even more fundamental vegetative process which precedes supply
through the arteriai. See also 4, 483a 14, which says explicitly that the
supply of food must be effective before respiration. The 'other parts'
could plausibly refer to 'the lungs' and 'the mouth'. cr De audibilibus
In the process of arguing Aristotle is also engaged in discussing the
question raised in 1, 481 as regarding the food for living creatures, 'the
nature and origin of the food'.
But there is a problem here. Aristotle's opponents distinguish arteriai
and veins. As S, 484a2-3 shows, they also hold that pneuma requires
liquid, and liquids pneuma. (Blood, for instance, needs the heat of pneuma
to remain liquid-S, 483b 19-21.) Pneuma is found only in the artenai
(and so not in the veins)-S, 483b 18. The question is whether the arteriai
contain anything besides pneuma, or whether the movements of air in the
arteriai have the side-effect that the blood, too, moves in the veins and
provides its nutrition to all parts of the body. This justifies Aristotle's
question how this 'drawing in' (holke) takes place-2, 482a19-20.

3, 482b 11: 'all parts' (7tu(n).

This must refer to 'parts' (JlEPE<Jt). cr 482b 10: 'for what parts'
(7tOtOl(; JlEPE<Jt).
In support it is argued that plants also live and receive food. This
argument is based on the observation that plants do not have respi-
ration (as Empedocles says too). So in any case there is a process of
nutrition that does not depend on respiratory processes. Aristotle is
the first to have focused sharply on the vegetative level in all that lives
(see 2, 482a 1).

3, 482b 12: :\nd plants also live and receive food' (~n OE: 'tu <pu'tU Kat

W Jaeger inserted <ro<J1tep> here after of. This was already rejected
by JE Dobson. Aristotle puts forward a typically Aristotelian argument
here. Life and nutrition take place at a level where respiration does not
yet exist. But he may also intend a reference to PI. Tim. 77a6-c5, which
talks about plants and trees as providing food for man. Plato says of
these in 77b2: 'Yet the kind of which we are now speaking shares only
the third kind of soul ... ' (JlE'tEXEl ... 'tou 'tPl'tOU \Vuxn<; etOou<;).

3, 482b 13: 'But these matters belong perhaps more to a study on kinds
of nutrition' ('tau'ta JlEV OhCEto'tEpa 7[(0<; 't01:<; 1tepl 'to.<; 'tpo<pa<;).
References to a study 'On nutrition' ('On growth and nutrition') are
found in Somn. 3, 456b6 (as already written); announced in Anim. 1I 4,
4l6b3l; G.A. V 4, 784b2. See also EA. 11 3, 650b 10; 7, 653b 14; III
14, 674a20; IV 4, 678a19; Meteor. IV 3, 38lb13.
But we should note that in EA. 11 3, 650b5-11 Aristotle speaks in
much the same way as our passsage: 'The manner in which the parts
derive their growth from blood, and the subject of food in general, can
be more suitably discussed in Generation and other books' (Bv OE 'tP01tOV
AaJl~aVEl £~ au'tou 'to. Jlopta 'tllv aU~l1<Jtv, E'tt OE 1tepl 'tpo<pn<;<;,
£V 't01:<; 1tEPl yEVEO'EOl<; Kat £V E'tEPOt<; OtKEto'tepov £<J'tt OtEA8Etv). See
also EA. IV 4, 678a16-20.

[Inquiry into the relation of respiration, pulsation and nutrition.

Continued analYsis if the theory on respiration held by Aristotle's opponents}

4, 482b 14: 'There are three movements of the air in the arteria [according
to their theory]' (tpEtC; ai Klvllonc; 'tou EV 't'ft ap'tllPtct 1tvd)Jla'toc;).
This passage is crucial to an understanding of Spir. as a whole. In 3,
482b9 Aristotle announced that it was to be investigated 'for what pur-
pose', 'for what parts', and 'how' respiration takes place. But the subject
proper is the innate pneuma. In chap. 4 he therefore broadens the ques-
tion to include 'the movements of pneuma', of which respiration is one
(according to his opponents). He will now ask 'for what purpose', 'how'
and 'where' they occur.
J.F. Dobson, W.S. Hett 495, P. Gohlke 163, J. Tricot 181 and
A. Roselli 136 completely fail to appreciate that this passage rep-
resents the theory of Aristotle's opponents. Cr. also A. Roselli 90:
'L'individuazione dei tre movimenti costituisce per Spir. un dato di fatto
acceptato e non soggetto a discussione.' She rightly points to the con-
trast with Resp. 20, 479b 17-19. But she regards Spir. 4 as a direct attack
on the position of Aristotle!
However, the fundamental discussion on the theory of 'Aristogenes'
and his supporters with its very special view of the distribution of the
inhaled air via the arteria throughout the body, which started in chap. 3,
is continued here by Aristotle. 'Aristogenes' represents a theory which is
completely at odds with the Aristotelian conception.
In any case it is useful in connection with this passage to consider PI.
Tim. 43b5-6, where the tide to which Plato compares the respiratory
system is said to supply food to the living creature: 'For no matter how
important the overflowing and flowing off of the tide of nutrition was'
(1tOAAOU yap OV'toc; 'tOU Ka'taKA:6~ov'toc; Kat a1toppeov'toc; Ku~a'toc; 0 'tllV
'tpoq>ll v 1tapEtXEv). But we will also have to ask how this relates to what
Plato writes in Tim. 78c5: 'Because the funnel consisting of two parts
was involved, he let down one of the two through the windpipe into the
lungs, and the other past the windpipe into the belly' (8t1tAoU 8E ov'tOC;
(1)"[OU, K(l'ta JlEV 'tac; ap'tllpiac; dc; 'tOY 1tAEUJlOVU KU8flKEv S(l'tEPOV, 'to 8'
102 DESPIRln'

de; 'tllv KOlA-laV rcapa 'tae; ap'tTlPlae;). A striking feature there is the use of
the plural artbiai. The only other place where Plato uses the term is Tim.
70d3 (there in the singular and in the sense of 'windpipe' to the lungs).
Aristotle seems to be saying that, according to the theory of his
opponents, the three movements (respiration, pulsation, and food sup-
ply) are connected with the pneuma in the arteriai. Here we can leave
room for a distinction between movements of pneuma and movements
caused by pneuma. At 5, 483a24 he also says that the arteria perceives. We
can assume that this, too, is a matter of the vital breath in the arteriai.
We should note, however, that Plato does not talk anywhere about
'pulsation' of blood or of vital breath. He uses the related verb only in
Phaedr. 251 d4, in his description of the soul which has a perception of
beauty: 'throbbing like a fevered pulse' (rcTlOw<Ja oiov 'ta crq)1)~ov'ta).
And TC110Tlcrle; is for him a matter of the heart (Tim. 70c 1 and d4). Per-
haps pulsation was considered an effect of the heat in the body and in
the blood and this heat was taken to be caused by pneuma.

4, 482b15: 'pulsation' (crq)'\)YI16e;).

The notion of 'pulsation' is encountered here for the first time. In the
preceding passage there was no reason to suspect that this subject would
also be discussed.
In Spir. this term is used eight times. In the Corpus the term alternates
with crq)'u~te;. Cf. Resp. 20, 479b27; 480a14.

4, 482b15: 'and thirdly the movement which supplies and assimilates

the food' ('tpl'tTl 0' 'tpo<Pllv fmxyoucra Kat Ka'tEpya~OJlEVTl).
We are dealing here with the theory of Aristotle's opponents, which
sees respiration as the centre of all vital activity. Cr. 4, 483a8: 'For
respiration and the supply of food' ('to yap a-0 'tile; avarcvoile; Kat 'tile;
ErcaYOOY1le;). See also 1, 481 a 14: 'But the air supplies it [food] and is re-
sponsible for the activity and, by adding the activity of concoction to
itself, causes growth and nutrition' (uY£1 0' 0 allP ... au~£1 Kat 'tpE<pEl)
and 3, 482b 10: 'Moreover, it does not appear for all parts that the sup-
ply of food takes place through the artenai' (ouO' frct<popa 'tile; 'tpo<pile;
<palvE'tat rca<Jl <h' ap'tllPlooV). This formulation is a correct representa-
tion of PI. Tim. 78e-79a5. According to Aristotle's opponents, the in-
haled air and the internal fire connected with it is the principle which
assimilates the food. He himself will postulate in 9, 485a28 that they
are mistaken and that the vital heat present in the blood is the 'efficient
principle' ('to EpyaSOJlEVoV).

4, 482b16: 'where and how and for what purpose' (Ka1tto1) 1(a1ttm~ 1(0.1
'dvo~ xaptv).
The question 'where' the three movements occur is dealt with in
4, 482b 17-36. The question 'how' in 4, 482b36-483a7. The question
'for what purpose' is discussed in 483a7 ff.

[The question: 'Where?)

4, 482b18: 'But the movement of respiration is perceptible only to a

certain extent, and is largely based on logical argumentation' ('11 bE tfl~
avattvofl~ ~EXPt J.lEV tou <pavEpa, to bE ttAEOV 1(atu AOyOV).
See also 5, 483a21-23 and commentary there. For the contrast be-
tween what can be empirically established and what can be concluded
on the basis of argumentation, c£ G.A. III 10, 760b27-33 and luv. 2,
468a2O----23 (the programme elaborated there is carried out in 468a23-
4, 469a28 and 4, 469a28 ff.).

4, 482b20-21: 'And the movement of the supply and assimilation of

the food is virtually in its entirety a matter of argumentation, but in the
sense that it is concluded on the basis of matters which take place in
an empirically observable way' ('11 bE tfl~ tpo<pfl~ attaaa KutU AOyov ffi~
dttEtV, ffi~ EK tmv au~~utVOVt(Ov bE Katu t~V utaBllatv).
].F. Dobson has here: 'That of nutrition is in practically all parts
detenninable by reasoning, but by sense in so far as it can be observed
from its results.' e£ W.S. Hett 497.
However, Aristotle draws a contrast here between what can be
empirically observed and what not. The process of digestion is hidden
from our view. But on the basis of empirical data (regarding the effects
of nutrition) certain facets of it can be reasoned out.
In H.A. III 2, 511 b 13-23 Aristotle argues that the venous system is
difficult to describe, because all the veins are contained within the living
creature and they are less clearly visible in someone who has died, when
the blood has emptied from the veins.

4, 482b22: 'to be designated a power of the soul or the soul itself' (dtE
'Vuxfl~ buva~lV dtE 'VUXTtV OEt AEyEtV tautllv).
e£ luv. 1, 46 7b 16: 'the other parts of the soul or its powers, whatever
we are to call them' (tU IlEV o-ov aAArJ. tn~ 'Vuxii<; 11 J,10ptrJ. 11 OuvallEt<;
01tOtEProC; 1tOtE OEt KrJ.AEtV).

This question is raised again in 5, 483a27: 'What then is the soul?

They say that it is a power which is the cause of this movement' Cti O-ov
n'VUX~; OUVo.Jl1V <po.O"l tl,V o.i'tio.v tll~ l(lV~O"Ero~ til~ tOlo.Utll~)·

4, 482b23: 'or something else again, for instance a mixture of bodies,

which by means of these bodies causes such an attraction' (EltE Ko.t.
aAAllv tlVo. O"roJlatrov Jlt~lV, ~ 01' o.Ut&v 1to1Et tl,V tOlo.UtllV OA~V).
].F. Dobson's translation: 'or some other combination of bodies' is
incomprehensible. We should translate: 'or something else, e.g. a mixture
of bodies'.
Once again this shows that chap. 4 critically discusses a theory not
held by the author of Spir. For a theory which comes close to it, cf. Anim.
14, 408a13--28 (six times 'mixture' (Jlt~l~) in twelve lines, and in relation
to Empedocles). See also Cael. III 7, 305b4-the relationship with sper-
mata. Empedocles sometimes called the soul a 'mixture' of elements.
Cf. Anim. 14, 408a13: 'that the soul is a ratio of mixture' (to tOY AOYOV
til~ Jli~Ero~ EtVo.1 ll,V 'VUX~v). This position is akin to the view that the
soul is the harmonia of the body.
It may well be that Aristotle has PI. Tim. 79a5-e9 in mind here, where
the combination of fire and air in the living creature and heating and
refrigeration provide the explanation for the respiratory system.

4, 482b25: 'The nutritive movement may seem to have its origin in res-
piration' (n Of 8PEIt'tlKTt OO~ElEV av aIto til~ avo.1tvoll~).
We must mentally add here: tl,v apxl,v EXElV (see b22). But further
on the hypothesis proposed here proves wrong and is rejected, because
the author goes on to show that respiration does not start until after
birth, whereas nutrition already takes place in the embryonic phase
(483 a 11- 15).

4, 482b25: 'for it [respiration] is cyclical' (o.Utll yap avto.1toOiOOto.1).

Autll should be taken to refer to respiration. The author seems to
draw attention to a feature of respiration that shows a similarity to the
process of digestion. Respiration is characterized by a pendulum move-
ment, with two different directions of inhalation and exhalation. The
nutritive process thus seems to correspond to some degree in the move-
ment of food intake and discharge of residues.
For this, cf. PI. Tim. 7ge8: 'By constantly undergoing the same
action and in reaction causing the same effect, <this air> brings about
a circular swinging movement, up and down. This double process

gives rise to inhalation and exhalation' ('to of: 'ta aU'ta 7tU<JXOV Kat
'Ca. a:\yca clvta1t00100V ad, KUKA-OV ouno <Ja/\'EUO~EVOV Ev8a Kat Ev8a
a1tElpya<J~Evov U7t' a~cpo'tEp(OV 't~v ava1tVO~V Kat EK1tVO~V ylyvE<J8al
For Aristotle it is totally unacceptable to assume that both processes
take place throughout the body and that both are interlinked.

4, 482b26: 'and is in fact constant' (Kat 6~01a 'tip aA-118Et).

For this meaning OfO~OlOS, cf. 9, 485b13: 't~v Klv11<Jlv 6~01av.
PI. Tim. 43b5 and 80d 1 ff. presents the movement of inhalation and
exhalation as the cause of the supply and discharge of food.

4, 482b26: 'But whether the whole body does not keep the same pace
with regard to the timing of this movement, or whether there is no dif-
ference for all its parts, should be investigated.' (Ei of: ~~ 1taV 6~aA-l~El
'tOt~ XPOVOlS 'to <J&~a Ka'ta 't~v 'tolau't11v K1V11<J1V, il Et J.l110EV OlacpEpEl
'to 1tav'ta 'ta ~EP11, <JKE7t'tEOV). So A. Roselli 92. W. ]aeger reads a
comma after ~ft and a period after K1V1l<J1V.
The various proposed translations are not very he1pful:].F. Dobson:
'And to discover whether the whole body is not equable l with regard
to the time taken by such motion, or whether there is no difference as to
its simultaneity, we must consider all the parts'; W.S. Hett 497: 'As to
whether the time taken by this movement is not uniform throughout the
body, or whether its simultaneity makes no difference, all the parts must
be examined'; P. Gohlke 164: 'Und wenn dies auch nicht der Fall ist, so
macht doch der ganze Korper diese Bewegung in gleichem Takt,jeden-
falls muss man alle Teile daraufbin untersuchen, ob auch kein Unter-
schied in dieser Gleichzeitigkeit sich zeigt';]. Tricot 182: 'Et pour savoir
si la totalite du corps entier ne correspond pas egalement au temps exige
par un teI mouvement, ou si on ne deceIe aucune difference dans la
simultaneite des mouvements, nous devons pour ce1a considerer toutes
les parties.' A. Roselli 136 seems an improvement: 'E si deve indagare se
tutto il corpo si comporta in modo non omogeneo per quanto riguarda
i tempi di questo movimento, 0 se invece non vi e differenza per il fatto
che tutte le parti ne sono affette contemporaneamente'.

I The Revised O:ifOrd Translation I 767 has 'uniform' here.


We should see this passage in relation to 3, 482b3-7. Aristotle sug-

gests there that no direct causal relation exists between respiration and
the flow of pneuma throughout the body in the theory of Aristogenes
and his supporters. In the opening in the theory of his opponents, an
opening which he himself has created, Aristotle sticks a crowbar, as it
were, allowing him to arrive at the argumentation for his own view in
4, 483a 11-18. He demonstrates there that respiration does not begin
until after birth, while the process of growth has been going on for some
At issue is the relation of respiration to the supply of food. Respira-
tion is a process in which what is taken in is expelled again, i.e. it is an
oscillating movement. The nutritive activity is a matter of food intake
and discharge of residues, i.e. it strives for a balance between two oppo-
site movements. But does this mean that the nutritive movement follows
the movement of respiration? Certainly this is the thrust of the theory
held by Empedocles and Plato. They see the passage offood throughout
the body as an effect of respiration. Cr. PI. Tim. 80d6: 'Thus it is that
in all living creatures the stream of food continues to flow thoughout
their body' (Ku8' <SA-Ov 'to arollU 1taalV 't01<; ~<p0l<; 'tu 'tT1<; 'tPOCPT1<; vallU'tU
01)'t00<; e1tippu'tu yqovEV).
Now there is always a simultaneity of respiration and digestion in
living creatures with respiration. But not a parallelism. The discharge
of food does not keep pace with the exhalation of inhaled air. Exhala-
tion immediately follows inhalation (cf. SpiT. I, 481 a21; 2, 481 b9). The
discharge of residues takes place long after the intake of food.

4, 482b29: 'On the one hand it seems accidental' ('tft IlEV av b01crov dvut
l(u'tu aUIl~E~l1l(O<;).
Cr. Resp. 20, 479b26: 'The beating of the heart, which, as can be seen,
goes on continually, is similar to the throbbing of an abscess' (transl.
G.R.T. Ross) (,; be aUIl~uivouau acpu~l<; 't11<; l(up8iu<;, llv (if:1. cpUiVE'tut
1tOtoUIlEvl1 auvEXro<;, olloia cpulluaiv ecrnv ...) with 480a2: 'In the heart
the beating is produced by the heat expanding the fluid, of which the
food furnishes a constant supply' (transl. G.R.T. Ross) (ev bE 'tft l(up8i~
it 'tou ad 1tpoatOv'to<; El( 'tT1<; 'tpOCP11<; uypou 8u1 'tT1<; 8EPIlO'tTl'tO<; 0Yl(ooat<;
1tOlEl crCPUYIlOV ... ). Aristotle clarifies the phenomenon of pulsation with
reference to the bubbling of water that is brought to the boil. This
bubbling is 'accidental' to water, for water does not always boil. But
something that is truly accidental cannot always occur. Hence Aristotle

believes that pulsation seems 'accidental' but is not 'accidental': 4,


4, 482b31: 'since ... it is necessary that what evaporates causes a pulsa-

tion, because it is enclosed [in the fluid]' (avaYK11 'to EK1tV£U/lU'touJu:vov
bUX'tl1V EVa1tOA:ll'VtV 1tOt£tV oepuY/lov).
This comparison could suggest that pulsation takes place in the blood
(in the veins), for blood is a fluid. But blood is heated by the pneuma in the
arteriai (5, 483b 18-21). For Aristotle's position, cf. Resp. 20, 479b31: 'for
boiling is due to the evaporation of fluid by heat' (,; yup SEcrt<; yiv£'tat
1tV£u/la'toU/lEVOU 'tou uYPou U1tO 'tou 8£p/lou) (479b26: 'the beating of
the heart' (,; DE cru/l~aivoucra oepu~t<; 'tTl<; Kapoia<;)). A crucial difference
is that in Aristotle it is a movement of the heart. Cf. A. Roselli 94.

4, 482b32: 'because it is enclosed [in the fluid]' (Dux 't~v EVa1tOATl'VtV).

The term returns in 4, 483a7: E/l1tEptAllep8d<;. Its only other occur-
rence is in Meteor. II 9, 37Oa 1. The matching verb is more common and,
together with cognate words (E/l1t£ptAa/l~av£cr8at,1t£ptAa/l~av£<J8at),
plays a striking role in Aristotle's discussion of 'spontaneous generation',
which is possible because pneuma is trapped in a kind of 'bubble'. Cf.
G.A. III 11, 762a18-b2l and see also Mund. 4, 395all-14, where the
sound of thunder is described as: 'air which violently moves through
water' (OOcr1tEP EV UOCtn 1tVEu/la <Jepoopm<; EACtUVO/lEVOV).

4, 482b32: 'But it is present in the origin and primarily' (EV apxi10E Kat
J.F. Dobson disregards the sharp contrast here with OOKmv dvat KCt'tU
crU/lP£PllKo<; in 482b29: 'and pulsation must arise in the originating part
and in the earliest stage.' J. Tricot 182 is comparable. W.S. Hett 497
understands the idea: 'but it is also original and primary.' P. Gohlke 164
wrongly translates: 'vor allem am Ursprungsort.' See 483a15!
The meaning here is: 'the pulsation seems accidental ... , but [it can-
not be accidental for] it is already present by nature at the earliest stage.'
Thus A. Roselli 136.

482b33: 'present by nature' (<JU/lepu'tov).

As with the OU/lepu'tov 1tv£u/la, it is not entirely correct to say of the
pulsating movement that it is 'innate', since it is important for Aristotle
that it functions before birth (4, 483a15).

4, 482b33-34: 'For it is chiefly and primarily present in the heart, and

from there in the other parts' (EV yap 'tft Kapbt<;l ~.uiAl(Ha Kat 7tPOnov,
aq>' ~<; Kat tOl<; aAA01<;).
Cr. G.A. V 2, 781 a24-25. There is no reason to follow W. Jaeger
in deleting this sentence. W.S. Hett 497: 'for it is found chiefly and
primarily in the heart, from which it is communicated to the other
A passage crucial to interpretation is 4, 483aI5-18: 'In this way it is
the first movement, and it resembles an activity' (mOtE au'tTl1tpro'tTl Kat
EOlKEV EVEPyd~ 'tlVt ...). This also shows clearly that, in Aristotle's view,
pulsation does not occur in the artbiai but in the heart and subsequently
in the other parts of the body.

482b34: 'But perhaps, in relation to the underlying substance of the

living creature, when it starts to function in reality, it is a necessary
side-effect' ('taXa 8E: 7tpo<; 't~v i)7tOKEl~EVTlV ouotav tOU s<i>ou 't~v EK't11<;
EVEpyda<; avaYKll tOUtO 7tapaKoAou8Elv).
W.S. Hett 497: 'Perhaps this is a necessary consequence of the
animal's underlying essence, which is realized in activity'; ].F. Dobson
had: 'essential nature'.]' Tricot 182: 'Et peut-etre est-ce la une suite
necessaire de la substance fondamentale de l'animal, et resultant de son
activite meme'.
These translations fail to make clear what 'the underlying essence' is
(and whether in fact Aristotle can call an essence 'underlying' at all).
In our interpretation Aristotle is saying the same as in 9, 485bI2-15:
the substance which forms the living creature in indissoluble unity with
the nutritive soul, and which is also active in the living creature to which
this soul owes its existence.
Aristotle regards the pulsating movement in the heart and the other
blood vessels as a necessary consequence of the activation of the nutri-
tive soul's instrumental body: as soon as a fertilized egg cell starts to
absorb food, however weakly in the beginning, this food is concocted
and so 'boiled', with 'evaporation' of the moisture in it. This leads to
the pulsation.

[The question: 'How?'}

4, 482b36: 'There is an indication that pulsation has nothing to do with

respiration' (on b' OUbEV 7tpOC; 'tTtV ava7tvoTtv 0 crq>uy~6C;, crll~Elov).

This is a devastating blow to Aristotle's opponents, whose position

entailed that the pulsating movement was an effect of the innate pneuma
as vital breath. J. Tricot 182 n. 5 seems to have no idea of the conflict
when he notes: 'Tout en etant une fonction du 1tVEUJla.'
In Anim. I 1, 403a30 Aristotle describes 'anger' as 'a surging of the
blood and heat round the heart' (SEalv 'tau 7tEpt Kap8iav atJla'to~ Kat
8EpJlOU). This shows that it is a matter ofthe soul which has effects in the
blood (and not in respiration).

4, 483al: 'when someone breathes rapidly or evenly, and when he

breathes heavily or lightly' (EaV 'tE yap 1tUlCVOV EaV 'tE OJlOAOV EaV 'tE
a<po8pov 11 apalov aVa1tVEll 'tl~).
er. Rhet. I 2, 135 7b 18 on a patient with fever.

4, 483a2: 'the pulsating movement is the same and unchanged' (0 yE

a<puYJlO~ OJlOlO~ Kat 0 al)'to~).
Cr. Probl. XXVII 3, 947b29: 'For the throbbing of the heart is differ-
ent' (E7td Kat il 'tfl~ KapBla~ 1t1181lal~ OUX OllOia ...).

4, 483a4: 'in the case of fears, hopeful expectations, and afflictions of the
soul' (EV 'tOt~ 'tfl~ 'l1uXfl~ <pO~Ol~ EA7tlalv ay(Ovial~).
Cf. P.A. III 6, 669a18: 'This jumping of the heart is almost exclusively
found in man, because only he has hope and expectations for the future'
('to 'tf1~ 1tllB~aE(o~ Bla 'to JlOVOV EV EA1ti8l yivEa8al Kat 1tpOaBOlci~ 'tou
JlEAAOV'tO~). H. Bonitz, Index 592a 14 refers to PI. Tim. 70c: 'And for the
heart, that starts to pound when we anticipate danger and when passion
is aroused' (Tn 8£ 8n 7tllB~aEl 'tfl~ KapBia~ EV 't11 'tmv BElvmv 1tpoaBoKi~
Kat 't11 'tou 8uJloU EyEpaEl).
In Anim. I 1, 403a-b 1 Aristotle said of these emotions that they do
not take place 'without body'. But in 11 1 this 'body' is said to be the
'instrumental body qfthe sour. Hence this talk about 'fears of the soul' is
far from un-Aristotelian. In Resp. 20, 479b26 Aristotle talks about 'fear
and morbid afflictions' (Bla <po~OV Kat Blu 7taeO~ VOG1lJl0'tlKOV) in his
explanation of palpitations, the heart's pounding, which can even lead
to death (by cardiac arrest, we would say).

4, 483a5: 'But we need to consider whether it is true that pulsation also

occurs in the artenai, even when its rhythm is constant and regular' (£1 BE
Kat EV 'tal~ ap'tTlPial~ 6 a<puYJlo~, KaV 6 au'to<; wV £V pu8Jliil Kat 0llaAo<;
n, aKE1t'tEoV).

The definitive answer to this question is given in 4, 483a15: pulsation

occurs as soon as the heart develops, and lungs and arteriai do not yet
exist. But a denial already followed from 482b36: pulsation has nothing
to do with respiration.

4, 483a6: 'even when its rhythm is constant and regular' (KaV 0 au'toC;
mv EV pUe/lQl Kat O/laAOe; n).
This refers back to 4, 483a2: 'the pulsating movement is the same
and unchanged' (0 yE crq>uY/lOe; O/lOlOe; Kat 0 aU'toe;). W.Jaeger corrected
Kat to KaV. A. Roselli adds <ay> before ButJaeger's proposal is to
be preferred.

4, 483a6: 'At any rate it does not seem to be the case for parts which
are far removed [from the heart]' (OUK EOtKE 8€ yE 'tOte; /laKpav
(btll P'tll/l€VOte;).
For /laKpav, cf. Probl. X 23, 893a39: 'far removed from the source'
(/laKpaV 'tTle; UPXTle; u1tap'tW/lEVat) and Rhet. III 5, 1407a24: 'but they
must correspond in a period which can be remembered and not be
too far removed from each other' (8El: 8E Eooe; /l€/lVll'tat uv'ta1t08t8ovcn
UAATtAOte;, Kat /lTt'tE /laKpaV U1tap'tav).
J.F. Dobson has here: 'This does not appear to be so in the case of
parts widely separated.'
But this remark seems at variance with 4, 482b17-18 and with Resp.
20, 480alO: 'and all the veins pulse and do so simultaneously with each
other, because they are connected with the heart' (Kat crq>u~oucrt at
q>A€~Ee; 1tucrat, Kat U/la aAATtAate;, 8ta 'to TtP'tTlcreat EK 't11e; Kap8tae;).
We could therefore also consider the translation: 'for matters which are
so different'. Cf. L.s]. and Philo, Agricultura 3: ou /lOVOV OUK ov'ta 'ta
au'tu, aAAa Kat Alav U1tllP'tll/l€va. Plutarch, Tiberius 3.

[The question: 'For what purpose?'}

4, 483a7: 'And it does not seem to occur for any purpose at all, as
we already said' (t1Ktcr'ta 8' EVEKU 'tou q>atVE'tat ytVEcreat KaeU1tEp
All the emphasis is on 'it does not seem'. Perhaps this line refers to

4, 483a 11-17-the question announced in 482b26-29 is decided here:

pulsation is the first movement, then the supply of food, and only then,
as third, respiration. This passage shows once again how radically new
Aristotle's approach is in taking the vegetative level as the most funda-
mental level. Every theory that identifies respiration as the fundamental
function of life is thus sufficiently refuted. It has now also been proved
that the bearer of vital functions cannot be the inhaled air but some-
thing that is also present in plants and aquatic animals and land animals
without a respiratory system, viz. the innate pneuma or vital heat. An
additional consequence for Aristotle was that he came to see respiration
as a system of refrigeration for the (higher) living creatures who possess
such a respiratory system.

4, 483aI1-12: 'But of these three it would be logical [in their view] for
pulsation and respiration to be prior' ('tptrov 0' ouorov 1tpon:pov fUAoyov
ElVCU'tTW 'tf oq)1)YI1-O>Ol1 Kat 't"v aVa1tVfuonKTtv).
There is a good reason to see these lines as representing the position
of Aristotle's opponents, given the use of the infinitive fUAOYOV dvat.
This is ignored in the translation ofJ.F. Dobson: 'And of the three, we
may reasonably say that. ..'. Likewise W.S. Hett 499. A. Roselli 137
does not use quotation marks here.

4, 483a12: 'For nutrition is always nutrition of something that already

exists' (il yap 'tpmp" 1tpou7t(ipxov'to~).
J.F. Dobson wrongly translates: 'for nutrition assumes their pre-exis-
tence', viz. of the 'pulsatory and respiratory motions'. Likewise J. Tricot
183; P. Gohlke 165: 'Denn die Nahrung setzt ja beides voraus'. W.S.
Hett 499 correctly has: 'for nutrition implies something pre-existent'.
Cf. A. Roselli 137: 'la nutrizione compare quando l'essere gia esiste'.

4, 483a13: 'For respiration only begins when separation has taken place
from her who has borne the new living creature' ('to J.lEv yap aVa1tVElV,
<hay a1toAu8n 't1l~ KUOUOll~).
Aristotle makes this explicit in G.A. II 6, 742a5: 'animals with respi-
ration which are differentiated in the womb do not breathe before the
lungs are fully grown. And these and the preceding parts are formed
before they breathe' ('tu 0' aVa1tVEov'ta Kat EV 'tf\ ".rfrtp~ AaJ.lpavov'tu 'tllv
Otap8proolV OUK aVa1tVEt 1tptv 11 (, 1tVEUJ.lrov AaPn 'tEAO<;. Otap8poihat O£
Kat O{)'tO<; Kat 'tu EJ.l1tpou8EV J.lOpla 1tptV UVa1tVEtv). Respiration requires

lungs. The embryonic development produces these lungs in a process

which does not involve respiration.

4, 483a15: 'But pulsation occurs from the very first, while the heart is
forming' (68£ <J<PtlYIl0<; EUe\><; Ev'tfl apxfl ~Uvt<J'taIlEvTl<; 't11<; Kap8ia<;).
See earlier 4, 482b32-34 and G.A. 11 4, 740a3: a1tOKptVE'tat 1tpOl'tOV
~ KapOta EVEPYEi~ and a 17.

4, 483a16: 'as can be observed in incubated eggs' (KaeU1tEp EV 'tOt<; cP01<;

yivE'tat <paVEpOv).
er P.A. 1114, 665a33: 'In blooded animals the heart and the liver are
immediately visible as soon as they are formed and while they are still
very small. Sometimes they can already be distinguished in eggs which
have only been incubated for three days, as small as a point' (<paivE'tat
yap EV 't01<; cPot<; Evio'tE 'tpt'taiot<;). See also G.A. 11 1, 734a23-25: 'for
the lung is of greater size than the heart, and yet appears later than the
heart in the original development' (lld~(Ov yap 'to JlEYEeO<; wv 6 1tVEUIlOOV
't11<; Kap8ia<; UO'tEPOV <paivE'tat ti1<; Kap8ia<; EV 'tfI E~ apX11<; YEVEOEt).
This is a typical remark for Aristotle, with his great knowledge of how
birds and fishes are formed from eggs. It presupposes observation of the
process of hatching by the daily removal of one egg from the clutch of a
brooding chicken in order to determine the stage of development.

4, 483a17: 'and it seems an activity and not an enclosure of air' (Kat

EotKEV EVEPyd~ nvt Kat OUK EVa1tOATt'VEt 1tVEuJla'to<;).
This puts paid to the option of 4, 482b29-32.

4, 483a18: 'unless this fact therefore contributes to this activity' (Ei 1l1l
apa 'tou'to 1tpo<; 'tllV EvEPYEtav).
The word 'therefore' (apa) refers emphatically to 4, 482b34-36.
Aristotle keeps open the possibility that pulsation is not itself an activity
of the soul but a phenomenon that necessarily occurs in conjunction
with the nutritive activity.

[The relationship if respiration and nutrition in the theory of

Aristotle's opponents}

5, 483a 18: 'But the air which is the result of respiration is [they say]
transported to the belly' (to O€ to EK TIl<; ava1tvoll<; <pepEcr8al
Jl€V Ei<; 'tllv KOlAlav).
The infinitive <pepEcr8al suggests once again that an aspect of the
theory of Aristotle's opponents is represented here. A. Roselli 137 indi-
cates this by using quotation marks. The proposition may well render
the view of PI. Tim. 77c6-79a4. According to Plato, a living creature
possesses life 'amidst fire and air' (Ev 1tUpt Kat 1tVEUJ.lan) (77al). This
combination of fire and air is interwoven with the entire body like a
Aristotle is firmly convinced that the inhaled air goes to the lungs
via the windpipe and no further. After that the same air is exhaled via
the same route. Aristotle's opponents hold that the air is distributed
throughout the body: 3, 482a35: 'distributed to all parts' (Ei<; mxv'ta
olaolooa8at); 482b I: 'And if respiration pervades the entire living
creature' (Ota1tvEl 1tpo<; 1tav); b3: 'and the process of counterflow is also
surprising if it takes place from all parts' ('to 'tlle; 1taAtppola<;, Et1tEP a1to
1tuvnov); b7: 'if it is also distributed to the bones' (Kat Ei<; 'to oatouv
In EA. III 3, 664b6 Aristotle mentions people who believe that fluid
is taken in via the windpipe, and he finds this ridiculous. :P. Louis
(1956) 73 and R. Ferwerda (2000) 86 relate this to PI. Tim. 70c6-7. See
also 91 a4-6. In EA. III 3, 664b 10 Aristotle puts forward the counter-
argument: 'For there is no opening from the lungs to the stomach,
comparable with how we see the oesophagus leading there from the
mouth' (1tOpOe; yap OUOEte; Eanv de; tllv KOlA-lav a1tO tou 1tAEUJ.l0VOe;,
OOa1tEP EK tOU atoJ.lUtoe; OpWJ.lEV tov oicro<payov).

5, 483a19: 'the belly' (tllv KOtAlav).

Cf. EA. IV 10, 688b34: 'After the chest comes the region of the belly'
(J.lEta Of to atfl80c; 0 1tEpt tT1V KOlA-lav Eatt t01tOC;).
114 DESPIRln'

This clearly states that, according to Aristotle's opponents, the air

which has been inhaled owing to respiration (and concocted into innate
pneuma) is conveyed to the belly. This conception serves to explain why
the entire living creature displays vital heat and vitality and perceptive
activity in all its parts. (Aristotle held the contrary view that the innate
pneuma is present throughout the living creature in the blood). Aristotle's
opponents therefore assumed a passage along the loins, starting with
the bronchi, to the stomach. In 3, 482a34-36 Aristotle already said
that his opponents must demonstrate that the pneuma of respiration is
not distributed to all parts of the body, if they hold that respiration
mainly serves the purpose of refrigeration.
This 'passage' (poros) along the loins is therefore an independent
'vessel' (and therefore distinct from the pores in the arteriai mentioned
in I, 481 a22). Cf. PI. Tim. 78c6. This chimes with the observation in
5, 483b25 that the vessels and the arteriai are connected with the intes-
tines and the belly. These vessels and artbiai are held responsible for
the drawing in of food. In 6, 484a27 Aristotle seems to exclude the
possibility of passages leading from the belly and the drawing in of food
via this route. Likewise in 6, 484b4: 'how and through what passages
does transport from the belly take place?' When at 8, 485a8 he says
that the belly has its own movement (and implies that this movement is
due to sinews which possess pneuma-and therefore not to bones), this
also seems an argument against the central role which the opponents
assign to the respiratory process.
In Tim. 73a3 Plato talks about 'the so-called abdomen' ... 'It serves
to contain surplus food and drink' (1troJla'to~ E8E<JJla't6~ 'tE .. 'tllv 0.

ovoJlasoJlEvllV K&"[(O KOlA-lav lm08oXTlv) and also calls it 'manger'

(<pa'tVll), 70e.

5, 483a20: 'not via the oesophagus' (ou 81<1 'tOU <J'tollaxou).

<J't6Jlaxo~ is the throat or oesophagus. C£ R.A. I 16, 495b 19: 'The
oesophagus communicates at the top with the mouth; it adjoins the
windpipe, and is attached to the spine and the windpipe by membranous
ligaments; it ends via the midriff in the belly; it is fleshy and elastic'
CO 8E <J't6Jlaxo~ ~p'tll'tal JlEV aV0>8Ev a1to 'tou <J't6Jla'to~, EX6JlEVO~ 'tfl~
ap'tllpia~, <JUVEX~S mv 1tp6<; 'tE 'tl,V paXtv Kat 'tTtV ap'tllpiav uJlEvro8E<Jl
OE<JJlOl<;, 'tEAEU't~ OE OU1 'tau 8la~wJlu'to<; El<; 'tTtv KOlA-lav, <JUPKOEl8l,<;
mv 'tTtV <pucrtV, Kat 'tucrtV EXO>V). PAr IV 5, 678b25. But see also Resp.
11, 47 6a31: 'The windpipe is situated before the oesophagus, through
which food passes into what is called the stomach' (n:PO'tEPU yap KE1'tUl

~ ap't11pia tOU otao<puyou, lit' 0-0 'tl tpo<pl, 1t0PE'l)EtUt Ei~ tl,v KuAoUJ.1EVTlV
The inhaled air cannot pass via the oesophagus into the belly, like
food, because the inhaled air has first gone to the lungs to be concocted
(2, 48la30). So an open connection must be assumed from the lungs to
the other parts of the body, and in the first place to the stomach.

5, 483a20: 'there is a passage along the loins' (1tOPOV Etvat 1tapa tl,v
Aristotle uses the neutral term 'passage' here. But of course he must
be talking about an arteria in the sense of his opponents, for in their
view only the arteria contains the vital breath (5, 483b12 and bI8). It
cannot mean 'pores' here, as in 1, 481 a22 and 25 and in 5, 483b 19.
Perhaps Aristotle deliberately chooses not to use this term now, because
arteria for him stands for 'the windpipe' in the sense of the connection
from mouth to lungs.
In his account of the venous system according to the otherwise
unknown Syennesis of Cyprus, Aristotle reports that, in this system,
the thick veins run from the navel along the loins: H.A. III 2, 511 b25:
EK tau oJ.1<paA-ou 1tapa tl,v oa<puv. The Greek talks in singular about
'passage' and 'loin'. What is meant, obviously, are two parallel 'pas-
sages' along both 'loins'. We can compare PI. Tim. 78a6 ff.; 78c4--8;

5, 483a22: 'from the bronchi' (EK tou ~poYXiou).

This term is read by ms Z. The others have ~puYXiou, which in
Aristotle usually means 'gill' (of fish). ~poyxtOV does not occur elsewhere
in the Aristotelian Corpus. Bronchion in 5, 483a22 is something to do
with the ~poyxo~, 'windpipe' or 'throat'. We might think of a branch
of the windpipe. cr PI. Tim. 78c3.

5, 483a22: 'and out again' (KUt 1tUAtV E~(O).

Aristotle means inhalation via the mouth, windpipe, lungs, the passage
along the loins to the stomach, and then the same way out again. But
we should consider that, in some views, air can also enter via the pores in
thejlesh and the skin and go out again. C( Resp. 5, 472bl5 (refutation of
the theory of simultaneous air displacement-peri6sis/ antiperistasis-in
Plato's rim.). And c( PI. 71m. 78d4--6: 'The network sinks away into the
body-for the body is rarefied in its composition-and then moves out
again' (to of: 1tA-£yJ.1U, (i>~ OVto~ tau aroJ.1a'to~ J.1UVOU, oUEaeUl E'{Oro ~h'

au'tou Kat 1taAtV £~(J)) (in a description of the process of inhalation and
exhalation). 78e4 describes the effect of this inhalation and exhalation:
'and this entire activity and passivity has been bestowed on our body
so that it could nourish itself and live by means of moisturization and
cooling' ('toue' TtIlWV 'tip crwllan yf:'{OVE UP()OIlEVCP Kat Uva\jfUXOJ.lEVCP
'tPE<pEcreal Kat sl1v).

5, 483a23: 'And this last [in their view] can be established by percep-
tion' ('tou'to (if: 'tU aicre~crEt <pavEpov).
J.E Dobson: 'and this can be perceived by the sense'; likewise WS.
Hett 499 and ~ Gohlke 165. This calls to mind 4, 482b18: 'But the
movement of respiration is perceptible only to a certain extent, and is
largely based on logical argumentation' (Tt ()f: 'tll<; uvcmvoll<; J.lEXpt J.lEV
'tou <pavEpa, 'to ()E 1tAEOV Ka'tu AOyOV). J. Tricot 184 has here: 'Et ce
mecanisme est perc;u par la sensation', with a remarkable note: 'C'est-
a-dire que la thrachee ... a la sensation du souffie qui la traverse.'
The respiratory system is perceptible in the rising and falling of the
chest. But it is impossible to see how anybody can perceive the inhaled
air being transported via a passage along the loins to the stomach, as
the translations of Dobson and others suggest. We should connect
'toll'tO here with the preceding phrase Kat 1taAtv £~(J). That the inhaled
air finally leaves the body is in any case an empirical fact. This could
be alluded to by 'obvious to a certain extent' (IlEXpt /lEV 'tou <pavEpa)
in 4, 482b 19.
If this is right, we have another clear connection between chap. 4
and chap. 5.

fA problem relating to the subject of perception]

5, 483a23: 'But there is also a problem with [their view of] perception'
(£XEt ()' u1topiav Kat 'to. 1tEpt 'tllv atcrSrtcrtv).
J.E Dobson: 'the question of this perception raises a difficulty'; WS.
Hett 499: 'But the circumstances of this perception present difficulties';
~ Gohlke 165: '(Dies hisst sich unmittelbar wahrnehmen,) doch hat
diese Wahrnehmung ihre Schwierigkeit.' Likewise j. Tricot 184.
But there does not seem to be a material connection between the
problem raised now and the preceding passage. The expression 'to
establish by perception' raises a general question regarding the theory

of perception held by Aristotle's opponents. Thus A. Roselli 99 and

137: 'Fa difficolta anche la sensazione.' This does more justice to the
words '[their view of] perception' (ta 1tEPt. 'tlW aYcr9r}(Hv). CC G.A. Il
6, 743b32: 'There is a difficulty about what happens with the eyes of
animals' (EXEt 0' u1topiav 'to 1tEPt. 'tou<; oq>8aAJ..LOu<; cruJl~atvov).
The aporia relating to perception goes from 483a23 to 483a35. In
483b 1 Aristotle links his argument back to 483a22 with the words 'the
outer air' ('tiP E~ro).

5, 483a24: 'For if only the arteria perceives' (d yap'; ap'tTlpia JlOVOV

This has not yet been mentioned in what goes before. Aristotle's oppo-
nents hold that the perceptive faculty is a function of the vital breath,
which they situate in the arteriai, which are present throughout the body.
(The skin also has arteriai everywhere according to 5, 483b 16.)
A. Roselli 99 notes: 'il redattore di SpiT. fa riferimento ad una teoria
che presuppone appartenga all'arteria, e solo ad essa, la facolta di per-
cepire. Le fonti non permettono di identificare chi la abbia sostenuta.'
But this last statement is disputable. The author of Spir. may be think-
ing here of PI. Tim. 77 e5-8. And Tim. 43b5-c describes perceptions as
'movements which are conveyed throughout the body to the soul' (ai
lCtVTtcrEt<; £1tt. 't~v 'VUX~v q>EpOJlEVat (ou1 'tou crooJla'to<;). A connection is
made here with the pendulum movement of the nutritive process. CC
45d 1: 'It therefore passes on ... these movements through the entire
body as far as the soul. In this way it brings about perception' ('tou'trov
'ta<; KtVTtcrEt<; OtaOtOov Ei<; a1t<lV 'to cr&Jla JlEXPt. 'tT1<; ",UXT1<; atcr811crtV
1t<lpEcrXE'tO). C( PI. Tim. 64b3 if. on the origin of perceptions. Things
like bone and hair do not have powers of perception; perception is
mainly connected with 'fire and air' (64c6). See also Tim. 67b2 on
speaking and hearing by means of the air.
Aristotle himself postulates that the anima sensitiva, in the centre of the
living creature, is the subject of perception in indissoluble unity with its
'instrumental body', pneuma (which in that case can be called 'perceiving
body' (cr&Jla aicr9r}'ttlCov)-Anim. Il 1, 4l2b24-25). I In Aristotle's view,
therefore, pneuma itself is not the subject. The subject is the immaterial
soul as entelechy. In PA. III 4, 667b 19 Aristotle explains the unity of

1 er A.P. Bos, The soul and its instrnmental body 103-109.

118 DESPIRlnr

the system of blood vessels, which starts and ends in the heart, with
reference to the unity of the anima sensitiva, which is situated in the
heart, and according to the principle of vital heat.
From this position he asks critical questions about the view of his

5, 483a25: 'is this by the breath which flows through it or by the total
mass or by its material substance [viz. the arteria alone]?' (1t6'tEpa to>
1tvEUllan tiP ch' uu'tllC;, Tt 'tiP OYlCCP Tt tiP <JwJ.l,an;) •
J.E Dobson: 'does it perceive by means of the wind which passes
through it, or by its bulk or by its bodily constitution?'
A question here is whether the author is referring to the mass or
physical condition of the arteria or of pneuma. Probably the first.
Aristotle seems to be presenting a double dilemma here: according
to Aristotle's opponents, perception is connected with the arteria

/ by the total mass

/ \ by the arteria alone
or by the soul which dominates the pneuma.

The first, fundamental dilemma is: the subject of perception is (a) the
arteria or (b) the soul which dominates the vital heat. As Sens. I, 436b6-7
shows, the dilemma is false for Aristotle, since 'perception reaches the
soul via a body' (~ a'(<J811<JtC; OUl <JwJ.l,a'toc; yiyvE'tUt tn 'Vuxn).
For option (a) of this first dilemma the author then indicates two sub-
options: if the arteria itself is the subject proper of perception, does this
perception depend on arteria plus breath or on the nature of the arteria
alone? (A. Roselli 100 deletes the words Tt 'tiP <Jwllun in 483a23, which
she regards as a marginal gloss explaining 'tiP OYlCCP. But the proposal
is less than compelling.)
The alternative EIl'VUXoV Tt 'VUXll in 5, 483a31 seems to take up
the alternative indicated in 483a24-26: the vital breath of Aristotle's
opponents is either 'soul' itself or ('first instrument of the soul' and
therefore) 'ensouled'.

5, 483a25: 'Or, if air is the first that comes directly below soul, does
the arteria perceive by that which is more dominant and prior [viz. the

soul]?' (il El1tEP 0 a~p 1tponov imo t~V ",UXllv, tip KUpUOt£pcp tE Kat
J.E Dobson's translation is incomprehensible and erroneous: 'Or if
the air comes first below soul, may it perceive by means of this air
which is superior and prior in origin?' J. Tricot 184: 'Ou bien, si l'air
vient d'abord au-dessous de l'ame, est-ce par le moyen de cet air qui est
superieur et anterieur?' WS. Hett 499 seems closer to the mark: 'Or if
air is first after the soul, does it perceive by this, as superior and prior?'
p. Gohlke 165 probably grasps the right meaning: 'Gewiss geschieht es,
da Luft der Seele zunachst untersteht, mit diesem beherrschenderen
und ranghoheren Mittel.'
M. Pohlenz, Die Stoa (1959) I 73 quotes this passage: :\uch Aristo-
teles, fur den das immaterielle Eidos des Lebewesens die Seele war,
sah in diesem Pneuma wenigstens "das erste unter der Seele", den
korperlichen Stoff, dessen sich die Seele bedient, urn den Korper zu
erhalten und zu lenken.' This is criticized by E Solmsen, 'Cleanthes
or Posidonius? The basis of Stoic physics', in Meded. der Kon. Nederl.
Akademie van Wetenschappen, afd. Letterkunde, Nieuwe Reeks vol. XXIV
(1961) 265-289; repr. in id. Kleine Schriften, vol. I (Hildesheim 1968)
436-460, p. 451 n. 59.
Clearly 'that which is more dominant and prior' (tip KuptOYtEPCP tE
Kat 1tpOtEPCP) refers to the soul: if the vital breath comes first directly
below the soul, the soul is therefore 'prior and more dominant'. So the
author here considers an option as proposed in 1, 481 a 17, i.e. a unity
of the vital breath and a soul as regulating and governing principle
(comparable with Aristotle's own view of the soul as the entelechy of
an instrumental body).
cr PI. Tim. 46c7-e2 on the soul as 'cause' and the elements as 'aux-
iliary causes', esp. 46d5: 'For of all beings there is only one to which
belongs the possession of insight, and we must call this soul. And this
being is invisible, whereas fire and water and earth and air were all
formed as visible bodies' (... ",UXTtV-tOUtO O£ <iopatov, 1tUP Of Kat
uorop Kat yft Kat <i~p crw/luta 7t(lvta opata yEYOVEV).

5, 483a27: 'What then is the soul?' (tt 01)V ",UXTt;)
This question relates to the psychology held by the people whose
theory Aristotle is critically analyzing. Aristotle's own answer is restated
in chap. 9: it is the vital principle that uses the innate pneuma as its

5, 483a27: 'They say that it is a power that is the cause of this move_
ment' (8uva~iv <paO'l 'tTtv aitiav 'tile; KlV~O'EWe; 'tile; 'tolau'tTle;).
The movement here must be the movement of the vital breath
throughout the living creature; cr. 5, 483a19; a22. At 4, 482b21-23
he suggested that respiration has its origin in a 'power of the soul or
in the soul'. So the soul is interpreted by the opponents as the power
which causes the movement of respiration. Aristotle's opponents appar-
ently characterize the soul as the principle of (vitaO movement. This calls
to mind PI. Phaedr. 245c9 and the texts in Tim. 69d fI: on the divine
and the two mortal soul-parts. Cr. also Tim. 78d7: 'And as long as the
mortal creature can hold its structure together, this process continues
ceaselessly' (Kat '(01)'(0, (WO'1tEp av 'to 8vTl'tov O'uVE(n~Kn ~iPov ~Tt
8la1tauEo8al)-i.e. as long as the fluctuating movement of respiration
goes on-, and Aristotle's refutation of Plato's doctrine of soul (as being
characterized by a movement of its own) in Anim. I 3, 405b31-406b25
and 407a35-407bll.

5, 483a27-29-cf Aristotle's criticism of the theory how the 'parts' of

the soul are spatially distributed in Anim. III 9, 432a15 fI:; 10, 433bl:
'But those who distinguish parts of the soul, if they distinguish and
divide the soul according to its powers, find themselves with a large
number: vegetative, perceptive, intellective, deliberative, and also appe-
titive' ('tOte; 8E 8lalpouol 'ta ~EPTl 'tile; ",uxile;, faV Ka'ta 'tae; 8uva~£le;
8lalpffiO'l Kat xwpH~OUOl, 1t<i~1toA.A.a yivE'tal, 8pE1ttlKOV, at0'811tlKOV,
V011tlKOV, ~OUA.EUtlKOV, E'tl OPEK'tlKOV).

5, 483a28: 'But of course you cannot rightly criticize those who describe
the rational and the emotional parts as powers. For they, too, describe
those parts as powers' (Tt 8ilAOV roe; OUK op8ffie; f1tl'tl~~O£le; 'tOte; 'to
AOylO''tUCOV Kat 8WllKOV' Kat yap O{)'tOl roe; 8uva~Ele; AEyOUO'l).
This answer immediately recalls Plato's talk about a 'rational' and
an 'appetitive' power of the soul. For the Timaeus, cr. 69c5 fI: on the
immortal and the two mortal soul-parts and 70a2: 'the part that pos-
sesses manliness and passion' ('to ~E'tEXOV 'tile; ",uxile; av8pdae; Kat
Aristotle himself also talks about ()UVci~£le;, but as different powers
of one soul. Cr. Resp. 8, 474blO: 'Now the other faculties of the soul
cannot exist apart from the power of nutrition ... and this not apart
from the natural fire' ('tae; ~Ev o-ov aAAa<; OUVci~£le; 'tile; ",uxile; <i8uvu'tov

U1tapXEtV aVE'O 'til~ epE1t'tllci1~ ... 'ta{)'tT\v cS' aVE'O 'tou <p'Ocrucou 1t'OPO~).
JE Dobson starts this sentence with: 'Or is it clear that you will not be
right in ... '. P Gohlke 197 finds it hard to decide whether £1tt'tlllllcrEt~
is a verbal form or a noun. WS. Hett 501 translates correctly here:
'Surely it is clear that one is not right to censure ... '
But the problem here lies in the words Kat yap o-0'tot. Does this
mean: 'For they too', in the sense that these persons who talk about
to AOyl<HtKOV Kat 8'OIltKOV are different from the people who call the
soul the 'principle of movement'? Thus J.E Dobson, WS. Hett, 501
and P Gohlke 166.
D. Holwerda (August 18, 2005) has proposed to reconstruct the sen-
tence and read: ~ BilAOV ro~ OUK 6pe&~ £1tt'tlllllcrEt~ 'tOt~ 'to AOytcr'tlKOV
Kat 8UlltKoV-Kat yap o-0'tOt-ro~ BuVaIlEt~ AEyo'Ocrt, in which AEyoucrt
is a participle depending on 'tOt~. er. 9, 485b35: 'those who say this'
('tOt~ ouno AEyo'OcrtV).

5, 483a30: 'But if the soul is present in this air, the air is ordinary air.
Or does it really undergo an effect [from the soul] and thereby change?
Obviously the air as ensouled or as soul is brought to what is akin to it,
and like increases by like' (aAA' El Bn " \j1'OXn £V 'tiP uEpt 'tounp, o-0'tO~
yE KOtVO~, ~ 1tacrXffiv yE 'tl Kat aAAOtoUJ..lEVO~; EUAOYro~ av EIl\j1'OXOV ~
",'Oxn 1tpO~ 'to ('mYYEVE~ <pEpE'tal Kat 'tiP olloicp 'to OIl0toV aU~E'tal).
After KOtVO~ W. Jaeger had a full stop; after aAAOtoUJlEVO~ not a
punctuation mark, but a comma after EUAOYffi~ and 'VUXT,. He also
read Bn. A. Roselli 101 puts EIl'V'OXOV ~ \j1'OXll between cruces interpretum.
Probably by mistake, she writes BE. In her commentary on p. 100 she
also has Bn.
J.E Dobson follows a strange course here: 'But if the soul resides in
this air, the air is at any rate a neutral substance. Surely, if it becomes
animate or becomes soul, it suffers some change and alteration, and
so naturally moves towards what is akin to it, and like grows by the
addition of like.' Likewise in the Revised Oxftrd Translation (1984). WS.
Hett 501 has minor changes.
P Gohlke 166 includes the surprising translation: 'dann versteht man,
wieso die Seele gut kiihlt', as if the text reads EU'V'UK'tO~! J. Tricot 184
has: 'une substance commune'.
KOtVo~ can be taken here as the ordinary air familiar to everyone, like
'''ordinary'' food' in 2, 482a 1O. Aristoteles then asks whether this air of
the vital breath remains ordinary 'air', or whether this air undergoes

an effect from the soul, of which it is the vehicle. Aristotle himself is

firmly convinced that the 'natural body' which becomes the organon of
the soul can no longer be solely judged according to the laws of natural
bodies. He raised this question in Long. 2, 465a26 f[
EJ,UVUXov 11 'VuXTt-all manuscripts here read £u'VUXov (which can
mean 'brave' in Aristotle), which poses insurmountable difficulties to
all interpreters. The entire sentence is problematical. The vital breath
in the theory of Aristotle's opponents, as in 5, 483a24-27, is either
identical with the soul or ensouled.

5, 483a31: aAAOlOUJ,lEVO~-viz.the aTtP. Cr. 2, 481 b9-1 0: 'What agent

would be capable of bringing about a change and alteration so rapidly?'
Cd o?>v 'to o-o't(O tax\> J,lEta~uAAOV Kat aAAolOUv;). The subject there is
the 'change' of inhaled air to pneuma owing to the effect of vital heat.

5, 483a32: 'brought to what is akin to it, and like increases by like'

(1tPO~ to aUYYEvE~ <j>Ep£tat Kat tip 0J10tcp to OJ,lOlOV aU~Etat).
Cr. PI. Tim. 79d6: 'We must admit that heat by its nature goes to
its own place, that is, outwards, to what is akin to it' ('to 8EpJ,lOV B~
Kata <j>uc:nv Ei~ 't~V autOU xmpav E~(o 1tpO~ to aUYYEVE~ OJ,lOAOYJl'tEOV
. ,
tEVat. )
This is followed in 7ge2 by: 'The ... air which falls into the fire is
heated, whereas the air which passes out is cooled' (to BE ... Ei~ 'to 1tUP
EJ,l1tt1t'tov 8EpJ,latVE'tat, to B' E~tOV 'VuXE'tat). And see 57a3-b7, with b5:
'before they either, entirely repelled and dissolved, find refuge with their
own kind, or, defeated, become one from many in a unity which res.em-
bles the victorious kind, and continue to live with it' (1tptv ... EK<j>Urn
1tpO~ to aUYYEvE~, 11 VtKTl8Ev'ta, EV EK 1tOAAOJV 0J101OV 'tip KpatTtaavtl
YEVOJ,lEVOV, autou aUVOtKOV J1EtVn). These passages seem to warrant
the proposition that Aristotle has the Timaeus in mind here. It might
therefore be suggested that our text should be corrected from 483a30
to: aAA' Ei B~ il "'ux~ EV 'tip aEpt 'tou'tcp, oi)tO~ yE KOlVO~; 111tuaxrov
yE tl Kat aAAOlOUJ,lEVO~; EuA6yro~ av [EJ1"'UXOV 11] \jIuXll<'tat> 1tPO~ to
crUYYEVE~ <j>EpEtat Kat tip oJ,loicp 'to 0J101OV aU~E'tat;) In that case the
translation should read: 'But if then the soul is present in this air, is the
air ordinary air? Or does it really undergo an effect [from the soul] and
thereby change? Is it reasonable that it [the vital breath], <when it is
cooled>, goes to what it is akin to it, and does like increase by like?'
Plato had previously said in 77a 1: 'But this being necessarily had
to lead its life amidst fire and air' ('tllV oE ~(OllV EV 1tUpt Kat 1tVEUJ,lan

(jUVE~atv€V e~ avaYK11~ EXnv a\)"tep). For a critique of the principle 'like

is attracted to like', cr G.A. 11 4, 740b12.

5, 483a33: 'Or is this not so? For the whole is not air' (~ OU; to yap
oAov OUK al1P).
J.E Dobson: 'for it may be contended that the air is not the whole of
soul'; WS. Hett 501 virtually identical. E Gohlke 166: 'Das ganze ist
ja nicht Luft.' J. Tricot 184 differently: 'Car, enfin, la totalite de l'ime
n'est pas de l'air ...'. Likewise A. Roselli 137.
Starting from his own point of view, Aristotle puts forward here: 'the
whole is not identical with the air of the vital breath', but the whole
is the unity of 'soul plus pneuma'. This means that the 'natural body'
which is the instrument of the soul no longer functions purely accord-
ing to the laws of this natural body.

5, 483a34: 'Or not this either? That which brings about and has brought
about this power, that is the origin and foundation' (~ ou; to tautllV
1tOlOUV Kat to 1tOllloav tOUt' apx~ Kat i)1[6e€(n~).
W Jaeger adds <aAAa> after ou. A. Roselli indicates a lacuna there.
Neither suggestion is strictly necessary. In the previous sentence Aristotle
seemed to underline the subordinate position of the vital breath by stat-
ing that the natural body 'makes a contribution' to the vital functions.
Now, it seems, he emphasizes even more strongly that 'the whole' (a33)
brings about the functions and that 'the soul and its instrumental body',
as an indissoluble unity, are the founding principle.
In this explanation Aristotle reviews three options:
(a) Air is the vehicle of the soul, but otherwise behaves like ordinary
(b) Air is ensouled and is a real factor in the combination of soul and
(c) The soul is the founding principle, which uses the air as its instru-

Perhaps we should read a question-mark after i)1[6e€(n~ too (as Jaeger

did) and translate: 'Is that which brings about and has brought about
this power the origin and foundation?'

[Is the vital breath identical with or different from the outer air?]

5, 483b I: 'But do non-respiring animals have no breath in order

that the air in the arteria is not mixed with the outer air?' (tOts oE Jl~
aVa1tVEOUal, '{va aV£1tiJlll(tO~ tip £~ro;)
Cf the reproach directed at Plato's Timaeus in Resp. 5, 472b9: 'For if
respiration occurs only in land animals, we should be told the reason for
this' (d JlEV yap Jl6V01~ to tll~ ava1tVOll~ U7t(XPX£l tOt~ 1t£~Ot~, A£KtEOV
tT,V ahiav tOU Jl6V01~).
].E Dobson translates here: 'In the case of non-respiring creatures,
where the internal air is not mixed with the external ... ', and explains
in n. I that he opts for 'the relative use of '{va'. W.S. Hett 501 follows
in his footsteps. Likewise]. Tricot 184. A. Roselli 137: 'in cui l'aria
interna non si mescola a quella esterna.' Differently :P. Gohlke 166:
'Bei den nicht atmenden Geschopfen solI sich die Lebensluft mit der
ausseren Luft nicht vermisschen.'
As in chap. 2, 482a7-8: 'the living creatures which do not have
respiration' (tOt~ OE JlT, ava1tV£UanKOt~), Aristotle again raises the
issue here that life does not just occur in animals that breathe. And
he immediately asks what the reason for this could be. "Ivu probably
expresses an intention here and the sentence should be read as an
ellipsis: tOt~ OE JlT, aVa1tVEOUalv (OUK fatlV ava1tvoT,) '(va aVE1tiJltl(to~
(0 faro uT,p) tip £~ro (exEpl 11); 11 oU, ... It seems most likely that 483bl-2
is an independent objection. The theory of 'Aristogenes' ignores a large
number of living creatures. Why is it that they do not need 'air from
outside' if the passage and assimilation of their food does depenq on
the movement of air in the arteria? But again, as in 2, 482a7-19, he
leaves room here for the objection that insects perhaps possess some-
thing like respiration. In 5, 483b33-34 he mentions that, in the view
of his opponents, fish possess respiration. But in 6, 484b 1-4 he draws
attention to crustaceans and shellfish. It is almost certain that they do
not have respiration.
Section 483b 1-12 contains a striking number of passages which
talk about a form of 'mixture': b 1; b8; b 10; b 12. This may recall
Empedocles, who conceived of the soul as the logos of a certain 'mix-
ture' (Arist. Anim. I 4, 408a 13).
uVE1tiJltKtos-only here in the Aristotelian Corpus according to
H. Bonitz, Index.

5, 483b 1: 'Or is this not the reason, but is it Inixed in a different way?'
(11 OU, aAAa Kat' &AAov tp61tov JlE1.yvUJlEVOs;)

C( 2, 482a7-19, where something 'like respiration' was ascribed to

(non-respiring) insects.

5, 483b2: ~d how does the air in the arteria differ from the air outside?'
(ti~ oilv it Dta<popa tOU EV tft aptllpi~ 1tpO~ tOY E~Ol;)
This critical remark does not refer to living creatures that do not
breathe. The arteria as discussed in chaps. 1-8 is a concept inextricably
linked with the activity of respiration (and next with the nutrition of
the innate pneuma and the other parts).

5, 483b3: 'For it is plausible and perhaps even necessary that it differs in

fineness' (Dta<pepEtv yap EUAoyov, taXa D£ Kat aVayKatOV, AE1t't011llt).
C( I, 481 a22-25 and 2, 481 b3-8 on the fineness and thickness of
pneuma. The discussion here does not refer to the system of Empedocles,
which Aristotle describes in Resp. 7, 473b 1-5; the discussion there
concerns the fineness of air compared with the thickness of blood

5, 483b4: 'But there is also the problem whether it is hot by itself or

by something else' (aAA' Elt D£ Ka8' au'tov 8EP/-lO~ ~ u<p' hepou;)
C( 2, 481 b 12-15. This passage stated explicitly that, according to
AAstogenes' and his supporters, though the inhaled air resides in the
lungs and the arteria, this does not mean that they are also the seat of
the vital heat as an independent principle. The air is heated as a result
of the movement of the air.
According to Aristotle, pneuma itself is the vehicle of vital heat-G.A.
11 3, 736b33-737al. Aristotle also calls pneuma 'hot air' (G.A. II 2,
736a 1). But we should consider that, in his view, pneuma is not identical
with the inhaled air and that this 'heat' is not identical with fire, but
has an astral origin.

5, 483b6: 'But it receives help through refrigeration' (~01l8E11at ()£ 1ft

W.S. Hett 501: 'but it is assisted by refrigeration'; likewise J. Tricot
185. A. Roselli 138: 'ma riceve il soccorso del raffreddamento.' ~ Goh1ke
has completely lost his way here. ~01l8Et1at should be taken passively.
'The vital breath is assisted by the process of refrigeration' and so must
be warmer than the outer air. CC Resp. 8, 474b22-24: 'What is fiery does
not go out through cooling but through exhaustion. Hence it needs to

be cooled if it is to go on. This helps against that form of extinction'

(<p8dpE'tat 'to 1tUPOU~EVOV, OU 'l'UXO~EVOV 0.).)'''0.. ~apatVO~EvOV. oocrt'
o.vaYKTl yiYVEcr8at Ka'ta'l'U~tv, Et ~£AAEt 'tEu~Ecr8at crO)'tllptW;. 'toiho
yap ~01l8Et 1tpOc; 'tuu'tllv 'tTlV <p80pav), and 9, 47 4b28; 29; 10, 475b 16.
And cf PI. Tim. 70c-d: 'the gods devised a plan of relief ... Hence
they grafted on the lungs as a remedy' (E1ttKOUpiav ~llxavro~EVOt 't~v
'tou 1tAEU~OVOc; t8£av EVE<pu'tEuoav).

5, 483b6: 'Which views are right?' (1to'tEpa 8£;)

].E Dobson: 'But which is really the case'? Likewise WS. Hett 501
and A. Roselli 138.]. Tricot 185 is closer to the mark: 'Mais cl laquelle
des deux explications se rallier'?
The question relates to a plural: 'which answers should we give to
these two questions?' Aristotle here discusses the question: is there a
difference between the air outside and the air inside a living creature?
(b2-3). He divides this into two sub-questions:
(1) is there a difference in density?
(2) is there a difference in heat?

5, 483b6: 'The air outside is at rest, but when enclosed, it becomes

pneuma' (E~o) ~£V y<xp 1tpa-tic;, E~1tEptAll<Pedc; 8£ 1tVEu~a).
].E Dobson: 'for when outside it is soft, but when enclosed the air
becomes breath'; W.S. Hett 501: 'Outside the air is mild, but when
enclosed it is breath'. P Gohlke 21 proposes to replace 1tpa-tic; with
1taXUc; and translates most strangely on p. 166: 'Und ist es mit der Dichte
so, dass die aussere Luft dick ist und nur Lebensluft in sich schliesst,
gleichsam eingedickt und irgendwie untermengt?'
For E~1tEptAll<PeEic;, cf. 4, 482b31: 'because it is enclosed' (8ta 'tTtV
EVa1tOAll'l'tV). Comparison of the two translations may suggest that
1tpa-tic; contrasts here with the 'pulsation' of the pneuma in the arteria.
If so, it is clear that P Gohlke's proposal to replace 1tpa-tic; should be
But we should also consider that Aristotle in 4, 482b32 has already
dismissed the idea of a relation between the inhaled air and pulsation
(which he connects with blood and the heart).

5, 483b8: 'obtain a kind of mixture' (J,lt~lV 'tlVU AaJl~av£lv).
It is relevant here that Empedocles described the soul as 'the ratio
of a mixture' (Anim. I 4, 408a13: 'And it is also strange that the soul is
the ratio of the mixture. For the mixture of the elements resulting in
flesh does not have the same ratio as that resulting in bone' (oJlotm~ 8£
<honov Kat 'to 'tOY AOYOV TIl~ J,lt~£m~ dval 't~v 'IIUXllv· 0'0 yap 'tOY au'tov
EX£l AOYOV it Jlt~l~ 'trov a'tolXEtmV KaS' Ttv aap~ Kat KaS' Ttv oa'touv);
a18: 'This question can also be posed to Empedocles' (a1tal'tlla£l£ 8'
av 'tl~ 'toiho y£ Kat1tap' 'EIl1t£80KA£OU~...). Spir. 9, 485b26 mentions
Empedocles explicitly in connection with his theory of 'mixture'. Aris-
totle may be suggesting here that his opponents hold the outer air to
be inanimate and the inhaled air to be animate because it is air which
has undergone a certain 'mixture'. cr 4, 482b24.

5, 483b8: 'because it circulates in a moist and coarse-material environ-

ment' (EV uypo'tll'tt 't£ Kat (JmJ,la'tlKol:~ OYKOl~ avaa'tp£<poll£Vov).
cr 2, 481 b4: 'And certainly it is also logical that it is thicker, mixed
as it is with the fluid of the vessels, and of the entire mass of the body'
(Kat J,l~V Kat 1tax{)'t£pov au'tov d5AOYOV dval J,l£9' uYPo'tll'to~ 't11~ a1to 'trov
aYYEtmv ov'ta Kat 'trov (SAmv oYKmv). Moreover, fishes and other aquatic
animals without respiration are also entirely surrounded by water and
coarse-material masses. cr G.A. III 11, 762a27: 'the sea contains much
that is earthy' (EV O£ 't11 SaAa't'tTI 1tOA\> 'to Y£wo£~ EV£a'tlv) and 761a33:
'what is moist is by nature more plastic than earth and not much less
material, and this is especially true of everything in the sea' ('to 't£ yap
uypov £U1tAaa'to't£pav EX£! 't~v <pualv 'tfl~ yfl~ Kat amJla'tl~v 0'0 1tOAAql
~nov, Kat J,laAla'ta 'ta EV 't11 SaAanTI 'tOlau'ta).

5, 483b9: 'But in that case the air is not the finest, because it has
undergone a mixture. Yet it is logical that the vehicle of the soul in a
primary sense is very fine' (OUK apa A£1t'to'ta'to~, £11t£p Jl£J,llK'tat. Kat
Jl~v £UAOYOV Y£ 'to 1tpw'tov OEK'tlKOV 'IIuxfl~).
Again the idea expressed here is very close to that of 1, 481 a 16-19.
Aristotle firmly believes that pneuma in its pure state is of a different order
from the coarse-material elements. cr Anim. 13, 407b20: 'However, they
only try to explain the nature of soul, but fail to pay any attention to
the body which receives the soul' (Ot oE J,lOVOV E1tlxnpoucrl A£yEtV 1to'iov
'tl it 'IIuXil, 1t£Pl oE 'tou 8E~0J,l£VOU crroJ,lu'tOC; ouSrv E'tl 1tPOcrOlOptSOUcrlV)

(against the Platonists); c( 11 2, 414a 10: '(the body) which receives the
soul' (tOU bEK'ttKOU).

5, 483b 11: 'unless something similar applies to the soul too, and it is
not something pure and unmixed' (d 1111 apa Kat it 'tI'UXll 'tOlOU'tOV, Kat
OD Ka8apov 'tt Kat alll'YE~).
Significantly in this connection, Plato, Tim. 92b describes aquatic
animals as creatures which, because they do not possess a pure soul
('tllv 'l'UXllv ... aKaeap'too~ £xov'toov), do not have pure respiration either:
uba'to~ 80AEpaV ... aVa1tVEU(HV.

5, 483b 12: 'Only the artenai [they say] can contain breath (pneuma), but
not the sinews' ('tnv ap'tTlPiav Ilovov dval bEK'ttKllv 1tVEulla'to~, 'to bE
VEUpOV ou).
C( b 18. This seems another important difference between Aristotle
and his opponents. In MA. 7, 701 b7-10 Aristotle describes how, through
expansion or contraction of the innate pneuma, the sinews of a living
creature are tensed or relaxed, thus setting the bones in motion; c(
8, 702a7-21 and 10, 703a4-28. If the innate pneuma is not present in
sinews, motion becomes impossible in Aristotle's view. But why do the
opponents say so emphatically that sinews cannot absorb pneuma? Is it
because they do not have air-holes? 3, 482b 7 does say that, according to
the opponents, distribution takes place from the arteriai to the bones.
].E Dobson, WS. Hett 501, and]. Tricot 185 wrongly connect this
sentence with the previous one: 'We may, however, reasonably expect
that ... and that the air-duct should be capable of receiving the br~ath,
while the sinew is not.' :p. Gohlke 167 has: 'Man muss auch wissen, dass
nur die Luftader Lebensluft aufnimmt, nicht dagegen die Sehne', but
he seems to take this as the view of the author of De spiritu.
However, the infinitives here again indicate that the view of the
opponents is being represented. A. Roselli 138 conveniently marks this
by using inverted commas.

5, 483b 14: 'that the sinews are elastic' ('to Il£V VEUpOV EXEl 'tacHv).
C( HA. III 5, 515a31: 'They are just as elastic as the sinews' ('tao1\'
EXEl 'tOlaU'tTlv olav 1tEp 'ta vEupa). Aristotle also describes the sinews
as EAK'tO~. cr G.A. 11 6, 743b5: 'the sinews solid and elastic, the bones
solid and brittle' ('to 8£ VEUpOV ~llPOV Kat EAK'tOV, 'to 8' oo'touv ~TlPOV
Kat 8pauo'tov). See also Meteor. IV 9, 386b 14.

5, 483b 14: 'but the arteriai burst easily, like veins' (li cS' aptllpia taxu
cStapPTtyvutat Ka8a1tEp Kat li <pAEW).
Is this because the arteriai also contain pores? In 5, 483b 19 the
veins are said to contain pores. The same is said of the arteria in

5, 483b 15: 'The skin [they say] contains veins, sinews, and arteriai' ('to
cS£ EK <pAE~O~ Kat VE'\)POU Kat aptllpia~).
This means that, wherever there is skin, there are arteriai. Significantly,
Plato in Tim. 79a5-e 10 describes the respiratory process as taking
place in the lungs, but also 'through the porous flesh' (8Ul /lavrov trov

5, 483b 16: 'when the skin is pricked, it emits blood' (KEvt1l8Ev
Cf. 6, 484a34 and H.A. III 19, 521 a 15: 'During sleep the blood
decreases in the external parts, so that it flows less when the creature
is pricked' (t01~ 8E Ka8E1)80ucrtv EV t01~ EKtO~ /lEPEcrtV EAattOV yiVEtat
to, mcrtE Kat KEV'tOU/lEVroV J..l~ PE1V oJ..loiro~).
In PI. Tim. 76bl-3 we find: 'By means of fire the deity pricked holes
all around the surface of the skin. The moisture issued through these
holes; and all the moisture and heat that was pure disappeared' (tOUtO
b~ 1taV to KUKAql Ka'tEKEVtEt 1tUpt to 8E1ov, tP1l8Evto~ 8E Kat
'ti1~ iKJ..labo~ E~ro 8t' autou <pEPOJ..lEVll~ 'to /lEV uypov Kat 8EPJ..lOv ocrov
EtA.tKPtVE~ "a1tTIEtv
, )

5, 483b 17: 'sinews, for the skin is elastic' (EK VEUpOU bE Ott tacrtV
Ct: PI. Tim. 74d2: 'the nature of sinews ... firmer' (t~V 8E trov VE'\)prov
<pucrtv ... cruV'tovrotEpav).

5, 483b17: 'arteriai, for air is breathed through the skin' (£~ ap'tllpia~
8E Ott bta1tvo~v EXEt).
Cf. 3, 482a34: 'but the result of respiration, it seems in their view,
is also distributed to all parts of the living creature' (boK£l bE Kat to
'ti1~ ava1tvoi1~ d~ 1taVta bta8ibocr8cu) and 482b 1: 'But if respiration
pervades the entire body' (d bE cSta1tvE1 1tPO~ 1tav ...).

5, 483b 19: 'But the veins [they say] have pores, in which the vital
heat [of the breath in the artbiai] is present, and in this way heats the
blood as in a cauldron' ('ta~ OE <pAE~a~ EXEtV 1tOPOU~, EV ot~ 'to 8EpJ,lOV
QV m<mEp EV XaAKEtcp 8EpJ,laivEtv 'to atlla).
J.E Dobson is right to correct at~ to ot~. We should consider, however,
that Aristotle in Resp. 7, 474al2 and 474a15; 21, 480a21 and 480a29
uses the word <pucra~ four times in relation to the word for 'cauldron'
or 'oven'.
This passage seems to imply that there is a constant connection
between veins and arteriai [see 483b31: 'and the arteriai and the veins
always lie side by side' (Kat ap'tTlpiav Kat <pAE~a 1tapaKEtcr8al)] and
that the heat of the breath in the arteriai is responsible for the heat in
the blood and also for the bloodflow. Aristotle had said of this heat in
2, 481 b 12-15 that, according to his opponents, it is not an independent
principle, but a result of the movement in the air.
In Tim. 78a Plato had used the principle that smaller particles can
penetrate where larger cannot, to explain the action of the inner fire
in the blood of the veins. Another relevant text in this connection is
79d 1: 'In every living creature the internal parts close to the blood and
the veins are the hottest: just as if they contain a source of heat' (1taV
~ipov au'tou 'tav'to~ 1tEpt 'to atlla Kat 'ta~ <pAE~a~ 8EPllo'ta'ta EXEt, otov
EV Eau'tqJ 1tTlY1)v 'tlva Evoucrav 1tUpo~).
In I, 481 a22 Aristotle had also said that the arteriai have pores.
E Gohlke 167 has here: 'Sodann ist auszuftihren, dass die Blutad-
ern Gangen haben ...,' as if this represents the view of the author of

5, 483b20: 'and in this way heats the blood as in a cauldron' (OO1tEP

EV XaAKEtcp 8EPllalVEtV 'to atlla).
9, 485a35 talks about 'to XaAKEU'tlKOV 1tUp. The association here is
with a cauldron containing the blood, which is warmed by the vital
heat. Resp. 7, 474a 12 mentions 'ta~ <pucra~ EV 'tOt~ xaAKdol~ ('bellows
in ovens/smithies') to refute Empedocles' theory of respiration.

5, 483b20: 'For blood is not hot by nature, but like metals becomes
liquid through heat. That is why it coagulates' (<pucrEt yap OUK dval
8EPIlOV, a.AA' mo1t£p 'tu 'tTlK'tU <haXEtcr8at· OtO Kat 1tllyvucr8at).
We read a full stop after 1tityvucr8al. In PI. Tim. 79a6 nlKEtV is 'to
make liquid', another function of the 'internal fire' connected with

respiration. On the liquidity and coagulation of blood, cf. Tim. 85c-d:

the liquidity of blood is increased by heat.
Aristotle himself also believes that the heat of the pneuma in the heart
stopS the blood from coagulating in the veins: PA. II 9, 654b9: 'For it
is the heat from the origin which prevents it from coagulating' ('11 yap
art' EKElV11e; 9EPJlO'tlle; KffiAUEt mlyvucr9cu). III 5, 667b24: 'and this is
the cause of the warmth and fluidity of the blood' (au'tll 8' Ecr'ttV ahia
Kat 'tip a'tJlan 'tile; uypO'tll'tOe; Kat 'tile; 9EPJlo'tll't0e;). Indeed, Aristotle
therefore makes 'vital heat' the fundamental principle of life. For him
it does not depend in any way on respiration.

5, 483b21: 'And the arteria also has moisture in itself and in the cover-
ings which enclose the cavity' (T'hv ap'tllpiav Kat EXEtV uypo'tll'ta Kat
Ev au'tU Kat EV 'tOte; xt'tmcrt 'tot<; 1tEpt£xoucrt 'to KoiAffiJla).
J.E Dobson notes: 'This passage seems to be out of place.' He is
supported only by J. Tricot 185.
But, as in 483b33, we should assume an asyndetic continuation of
the argument. This proposal comes from D. Holwerda by letter of
October 14, 2005.

5, 483b23: 'the cavity' (KoiAffiJla).

H. Bonitz lists Mund. 4, 395b34 as the only other occurrence of
this word in the Corpus: 'wind, trapped in the hollows of the earth'
((1tVEUJla) EYKa'tEtA~9Tl 'tOte; ('til<; Yile;) KOtAcOJlacrtv).

5, 483b23: 'This is shown both by dissections' (cpavEpov 8' EK 'tE 'tmv

<iva'toJlmv dvat).
This is a remarkable detail. J.F. Dobson translates: 'It is also
proved by dissection'. Likewise WS. Hett 503 and A. Roselli 138. But
P. Gohlke 167 opts for: 'Aus den Schnittzeichnungen' and clearly regards
this passage as an allusion to the collection of drawings for anatomical
instruction in the Peripatos, to which Aristotle frequently refers. Likewise
J. Tricot 186. Cf. Somn. 3, 456b2; Resp. 8, 474b9, which talk about the
course of the veins from the heart; 16, 478bl; PA. III 4, 666a8. But
in HA. IV 1, 525a8 Aristotle says more explicitly: 'For the disposition
of these parts I must refer to my anatomical diagrams' (9EffipElcr9ffi EK
'tile; EV 'tatc; uvu'tOJlU1C; Otaypa<pilc;).
Cr. W.D. Ross, Parva naturalia (1955) 264: 'References in A. to
ava't0Jlai are frequent. Sometimes the reference is to actual dissections

(De Juv. 474b9; 478a27; De Part. 677a9; De Gener. An. 746a22, 764a35 ,
771 b32, 779a8); in other cases the reference is to the record of dis-
sections in a work now lost (e.g.... Hist. Anim. 497a32; cf. ibid. 525a9,
566a15, De Gen. An. 746a15).'
But although a reference to this collection of drawings is perfectly
possible here, it does mean that, in this case, the appeal to the dia-
grams is made by Aristotle's opponents! The very fact that the passage
on fluid in the arteriai seems to refer to the study of corpses suggests
that we should opt for the translation 'by dissections' here instead of
finding a reference to the Anatomical Atlas. Cf. the remark 6, 484a37
on the opening up of birds. And see also EA. III 4, 667b8-10: 'But
animals which we see dying of diseases and ailments as described here
are found on dissection to display injuries in the heart region as the
cause of their diseases' ('tou'tOt~ ava'tEJlv6JlEVOt~ cpaivE'tat ... 7t<iGT,). Cr.
also HA. Il 1, 497b 17: 'when opened up, the animal is found in all
internal characteristics to resemble the dog' (avOlx8d~ o/lota ttav't' ElEt
Kuvi). 11 11, 503b23: ava'tE'tJlllJlevO~ (of a chameleon). Il 17, 507a21:
OtaVOlx8Ev. In HA. III 1, 51 Oa29 Aristotle himself seems to have shown
a diagram during his lecture.
So this appeal to information garnered from dissections seems to
derive from the view of Aristotle's opponents, but cannot be traced back
to Plato's Timaeus. Likewise 483b35-484a3. And perhaps 483b21.
On account of 'tE in 483b24 we surmise a connection with the fol-
lowing sentence.

5, 483b24: 'and by the fact that both the veins and the arteriai ..• are
connected with the intestines and the belly' (d~ 'to Ev'tEpov Kat d~ -rilv
KotAiav at 'tE cpAE~E~ Kat at ap'tllpiat cruva1t'toucnv).
483a 19 had already observed that breath is transported to the belly.
For <Juva1t'tEtv d~ in an intransitive sense, cf. EA. Il 10, 656b 19; G.A.
I 3, 716b20; H.A. I 7, 491b3. Also SpiT. 5, 484al. And cf. PI. Tim.
73a3-4; 78a-79a.

5, 483b27: 'not via the sides but via the opening' (ou Ka't<l 'ta. 1tAayul
a.AAa. Ka'ta. 'to <J'toJla).
This seems to be remarked because 5, 483b 19 has established that
the veins do have pores, through which the heat from the arteriai can
enter. And the arteriai themselves have pores too (1, 481 a22). But of
course a condition here is that these pores allow only the very smallest

particles through. Food and blood must not be allowed to pass through
them. CC Resp. 7, 473bl-5.
On account of our interpretation of the following sentence we put
a full stop after o't6~a.

5, 483b28: 'For, as if they were irrigation pipes, thin veins extend [in
their view] alongside the veins from the large vein and the arteria past
every rib' (Ka8cl7t£p oroA11vm; a1to'tdv£lV yap EK 'tow 1tAayirov <'tow>
<pA£~&V <pAE~ta A£1t'ta EK 't11<; ~EyaAll<; <pAE~O<; Kat 't11<; ap111pia<; 1tap'
bcao'tllv 1tA£Upav).
J.E Dobson has proposed to delete <pAE~&V. This is followed by
A. Roselli 105 but not by W.S. Hett 503.
D. Holwerda has remarked by letter of October 17, 2005 that the
plural oroA11va<; does not have anything with which it corresponds in
the preceding sentence. He therefore proposes to start a new sentence
after o't6~a in 483b28. It is not an overriding objection that yap then
comes in fourth position in the sentence. CC Elh. Nic. VIII 14, 1163b 11.
In his view, moreover, a 'tow has dropped out before <pAE~&V.
Aristotle is also familiar with a 'large vein' (the hollow vein or vena
cava)-H.A. III 3, 513b 14. In this context he also talks about the arteria
(513b24). But the reference there is clearly to the wind-pipe. He also
talks there about veins which branch out from the large vein 'past
every rib' (1tapa 't£ 'tT1v 1tA£UpaV EKao'tllv <pAE~ta-513b29). As far as
this is concerned, the reference by J. Tricot 186 n. 4 is correct. But
he should have added that, for Aristotle, no arteriai are found there.
As in 5, 483a18-22, we are dealing here with the position rejected by

5, 483b28: 'as if they were irrigation pipes' (Ka8a1t£p oroA11va<;).

The term oroA11va<; refers to shellfish with double, elongated shells.
CC HA. IV 4, 528a17; EA. IV 7, 683b14-17. Irrigation watercourses
are still made in mediterranean countries from gutter-shaped tiles which
are laid on top of each other to form a kind of pipe. In his Tim. Plato
regularly uses the term 6X£'toi: 70d2; 77c7; 78c8; 79a2. He never uses
the term oroA11v£<;. He does have 'perforated from inside with holes as
of a sponge' (ol1payya<; ... otov (J1toyyou Ka'ta't£'tPll~Eva<;) Tim. 70c6
and in 79a4: 'as through a pipeline' (mom::p aUA&vo<;).

5, 483b30: 'and the artenai and the veins lie side by side' (Kat ap'tT\plav
Kat cpA£~a 1tapaKElcr9at).
In Resp. 21, 480b6 Aristotle has the more correct view that the
lungs are full of veins running alongside the alveoli, for an intensive
refrigeration of the blood: '(the inhaled air) enters numerous alveoli
like pipelines, and veins run alongside each of them' (de; 1tOAAOUe; yap
olov aUAOOvae; 'tuc; cruptyyae; EI11tl1t'tEtV 'tue; EV 'tip 1tVEUI10Vt, cbv 1tap'
EKacr'tT\v 1tapa't£'tav'tat cpA£~EC;).

5, 483b31: 'Moreover, the bones are attached to the sinews and the veins
by being joined in the middle and in the connections of the head of
the bones, and they [the bones] thus take in food from the veins' (Kat
'tU ocr't£a 3E Ka9a1t'tEtV 'tu VE1)pa Kat 'tue; cpA£~ae; Kat de; l1£cra Kat de;
'tue; crUI1~OAUe; 'tOOv KEcpaAOOv 3t' cbv 'tllv 'tpoCPllv 3£XEcr9at).
Unlike all modern editors, we read a full stop after 3£XEcr9at. This
is followed by a new theme regarding fish.
A striking feature here is the uncontracted form of ocr't£a. Cf.
7, 484b28: ocr'tu.
].E Dobson: 'The sinews and veins form the connexion between the
bones, joining them with the centre of the body, and also form the
meeting-place between the head and the body through which fishes
receive nutriment and breathe.' The Revised O:ifOrd Translation (1984) I
769 still has exactly the same nonsense. WS. Hett 503: 'The bones,
too, are connected by sinews and veins, but to the middle parts and
to the junction of the head, through which fishes admit food and
breathe,' is more comprehensible, but also untenable. P Gohlke 167:
'Weiter ist noch zu zeigen, dass die Knochen mit den Sehnen und
den Blutadern in Verbindung stehen, sowohl in der Mitte als auch an
den Knochenkopfen', with the note on p. 197: 'Die Infinitive, die sich
von hier an haufen, muss man sich abhangig denken von einer an
sich selbst gerichteten Aufforderung des noch planenden Verfassers.'
A. Roselli 138 places inverted commas around this passage. She sees it
as representing the view of the opponents.]. Tricot 186 has: 'Les nerfs
et les veines operent la connexion des os entre eux, ainsi qu'au centre
du corps, et aux jointures de la tete par OU les poissons rec:;oivent la
nourriture et la respiration.'
\-Ve should take 6, 484a 16-1 7 into account here: 'because the sin-
ews are nourished from the bones. For they are attached to them' (ta
vEupa a1tO tmV OatmV 'tpEcpEa9ul' Ka9u1t'tEl yap ulna).].E Dobson has
here: 'for they join the bones together'; ~ Gohlke 168: 'mit denen sie

wesensgleich sind' (Gohlke seems to translate the reading Ka8u1tEp, but

fails to mention this anywhere).
The primary question is what the subject and what the object is of
Ka8u1t'tElv. H. Bonitz, Index 354a50 notes that Ka8u1t'tElv is transitive
here, whereas Ka8u1t'tEtV Ei~ and Ka8u1t'tElv 1tp6~ in H.A. III 4, 514b30
and 515a3 are intransitive. In that case the bones must be subject and
the sinews object.
A. Roselli 106 assumes a lacuna after KECj)aAOlv in 483b32. But the
words 'and they [the bones] thus take in food' (Ot' cl)v 'tlW 'tpoCj)l,v
oEXEa8at) seem to return in 6, 484a16: 'because the sinews are nourished
from the bones' ('tiP 'to. vEupa a1tO 'tOlV oa'tOlv 'tpECj)Ea8at).
On the basis of H.A. III 4, 514b28-30 we can establish that, accord-
ing to Aristotle too, there is a connection between the veins and the
bones. We will have to assume, as regards the question in Spir. 5, that
Aristotle's opponents there assume a conjunction of veins and arteriai.
But for Aristotle the venous system is clearly separate from the respira-
tory system.
For a'\)ll~oAal, cf De audibilibus 802b 16: 'to.~ a'\)Il~OAo.~ ... 'to.~ 'tOlV
vEuprov-'the joinings of the strings' (WS. Hett 67). Cf PI. Tim. 74e4:
Ka'to. 'ta~ a'\)Il~OAa~ 'toov oa'toov-'the places where the bones come
'tOlV KECj)aAoov-must metaphorically mean 'the heads' of bones, as
"Po Gohlke surmised (not mentioned by H. Bonitz, Index 387a50) and not
the head of a living creature, as Dobson, Hett, and Tricot thought.
Cr. HA. I 15, 494a4: 'Of this limb the double-knobbed part is the
thigh, the sliding part is the knee-cap' (aKEAou~ OE 'to IlEV allCj)tKECj)aAOV
IlllP6~, 'to OE 1tAaV11alEopov lluA11). Aristotle also talks about the 'head'
(top) of testicles-H.A. III 1, 51 Oa 12-21.

5, 483b34: 'Fishes also breathe [in their opinion]' (Tou~ ix8ua~ Kat
This sentence, though very abrupt, can be understood as a separate
and independent statement. That fishes also breathe was argued by
Democritus, Anaxagoras, and Diogenes of Apollonia. Their position
is very critically discussed in Resp. 2 and 3. In 3, 471 b 15-19 Aristotle
also states that, in the view of Diogenes, fishes which are taken out of
the water die as a result rif a surplus rif air!
That fishes breathe, however, is also a proposition in PI. Tim. 92a7-
b6: 'But the fourth kind, which lives in the water, is formed from the
most utterly foolish and undeveloped. The transfigurers thought these

creatures unworthy even to inhale pure air: ... Instead of light and pure
inhalation of air, the makers condemned them to inhale the muddy
water of the depths' ('to oE 'tE'tap'tOV yEVOe; EVuopov YEyOVEV EK 'tOOV
J.uXAlCna avoll'to'ta'tOlv .. _, oue; ouo' ava1tvofle; Ka8apae; En n~toocrav
oi J.lE'ta1tAanov'tEe; ... aAA' av'tt AE1t'tfle; Kat Ku8apae; ava1tvofle; aEpOe;
de; uou'toe; 80AEPUV Kat ~u8EtUV Eoocruv aVa1tVEUOtV). This passage
underlines Aristotle's criticism in 2, 482a2l, where, starting from his
own position, he declares that fishes do not breathe and that there is
no air to inhale under water.
It is a moot point whether the view that fishes possess respiration
was still argued by anybody after Aristotle's refutation! In any case the
Gnostic Basilides was already better informed (in Hippolytus, RdUtatio
omnium haeresium VII 22, 13).
This sentence, too, clearly represents the views of Aristotle's oppo-
nents, as A. Roselli 138 well indicates.

5, 483b35: 'The veins and the arteriai are connected with each other,
and in their view this can be established by perception too' ('tue; oE
<j>AE~Ue; KUt 'tue; ap'tllpiue; cruVa1t'tEtV de; aAAl1AUe; KUt 'tn at08"OEt
<j>UVEpOV dvut).
None of the modern translators makes it clear what the intention
of this reference to perception may be. Perhaps the allusion is to the
fact that veins and arteriai are both present throughout the skin (5,
483b 15-19) or to the fact that the heat of pneuma is also present in the
blood (5, 483b 19-23). It may also be that the author is again referring
to the dissection of dead people, as in 5, 483b24.
For cruva1t'tEtv de; in an intransitive sense, c( 5, 483b24-25.

5, 484a3: 'on account of the heat in the sinew, in the arteria, and
in the vein, a heat which is hottest and most fiery in the sinew' ('tiP
8EPJ.lOV dvut EV VE1)P<P KUt ap'tllPtct KUt <j>AE~t, 8EPJ.l0'tU'tov OE Kat otov
<j>AOYOlOEO'tU'tOV 'to EV 'tip VEUp<P).
The mss. have <j>A.E~OlOEcr'tU'tOV.J.F: Dobson: 'because there is warmth
both in sinew, in air-duct, and in vein, and that which is in the sinew
is hottest and most similar to that of the veins.' Likewise W S. Hett
503 and J. Tricot 186. :P. Goh1ke: 'da Warme in Sehnen, Luft- und
Blutadern erfordert wird, die grosste Warme und die sozusagen am
meisten durchblutete in den Sehnen.' A. Roselli 107 opts to replace
<j>AE~OloEcr'ta'tovwith <j>AOYOlOEO'tU'tOV, at the suggestion of D. Furlanus,

with reference to Mirab. 38, 833a17 and Mund. 2, 392a35. We have

adopted this suggestion.
C( PI. Tim. 79d 1: 'In every living creature the internal parts which
are close to blood and veins are the hottest: as if they contain a source
of fire' (1taV l;qloV uu'tou 'tuv'to<; 1tEpt 'to ui~u KUt 'tu<; q>AE~U<; eEp~6'tu'tu
exEt, oiov £V £uu'tql 1tllYTtv nvu evouauv 1tup6<;).

Objection 1
5, 484a5: 'Now this vital heat is not suited to the arteria as the location
of the inhaled air, especially not if respiration exists for the purpose
of refrigeration' (a'to1tov ot>v 'tn 'tou 1tVEU~U'tO<; xmp~ 'to eEp~6v, aAAro<;
'tE KUt KU'tU",u~Ero<; XaptV).
J.E Dobson: 'Now the heat seems unsuited to the space where the
breath is located, especially with a view to refrigeration'; likewise WS.
Hett 503; J. Tricot 186; A. Roselli 138. :P. Gohlke 168 has: 'Dagegen
ware die Warme fur den Sitz der Lebensluft unangebracht, zumal wenn
diese der Abkuhlung dienen solI.'
This sentence poses a number of difficulties. The word ot>v suggests
that a conclusion is drawn from the foregoing, which also talks about
the vital heat. But no specific location of this heat is indicated there,
but rather the entire visible body is identified as being pervaded by
it. On the other hand we read in 2, 481 b 12 that the 'concoction' of
the inhaled air was situated by 'Aristogenes' and his supporters in the
lungs and in the arteria. In their view, this means not that an indepen-
dent principle of heat is situated in the lungs, but that the inhaled air
is heated by the movement of <the lungs> Ems DJ; most mss read 'tou
1tVEUJ,lU'tO<;!]. We should therefore consider whether perhaps the same
mistake has been made here and that our text has 1tVEUJ,lU'tO<;, whereas
ltVEU~OVO<; is to be preferred.
Also, Plato in Tim. 70 c-d expressly mentions the lungs as a cushion
that serves to cool the heart. C( Tim. 70d 1: ",uxouau, d5: avu",uxo~EVll
and 78e5: avu",uxo~EV(p. To identifY the lungs as the location of the vital
heat is to combine, as it were, a fridge and a central-heating boiler.
But we could also say that 484a3 has in any case mentioned the
arteria too, and according to 'Aristogenes' the arteria was the only loca-
tion containing pneuma (5, 483a12; aI8). We could retain the reading
1tVEl)J,lCl'tO<;, if we assume that Aristotle here is criticizing the combina-
tion of vital heat -with pneuma in the arteria, because he knows that this

respiration also has a cooling function. According to Aristotle, it makes

more sense to situate the vital heat, too, in the heart.

5, 484a6: 'But if the vital heat is the producing agent and kindles life,
as it were, through heat, it would be possible' (Ei 6E 7tOtEl Kat oIov
avaSO)1tUpEl 8EPJ..u$ 'to 8EPJlOV, Y1YVOt't' a.v).
It is unclear here what the subject is of 7tOtEl Kat avaSO)1tUPEl.].£
Dobson suggests 'the living creature': 'but if the animal produces and
as it were re-kindles the heat by heat from without, then there may
well be heat there.' Likewise WS. Hett 503,]. Tricot 186. 'P. Gohlke
opts for 'Die Lebensluft'. A. Roselli 138 probably does too.
But we should also consider here that Aristotle in 2, 481 b 12-15
seemed to be saying that 'the movement of the air heats the inhaled
air (, which is cold).'
Another possibility is that 'to 8EPJlOV is the subject of 7tOtEl Kat
avasro7tUpEl! In that case Aristotle casually introduces here his own
concept of 'to 8EPJ.lOV 'to EpyaSoJ.lEvoV, which he sets out at length in
chap. 9. We can compare the remark in 2, 481 b4: 'If this is the case,
the vital heat is probably the cause of concoction.' In that case the vital
heat does not serve the purpose of cooling but the production of the
new living creature. The brooding of eggs is a good example of this.

5, 484a7: 'and kindles life' (avaSro7tupci).

According to H. Bonitz, Index, this verb occurs only here in the
Corpus. But the idea is soundly Aristotelian. Cr. Resp. 8, 47 4b 10-13
'nature has set it aglow' en qnlGt~ EJ,L7tE7tllPEUKEV au'tTlv), and 16, 478a28:
'all animals by nature need refrigeration on account of the heat which
ignites the soul in the heart' (Ka'ta'I"l~Ero~ J.lEV o-ov 'ti 'tffiv sciJrov
()El'tat 'ti q>UGt~ 6Ul 'tlW EV 'tTI Kap61~ 'tn~ 'l'uxn<; EJl7tUPEUGtV). See also
IUD. 4, 469b6-1 7. The subject there is also the GUJ,Lq>u'tov 8EpJ,Lo't'l1'ta
q>ucnldlv (b7). And 'it works upon ... and concocts all the food through
the natural heat' (EpyaSE'tat ... Kat 7tE't'tEt 'tiP q>UGtKiP 8EPJ,LiP 't~V 'tpoq>n v
mlv'ta ...) (b 11); and 'tn~ 'l'uxn~ EJ.l7tE7tUPEUJlEV'l1~EV 'tOl~ J.lOp10t~ 'tOU'tOl<;
(i.e. the heart), in b 15. There Aristotle even says explicitly that the soul
is 'ignited' by the vital heat. Thus we can translate avasro7tUPEl in our
text as 'to kindle life'. Cr. also EA. III 7, 670a23-25: 'The heart and
the liver are necessary for all animals. The heart is necessary because
it is the origin of heat; for there must be a kind of hearth, in which
the source of fire can reside; it needs to be well protected, because it
forms, as it were, the citadel of the body' (Kapoia JlEV oilv Kat n7tap

1tCt<HV uvayKCllu 'tol<; ~cPOl<;, n

IlEV oUI 'tllv 't11<; 8EPIlO't11'to<; uPXTlv (oEl
ya.p dvai nva otov E<ntaV, EV Tt KElcrE'tat 'til<; q:rUcrEOO<; 'to ~OO1tUPOUV,
Kat 'toiho Euqn,>A.aK'toV, rocr1tEP UKp01toAt<; ...).

Objection 2
5, 484a7: 'Moreover, what about the maintenance of all living creatures
that possess this innate vital heat, if there is no opposite, nor anything
that cools?' (En 7t<xv"[(ov 'tmv EXOV'tOOV 8EPllo't11'tCl crull<PU'tOV 1tOO<; 'ti ~hClllovft
IlTlOEVO<; uvnKEtllEVOU 1l110E Ku'talJfUXov'to<;;)
A soundly Aristotelian viewpoint is put forward here, presumably
as a second objection to the view of others. W Jaeger has therefore
rightly turned the sentence into a question by reading 1tm<;. Neither].E
Dobson nor WS. Hett 503 has adopted this proposal. Hence Dobson
arrives at a nonsensical translation: 'Besides this, permanence is in a
sense natural to all things which have warmth, provided that nothing
resists or cools it.' :P. Gohlke 168 does acceptJaeger's reading. A. Roselli
138 correctly has: 'E ancora, come possono conservarsi tutti gli esseri
dotati di calore naturale, se non c'e nulla che si opponga ad esso e che
raffredi?' In that case the comma after OtallOVTt can be omitted.
The need for an opposing force against the vital heat, i.e. refrig-
eration by respiration or something analogous, is argued at length by
Aristotle in Resp. 9-13. In G.A. 11 I, 732b32 the lungs are called 'the
limiter of the natural heat' ('t11<; oE 8EPllo'tTl'tO<; 't11<; <pucrtK1l<; opo<;) for
blooded animals.
For this problem of what is opposite to the vital heat, cf. also Long.
3, 465b 1-32 and Iuv. 5, 469b26-6, 470b5.

5, 484a9: 'For it is clear, I think, that all living creatures need refrigera-
tion' (on yap 1tCxv'ta oEl'tat Ku'talJfu~Eoo<;, crXEoov <pUVEpOV).
At the suggestion ofD. Holwerda (October 17,2005) we read a full
stop after <pavEpov. The connection with the next sentence is based on a
conjecture by W.Jaeger. But after crXEOov, which H. Bonitz describes as
'modeste offirmantis', we would not expect a new proof to be furnished.

5, 484alO: 'The blood [in their view] retains the vital heat in the veins
and shelters it as it were' (To atlla Ka'tEXEtV EV 'tn <pA.€~t 'to 8€PlloV otov
W. Jaeger has combined two different readings of the manuscripts,
viz. 'to and 'tiP, into 'tiP 'to. But this is far from obvious.

5, 484all: 'Hence it [the blood], when it flows out, also lets [the
heat] go and the animal dies, because the liver has no arteria' «ho lCat
(hav EKpufl, JlE8tEVat lCat 8VnalCEtV t'tip to ~nap oine EX EtV OUOEJllav
Cr. B.A. VII 10, 587a16: 'the embryo dies when the blood has flowed
out' (ano8vrlalCEt tOU atJlato<; EKpuEVtO<; to EJl~PUOV) and 587a19: 'often
a baby seems to have been born dead, when ... the blood has flowed out
to the umbilical area' (noAAUlCt<; 0' EOO~E tE8vEO<; tllCtEa8at to natOlov
Otuv ... to utJla E~OO d<; tOV OJl<PUAOV lCat to nEpt~ tUXll E~EPPUTllCO<;). Cr.
also HA. I 4, 489a20: 'moisture, and if the animal is deprived of the
same ... death ensues' (i>ypotTlta ... ~<; atEptOKOJlEVOV ... <p8EiPEtUt).
The subject of ElCpufl is doubtless 'the blood'. Of 8VnalCEtV most
probably 'the living creature'. ].F. Dobson translates: 'when the blood
has flowed out it loses its heat, and the creature dies, through the liver
having no air-duct.' W.S. Hett 505 corrects to some extent: 'So too
when it flows out, the animal loses its heat and dies, because the liver
has no air-duct.'
Aristotle is probably thinking of an arterial haemorrhage. This bleed-
ing is fatal, because the vital heat, which is present in the blood (from
the very first growth processes), also disappears.
The second half of the sentence is highly problematical. Because it
mentions 'the liver', scholars have made various proposals linking up
with the statement in our text that there are no arteriai in the liver, and
that the liver therefore can only receive vital heat via the blood. Thus
].F. Dobson and]. Tricot 186. Perhaps we should delete tip here and see
the end of the sentence as an independent statement about the liver.
In P.A. III 4, 666a28 Aristotle says of the liver: 'Nor does it have
a receptacle for blood like the heart: as in the other viscera, it is con-
tained in a vein. Moreover, a vein extends through it ...' Cf. B.A. I 17,
496b 16-34 with 496b29: 'Again, the liver is attached to the great vein,
but it has no communication with the aorta' (npoanE<pulCE oe tfl JlEyuAU
<pA.E~t to ~nup, tfl 0' aoptU ou lCotVOOVEt). However, the manuscript
reading here is: 'it has no communication with the arteria! (The same
textproblem in B.A. III 1, 510a30). These textproblems were brought
to our attention by Patrick MacFarlane.
PI. Tim. 71 f[ describes the liver, but says only of the spleen that it
is 'hollow and bloodless' (72dl). According to Tim. 71 b3, 'the power
of thoughts which come from the mind' do reach the liver.

[Problems relating to the nutrition of bones, sinews, and the flesh

of living creatures}

6, 484a 14: 'Does the semen pass through the arteria and is it also com-
pressed, and does this happen only in emission?' (TIon:pov OE 'to <mep/la
3u1 'tile; ap'tllpiae; me; Kat O"UVeAl~O/l£VOV, Kat EV 'tn 1tpoeO"El /lOVOV;)
J.E Dobson translates: 'Does the seed pass through the air-duct? Is its
passage due also to pressure, and does it take place only in process of
emission?,' adding in a note: 'There seems to be no connexion between
this and what has gone before; we must assume a lacuna,' as W Jaeger
had also remarked in his critical apparatus. P Gohlke 168: 'Geht der
Same durch die Luftader, urn dort zusammengepresst zu werden und
erst im Erguss sich zu entfalten?' He notes on p. 197: 'Der erste Satz
des Kapitels ist eine einzeln stehende Notiz.' A. Roselli 108 indicates
a lacuna after this sentence.
We must concede to the translators that the question is very unex-
pected. There is nevertheless a possible connection in the fact that the
preceding sentence talks about the arteria.
This passage, at the beginning of chap. 6, is again evidence that the
term arteria belongs to the system of Aristode's opponents.
The author now seems to raise a question connected with this subject.
Does the movement of the vital breath in the arteria, as the source of
all vital processes, perhaps also explain the production of semen, and
in particular its emission? It is worth considering that Plato in the Tim.
also connects the respiratory process with the distribution of the 'life-
generating marrow': 77d2: 'They placed the seminal marrow between
them, in order that it might thrive best. Moreover, the flow to the
other parts would pass off smoothly from there ... , which was to effect
a regular irrigation' (Kat 'tOY YOV1/lOV /l£'ta~u Aa~oV't£e; /lUEAOV, '{va
o{noe; 't£ott /laA10"'ta SaAAOl, Kat E1tt 'tiiAAa dSpoue; EV'tEUSEV ... 1tapexOl
't1)v uopdav OJ..laATtv). C( 73b2 ff But even more explicidy in 91a4:
'In the channel which receives the drink that ends up in the bladder
via the lungs under the kidneys, and which partly by pressure of the
air discharges the drink, the gods drilled a hole to the marrow' ('tllv
'tou 1to'tou ole~ooov, Tt 01<1 'tou 1tAd)llovo<; 'to 1t(J)/la uno 'tou<; VE<ppOU<;
142 DESPJRln·

d~ 'tT,V Kucrnv EASov KUt 'tip 1tVEUJlUn 8AUp8EV crUVEK1tEJl1tEt bEXOJlEVTt,

cruvE'tPTlcrav) and 91 b2: 'Because it is ensouled and finds an outlet
here, it has created, in the part by which it can escape, a lively desire
for emission and has thus produced an urge to procreate' (6 bE, ch'
EJl\lfUXO<; WV KUt Aa~cOv uva1tvo~v, 'tou8' n1tEp UVE1tVEUcrEV, ... 'tou 1'Ewav
EpOl'ta U1tE'tEAEcrEV). In G.A. 11 4, 737b29-30 Aristotle states that the
semen goes to its appropriate place 'without the exertion of any force
from the breath' (OU8EV U1to~lUSOJlEVOU 'tou 1tVEUJlU'tO<;). Here and in
b32 pneuma clearly means 'breath'. And this could be criticism of the
passage in PI. Tim.
cruv8A1'V1<; seems to derive from the philosophy of Democritus. Cr.
Resp. 4, 471b30-472b5, which sets out his theory of respiration. Accord-
ing to this theory, inhalation is a means by which a living creature
withstands the 'pressure' (cruv8A1\lf1~) which the atmosphere exerts on
the small, circular soul-atoms. Owing to this pressure, the soul-atoms
leave the living creature unless inhalation provides counter-pressure:
'Democritus states that respiration serves a certain purpose in animals
that respire; he alleges that it prevents the soul from being crushed out'
(transI. WS. Hett) (~TlJlOKP1't0<; b' on JlEV EK 'tn~ UVU1tVon<; crUJl~UlVE1
n 'tOt~ UVU1tVEOUcr1 AE1'E1, <pacrKOlv KOlAUEtV EK8Al~Ecr8u1 't1lV \lfUXTW).
Cr. also 472a5: 'So he contends that when these particles are being
separated out by the pressure of the surrounding air, breathing inter-
venes to help them' (EKKP1VOJlEVOlV o-ov au'toov 1mo 'tou 1tEP1EXOV'tO<;
EK8Al~ov't0~, ~oft8EtuV 1'lvEcr8at 'tT,V UVU1tvoftv <PTlcr1v-text WD. Ross
1955). 472a12: 'relieving the pressure prevents the soul which is in the
animal from passing out' (uvEip1'ov'tu 't1lV 8Al\lf1V KOlAUEtV 'tT,V Evouauv
EV 'tOt<; SePOt<; bUEVUt \lfUxftv). 472a9: 'the pressure of the surrounding
air' ('to 1tEptEXoV ()UV8At~OV). 472a15: 'owing to the pressure of the
surrounding air' (EK 'tn~ 'tou 1tEP1EXOV't0<; EK8Al\lfEffi<;). 472a25; 472b 1:
'to check the compression' (KffiA,UEtV 'tT,v cruv8A1\lftV). Plato has 8Al~0)
only in Tim. 60c4 and 91 a6, and cruv8Al~0) only in Tim. 92a 1.

6, 484a15: 'emission' (1tpOEcrt<;).

This is a term which Aristotle often uses to designate the clischarge
of semen, urine, menstrual fluid etc. cr G.A. I 20, 728bl5; 728a10:
'the fact that not only semen is discharged, but also pneuma, which
brings about the emission by compressing itself' ('tou <J1tEPJlU'tO<;
1tpotEJlEVOU ... uAJ... a KUt 1tVE1)JlU'toC; ... U1tO<J1tEPJlU'tlSEt). IV 1, 765b20;
8, 776b27-28.

6, 484a16: 'So the <bones> also show the change from blood' (EV ot<;
D~ <paiVE'tat Kat Tt E~'to<; J.lE'ta~oA").
W Jaeger remarked that this sentence has no connection with the
previous one. J.F Dobson and A. Roselli 109 assume a lacuna between
/lovov and EV ot<;.
According to Aristotle, however, semen is a high-quality residue of
the concoction of blood, and as such an example of the 'change from
blood'. Cf. Resp. 20, 479b29 for this expression. But for Aristotle's
opponents semen is produced by the fertilizing marrow and does not
result from the transformation of blood.
According to Aristotle, bones and sinews, too, are parts of the visible
body which are not simply nourished by blood, but are formed from
residues: cf. G.A. II 6, 744b22: 'in this way nature forms from the pur-
est matter the flesh ... and from the residues bones, sinews' (Tt <pUCH<; EK
/lEV 't11<; Kaeaponu'tll<; UAll<; oUpKa<; ..., EK 8E 'trov nEpt't'tffi/lU'tffiV oo't&.
Kat VEllpa).
An attempt to make sense of this sentence would be to read EV
<00't>01:<; 8~. The author thus takes up a new subject, to which he
devotes a large part of chap. 6 and chap. 7.

6, 484a17: 'because the sinews are nourished from the bones' ('tip 'tu
vEupa ano 'trov o<J'trov 'tpE<j>EOeat).
In 3, 482b 7 it had been said that the flow of nutrition from the
arteria 'is also distributed to the bones' (Kat Ei<; 'to ()Q"'tOUV 8ta8i80'tat).
5, 483b33 talked about the nutrition of the bones from the veins. Cf.
PI. Tim. 74d2: 'He made the nature of the sinews from a mixture of
bone and unfermented flesh' ('t~v 8E 'trov VEUpffiV <j>UOtV E~ OO'tou Kat
oapKO<; a~UJ.lou).
Perhaps 'tpE<j>EOeat means: 'owe their formation'. Cf. H.A. IllS,
5 I 5b I 7: 'the sinews are nourished by this, and we can see them being
formed out of it' (Tt 'tpE<j>E'tat Kat E~ ~<; ytv0J.lEVa <j>aivE'tat ('tu vEupa)).
Aristotle's interest in nutritive processes derives from his concentration
in this work on the anima vegetativa.

6, 484a17: 'For they are attached to them' (Ka8un'tEt yup au'tu).

See earlier 5, 483b31: 'Moreover, the bones are attached to the
sinews and the veins' (Kat 'tu oo'tEa BE Ka8un'tEtv 'tu VEupa Kat 'tU<;
<pAE~a<;). According to H. Bonitz, these are the only two examples of
a transitive use of Ka8un'tEtv in the Corpus.

6, 484aI7-18: 'For there are sinews in the heart too' (Kat yap £V tfl
Kapoi~ v£upov).
The sinews in the heart do not have any contact with bones and so
cannot receive their nutrition from the bones. The importance of this
conclusion emerges in 8, 485a7-8. See the commentary there.
er. HA. III 5, 515a27: 'The sinews of animals are arranged as fol-
lows. Their starting-point, like that of the blood vessels, is the heart:
the heart has sinews within itself, in the largest cavity, and the aorta, as
it is called, is a sinewy blood vessel' (Ta DE v£upa tOl~ ~rool~ EX£t tovO£
tOV tp01tov. 'H ~EV aPX~ Kat tOUtffiV £a'tlV a1tO tft~ Kapoia~' Kat yap EV
aut11 " Kapoia EX£t v£upa £V t11 ~£yiatn KOlAi<t Kat KaAoU~EVT\ aop~
v£upffio,,~ Eatt cpAE\V) and G.A. V 7, 787b 15: 'bulls are the most sinewy,
their heart too' (~aAlata 0' Ot taUpol v£uproO£t~, Kat" Kapoia).
It remains unclear why the heart and the aorta possess sinews. But
we can be fairly sure of Aristotle's opinion that, in this way, the pneuma
in the heart can act directly on the sinews, which effect movement.

6, 484a20: 'But this means nothing. For the food for the sinews could
still come from the bone. But would the food for these bones themselves
rather come from the sinews?' (11 tOU1:0 y' OUOEV' El" yap av OU9EV
~1:1:0V a1tO tOU oa'tou l11:pocp". aU1:ot~ 0' a1tO 1:0U V£1)POU tOt~ oatol~
~ftAAov 1:~V 1:pocp"v;)
A problem here is how the parts of this passage are to be divided
and whether the text requires correction.
].£ Dobson: 'Or does this amount to nothing, and would those wl1ich
connect the bones be nourished by the bones? But we might say, that
rather the bones themselves get their nutriment from the sinew.' He and
]. Tricot 187 turn the sentence El11 ... 1:pocp" into a question. W Jaeger
has an ordinary full stop after 1:pocp". P Gohlke 169 also reads a full
stop there and goes on to translate: 'Man sollte jedoch eher annehmen,
dass die Knochen durch die Sehnen ernahrt wiirden.' However,
A. Roselli 109 reads tpocp~ autol~ and then replaces (5' with 11, as the
beginning of a question.
The best solution, it seems to us, is to retainJaeger's text, but to add
a question mark after 1:~V 1:pocp"v.

6, 484a22: 'For this is strange too' (a:to1tov yap Kal 'toiho).

'For' is curious as a reaction to Aristotle's own suggestion. This is
possible only if we can take 'for' to indicate the reason why Aristotle
makes his suggestion. It is more natural to assume that Aristotle calls
bones rather than sinews 'dry' in 484a22.

6, 484a22: 'For bone is by nature dry and has no passages for liquid'
(~llPOV <yap> ({"uan Kal OUK fXOV 1tOPOUC; uypou).
The mss have uypouC; here. Likewise W Jaeger.].£ Dobson proposes
to read uypou.
].E Dobson, WS. Hett 505,]' Tricot 187, and ~ Gohlke 169 relate
this to the bones. But A. Roselli 139 has: 'infatti il neuron e secco e non
ha canali per i liquidi.'

6, 484a23: 'and food is liquid' (li 'tpoqrh 0' uypOv).

er. EA. Il 2, 647b25: 'Other parts which are moist serve to nourish
the heterogeneous parts: for they all owe their growth to moisture' ('to.
8£ 'tpo<p~ 'tou'tOtC; 'trov uyprov Ea'tl (1tav'ta yap E~ uypou A.aJl~aV€l 't~V

6, 484a25: 'In many bones these passages are clearly visible, particularly
those leading to the spine' (Kal EV 1tOAAOt<; Jl£V EUOTlAOt, llaAta'ta 0'
de; 't~v paxlY).
Aristotle probably discovered this visibility while dissecting corpses.
er. H.A. III 3, 5l3a20: 'and this one some call the aorta, because even
in dead bodies they have observed the sinewy part of it' (~v KaAouai
nVE<; aop't~v EK 'tou 'tE8Euo8at Kal EV 'tOt<; 'tEevEmat 'to vEUproOE<; au'tlle;
ll ptOv).
The subject here must be 1tOpOt. As regards the blood vessels, Aristo-
tle also believes that 'there run small blood vessels along each rib and
to each vertebra' ('tElvOUat 1tapa 'tE 't~v 1tAEUpaV EKao'tTlV <pA£~ta Kal
1tpOC; fKao'tov 'tOY a<povOuAov)-H.A. III 3, 5l3b29. But he certainly
does not hold this view for the arteria,

6, 484a26: 'But [in their view] the veins and arteriai leading from the
bones form a continuous whole, for instance along the ribs' ('tae; 5' a1tO
'trov O<J'trov yiv£<J9at auv£x£t<;, w<J1t£p 'tat<; 1tA£Upat<;).
Whereas the preceding passage seemed to deal with 1tOpOt in the
veins and the arteriai, Aristotle now seems to switch to 'the veins and

artmai'. But].F Dobson has proposed to read 'to\><; (iE. This is accepted
by WS. Hett 504 and]. Tricot 187, but not by A. Roselli 110. The next
sentence talks once again about 't01)'tOU<; (a27). The 1tOPOl themselves
are of course (small) veins and artmai too.
In our view, this sentence should be read in conjunction with 3
482a35, which talked about the unity of the system of blood vessel~
and air-ducts, and with 5, 483b30, which said that branches of the
aorta and the arteriai run along every rib. The continuity of the vessels
makes it impossible for them to end in the bones. In Aristotle 1tAEUpai
often stands for 'the sides'. Here, as in 5, 483b30, 7, 484bl7 and b18,
it stands for 'ribs'.

6, 484a27: 'But in what way do these passages receive their food from
the belly, or how does the drawing-in take place?' ('totnou<; 0' a1to'tTl<;
KOlAia<; 'ttva 'tp01tOV, ll1t&<; 'tll<; oAKfl<; 'Y1VO~£Vll<;;)
CC 6, 484b4: 'Moreover, how and and through what passages does
transport from the belly take place?' (E"Cl (if 1tota Kat OUl 'ttVillV 11 El(
'tTl<; KOlAia<; (itoOo<;;) The author again switches here from 'ta<; 0' to
'tou'tou<;.].F Dobson translates 'these ducts' (porOl). Likewise WS. Hett
505.]. Tricot 187: 'ces canalisations'. r Gohlke 169 reads a statement
rather than a question: 'Diese werden dann aus dem Magen irgendwie
gespeist oder wie sonst die Nahrung aufgesogen wird.' A. Roselli 139:
'questi canali'.

6, 484a29: 'not elastic (cartilaginous)' (axov(ipa).

Only here in the Corpus. Elsewhere Aristotle does use the t~rms
lmoxov(iptoV, XOVbp&(iE<;, xovbpo<;. C( EA. III 3, 664a35: EK xov(ipro<>ou<;
Gw~a'to<;: 'out of cartilage' and II 9, 655a23-655b2.
The apparent purpose of this argument is to show that bones cannot
in any way have a drawing function. Every form of attraction/drawing
is seen by Aristotle as resulting from the effect of the sinews guided by
pneuma-MA. 10, 703a4 f[ C( G.L. Duprat (1898) 310-311.

6, 484a29: 'But it does not serve the purpose of movement either' (a.AA'
oihOl 1tpo<; 'tl}v K1VllG1v).
The author of SpiT. seems to to be suggesting here that, according to
his opponents, the function of movement is made possible by nutrition
with pneuma from the artbiai. To refute this position, he will expand on
the nature and function of bones in chaps. 7 and 8 and emphasize that
not bones but sinews effect movement.

6, 484a32: 'But we say that a sinew is nourished by the sticky fluid

which surrounds it' (l1JlEts OE <pallEv EK tlls uYPOt11'tos yAtcrXpas o15cr11s
ti1s 1tEpt [to] auto).
cr Gc. 11 1, 329a24: 'But we say that there is an underlying mat-
ter of the visible bodies' CHIlEts OE <pallEv JlEV E{vat 'ttva UA11v tOW
(JOlJ.ultOlV 't&V aicr8Tlt&v). Here speaks the head of a school who is clearly
aware of his strong position. However, the head is not Erasistratus, as
A. Roselli III thinks, but the author of H.A. III 5, 515b 16: 'Round
the sinews a mucous liquid is formed, which is white and sticky; the
sinews are nourished by this and we can see them being formed out of
it' (transl. by D'Arcy W Thompson) CYypo'tl1s OE 1tEpt auto [to vEupa]
JlU~roOl1s ytVEtat, AElncll Kat KOAAroOl1s, 11 tpE<pEtat Kat E~ ~s ytvOJlEva
cpaivE'tat). cr 7, 485a2. See also G.A. 11 3, 737a36-b3: 'All bodies are
kept together by a certain elasticity. When animals grow older and
larger, sinews also acquire this elastic nature and these keep the parts
of the animals together: in some animals it is the sinews, in others their
analogue' (mlv'ta OE to crroJlata crUVEXEt to yAicrXPOV· 01tEP Kat 1tpotoucrt
Kat IlEi~o(n ytYVOJlEVOts 1) tou VE1)POU AaJl~UVEt <pucrts ll1tEP crUVEXEt
to Jlopta t&v ScPOlV, EV JlEV tOts o-ocra VEUPOV EV OE tOts to avuAoyov).
This passage is put between square brackets by A.L. Peck (1942) and
HJ. Drossaart Lulofs (1965) as being foreign to this context.

6, 484a33: ~d whence and how this fluid arises is yet to be discussed'

(1tOSEV 0' autTt Kat 1t&s, AEKtEOV).
None of the modern translators indicates whether this intention is
followed up. Yet we can certainly assume a relationship with 7, 485a 1:
'For what fastens them together is serum and mucous fluid' (Kat yap
1) 1tpOs aAAl1Aa KOAAl1crts iXrop EO'tt Kat uypot11S JlU~ro011s) as the con-
nection between bones. This also implies that the nutrient is 'blood',
but blood that has not been fully concocted.

6, 484a34: 'because blood issues from any point where it is pricked'
(o'tt 1tuvtaxo8Ev aiJla tU KEVt"crEt).
er 5, 483b16: 'for when the skin is pricked, it emits blood' ([to OE
OEpJla] fX <pAE~O<; JlEV on KEVt118EV aiJla uvaoiowcrtv).
The underlying idea is that blood keeps moving in the living creature
owing to pressure from the respiratory process. Hence this phenomenon
is an argument for the pervasive presence of both veins and artenai.

6, 484a36: 'But this is a specific feature of full-blooded animals' ('t&v

1tOAUatJ.1WV 'tou't' l~toV).
This does not include birds. C[ H.A. III 19, 520b27: 'Of blooded
animals, those which are both internally and externally viviparous have
more blood than the blooded ovipara' ("Ean ~E 'trov EVatJ,1O>v 'tau'tu
1tOAUatJ,10u:pa Kat EV au't01<; Kat E~W ~q:l0'tOKE1 'trov EVatJ,1O>V J,1EV
cP0'tOKO{wto>V ~E).

6, 484a38: 'serum issues, not blood' (iXOOp, OUX atJ,1a).

C[ H.A. III 19, 521a12: 'If it becomes too fluid, they fall ill, because
the blood becomes like serum' CE~uypatvoJ.1Evou [se. 'tou atJ,1a'to<;] Atuv
voaouatv' ytVE'tat yap iXO>POEt~E<;) and a17: 'Blood is formed by a pro-
cess of concoction from serum, and likewise fat from blood' (ftVE'tat oE
1tE't'tOJ,1EVOV E~ iXropo<; J.1EV atJ,1a, E~ atJ,1a'to<; ~E 1ttJ.1EAll), 521 b2: 'Serum is
blood that has not been (sufficiently) concocted' (ixoop ~' Ea'tt,V U1tE1t'tOV
atJ.1a). C[ 8, 485a 1 and H.A. III 2, 511 b2: 'blood and veins, and also
their analogues, serum and fibres' ('to atlla Kat ... <pAE~E<; ... E1tEt'ta ~E
'to avaAoyov 'tOU'tOt<;, ixoop Kat tVE<;).

6, 484a38: 'But Empedocles assumes that nails are formed from sinews,
by a process of hardening' CEJ,11tEOOKAll<; oE EK VEUpOU 'tOY ovuXa 't11
C[ Empedocles, Diels-Kranz 31 A 78 = Aetius V 21, 1: 'the nails
of animals were formed from sinews, when they came together with
air and were cooled' ('to\><; ~E ovuXa<; 't01<; ~~Ot<; YEvvaa8at 'tow VEUpo>V
Ka8' 0 'tep UEpt auvE'tuXE 1tEPt\l1uX8Ev'tO>v). So the 'process of hardel1ing'
is said to occur when the external parts of the visible body are cooled.
The question which Aristotle connects with this in SpiT. 6, 484b 1: 'Is
the relation of skin to flesh the same?' pursues this train of thought.
The difference between flesh and skin is also to be explained as a result
of cooling and hardening.
C[ by way of contrast EA. 11 9, 655b2: 'The following parts feel
almost like bones: nails, hooves, claws, horns, and the beaks of birds'
(auvEyyu<; oE Ka'ta 'tT1v a<Pllv Ean 't01<; C)(J't01<; Kat 'to. 'totaOE 'tcOV J,10pto>v
oiov OVUXE<; 'tE Kat (>7tAat Kat XT\ Kat KEpa'ta Kat PUYXT\ 'to. 'tcOv

6, 484b 1: 'But how is it possible for shellfish and crustaceans ... ' (aAAa
tOl~ 6(Hp(l1(Q0£PIlOt~ Kat llaA(l1(o<JtpaKOt~).
Here, as at the end of chap. 2 (482a7-27), Aristotle discusses the
group of animals not possessing a respiratory system. Again it is impor-
tant to notice the order in which the subject is treated: 5, 483b 1-3:
insects; 5, 483a33-34: fishes; and here shellfish and crustaceans.
For the description of these kinds, cf. H.A. IV 1, 523b5-8: 'These
have their hard part on the outside, and the soft fleshy part inside. This
hard substance cannot be broken by a clean crack; it has to be crushed'
(transl. by A.L. Peck) (tauta 0' £<JttV o<J(Ov EKtO~ to <Jt£p£ov, £vto~ OE
to llaAaKOV Kat <JapKmO£~' to OE <JKAllPOV autmv £<JtlV OU 8pau<Jtov
aAAa 8Aa<Jtov) and 523b8-12.

6, 484b2: 'how is it possible ... that nutrition takes place from outside
by means of respiration? It seems on the contrary that it takes place
from inside rather than outside' (1tm~ a1to tmv £KtO~ ~ tpoq)'),; touvavttov
yap OOK£t llaAAOV a1tO tmv EVtO~ 11 tWV £KtOC;).
].E Dobson translates the words soundly enough, but it is unclear
what meaning he assigns to them: 'But how can hard and soft-shelled
creatures get their nutriment from outside? On the contrary it seems
that they get it from inside rather than out.' Likewise WS. Hett 507;
P Gohlke 170;]. Tricot 188. But the latter notes by way of explana-
tion: 'Rappelons qu'il s'agit de la nourriture des nerfs.'
A. Roselli 112-113 does not agree with him. In her view, the author
wants to underline that the theory of nutrition centring on respiration
cannot be applied to animals without respiration.
The issue here being how various parts of living creatures get their
nutrition, Aristotle's criticism is likely to relate to the fact that, for the
distribution of food throughout the living creature, his opponents attach
crucial significance to respiration and the introduction of pneuma from

6, 484b4-5: 'Moreover, how and through what passages does transport
from the belly take place? And, next, how do they bend back to the
flesh?' (En Oe 7tota Kat OtU 'ttVWV EK tile; KOlAtae; 8toOoe;; Kat 7taAtv
n EK£lVWV ava<J'tpocpl, 7tpOe; tl)V crapKa;)

J.F Dobson has here: ~gain, how and by what course does the pas-
sage of foods from the belly take place, and again their return into
the form of flesh ... ' Likewise VV.S. Hett 507; P Gohlke 170; J. Tricot
Apparently the plural 'foods' in Dobson and Hett is meant to do
justice to EKElvrov. But EKElvrov here must refer to the passages for food
and the vital breath, which are distributed together throughout the living
creature according to the theory of Aristotle's opponents.
It might seem that 5, 483a18-22 had already answered the ques-
tion 8Ul 'tivrov asked here: there is a passage along the loins. But the
question here relates to the 'transport from the belly' (it EK 'tfl~ KOtAia~

6, 484b7: 'Is this then food for some animals and something else for
others, and is the blood not food for all? But the other parts are nour-
ished from it' (&:pa yE aAAOt~ aAAll 'tPO<PT1 Kat OU 1tacrt 'tPO<PT1 'to al/la;
1tAT1V EK 'tou'tou 't&AAa).
J.F Dobson has: 'Do different things, then, have different nutriment,
not all things being nourished by the blood except indirectly?' WS.
Hett 507 translates the final words as: 'and it is not blood in all cases;
and yet the other forms are derived from blood.' P Gohlke 170 is strik-
ing: 'Haben die einzelnen Glieder ihre besondere Nahrung und doch
nicht alle aus dem Blute? Vielleicht entstehen die andern Nahrstoffe
nur aus dem Blute.' But in that case the text would have to read EK
'tou'tou ai aAAat.
J. Tricot 188 is different again: 'La nourriture est donc, de t9 ute
fac;on, differente pour des etres differents, et le sang n'est pas une nour-
riture universelle, sinon indirectement.' A. Roselli 139 also has: 'diverso
in animali diversi'. But she translates the final words as: 'ma da qui
scaturiscono le altre considerazioni che si sono gia fatte.'
The conclusion here is similar to the one at the end of chap. 2,
482a24-25: 'so that the method is either not the same for all, or
the other living creatures with respiration are also nourished and
increase by means of ordinary food.' (ro~ OUX o~oiro~ 1ta01V, 11 KUKEtVU
bllX tT1v 'tpo<pil~). See also 2, 482al0-ll and 8, 485all-12 (with
Aristoteles had already said in 1, 481 a 12: 'blood is food in its last
phase, which is the same for all living creatures' (to yap ut/la it EOxCt'tl1
'tpO<Pll Kat it aU'tT11tacrtv).

With regard to chap. 6 we must conclude that the transitions in the

author's train of thought are the hardest to grasp here. It is unclear
how many of the questions which remain open are due to the text's
poor condition.

[The various jUTl£tions of the bones]

7, 484b9: 'We therefore need to consider whether bones ...' (T'hv 'trov
oO''trov <p\>O'tV apa O'KE1t'tEOV).
C£ EA. 11 9, 654a32: 'The nature of bones and that of veins are
similar' CEXEt 8' OJlOlffi<; 11 'tE 'tmv oO''tO>V Kat it 'trov <pAE~O>V <p\>O't<;). Why
does this subject have to be discussed now? It seems rather capricious.
The previous chapter seemed mainly concerned with how bones and
sinews are nourished. The opponents appeared to argue that the bones
are nourished directly from the arteriai and the blood vessels, with the
suggestion that this is necessary for the locomotion of living creatures.
Sinews, on the other hand, are not. They receive their nutrition from
the bones. It was also noted that sinews cannot contain pneuma (5,
483b 13). But 6, 484a29 also mentioned the spine, commenting that it
does not have a motor function.
But Aristotle is clear that sinews cause the movement of the bones,
directly acted upon by pneuma. This seems to be the reason why he
now inquires whether the bones are used for movement or not. His
conclusion will be that the bones are not directly guided by pneuma, as
his opponents seem to claim. For the heart and the belly, too, are in
motion. And they do not have bones, but they do have sinews!
apa seems motivated by 484a29 and everything that was said about
sinews in chap. 6.
Chap. 7 is inspired throughout by Pi. Tim. 73b-76e6.

7, 484b 10: 'for support' (1tpo<; £pEl(~Jla).

C£ 484b14 and EA. II 9, 655a10, IV 10, 689b16-19: 'four legs'
('tE't'to.PffiV EPEtO'Jlo.'tffiV), H.A. IV 7, 532b3; EA. II 9, 655a25 and PI.
Tim. 91 e6-8: 'their front limbs ... were drawn to the ground and
they rested these parts on the ground' ('to. 't' EJl1tpOO'eta KroAa d<;
yilv EAKoIlEva ... TlPEtO'av).

7, 484b 10: 'as a protective covering' (1tpo<; 'to O''teYEtv Kal1tEptExEtv).

See also b 15. The focus here is on one function of bones, that of 'pro-
tective covering'. C£ Meteor. I 14, 352b8: Mountainous districts ... catch,
154 DESPIRlnr

contain and produce most water' ((01 inVllAol 't01tOt) 1tAElcr'tov Ubrop KUt
cr'tEyoucrtv Kal1tolOucrtv). Probl. VIII 19, 889a 11. In 5, 484a 11 we already
had U1tOcr'tE)'OV. Cf. PI. Tim. 73d7: 'a bone covering' (cr'tE)'UcrJ,lU ...

7, 484b 10: 'and moreover whether some of them are a kind of origin'
(En b' El rocr1tEP upxat Evta).
].E Dobson: 'and further, whether some bones are as it were origina-
tors of motion.' Likewise WS. Hett 507 and]. Tricot 189. ~ Gohlke
170 has: 'Ferner erhebt sich die Frage, ob einige Knochen etwa die
Bedeutung eines Drehpunktes haben.' A. Roselli 140 is more precise:
'e ancora se alcune sono come principi.'
There is no reason to take apxat as 'principles of movement'. Accord-
ing to Aristotle, the axis of the universe, to which the next sentence
refers, is not a principle of movement either (cf. MA. 3, 699a20-22).
A. Roselli 114 points out that Plato attached great importance to the
brain and the spine.
However, Aristotle does regard some parts as 'more fundamental'
than others. Cf. LA. 5, 706b 11: 'It is logical for the starting-points also
to be in these parts, for a starting-point is valuable' (d)AO)'ro~ bE Kat ai
upxat EicrtV U1tO 'tOUtrov 'tmv '.lOptroV. 'H J,lEV )'up apXTt 'ttJ,ltOv).

7, 484b 11: 'like the celestial axis (in the cosmos)' (K<x8&1tEP 0 1tOAo~).
].E Dobson: 'like the axis of the universe'; likewise WS. Hett 507
and]. Tricot 189, with reference to PI. Tim. 40cl: 'the axis through all
things' ('tov btu 1t<Xv'to~ 1toA.ov 'tE't<XJ,lEVOV) and Arist. Cael. II 13, 289930
[this should be read as: 293b31]; A. Roselli 140: 'come il polo'. The
remark does not seem to represent Aristotle's own view, but is prob-
ably a reference to Plato's Timaeus. In Tim. 73d6 Plato notes that the
entire human body was constructed around the spine. Aristotle talks
about 'polar points' (1tOAOt) in the plural in MA. 3, 699a20; 24; 30;
Mund. 2, 391b19; b25 and 392a2-3. And his criticism of the mythical
figure Atlas being interpreted as the celestial axis (bt&J,lE'tpO~) in MA.
3, 699a27-b11 and Cael. II 1, 284a18-35 is found in a context where
Plato's theory of the World Soul is disputed. In Mund. 2, 391 b26 the
term 'axis' (&~rov) is used for 'celestial axis'.

7, 484b 11: 'By "for movement" I mean for instance the bone of a foot,
or a hand' (AEYro bE 1tpO~ IlEV KtVllcrtv, otov 1tobo~ 11 xEtp6<;).

Dobson: 'By motion I mean, e.g., that of the foot, the hand';
J. Tricot 189: )'entends, par exemple, le mouvement du pied ou de
la main.'
But we should consider that the question is not whether the foot is
used for movement but whether 'the bone of the foot' is used for move-
ment. A foot and an arm are much more than bone(s). A. Roselli 140
correctly has: 'come nel caso delle ossa del piede 0 della mano.'

7, 484b 12: 'both the movement of bending and locomotion' (OJ.l0lffi<;

tT,v tE Kall1t'ttKl,V Kat tT,V Kata t01tov).
er. PI. Tim. 74a6: 'to make movement and bending possible'
(KlvTtOEffi<; Kat Kall'VEffi<; EVEKa).

7, 484b13: 'For the latter is impossible without bending' (oubE yap tT,V
t01tlKl,V otov tE livED KaJ.l'VEffi<;).
cc l.A. 9, 708b26 f[: 'But without bending, it would be impossible
to walk, swim, or fly' ('AA:A&. IlT,V Kall'VEro<; yE Ill, ou01l<; OUt' av 1topEia
OUtE VE'\>Ol<; OUtE 1tt1l01<; nv). Repeated in 12, 711 a8-1 O.

7, 484b 14: 'The legs (the "supporting parts"), we can say, belong to
these as well' (oXEbOV bE Kat to. EpEiollata EV tOUtOt<;).
J.£ Dobson: 'and usually the supporting functions belong to these
same bones'; WS. Hett 507 and A. Roselli 140 are comparable. But
~ Gohlke 170 has: 'Dabei bedarf man auch der Stiitzen.'
By to. EpEiollutU Aristotle means specifically the legs. Though these
serve to support the body of the living creature when they are not
moving, in many cases the same legs also have a locomotive function
(with shellfish as an exception, witness 8, 485a21-22).

7, 484b 15: 'But bones also serve as a protective covering' (tl,v bE tau
otEyEtV KUl1tEptEXElv).
A. Roselli 114 remarks on tT,V bE: sc. XpEiuv (?). But this word does
not occur before 484b23.
Modern translators offer very free renderings here. In our view, <pUOlv
from 484b9 needs to be added. The line of reasoning is: tllv tmv ootmv
<pU01V ... OKE1ttEov (a). The first option is indicated in 484b 11: AEYffi OE
1tpo<; J.lEV KlVl101V (b). Then 'the support' (c). Then in 484b15: tT,v bE
tou OtEyEtV Kat 1tEptEXEtV (tmv ootmv <puotV) (d).
PI. Tim. 73d7 calls the spine a 'covering' (OtEyaolla) for the spinal

7, 484b 16: 'and those who regard the marrow as the origin, as is well
known, assign the same function to the spine' (Kat oaOl Bit 'tOY IlUEAOv
J.E Dobson: 'and those who make the marrow the originator of
motion treat the bones as primarily meant to protect it.' Likewise W.S.
Hett 507; J. Tricot 189. ll. Gohlke 170 has: coder auch die Markkno-
chen', as if the text reads oaa. A. Roselli 114--115 reconstructs this text
by cutting lines 484b20 and 21 in two and pasting them on either side
of this clause. But this lacks any foundation.
It is clear that the author of SpiT. is thinking and writing here in a
very elliptical and telegram-like style. The thrust of the passage must
be: 'and all those who regard the marrow as a principle [assign this
function to the spine].' Again the primary reference is probably to PI.
Tim. 73b f[: 'They all owe their existence to the formation of the mar-
row' ('tou'tOt~ aUIl1tacHV apxit IlEv " 'tOl) IlUEAOU YEvEat~), as Dobson
rightly notes.

7, 484bI6-17: 'And the ribs are for enclosing' (at BE 1tAEUpat 'tot)
aUYKAElEtV). CC b18: 'to which the ribs are attached for the purpose
of enclosing' (aq>' ~~ Kat at 1tAEUpat 1tpO~ 'titv aUYKAEtatV).
A. Roselli 140: ~le costole hanno la funzione di racchiudere.'
By way of explanation we can cite EA. 11 9, 654b32: 'Thus we find
all the fleshy parts, with one exception, supported by bones, which serve,
when the parts are organs of motion, to facilitate flexure, and, when
the parts are motionless, act as a protection. The ribs, for example,
which enclose the chest are intend to ensure the safety of the heart find
neighbouring viscera' (transI. by W Ogle) ('tOt~ IlEV oilv a.AAOt~ U1tEa'ttV
oa'tCt 'tOt~ aapKrooEat I..LOpiot~, 'tOt~ IlEV KtVOUIlEVOt~ Bux KUIl\VtV 'tou'tou
XUptV, 'tOt~ B' aKtvft'tOt~ q>uAa1cil~ EVEKEV, otov at aUYKAEiouaat 1tAEupat
'to a'tlleo~ aro'tTlpia~ XUPlV 'tmv 1tEpt tTtv KapBiav a1tAuyxvroV).

7, 484b17: 'The primary and stable factor is the spine' (apxit BE Kat
IlEVOV ,; PUXt~).
Mter illustrating the various functions of bones with examples, as
announced in 484b9-10, he now addresses the second question, men-
tioned in 484b 11: what is primary in the osseous system? See EA. II
9, 654b 11: 'The origin of blood is the heart, that of the bones ... the
so-called backbone; the other bones form a coherent whole which starts
there' (i\.pxit BE 'tmv JlEV q>AE~mv " K<X.pOta, 'tIDV B' oa'tIDV ,; K<X.AoullEvll
paXt~ ... aq>' ~~ auvExit~ ,; 'tIDV aAArov oa'tIDv fan <puat~). He connects

this with his theory from MA. 1, 698a 15: 'movement proves impossible
if there is nothing at rest' (aBuva'tov KlVE1cr8al J,lTlBEVOC; TtPEJ,lOUV'tOC;)
and 4, 700a6-11; 6, 700b35-701al; 10, 703a4-6. See also lA. 12,
711al0, to which A. Roselli 115 refers, and 9, 708b21.

7, 484b20: 'Some therefore find the origin here, in the spinal marrow
and the brain' (EV <p Bil Kat 'tilv apxilv EVtOl 'tov 'tE paXl'tTlv Kat 'tOY
].£ Dobson's translation is in line with his translation of apxai in
484b 11, but nonsensical: 'under which head some class the originator
of motion; i.e. the spinal marrow and the brain.' Similarly WS. Hett
509 and]. Tricot 189. ~ Gohlke 170: 'In Wirbelsaule und Gehirn sehen
manche den Lebensquell.' A. Roselli 115 deletes this sentence here and
splits it into two parts, which she inserts in b 16 and b 17.
The author had announced an inquiry into the origin or origins of
the osseous system (484bll). He then identified the spine as arche in
b 17. Here he adds that the final cause, too, can always be identified in
living creatures, and it always has an arche too. Plato and his supporters
find this primary final principle in the brain and the spinal marrow
(Tim. 73b-d). In their view, therefore, the spine does not function as the
principle of the osseous system, but serves to protect the marrow.
In G.A. II 4, 740a 1-21 Aristotle states that the heart functions as the
origin of a new living creature.

7, 484b21: 'the spinal marrow' ('tov PaXl'tTlv).

Elsewhere in the Corpus only in EA. II 6 and 7. In II 7 Aristotle
discusses the relation between brain and spinal marrow and disputes
Plato's view that the two form a unity (Tzm. 73c) and that the brain is
the origin of the marrow (II 7, 652a25). This suggests that we should
search for a relationship with Plato's theory in this text too.

7, 484b22: 'for joining' (E1tlcruva<pftc; ... XUplV).

C£ 6, 484a30: 'for connecting' (crUVU'VECOC; xaplv).

7, 484b22: 'for joining and enclosing, like the collar-bone. Perhaps its
name (key-bone) derives from this' (E7ttcruva<pftc; Kat crUyKAetcrECOC; Xaptv,
otov Tt KA..E1C;, 08EV tococ; Kat 'touvoJ,la).
Cf. H.A. I 13, 493a22: ~s a brace for the rear parts is the pe1vis-
indeed this circumstance provides its name osphys: as we can see, it is
symmetrical (isophyues) , (trans!. by A.L. Peck) ('tIDV 0' o1tlo8EV Ot<xsrolla
IlEV Tt oO<pUC; (o8£v Kat 'touvolla EX£!' 00K£1 yap dval iOOq)'UE<;)).

7, 484b28: 'for turning' (EV£KCl 'tTt~ O"'tpoq>Tt~).

I. Bekker has rightly corrected the reading 'tpoq>Tt~ of the mss.

7, 484b31: 'if there were not two radii functioning in the lower leg' (£i
Ill, Buo at EV 'tU KVTW,TI KEpK1BE~).
The Greek text of WJaeger has Ktvl1O"€l in stead of K'V'l1IlTI·J.£ Dob-
son: 'if there were not the two radii which are used in these motions.'
Likewise W.S. Hett 509 and J. Tricot 190. A. Roselli reads with ms Z:
at EV 'tU K'V'l1JlTI KEpK1BE~. P Gohlke 171 also translates: 'wenn nicht
zwei Knochen im Unterschenkel sich beHinden.'
Cr. 7, 484b28 on the radius in the forearm.

7, 484b31: Just so we should consider for the other bones, for instance
the movement of the neck, whether this is one bone' (fficrau'tm~ BE Kat
'ta lfAAa (JKE1t'tEOV, oiov il 'tou 'tpaXl1Aou K1V11(Jt~, d EV 'to ()(j'touv).
Aristotle touches upon this question in EA. IV 10, 686a20: wolves
and lions have no neck vertebrae but one neck-bone: IlOVOO"'touv 't"v
aUXEva ExouO"t. Nature has arranged it thus for the purpose of giv-
ing them more strength. See also HA. 11 1, 497b 16: 'the lion has one
bone in his neck, but no vertebrae' (0 'YE AEWV 'to 'tou aUXEVo~ EX€l EV
()(j'tOUV, (Jq>OVBUAOU~ B' OUK EX€l). A.L. Peck (1965) 75 n. 6 comments
here: 'This is true of the whale, but not of the lion.'

7, 484b33: 'to connect' (O"UVBE(JIlOV).

Cr. b37. And see EA. II 6, 652a16: 'on account of its separate
vertebrae (the spine) requires something that holds it together' (B~'tClt
(JUVBE(JIlOU Bta 'ta~ BtaAl1"'€l~).

7, 484b33: 'the kneecap' (lllluA:'l).

Elsewhere in this sense only in H.A. I 15, 494a5: 'The double-headed
part of the leg is the thigh-bone, the sliding part is the knee-cap'
(rKEAoU~ BE 'to JlEV UJlq>tKEq>aAov 1l11PO~, 'to BE 1tAClvll(Jl£Bpov Jlu All)·

7, 484b35: 'All bones with a motor function have sinews' (oO"a JlEV o-ov
KtVT\'ttKU, mlv'tCl JlEv JlE'ta vEupmv).
J.£ Dobson: 'Now all parts which are capable of motion .. .'; likewise
J. Tricot 190. A better translation is WS. Hett 509: 'All bones which
are concerned with movement'.

Here Aristotle anticipates his important thesis in 8, 485a6-7. Bones

do not possess movement themselves, but are set in motion by the

7, 484b35: 'and perhaps in particular those which are suitable for doing
something' ({ome; 0' ooa 1tpaK'tU((l roe; lJ.aAlCna).
The motor system of human beings, who are alone in being capable
of praxis, is the most refined. C£ I.A. 12, 711 b 11: 'for the use of his
hands and for taking food' (1tpOe; 'tE 'tTtv Xnp&v XPTt01V Kcd 1tpOe; 'tTtV
'tTte; 'tpo<pfte; Aft'V tv).

7, 484b3 7: 'The other bones with a connective function have sinews

to the extent that they need them' ('tu 0' aAAa OUVOEOJ.!OU XaptV, ooa
].£ Dobson takes 'tU 0' aAAa to refer to the sinews of b35: 'the
other sinews are for the purpose of fastening together all those bones
which require fastening.' WS. Hett 509 puts a different construction
on the sentence: 'The rest have sinews for connexion, if they need
them at all.' Likewise]. Tricot 190. ~ Gohlke 171 interprets OEt'tat
as a form of oEm, 'to bind': 'wahrend andere nur binden sollen, wo
sie als Bander dienen.' C£ A. Roselli 140: 'nei casi in cui le ossa sono
legate tra di 10ro.'
OUVOEOJ.!OU XaptV, as in 484b33: 1tpoe; ... OUVOEOJ.!OV, must be a func-
tion of the bones here. So we must translate as if the text reads: 'tu 8'
aAAa [()(J'ta. oou] OUVOEOJ.!OU xaptv [[onv], [J.!E'tU vEl>pmv fon] ooa
OE1'tUt [vEupmv]. A connective function of the sinews is not mentioned
until 485a2.

7, 484b38: 'for instance the spine' (otov ~ paxte;).

The spine is said here to be held together by few or no sinews,
because it has little use for them.
In P.A. I 1, 640a 19-26 Aristotle notes that Empedocles was ignorant
of the purpose of the spine and explained the many vertebrae as result-
ing from breakage in the womb due to bending.

7, 484b38: 'But hinge joints do' (aAA' Tt KUJ.!'Vte;).

].F. Dobson: ('for perhaps some, e.g. the spine, have little or no func-
tion) except that of bending', explaining: 'Read aAA' llKO:IJ.\Vt<;.' W.S.
160 DESPIRlnr

Hett 509 follows in his footsteps but tacitly corrects a.AA' 11. Likewise
]. Tricot 190: 'en dehors la flexion.' P. Gohlke 171: '(Manche Knochen
haben vielleicht keine Sehnen oder nur wenige, wie die Wirbelsaule.)
Aber die Kriimmung erfordert sie.' A. Roselli 117 puts the above three
Greek words between cruces interpretum and leaves them untranslated
on p. 140.
Because we already encountered KaJl'Vt<; in 7, 484b 14; b24; b25al in
the sense of 'bending movement', it is understandable that interpreters
find this meaning here too. But H. Bonitz, Index 362b29 notes very
pertinently: 'significat enim KaJl'Vt<; et actionem 'tOU KaJl1ttEa8at et earn
partem in qua fit.' The word can also mean 'hinge joint'. Cr. PA. 11
9, 654b25: 'There is also cartilage between the joints' (Kat XOVOpmoll
OE Jlopta JlEta~i> trov KaJl'l'EmV Eiat). Unlike the spine, these joints do
need sinews to perform their useful task. Aristotle says as much in the
preceding sentence II 9, 654b23: 'Certain bones of which the extremi-
ties-the beginning of one and the end of the other-resemble each
other are connected by sinews' CEvta 0' autrov oJloiav ExoVta t~v
apx~v t~V 8atEpOu tft tEMUtft 8atEpou auvOEOEtat VE'l>POt<;). Cr. also
HA. III 5, 515b3: 'The sinews are stretched around the joints and the
hinges of the bones' (tU bE vEupa OtEa1taaJlEVa 1tEpt tu ap8pa Kat tu<;
trov oatrov Eau KaJl'l'Et<;) and 515b 10-11.

7, 485a2: 'a mucous fluid' (uypotll<; JlU~mOll<;).

Cf. 6, 484a32: 'the sticky fluid' (uYPOtll<; yAiaxpa) and H.A. III 5,
515b 16: 'Round the sinews a mucous liquid is formed, white and
sticky, by which they are nourished and from which they seem t9 be
formed' (YYPOtll<; bE 1tEpt autu [tU vEupa] Jlu~ffibll<; yiVEtal, MUK1lKal
KoAAroOll<;, tpE<pEtal Kat E~ ~<; ytvOJlEVa <paiVEtal). III 11, 517b28;
PA. 11 9, 655a28.

7, 485a2: 'The others are moreover connected by sinews, for instance

those about the joints' (tU bE Kat aUVbEttat VE'l>POl<;, otov tU 1tEpt tU
].F. Dobson: 'others are bound together by sinews-thus we find
sinews in the joints of the limbs'; likewise W.S. Hett 511;]. Tricot 190
and A. Roselli 140. P. Gohlke 171 translates here: 'Anders ist uberhaupt
nur durch Sehnenbander zusammengehalten, wie der Unterleib', prob-
ably because he interprets ap8pa as 'private parts'.

cr. PI. Tim. 75d4: 'he distributed the rest among all the limbs to con-
nect one member with the other' ('tu B' aAAa [vEupa] Et<; a1tav'ta 'tU
/lEA11 B1Ecr1tElPE, cruva1t'tcov ap8pov ap8pcp). 74d6: 'With these materials
the god covered the bones and the marrow. By means of the sinews
he connected the bones to each other' (ot<; crUJl1tEplAa~rov 0 8EO<; ocr'ta
Kat JlUEAOV, B"cra<; 1tpo<; aAA11Aa VEUpOl<;).

[The jUnctionality of all things in nature}

8, 485a4: 'A better explanation of all things is obtained by an investi-
gation like the present' (TIUV'tffiV 0' £a'dv AOYO~ 0 ~EA'tiffiV oo~ Kat vuv
J.E Dobson: 'The best description of everything may be obtained by
an investigation like the present'; WS. Hett 511 and J. Tricot 190 are
comparable; :P. Gohlke 172: 'Oberall liegt der Grund darin, dass es so
besser ist. Dies gilt auch hier.' A. Roselli 117 puts the words 0 ~EA'tiffiV
00<; between cruces interpretum and translates on p. 140: 'La ragione di
ogni cosa (?) *** ricercare anche ora.'
By letter of August 23, 2005 D. Holwerda has proposed to read:
TIav'tffiv o"d~ 'ti;' AOYO~ ~EA'tiffiV oo~ Kat vuv Sl1'tEtV and to trans-
late: 'In all matters it is the best method of inquiry to ask: "for what
purpose?" Likewise now.'

8, 485a5: 'But we must study as far as adequate the final causes for
the sake of which things exist.' (aAAa 'ta~ aPXa~ £<p' lKavov, <bv XaptV,
J.E Dobson: 'but we must adequately investigate the final causes.'
Likewise W.S. Hett 511; :P. Gohlke 171: 'Bei den Grundlagen geniigt es,
den Zweck zu untersuchen.' J. Tricot 190: 'l\!Iais nous devons examiner
d'une maniere suffisante les causes finales.'
For the priority of the final cause as an explanatory principle in
Aristotle, cf. EA. I 1, 639b 14: 'The first cause seems to be that which
we call "for the sake of". For this is the logical reason, and the logi-
cal reason is the starting-point' (<I>aivE'tat OE 1tpw'tl1 l1v A£YO~EV EVEKa
'ttvO~· AOYO~ yap 0{)'t0~, apxT, 0' 0 AoyoeJ
The idea here seems comparable with Eth. }vic. I 3, 1094b 11: 'Our
treatment will be adequate if it is as accurate as befits the subject
treated. We should not aspire to the same degree of precision in all
scientific studies' (A£Y01'tO 0' a.v lKavro<;, El Ka'ta 'tT,v U1tOKEl~£Vl1V
UAl1V Otaaa<P1l 9E1ll· 'to yap aKpt~EC; OUX 6~oiffiC; £v a1taat 'tOte; "-6yot<;
£1ttSll'tll't£OV) and 1094b23-28. In this connection Aristotle rejects
any search, in the style of Plato and his supporters, for the 'ultimate

principles' of every subject. See also E.N. I 13, 1102a24: 'The student
of politics must also study the soul, but study it with a view to politics
and to the extent that is adequate to the questions he is addressing'
(8EffiprrtEOV cS'" Kat 'tip 1tOAtnKip 1tEpt '11UXfl~, 8EOlprl1:Eov cS£ 'tOU'tOlV Xa.ptv,
Kat E<P' OOOV iKavOl~ EXEt 1tPO~ 'to. Sll'touIlEva).

8, 485a5: 'In our view, it is not the bones which exist for the sake of
movement but rather the sinews or their analogues, the primary part
containing the pneuma which causes movement' (OUK av cSO~EtE KtvftuEOl~
EVEKa 'to. ou'ta, aAAu llaAAOV 'tu vEupa 11 'to. avaAoyov, EV cP 1tpO:nlp 'to
1tvEulla 'to KlvllnKov).
C( EA. 11 9, 654b27: 'The bones exist for the sake of the flesh' (ai
uapKE~ ... ebv EVEKEV 'to 'tOlV OU'tOlV Eun yEVO~).
This is an important passage. Order now emerges in what seemed
at first sight to be a chaotic discussion of pneuma, respiration, the three
movements of pneuma (only in the arteria and not in the sinews), the
nutrition of the bones, etc. For Aristotle makes it clear here that the
sinews are much more important for him than for his opponents. In
Aristotle's view, sinews are primarily responsible for carrying out and
passing on the action (energeia) of the innate pneuma, which is the first
agent to undergo the effect of the soul. The connection with the previous
sentence is: if we carefully examine what the final cause of the bones is,
with a view to the inquiry we are conducting, we will have to conclude
that the bones do not have movement as their real final cause.

8, 485a7: 'their analogues' ('tu avaAoyov).

C( EA. III 5, 668a4: 'in a vein or its analogue' (EV <pAE~t Kat 'tip
avaAoyov) .
Aristotle leaves room here for various forms of things which corre-
spond to the sinews of higher, vertebrate animals. EV cP again classifies
all these things under one heading: the primary bearer of pneuma as
the cause of movement.

8, 485a7: 'For even the belly moves and the heart has sinews' (E1td Kat
il KOlAta KlvEl'tal Kat Tt Kap8ta vEupa EXEt).
See earlier 6, 484a17-18: 'For there are sinews in the heart too'
(Kat yup EV 'tU Kap8t~ VEUpOV). C( H.A. III 5, 515a28: 'The heart has
sinews within itself, in the largest cavity; and the so-called aorta is a

sinewy blood vessel' (Kat yap EV au'til 'ti KapOta EXEt VEupa Ev't11 J1Eyt(J'tll
KOtAt~, Kat 'ti KaAoUJ1£VT1 aop'til VEUpffiOll~ ECnt <pA6,,). However, whereas
a modern reader (since William Harvey) may be inclined to think that
these sinews are required in the heart to keep the blood circulating,
Aristotle sees them as necessary for the motor system of the living
creature. cr EA. III 4, 666b 13: 'The heart also has many sinews. This
is logical. For movements start from the heart and these are brought
about by contraction and relaxation. For this the heart therefore requires
the help and power of muscles' ("EXEt OE Kat VEUproV 1tAlleO~ 'ti KapOta,
Kat 'tou't' EUAOYro<;' a1tO 'tau'tll<; yap ai KlV~aEt<;, 1tEpatVoV'tat OE OUl
'tou EAKEtV Kat aVl£Vat· OEt o-6v 'tOtaU'tll~ U1tllPEala<; Kat laxuo<;). cr
MA. 7, 701 b 7-10 and 10, 703a4-28.
This is a crucial point for Aristotle. If there is movement in the belly
and the heart contains sinews, the sinews must be responsible for this
movement and for all movement, and not the bones. And in that case
the principle of movement, i.e. pneuma, must also be active in the sinews.
This refutes the position of Aristotle's opponents that pneuma does supply
food to the bones but not to the sinews (3, 482b7; 6, 484a 16).

8, 485a8: 'Bones are not present in all living creatures, but in some they
are necessarily present' ('to. 0' ou
1tuatv, aAA' EV10l~ avciYKIl).
Thus A. Roselli 119, correcting avciylcrl to avaYKTl. W Jaeger read:
EV10t~, avciylcrl Kat ...].E Dobson: 'but only some, not all parts have
bones.' Likewise WS. Hett 511;]. Tricot 190. A. Roselli 141: 'E le ossa
(?) non si trovano in tutte le parti ma sono in alcune, per necessita.'
Clearly the superior translation is provided here by P Gohlke 172:
'Knochen dagegen haben nur einige Tiere, nicht alle.' The octopus that
follows directly in 485a 10 is an example of such a boneless animal.

8, 485a9: 'And such a living creature requires sinews for such a move-
ment or for ... ' (Kat 1tPO<; 'tlW 'tolau'tllv Klvllalv vEupa EXEt 11 d<; 'to
< ».
Thus A. Roselli 119, commenting in the critical apparatus: 'post to
spatium a1iquot 1itterarum praebent codd.' Jaeger read the same, but
accepted the correction EXEtV by I. Bekker. In her commentary Roselli
notes that the lacuna offers room for five or six letters, but that this is
highly uncertain.].F Dobson has: 'every part must have sinews appro-
priate for performing such motion or for <performing it well>,' adding
166 DE SPIRIT[;'

in n. 3: 'My conj. 'to <Ei» is not quite suitable, but is suggested by

KaK&<; of foIl. line. Didot reads 'to <~aOt~Etv>.' J. Tricot adopts this
suggestion. P Gohlke, 21 n. 8 proposes <KuA&<;>.
By letter of August 23, 2005 D. Holwerda proposes to add
'to<ul{ytllV>: 'for this movement or that'.

8, 485a 10: 'For an octopus can walk, if only small distances and with
difficulty' (0 yap 1toA{mou<; E1t' oAtyov KUt KaK&<; ~UOt~Et).
The octopus occurs frequently in Aristotle. For a list of places in
the biological works, see Aristote Marche des animaux. Mouvement des ani-

maux. Index des traitis biologiques, texte etabli et traduit par r Louis (Paris
1973) 107. It belongs to the lowest group of animals, without blood,
breath, or bones. Resp. 9, 475b7-11 says that squids and octopuses, if
taken out of the water, are adequately cooled by the outer air because
they do not possess much vital heat. They are mentioned again in 12,
477a4-5 as animals without much heat. But the text adds that they
secrete liquid via the cavity above 'what is called their "head'" (but
which in actual fact is the channel of their waste products). In H.A. I
5, 489b33 the 'polypous' is compared with other aquatic animals which
swim, and most rapidly so in a backward direction. Of these others it
is said: 'Neither of these is able to walk as the octopus can' (~UOt~Et oE
't01>'tffiV [viz. the <Jll1tta and the 'tEU'tl<;] OUOE'tEPOV, W<J1tEP 1tOA1>1tou<;).
The implication is that although 'octopuses' can use their feet for
locomotion, they prefer to swim. They are discussed again in IV 1,
523b21 f[ They use their tentacles as feet and as hands. And they can
discharge a dark liquid. A 'polypous' does not have hard (bone-like) parts~
Cartilage is found only about their head, where it gradually hardens
(524b28). H.A. IV 1, 525al3 talks about various kinds of 'polypodes'.
See also IV 8, 534b25-29.
Therefore, because they do not have legs, they must possess (an
analogue of) sinews to use their tentacles.

8, 485a 11: 'For we should assume as a principle that the bones of all
animals serve the purpose of movement, or some other purpose, but
contributing to their characteristic movement' (OEl yap 'tou'tO Aa~Elv
<001tEP aPXllv, on 1tacrlv 11 aAAou nvo<; xaplv aAAa 1tpo<; TItv KtV11<J1V
'tllv OilCEtuV).
Thus the reading of the manuscripts.].E Dobson recalibrates:
'We must take as a starting-point the fact that all animals have differ-
ent organs for different purposes with a view to the peculiar motion

of each' (he apparently adopts the corrections of W. Jaeger, who

reads aAAfJ. and deletes 11); likewise WS. Hett 511 and]. Tricot 191;
P Gohlke does not follow Jaeger: 'In solchen -Fallen muss man namlich
das Grundsatzliche erfassen, das alle brauchen, oder man muss den
Zweck anders fassen, etwa dass die Knochen zu einer besonderen
Bewegung erforderlich sind.' A. Roselli 119 replaces 11 with OUK (!), and
retains aAAU. She translates on p. 141: 'Bisogna infatti assumere come
punto di partenza che in tutti gli animali essi non servono a nient'altro
se non a compiere il movimento che e loro proprio.' But she sympathizes
with Jaeger's corrections.
It is highly questionable whether the corrections of Jaeger and
Roselli deserve support. As from 485a5 the issue is the role of bones.
For Aristotle's opponents, bones are used for the movement of the liv-
ing creature. But in chap. 7 Aristotle indicated a much broader range
of functions for the bones. And he now launches his decisive attack.
Perhaps bones do not serve the purpose of movement. This function
belongs to the sinews (a5-6). Many kinds of animals do not have bones
(a8). Since the text passes down 7ta<Jlv 11, we should consider that Aris-
totle is again applying his universality principle, which we also found
used in 2, 482a I 0-11; 482a24; 6, 484b 7-8. The idea might be: 'The
proposition that bones exist for the sake of movement holds good for
all living creatures or does not hold good. In the second case they serve a
different purpose, but do contribute to the movement proper to the living
creature.' For 7tpO~ ('tllV K1Vll<JlV), cr 4, 483a18: 7tpO~ 'tllv EvEpyEtfJ.v.
This other purpose is explicitly identified in 485a18: animals have
feet fOr the provision qf fOod and for standing upright. Just as perception
exists for the sake of self-preservation (Anim. III 12, 434b 13-27), so
locomotion exists for the getting of food.

8, 485a13: 'For instance the feet for land animals, two for those that
stand erect, but more for animals which move entirely on the ground'
('tOt~ JlEV 6peOt~ ()UO, 'tOt~ ()E 7tavn:Aw~ E7tt 'tfl~ yfl~ 7tAEioU~).
].E Dobson: 'those that are upright having two; others which move
altogether upon the earth ... have several.'
But the contrast here is not between human beings and reptiles, but
between human beings, who are alone in not walking with their head
bowed to the ground (because they possess the most pure and hot
pneuma), and all other animals with four (or more) feet (of which the
pneuma is less pure and hot). Cr. PI. 7lm. 91 e2-92a, with e7: 'bowed to
the ground' (de; yflv EAKOJlEva).

See also Arist. lA. 1, 704a 12 and 5, 706b3: 'in bipeds "above" cor-
responds with what is "above" in the universe' (1:a ~£v Oi1toOa 1:0 aveo
1tPOs 1:0 'tou OAOU avoo EXEl), b9: 'bipeds are upwards oriented because
they stand upright; man in particular' ('ta O£ Oi1toOa 1tpOs 1:0 avoo 01(1
'to op8a dva1, ~aAl(Ha 0' 0 av8poo1tos). EA. II 10, 656alD-13; lA. 15,
712b31; Resp. 13, 477aI5-23.
So there is a distinction between these living creatures and the
'many-footed' referred to in 485a26, 'whose bodies move entirely on
the ground' (E1tt Yils oAa 1:a ooolla'ta).

8, 485a15: 'other animals can even move without feet, for they move
in their situation with a movement all of their own' (1:a O£ Kat a1toOa
OAOOS EyXOOpU· ~i«t yap 0151:00 KlVE108(1).
Thus the text in W. Jaeger, who brackets this sentence as a paren-
thetical remark.].F. Dobson: 'Some creatures again may be entirely
without feet, for it is possible for them under these conditions to be
moved only by external force,' explaining that he takes the meaning to
be: EyxoopEl dval. Similarly W.S. Hett 511 and]. Tricot 191. E Gohlke
21 corrects the text to: Ola yap 1:0 ou'too KlVE108a1, but adds on p. 197
that this is highly uncertain. A. Roselli 120 puts ~i«t yap ou'too between
cruces interpretum.
Only now do the reptiles come up for discussion. Perhaps Aristotle
is saying here: 'footless animals are entirely earthy and cold as regards
their hyle. For they can move with a movement all of their own.' Per-
haps we should therefore read: ... OAOOS. EYXOOPU <iO>i«t [se. K1vT10E1]
yap OU1:00 K1VE108al.
On the locomotion of snakes, see lA. 7, 707b7 f[ This interest in
1:a r01a EKa01:0U is underlined by Aristotle in 485a24.
Cr. PI. Tim. 92a6: 'the most senseless of all among them, which
stretch their entire body at length on the earth, were created by the
gods as animals that crawl, footless' (a1toOa aU1:a Kat iAU01tOO~EVa E1tt
rns EyEVVlloav).

8, 485a17: 'but they differ for the faster and heavier flyers' (Olaq>opa
o£ 1:0lS 1t1:111:lKOO1:EP01s Kat ~apu'tEp01S),
J.F. Dobson: 'The parts differ as they are to fly faster or slower.' He
follows the text of W.Jaeger, who read ~paOU1:EpOls, proposed by D.C.
Bussemaker. The mss have ~paXU1:EpOlS. W.S. Hett 511 follows Dobson.
E Gohlke p. 21 n. 10 proposes to read ~apU1:Ep01S and translates on

p. 172: 'Dabei unterscheiden sich die flugtiichtigeren von den schwer-

eren.' ]. Tricot 191 goes along with Hett.
Gohlke opted for a reading which was also proposed by Bussemaker
and is doubtless correct. A. Roselli adopts it too (not from GoWke, whom
she has not used). She demonstrates that this contrast is characteristic
of Aristotle's generally acknowledged works: EA. II 13, 657b7; IV 12,
694a6; H.A. II 12, 504b8; G.A. III 1, 749bl9 f[
Aristotle uses this contrast in l.A. 10, 71 Oa 16-71 Ob4 for the distinc-
tion between winged insects and ordinary birds, because as regards
body weight and flying capacity these kinds relate to each other as a
cargo ship to a racing yacht!
To the open-minded this may be a remarkable indication for Aris-
totle's authorship of Spir.

8, 485a18: 'They have feet for the purpose of getting food and for
standing, except in the case of the bat. That is why the bat gets its
food from the air. And that is why it does not need to rest. For they
do not need to alternate' (nooa<; OE 'tpoq)'ll<; XaptV Kat aVaC5'taOEm<;,
nA~V 'til<; VUK'tEpioo<;' OtO Kat 't~V 'tpo<p~v EK 'tOU UEpO<;. Katll~ OEto8at
OtaVanaUOEOO<;' ou OEoV'tat yap Ot' aAAmv).
C£ l.A. 19, 714b I 0: 'Or should we regard this entire class as mutilated
and assume that they move in such a way as if one had cut off the feet
of limbed creatures, like the seal and the bat?' CH ooonEp uvanllPov
oEl n8Evat nav 'to 'tOtOu'tov YEVO<; [se. of crustaceans], Ked KlVEto8at
°11°100<; oiov El n<; unoK0'VElE 'tIDV \monOOoov 'to. OKEAll, 0001tEP <pro1C'Jl
Kat VUK'tEpi<;) and EA. IV 13, 697b 1-14, where it is argued that the
bat is intermediate between winged and land animals. See also H.A.
I I, 487b21.
Ot' aAAmv-].E Dobson: 'for they certainly do not need to do so
for any other reason.' But Dobson reads: o~ aAAm<;. He is followed by
WS. Hett 511 and]. Tricot 191. ~ Gohlke corrects to: <Ei Il~> Ot'
uvanauoEm<;' 'sie braucht sie ... nur zum Ausruhen, zu etwas anderem
nicht.' A. Roselli 120 does not introduce changes into the text, and
translates the end: 'le zampe infatti non servono per altri scopi' (141).
Bats do not need to rest because they do not have to interrupt their
flight to search for food on the ground. C£ l.A. 18, 714a20-22, which
states that birds cannot always remain in mid air. We should therefore
read OtaA.A<ay>&v. rvlanuscript L has <>t' aA.AitA-mv.

8, 485a21: 'But among aquatic animals shellfish have feet on aCCOunt

of their weight [and not for locomotion]. Thus far on locomotion' (tu
8E oeJ'tpaKo8EPlla tmv Evu8pmv lmono8a 8ux to papo<;. Kat tauta IlEV
1tpo<; tllV Kato. t01tOV aAAarf\V).
J.F Dobson's translation is wide of the mark: 'The hard~shened
aquatic animals have feet on account of their weight; thus they are
enabled to move from place to place'; WS. Hett 511: 'These members
serve for locomotion'; P Gohlke 172: 'und zwar zur Fortbewegung'.
Likewise J. Tricot 191.
In fact it is perfectly clear to Aristotle that shellfish do not move! If
they did, the remark 8to. to papo<; would be very strange. The remark
is entirely in keeping with 1...1. 19, 714b 14: 'Shellfish do move, but
against their nature: it is not in their nature to move, only measured
against animals which stay in one place and are attached do they
move, but measured against locomotive animals they do not move'
(Ta 8' oatpaKo8EPJl<l KtvEttat JlEV, KtVEttat 8E 1tUpa q)'uatv· OU yap
EatL KtvlltLKa, aAA' 00<; JlEV JloVtJla Kat 1tpOa1tEq>UKota KtvlltLKa, 00<; 8E
1tOpEUtLKo. JlovtJla). The translation by A. Roselli 141 of the last part
of the above-cited sentence is therefore excellent: 'Queste sono dunque
le observazioni relative al movimento locale.' The sentence Kat tauto.
JlEV 1tpo<; tllv KatU t01tOV aAAay~v has the same conclusory function
as 1, 481a27: 'These are roughly the arguments for the growth and
preservation of the innate pneuma on the basis of food' (,; JlEV o-6v EK
tfl<; tpoq>fl<; aU~l1at<; Kat 8taJlovll aXE80v tauta).

8, 485a23: 'But for everything which serves other purposes the goverqing
principle (for our inquiry) is what is specific to each living creature' (oao.
8E 1tpo<; tllv UAAllv xpdav, ffia1tEp Uq>l1YEttcn Kat EKaatOU tU 18to.).
A. Roselli 141: 'Per quanto riguarda le altre funzioni, come si e
detto; ed ogni parte ha le sue proprieta.' But Aristotle is saying here
that an investigator must accurately observe the specific characteristics
of animals. Cr. EA. I 3, 643blO: 'Instead we must try to divide the
animals into classes after the example of the standard classification of
birds and fishes' ('AAAo. 8Et 1tEtpaa8at AaJlPaVElv Ka'ta YEvll ta ~q>o.,
00<; uq>~"fTIv8' Ot 1tOAAot 8topiaav'tE<; opvt8o<; YEVO<; Kat iXSUo<;).

8, 485a25: 'why many-footed insects are the slowest' (8ta ti ta 1toA.{mo&x.

Cr. lA. 7, 707a 17: 'locomotion occurs either exclusively or principally
among animals which perform it on two or four points of support'

(llaA1<HU 'to{ytotc; tmapxEt 'tOOy ScPOlV 11 KU'ta 'tonOy KlVllCH<;, a OUOtV i1

'tE't'tUp01V 7t01Et'tUl 0111lElotC; 'tllv KU'ta 't07tOV IlE'tU~OA.~v). For Aristotle
this no doubt has to do with the fact that all animals with more than
four feet are bloodless creatures, whose nature is colder and earthier
and therefore less suited to movement than bipeds and quadrupeds.
This chapter 8 demonstrates the same broad knowledge of the animal
kingdom as De incessu animalium.

[Vital heat as the only and multi--jUnctionallife-bearing principle}

For this chapter, see also E. Neustadt, Hermes 44 (1909) 60-69, who is
convinced that it is Stoic (in the line of Chrysippus), with an Aristotelian
slant. W Jaeger (art. 1913) defended the same position. A. Roselli 122
firmly rejects any contrast with the preceding chapters.

9, 485a28: 'Our opponents' (Oi avatpouV'n:~).

Cr. Metaph. A 9, 990b17: 'the theory of Ideas is radically at odds with
views which we prefer to the existence of the Ideas' (OAW~ 't£ avatpOUalV
oi 1tEpt 'toov d800v MyOt a IlCtAAOV dvat ~OUAOIlEea 'tou 'ta~ i8Ea~ dvat).
Phys. I 2, 185al-2: 'a mathematician cannot argue with someone who
rejects his principles' ('tip YEWIlE'tPll OUKE'tt A6yo~ Ea'tt 1tpO~ 'tOY aV£Mv'ta
'ta~ apxa~). I 8, 191b12: 'the denial of all hecOIning' (avEAElv 1tCtaav
'tlW yEvEalV). Cael. III 8, 306b28: 'it becomes obvious that they banish
becoming from the world' (avatpouv'ta~ (se. 'tou~ A6you~) o"'E'tat 'tlW
YEvEatV EK 'trov DV'tWV).
Spir. also turns on a radical opposition between the author and those
with whom he is in debate. The author is referring here to the two
views considered in chap. 1. After a dialectical debate in eight chap-
ters he arrives at his own thetic discussion, the theory to which he has
constantly alluded in the previous chapters, that of the innate pneuma or
vital heat, which under the guidance and direction of the vital principle
(the soul) produces the living entity in all its facets.
In various ways the opponents have designated respiration and vital
breath as the fundamental efficient cause. Aristotle now shows once
and for all that only the innate pneuma is primary and forms a unity
with the soul, and is the instrument of the soul, and that all other
vital processes depend on this 'efficient principle'. So chap. 9 is the
positive complement of the critical analysis conducted throughout the
preceding work.

9, 485a28: 'the vital heat ... the efficient principle' ('to 8EPIlov 'to

Aristotle here firmly rejects the position of his opponents that the
inhaled air in the artenai is responsible for the movement which supplies
and digests the food (4, 482b 15-16: Emxyouau KUt KUTEPYUSOIlEVll), and
sets out his own alternative. cr G.A. 11 3, 736a27: 'acts by the power
residing in it' (EpyaSE'tul Tfl OuvajlEl Tfl Evouan EV uU'tip).
This is the fundamental theory of all Aristotle's biological works: Anim.
11 4, 416b28: 'the vital heat brings about concoction. That is why every
ensouled being has vital heat' (EpyaSETul O£ 'tTtV 1tE\jflV 'to 8EPjlOV. OH)
1tav Ejl\jfUXOV EXEl 8EPIlOTllTU), to which he adds: 'We have now dealt
with the subject of food in general. We must clarify it in more specific
discussions' (Tump Il£V o-6v Tt TpO<PTt 'tt EaTlV ElPllTU1' oluau<Pll'tEoV 0'
Ea'ttV ua'tEpov 1tEpt au't11<; EV T01<; OlKdol<; AOyOt<;). In 416a9-18 Aristotle
had rejected the view of those who identify 'fire' as the principle of
life and growth by qualifying that it is always 'fire under the guidance
of the soul as logos'. The position which Aristotle adopts in chap. 9 is
anticipated in 5, 484a6-7: 'But if vital heat is the productive agent and
generates life through heat as it were' (d O£ 1tOtE1Kat olov uvaSro1tupu
8EP/lip TO 8EP/lOV); see the commentary there. See also 2, 481 b4.

9, 485a29: 'and who claim that fire has only one direction of movement
and only a capacity to cut' (OTl Ilia Tl<; <popa Kat Ouvajll<; Tt T/llluKit
'tou 1tUpo<;).
In his critical apparatus W Jaeger proposed the conjecture 'to melt'
(TllKTllCll). cr his article (1913; repr. 1960) 88 n. 1 and 98 with n. 1.
But there is no basis for this correction.
Cf. Pl. Tim. 56dl: 'Earth may meet fire and be dissolved by its keep-
ness' (f11 /l£V auvTuyxavouaa 1tUpt OlaAu8E1aa TE U1tO T11<; O~UT"TO<;
aU'tau). 56d6; 57a2-3; 61d7; 61e3; 80d3: 'Fire cuts the food into pieces.
Moreover, it floats up and down inside us and follows the breath'
(TE/lVOVTO<; jl£V Ta enTia TOU 1tUpo<;, UlroPOU/lEVOU O£ EVTO<; Tip 1tVEuJlCln
aUVE1t0JlEVOU). 80d6; 80e3. The same criticism of Plato can be found in
Gael. III 5, 304a7-18 and 8, 307a26, to which A. Roselli 123 refers.

9, 485a30: 'For even in inanimate things it does not always produce

the same effect in all cases' (ouo£ yap OAro<; T01<; U\jfUX01<; TaUTO 1totE1
The text of the mss has GAa.].F. Dobson corrects to GAro<; and
translates: 'For in the case of inanimate things the action of fire is not
universally the same on all.' He is followed by WS. Hett 513,]. Tricot
192, and A. Roselli 123. A correction does in fact seem necessary.

9, 485a31: 'but some things it condenses, others it rarefies, others it

dissolves, yet others it hardens' ('tu J,lEV 1tUICV01, 'tU 8£ J,lavol Kat 'tTlK£t,
'tu 8£ 1tTlYVUcrlV).
A. Roselli 124 refers to RA. 11 2, 649a29: 'The vital heat seems
both to harden and to dissolve' (LloK£l 8£ 'to 8£pJ,1ov Kat1tllyvuval Kat
'tT1KEtV). The entire section from 11 2, 648b 11 to 649a33 deals with the
different effects of 'heat'. See also G.A. 11 1, 734b28-735a4 with b31:
'Hardness, softness, elasticity, brittleness, and all such properties ... can
be caused by heat and cold' (crKAllPu J,l£V o-6v Kat J,laAaKU Kat yAtcrxpa
Kat Kpaupa ... 8£PJ,10'tll<; Kat ",UXPO'tll<; 1tOlTlcrEt£V ay) and MA. 8, 702a9:
'that they can change from solid to liquid and from liquid to solid, and
from soft to hard and vice versa' (J,l£'ta~a.AAov'ta EK 1t£1tllY0'tffiv lrypu
Kat E~ uyp&v 1t£1tllyo'ta Kat J,laAaKU Kat (JKAllPU E~ UAATlAffiV).

9, 485a33: 'the fire which nature uses' (q>{)(J£ffi<; 1tUp).

'to 't11<; q>Ucr£ffi<; in 486a4 probably means the same as 'to <pUcr£ffi<; 1tUp.
cr G.A. 11 3, 736b33-737a7, where Aristotle explicitly contrasts 'that
which we call heat' ('to KaAOUJ,1£VOv 8£pJ,lov) and 'the heat of animals'
(1, EV 'tOt<; ~cPOt<; 8£PJ,lo'tll<;) with 'fire' (1tUp).

9, 485a34: 'of the goldsmith' (XPUcrOXOtKO<;).

Only here in the Aristotelian Corpus.

9, 485a35: 'of the coppersmith' (xaAK£unKo<;).

Elsewhere only in RA. IV 6, 683a24 and G.A. V 8, 789b 10: in both
cases in passages dealing with efficiency in nature and the smith's art,
and in the latter passage with the 1tOAUXPll(J'tu character of hammer
and anvil in the smithy and pneuma in nature.

9, 485a35: 'of the cook' (J,layEtptKo<;).

Only here in the Corpus.

9, 485a36: 'But perhaps it is more correct to say that the crafts accom-
plish this' ({(Jffi<; 8' uA1l8Ecrn:pov on at 'tExva1).
cr G.A. 11 4, 740b25: 'Andjust as the products of craft are made with
tools-it is more correct to say by their movement-and this movement
is the activity of craft and craft is the form of things which are made in
something else-so the capacity of the nutritive soul also acts, ... using
heat and cold as tools' (oo(J1t£p 8E 'tu \mo 'til<; 'tEXVll~ Y1YVOJ,l£Va yiyv£'tal

8ul 'tmv opyuvcov-Ean 8' uATl8Ean:pov El7tE1V 8ul 'tft~ Klv"aEco~ alnwv.
au'tT\ 8' Ea'ttV ~ EVEpYEla 'tft~ 'tEXVT\~, ~ ()E 'tEXVT\ ,.wP<PT, 'tmv ytyVOJlEVCOV Ev
aAAqr-ou'tCO~ ~ 'til~ 8pE1tnKfl~ ",uxil~ 8UVaJll~ ... XPCOJlEVT\ otov OPYUVOl~
8EPJl0'tT\n Kat \Vuxpo'tT\n). The view of Spir. 9 is identical with that of
G.A. cr also EA. II 7, 652b7-14.

9, 485a36: 'for they use fire as an instrument' (xpmv'tal yap ma1tEp

cr 485b6; b 16. The various crafts use (the natural body oD fire as
their soma organikon, their instrumental body. The comparison used by the
author here shows that he holds that the life forms of living creatures
use 'vital heat' as 'instrumental body' in the same way.

9, 485b2: 'and also to shape some things' (Evla 8E Kat pu8Jli~ouaal).

].F Dobson: 'and some they temper.' Likewise WS. Hett 513;]. Tricot
192, who refers to Pfrys. VII 3, 245b9 and notes: 'Le feu regularise la
chose une fois l'achevement de l'oeuvre realise.' P Gohlke 173: 'und
zuweilen zum Gestalten.' A. Roselli 141: 'e in alcuni casi anche per
dare forma.' Again this probably refers to the activity of smiths. There
is no reference to glassblowing in Aristotle.
We should take into account here 485b8: tov pu8JloV a1to8ffiaEl, where
A. Roselli 126-127 refers to Cael. III 8, 306b 18 (citing PI. Tim. for the
theory of the 'pandeches'. But Plato only has pu8Jlo~ ... E369r} in 47d7-e2)
and Phys. VII 3, 245b9; Metaph. A 10, 1075b12 (ed. W. Jaeger).
pu8Jli~Elv-on1y three other occurrences in the Aristotelian Corpus.
But Cael. III 8, 306b 18 is a good parallel place. See also Pfrys. 11 1.,
193a11: appU8Jlla'tov <QV> and Metaph. J1 4, 1014b27.

9, 485b2: 'the natural vital principles (of living creatures)' (at <puaEl~).
].F Dobson: 'individual natures'; P Gohlke's 'die Natur' is incorrect.
See earlier 1, 481 a 19. Identical here with 'soul' in Aristotle. cr G.A. II
1, 735a2-4: 'For craft is the origin and the form of the object made,
but it exists in something else, whereas the movement of nature exists
in the thing itself, though it issues from another nature which possesses
the form in actuality' (~ yap 'tEXVTl apxT, Kat d8o~ 'tOU Y1YVOJlEVOU, aAA'
EV EtEPcp· " 8E 'til~ <puaEco~ KivTlal~ EV alrtiP a<p' E'tEpa~ o-oaa <puaEco~
til~ EXOU<!T\~ to d8o~ EVEpyEi~).
This assumes that there is a unity between <pual<; and EJl<PUtOV
8EPllov. cr Anim. 11 4, 416b25: 'The expression "wherewith it is fed"

is ambiguous ... what produces digestion is warmth' (EO"n OE iP'tPE<pEt

Ol't'tov ... EpyaSE'tat OE 't~v 1tE'VtV 'to 8EPJ..LOV.)

9, 485b3: 'Hence their products differ' (08EV O~ Kat 1tpo~ aAAllAa

Bussemaker andJaeger have proposed to add <ai> before 1tp6~. But
if we accept this, it is still somewhat surprising that that text reads 1tpOC;
aAAllAa and not 1tpOC; aAAnAm;. Perhaps we should accept the neuter
1tPO~ aAAllAa in connection with 485b5: 'the products will be different'
(ota<p6p{O~ E~Et 'tu Epya). Interestingly, a variant ola<popav has been
passed down in three manuscripts. Perhaps the correction Ota<popa as
an adjective with 'tu Epya is therefore more plausible.

9, 485b3: 'It is therefore ridiculous to judge by externals only' (010

YEAOtOV 1tpOC; 'to E~W KpivEtv).
This seems a reference to the fact that craft always operates on mate-
rial which differs from the craftsman. But in all products of nature the
formative principle operates internally. C£ G.A. II 1, 735a2-4. This idea
also underlies the proposition that the vital form not only uses the vital
heat as instrument, but also as matter (485b7). C£ Mund. 6, 399b14:
'for the soul, by which we possess life, is also invisible, but is seen by
what it achieves' (Kat yup li 'VUX~, Ot' ~v SffiJ..LEV ... a6pa'to~ ot)O"a 'tOt~
EpYOtC; a1nllC; opu'tat).

9, 485b5: 'the products will be different for the users (ota<popa E~Et 'tu
Epya 'tOte; XPWJ..LEVOte;).
Thus W.Jaeger. But oux<popa is a correction by E. Neustadt, who also
finds the Stoic technical term E~tC; in E~Et (1909) 60 n. 1 and 63. The
mss have oux<popav. A. Roselli 126 has a sounder proposal: ota<popwe;.
There appears to have been interference between the passage in b3
and that in b5.

9, 485b 7: 'nature, on the other hand, also uses it as matter' (~ OE <pUO"lC;

UJ..La Kat me; UAn).
See also 485b 16 below. A. Roselli 126 only talks about parallels in
post-Aristotelian literature. But in Aristotle's basic theory the 'natural
instrumental body that potentially possess life' is also the hyLe for the
soul. Anim. 11 I, 412a7; as; b2S; 11 2, 414aI2-17; a25-28.
178 DESPIRlnr

9, 485b8: 'but rather it is hard to understand that nature herself Uses

the vital heat' (to tilv <pucrlv autilv vOllcral tilv XPOOJ.lfVllV).
WS. Hett 513: 'rather the difficulty lies in the fact that nature, which
uses the fire, should herself be an intelligent agent, ... '; thus earlier
E. Neustadt (1909) 61 ;].E Dobson. P. Gohlke 173-4: :-\ber nicht hierin
liegt eine Schwierigkeit, vielmehr darin, dass die Natur, die sich des
Feuers bedient, selber denken solle, ...;" ]. Tricot 192: 'que la nature,
qui se sert de l'instrument, soit elle-meme un agent dow~ de pensee';
A. Roselli 142: 'che la natura stessa, che fa uso del fuoco, sia dotata
di intelligenza.'
But Aristotle never says that Nature thinks. And he is not saying it
here either. In that case he would not have used vOlloal but vociv. For
vOllcral, cf. Phys. VIII 1, 251b20 and c.c. I 5, 32lb24. The problem
lies in the fact that we must understand (vollcral) that the life form is
the agent that uses. According to Aristotle, though everything in nature
achieves its goal efficiently, it does so in the manner of a winding
mechanism. Cf. G.A. II 1, 734b 10. Nature is efficient, but not goal-
oriented. The 'headquarters' of the cosmos is elsewhere. Nature is the
executor of God's plan.
This passage should therefore not be explained Stoically, as Roselli
126 does, but is soundly Aristotelian.

9, 435b 10: 'For this is no longer a matter of fire or air' (tOUtO yap
oUKfn 1tUPO~ ou8£ 1tVEuJ.latO~).
According to Aristotle, the guidance of the soul as a goal-oriented
principle is indispensable. Cf. Anim. II 4, 4l6a9-18: 'some believe that
fire in itself is the cause of nutrition and growth.... It is, however, an
auxiliary cause, but certainly not the absolute cause. Rather this is the
soul. For fire grows without limit, but natural things have a limit and a
measure to their size and growth. And this is the work of the soul, but
not of fire, and rather of a rational principle than of matter' (80Kci
8f ncrlv il toU 1tUPO~ <pUcrl~ a.1tAID~ ai-tia TTl~ tPO<Pll~ Kat tll~ aU~TlcrEOO~
dval. .. 'to 8£ cruvainov JlfV 1t(O~ Ecrnv, ou Jlilv a1tAID~ yE atnov, a.AAa
JlaAAov il \jIUXTl' il JlEV yap tOU 1tUPO~ aU~l1crl~ d~ a1tElpov ... 'tIDV 8E
q>ucrEl cruvlo'taJlfvoov 1t(xv'toov Ecrn 1tfpa~ Kat A6yo~ JlEYfeOU~ tE Kat
aU~TlcrEOO~' 'tau'ta 8£ \jIUXll~, aAA' ou 1tup6~, Kat Aoyou JlaAAOV 11 UAll~),
and likewise G.A. II 1, 734b28 f[: :-\nd just as we cannot say that an
axe or another instrument is made only by fire, so neither can we say
it of a foot or a hand' (Kat mcrm::p ou8' av 1tEAEKUV ou8' aAAo opyavov
q>TlcrU1JlEV av 1tolT1crat 'to 1tUP JlOVOV oU'too<; ou8£ 1to8a ou8£ XEtpa).

9, 485b 10-12. Cr. the description in G.E.R. Lloyd, 'The master

cook', in id., Aristotelian explorations (Cambridge 1996) 83-103 of the
way Aristotle uses the notion of 'concoction' by the agency of vital
heat. Uoyd notes on p. 100 that 'the effects of digestion in one animal
differ from those in another (the blood will vary) and these differences
will depend on the form or the essence of the animal in question.'
Unfortunately, Uoyd leaves Spir. out of account.

9, 485b10: 'It is clearly remarkable that such a power should be com-

bined with these matters' ('mu'tOte; 8'h Ku'tuJl,EJl,EIXBut 'tOtuu'tTlv 8uvuJl,tv
C( 486a3: 'For the vital heat of nature is mixed with it' (EyKa'tulldyvu-
'tat 'to 'tile; <pU<JEroe;).

9, 485b 11: 'And the case is just as remarkable with the soul. For it is
present in them' (En 8£ 'tou'to Buullu<J'tov 'tuu'tov Kat nEpt ",uxile;' EV
'tou'tOte; yap umxpxEt).
A. Roselli 127 quite wrongly proposes to delete 'tuu'tov in this sen-
tence. The author is saying here: if you look at pneuma and the vital heat,
it is surprising and wondrous to find that a guiding power (comparable
with human techne) is operative in them. It is just as surprising that the
soul is present in pneuma and the vital heat.
The doctrine of the unity of the soul and its instrumental body in
Aristotle's biological works is stated very explicitly and emphatically here.
If De spiritu had received sufficient attention in the Peripatetic tradition,
the fatal misinterpretation of Aristotle's psychology by Alexander of
Aphrodisias could never have taken place.

9, 485b 12: 'Therefore it is not wrong' (ou KUK&e;).

Wrongly changed to ou KUA,&e; by A. Roselli 127. The idea is that the
vital heat and the soul form an indissoluble unity, as Aristotle explicitly
says in Anim. Ill, 412b6-9.

9, 485b 13: 'or one of its parts, the part that forms' (Tt 1l0ptOV 'tt 'to
The author is referring here to the nutritive and generative part
of the soul. J.F Dobson is nonplussed, as his translation shows: 'and
therefore there is some sense in referring to the same agent-either
generally or to some particular creative part-the fact that its motion
always operates in the same way.' W.S. Hett 515 is mystifying too:

'Therefore the fact that its motion always exerts a similar activity may
reasonably be referred to the same agent, either absolutely or to some
definite effective part.'

9, 485b13: 'and that causes the movement always to be actually the

same' (Kat 'to 't~v KtVT\(HV ad 't~v oJ.lotav u1tapXEtv EVEpyd~).
W. jaeger, following D. Furlanus has EVEPYOUV. The mss have
EvEpyEtav. The correction EVEpyd~ by A. Roselli 127 is probably
So it is the nutritive activity which is continually and steadily active.
This seems to answer the question raised in 4, 482b26-29.

9, 485b 14: 'the movement' ('t~v KtVT\<JtV).

The movement of the soul in indissoluble unity with its soma physikon
organikon, which is the movement of the soul as a whole, but which can
also be specifically assigned to the most basic, vegetative part of the
soul, of which 4·, 483a12-14 determined that it precedes the move-
ment of respiration.

9, 485b 14: 'For this also applies to the nature to which generation, too,
is owed' (Kat yap'; <pucrt<;, a<p' ~<; Kat'; yEVEcrt<;).
].E Dobson: 'for nature, from which they are generated, is always
constant,' is off track again. Likewise W.S. Hett 515: 'for nature, from
which they are generated, remains the same.' A better translation is
~ Gohlke 174: 'die Natur, von der die Entwicklung ausgeht.' But Gohlke
wrongly connects this passage with what goes before.
But perhaps we should strike the comma here and take the relative
clause as non-restrictive: 'For this also applies to the living entity to
which it owes its generation.' This idea is found expressed in G.A. 11 4,
740b3+-37: 'For the matter by which it grows is the same as that from
which it is originally constituted; therefore the power which forms it is
also the same as in the beginning, only greater. If this is the nutritive
soul, it is also the generative soul; this is the nature of every individual
being which is present in all plants and animals' (,; yap au'tT) Ecrnv UAT\
Tt au~aVE'tat Kat E~ ~<; cruVtcr'ta'tat 'to 7tponOV, mcr'tE Kat ,; 7tOtOucra<; 'tau'to 'tql E~ apxft<;· J.ld~O)v bE au'tT\ Ecr'ttV. El ot)v au'tT\ Ecr'ttv
" 8pE7tnKl, \jIUXT}, au'tT\ Ecr'tt Kat" yEw&cra· Kat 'tou't' Ecrnv ,; <pucrt~ it
EKacr'tou EVU7tapxoucra Kat EV q>u'tOt~ Kat EV ~~Ot~ 7tacrtv.... And see
also G.A. 11 1, 735a12 and 3, 737b5-7.

9, 48Sb 1S: 'But how are we then to explain the difference of the vital
heat in each individual living creature, the heat taken as instrument
or as matter or as both?' (aAAa D~ 'tie; Du:upopa 'tOU Ka8' EKa<J'tov
8EPJlOU, d8' roe; opyavov EY8' roe; DAllv d8' roe; all<Pco;)
G.A. I 18, 724b4-6 is comparable in terms of both construction and
content: 'we must determine in which of the two the semen belongs,
whether we must take it as Inatter and as passive principle or as a kind
of form and efficient principle, or as both' ('tolv Duolv D~ All1t't€OV EV
1to't€PCP 8E't€OV 'to <J1t€Plla, 1tO'tEPOV roe; UAllV Kat 1ta<JXov 11 roe; dDOe; u
Kat 1tOtoUV, ~ Kat all<Pco). See R. Mayhew, The Female in Aristotle's Biology
(Chicago 2004) 30-43.
The entire second part of chapter 9, from 48Sb 1S, is devoted to
explaining how the large variation in the parts of each living being can
be produced by the one principle of vital heat under the guidance of
the living creature's soul.
The sentence clearly builds on b6-7. And it seems as if the author
interprets the first part of the sentence as: 'ti 1tOtEl Dta<popov 'to Ka8'
EKa<J'tov 8EPJlOV, d8' roe; ...

9, 48Sb17: 'For fire displays differences of more and less' (1tUpOe; yap
Dta<popat Ka'ta 'to IlUAAOV Kat ~'t'tOV).
Cr. EA. II 9, 6SSa32: 'Cartilage and bones have the same composi-
tion, the difference between them is only gradual' CH DE <puat<; au't~ n
XoVDpou Kat o<J'tou Eau, Dta<p€pEt DE 'tip JlUAAOV Kat ~'t'tOV).
On the importance of this distinction, cf. ].G. Lennox, Aristotle's
Philosophy of Biology. Studies in the Origins of Lift Science (Cambridge 2001)
chap. 7: 'Kinds, Forms of Kinds and the More and the Less in Aristotle's
Biology' (160-181).

9, 48Sb 17: 'This is roughly like mixed or unmixed' ('tou'to DE aX€DOV

W<J1tEP EV Jli~Et Kat allt~iq:).
On 'mixture', see G. C. I 10, with the propositions in 328a 10: 'We say
that what is mixed is homogeneous' (<I>aJlEv D' ... 'to IltX8EV OIlOtoJlEPE<;
dvat) and 328b22: 'mixture is unification of what is mixed after it has
undergone a change' (nDE Ili~te; 'trov JltK'tmV aAAOtco8€v'tcov EVO)<Jte;).

9, 48Sb 18: 'For purer fire is more fire' ('to yap Ka8aponEpov JlUAAOV).
].E Dobson: 'for the purer substance has the proper qualities of its
kind in a higher degree'; likewise]. Tricot 193; WS. Hett S 1S: 'for
the purer is more intense'; :P. Gohlke 174: 'grossere Reinheit bedeutet

einen h6heren Grad'; A. Roselli 142: 'Cia che e piu puro infatti e piu

9, 485b 19: 'The same rule applies to the other simple bodies' (6 a1>'toc;
~E AOyOC; Kat E1tt 'tOW aAAffiV &'1tAOOV).
Aristotle means: the same rule as regards 'the natural fire of the
vital heat'. He thus sets here 'the vital heat' in 9, 485a28 and 'the fire
of nature' in 485a33 alongside 'the other simple bodies' (earth, water,
air, and ordinary fire).
It is doubtful whether].E Dobson means the same in his translation:
'The same statement applies in the case of all other simple things.' WS.
Hett 515 is clearer in his translation: 'other simple substances.'

9, 485b20: 'For because the bone and flesh of a horse differ from those
of an ox' (avaylCll yap, E1tEl1tEP En:pov oa'touv Kat mlp~ t1t1tOU Kat
n ~OoC;).
For a proper understanding of what follows it is important to note
that Aristotle is talking about two differences: the difference between
bone and flesh and the difference between flesh of a horse and flesh of
an ox (or bone of a horse and bone of an ox).
In 485b31 Aristotle adds the difference between two bones in the
same animal.
We follow the text of W Jaeger, which seems the !ectio dijfii;ilior here.].E
Dobson and A. Roselli 128 opt for the variant" t1t1tOU Kat " ~OoC;.

9, 485b21: '(For ... it is necessary that) they consist of different corn,;

ponents or differ in the proportion of their mixture' (~ 'teP E~ E'tEPffiV
etvat ~ 't11 Kpaan ~ta<pEpnv).
A. Roselli 128 follows D. Furlanus here in his correction of xpi}aEt
to Kpaan. Cr. b25.

9, 485b21: 'Now if the components are different, what are the differences
of each of the simple bodies in itself and what <is their power>? For
we are searching for these <differences>' (Et ~EV oilv E'tEpa, 'tivEC; at
~ta<popat EKaa'tou 'tOOV a.1tAOOv Kat 'tic; *** 'ta1>'tac; yap ~Tl'tOU~EV).
Et ~EV oilv E'tEpa contrasts here with Et ~E 'ta1>'ta in 485b23. This
does not refer to the bone and flesh of 485b20, as].E Dobson, WS.
Hett 515, and]. Tricot 193 assume, but to the components which make
up flesh and bone or the bone of a horse and the bone of an ox. The

same contrast is presupposed in 485b21: 'teP E~ f'tEproV Elval ~ ['teP EK

'tffiv au'tffiv rIval Kat] 't11 KpaO"El ~ha<pEpElv. Aristotle says here as suc-
cinctly as possible that the bone of an ox and the flesh of an ox differ
because they consist of different components, but the bone of a horse
and the bone of an ox differ because, though consisting of the same
components, they possess these components in a different proportion.
W Jaeger assumed a lacuna here after 'tic; and proposed to read Tt
ouvaJ.uc;. A. Roselli 128 leaves the lacuna empty.
E'tEpa must refer here to OO"'touv Kat O"ap~ (thus WS. Hett 515 and
J. Tricot 193).
9, 485b24: 'For it must needs be one of the two, as in the other cases'
(uvaylCll yap OUOtV 8au:pov Ka8a7tEp Kat EV 'tOte; aAAOlC;).
cr 2, 482a25: 'For it must needs be one of these three' ('tptffiv yap
'tou'trov uvayKatOV EV) and 9, 486b2.

9, 485b25: 'for a mixture of wine and honey differs on account of

the underlying substance [of a different mixture], (o'lvou /lEV yap Kat
/lEAHOC; KPUO"tc; Ota 'to lmoKelJ,lEVOv).
J.E Dobson has here: 'for the consistencies of wine and honey are
different on account of the difference of substance'; WS. Hett 515: 'for
mixtures of wine and honey differ because of their substance.'
cr Sens. 7, 447a17: 'it is more possible to perceive each individual
thing when simple than when mixed with another. For instance it is
easier to taste pure wine than wine mixed with water, and so also with
honey, or with colour' (EKaO"'tou /lUAAOV EO"'ttV ai0"8avE0"8al a7tAOU
ov'tOc; ~ KEKpaJ,lEVOU, otov o'lvou uKpa'tou ~ KEKpaJ,lEVOU, Kat J,lEAt'tOC;
Ka1 xpoac;).

9, 485b26: 'but one quantity of wine differs from another through its
constitution' (o'lvou 0' au'tou e't7tEP E'tEpa, 010. 'tOY AOyOV).
Thus the manuscripts. W. Jaeger proposed to read £'tEpa (with ref-
erence to another KpUO"lc;). This is accepted by A. Roselli 129. The
author means the difference between e.g. a wine from Lesbos and a
wine from Rhodes.

9, 485b26: 'Hence Empedocles <speaks> too simply about the forma-

tion of bone, since [in his view] all bones have the same proportion
in their mixture. In that case there ought to be no difference between

the bones of a horse and a lion or a man' ()l(J Kat 'EJl1u:()OKA11e; ahiav
a1tAroe; 't~v 'tou oa'tou q:lUalv *** El1tEP a.1tav'ta 'tOY au'tov Aoyov Exn'tile;
Jll~Ero<; a()Ul<POpa EXPllV '{1t1tOU Kat AEOV'tO<; Kat av8pro1tou dval).
The purport of the sentence is entirely dear. The precise wording
is by no means so. E. Neustadt (1909) already proposed to read Jliav
instead of aitiav.].E Dobson, at the suggestion of WD. Ross, proposed:
Aiav a1tAro<; ... <pUCHV, <E1td> El1tEp.... A. Roselli 129 adopts Aiav, but
retains a lacuna after <pUCHV.
Instead of <pUCHV it is possible to read: < <Pllcrlv> . This proposal comes
from D. Holwerda, by letter of September 19, 2005.
Empedodes' exact position is found in D.K. 31 A 78: 'bones consisted
of a mixture of two parts of water and earth and four parts of fire'
(oa'ta ()£ ()UEtV Jl£V u()a'to<; Kat rfi<;, 'tEttUProv ()£ 1tUpo<; [Earo rfi<;] tOUtrov
aUYKpa8EVtrov JlEProV). See Empedodes' own words in D.K. 31 B 96.
In G. C. I 1, 314b6-8 Aristotle specifies that Empedodes did not actu-
ally want to talk about 'the physis of a thing': 'There is no such thing
as the birth of anything ... only mixing' (<pual<; OU()EVO<; Eatlv ... aAAa
JlOVOV Jli~t<;). er D.K. 31 B 8 and Arist. G. C. 11 6, 333b 13-16; Metaph.
IJ. 4, 1105al-3. See also EA. I I, 642aI8-24: 'Empedodes ... where
he explains what bone is. He says there that it is not one of the ele-
ments, or two, or three, or all four, but a certain rational proportion
of a mixture of elements. It is thus dear that flesh, too, exists in the
same way, and likewise each of the other similar parts' (E.... oa'touv
a1tO()t()ou<; 'tl Eatlv ... Aoyov 't11<; Jli~Ero<; au'trov (AEyn)) and Anim. I 3,

9. 485b27: ' since [in his view] all bones have the same proportion in
their mixture' (Et1tEP a.1tav'ta 'tOY au'tov Aoyov EXn 't11<; Jli~Ero<;).
On Empedodes' theory, cr Anim. I 5, 410al-IO and I 4, 408a5-28,
with 408a 14: 'for the mixture of the elements does not have the same
ratio for flesh and for bone' (ou yap 'tOY autov EXn Aoyov il Jli~l<; trov
a'tolxdrov Ka8' llv aap~ Kat Ka8' llV oa'touv) and 408a22: 'any random
mixture' ('t11<; 'tUXOUCJ11<; ... Jll~Ero<;).

9, 485b28: 'In that case there ought to be no difference between the

bones of a horse and a lion or a man' (alhu<popa EXPllv 11t1tOU Kat
AEOV'tO<; Kat av8pro1to'U Etvcn).
See earlier 485b2Q-21, where only 'horse' and 'ox' are mentioned.
EA. I I, 639al7 mentions 'man, lion, ox' as examples; 639a25 'horses,

dogs, human beings'. As regards the lion, EA. II 9, 655a 12 states that
it has stronger bones because it is a carnivore that must fight for its
food, and H.A. III 7, 516b9-l1: the bones of a lion are so hard that
if you rub them together, they emit sparks.

9, 485b29: 'But in reality they differ in hardness, softness, density,

and so on' (vuv BE Bta<pEpEt <JKAllPCYtlltl, IlUAaKc)'tlltl, 1t'\)l(vcnlltl, 'tOt<;
er. EA. 11 9, 655a10.
9, 485b35: 'But those who speak in this way must know ... ' (uvayKatOV
BE 'tot<; oU'tO) AEyoU<JtV dBEvat ...).
This refers not just to people like Empedocles, who assumed one ratio
of components in all bones (485b26), but to all Aristotle's opponents
who hold that vital heat is not the efficient principle because fire can
only work in one way (485a28-30).

9, 485b36: 'how the formative principle may differ because its own
quantity varies or because something by itself or mixed or in some-
thing else is heated' (1t&<; 'to BlllltOUPYouv En:pov etll av Kat 'tiP 'tOtho
1tAEOV ~ £Aa't'tOv dvat, Kat 'tiP KaS' aino Kat <'tiP> IlEJlEtYIlEVcp ~ EV
aAAcp 1tupou<J8at).
Aristotle enumerates the varying effects of heat even more extensively
in EA. 11 2, 649a34-b8, where he also refers again to Meteor. IV 6-8.
As in 485b 13, the 'formative principle' is identical with 'the vital
heat' in 9, 485a28 and 'the fire of nature' in 9, 485a33. The distinction
'by itself or 'mixed or in something else' probably also corresponds
to the distinction of natural fire as 'instrument' and as 'matter' in 9,
485b6-7 and b 16-1 7. Here, too, this is the instrumental body of the
soul in its nutritive function.

9, 486a2: 'like the difference between something that is cooked and

that is baked. Perhaps this is true' (Ka8u1tEp ta
ElVOIlEva Kat o1tnOIlEva.
01tEP t<JO)<; UA1l8E<;).
At the suggestion ofE. Neustadt, W.Jaeger put this sentence between
brackets as an interpolation. Likewise]. Tricot 194. ].F. Dobson has
no objections and translates: 'like food that is boiled or baked-which
last is perhaps the true explanation.' Likewise W.S. Hett 517 and
P. Gohlke 175.

Cr. Meteor. IV 3, 381 b6: 'craft imitates nature, for the concoction of
food in the body is like boiling and also takes place in what is moist
and hot on account of the body's vital heat' (IltIlEl:-rat yap li 't£lV11 'titv
qrucHv, E1td Kat li 'ti1~ 'tpo<pi1~ EV 'tip crrollan 1t£'Vt<; o1tota E'V"cret Ecr'tiv·
Kat yap EV uypip Kat 8EPllip U1tO 'ti1~ 'tou crrolla'to~ 8EPIlO't11't0~ yiYVE'tat).
381a23: 'Baking takes place through dry external heat' ('01t't11crt~ 3'
Ecr'ttV U1tO eEPIlO't11'tO~ ~11Pa.~ Kat aAAo'tpia~).

9, 486a3: 'For the vital heat of nature is mixed with it and produces at
the same time' (alla yap EYKa'talldyvu'tat Kat 1tOtEt 'to 'ti1~ <pUcrEffi~).
Cf. 485b 10: 'But it is remarkable that such a power should be com-
bined with these matters' ('tou'tOt~ Bit Ka'tallEIlEtx8at 'tOtau't11v BuValltv
8aullacr'tov). The activity of the instrumental body is never separate
from the soul as life form.

9, 486b 1: 'For the same differences occur there, and most probably
also in the vein and the arteria, and so on' (crXE30v 3£ Kat 1tEpt <pAE~O~
Kat ap't11pia~ Kat 'tow Aom&v).
The use of ap't11pia here seems clearly to agree with the outlook of
the author of Spir. So there is no objection to the translation 'windpipe'
here. The windpipe of a human being and that of an ox are different
in their composition.

9, 486b2: 'So one of the two' (mcr'tE BUEtv 8U'tEPOV).

cr. 2, 482a25-26: 'For it must needs be one of these three' ('tpt&v
yap 'tOU'tffiV avayKatov EV) and 9, 485b24.

9, 486b3: 'or we should not try to determine the proportions [of the
constitutive parts] for hardness and density and their opposites' (~ ou
crKATlPo't11n Kat 1tUKVo't11n Kat 'tOt~ Evav'tiot~ 'tOU~ AOYOU<; A"1t't£OV).
Bussemaker proposed to delete OU, but is not followed by].F. Dobson:
'or the definitions must not be stated in terms of hardness, density, and
their opposites.' Likewise W.S. Hett 517 and]. Tricot 194. P. Gohlke
175: 'oder aber man kann Harte und Dichte und deren Gegenteil nicht
auf die Mischungsverhaltnisse zuriickftihren.' Aristotle argues against
Empedocles here that, if a ratio of the constitutive parts is involved, it
must be different for each animal. Someone who does not accept this
should not talk about a ratio of constitutive parts-cf. 9, 485a31-32;
485b1; 485b29-30; b32-34.

er. Metaph. H 2, 1042b31: 'We must therefore comprehend the

various kinds of differences-for these will be principles of being--i.e.
the differences in degree, or in density and rarity' (ATl1tt€U 01)V ta Y€Vll
tmv BtU<popmv (a{)tat yap apxat £(Jovtat t01) dvat), oiov 1a tip llUAAOV
Kat ~ttoV ~ 1tUKVip Kat llavip).


DE PART/BUS AJvlMAllUM I 1, 642A31-B4

An important passage for the study of Aristotle's views on pneuma is

found in De partibus animalium I 1. But so far modern expositors have
not reached agreement on the actual purport of the passage. Some
hold that it is entirely in keeping with what Aristotle argues in De res-
piratione. (r Louis, 1956, lIOn. 6). Others deny this categorically and
believe that Aristotle took his example from standard theories of the
day (D.M. Balme, 1972, 101).
The famous first chapter of EA. I discusses what method is best for
investigating nature. In the passage relevant to our inquiry Aristotle
seems to have given an example of how he himself thinks that such
an investigation should be conducted. This makes it unlikely that the
example merely relates to a theory held by others. Aristotle here must
be either discussing a theory of respiration which he himself supports
or drawing a contrast between a theory which he rejects and a view
which he accepts.

EA. I 1, 642a31-b4:
The Greek text reads as follows:
~£tKtEov 0' OUtro~, olov o'n fan JlEV il ava1tvo~ tOUOt xuptv, 'tOUto
OE yiVEtat Oux tuOE e~ avuYKTl~.
il 0' uvuYKTl OtE JlEV allJlaivEt on Et eKEtVO fatat 'to oi) EVEKa 'tau'ta
uvuYKTl ea'ttV fXEtV, O'tE 0' on fanv OUtro~ fXOVta Kat 1tE<pUKO'ta.
'to 8EPIlov yap uvaYKatOV e~tEVat Kat 1tuAtV EtatEVal avnKpouov,
tOY 0' aEpa EtapEtv. ToUto 8' fl811 avaYKatOV eanv, tou ev'to~ OE
8£PJlou avnK61ttovto~ ev tft 't"J~Et tou 8upa8£v UEPO~ ~ ElaOOo~ Kat
~ f~OOO~.
o IlEV oDV 'tP01tO~ oi>tO~ 0 'til~ 1l£8680u, Kat 1tEpt (bv 8£t Aa~EtV ta<;
ahia<;, tauta Kat 'totau'ta eanv.

642b2: 1l Etaooo<; omittit pr. E


W. Ogle, III The J110rks of Aristotle, translated into English under the
Editorship of ].A. Smith; WD. Ross, vo!. V (Oxford 1912):
Of the method itself the following is an example. In dealing with respira-
tion we must show that it takes place for such or such a final object; and
we must also show that this and that part of the process is necessitated
by this and that other stage of it. By necessity we shall sometimes mean
hypothetical necessity, the necessity that is, that the requisite antecedents
shall be there, if the final end is to be reached; and sometimes absolute
necessity, such necessity as that which connects substances and their inher-
ent properties and characters. For the alternate discharge and entrance
of heat and the inflow of air are necessary if we are to live. Here we
have at once a necessity in the former of the two senses. [642b 1] But the
alternation of heat and refrigeration produces of necessity an alternate
admission and discharge of the outer air, and this is a necessity of the
second kind. (n. 1)
In the foregoing we have an example of the method which we must
adopt, and also an example of the kind of phenomena, the cause of
which we have to investigate.

(N. 1: This passage defies all other than a paraphrastic rendering with
some expansion.)

Comments on Ogle:
Ogle does more than just paraphrase. His passage 'For the alternate
discharge and entrance of heat and the inflow of air are necessary if
we are to live. Here we have at once a necessity in the former of the
two senses' makes 'life' the final cause of respiration. But there is no
basis for this in the Greek text.
Also, it is entirely unclear how Aristotle conceives of 'the alternate
discharge and entrance of heat'.
Likewise 'the alternation of heat and refrigeration' is absent in the
Greek text.

Aristotle, Parts of animals with an English translation by A.L. Peck (Lon-

don 1937; repr. 1961).

A.L. Peck proposes to read in 642a34: avaYKll EO'tlV <ou't<O~> fXEW.

His translation on p. 79 is as follows:
Here is an example of the method of exposition. We point out that
although Respiration takes place for such and such a purpose, anyone
stage of the process follows upon the others by necessiry.

Necessity means sometimes (a) that if this or that is to be the final

cause and purpose, then such and such things must be so; but sometimes
it means (b) that things are as they are owing to their very nature, as the
following shows: It is necessary that the hot substance should go out and
come in again as it offers resistance, and that the air should flow in-that
is obviously necessary. And the hot substance within, as the cooling is
produced, offers resistance, and this brings about the entrance of the air
from without and also its exit.
This example shows how the method works and also illustrates the sort
of things whose cause we have to discover.

On p. 78 note b Peck notes: 'I have not attempted, except by one

insertion, to straighten out the text of this confused account, which
looks like a displaced note intended for the paragraph above (ending
"realized"-p. 77). If it is to remain in the text, it would follow at that
place (after 642a13) least awkwardly. For a more lucid account of the
process of Respiration see De resp. 480a 16-b5.'

Comments on A.L. Peck:

Peck rightly points out that a lucid exposition of Aristotle's theory
of respiration can be found in Resp. The text in EA. I I is by no means
simply compatible with it.

Aristote, Les parties des animaux, texte etabli et traduit par Pierre Louis
(Paris 1956) 10:
La mode de demonstration a adopter est celui-ci: il faut montrer, par
exemple, que d'une part la respiration se produit en vue de teUe fin, et
que d'autre part cette fin s'atteint par tels moyens qui sont necessaires.
La necessite signifie tantot que la fin etant teUe, il est necessaire que
teUes conditions soient remplis, tantot que les choses sont telles et qu'eUes
le sont par nature. Car il est necessaire que la chaleur sorte puis rentre, par
suite de la resistance qu'eUe rencontre, et que l'air a son tour s'introduise.
Voila deja une necessite. D'autre part, comme la chaleur interieure fait
obstacle a l'entree de l'air exterieur, cette entree se produit quand il y a
refroidissement. (n. 6)
Tel est le genre de recherche, tels sont les faits dont il [aut etablir les

On p. 171 Louis remarks in n. 6: 'Ces idees sont deve10ppees dans le

traite De la Respiration: les principes qu'Aristote y expose sont tout a fait
d'accord avec ceux qu'il resume ici.'

Comments on P Louis:
It is surprising that Louis considers agreement with Resp. to be a fact.
This work does not say anywhere that 'la chaleur sorte puis rentre'.
Aristotle's theory is that the vital heat is present in the centre of the
living creature, and, if necessary, is cooled by incoming and outgoing
air as a result of the respiratory process.

Aristotle's De partibus animalium I and De generatione animalium I

(with passagesjrom 11 ]-3), translated with notes by D.M. Balme (Oxford
1972), 10-11:
Exposition should be as follows: for example, breathing exists for the sake
of this, while that comes to be of necessity because of those. Necessity
signifies sometimes that if there is to be that for the sake of which, these
must necessarily be present; and sometimes that this is their state and
nature. For the hot necessarily goes out and comes in again when it meets
resistance, and the air must flow in; so much is already necessitated.
And when the inner hot beats back, in the cooling occurs the inflow
of the outside air and the outflow.
[This then is the manner of the investigation, and these and such are
the things about which one must obtain the causes.]

Balme provides an explanation on p. 101.

He calls the example 'obscure'. He also notes: 'This explanation of
breathing is not what Aristotle gives as his own at Resp. 480a 16-b 12....
Aristotle often uses examples taken not from his own theories but from
common beliefs, and this one may have been a current medical ortho-
doxy. Plato based his own theory of breathing on a similar account
of the actions of hot and cold, though in other respects there is n~
similarity (Timaeus 79DE).'

Comments on Balme:
Precisely because Aristotle emphasizes that he wants to give an
example of the right method, it is unlikely that he is merely offering
a theory held by others. The allusion to Plato's Timaeus is important,
though. The great dispute about respiration and breath was between
Plato and Aristotle.

The complete MIorks of Aristotle. The Revised Oiford translation, ed. by

J.Barnes, II vols, (Princeton 1984) vo!. I 999-1000.
This is the translation by W Ogle (1912) with modifications.

Aristoteles, Over dieren, vertaald, ingeleid en van aantekeningen voorzien

door R. Ferwerda (Groningen 2000) 32-33:
Een voorbeeld van hoe we onze uiteenzettingen moeten geven is het
Ademhaling vindt plaats met dit en dit specifieke doel, en dit doel
wordt door die en die dingen noodzakelijkerwijs bereikt.
Noodzaak betekent mer nu eens dat, als iets het doel is ter wille waarvan
iets anders gebeurt, die bepaalde dingen noodzakelijkerwijs voorhanden
moeten zijn, dan weer dat dingen zo zijn als ze zijn, en wel van nature
zo zijn. Zo is het noodzakelijk dat warmte naar buiten gaat en dan weer
naar binnen gaat wanneer ze tegen lucht opbotst en terugslaat, en dat
dan lucht naar binnen stroomt. Dit is alvast een noodzakelijkheid; en
hoewel de warmte binnenin weerstand biedt komt bij het afkoelen de
lucht van buiten af naar binnen (n. 35).
In deze trant gaat ons onderzoek in zijn werk en dit is het soort ver-
schijnselen waarvan we de oorzaken moeten vaststellen.

On p. 34 he explains in n. 35: 'Heat goes in and out to enable respi-

ration, respiration takes place in order to cool the living creature: this
is necessary to stay alive, and is therefore a conditional necessity. The
outflow of the heat turns into an inflow as a side effect of refrigeration:
this is the outcome of a contest between the contraries of hot and cold,
and is therefore a natural necessity.'

Aristotle, On the parts of animals I-IV, translated with an introduction and

comm. by].G. Lennox (Oxford 2001) 8
One should explain in the following way, e.g. breathing exists for the sake
of this, while that comes to be from necessity because of these. But 'neces-
sity' sometimes signifies that if that-i.e. that for the sake of which-is
to be, it is necessary for these things to obtain, while at other times it
signifies that things are thus in respect of their character and nature.
For it is necessary for the hot to go out and enter again upon meeting
resistance, and for the air to flow in. This is directly necessary; and it is
as the internal heat retreats during the cooling of the external air that
inhalation and exhalation occur. This then is the way of investigation,
and it is in relation to these things and things such as these that one
should grab the causes.

In his commentary on pp. 151-152 Lennox notes:

642a3l-32: cr EA. IV 2, 677a17-l8. The discussion is carefully
constructed so that the contrast between teleology and necessity is first
introduced, followed by the contrast between conditional necessity and
a necessity rooted in an element's natural propensities.

642a35-b2: The example unfortunately is highly compressed and

does not appear to represent Aristotle's own theory, according to which
the lung is expanded by the organism, air naturally flows in to 'fill the
void' caused by the expansion, and being cool this air reduces the heat
around the heart. The lung then contracts, forcing the warmed air out
(Iuv. 27 = Resp. 21, 480a25-b4).
Here, apparently, 'the hot (air?)' goes out, is 'beaten back' by the cool
external air, and as the hot returns, external air flows in with it. This
is apparently an example of what occurs necessarily as a consequence
of having a certain character and being a certain way of nature. It
is, we would say, the 'mechanics' of breathing, and it is to be viewed
as embedded within a demonstration that this process of breathing is
necessary for a certain end.

Comments on J. G. Lennox:
There is a clear tension between Lennox's claim that 'The discourse is
carefully constructed' and his claim that the example given by Aristotle
'does not appear to represent Aristotle's own theory'.
It is also strange that Aristotle puts the main emphasis on teleology,
but then discusses only 'the mechanics of breathing'.

The first matter of importance is that Aristotle wants to give an
example of the correct method of investigating natural phenomena in
the sphere of living nature.
Another starting-point is that the theory endorsed here must agree.
with the Aristotelian view argued elsewhere in EA. (and the Parva
Aristotle wants to make it clear that respiration is a phenomenon
which nature supports by means of a number of natural processes.
The passage talks about 'Vu~t<;, 'refrigeration'. In explaining it we
must consider that Aristotle saw respiration solely as a function which
serves to cool the internal vital heat of the living creature.
The passage also talks about 'to 8epJlov, 'vital heat'. We should con-
sider that Aristotle had his own, unique view of vital heat, as the vital
heat in every living creature, independent of respiration.

Proposal for a new translation with interpretation:

We should organize our expositions as follows. For example: respiration
functions for the sake of this [viz. for the sake of cooling the internal

vital heat], and this [goal] is necessarily achieved by means of such or

such matters.
But 'necessity' [has several meanings. It] sometimes means
(a) that if this goal is to be realized, it must necessarily possess these
matters, but sometimes (b) that things are thus and are thus by nature.
[According to Aristotle, an explanation along the lines of (b) is therefore
insufficient: an explanation should follow (a).]
[First an explanation along the lines of (b) (rejected) is given.]
For heat necessarily goes out and, when it collides [with cold air],
returns, and then air flows in. This [is the theory of Plato's Timaeus and
this] is in fact necessary.
But [this leaves the goal of respiration out of account. Hence we should
say that] because the vital heat offers resistance within, the reason why
the outer air enters (and goes out again) lies in the refrigeration [of the
internal vital heat].
This is the [right] method of our investigation. And this and the like
are the matters of which we are to determine the causes.

For the meaning of EV in this explanation, cf. Phys. IV 3, 21 Oa21 :

:.\gain, as the affairs of Greece are in the King, and generally events
are in their primary motive agent. Again, as a thing is in its good, and
generally in its end, i.e. in that for the sake of which' (transI. by R.:P.
Hardie and R.K. Gaye) (fV ~aatAEl 'ta 'tmv 'EAAnvmv Kat oAm<; EV 'tip
1tpOO't(p KtVT\'ttKip. E'tt 00<; fV 'tip aya8ip Kat oAm<; fV 'tip 'tEAEt· 'to'i>'to 0'
fa'tt 'to oil EVEKa).
If the above interpretation cuts ice, Aristotle finds the principal differ-
ence between himself and Plato's Timaeus in the fact that Plato neglects
the 'for the sake of which' in his explanations. Note that the entire
section on respiration in the Timaeus forms part of Plato's exposition
in which he discusses 'Necessity' as cause.
In our interpretation, Arist. EA. I 1, 642a35-36: 'For heat necessarily
goes out and, when it collides, returns, and then air flows in. This is in
fact necessary' ('to 8EPllov yap avayKalov E~tEVat Kat mxAtv datEVat
av'tucpouov, 'tOY 0' aEpa dapElv. TOlho B' ilBT\ avayKalov fa'ttv), refers
to PI. Tim. 78d, which includes the following passage: 'The network
sinks away into the body-for the body is rarefied in composition-and
then moves out again. The internal rays of fire connected with the
network follow the air in both directions' ('to OE 1tAEYlla, 00<; ov'tos 'tou
aoollu't0s IlUVO U, BUEaSat Elam Bt' au'tou Kat mXAtv E~m, 'ta<; BE fV't0s
't01> 1tUPOs uK'ttVa<; OtUOEOq1Evus uKoAou8EtV fq:>' EKa'tEpa i6v'tos 't01>
UEpOS.· .). See also Tim. 79d: '\Ve must admit that, by nature, heat
goes to its own place, i.e. outside, to what is akin to it' (to SEPIlOV oi1

KU'tU qrucHv Ei<; 'tllv UU'tO\) xffipav E~W 1tpo<; 'to crUYYEVf<; 6~OA.oYTl'tEOV
tEvUt) and 7ge: 'The <air> impelled around which falls into the fire is
heated, whereas the air which passes out is cooled' ('to ()f 1tEptwcr8fV
Ei<; 'to 1tUP E~1tl1t'tOV 8EPIlUtVE'tUt, 'to ()' E~tOV 'VUXE'tUt).

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Aeschylus, De generatione et corruptione

Persae 6; 146 23 n. 54, 72 n. 3 I
1,314b6 65
[Aetius], 1, 314b6-8 184
Placita 5, 321a5 56
V 21,1 148 5,321b24 178
5,322aI9-33 49
Ambrose, 10, 328al0 181
Hexaemeron I 10, 328b22 181
1, 1 11 n. 34 11
1,329a24 147
Aristotle, 6, 333a3S 62
Eudemus 24 6,333bI3-16 184
7, 334blS-19 SS
De philosophia 24
Physica I
I 14, 3S2b8 153
2, 18Sal-2 173 11
7, 190bS 62 9, 370al 107
8, 191b12 173 III
11 6, 377b13 55
1,193al1 176 IV
IV 3,381a23 186
3,21Oa21 195 3,381b6 186
VII 3, 381b13 100
2, 245a26 62 6-8 185
3,24Sb9 176 9, 386b14 128
VIII 19, 387b31 SS
1,2S1b20 178
1,2S2aI9-27 64 De mundo
9, 265b19-22 64 2, 391 b19 154
2,391b2S 154
De caelo 2, 391b26 154
I 2, 392a2-3 154
3, 269b21 89 2, 392a35 137
3, 270a23 50 4, 394b8-9 26 n. 61
11 4, 394b9-11 64
1,284aI8-35 154 4,394bI2-13 26 n. 61
13, 293b31 154 4,395aI1-14 107
III 5, 395b34 131
S,304a7-18 174 6, 399b14 177
5, 304a12 11 n. 33
7,305b4 64, 104 De anima
8,306b18 176 I
8,306b28 173 1, 403a-bl 109
8, 307a26 11 n. 33, 174 1, 403a30 109
202 Il\"1)EX LOCORUM

2, 405a21 72 n. 2 De longitudine vitae

3,405b31-406b25 120 2, 465a26 fr. 122
3,407a35-407bl1 120 3, 465b 1-32 139
3,407b20 127 De iuventute
3, 407b25 12 n. 42 1, 467b 16 103
3, 408a13-24 184 2, 468a20-23 103
4, 408a5-28 184 2, 468a23-4, 469a28 103
4,408a13 104, 124, 127 2, 468b5-6 65
4,408aI8-19 64 3,469aI 57
5,41Oal-10 184 4, 469a28 f[ 103
5,410b27-411a2 65 4, 469b6-17 138
5,410b29 26 4,469bI4 49
5,411b23 65 5, 469b26-6, 470b5 139
Il 6, 470a19--b5 49
1,412a7 177 6, 470a29 50
1,412a8 177 14,474b9 3 n. 10, 132
1,412b6-9 179 19 2 n. 5
I,412b24-25 117 22,478a27 3 n. 10, 132
1,412b28 177 De respiratione
2,414aIO 128 1,470b6 72 n. 2
2,414aI2-17 177 1,470blO 72 n. 2
2, 414a25-28 177 1,470b15 49
4 11 1,470b21 49
4,415b27-416a9 62 1,470b24 93
4,416a9-18 4 n. 15, 11 n. 35,178 2, 470b28 f[ 88
4,416bl1 49 2, 470b30 72 n. 2
4,416b25 176 2,47Ia19 82
4,416b31 100 3,47Ia26 56,95
7,419a35 84 3,47Ib15 72 n. 2
9, 42Ib2 84 3,37IbI5-19 135
9,42IbI3-422a26 84 3,471b26-29 3,98
9,421b25 84 4,47Ib3Q-472a3 92
9, 42Ib32 84 4,471b30-472b5 142
9,422a3 81 4,472a35 56
III 5,472b9 124
9, 432aI5 f[ 120 5, 472b15 115
10, 433bl 120 5,472b33 77
12, 434b13-27 167 5, 473a2 56
6,473a3 53 n. 5, 72
Parva naturalia 6, 473a4 56
De sensu 6, 473a6 66
1,436b6-7 118 6, 473a6-8 80
5, 443a3-6 84, 88 6, 473aIQ-12 51, 55
5, 444b7-28 87 7, 473aI5-16 92
5,445a16 72 7,473bI-5 67, 125, 133
5,445aI7 66 7, 473bI-474a6 24 n. 56
5, 445a18 73, 80 7,473b3 68
7,447a17 183 7, 474a4 f[ 96
De somno 7,474a12 130
2, 456a8 2 n. 5 7, 474a13 26
3, 456a34 58 7,474aI2-15 53
3,456b2 131 7, 474a15 130
3, 456b6 100 8, 474b3 57
De insomniis 8,474b9 131
3, 461a6 96 8,474blO 120

8,474bl0-13 138 17, 507a34 94

8, 474b22-24 125 III
9-13 139 1,509b17 86
9,474b31-475a20 82 1, 509b25 86
9, 475a2 86 1,51OaI2-21 135
9,475a3 86 1,510a29 132
9, 475a29 82 I,SlOa30 140
9, 475b7-11 166 2,511b2 148
1O,476a9 56 2,511bI3-23 103
11, 476a3 1 114 2,511b25 115
12,477a4-5 166 3,513a20 145
13, 477aI5-23 168 3,513b14 133
16,478a28 138 3,513b24 133
16,478bl 131 3,513b29 145
17, 479a6-7 65 4,514b28-30 135
18, 479a29-30 25 n. 57 4,514b30 135
20,479bI7-19 101 4,515a3 135
2~ 479b26 106-107, 109 5,515a27 144
20, 479b27 102 5,515a28 164
20, 479b29 143 5,515a31 128
20, 479b31 107 5,515a32-b6 94
20, 480al 110 5, 515b3 160
20, 480a2 106 5, 515bl0-ll 160
20, 480a 10 110 5,515b16 147, 160
20,480a14 102 5,515b17 143
21,480aI6-b5 191 7,516a8-10 94
21,480aI7-19 54 7, 516b9-11 185
21,480aI6-bI2 95 11, 51 7b28 160
21,480a19 25 n. 60, 49 11,518b9 81
21, 480a21 130 19, 520a12 59
21,480a25-b4 194 19, 520b27 148
21,480a29 130 19, 521 a 12 148
21,480b3 79 19, 521a15 129
21,480b6 134 19,521b2 148
Histona animalium 1,523b21 166
I 1,523b5-8 149
1,487b21 169 1,523b8-12 149
4,489a20 140 1,525a9 3 n. 10, 132
5, 489b33 166 1, 525a13 166
7,491b3 132 4, 528a17 133
12,492b7 67 7,532b3 153
13, 493a22 157 8, 534b25-29 166
15,494a4 135 VI
11, 494a5 158 11,566a15 3 n. 10, 132
16,495b16 67 VII
16, 495b19 114 10,587a16 140
17,496bI6-34 140 1O,587a19 140
17,497a32 3 n. 10, 132
11 De partibus animalium
1,497b16 158 I
1,497b17 132 I, 639a17 184-
11,503b23 132 1,639a25 184
12, 504b8 169 1,639b14 163
17,507a21 132 1,640aI9-26 159

1, 642a18-24 184 7, 670b9 96

1,642a31-b4 189 14,674a20 100
3, 643b 10 170 IV
Il 2,677a9 3n. 10, 132
1,647b4 59 2,677a17--18 193
2, 647b25 145 4, 678a16-20 100
2,648bll-649a33 175 4, 678a19 100
2,649a29 175 5, 678b25 114
2, 649a34-b8 185 6,683a24 175
3, 650a20 80 7,683b14-17 133
3,650a22 50 10, 686a20 158
3, 650b5-11 100 10, 688b34 113
3, 650bl0 100 10,689b16-19 153
7,652a25 157 12, 694a6 169
7,652b7-14 176 13,697bl-14 169
7,653b14 100
9, 654a32 153 De motu animalium
9,654b9 131 1, 698a7 3 n. 11
9, 654b11 156 1,698a15 157
9, 654b23 160 3, 699a20-22 154
9, 654b25 160 3,699a27-bll 154
9, 654b27 164 3, 699a30 154
9, 654b32 156 4,700a6-11 157
9, 655alO 185 6, 700b35-701a1 157
9,655a12 185 7,701b7-10 128, 165
9, 655a23-655b2 146 8 175
9, 655a25 153 8, 702a7-21 128
9, 655a28 160 8, 702a9 175
9, 655a32 181 8,702a9-10 11 n. 37
9, 655b2 148 10 49, 78
10, 655b32 50 10,703a4-28 128, 165
10, 656a10-13 168 10, 703a4-6 157
10, 656b19 132 10, 703a8 50
13, 657b7 169 10, 703alO 1 n. 3, 2 n. 5,48,61
16 86 10, 703a16 2 n. 5
16, 659b16 86
16, 659b19 56 De incessu animalium
III 1, 704a12 168
3, 664a35 146 5, 706b3 168
3,664b6 67,113 5, 706bll 154
3, 664blO 113 7,707a17 170
4, 665a33 112 7, 707b7 168
4, 665b18 93 n. 1 9, 708b26 f[ 155
4, 665b28 97 10,71Oa16-b4 169
4,666a8 131 12,711a8-1O 155
4,666b13 165 12, 711b11 159
4, 667b19 117 15,712b31 168
4, 667a27 50 18, 714a20-22 44 n. 24, 169
4, 667b8-10 132 19,714blO 169
5,667b24 131 19,714b14 19,170
5, 668a4 164
5, 668b25 94 De generatione animalium
6,669a13 95 I
6, 669a18 109 3, 716b20 132
7,670a23-25 138 18, 724b4-6 181

19,726b2 57 1, 779a8 3 n. 10, 132

19, 726b20 57 2, 781a24-25 108
19, 728a20 57 4,784b2 100
20, 728al0 142 7,786b27-787bI5 50
20,728bI5 142 8, 789blO 175
1,732b32 139 De audibilibus
1, 734a23-25 112 800a17-20 99
1, 734blO 178 802b16 135
1, 734b28 fr. 178
1, 734b28-735a4 175 [De plantis]
1,734b31 12 n. 38 I
I, 734b33-735a4 12 n. 39 3, 818a40 49
1,735a2-4 176-177 7, 822aI 49
1,735a12 180 11
2, 736al 27, 125 6,826b19 49
3, 736a27 174
3,736b30-737al I, 196 De mirabilibus
3,736b33-737a7 175 38, 833al7 137
3, 736b35-737al 27
3, 737a36-b3 147 Problemata
3, 737b5-7 180 VIII
4-6 83 19, 889all 154
4, 737b29-30 142 X
4, 738all 10 n. 30 23, 893a39 110
4,740al-21 157 XXVII
4, 740a3 112 3, 947b29 109
4, 740al7 112
4, 740a21-24 58 1l.1etaphysica
4, 740bl2 123 A
4,740b25 175 3, 984a5 72 n. 2
4, 740b34-37 180 4, 985a21 64
6, 742a5 26, III 9, 990bl7 173
6, 742a9 81 B
6, 743b5 128 4, 1001a8 55
6, 743b32 117 4, 1014b27 176
6, 744b22 143 4, 1105al-3 184
6, 744b32-36 49 ~
7, 746al5 3 n. 10, 132 4, 1014b27 176
7, 746a22 3 n. 10, 132 4,1015al-3 184
I, 749bl9 fr. 169 2, 1042b31 187
10, 760b27-33 103 A
11,761a33 127 10, 1075b12 176
11, 762a18-21 24, 27 10, 1075b37-1076a4 97
11, 762a18-b21 107
11, 762a27 127 Ethica nicomachea
I, 765b20 142 3, I094bl1 163
I, 766a33 57-58 3, I094b23-28 163
1, 764a35 3 n. 10, 132 13,II02a24 164
4,77Ib32 3 n. 10, 132 V
8, 776b27-28 142 11, 1136a16 55
I,778a23 49 14, 1163bII 133

Politica 61e3 174

I 62a6 80
2, 1252bl-3 12 n. 41 64b3 117
IV 64b4 74, 94
13, 1297a4G-41 55 64el 74
15, 1300a27 55 64e6 117
15, 1300a29 55 64e5 74
V 67a7-b5 67
8, 1308b7-9 55 67b2 117
67b3 74
Rhetorica 6ge5 fr. 120
I 69d fr. 120
2, 1357b18 109 70a2 120
III 70e 109, 126
5,1407a24 110 70e-d 95, 126, 137
70el 102
Rhetorica ad Alexandrum 70e6-7 24 n. 56, 113
31, 1438b14 52 70e7-8 67
36, 1442b25 52 70d1 92, 137
70d2 22, 133
Hippolytus of Rome 70d3 102
Refutatio omnium haeresium 70d4 102
VII 22, 13 136 70d5 137
70e 114
Empedocles, 71 fr. 140
31 D.K. A 78 148, 184 71b3 140
31 D.K. B 8 184 72dl 140
31 D.K. B 96 184 73a3 114
31 D.K. B 100 96 73a3-4 132
73b-76e6 153
Philo of Alexandria 73b-d 157
De agricultura 3 110 73b2 22, 141
73e 157
Plato, 73d6 154
Phaedrus 73d7 154-155
245e9 120 74a6 155
251d4 102 74d2 129, 143
74d6 161
Timaeus 74e 97
40el 154 74e4 135
43a4-6 96 75d4 23, 161
43b5 96, 105 77a1 113, 122
43b5-e 117 77a6-e5 100
43b5-6 101 76bl-3 129
45b1 74 77b2 100
45dl 94, 117 77e6-79a4 113
46e7 119 ne-80d 78
56d1 174 ne6 97
56d6 174 ne7 22, 133
57a2-3 174 ne6-79a5 n
57a3-b7 122 nd2 141
57a3-5 75 78a 130
60e4 142 78a-79a 132
61d7 174 78a6 ff. 115
78b 95 80d3 174
78c4-8 115 80d6 106, 174
78c5 101 80e3 174
78c6 114 85c-d 131
78d-e 65 91a4 22, 141
78e-79a5 102 91a6 142
78e3-7ge4 115 91b2 142
78e4 73, 116 91e2-92a 167
78e5 22, 78, 137 91e6-8 153
79a-80d 53 92al 142
79a2 133 92a6 168
79a4 133 92a7 88
79a5-el0 67, 104, 129 92a7-b6 22, 135
79a6 130
79d 195 Plutarch,
79de 192 Tiberius 3 110
79dl 130, 137
79d6 122 Sophocles,
7ge 196 7Tachiniae 116 23 n. 54, 72 n. 3
7ge8 104
7ge2 77, 122 Xenophon,
80c 87 Anabasis
80e7 57 IV 3, 31 89
80dl f[ 105

Aeschylus 23 n. 54, 72 n. 3 67-68, 72, 74, 92, 96, 99, 104,

Alexander of Aphrodisias 18, 179 106, 124-125, 127, 130, 148, 159,
Anaxagoras 48, 64-65, 72, 72 n. 2, 183-186
135 Erasistratus of Ceos 5-8, 8 n. 24, 10,
Anaximenes 72, 72 n. 2 77, 92, 147
Annas, JE. 7, 27 n. 65
Antigonus Gonatas 10, 71 Forster, E.S. 2 n. 5
Aristocles 23 n. 54 Freudenthal, G. 28 n. 66
Aristogenes 8-10, IOn. 27, 15, 20-23, Furlanus, D. 14 nn. 48, 50, 31 n. 2,
31,52-53,55,59-60,71,72-78,82, 40 n. 16,45 nn. 27-28, 73, 88, 136,
88,91-94,97,101, 106, 124-125, 180, 182
Aristogenes of Cnidus 7 Galen 3, 8, 95
Ariston 23 Gohlke, PI, 1 n. 2, 5-6, 9, 48, 52,
54, 56, 58-59, 74, 79, 85-86, 95-97,
Balme,o.M. 189, 192 101, 105, 107, Ill, 116, 119, 121,
Basilides 136 123-126, 128, 130-131, 134-139,
Bechte1, F. 23 n. 54 141, 144--146, 149-150, 154-160,
Bekker, I. 24, 43 n. 20, 158, 165 163,165-170,176,178,180-181,
Bos, A.p. 18 n. SI, 27 n. 64, 48 n. 2, 185-186
93 n. 2, 117 n. I
Bremmer, J 26 n. 62 Harris, C.R.S. 5 n. 18
Bussemaker, Ue. 33 n. 7, 34 n. 8, 38 Harvey, W. 165
n.ll,89,93, 168-169, 177, 186 Hein, C. 3 n. 12
Heracles 23 n. 54, 72 n. 3
Chrysippus the physician 8 n. 24, Hesychius 3 n. 12
173 Hett, WS. 5-6, 13 n. 48,48,52,54,
Claghorn, G.S. 21 n. 53 58-59,61-62, 74, 76-77, 79-81,
Cornford, F.M. 95 85-87, 93, 95-97, 101, 103, 105,
107-108, Ill, 116, 119, 121,
Democritus 10, 22, 34, 48, 92, 135, 123-126, 128,131, 133-140, 142,
142 145-146,149-150, 154-160, 163,
Diogenes of Apollonia 48, 72, 72 165,167-170,174,176,178-183,
n. 2,135 185-186
Diogenes Laertius 23 n. 54 Holwerda, 0. 23 n. 55, 32 n. 5, 39
Dobson, JF. 1 n. 3, 5, 7, 39 nn. 12, n. 14,46 n. 30, 79,85,89, 121, 131,
14,40 n. 18,45 n. 25,48,52,54, 133, 139, 163, 166, 184
56,58-59,61-62,64, 76-77, 79-81,
83, 85-87, 93, 95-98, 100-101, ]aeger, VG. 1 n. 3
103-105, 107-108, 110-111, 116, ]aeger, W. 4,4 n. 14,8-9, 14 n. 48.
118-119,121,123-124,126,128, 24, 32 n. 6, 33 n. 7,45 n. 27, 46
130-131, 133-141, 143-146, n. 29, 48, 58, 67, 79-81, 83, 85, 89,
149-150,154-160,163,165-170, 91,95, 99-100, 105, 108, 110, 121,
174, 176, 178-186 123, 139, 141, 143-145, 158, 165,
Duprat, G.L. 146 167-168, 173-174, 176-177, 180,
182-183, 185
Empedocles 10, 14, 22, 24, 24 n. 56,
34, 41, 46, 48, 53, 60, 62, 64--65, Kenny, A. 6
Lennox,j.G. 181, 193-194
88-89, 94--97, 101, 105, 107,
Uoyd, G.E.R. 179 110-111,113,117-118,121,
Louis, P. 113, 166, 189, 191-192
123-126, 128, 131, 133-139, 141,
143-147, 149--150, 154--160, 163,
Macfarlane, P. 23 n. 55, 140 165,167-70,173-180,182-184
Mayhew, R. 181 Ross, Wo. 50 59 68 73 84 131
Moraux, P. 3 n. 12 142, 184, 189 ' , , , ,

Neustadt, E. 9, 173, 177-178, S?arp1es, R.W 8 n. 21

184-185 Slwek, P 6 n. 19, 10 n. 30
Nico1aus Damascenus 49 n. 3 Solmsen, F 119
Nussbaum, M.C. 7 Sophocles 23 n. 54, 72 n. 3
Stoa 4 n. 15, 119
Ogle, W. 156, 189, 192 Syennesis of Cyprus 115
Onians, R.B. 67
Theophrastus 4 n. 14, 5, 49 n. 3
Peck, AL. 47, 147, 149, 157-158, Thompson, D'Arcy W. 147
190-191 Tricot,j. 6, 19,48,52,54,59,61,64,
P1inius 3 68, 72, 74, 77, 79-81, 83, 85-86, 88,
Pohlenz, M. 119 93,95-97, 101, 10LI07-109, Ill,
Poortmans, E.Lj. 49 n. 3 116,119,121,123-126,128,131,
Praxagoras of Cos 5 133-138, 140, 144-146, 149-150,
Preus, A 86 154-160,163,165-170,174,176,
Pto1emye1-Garib 3, 3 n. 12 178,181-183,185-186
Pythagoreans 72-73, 83
Wellmann, M. IOn. 27, 7l n. 1
Regenbogen, O. 4 n. 14
Rose, V 4, 7, 10 Xerxes 23 n. 54, 72 n. 3
Roselli, A 8-9, 32 n. 3, 40 n. 18,
43 n. 21, 48, 52, 54, 56, 58-61, 63, Zeller, E. 2 n. 5
65,67-68, 71-73, 76-80,85-86,

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