CE 5th (CE-701)
CE 5th (CE-701)
CE 5th (CE-701)
(1.5-02 Sets)
Define sanitation (*)
What are the objectives of sanitation?
Sanitation & Health: Interrelationship between water, sanitation and health education (ITN)
What is the difference between 100% sanitation and total sanitation?
Briefly discuss the various problems of sanitation faced in Bangladesh. (*)
Classify excreta-related diseases environmentally.
Explain the roles of sanitation in controlling the transmission of excreta-related diseases. (*)
What are the factors that Influence the quantity of wastewater in sanitary sewer systems? Discuss
Classification of wastes. Define sewage, sullage, and stormwater.
Sanitation in the developing world, Bangladesh.
Defecation practices of the have-nots. (*)
Important factors for sanitation in Bd.
Classification of sanitation system.
Communal sanitation system; advantages & disadvantages. (*)
Pit, Pour flush latrines (*), etc.; design consideration, advantages & Disadvantages
What are the basic elements of VIP latrine technology? (*)
Septic Tank Design, soak way design.
Worked Examples: 1,2,4,5,6 (Book-ITN), Exercise-13 (*)
Design a septic tank for a family of 10 persons with a desludging interval of 5 years. The average
wastewater flow is 17 litres per capita per day. Also, design the soak pit for the disposal of the septic
tank effluent. The soil is clay. Assume any value if required. (*)
(1.5-2 Sets)
Treatment of Sewage
(02 Sets; Ponds-01 Set, TF-01 Set)
Preparatory Treatment of Sewage; Screening, Skimming tank, Grit chamber, Cutting Screen, etc.
Primary Treatment of Sewage: Sedimentation Tank, Septic Tank, Inhoff Tank (their details)
Secondary Treatment; Biological Treatment, Chemical Treatment.
Biological Treatment; Waste Stabilization Pond, Trickling Filter, Activated Sludge,……etc.
Waste Stabilization Pond: Anaerobic, Facultative, Maturation Ponds (Details)
Define various types of waste stabilization ponds. Describe the primary functions of each type giving
suitable diagrams. (*)
Why optimum retention time for the anaerobic pond is 5 days? Desludging frequency.
How odour release is controlled in anaerobic ponds? Volumetric loading, Surface loading.
State the necessity of providing anaerobic ponds. How the odour released from the anaerobic ponds
can be controlled? (*)
Explain the “bacteria-algae symbiosis” in a facultative pond. Why the optimum reaction time in the
anaerobic pond is 5 days? (*)
Show that a series of small ponds is more efficient than a single large pond of the same size. (*)
Design a two-stage trickling filter plant for a flow of 8400 KLD (kilo litres per day) of BOD is 420
mg/l the BOD loading is 780g/m3/d. Determine the size of the sedimentation tank, filters, and effluent
concentration. The flow diagram is shown in Fig.1 (*)