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Crack-Style notes

A quick go-to guide

A valuable Illustrator is a visual

problem solver, an effective learner,
and team-player! Here are some
notes to reflect upon these qualities.

What’s a style?
Teamwork pro-tips
A visual style is a simple set of rules
Always start with WHY, what’s the
and limits on how to intentionally use
purpose of your actions inside the
Light & Colo Stroke team and the project you’re
participating in
Shape Texture
Always read the brief, discuss the
instructions, ideas, and potential
action plans with your team

Establish clear personal boundaries

What’s a style useful for? so everyone is the same page

Own your expertise and respect

A style is primarily a visual
everyone else’s in the team
storytelling tool
Learn how to syntethize ideas from
It helps creates visual consistency
the team into the solution
among many visual pieces, helping
to inspire confidence in the viewer Pace your effort, and involve your
team on checkpoints in the process
It speeds up the decision making
process in large projects, brand When you receive feedback; make
related illustration, among others, an effort to understand why and
by setting clear reference points where is it coming from; and what is
it aiming to accomplish

Undersell and overdeliver

Ask for help if you need it

Is way easier to find a
narrative first and build a Don’t take anything personal.
style around it later!
What to study?
A sneak peek behind the curtain

The road to conscious and intentional style

decisions goes through learning the
fundamentals of Visual Communication!
These are just some starting points:


Understanding Composition -
Blender Guru
Shape Language

Elements of Art: Shapes -

Basic Compositon Rules - David
Winged Canvas


Shape Appeal - Sinix Design

Elements of Art: Space -

Winged Canvas

Big, Medium, Small

(Shape Distribution) - Sinix Design

Light & Color

Painting Values - Evolve Artist

Visual Storytelling

The language of Visual Storytelling -

Understanding Color -

The Shy Tourist

Blender Guru

How to Tell Stories through Illustrations

Simple Value Mistakes - Tyler Edlin

with Djamila Knopf - Lightbox Expo

We hope these help you in your journey

as much as they have helped us!

Sincerely, the Airstart team.

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