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Studies on genetic variability and genetic divergence for morpho-economical traits in Bitter

gourd (Momordica charantia L.) genotypes

Kirti Choudhary
Enrollment. no. : 2200101882
M.Sc. (Hort.) Vegetable Science

Dr. Sanket Kumar
Assistant Professor

Department of Agriculture
Integral institute of Agricultural Science and Technology
Integral University, Lucknow
 Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) is an important commercial cucurbit of Family Cucurbitaceae and Genus
Momordica having chromosome no. 2n = 22.
 In India, It has been identified as one of the potent vegetable for export by APEDA next to onion and okra.

 The major bitter gourd producing country is India at first position with total production 31% of throughout the
world production of Bitter gourd, China is at second position with total production (22%) and Pakistan is at third
position (9%).
 It is an important vegetable crop and is grown for its immature tuberculate fruits which have a unique bitter taste.

 A good knowledge of genetic wealth might also help in identifying desirable cultivars for commercial production.
 There is a need for improved varieties in respect of heat, drought and disease tolerance and germplasm is the
important natural resource that should be used by the breeders to develop new cultivars

 Crop improvement through breeding methodology largely depends on the knowledge of nature and magnitude of
gene action involved in the control of metric traits.

 To access the genetic variability in bitter gourd genotypes.

 To estimate the direct and indirect effects of different traits on yield.

 To study the genetic divergence among available germplasm for yield and its component traits.
 Sagar et al. (2022) is conducted an experiment in RBD model and replicated thrice. Analysis of variance
showed highly significant variations among the genotypes for all the growth and yield traits under study.
Two genotypes VBGC-7 (25.75), VBGC-24 (30.00) were recorded higher number of fruits per plant than
check variety Arka Harit (18.75).

 Pandey et al. (2019) studied on genetic variation among 29 bitter gourd genotypes was assessed during
2013–14. High genetic variability was observed for yield per plant (397–1990 g), number of fruits per
plant (9.18–43), individual fruit weight (25.47–125.67 g), plant height (110–503 cm), fruit length (6.39–
25.97 cm), fruit diameter (2.53–6.1 cm), number of seeds (5–22.33) and number of branches per plant

 Prasanth et al. (2020) studied on thirty one genotypes of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) were
evaluated for 10 quantitative traits during August 2016. Number of fruits followed by fruit weight, fruit
length and fruit girth exhibited maximum positive direct effect on fruit yield. The genotypes were
grouped in to four different clusters based on the genetic distance. The divergence value for cluster
analysis indicated that the genotypes from clusters I and II had the highest inter-cluster distance and
were expected to provide high heterosis if crossed and to show wide variability in genetic architecture.
Experimental Site

 The experiment will be conducted in the Main Campus, Unit three (IIAST), Kursi road, Lucknow. The
experimental site is geographically situated at 26.95⁰N latitude and 80.99⁰E longitude.

Experimental Details

 Design : Randomized Block Design (RBD)

 No. of Genotypes : Thirty (30)

 No. of Replication : Three (3)

 No. of plant per treatment : Twenty (20)

 No. of Row per treatment : 2

 Spacing: Row to row : 1m

 Plant to plant : 60 cm

 Days to appearance of first female flower  Fruit length (cm)

 Days to appearance of first male flower  Average fruit weight (g)
 Number of fruit per plant
 Node number female flower first appeared  Fruit yield per plant (kg)
 Node number male flower first appeared  Total fruit yield (q/ha)
 Marketable fruit yield (q/ha)
 Day to first harvesting  Fruit diameter (cm)
 Sex Ratio  Total Soluble Solid (oBrix)
 Vitamin C (mg/100g)
 Peduncle length (cm)  Seed test weight (g)
 Vine length (m)
 Internodal length (cm)
Table 4.1: Analysis of variance (mean squares) for eighteen characters in bitter gourd
Source of variation
S. No. Replications Treatments Error
d.f. 2 30 60
1. Days to appearance of first Male flower 0.077 57.741** 6.181
2. Days to appearance of first female flower 2.211 67.965** 7.073
3. Node number male flower first appeared 0.335 8.985** 0.353
4. Node number female flower first appeared 0.292 10.604** 0.515
5. Day to first harvesting 6.344 67.400** 9.562
6. Sex Ratio 0.327 25.131** 0.705
7. Vine length (cm) 0.013 0.878** 0.022
8. Peduncle length (cm) 0.003 0.060** 0.028
9. Internodal length (cm) 0.111 6.554** 0.299
10. Fruit length (cm) 0.025 33.352** 0.773
11. Fruit diameter (cm) 0.076 0.692** 0.018
12. Average fruit weight (g) 4.325 1516.961** 32.459
13. Number of fruits per plant 1.871 45.905** 2.713
14. Fruit yield per plant (kg) 0.004 0.578** 0.042
15. Total Soluble Solid (◦Brix) 0.014 0.594** 0.004
16. Ascorbic acid (mg/100g) 16.767 1203.041** 8.761
17. Seed test weight (g) 0.011 3.285** 0.594
18. Total fruit yield (q/ha) 33.234 4625.665** 239.806
*, ** - Significant at 5 and 1 per cent probability level
Table 4.2: Mean performances of thirty genotypes of bitter gourd
Days to appearance of first Days to appearance of first Node number male Node number female
Genotypes Day to first harvesting Sex Ratio
Male flower female flower flower first appeared flower first appeared
BI-55 51.00 54.67 11.33 16.00 69.33 11.85
BI-58 51.33 61.33 13.67 16.33 77.00 14.68
BI-61 40.00 46.00 8.67 12.33 58.67 14.22
BI-62 39.33 42.00 9.67 13.00 54.33 15.36
BG-64 35.67 44.00 7.33 12.00 59.00 12.88
BI-66 44.33 51.00 8.56 12.00 63.67 18.26
BI-69 48.67 55.00 10.00 12.33 67.00 12.52
BI-70 36.33 41.67 8.33 12.67 57.67 17.55
BI-71 42.00 44.33 8.00 11.00 61.33 15.82
BI-72 41.00 44.67 9.67 12.67 60.00 10.69
BI-73 44.00 43.67 8.33 11.67 58.00 18.62
BI-76 41.00 45.33 9.67 12.00 61.00 14.99
BI-77 41.67 49.33 12.67 17.00 63.33 13.84
BI-80 46.00 47.67 12.00 13.00 62.00 13.64
BI-83 45.67 51.00 12.00 15.00 64.33 10.88
BI-84 37.33 43.67 7.33 11.67 57.67 18.40
BI-85 47.67 55.00 10.33 15.33 66.33 10.74
BI-88 41.00 41.33 8.67 11.34 56.33 16.34
BI-90 42.00 45.33 11.33 13.33 58.00 10.12
BI-93 39.33 45.00 9.00 11.67 59.00 11.54
BI-95 35.67 46.67 9.33 17.00 54.33 9.59
BI-97 40.33 42.33 7.00 10.33 66.67 16.88
BI-98 45.67 51.00 9.67 13.00 63.67 16.22
BI-101 36.33 47.00 11.33 15.00 60.67 15.21
BI-103 38.00 45.67 8.00 11.33 58.33 12.71
BI-106 46.00 53.00 11.67 15.67 65.33 9.24
BI-108 41.33 46.67 10.33 14.33 61.67 13.25
BI-109 39.67 43.67 10.00 13.67 58.33 17.84
BI-110 36.67 45.33 9.00 15.33 59.00 9.88
BI-111 39.67 46.33 12.33 13.00 60.67 11.02
C.D. 4.07 4.36 0.98 1.18 5.07 1.38
Average fruit weight
Genotypes Vine length (cm) Peduncle length (cm) Internodal length (cm) Fruit length (cm) Fruit diameter (cm)
BI-55 1.99 3.67 5.25 12.49 3.84 53.59
BI-58 1.93 3.42 7.02 9.39 3.07 71.43
BI-61 1.76 3.47 3.68 8.15 2.64 88.76
BI-62 3.39 3.56 4.51 14.36 3.4 104.36
BI-64 2.69 3.57 7.45 10 .49 3.87 71.58
BI-66 2.86 3.53 5.92 18.56 4.04 117.63
BI-69 1.96 3.67 3.92 18.46 4.1 42.49
BI-70 2.59 3.64 7.89 15.53 2.67 93.43
BI-71 2.33 3.58 6.34 15.59 3.83 106.69
BI-72 2.43 3.51 8.39 17.69 3.97 67.56
BI-73 1.89 3.84 4.75 15.63 3.6 100.78
BI-76 2.69 3.44 7.72 17.63 3.54 72.32
BI-77 3.43 3.89 3.77 16.78 3.6 77.52
BI-80 2.73 3.71 4.95 20.26 3.9 72.66
BI-83 2.53 3.66 8.17 17.26 3.87 64.52
BI-84 2.06 3.48 6.86 20.46 3.24 110.73
BI-85 2.09 3.58 5.62 14.33 3.67 94.56
BI-88 2.43 3.52 4.38 19.03 3.49 120.53
BI-90 2.46 3.67 5.74 15.06 2.44 57.63
BI-93 2.49 3.42 8.52 16.46 3.64 97.63
BI-95 1.66 3.68 6.67 20.86 3.40 129.53
BI-97 2.39 3.64 8.24 15.69 4.14 68.33
BI-98 2.36 3.33 6.28 15.73 3.77 93.96
BI-101 2.49 3.64 5.34 14.79 2.64 65.73
BI-103 3.16 3.59 4.22 20.23 3.74 65.46
BI-106 3.19 3.87 5.48 16.53 3.84 82.48
BI-108 3.33 3.55 6.53 10.43 3.27 126.36
BI-109 2.13 3.42 4.67 11.63 2.93 85.33
BI-110 1.76 3.53 7.28 12.66 3.97 106.93
BI-111 3.66 3.32 6.11 15.45 4.07 81.48
C.D. 0.25 0.28 0.897 1.441 0.224 9.335
SE(m) 0.09 0.10 0.316 0.508 0.079 3.289
Number of fruits per Fruit yield per plant Total Soluble Solid
Genotypes Ascorbic acid (mg/100g) Seed test weight (g) Total fruit yield (q/ha)
plant (kg) (◦Brix)
BI-55 27.52 1.47 1.72 95.35 17.38 169.12
BI-58 25.89 1.84 2.74 116.76 18.76 186.04
BI-61 27.67 2.45 1.61 94.80 17.84 163.84
BI-62 18.9 1.97 1.83 103.88 16.48 153.38
BI-64 27.43 1.96 1.94 108.64 16.36 143.47
BI-66 19.57 2.30 3.01 54.67 17.12 225.50
BI-69 21.19 0.90 2.40 117.52 16.54 180.90
BI-70 21.4 1.99 2.85 109.55 17.28 171.83
BI-71 25.66 2.74 1.92 74.25 16.36 154.24
BI-72 27.10 1.83 1.82 89.14 17.54 187.75
BI-73 19.57 1.97 3.15 111.28 17.62 174.16
BI-76 21.47 1.55 2.66 95.21 18.94 127.54
BI-77 22.97 1.78 2.15 120.25 18.42 152.87
BI-80 24.30 1.76 1.88 102.28 17.12 151.18
BI-83 23.90 1.54 2.32 98.47 19.34 126.36
BI-84 19.63 2.17 2.09 109.92 18.91 196.51
BI-85 22.72 2.14 2.94 105.64 17.65 193.81
BI-88 24.73 2.98 1.87 121.62 19.22 286.18
BI-90 32.80 1.89 2.49 58.12 19.41 165.03
BI-93 20.60 2.01 2.77 69.84 18.23 178.46
BI-95 16.97 2.19 3.07 81.22 18.11 199.23
BI-97 27.13 1.85 2.22 119.18 20.29 160.97
BI-98 29.17 2.74 2.63 77.50 18.61 259.53
BI-101 19.17 2.33 100.54 18.35 95.003
BI-103 23.90 1.56 2.57 123.48 16.49 128.83
BI-106 19.03 1.57 1.88 52.26 17.74 129.41
BI-108 17.77 2.25 1.98 96.72 18.38 204.48
BI-109 27.12 2.31 2.35 113.36 18.71 212.21
BI-110 18.93 2.02 2.78 86.46 19.57 179.90
BI-111 23.87 1.94 2.54 99.94 17.81 171.12
C.D. 2.699 0.338 0.114 4.848 1.263 25.374
SE(m) 0.951 0.119 0.04 1.708 0.445 8.94
SE(d) 1.345 0.168 0.057 2.416 0.63 12.643
Table 4.3: Estimates of phenotypic, genotypic coefficients of variation, heritability in broad sense and genetic advance in per cent of mean in bitter gourd genotypes

Heritability Genetic Advance
P.C.V. G.C.V.
S. No. Characters Grand mean Broad Sense Advance in per
Lowest Highest (%) (%)
(%) (h2bs) (5%) cent of

1. Days to appearance of first Male flower 35.67 51.33 41.82 11.56 9.91 73.55 7.32 17.51
2. Days to appearance of first female flower 41.33 61.33 47.32 11.06 9.52 74.16 7.99 16.89
3. Node number male flower first appeared 7.00 13.67 9.84 18.27 17.24 89.05 3.30 33.51
4. Node number female flower first appeared 10.33 17.00 13.37 14.73 13.72 86.72 3.52 26.32
5. Day to first harvesting 54.33 77.00 61.42 8.74 7.15 66.84 7.40 12.04
6. Sex Ratio 9.24 18.62 13.83 21.08 20.86 97.89 5.88 42.52
7. Vine length (cm) 1.66 3.66 2.50 22.23 21.40 92.62 1.06 42.42
8. Peduncle length (cm) 3.32 3.89 3.58 5.54 2.85 26.57 0.11 3.03
9. Internodal length (cm) 3.68 8.52 6.06 25.48 23.83 87.43 2.78 45.90
10. Fruit length (cm) 8.16 20.86 15.59 21.88 21.14 93.36 6.56 42.08
11. Fruit diameter (cm) 2.44 4.14 3.54 13.92 13.38 92.30 0.94 26.47
12. Average fruit weight (g) 42.49 129.53 86.40 26.58 25.75 93.85 44.39 51.38
13. Number of fruits per plant 16.97 32.80 23.27 17.77 16.30 84.15 7.17 30.81
14. Fruit yield per plant (kg) 0.90 2.98 1.97 23.90 21.49 80.82 0.78 39.79
15. Total Soluble Solid (◦Brix) 1.62 3.15 2.35 19.10 18.87 97.60 0.90 38.41
16. Ascorbic acid (mg/100g) 52.26 123.48 96.93 20.81 20.59 97.90 40.67 41.96
Table 4.4: Estimates of phenotypic correlation coefficient between eighteen characters in bitter gourd genotypes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
2 0.808**
3 0.500** 0.585**
4 0.256* 0.548** 0.671**
5 0.656** 0.715** 0.440** 0.275**

6 -0.067 -0.261* -0.385** -0.461** -0.067

7 -0.096 -0.097 0.246* -0.030 -0.082 -0.047

8 0.181 0.156 0.160 0.287** 0.079 -0.055 0.101
9 -0.130 -0.064 -0.144 -0.069 0.067 -0.117 -0.067 -0.154
10 -0.055 -0.107 -0.117 -0.171 -0.226* 0.024 0.151 0.235* 0.044
11 0.270* 0.184 -0.062 -0.123 0.259* -0.188 0.188 0.084 0.155 0.333**

12 -0.299** -0.293** -0.336** -0.034 -0.364** 0.260* -0.015 -0.101 0.059 0.068 -0.047

13 0.229* 0.060 0.071 -0.149 0.175 -0.004 -0.118 -0.116 0.017 -0.249* -0.081 -0.462**

14 -0.140 -0.268* -0.326** -0.199 -0.242* 0.346** -0.092 -0.219* 0.040 -0.100 -0.083 0.733** 0.238*

15 -0.009 0.158 -0.031 0.108 0.024 0.072 -0.200 -0.001 0.229* 0.211* 0.003 0.204 -0.278** -0.006
16 -0.035 -0.068 -0.045 -0.075 0.069 0.342** -0.019 0.063 -0.214* -0.035 -0.011 -0.194 0.040 -0.129 -0.080
17 0.017 0.019 0.169 0.198 0.123 0.052 -0.148 0.068 0.327** 0.002 -0.136 0.076 0.150 0.170 0.181 0.055
18 0.120 0.000 -0.175 -0.095 -0.049 0.271** -0.222* -0.236* -0.055 0.072 0.063 0.505** 0.110 0.632** 0.155 -0.005 0.213*

1- Days to appearance of first Male flower, 2- Days to appearance of first female flower, 3- Node number male flower first appeared, 4- Node number female flower first appeared, 5- Day to first harvesting, 6-
Sex Ratio, 7- Vine length (cm), 8- Peduncle length (cm), 9- Internodal length (cm), 10- Fruit length (cm), 11- Fruit diameter (cm), 12- Average fruit weight (g), 13- Number of fruits per plant, 14- Fruit yield per
plant (kg), 15- Total Soluble Solid (◦Brix), 16- Ascorbic acid (mg/100g), 17- Seed test weight (g), 18- Total fruit yield (q/ha)
Table 4.5: Estimates of genotypic correlation coefficient between eighteen characters in bitter gourd genotypes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
2 0.809**
3 0.550** 0.660**
4 0.264* 0.600** 0.733**
5 0.904** 0.945** 0.539** 0.370**
6 -0.116 -0.348** -0.438** -0.524** -0.108
7 -0.161 -0.184 0.241* -0.078 -0.123 -0.075
8 0.109 0.003 0.140 0.353** -0.008 -0.260* 0.042
9 -0.249* -0.161 -0.202 -0.109 0.092 -0.142 -0.100 -0.472**
10 -0.114 -0.192 -0.158 -0.233* -0.291** -0.003 0.128 0.250* -0.006
11 0.275** 0.170 -0.119 -0.162 0.267* -0.223* 0.172 0.024 0.177 0.357**
12 -0.385** -0.366** -0.366** -0.043 -0.514** 0.257* -0.025 -0.268* 0.055 0.069 -0.082
13 0.247* 0.030 0.081 -0.226* 0.247* -0.024 -0.146 -0.358** -0.036 -0.309** -0.119 -0.533**
14 -0.248* -0.406** -0.406** -0.283** -0.397** 0.355** -0.126 -0.636** -0.011 -0.142 -0.155 0.752** 0.132
15 -0.056 0.136 -0.061 0.089 0.004 0.051 -0.238* -0.158 0.231* 0.191 -0.023 0.200 -0.325** -0.037
16 -0.080 -0.123 -0.074 -0.107 0.063 0.329** -0.047 -0.028 -0.247* -0.065 -0.037 -0.216* 0.025 -0.176 -0.104
17 -0.115 -0.127 0.110 0.143 0.082 -0.014 -0.265* -0.375** 0.334** -0.096 -0.243* 0.041 0.120 0.104 0.128 -0.009

18 0.142 -0.016 -0.214* -0.137 -0.067 0.276** -0.261* -0.618** -0.062 0.042 0.048 0.555** 0.105 0.732** 0.145 -0.023 0.188

1- Days to appearance of first Male flower, 2- Days to appearance of first female flower, 3- Node number male flower first appeared, 4- Node number female flower first appeared, 5- Day to first harvesting, 6- Sex
Ratio, 7- Vine length (cm), 8- Peduncle length (cm), 9- Internodal length (cm), 10- Fruit length (cm), 11- Fruit diameter (cm), 12- Average fruit weight (g), 13- Number of fruits per plant, 14- Fruit yield per plant (kg),
15- Total Soluble Solid (◦Brix), 16- Ascorbic acid (mg/100g), 17- Seed test weight (g), 18- Total fruit yield (q/ha)
Table 4.6: Direct and indirect effects of total fruit yield (q/ha) on eighteen characters at phenotypic level in bitter gourd

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

1 0.221 0.044 -0.022 0.003 -0.008 -0.004 0.012 -0.046 0.026 -0.009 0.033 -0.341 0.157 0.056 -0.001 -0.004 0.003

2 0.178 0.055 -0.025 0.007 -0.009 -0.016 0.012 -0.040 0.013 -0.019 0.022 -0.333 0.041 0.107 0.010 -0.007 0.003

3 0.110 0.032 -0.044 0.009 -0.005 -0.024 -0.030 -0.041 0.029 -0.020 -0.008 -0.382 0.049 0.131 -0.002 -0.005 0.026

4 0.056 0.030 -0.029 0.013 -0.003 -0.029 0.004 -0.073 0.014 -0.030 -0.015 -0.039 -0.103 0.080 0.007 -0.008 0.030

5 0.145 0.039 -0.019 0.004 -0.012 -0.004 0.010 -0.020 -0.014 -0.039 0.032 -0.413 0.120 0.097 0.002 0.007 0.019

6 -0.015 -0.014 0.017 -0.006 0.001 0.063 0.006 0.014 0.023 0.004 -0.023 0.296 -0.003 -0.138 0.005 0.035 0.008

7 -0.021 -0.005 -0.011 0.000 0.001 -0.003 -0.121 -0.026 0.013 0.026 0.023 -0.017 -0.081 0.037 -0.013 -0.002 -0.023

8 0.040 0.009 -0.007 0.004 -0.001 -0.003 -0.012 -0.256 0.031 0.041 0.010 -0.115 -0.080 0.088 0.000 0.006 0.010

9 -0.029 -0.004 0.006 -0.001 -0.001 -0.007 0.008 0.039 -0.200 0.008 0.019 0.067 0.012 -0.016 0.014 -0.022 0.050

10 -0.012 -0.006 0.005 -0.002 0.003 0.001 -0.018 -0.060 -0.009 0.173 0.041 0.078 -0.171 0.040 0.013 -0.004 0.000

11 0.060 0.010 0.003 -0.002 -0.003 -0.012 -0.023 -0.022 -0.031 0.058 0.122 -0.053 -0.056 0.033 0.000 -0.001 -0.021

12 -0.066 -0.016 0.015 0.000 0.005 0.016 0.002 0.026 -0.012 0.012 -0.006 1.137 -0.318 -0.293 0.013 -0.020 0.012

13 0.050 0.003 -0.003 -0.002 -0.002 0.000 0.014 0.030 -0.003 -0.043 -0.010 -0.526 0.688 -0.095 -0.017 0.004 0.023

14 -0.031 -0.015 0.014 -0.003 0.003 0.022 0.011 0.056 -0.008 -0.017 -0.010 0.833 0.164 -0.400 0.000 -0.013 0.026

15 -0.002
Residual= 0.39186 0.009 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.004 0.024 0.000 -0.046 0.037 0.000 0.232 -0.191 0.002 0.063 -0.008 0.028
1- Days to appearance of first Male flower, 2- Days to appearance of first female flower, 3- Node number male flower first appeared, 4- Node number female flower first appeared, 5- Day to first harvesting, 6- Sex Ratio, 7-
16 -0.008
Vine length -0.004length (cm),
(cm), 8- Peduncle 0.002 -0.001
9- Internodal -0.001
length (cm), 0.021(cm), 11-0.002
10- Fruit length -0.016
Fruit diameter 0.043fruit weight
(cm), 12- Average -0.006 -0.001of fruits-0.221
(g), 13- Number per plant, 14- 0.028
Fruit yield per0.052
plant (kg), 15--0.005
Total Soluble 0.101 0.008
Solid (◦Brix), 16- Ascorbic acid (mg/100g), 17- Seed test weight (g), 18- Total fruit yield (q/ha)
Table 4.7: Direct and indirect effects of total fruit yield (q/ha) on eighteen characters at genotypic level in bitter gourd

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 -0.589 0.327 0.395 -0.211 0.474 0.007 0.054 0.018 0.055 -0.023 0.065 -0.876 0.315 0.168 -0.005 -0.019 -0.012
2 -0.477 0.404 0.474 -0.479 0.495 0.020 0.062 0.000 0.035 -0.038 0.040 -0.834 0.038 0.274 0.012 -0.029 -0.013
3 -0.324 0.266 0.718 -0.586 0.283 0.025 -0.081 0.023 0.044 -0.031 -0.028 -0.888 0.103 0.274 -0.005 -0.018 0.011
4 -0.156 0.242 0.527 -0.799 0.194 0.029 0.026 0.058 0.024 -0.046 -0.039 -0.097 -0.288 0.191 0.008 -0.026 0.015
5 -0.532 0.381 0.387 -0.296 0.524 0.006 0.041 -0.001 -0.020 -0.058 0.064 -1.170 0.314 0.268 0.000 0.015 0.008
6 0.069 -0.141 -0.314 0.419 -0.056 -0.056 0.025 -0.043 0.031 -0.001 -0.053 0.584 -0.031 -0.239 0.004 0.078 -0.001
7 0.095 -0.074 0.173 0.062 -0.065 0.004 -0.337 0.007 0.022 0.025 0.041 -0.056 -0.185 0.085 -0.020 -0.011 -0.027
8 -0.064 0.001 0.101 -0.282 -0.004 0.015 -0.014 0.165 0.104 0.050 0.006 -0.609 -0.455 0.429 -0.013 -0.007 -0.038
9 0.146 -0.065 -0.145 0.087 0.048 0.008 0.034 -0.078 -0.219 -0.001 0.042 0.125 -0.046 0.007 0.020 -0.059 0.034
10 0.067 -0.077 -0.113 0.186 -0.153 0.000 -0.043 0.041 0.001 0.198 0.085 0.157 -0.393 0.096 0.016 -0.015 -0.010
11 -0.162 0.068 -0.086 0.130 0.140 0.013 -0.058 0.004 -0.039 0.071 0.238 -0.188 -0.152 0.104 -0.002 -0.009 -0.025
12 0.227 -0.148 -0.280 0.034 -0.269 -0.014 0.008 -0.044 -0.012 0.014 -0.020 2.276 -0.679 -0.507 0.017 -0.052 0.004
13 -0.146 0.012 0.058 0.181 0.129 0.001 0.049 -0.059 0.008 -0.061 -0.028 -1.214 1.273 -0.089 -0.027 0.006 0.012
14 0.146 -0.164 -0.292 0.226 -0.208 -0.020 0.043 -0.105 0.002 -0.028 -0.037 1.711 0.168 -0.675 -0.003 -0.042 0.011
15 0.033 0.055 -0.044 -0.071 0.002 -0.003 0.080 -0.026 -0.051 0.038 -0.006 0.455 -0.414 0.025 0.085 -0.025 0.013
16 0.047 -0.050 -0.053 0.086 0.033 -0.018 0.016 -0.005 0.054 -0.013 -0.009 -0.493 0.032 0.119 -0.009 0.239 -0.001
17 0.068 -0.051 0.079 -0.114 0.043 0.001 0.089 -0.062 -0.073 -0.019 -0.058 0.094 0.152 -0.070 0.011 -0.002 0.102
Residual= 0.23852 1- Days to appearance of first Male flower, 2- Days to appearance of first female flower, 3- Node number male flower first appeared, 4- Node number female flower first appeared, 5- Day to first harvesting, 6- Sex Ratio, 7-
Vine length (cm), 8- Peduncle length (cm), 9- Internodal length (cm), 10- Fruit length (cm), 11- Fruit diameter (cm), 12- Average fruit weight (g), 13- Number of fruits per plant, 14- Fruit yield per plant (kg), 15- Total
Soluble Solid (◦Brix), 16- Ascorbic acid (mg/100g), 17- Seed test weight (g), 18- Total fruit yield (q/ha)

It can be concluded that BI-88, BI-97, BI-61 and BI-111 genotypes are the promising
for most of the characters under studies. These genotype can be further use for
selection and hybrid development program . It is recommended that these genotype
can be use in several breeding experiments to get the precise performance of the
genotype under different environmental condition.

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