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Through Ultan's Door Presents Beneath The Moss Courts

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 ’  :

Beneath the Moss Courts

     
inside “beneath the moss courts”
a companion adventure by gus l:

Pursue a rank mystery that links piracy on the sewer

with corrupt trials in the city. Explore the Red Channel,
and infiltrate the wreck of the Verdant Purveyor!
Visit the offices of dastardly fee inquisitors at the Moss
Courts! Battle fell pirates, and beat lawyers at trial with
the help of the testimony of cats!
b e neath the moss cou rt s
table of contents
Some Notes 0n Zyanese Justice 3
The Regulators of the Black Circle 7
Legerdemain in the Moss Courts 11
The Wreck of the Verdant Purveyor 19
Exploring the Red Channel 19
The Moss Court Bore 21
Plundering the Verdant Purveyor 27
Wonderous Items 37
Credits 40
a n ad v enture by gu s l
Pursue a rank mystery that links piracy on the sewer with
corrupt trials in the city. Explore the Red Channel, and
infiltrate the wreck of the Verdant Purveyor! Visit the offices of
dastardly fee inquisitors at the Moss Courts! Battle fell pirates,
and beat lawyers at trial with the help of the testimony of cats!
some notes on
zyanese justice

Fee Inquisitors are a product of Zyan’s convoluted and nested legal

systems. Traditional rights, guild courts and cruel preformative inquis-
itorial justice struggle for dominance. Disputes among members of the
same guild or associated families are usually managed internally, with
fines and exile as a guildless outcast for the most severe offenders. Only
the most violent and notorious criminals, extraordinary heretics, out-
siders, or those without influence are turned over to the Inquisitors for
execution in their theaters. This patronage system leaves little space
to resolve inter-guild disputes, a niche public orators, fee inquisitors,
judges extraordinary, barristers-at-arms, and priests litigant fill. Fee
inquisitors are the most important part of Zyan’s civil bar—orators
whose incisive words, connections, and state granted powers to detain,
investigate and resolve civil disputes through competitive public trials
before paid judges. These disputes are usually over issues beneath true
inquisitorial notice: conflicts over money or real estate, broken con-
tracts, accidental injuries, and defective goods.
Even without access to the inquisitorial theaters, judicial puppets,
and powers of high justice, Fee Inquisitors remain powerful officials
in Zyan, commanding bodyguards of armed lictors and hired inves-
tigators to research, collect evidence and protect them from clients’
rivals or angry mobs. Fee Inquisitors wear bright robes and long beaked
masks mimicking the Inquisitor Guild’s with the addition of a colored
bar across the eyes. The Society of Public Orator’s ethics forbid using
force against each other—the Society is surprisingly close knit, protect-
ing even its lowly scriveners and law writers from the Union of Scribes
(who view them as interlopers) but their judicial powers give them a
free and heavy hand dealing with outsiders.

Zyanese Procedure
The unrepresented lose without trial or are thrown to the puppets or private ju-
dicial champions, fulfilling the hunger for public spectacle. Should both plain-
tiff (never a problem if Inquisitors are involved) and defendant retain effective
and costly counsel, criminal offenses are most likely tried in a Court of Proofs.
Other courts and procedures exist, but “Trial by Proof” is popular. A Full
Proof convicts the offender and can be compiled from two Half Proofs—one
of which can be made of two Partial Proofs. Any Proof can be cancelled by one
of equal value (lower value proofs have no effect on higher).

Full Proof

• Uncoerced Confession
• Witness Testimony of Priest, Deity, Noble, or Cat

Half Proof

• Coerced Confession (Inquisitorial coercion only)

• Witness Testimony by Commoner (including accomplice)
 igh Magical Evidence or Spectral Witnesses (Requires pomp and flash)
• Dying Declaration of Victim

Partial Proof

• Coerced Witness Testimony (Inquisitorial coercion only)

• Circumstantial, Character or Documentary Evidence
• Low Magical Evidence shown by testimony
• Hearsay Witness (Witness is testifying to past statements of others)

Zyanese Rumors and Snide Insinuations
Regarding Moss Courts (1d6)

d6 Rumormonger Rumor

1 A legal fan in motley, festooned Milbrath Osban! A dynamo,

with the pennants and badges a tiger in the jungle of the law.
of his favorite Inquisitors—sur- He wins even when the law
ly, drunk and far too talkative. is against him! Witnesses and
opponents, afraid to test him,
refuse to appear!

2 A ratcatcher of the Sewerjacks’ The old sewers under the first

Moiety, he carries a bouquet palaces—full with bureaucrats
of fragrant flowers to hide the now, are strange and full of
stink of sewer and cellar. hidey holes. Red Brick channel
for instance.

3 A trio of brass masked Scriv- The Moss Courts legal offices is

eners, juniors in the Society of home to a troupe of Moss Mon-
Public Orators celebrate one of keys. Mean, noisy cusses-only
their number’s novel theory of placid when fed. They persist
contract breach. largely on junior clerks’ lunches.

4 Pawning weapons and armor I survived the attack by playing

a disgraced sewer Barge Guard dead, floating in the channel,
will serve any who rearm him and when it was over I heard
and help avenge the deaths of the sound of clanking chains as
his companions. the pirates brought out a coffle
of straining slaves to loot.

5 Inviting others to drink her Osban’s dangerous, keeps weird

wine and eat buttery meat pas- hours. Placid Grouh met with
tries, a successful Fee Inquisitor him and got murdered by rob-
promotes her business. bers on the dark streets.

6 The Chantreuse sings an odd Victims say the sewer pirates

murder ballad about a grave are all different, but they are
robbing criminal who uses a all the same, one man—many
magic mask to escape. masks—a dashing king of

the regulators
of the black circle

‘Free Hand’ Hesock’s Regulators of the Black Circle are sewer pirates,
slavers, and assassins. Proclaiming noble names for their depredations,
emblazoning self-aggrandizing mythologies on sewer walls, embroidering
false legacies into their silk jackets—pathetic self-deceptions. The Black
Circle differs from the common corsair only in their unusual relationship
with one of Zyan’s rising judicial stars—Milrath Osban, fee inquisitor
and law speaker. This coming man of the Society of Public Orators is
renowned for unparalleled success prosecuting annoyances to the wealthy.
Osban’s success apparently comes from uncanny luck—his opponents’
witnesses never show up at trial. Truthfully, Osban is a pettifogger, his
successes from his office’s location in the Moss Courts and the alliance this
allows with the Black Circle.
Beneath the Esteemed M. Osban’s office window, an inaccessible square of
dead trees, bickering monkeys, and dense mossy growth surrounds a great
decaying grate. The grate leads to a shaft plunging into the Zyanese un-
derworld near the Verdant Purveyor, a wrecked sewer galleon and lair of
Free Hand Hesock’s band. Kismet brought Milrath Osban and Free Hand
together. Hesock’s taste for reading his astrological fate took him to the
surface while Osban worked late at his uncle’s office. The bandit and the
litigator were kindred souls at first sight—avaricious, indifferent to others’
suffering, and byzantine schemers.
Osban provides new recruits, slaves, and a fence for stolen plunder, and Hesock
makes witnesses and other inconvenient obstacles vanish. Their partnership
of two years has refined their schemes to one simple and lucrative outrage:
Osban’s wealthy clients pay a premium to win their cases, and Hesock assures
victory by vanishing uncooperative witnesses. Witnesses are tormented and
offered a choice of serving Hesock’s Black Circle or painful death. In re-
turn, Osban’s connections fence the plunder from Free Hand’s predations.
Osban lures inconvenient witnesses and other annoyances (His beloved
uncle was an early victim) to his office at night where, mid-interview, sewer
pirates pour through the office windows—bright silks glimmering in the
lamp light, knives clamped in teeth, and eyes aflame with dangerous stim-
ulants—to carry the inconvenient off.

Eminence Milrath Osban

Well built and handsome, with elegant and ingratiating hand gestures,
often wearing stylish yellow and blue robes with a matching bar across
his smiling-eyed, beaked mask—Osban appears a pillar of Zyanese gen-
try. Quick-witted and an excellent liar, he’s a deal-maker not a pugilist.
Despite personal warmth Milrath Osban is merciless and lacks human
feeling, his callousness born of evil self-regard rather than ignorance,
with no honor or ethics reigning his fierce and murderous ambition.
Any deal with Osban is to his benefit, or he will break it through fraud,
careful violence, or legal maneuver. Osban lacks personal loyalty to
Hesock or his lictors and clerks, but his obsession with professional
reputation means he is unlikely to betray them for fear of revealing his

“Free Hand” Hesock

Raffishly brutish, long-faced and wearing a variety of masks depending on
mood and the effect he wishes to provoke (including the Tomb Mask of
Carbac Lu, a wondrous item—see page 40), Hesock is a cheerful, unimag-
inative sadist. Broad-shouldered with a long plaited beard, shaven head,
and apeish muscular arms, Hesock wears gilded lamellar armor and an em-
broidered silk surcoat depicting a black horned wyrm coiled over a hoard
of severed hands.
Hesock is driven by a love of power manifesting as sadism. He enjoys re-
ducing enemies, especially the connected and powerful, to hopelessness and
terror far more than the wealth his schemes bring. “Free Hand” is the so-
briquet Hesock’s men bestowed on him for his favorite punishment and
execution: severing his victims’ hands. The arrangement with Osban pro-
tects him, provides wealth and almost unlimited opportunities to indulge
his bloodlust, but he has no loyalty if he (or his organization) are seriously



Detailed Map: Osban’s Offices

legerdemain in
the moss courts

The Moss Courts are a compact former palace in the heart of Zyan, now a
respectable two-story set of offices and chambers, mostly for various Public
Orators alongside import firms, commeda and tontine syndicates. Built of
striped rows of grey and red ashlar with carved bulbous and baroque details
in the same antiquated style as the sculptural buttresses: whimsical saints
and demons support the second story and richly coppered roof
Windows facing the exterior are barred with iron while those in the sealed court-
yards accessible from the roof are not. Sculptural detail makes the Moss Courts
easy to climb, but climbers on its street facing front are likely to be noticed.
1. Moss Court Entry Halls - Illuminated
A flight of red stone steps leads to an open entry beneath a complex multi-
foil arch dripping with humorously carved demons. By night a functional
iron gate blocks entrance.
• I ron gate: Wrought iron, a serious impediment with minimal deco-
ration of twisted bars and star shaped plates at the joins, bolted into
the entrance archway’s old stone. Closed and bolted shut at sunset,
a narrow, inset, locked iron gate allows the guards and tenants night
access. Noise at the gate will bring the Cabal of Eyewatchers from 1a.
1a. Vestibule - Illuminated
An arched chamber displaying ancient charms. Tall windows paneled in
green and red paint look in from the surrounding offices. Antique heraldry
from the Clan of the Calculators decorates the marble floor. Marble paneled
passages and stairs lead deeper. During the day, the Shabby Porters wait on
a set of marble benches playing Apostates and Anarchists with cards, dice,
and an oval peg board. A large copper jug of mint tea keeps them company.

They will inquire about visitors’ business, sending a runner to alert relevant
residents. At night, one squad of six Cabal of Eyes Watchers rests here
while a second patrols the corridors (2-in-6 chance per turn in the halls—
they also check open office doors or suspicious noises).
 habby Porters: Yos and Tsith guard the Vestibule by day with the
youthful runner Rubotha (Yos’s non-combatant pre-teen niece). Both
wear shabby, armored uniforms of a black dolman frogged with teal
silk and matching bedraggled, felt patched feather pelisse. They carry
iron cudgels wrapped in faded black and teal ribbons. Yos is older with
an extravagant grey moustache flaring beneath a ½ turtle mask; Tsith
is younger, bare headed, masked as a red faced war god, tall and skinny.
The porters are neither violent nor unreasonable—they’ve been at the
job for years and are loyal enough to their pay.
 small bribe (5GP) keeps them from sending Rubotha to warn
of visitors if they seem harmless (peaceable, unarmed, a collection
agent, or friend playing a practical joke). Faced with overwhelming
odds the porters will flee, quickly returning with guild enforcers and
 orters (2): HD1-1 (4) AC7 #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d6) SV F0 MV12
Runner: HD1-1 (2) AC9 #A1 Dam: (1d6/2) SV F0 MV15 ML2
 abal of Eyes Watchers: Professional night watchmen, masked as owls,
armed with verdigris darkened bronze pick-hammers, shields and scaled
vests over midnight blue and deep purple padded gambesons. Watchers
prefer capturing trespassers and thieves to fighting, seeking to surround,
question, and intimidate intruders. A favored tactic is lurking around cor-
ners to suddenly unhood their shield mounted lanterns, dazzling and con-
fusing intruders. They carry bells to summon their cohorts if necessary.
 atcher (12): HD2 (9) AC4 #A1 Dam: by weapon (1D6) SVF2 MV10
1b. Other Offices - Illuminated During Day
Other offices are behind bronze, iron or heavy wooden doors. 9-in-10 are
locked at night—1-in-10 by day. Inside are clerks, public orators, merchants,
and other Zyanese worthies along with the desks, papers, files, official stamps,
teapots and petty cash that keeps a commercially active city functioning.
2. Osban’s Salon - Illuminated During Day
A heavy bronze door where spiral verdigris and burnished bright patterns
blend fashionably. Beyond, colorful murals of the Great Falls encircle a set
of matched green satin couches (500 GP each), tiered bronze fountain, and
a crystal bowl of confections (75 GP) on a bent cane stand.

Tenants of the Moss Courts
d8 Name Sobriquet Calling Description

1 Abbac/ “The Gross” Investigator Sheer, layered,

Amotha bright robes

2 Grourza/ “Needle - Eye” Orator Rude pet

Groua monkey (dyed)

3 Nushnos/ “Bones” Notary Ink stained

Narllya hands & eyes

4 Phaoran/ “Argel-Bargel” Tea Opulent

Phareeti Merchant perfumed dress

5 Simghai/ “Big Hat” Scrivener Gilded and

Selexah sequined miter

6 Ujero/ “The Unready” Syndicator Ragged,

Uleeti filthy robes

7 Xeebac/ “Sweet” Speculator Mask has

Xi Xi no eye holes

8 Zotulla/ “Slippin” Collection Inexplicably

Zoban Agent armed/armored

 eavy Bronze Door: A pleasantly decorated sturdy obstacle, locked
at all times with two complex locks (-10% to pick) and requiring con-
struction tools or explosive force to smash open. A green velvet bellpull
beside the door rings in the Scrivener’s Den (Area 3), and an eye level
speaking grate allows examination of visitors.
S taffed most days—3 in 6 Osban is present. When not there, he leaves in-
structions to bar strangers until they have made an appointment. Clients
or business associates are allowed to enter armed on rare occasions after
trust has been established—but never allowed to outnumber Osban’s
lictors. At night, empty unless Osban is meeting with Free Hand or
conducting dark business, 1 in 4 chance.

3. Scrivener’s Den - Illuminated During Day
Several armed and armored broad shouldered men crouch intently
(surprised on a 4-in-6) around a makeshift gambling ring, drinking
reeking apricot infused arrack from a large cask (50 GP). The corners are
filled with desks and dusty bookshelves laden with hundreds of heavy
casebooks (125 GP—largely out of date) pushed to the sides. Faded car-
pets, hung woodcut prints, and chipped green paint give the room the
appearance of a shabby parlor. A small bell hangs in a corner with a silk
cord leading into the wall.
 road Shouldered Men: Five brutes who provide Osban pro-
tection and force to prosecute his cases. Loyal while their morale
holds, brawny, used to brawling and unimaginative. All armed
with sabers, beaked axes, or heavy maces and wearing a motley
collection of mail.
J udicial Lictors (5): HD2 (10) AC5 #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d8 +1) SV
F2 MV10 ML10
 ambling Ring: Marked out in charcoal on the rugs, the ring con-
tains several twig cages with horned beetles, vampiric hummingbirds,
and small rodents. The gamblers enjoy battling these beasts to the
death. Scattered about the ring are the stakes (150 GP in various coins,
silver buttons and gold teeth).
4. Records Room - Dark
Narrow paths wind through cabinets and unbalanced piles of legal docu-
ments. Heavy curtains black out the windows, preventing damage to deli-
cate inks and parchment.
 abinets: Overflowing with poorly alphabetized casefiles, a “half-
proof ” of documents incriminating Osban are filed under ‘S’ for ‘slav-
ery’—however, it’s punishable by inquisitorial branding for a non-Or-
ator to possess stolen Guild or Court documents.
5. Osban’s Chambers - Illuminated
During business hours, Osban usually sits behind his ornate desk lit from
behind by the windows or above by a brass chandelier. A well formed, opu-
lently robed man who greets even unexpected visitors with a measured and
genial tone. Two uncomfortable polished wooden chairs face his desk and
the lapis and emerald papered walls are covered with scrolls and plaques
testifying to Osban’s honesty, notoriety, education, and success—some are

 sban: His Eminence Milrath Osban, Fee Inquisitor and Pub-
lic Orator, has many meetings with dangerous people and invites
intruders to talk. A green silk bell pull under his desk summons
his Lictors (Area 3) if discussions collapse. Osban attempts escape
out the window and down the Moss Court Drain (Area 7a) when
violence seems inevitable. If Osban hears combat in his office he
quickly flees to his Panic Room (Area 6). In discussion, Osban’s
primary goal is evicting armed intruders from his office and, sec-
ond, finding out what they know about his dealings. He may offer
a bribe or a lucrative bit of illegal work to intruders as a ruse. Re-
gardless of why he believes strangers invaded his office he has them
followed, kidnapped, and/or assassinated. Visiting Osban during
normal hours and under a pretext is safer, only if he determines
visitors know anything about his schemes will he try to eliminate
Milrath Osban: HD1-1 (3) AC9 #A1 Dam: (1d6/3) SV F0 MV15 ML2
Special: Osban is observant and paranoid. He gains +2 to initiative.
 reasure: Silver mask (150 GP), Silk robes (50 GP), Velvet purse of
coinage (200 GP), Heavy gilt rings (10 GP)
 rnate Desk: A huge sumptuous desk of opalescent white jun-
gle wood (5,000 GP—requires four people to move) carved into
a sculptural thicket of intertwined vines. It’s largely empty—con-
tains writing implements, parchment and Osban’s calendar, which
indicates several late night meetings with “FHH” over the next
weeks, among many meetings with various merchants and Zyanese
luminaries—partial proof of Osban’s guilt as the dates of payments
and meetings match several disappearances. A lower drawer also
holds two fluted bottles of blue honey wine, that Osban may offer
this to agitated and dangerous visitors (50 GP each). The wine is a
pleasantly narcotic elixir that will reduce all rolls by -4 for 12 turns
after drinking a glass.
 indows: Osban’s office windows were enlarged and swing inward
to facilitate dramatic entrance from Area 7 via swinging rope. If Os-
ban has scheduled an abduction, the brutish Kidnap Squad enter this
way followed by more Sewer Pirates clambering in from below, one
Kidnap Squad and 1-4 Sewer Pirates per person. The kidnapped are
carried down to the Verdant Purveyor with a sack stinking of dried
fish over their head, stripped to their small clothes, beaten for ½ their
HP, and locked in a cage in the Torment Hold (C3) while Hesock
decides their fate.

 idnap Squad: HD2 (10) AC3 #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d10 +2) SV F2
MV10 ML10.
 reasure: Bronze plate armor and furs, Great axe or Maul, Short sword,
Garish jewelry (1D6x10 GP)
 ewer Pirates: HD1 (6) AC6 #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d6) SV F1 MV10
Treasure: Silk brigandine, mace and buckler, garish jewelry (1D6/2x10 GP)
 merald Papered Walls: Pulling on the brass hooks holding two of
Osban’s awards (real ones—his guild license and a framed copy of the
first judgment he won) at the same time, snaps open a 4’ tall secret
panel leading to Osban’s Panic Room (Area 6).
6. Panic Room - Dark
Small with cork padded walls to muffle sound, a cot, oil lamp and sealed
footlocker with a Siege Arbalest (see page 40) and a pouch of 12 solid iron
bolts atop it. The small panel to Area 5 is reinforced and can be barred.
 ealed Footlocker: Waterproof metal chest containing five rations of
dried meat and fruit, 10 flasks of oil, blankets, and a pouch of 250 GP.
7. Moss Court - Outdoor
No doors open on the cool, lichen encrusted court at the heart of the build-
ing and inhabited by bright birds and a troupe of mossy Green Monkeys.
The court ringing a great stone drain weed choked—purple briar flowers
and a few nearly naked trees. On all sides windows lead into offices, many
are barred, but Osban’s window is not.
 reen Monkeys: Twelve small monkeys blend into the mossy trees
and scamper through the briars. They spit frequently with yellow
teeth, blue gums, and faces are like pouting spoiled children. Harm-
less (1HP, AC 7), the monkeys begin a raucous hooting one round
after anyone enters the courtyard and fails to feed them. At night this
cacophony alerts both Osban and the pirates.
 tone Drain: A raised ring of torso sized marble blocks surrounding a
40’ diameter old stone cloaca. Thick bronze bars, corroded through in
places and pierced by an unlocked hinged grate, prevent access to the
yawning pit. A ladder of bronze staples descends into the drain, soon
the sound of roaring water soon drowns out all else. (See B7).
 sban’s Window: Large double windows on oiled hinges. A pair of
ropes have been anchored above to allow for dramatic entrances and a
stone block positioned beneath to aid access.

the wreck of the
verdant purveyor

Once the pride of the Tontine of Olfactors, the Verdant Purveyor was
swamped in a dense reed bed due to a mysterious change in currents. Load-
ed with incense blocks and dried flowers from below the Great Falls. The
loss was a serious blow to the Scentsmiths and left many a noble’s boudoir
reeking of cheap rose hips or stale musk for six months. The financial im-
pact was such that the gilded barge was never raised and only looted in
a cursory manner—water nigh instantly destroyed its precious cargo in a
scented torrent—subject of more than one Guildless pipe lament.
A navigational hazard, the Verdant Purveyor was winched from the main sewer
concourse, through a side tunnel called the Red Channel and into the Moss
Court Bore, where it was left to rot. The Olfactors sold the salvage rights to a
debauched lunatic who installed a protective grate but abandoned the project
after a single encounter with Stink Cranes. The story of the ship’s demise (and
its rough location) are easy to learn from Sewer Merchants or the Guildless.
Barflies above even know rumors (see encounter card for rumor table).
Perched uneasily above a fall into the deep channels, the Verdant Purveyor
sits below the Moss Courts and has been the lair of the Black Circle for
some time (see insert for map and card for encounters).

Exploring the Red Channel

Once well known for its tight red brickwork, this side sewer was built a few
generations ago replacing an older cloaca and running roughly East to West.
When Hesock discovered the wreck of the Verdant Purveyor, he concealed
the channel with cunning arts. Even should it be found, the ‘V’ shaped
canal runs fast, creating frothing rapids of feculence forcing vile odors to
the surface and discouraging casual investigation and trade. Galleries to the
side of the main channel are clogged with reeds and end in a xylophonic
cacophony of constantly flowing pipes and grates. Distant slurred shanties
echo from ahead and around the bend in the Moss Court Bore.

A1. North Gallery - Dark
Pale reeds at the edge of the rushing waters utterly clog this gallery.
Like a thicket of bones concealing a nesting pair of Stink Cranes which
quickly burst from the stalks if disturbed. There are 2 Stink Crane Eggs
(150 GP each) and 1 ungainly Stink Crane Chick (500 GP) nestled deep
in the reeds.
 tink Crane (2): HD4 (24,16) AC5 #A1 Dam: 1D8 SV F4 MV10 ML12
A2. Marina - Dark
Rotten docks jut into a deep pool, sagging towards the frothy water before
a narrow brick quay and darkened stair.
 otten docks: half of the piles are chewed to rotten nubs and the rest
look fragile, barely supporting a few docks, partially awash. The ribs
of a small yacht jut from the foul water. The docks will not support
human weight and vessels tied here are swept into the Red Channel in
1D6+2 turns when the mooring breaks.
 arkened Stair: Past a peaked arch, tiled in faded pink, narrow stairs
lead up 20’ terminating at another bricked up arch. Smashing through
leads into the kennels of the Houndsman club, where vicious dogs are
bred and alchemically altered.
A3. Monumental Portal
In the shadows across the channel from the abandoned marina a monu-
mental portal of green bronze prevents passage into an ancient side chan-
 onumental Portal: A portcullis of green bronze, faceted with ham-
mer marks, decorated with archaic masks and pierced by a small pad-
locked gate separating the Red Channel from the Moss Court Bore.
Solid and unmoving, the main gate looks untouched for centuries and
the rusting iron padlock on the small gate is equally solid. Close exam-
ination of the inset gate reveals that its hinges can be forced and the
lock’s tumblers are oiled and functional.
 ncient Side Channel: Along the south side of the monumental por-
tal steps lead up from the Red Channel to the southern stone ledge
that runs along the Moss Court Bore, leading towards crude wooden
walls, set with a rickety gate (B2). Beyond the monumental portal, the
watercourse of crumbling marble block, patched, fused, and stained
with rotten green bronze rods widens into a vaulted pool (B1) of ver-
digrised marble teeming with huge white flowered lilypads.

The Moss Court Bore
Beyond the monumental portal (A3) lies the lair of the Regulators of
the Black Hand: the pool with the wreck of the sewer galleon Verdant
Purveyor and other vessels; hovels filled with drunken and swaggering
pirates and their hangers-on; and an encampment of toiling slaves. The
smell of the sewer is supplemented by the reek of unwashed bodies.
Over the distant roar of the whirlpool (B7) drunken pirate shanties can
be heard (from B3).
B1. The Vaulted Pool - Dim
Carpeted in large lilypads, the pool is dominated by with the wreck
of the Verdant Purveyor (C), but big enough to contain a small dock
where punts and coracles cluster and a set of fishing weirs. Over the
crash of a whirlpool (B7), drunken pirate shanties echo. Bronze staples
set into the walls and rattletrap piers offer access to the pathways on
either side of the pool. Careless intruders are spotted by Sewer Pirate
Sentries (Area B3/B4) who Raise the Alarm (see insert).
 ool: 30’ deep, the waters of the Red Channel gather here, fec-
ulent and turbid to be scoured clean by the rafts and colonies of
blue veined lilypads.Lit only by the reflections of pirate lamps, the
plants’ white blossoms thrust upward in the thousands and scent
the air with a perfume somewhere between rotten and spiced meat.
 reck of the Verdant Purveyor: A grand sewer galleon, The Ver-
dant Purveyor, sadly reduced, rotting, fire stained, and partially
sunk. Rickety quays surrounded by firelit shanties reach toward the
wreck lit from within and by several lanterns on poles or hanging
from rotten rigging.
 mall Dock: Built from the ribs and planks of a wrecked barge,
many small craft are scattered around this floating dock: four
punts capable of holding six, ten coracles with a crew of 2 and a
sword shaped patrol lembos of 20 oars. The vessels are in varied
condition, but most have been tarred or painted black. The flotilla
has no oars or tillers, which the pirates store in the Chandlery
Tower (B4).
 ishing Weirs: Schools of lumpy greenish mudfish are corralled
in submerged nets—2-in-6 chance 1D6 slaves are working on the
water (swimming or on a reed raft). They will not Raise the Alarm
unless accosted.

B2. Rickety Gate - Illuminated
The makeshift barricade of sewer blackened timber, rusted wire, bones and
water filled barrels is broken by an arched gate lit with a barrel fire. A walk-
way above the gate, protected by crenelations and downward spikes holds
a pirate guard, while another lounges in the gate’s shadow. The two often
discuss how best to prepare the best part of sewer eels (head or livers) with
sincere intensity.
 rched Gate: Bronze bars welded and strapped into a gate far stron-
ger than its hinges (a solid ram held by four will batter through in 3
rounds). The battlements above provide a +4 AC bonus and the burn
barrel atop them will be dumped on intruders (1D6 damage, plus 1
damage for 1D6 rounds if not extinguished) attacking the gate.
 irates: Greentooth and Dewy Gland are usually on guard. The pair
regret taking up piracy and are exhausted by the debauchery of their
fellows. Greentooth crouches under the arch, behind the gate, with a
chalice drum. The two spot anyone openly approaching the gate but,
unless they appear hostile, they won’t Raise the Alarm! The pair prefer
to warn strangers off—claiming that the bore is a worksite full of dan-
gerous conditions. “Dewy’’ even has a bent Sewerjack’s badge to show.
 eluctant Pirates (2): HD1 (6) AC 7(3) #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d6)
SV F1 MV10 ML6
 reasure: Silk brigandine, cutlass, shortbow and 30 arrows; garish jew-
elry (1D6/2x10 GP), spice wood chalice drum (40 GP).
B3. Chandlery Tower - Illuminated
The Raucous shanties of several singing pirates echo through the sewer
vaults from atop and within this sturdy log and timber fortification. Battle-
ments ring the open roof 18’ up and the only door is solid barred wood fac-
ing the Pirate Hovels (B4). The tower contains boat maintenance supplies.
A ladder propped against the underside of a heavy trap door (securable with
a bolt) leads to the roof.
 inging Pirates: Lil’ Bub, The Dentist, Ratlover and Sweetness & Light
are on the roof singing an endless shanty with lyrics about murder, plun-
dering, and perversity. Each pirate offering more improbably violent
and depraved verses followed by a chorus of “We shed/drank/washed
in blood on the brown water flood” and a series of “Yo-Ho-Ho’s.” The
pirates are terribly drunk which doesn’t effect their combat abilities.
 inging Pirates (4): HD1 (6) AC 7(3) #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d6) SV
F1 MV10 ML6

 reasure: Silk brigandine, spear, cutlass, shortbow and 30 arrows; gar-
ish jewelry (1D6/2x10 GP), brass horn.
 attlements: A loopholed palisade atop the tower protects anyone on
the fighting platform from missiles and attacks by those climbing the
tower (+4 AC). The battlements offer an excellent view of the pirate
compound and Verdant Purveyor and even the drunken guards spot
lights coming down the Bore (B1) and are alerted by fighting lasting
3+ rounds, flashy magic, or loud noises in the Pool or at the Gate (B2
and B4). After a round of arguing about the disturbance’s source they
Raise the Alarm by blowing Lil’ Bub’s horn.
B4. Pirate Hovels - Dim
Old bricks, clapboard and rotten barge timbers shaped into fantastical,
sculptural dwellings. One a skull, another a ship, and a third plated in green
copper sheeting (200 GP—10 turns to remove, boat to move). 1D6 pirates
are outside at any time, taking the air or urinating. Interiors are decorated
in gawdy stained furniture and attractive wastrels.
 irates: The majority of the Black Circle Sewer Pirates spend their
lives in these wretched hovels: drinking, gaming, fornicating, drilling,
and perfecting their home’s appearance. Each hovel contains 1D6 pi-
rates and a Pirate brute. Despite their various states of dress, ine-
briation and mental health they quickly rally to defend their homes,
arriving to the fracas at a rate of 1D6+2 every round after the third.
1D6 Pirate Brutes arrive for every ‘1’ rolled and the Pirate Officer
(Seizer the Quartermaster) arrives on the first ‘6’ rolled.
 ewer Pirates (20): HD1 (6) AC6/7 #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d6) SV
F1 MV10 ML10
 reasure: Silk brigandine, mace and buckler or cutlass, shortbow and
30 arrows; garish jewelry (1D6/2x10 GP).
 irate Brute (6): HD2 (10) AC3 #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d10 +2) SV
F2 MV10 ML10
 reasure: Bronze plate armor and furs, Great axe or maul, short sword,
garish jewelry (1D6x10 GP).
 eizer (Quartermaster): F3 (18) AC 0 #A2 Dam by weapon (1d6 +1)
SV F3 MV10 ML 10
 reasure: Brass full plate armor, engraved with obscene images (AC
1, -2 CHA), a pair of blackened steel katara (as shortsword), shrunken
head with black emerald eyes (500 GP).
 tained Furniture: Hovels are filled with putrid brocade, vandalized
incense wood and vomit stained silks. Most is worthless and each hov-
el requires two turns to search—revealing the following;

Hovel #1: Set of fine game pieces in amber and jet—missing several
pawns (100 GP).
Hovel #2: A pyramidal altar of 100’s of liquor bottles at least 9’ tall.
Hovel #3: Aphrodisiac red beetles in a carved cinnabar and glass ter-
rarium (300 GP)
Hovel #4: A skeleton transfixed with jade dagger (magically lethal to
birds on a ‘20’).
Hovel #5: Small enamel coffer painted with a fanged mouth filled with
rolled coin (200 GP).
Hovel #6: A mawkish, tasteless portrait of a Zyanese couple (300 GP—
see rumors).
 ttractive Wastrels: languid, beautiful, and khol eyed, these concu-
bines, servants and hangers-on fester 1D6+2 per hovel. They wear tat-
tered flimsy finery and clattering jewelry emphasizing their charms.
While feigning weakness or confusion when combat breaks out, tak-
ing their treasures or harming them drives each wastrel into a violent
stabbing fury. Any freed slaves with the party attack and kill the wast-
rels without restraint in revenge for their sadism and petty cruelties.
 astrel: HD1-1 (3) AC 9 #A1 Dam by weapon (1d4) SV F0 MV12
ML 8
 reasure: 1d6 daggers, ivory, gold, silver and stone jewelry worth 20 +
1D6x10 GP.
B5. Slave Barrack - Dim
Stinking of dirty bodies, the low shed is packed with brutalized slaves,
their hammocks, and the pitiful piled detritus of their possessions.
 rutalized Slaves: Bruised and emaciated victims of cruel treatment
by their pirate masters—25 total, 15 with the blacked mouths and
mute tongues of the guildless, the rest wearing masks of crude rags or
smeared charcoal. Only 11 are brave and fit enough to fight, even in self
defense, led by a former Fee Inquisitor, “Placid” Groua, a sturdy 50ish
woman. Under Groua, healthy slaves can be convinced to fight if given
weapons and likely to escape. Slaves must check morale if in a position
to flee into the sewers or up to Zyan to resist the urge to escape. Two
of the guildless and Groua (after discovering her practice is destroyed)
are willing to join their rescuers as henchmen.
 urious Slaves (11): HD1-1 (2) AC9 #A1 Dam: by weapon SV F0
MV12 ML6
 iled Detritus: Stinking ragged clothing, broken crockery, morsels of
stale food and sad trinkets too worthless for the pirates to steal.

B6. Kitchen - Illuminated
Slaves warm themselves around a large coal fired oven while others work
at two long tables preparing food among jars of pickled vegetables, bar-
rels of salt meat, sacks of grain, and long hanging garlands of dried fish.
 laves: There are always at least 12 favored wretches resting, working
or convalescing here. Those in the kitchens are better treated and un-
willing to rebel out of fear and some slight loyalty to the pirates. They
pretend to ignore armed intruders but, with a negative or neutral
reaction, some sneak off to warm the pirates if possible.
 avored Wretches (12): HD1-1 (3) AC9 #A1 Dam: by kitchen knife or
cudgel (1D6/2) SV F0 MV12 ML4
B7. Bore Whirlpool - Dim
Thunderous sounds mark the Red Channel vanishing down a frothing
whirlpool surrounded by a partially collapsed walkway, ringed with niches
that stink of decay. At one point a series of verdigrised stairs, ladders, gan-
tries and staples—fluted and sculpted with ancient pomposity climb the
weeping sickly marble to a grate 80’ above (see Area 7 The Moss Court
- Outdoor).
 iches: The third niche clockwise from the channel contains a
filthy revenant, Mad Milvor. A hermit, former butcher-priest,
and hunter of flesh who rants, raves, and hungers. Milvor abides
in a sleepless nightmare of holy ecstasy, a cannibal, at turns po-
lite and savagely bloodthirsty. Preternaturally alert, Milvor can’t
be surprised and detects even the stealthy or invisible (4-in-6).
He wears stained filthy wrappings and a beautiful, blood crusted
ivory mask of a pouting youth (the Ghulsäugling see page 38).
Milvor rarely attacks outright, but rants and spits, permitting
passage up or down the bore for a mouthful or two of human
flesh(1D6 HP). If he isn’t appeased Milvor screams and howls,
Raising the Alarm. Hesock has befriended Milvor, meaning he
can pass without fuss.
 ad Milvor: HD3 (18) AC6 #A2 Dam: rend/rend (1D6/1d6) SV F3
MV12 ML6
 pecial: Non-magical weapons do no damage, wounds healing in-
stantly. Milvor is not fully alive, a flesh automaton under the mask’s
thrall—he is immune to sleep and charm but he can be turned as a
5HD undead.
Treasure: Ivory Mask, Ghulsäugling.

Plundering the Verdant Purveyor
Hesock lairs in the wreck of an opulent sewer barge—a looming mass of
waterlogged black wood, tarnished gilt and peeling brightwork that rise
above the pool’s ghostly white lily field. The candlelit quarter gallery, odd
glow from the poop deck, and lanterns of the gangway obscure as much as
they reveal.
There are so many entrances that the vessel makes a very poor fortress and
astute adventurers can capitalize on this to infiltrate the wreck without di-
rect assault. Obvious rents in the bow offer potential entry underwater and
the sides, while slimy and steep, can be climbed with skill or a grapple. Nu-
merous windows open into the vessel’s upper works and the gangway guards
aren’t watching the pool—efforts from the port side will be unobserved.
C1. Gangplank to Verdant Purveyor - Dim
A rickety rope bridge from the slave’s barracks (B5) guarded by two hulking
pirates in ceremonial helms, ends in a dark doorway cut into the wreck’s
side at the level of the Gun Deck (C2). From the bridge hang several gilded
skull lanterns (5x50 GP) ablaze with candles.
 ulking Pirates: Burly brutes in splendid silk armor jackets over
striped red and black leather, fierce falchions at their waists and barbed
halberds in hand. Runs Red and Livereater are impressive but poor
guards—bored, lazy and stupidly staring straight down the gangway at
the Slave Barracks, convinced that a slave revolt is the only potential
threat. Livereater carries a brass horn to Raise the Alarm that he blows
if angry slaves pour out of the barracks or anyone crosses the bridge
with drawn weapons—otherwise the pirates can be bamboozled by
any clever story (escorting vistors to Hesock) and evaded by anyone
willing to swim the sewer channel and climb the Verdant Purveyor’s
slimy sides.
 irate Brute (2): HD2 (10) AC3 #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d10 +2) SV
F2 MV10 ML10
 reasure: Bronze plate armor and furs, Great axe or maul, short sword,
garish jewelry (1D6x10 GP).
 ark Doorway: Hacked into the side of the hulk, the doorway is
alarmed with a thin wire at shin height. Easy to notice if looking, and
easy to step over if one knows it’s there. When triggered, the wire rings
a booming gong in the depths of the Gun Deck (C2). Setting off the
trap Raises the Alarm and wakes the pirates on the Gun Deck who
rush to defend the doorway.

C2. Gun Deck - Dim
Candle lamps flicker, bolted to the pillared braces and ribs of this cavernous
deck with hammocks hanging between them—usually full of pirates. A
hatch in the rear looks down into the Torment Hold (C3), and a locked
one above allows access to the Pirate’s Court (C7). Fore is a small armory—
weapons racks containing 40 shortbows, 4,000 arrows, 40 polearms, and 80
hand weapons: cutlasses, boarding axes and maces (1,500 GP for the lot).
 ammocks: Around the stash of arms hang numerous hammocks,
mostly full of sewer pirates. Half (5) are sleeping while the rest whisper,
gamble, carve trinkets from bone, and braid rope. They aren’t especial-
ly observant and the sleeping group takes 2 rounds to wake and seize
their weapons.
 ewer Pirates (10): HD1 (10) AC6/7 #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d6) SV
F1 MV10 ML10
 reasure: Silk brigandine, mace and buckler or cutlass x6, shortbow
and 30 arrows x4; garish jewelry (1D6/2x10 GP).
 atch: Held with a heavy hawser and surrounded by downward
pointing stakes, open it allows a great view of the Torment Hold’s foul
waters. The barred hatch above is locked with padlocks reachable by
someone hanging from its underside.
C3. Torment Hold - Dark
Dark, stinking with sewer river, rot, and an underlying reek of something
reptilian, the lower hold contains several cages holding a few listless souls.
Bright bone juts from the water and piles around the cages while, above,
an ironshod grated hatch allows a clear view of the hold from the Pirate’s
Court (C7).
 nderlying Reek: The foul musk of three dolorus terrapin, large am-
bush predators acclimated to human flesh. The flat, boar sized, black
shelled, armor plated, algae festooned brutes hide among silt and bone,
rushing to devour anything thrown into the hold. Hesock’s prisoners
are terrified of the voracious turtles which quickly snap off any limb
that leaves the protection of their barred cages.
 olorous Terrapin (3): HD5 (25) AC0 #A1 Dam 2D6 (beak) SV F5
MV8 ML10
 pecial: Monstrously vital, dolorous terrapin regenerates 2 HP per
round unless brought to -10 HP or beheaded.
 ages: Eight bronze cages, big enough to fit one or two people but
too short to stand in and partially submerged in the rotting hold’s cold
foul water. The cages inflict 1 damage to WIS, CON, DEX, and STR
each day to those imprisoned. Once freed, these injuries recover at a

rate of 1 point/week or session, save vs. paralysis at -1 per day of captivi-
ty to avoid a 1D6/2 permanent WIS loss and a phobia of water, turtles,
confined spaces, or captivity. The cages are currently occupied by five
captives, 2 slaves being punished (broken and unwilling to fight), a
gangrenous madwoman who refuses to die, a weeping clerk kidnapped
when he unravelled a fraud scheme, and “Zolos” a guildless hunter,
enraged and pugnacious.
 risoners (4): HD1 (2) AC 9 #A1 Dam: by weapon (-1) SV F0 MV8
Zolos: F1 (5) AC9 #A1 Dam: by weapon, SV F1 MV12 ML12
 rated Hatch: A rusted iron hatch covers most of the roof, opening
into the Gun Deck (C2) and ringed with downward pointing stakes.
It can be heaved open once a heavy hawser above is cut.
C4. Flooded Hold - Dark
A gaping wound in the hold’s side accesses the Pool (B2), whose waters and
lilies spill into the hold. A clumsily built catwalk festooned with lines hangs
above a carpet of blue veined, pale green lilypads concealing the pool’s black
 ines: Hundreds of ropes (tarred black, rotting, braided with various
colors) hang into the pool. Most are tied to a rock weight or hook,
some to bladders of poisonous gas, and one binds a waterproof bronze
lockbox containing the portable treasure of the Black Circle, a hoard
of coin and gems. 1,000 turquoise disks carved with the sigils of the
Panther Priests (5,000 GP), 10,000 GP mixed gold coins, a pouch
of small emeralds (10 x 100 GP), a large agate egg (1,000 GP), a pale
sapphire with the bust of a queen carved within (3,000 GP) and a
cracked ruby full of black inclusions the size and shape of a human
heart (2,000 GP). Only Hesock knows which rope (A grey hemp line
over a copper wire core) leads to treasure.
 f the hundreds of ropes 1-in-6 is attached to a bladder of dangerous
poison gas weighted with a round rock. The thin fish bladders burst
when pulled free of the water and fill the Hold with acrid brown gas—
anyone present must save vs. poison or suffer 2D6 damage as huge
blisters form almost instantly in the lungs, throat, mouth, and eyes.
Anyone in the water gains a +2 to save, submerging quickly, others who
save escape before the gas envelops them. The gas dissipates in a turn.
Underwater it’s easy to see the pale brown globes of the trap bladders
(which burst harmlessly underwater) but difficult to find the treasure
box. Searching among the tangled water lilies’ roots, ropes and gas
bladders each searching character has a 1-in-10 chance of discovering
the silt covered lockbox each turn.

C5. Weather Deck - Dim
The Verdant Purveyor’s exposed deck is piled with tangle of broken masts
and rotten cordage. The mizzen mast has been raised and splinted with
spars to carry the Black Circle’s banner— a simple black circle on the white
field of a rotting sail. Even with the wreckage there is enough clear space in
the center of the deck to muster the entire pirate gang.
C6. Forecastle - Dark
Beyond a heavy locked door, cluttered with baskets, spiderwebs, crates,
bundles, and piles, smells of musky incense. It is home to Chanker Ready,
the pirate sorceress, who reads from a pile of mouldered texts near her altar
of bones, or sleeps in a nest of brocaded cushions (stained and worn, 20
GP) beneath it. A short ladder leads up to a dogged hatch and the Fore
Deck (C10).
 eavy Locked Door: Ironbound jungle wood, carved with the Olfac-
tors’ censer and peacock heraldry, it would be hard to force even if it
weren’t protected by a wizard lock (cast by Chanker) that opens to the
command words “Scandal of Succulent Spiders”.
 askets: Spiders scurry over anyone digging through Chanker’s piles,
biting and infesting their clothes. For each turn spent searching with-
out precautions roll a Save v. Poison or suffer from painful swelling
bites preventing medium or heavy armor use and inflicting -1 to all
rolls. This hoarder’s jumble is entirely useless.
Chanker Ready: Vaguely unearthly, thin, tall and wearing a volumi-
nous, layered purple wrap with only a spider of peeling white paint as a
mask. Chanker Ready is an oracular spider priestess and dreamer from
a distant terrene, who discovered that in Zyan her practices are powerful
sorcery. Alone, and unable to return home except briefly in dreams,
Chanker found herself in trouble with Zyanese authorities and then
among sewer pirates. She is fascinated by her new found power but only
mildly loyal to the pirates—from fear of Hesock’s sadism. Interested in
talking to other magical practitioners and dreamers, Chanker would
gladly return to Zyan if her safety and employment were assured.
 hanker Ready: MU 5 (11 HP)*, AC9 #A1 or spell Dam: 1D6/3
(hands) SV MU5 MV12 ML8, Special: Ready’s insubstantial seeming
movements and hollow voice are the result of her being trapped in a
dream (or coma) and unable to return home but still not fully of the
Dreamlands. No one attack (unless it harms ethereal creatures) can
inflict more than 4 damage to Ready.
 reasure: Bone Bangles (10 GP), Patchwork Grimoire (see page 38)
Spells: Spider Climb, Charm Person, Shield, Web, Levitate, Phantasmal
Force (Ready is fond of spider swarms).

• Altar of Bones: Stacks of ribs, pillars of femurs and a surface of skulls
bound together by spiderwebs. A blacked silver jorum, incongruously
decorated with barley and and grape motifs (400 GP) filled with dried
spiders, and a bone handled iron athame rest atop the macabre altar.
C7. Pirate’s Court - Illuminated
During the day, four heavily armored pirates loll in a sybarite’s den filled
with long tables, mountains of pillows, serving platters, goblets and pad-
ded, luxurious furniture. At night the pirates, except gate and tower guards,
gather to feast and listen to Hesock’s plans.
 rmored Pirates: Indolent gluttons, the largest pirate brutes spend their
time here, eating and napping. The two nesting in the pillows attack
from concealment in the 2nd round of any combat on a 3-in-6 (+2 to
hit and 2x damage) as they surge from beneath mountains of brocades
and cushions. The other pair are surly when their endless snacking, bone
gnawing and grog sipping is interrupted (-2 to reaction rolls).
 irate Brutes (4): HD2 (10) AC3 #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d10 +2) SV
F2 MV10 ML10
 reasure: Bronze plate armor and furs, Great axe or maul, short sword,
garish jewelry (1D6x10 GP).
 ountains of Pillows: Reeking of sweat and stale alcohol the opulent
fixtures are ruined, ripped, defaced with obscene graffiti, bloodstained
and caked in putrid food. Among the mess of bent brass and pewter
platters and cup, a 2 turn search uncovers valuables: a set nesting silver
bowls carved with monkeys (600 GP), a gold chased skull goblet (500
GP), bent gold and pearl cutlery (400 GP), a pink opal inlaid odalis-
que shaped trick jug (500 GP) and a ghostwood snuff box filled with
gold teeth (300 GP box, 12 GP teeth).
 atch: A swampy, sewage scent wafts up through a grating that looks
down into the Gun Deck (C2) and Torment Hold (C3). The grate is
chained down and held by a padlock that is accessible to anyone hang-
ing from the underside [to C2,]. The entire grate can be pulled away
in one turn once the lock is removed.

C8. Officer’s Cabins - Illuminated
A warren of tiny cabins around a central mess house the Black Circle’s of-
ficers. The mess contains a knife scarred round table, six equally brutalized
chairs, a silver candelabra (200 GP), and several sets of bone dice in a leather
mug. The largest of the cabins, home to “Doubtful Mercy” and “The Lam-
prey” contains an overstuffed feather mattress surrounded by dirty clothing
and wine bottles. The other three rooms have only cots and candles but all
four hold seachests.
 fficers: “Doubtful Mercy,” the bosun and enforcer of the Black Cir-
cle, is a 7’ tall woman with extraordinary musculature while her par-
amour, “The Lamprey,” is the lithe and quick sailing master, in charge
of their small boats. Both are deadly combatants, as are the three less-
er officers also dwelling in this suite. The Lamprey is a polite sadist
who delights in Hesock’s cruelties, absolutely loyal to the Black Circle.
Doubtful Mercy is little better but her obsession with swordsmanship
leads her to offer a worthy opponent a duel to first blood—winner
leaves the area (she will try to make the wound lethal via the Dolorous
 oubtful Mercy: F5 (30) AC 3 #A1 (+3 to Hit)* Dam by weapon
(1D10+3 & dolorous stroke) SV F5 MV8 ML 10 Special: Doubtful
Mercy perfected the sword art of the Dolorous Stroke. If she stands
calmly weathering blows, waiting for the perfect moment she can strike
with near perfection. If she waits to attack last in a round, Doubtful
Mercy strikes with an additional +4 to hit (+7 total) doing triple dam-
 reasure: Tar blacked plate armor with demon faced helm, watered
steel great falx, pouch of narcotic incense blocks (200 GP).

 e Lamprey: F4 (20) AC 0 #A1 Dm by weapon (1D6 + paralysis or
1D4 ranged) SV F3 MV10 (acrobatic) ML 10 Special: The Lamprey
carries 12 throwing knives and, in combat, carries three in his left hand,
hurling one as a free reactive action against any melee attacker, one per
attacker, per round. Wields the Prince Cutter, a magical weapon, save
v. paralysis (humanoid under 6HD) on hit (see page 39). Acrobatic,
The Lamprey can leap through defensive lines, or in and out of com-
bat, by rolling under 18 on 4D6.
 reasure: Barbed, fitted plate armor, jade eel mask (600 GP), Prince
Cutter, bandolier of 12 throwing knives, necklace of dried human
 irate Brutes (3): HD2 (10) AC3 #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d10 +2) SV
F2 MV10 ML10
 reasure: Bronze plate armor and furs, Great axe or maul, short sword,
garish jewelry (1D6x10 GP).
• Seachests: Five iron bound wooden chests full of keepsakes and valuables.

Owner & Chest Contents

1 (The Lamprey): Trapped with a poison needle (Save or die

bloated and gasping).Fancy rake’s clothes (150 GP), human
skin tattooed with treasure map ( showing the location of
the lost Hanging Palace in the White jungle), collection of
gruesome dried and pickled trophies.

2 (Doubtful Mercy): Torn portrait of a noble family (50 GP),

large sack of varied narcotics and paraphernalia (1,000
GP), Gentle Song of Rain’s Desolation (see page 37).

3 800 GP in neatly rolled coins, pressed and laundered mer-

chant’s garb.

4 A poisonous snake [HD 1 (2) AC 7 #AT1 Dam 1(+save or

die)] in a sack of rags.

5 Numerous love letters to various members of Zyan’s elite,

fine perfume (300 GP), gilded dress dagger (50 GP), ab-
surdly plumed hat (50 GP) golden mask (500 GP)

C9. Pirate Throne - Dim
The Stink is stronger, sweet and putrid, under rose and sandalwood incense.
A short carpet runs to a golden throne, draped in white fur at the rear,
and the walls are covered in hundreds of mummified severed hands. Be-
hind the throne is a wall of jars, lit by several incense braizers and colored
glass lamps throwing flickering purple and orange shadows among the floral
carvings of the high ceiling.
 hort Carpet: A trapdoor hides at the center of this worn green carpet
runner whose geometric designs in blue and yellow resemble water
lilies (75 GP in its damaged state). The trap is primed and ready to
drop anyone who approaches the throne directly 9’ into the center
of Pirate’s Court (C7) above the hatch to the Gun Deck (C2), stun-
ning them for 1D6 rounds and inflicting 1d6/2 damage. When Hesock
holds audience here, he triggers the trap by pressing a panel on the
throne’s left arm.
 olden Throne: Plated in hammered gold coins, this brutally heavy
chair (encumbering 4 to carry) is the throne where Hesock negotiates,
parleys, humilates, and gufaws as his pirates torture at his command.
There are thousands of varied coins nailed to it (2,500 GP worth)—so
many that removing them takes one turn per 100 GP/per worker (max
3). The white fur draped across the seat is also valuable (800 GP).
 all of Jars: Lit by flicking colored lamps the brine in the jars almost
glows and the shadows of the severed hands’ within twitch and shift.
Among the disgusting pickled trophies are three hands still wear rings:
a solid pink and green jasper band (200 GP), a sigil ring of the Fleis-
chguild in bloodstone and gold (250 GP—or a favor if returned), A
gold band with a large, flawed diamond (600 GP).
C10. Fore Deck - Dark
Human skulls, sheathed in black and red wax are fixed in a magic circle
at the center of this deck, surrounding a hatch. Broken spars and rotten
cordage fill the remaining space.
 agic Circle: Eight human skulls, dipped in wax and inscribed with
geometric sigils, arranged in a chalk circle—capable of trapping spirits
and otherworldly intruders—its only effect on mortals is a slight ring-
ing in the ears.
 atch: Bolted from below (Area C6), forcing it is a noisy process that
requires tools, takes 1d6 turns, and alerts any pirates aboard the wreck.

C11. Pirate King’s Cabin - Illuminated
A gaunt brute waits in the antechamber, slouched in a hooded porter’s
chair (200 GP) guarding and serving ‘Free Hand’ Hesock who spends
much time within. The apartment is lit by biolumenescent blooms and
eclectic but tasteful furniture in jungle woods and enameled bronze, tapes-
tries, and bookshelves—a violin on a bone stand displayed before the huge
canopied bed.
 aunt Brute: Hesock’s fantical, overbearingly stupid, and cruel bat-
man Kettle (whose iron mask depicts a teapot) cannot be reasoned
with or bribed. He obeys Hesock and fights to the death defending
him. Pulling a black rope hidden by Kettle’s chair Raises the Alarm,
ringing the signal bells on the Gun Deck (C2).
 ettle: HD2 (16) AC2 #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d10 +2) SV F2 MV10
 reasure: Bronze plate armor and furs, executioner’s sword, necklace
of jade skulls (600 GP).
• ‘Free Hand’ Hesock: Hair newly perfumed, the sewer pirate lord
schemes and fantasizes about bloody conquest here frequently. If
intruders penetrate his cabin without alerting his pirates, Hesock is
intrigued enough to delay while Kettle discreetly raises the alarm,
summoning any pirates aboard in 5 rounds. Calling off the growling
and hissing Kettle, Hesock talks to intruders if possible, describing
the Black Circle as a band of free equals and telling any lies neces-
sary to entice the party. He may attempt to recruit them as spies
or ask them to plunder the Catacombs of the Fleischguild—whose
grisley secrets fascinate him. If negotiations aren’t going his way,
when reinforcements arrive he attempts to capture intruders and
throw them in the Torment Hold until they break. Any who annoy
him will have one or both of their hands hacked off beforehand. If
captured Hesock will testify against Osban (a ½ proof ) to save his
own life.
 ree Hand Hesock: F6 (42) AC2 #A2 Dam: by weapon +2 to hit/
damage (1d8+2/1D6+2)* SV F6 MV10 ML10
 pecial: Hesock is fine duelist fighting with a dome hilted small sword
and cinquedea. If both attacks against a single target in melee land he
disarms them with an envelopment or prise de fer.
 reasure: Gilded heavy lamellar (800 GP), Tomb Mask of Carbac Lu,
(see page 40) small sword, cinquedea, necklace of golden hands (600

 asteful Furniture: The Master of the Black Circle is a petty sadist
who surrounds himself with objects of culture he doesn’t understand.
Unread books (500 GP and 5 man loads worth) picked for their bind-
ing and a lustrous fiddle (1,200 GP) that he can’t play on a fluted bone
music stand (300 GP). The walls are covered in bold tapestries pecked
by deep jungle bird men (3 large tapestries—1,000 GP each) depict-
ing an explosion of strange flora with almost diagramatic rigor, two
carved white jade funerary urns (2,500 GP each), and four brass vases
(200 GP) filled with delicate fungal blooms glowing green, blue and
red. The carpet is a warm brown and white flat weave of circles and
lines (200 GP), and the bed and a chair are heavy, hard to move, but
matching and made of white, quartz cysted ghost wood (3,000 GP),
while the map table a delicate green bronze (500 GP). Atop the table
are Pirate’s Charts (see page 39) and a rectangular cut crystal decanter
(400 GP). In the desk is a bag of mixed coins (500 GP).
C12. Poop Deck - Dim
The raised rear of the Verdant Purveyor is ringed by painted ceramic planters
filled with bioluminescent fungi and plants pushed up against the carved
crenelations of its wooden bulwarks. The deck is swept clean, well tended,
and the plantlife hides the sewer stink beneath a perfume of sweet musk.
 ungi and Plants: Six planters, cobalt glazed urns, half a man’s height
brim with underworld blooms—fungus, carnivorous night blooms and
albino bromeliads. Most glow with trapped bacteria or native chemicals
in reds, greens and pale blues. The collection is valuable (500 GP) but
removing the planters requires winches, cables and a barge.


Gentle Song of Rain’s Desolation

This book is priceless, anyone who would want it knows it can only be
earned with the sword.
A tome of ancient martial arts, block printed on thin, decaying linen paper,
with white board covers decorated with a broken, bent sword in iron oxide.
Within are cryptic maxims and diagrams of various two handed sword
techniques (no other weapon can gain the bonuses) that teach a fighter
the art of the “Dolorous Stroke” with dedicated study. For a penalty (XP
amount x next level) the student can learn a unique combat technique
when gaining a level. Each rank costs additional XP (lost permanently
upon the decision to undertake study) but only becomes effective when a
level is gained.

Rank XP Cost Mastery

1 1,000 x next level Acts last in round, +1 to hit

2 2,000 x next level Acts last in round, +2 to hit and

double damage

3 3,000 x next level Acts last in round, +3 to hit and

double damage

4 6,000 x next level Acts last in round, +4 to hit and

triple damage

300 GP as a luxury item, 3,500 GP if returned to the Flieschguild
Carved from thousands of perfectly set, ground and polished human teeth
and lined in hammered black antimony: the face of a plump youth whose
coy succulent lips are drawn into a moue. The mask’s mouth is stained
brown and often caked in rotten blood, as the mask is a powerful and
cursed artifact holy to the Flieschguild’s butcher priests. When a fistful
of raw, bloody flesh is brought to the mask’s lips, it transubstantiates into
sustenance for the wearer who knows and experiences the last day of the
creature consumed’s life—though not its deeper thoughts—as if they were
memories. A sentient creature’s flesh heals the wearer for 1D6 HP per HD
and -1D6 WIS (permanent). When the wearer’s WIS drops below 3, the
mask transforms them into a “ghul” (3 HD beastial puppet of the mask,
immune to normal weapons, charm and mind affecting spells, filled with
insane hunger for flesh) and the ravenous beast becomes an NPC. The Fli-
eschguild will demand the mask’s return and pay up to 3,500 GP for it but,
unless the party is a close ally or proves their devotion by returning any fee,
the guildsmen believe the mask was stolen and seek revenge.

Patchwork Grimoire
A bundle of torn pages in a variety of languages, stitched together with spider
silk and human hair. While most of the pages are from Zyanese works of
prophecy, history, and magic, others are unidentifiable and all are annotated
in an unknown alphabet with an aggressive hand. Contains all spells Chan-
ker Ready has stolen, found or researched since arriving in Zyan: LEVEL 1:
Spider Climb, Charm Person, Shield, Darkness, Speak with Spiders LEVEL 2:
Knock, Levitate, Web, Wizard Lock, Abiogenesis LEVEL 3: Phantasmal Force,
Aura of Hate
Speak with Spiders - Level 1 - Range: Self
For 1 turn per caster level the caster can speak and understand the
silent language of spiders. Not especially useful—spiders tend to be
voracious, solitary, anti-social predators with a lack of charity or fear
and little comprehension of anything beyond themselves.
Abiogenesis - Level 2 - Range: 80’
Spontaneous generation of vermin is a well known phenomenon that
sorcerers can expend arcane energies to accelerate—the spark of anima
stirred and suddenly ordered from the inert, formless aperion: filth, grim,
mud and dust. A 10’ x10’ area teems with newly formed life: mites, fleas,
scallops, flies, beetles, wasps, worms, spiders, mice and geese: Nuisances,

biting and stinging anyone in the area who fails a Save vs. Paralysis. Var-
ious effects depending on the area’s overall dirtiness.

Cleanliness Effect on failed Save

Clean, soaped and swept A few mites and fleas—no effect.

Everyday squalor Cloud and swarms. -1 to all

actions for 1D6 rounds.

Ancient dust and decay Carpet of vermin -1 to actions

and bitten for 1HP/round for 1D6

The height of filth Horror! Paralyzed with disgust

and bitten for 1HP/round for 1D6

Aura of Hate - Level 3 - Range: 10’ radius of caster

For 1 turn per caster level, all within the area of effect have their native
animosity and aggression raised—+1 to hit and damage. If the caster
is holding hair, nail clippings, teeth or blood from a specific, named
individual the caster can target them and the ensorcelled may Save v.
Spells or hunt, pursue and attack the target with animalistic rage for
1D6 turns or as long as they are within the aura.

Pirate’s Charts
Bundled and annotated maps of the sewers written in a clumsy hand and
smudged with use, allowing safer navigation of Zyan’s sewers. Studying the
maps grants a 3-in-6 chance to avoid any random encounter in the sewers
and receive basic information and directions to all named sewer river loca-
tions (such as the Inquisitor’s Theater and Harbor)

Prince Cutter
A jade saber with a golden guard sized for a child’s hand, a small short sword
for an adult human—1D6 damage. The beautiful weapon is ensorcelled with
ancient charms that give it the flexibility and strength of a steel weapon.
More potent sorceries writhe along the blade when it strikes, any human (or
similar bipedal sentient) under 6HD must save vs. paralysis or faint for 1D6
rounds as a significant portion of their blood is transmuted to water.

Siege Arbalest
500 GP value
The power is in the double set of prods—bows of the finest steel quenched
in the blood of a kings. The first prod allows this ungainly oversized cross-
bow to act as a regular heavy crossbow—an integral goatsfoot making it
fireable every other round for 1D8 damage. When the second prod (with
river leviathan sinew cord) is engaged and charged with the rattling iron
geared cranequin, the bow fires with rock shattering power. Engaging both
prods requires 3 rounds of reloading but ignores any non-magical armor,
shields and light cover (such as foliage or plaster walls). These heavy bolts
hit for 1D8+4 damage.

Tomb Mask of Carbac Lu

1,000 GP value
Carbac Lu, Vavasour of White Brick Towers, a Zyanese rake 200 years
dust. A vain aesthete who scandalized the public by wearing masks that
accurately represented his own face, Cabrac Lu died in a duel before he
was 30. His burial mask is a magically imbued, idealized bronze mask
of his own face (his name and titles engraved around its rim)—that of
an archly handsome Zyanese man animated and lifelike. Carbac Lu’s
mask is easily mistaken for a living face, even with another mask atop
it. Only close examination or a keen sense for the magical reveals the
mask as a disguise.

Gus L — writing and cartography
Huargo (find him on Facebook as Huargo Illustrador)
— artwork on cover and pages 2, 26, 32
Gus L (alldeadgenerations.blogspot.com)
— artwork on pages 4, 6, 8, 14, 18, 31, 36
Ben Laurence (maziriansgarden.blogspot.com) — editing and art direction
Fiona Maeve Geist (MoonRat Conspiracy) (@coilingoracle) — editing
Matt Hildebrand (bigbaldmatt.com) — additional graphic design
Lester B. Portly (l.b.portly@gmail.com) — layout and graphic design

A Note On Running Siege Adventures Raise the Alarm!
The exploration and conquest of the Moss Court Bore is not a simple Once the alarm is raised the entire force of pirates actively challenges
dungeon crawl. Its hostile inhabitants are numerous, allied and or- strangers, shouting out to their fellows who will move towards com-
bat. If no intruders are evident, the pirates assemble on the Weather
ganized. While it has the potential for some factional dispute (some Deck (C5) of the Verdant Puryevor for orders, moving to defend ob-
slaves will revolt and a few pirates are dissatisfied) the party can quickly vious breaches. As long as Hesock is leading, pirates act intelligently,
find itself facing a small, united army that is well equipped and reason- defending their fort bravely and pursuing attackers who flee in their
ably well led. Frontal assault and direct conflict with the Black Circle is fleet. However, if Hesock is incapacitated the pirates are confused, dis-
unlikely to go well for a level 2-3 party and this is intentional. heartened and defensive—losing cohesion and retreating behind their
walls or into the Verdant Purveyor until leadership is restablished—like-
Conflict with well organized and fortified enemies is a different sort ly under Seizer. Their order of battle is:
of scenario, one where infiltration, guerilla warfare, and espionage are Pirates
the players’ best course. The GM should hold this in their mind when
36 Pirates - HD1 (6) AC6/7 #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d6) SV F1 MV10
responding to the players’ effort, and note that while the pirates aren’t ML10
stupid, their leaders are also not superhuman, and their guards lazy
16 Pirate Brutes - HD2 (10) AC3 #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d10 +2) SV F2
and drunk: infiltration must be possible, subterfuge available and the MV10 ML10
enemy fallible for a scenario like this to be enjoyable and playable.
Keep the following in mind as the party moves into this space. Guards Quartermaster Seizer: F3 (18) AC 0 #A2 Dam by weapon (1d6 +1) SV
stationed at the Gate and Tower (B3 and B4) interrupt their drinking F3 MV10 ML 10
and gambling to glare frequently at the Pool (B1) and walkways lead-
Doubtful Mercy: F5 (30) AC 3 #A1 (+3 to Hit)* Dam by weapon (1D10+3
ing to the Rickety Gate (B3). The guards will spot intruders who do & dolorous stroke) SV F5 MV8 ML 10 Special: If she waits to attack last
not douse their lights and will Raise the Alarm with horn or drum. in a round, Doubtful Mercy strikes with an additional +4 to hit (+7 total)
Characters without hiding skills will need to make a 3D6 check v. doing triple damage. (For more on Doubtful Mercy and the Lamprey see
Dex to avoid being spotted if clambering over the barricades at B3 area C8, pp.32-33.)
or pulling themselves from the water into the open. Once inside the The Lamprey: F4 (20) AC 0 #A1 Dam by weapon (1D6 + paralysis or
compound only bright light (spell or multiple lanterns/torches), pro- 1D4 ranged) SV F3 MV10 (acrobatic) ML 10 Special: The Lamprey hurles
longed combat noise (3+ rounds), or a direct challenge attracts pirate knives as a free reactive action against any melee attacker, one per attacker,
attention. The Verdant Purveyor itself has one obvious entrance, the per round. Wields the Prince Cutter, a magical weapon, save v. paralysis
(humanoid under 6HD) or feint from blood loss 1d6 rounds. The Lam-
gangplank C1, but C3 and C4 can be entered from the water, or al- prey can leap through defensive lines, or in and out of combat, by rolling
most any other location by rope and grapple. under 18 on 4D6.
Slaves inhabit most of the cove, and will pretend not to see intruders Chanker Ready: MU 5 (11 HP)*, AC9 #A1 or spell Dam: 1D6/3 (hands)
if they can. If confronted directly slaves roll a normal reaction roll and SV MU5 MV12 ML 8, Special: Given her insubstantial form, a single
on 4 or under they will try to slip away and Raise the Alarm! Other- attack can inflict maximum 4 damage to Ready. Spells: Spider Climb,
Charm Person, Shield, Web, Levitate, Phantasmal Force (Ready is fond of
wise they will either ignore (placing a finger to their lips and turning spider swarms). (For more on Chanker Ready, see area C6, pp.30-31.)
away on a 5-8) or even aid intruders (9-12). Pirates are less friendly,
Free Hand Hesock: F6 (42) AC2 #A2 Dam: by weapon +2 to hit/damage
but on a good reaction (9-12) they will be willing to talk. Their unruly (1d8+2/1D6+2)* SV F6 MV10 ML10 Special: Hesock is fine duelist fight-
nature and addled mental state makes them susceptible to trickery. ing with a dome hilted small sword and cinquedea. If both attacks against
If ill disposed they fight and Raise the Alarm! Once alert, the order a single target in melee land he disarms them with an envelopment or prise
of battle and tactics are provided in the “Raise the Alarm!” section. de fer. (For more on Hesock, see page 9 and area C11, see page 35.)

3 7

4 5

2 6 10

(AREAS C1 TO C12, PAGES 27 TO 36)

THROUGH ULTAN’S DOOR PRESENTS: Encounters in the Red Channel (1d6)
(In areas B and C replace encounters 1-3 with encounter 4 “toiling slaves”)

Beneath the Moss Courts 1 Sewer Crane Matriarch: Huge, scarred and ferocious. It is compelled to attack off any
nesting female, kill chicks, eat eggs and steals its mate if it can.
HD 7 (49) AC 4 #A1 Dam: 1d12* SV F7 MV10 ML10
AN ADVENTURE ON THE SEWER RIVER *On a natural 20 or a damage roll of 12 the huge steel hard beak of the crane impales the
target entirely—instant death to targets under 8HD.
Sign: An ear splitting cry that ends in a deep echoing rumble.
2 Treasure Hunters: Likely young rakes, armed and seeking plunder and fame. They go
Sewer River Rumors of the Verdant Purveyor by “The Stockmen” and wear matching gilded, spired, bull masked helms.
x4: F2 (12) AC 2 #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d8+1) SV F2 MV10 ML8
d6 Rumormonger Rumor Brigandine under cuirass, brass targe, estoc, crossbow, 30 bolts, lantern, 2 flasks of oil, 50
GP, 50’ rope, chalk, 6 person punt.
1 Written in long white, blue and The Cranemay offers boons for Sign: Newly chalked graffiti—a bull’s head and various scatological insults.
grey feathers pasted to the wall the Bloody Mask torn from the
of the sewer with gummy filth. flesh hungry horror of Moss 3 Honey Ghuls: Bedraggled aristocrats addicted to narcotic honey. Over time they come
Court Bore. to resemble their addiction’s source, buzzing madly beneath their bee masks.
x1d6+1: HD 2 (8) AC 7 #A2 Dam: broken fingernails/teeth (1d6+1*) SV F3 MV12 ML7
2 A Lurid Toad wandering mad The Pirate Boson is a fel Sword *On Bite attack the Ghul slobbers hallucinogenic white honey into the wound. Save vs.
from a great soured wound. Fe- Saint—to duel her is death de- Poison or honey doze for 1d6 turns.
vered, skin flickering through the layed only a moment, she cuts Sign: Clinging to the wall, daubed in some kind of waxy white spit, bones and rotten
spectrum. to kill and doesn’t miss. reed, a man sized cell cyst.
4* Toiling Slaves: A group of sickly looking drudges in rags, harvesting edible fungus and
3 A Brothers and Sisters’ scout, Pirates are usually easy to track by pulling in fishing weirs and lobster traps. Outside the pirate haven they are loyal and
armor dulled with concealling what they sell above—this Black favored or entirely cowed.
filth and floral nose gay clamped Circle though—nothing—they x1d6+2: HD 1-1 (2) AC9 #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d6/2) SV F0 MV12 ML4
to his steel mask. must have a good fence.
Kitchen knife or cudgel
Sign: Fish traps, nets and cages woven from reeds and kindling.
4 Waving a wax writing pad, a Beloved hunter of sewer crane
thin, grey skinned, Guildless eggs, Fleet Zolos was snatched 5* Pirate Promenade: Pirates out on a careen with their paramours. Jugs of strong spirit
maiden motions shyly but in- by silk jacketed brutes from and merrymaking. Raise the Alarm but seek to impress their concubines.
sistently from the edge of the Zyan above in the Red Channel x1d6+1 Sewer Pirates: HD1 (6) AC6/7 #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d6) SV F1 MV10 MR10;
sewer river. and dragged into a locked gate. Silk brigandine, mace and buckler or cutlass, jewelry (1d6/2x10 GP)
x1d6+1 Wastrels: Hd 1-1 (3) AC 9 #A1 Dam by weapon (1d4) SV F0 MV12 ML 8
5 A lost scholar from above, drag- The dwenomered blade Prince 1d6 daggers, jewelry worth 20 + 1d6x10 GP.
ging a library and backpack of Cutter was stolen from the Mur-
Sign: Drunken singing, breaking bottles, and lewd laughter in the distance.
candles babbles esoteric sewer derer’s Cabal vaults by thieves
lore. who crawled from these sewers. 6* Pirate Patrol: The brute squad hunting runaways, rousting layabout drunkards and
looking for trouble.
6 A ragged madman crouches by The Captain’s face is a lie! Never x1d6: HD2 (10) AC3 #A1 Dam: by weapon (1d10 +2) SV F2 MV10 ML10
in a niche above the river. He leave the cage or the turtles will Bronze plate armor and furs, polearm, truncheon, jewelry (1d6x10 GP)
screams, chuckles, and spits non- get you! Only the Captain knows Sign: The music of the truncheon on the sewer walls and occasional skull.
sense. where the strings go!
* Random encounters do not count towards or detract from total pirate numbers.

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