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The STEM Pipeline


The STEM pipeline starts in metaphor, how can we get them STEM talent pool in numerous
elementary school and extends all the way through? Analyses of ways. Others focus on teaching
through the professoriate and the STEM pipeline issues, after all, styles.
rest of the workforce. Most experts regularly note leaks all along the All of these articles are about
in higher education believe that way. college and university efforts
American higher education and The articles and essays in this based on the view that institutions
industry would benefit from many compilation examine these issues can do a better job to attract and
more people trained in science, from a variety of perspectives, from retain STEM talent.
technology, engineering and undergraduate education through Inside Higher Ed will continue to
mathematics fields. graduate studies and postdoctoral cover these issues, and welcomes
But how to find and keep them? education. Some of the articles your ideas for future articles.
And as relates to the pipeline focus on efforts to diversify the --The Editors

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The STEM Pipeline

A selection of articles by Inside Higher Ed reporters

Gender Stereotypes in STEM

By Kaitlin Mulhere

Research suggests link between ethnicity, gender stereotypes

and interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

he gender gap in science, found that black women were degrees actually earned, according
technology, engineering more likely than white women to the paper.
and math fields has to show an interest in studying Most studies to date on women
been well-documented through STEM disciplines when they enter in STEM fields don’t identify the
various studies and reports. And college. ethnicity of participants, often
increasing gender diversity in the The research also shows that because there is not enough ethnic
so-called STEM fields is a key goal African Americans were less likely diversity to measure for variation
of groups spanning the education, than white Americans to view between different groups.
government and labor market STEM programs as masculine, That raises questions about
sectors. which may help explain why the whether what’s known about the
But few reports on gender participation levels vary between underrepresentation of women in
participation in STEM analyze the two ethnic groups. STEM fields accurately describes
women under the microscope The authors argue that race the experiences of nonwhite
of different demographic and ethnicity influence the gender women, the authors write.
backgrounds to determine whether stereotypes that women hold, which All too often people think of
there’s variation between different in turn influence their interest in the women as a monolithic group,
cultures or ethnicities, according sciences, said Laurie O’Brien, an O’Brien said. But there are
to the authors of research associate professor of psychology important differences between
published online in September at Tulane University and one of the white women, African-American
2014 in the American Psychology article’s lead authors. women and women from other
Association’s Cultural Diversity & Despite the findings of higher ethnic groups.
Ethnic Minority Psychology journal. initial interest reflected in the journal “I think sometimes those
The study, which compared white article, other data show black differences get pushed under the
and black women’s participation women are underrepresented in rug,” she said.
in and perception of STEM fields, the number of STEM bachelor’s Colleges that want to diversify

The STEM Pipeline

their STEM populations need to disparity. that white Americans are more
look not just at race or gender, “Stereotypes have far-ranging likely than black Americans to see
but at the intersection of the two, effects and become self-reinforcing independence as a masculine
O’Brien said. The experiences of as they shape the career goals, characteristic, according to
black women in higher education performance and interests of the article. Likewise, studies
may be very different from the women and men in ways that are suggest black Americans value
experiences of white women. consistent with stereotypes,” the independence and self-reliance
O’Brien worked with professors authors write. in women to a greater extent than
Alison Blodorn from the University To measure participants’ white Americans do.
of California at Santa Barbara, subconscious thoughts about In all of the studies, black women
Glenn Adams from the University gender and STEM, the researchers were significantly more likely to
of Kansas, Donna Garcia from flashed on a computer screen declare a major in STEM fields
California State University at San words related to STEM fields, such than white women were, while
Bernardino and Elliott Hammer as biology or calculus, and words there was no significant difference
from Xavier University of Louisiana. related to the liberal arts, such as between the participation levels of
Their research is based on four arts and literature. Participants white and black men.
similar but separate studies of then had to categorize those In one, where the authors
college students at the beginning words with others that related to analyzed data on more than
of their academic careers. either men (boy, father, brother) or 1.7 million freshmen from 1990
Science, technology, engineering women (girl, mother, sister). through 1999, 23 percent of black
and mathematics are often In each of three studies with women said they planned to major
associated with independence, this type of test, African-American in STEM fields compared to 16
a characteristic frequently linked women held weaker gender-STEM percent of white women.
with masculinity, according to the stereotypes than white women did. In another study, which included
article. That stereotype is one of Those findings support a about 800 students from four
the key contributors to the gender growing body of research finding different universities, 37.6 percent

The STEM Pipeline

of black women were STEM The findings of this research, Department of Homeland Security,
majors compared with 18.8 though, are especially interesting but excluded psychology, since
percent of white women. Women in light of data from the National women are not underrepresented
at a historically black university Science Foundation that show in that discipline.)
included in the study were more black women are less likely than “That suggests the factors
likely than black women at the white women are to actually earn that affect somebody’s interest
other universities to major in STEM a bachelor’s degree in science and in STEM aren’t the same things
fields. math fields that affect their attrition in STEM,”
Part of the difference in women’s According to the NSF, among O’Brien said.
interest in STEM fields is explained women graduating with bachelor’s Attrition in STEM fields is a
by the gender stereotypes, but they degrees in 2010, 10 percent of problem several colleges are trying
don’t explain the entire relationship white women earned a STEM to tackle. It’s important to recognize
between ethnicity and interest in degree, compared to 8 percent that it may require different efforts,
STEM, O’Brien said, adding that of black women. (The authors first to attract underrepresented
more research is needed on the of this study used a list of STEM populations and then to keep them
topic. programs identified by the U.S. there, she said.

Unequal All Around

By Colleen Flaherty

New research finds that STEM fields aren’t actually worse than other
disciplines in attracting talented students to doctoral study.

onventional wisdom when preparation and interest are a strong gender imbalance, and
says that while there are taken into account. that’s definitely surprising, to me at
many barriers for women “That’s kind of the headline least.”
pursuing advanced degrees, finding to me, that in three-quarters To arrive at their results, Gillen
the “pipeline” to the sciences, of academic fields there’s a gender and his co-author, Courtney
technology, engineering and math is imbalance toward men,” said Tanenbaum, a fellow education
particularly leaky. But a September Andrew Gillen, a senior researcher researcher at the institutes, didn’t
2014 paper from the American in the institutes’ education program just focus – as other research
Institutes for Research suggests and co-author of "Exploring has – on the total number of men
that the overrepresentation of Gender Imbalance Among STEM and women receiving doctoral
male Ph.D. recipients compared Doctoral Degree Recipients." degrees in STEM and other fields.
to women isn’t a worse problem “You have a huge number of fields Arguing that such an approach is
in STEM than in non-STEM fields, [beyond STEM] where you see valuable only if enrollment of men

The STEM Pipeline

Women’s Doctoral
Doctoral Degrees per DoctoralDegrees
Degrees per 100
Academic Field 100 Undergraduate per 100 Undergraduate
Undergraduate Degrees
Degrees (Men) Degrees (Women)
as a Percentage of Men’s
Communication Disorders Sciences
17.6 3.6 20.7
and Services
Missions/ Missionary Studies and
18.3 3.8 20.8
Law 32.4 9.9 30.5
Family and Consumer Sciences /
4.2 1.4 32.3
Human Sciences, General
Teacher Education and Professional
Development, Specific Levels and 1.3 0.5 34.6
Bible / Biblical Studies 1.2 0.5 36.8
Health Services / Allied Health /
8.9 3.3 37.3
Health Sciences, General
Public Administration and Social
16.1 6.3 39.1
Service Professions, Other
Animal Sciences 7.1 2.9 41.2
Mathematics 10.4 4.3 41.5

Indicates STEM Field

and women in degree programs is 2007, and did the same for Ph.D.s period: 71 and 70, respectively.
equally split, they aim instead to awarded from 2010 to 2012.) Applied to 135 disciplines, the
compare the number of “prepared In the animal sciences, for analysis paints an interesting
and interested” men and women example, seven Ph.D.s were picture: Men are overrepresented
– those who majored in STEM as awarded to men for every 100 in 103 fields, or 76 percent – and
undergraduates – to the number of baccalaureate degrees. For not just in STEM. In fact, the
eventual Ph.D. recipients. women, that figure was just about STEM fields are slightly more
Using data from the Education 3 out of 100 – 41 percent of the gender-balanced than non-
Department’s Integrated Post- Ph.D. earning rate for qualified STEM fields are. Among the 55
secondary Education Data System and interested men, as defined by STEM fields analyzed, men are
(IPEDS), Gillen and Tanenbaum the study. (A rate of 100 percent overrepresented in 75 percent
calculated the number of doctoral indicates perfect gender balance). and women are overrepresented
degrees awarded per 100 The authors argue that figure is in 26 percent. In the 80 other
bachelor’s degrees in scores of much more telling than a one-to- fields, men are overrepresented
disciplines. (They averaged the one comparison of Ph.D.s awarded in approximately 77 percent and
number of baccalaureate degrees to men and women in the animal women are overrepresented in 23
awarded in each year from 2002 to sciences in the relevant time percent.

The STEM Pipeline

Women’s Doctoral
Doctoral Degrees per DoctoralDegrees
Degrees per 100
Academic Field 100 Undergraduate per 100 Undergraduate
Undergraduate Degrees
Degrees (Men) Degrees (Women)
as a Percentage of Men’s
Forestry (Non-STEM) 9.1 20.3 222.9
Slavic, Baltic and Albanian
Languages, Literatures, and 4.7 9.6 205.7
Forestry (STEM) 14.2 26.5 187.2
Fine and Stuio Arts 0.5 0.9 175.3
Information Science/ Studies 1.3 2.2 173.7
Engineering-Related Fields 11.5 19.1 166.6
Computer Engineering 4.8 7.7 158.7
Engineering Physics 12.1 18.6 153.8
Teacher Education and Professional
Development, Specific Subject 1.5 2.2 151.0
City/Urban, Community and
10.5 15.8 150.6
Regional Planning
Indicates STEM Field

The top 10 academic fields in – contrary to popular belief – is than men or simply don’t start them
which men are overrepresented relatively gender-balanced. in the first place.
among doctoral degree recipients The authors say that their But he said his data suggest
include just two STEM disciplines: approach illustrates there is “a that intervening early, at the
animal sciences and mathematics. considerable loss of women undergraduate level, could reap
Interestingly, the top 10 fields in candidates between the the best results. And that’s key
which women are overrepresented bachelor’s and doctoral degrees.” because this study does not
among doctoral degree recipients They recommend data-driven consider why more female students
include five STEM fields, as defined approaches to retaining student aren’t completing undergraduate
by the study: forestry, information interest, and recommend a degrees in various disciplines.
science, engineering-related “qualitative understanding of “Efforts should be focused
fields, computer engineering and student experiences” to aid those mostly at the undergraduate level,
engineering physics. efforts. if you want to correct those gender
Among STEM fields, the Gillen said the study didn’t look imbalances,” he said. “Because
researchers found that the at why women don’t go on to once you get to the doctoral level,
biological and biomedical sciences receive Ph.D.s in greater numbers, the gender imbalances aren’t that
had the biggest gender imbalance, such as whether women drop out bad compared to the rest of the
skewing male, and that engineering of Ph.D. programs at higher rates academic fields.”

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The STEM Pipeline

Unsustainable Postdocs
By Colleen Flaherty

National Academies report sees system in disarray and calls

for better pay, more mentoring and speedier path to their own labs.

ostdoctoral fellowships growth of postdocs in the social Cornell Medical College. “They
make a lot of sense in sciences and humanities. had relatively strong academic
theory: They offer recent It’s unclear what, if any, freedom, and they were working
Ph.D.s, especially those aspiring difference the report will make on challenging problems under low
to careers in academic research, in the long term, since an earlier, pressure -- not having qualifying
a place to develop professionally 2000 report on postdocs from the exams or a thesis to worry about
and – hopefully -- build a research National Academics drew many of – and they weren’t particularly
profile before or while hitting the the same conclusions, but didn’t concerned about what happened
job market. But too often, these force systemic change – although to them when they finished. You
fellowships are underpaid, under- more universities have introduced never expected you wouldn’t be
mentored positions where young support services for postdocs. The able to find [a job].”
academics languish during what postdoc problem is also highly All that’s changed, of course,
are potentially their most creative, complex, and its causes extend since the 1970s when Petsko was
productive years. beyond any one group of actors a postdoc, he said, “and not in a
That’s the upshot of a December or institutions. But advocates say good way.” The plight of postdocs
2014 report from the National the report comes at watershed worsened in the last decade in
Academy of Sciences, National moment and echoes recent particular, he said, due in part
Academy of Engineering and warnings from other prominent to the failure of federal science
Institute of Medicine, which is highly scientists that the current postdoc agencies to have budgets large
critical of the structural factors system is unsustainable. enough to keep up with demand.
driving the growth of postdoctoral Recent Ph.D.s also face a much
ranks, and which recommends
A Significant Shift tougher tenure-track academic job
a series of reforms – including “When you talk to people my age, market, even in the STEM fields.
a big raise for postdocs working they usually say their postdoctoral “Today’s postdocs are not as
on federally-funding biomedical years were some of the best of their happy as we were,” he said.
research. The report focuses on lives,” said Gregory A. Petsko, lead “Their level of anxiety is much
postdocs working in the science, author of the report and the Arthur greater, and their workload is more
technology, engineering and math J. Mahon Professor of Neurology burdensome and, in some cases,
(STEM) fields, but also cites the and Neuroscience at Weill it’s really very tough.”

The STEM Pipeline

Petsko said his fellow called different things in different graduate students and in tenure
report committee members – places, he said, but the lack of data and tenure-track faculty positions
mostly biological and physical added to the committee’s sense over the same period. In 2012,
sciences professors, with a few that postdocs are the “invisible some 40 percent of all doctorate
administrators and social science people on their campuses.” recipients said they planned on
faculty members from institutions In the absence of postdoctoral study; the rate was
across the country – wanted to see comprehensive, institutional- 50 percent for all life science,
just how much the landscape had level data, the committee looked physical science, social science
changed, and make suggestions at federally funded surveys of and engineering Ph.D.s.
about improving it. But they faced Ph.D.s, including the Survey of It’s estimated that there are
what is perhaps the most significant Earned Doctorates. Members also between 60,000 and 100,000
and telling finding of the study: an talked to postdoctoral researchers, postdoctoral researchers working
overall lack of institutional-level senior officials from the National in various research fields in the U.S.
data about how many postdocs are Science Foundation and National According to 2012 data, most (65
working in which fields. Institutes of Health, and leaders percent) work in the life sciences.
of various research programs and Some 13 percent work in the
Incomplete Data institutions. physical sciences and 11 percent
In an “astonishing number of The committee found that the work in engineering. Geosciences
cases,” universities couldn’t even number of postdoctoral researchers postdocs make up 3 percent of the
come close to an accurate estimate in science, engineering and health population, as do those in math and
about how many postdocs they increased 150 percent between computer sciences. Psychologists
employed, Petsko said. That’s due 2000 and 2012, “far surpassing” account for 2 percent, as do social
in part to the fact that postdocs are both the percentage increases in scientists. “Other” accounts for the

The STEM Pipeline

last 1 percent. according to 2010 data. in 1980 to nearly 35,000 in 2009.

Although the number of The report also says that while The report makes other
postdocs in the social sciences the NSF has required institutions recommendations for change,
is still relatively low compared to have postdoctoral researcher including a term limit of five
to STEM fields, the number has mentoring plans since 2009, data years, with “cumulative” research
“increased a great deal” in the last suggest that mentoring is uneven experience. Universities also
two decades, said Paula Stephan, and goes largely unevaluated. should be more accurate in
a fellow committee member and a how they track and employ
professor of economics at Georgia
Recommendations postdocs, reserving that title only
State University -- from 18 percent
for Change for people receiving advanced
of new Ph.D.s in 1992 to 38 percent Petsko said he was “sympathetic” training in research. Colleges
in 2012. Like STEM Ph.D.s, most to principal investigators, and universities should create
economists and other social especially junior faculty members, staff scientist positions for longer-
scientist Ph.D.s work exclusively who have little time or experience term employees who don’t fit that
in research, but some humanities to provide adequate mentoring profile, and compensate them
postdoc positions involve teaching, as they chase grants and try to appropriately, the report says.
she said. publish career-making articles Regarding compensation
The overwhelming majority of in “boutique” journals that often for postdocs, the report says
postdocs work in academe, but require rigorous revisions. But he current salaries are too low. It
approximately 11 percent work in said that the dynamic often makes recommends a minimum salary
national labs and other federally postdocs inexpensive lab workers, of $50,000, saying that the NIH’s
funded research facilities. Those as opposed to trainees building National Research Service Award
working outside academe tend their careers. for postdocs of $42,000 has
to have better salaries, shorter The report recommends become the “de facto” pay at many
appointments and better chances stronger mentoring and academic institutions across disciplines.
at long-term employment. and alternative academic career Petsko said it would be great to
Over all, according to 2006 data, training for postdocs. It says see how many institutions played
postdocs tend to have two-year graduate students also need better “copycat” if NIH raised the award
appointments but spend a median guidance on whether seeking a amount to $50,000, and adjusted it
of three to four years in the position. postdoctoral position is a next, each year for inflation.
“It’s not unusual to find biomedical logical step, based on their career The report says institutions
researchers who have completed plans. should make salary data, along
several postdoctoral appointments That’s reflected in part by how with all other data about postdoc
that total more than five years,” the postdocs are funded: While the employment, publicly available,
report says. number of postdocs working and that the NSF should serve as
Median pay for recent science, in institutional fellowships and their primary collector.
engineering and health doctorate traineeships has stayed relatively
recipients working as postdocs steady, at about 5,000 since 1980,
Praise, and Hope (If
is much lower than median pay the number of postdocs funded by
Not Doubt)
for recent Ph.D.s not working as federal research grants has risen Jessica Polka, a second-year
postdocs: $43,000 versus $76,000, dramatically, from less than 15,000 postdoctoral fellow in systems

The STEM Pipeline

biology at the Harvard Medical she hoped to be on the research- commitment on the part of federal
School who is involved in intensive, tenure-track job market agencies, faculty members,
postdoctoral outreach in the Boston within the next few years, and was universities and postdocs
area, said the report “succinctly working to bolster her research themselves. But they said an
and eloquently summarized the record before that time. immediate, helpful first step
feelings of a lot of postdocs,” Kiernan Mathews, director of would be increasing the salary of
and that the recommendations the Collaborative on Academic postdocs.
addressed “some of the biggest Careers in Higher Education at Addressing additional skepticism
problems facing postdocs today.” Harvard, was equally supportive surrounding change the report
Polka said she particularly of the report, but slightly more might effect, Stephan said it comes
supported the report’s skeptical that it would lead to long- at a time when many scientists feel
recommendation to create staff term change. that their “backs are to the wall,”
scientist positions for people “Ultimately, my reaction to the and the research treadmill system
who wish to remain in research NAS report is ‘Yes!’ But who is has to slow down.
without pursuing a faculty position. going to make all of this happen?” She noted a much-cited 2014
She said the only missing he said via email. “Many of the article in the Proceedings of the
recommendation, in her view, was changes they are advocating National Academy of Sciences,
a discussion of how many postdocs are changes in departmental which raised many of the same
are appropriate for a given field, cultures and institutional/market concerns discussed in the postdoc
“since these positions should be incentives. That kind of change report.
tied to the number of relevant jobs doesn’t just happen because we all Bruce Alberts, former president
rather than to demand for hands in agree it should. It takes changing of the National Academy of
the lab.” one person at a time, all at the Sciences and current Chancellor’s
Petsko said the the report doesn’t same time, and that’s damn near Leadership Chair in Biochemistry
recommend quotas for Ph.D. impossible.” and Biophysics for Science and
program admissions or postdocs, Still, Mathews said the report Education at the University of
since, in his view, there’s no such touched on an important topic California at San Francisco,
thing as “too many” educated with ramifications for the future of co-authored that article, called
scientists. Instead, he said, the the profession as a whole, namely “Rescuing U.S. Biomedical
report focuses on the idea that labs that the growing expectation for Research From Its Systemic
should only hire as many Ph.D.s as postdoctoral experience in faculty Flaws.”
they can properly train -- not simply hires is leading to an “older and He said he hadn’t read the entire
as many as they can afford. more financially constrained” postdoc report, but said it was
Over all, Polka said she was academic workforce. That has a “in general agreement” with his
optimistic that the report would disproportionate effect on women, concerns. He emphasized that if
lead to some reform for postdocs. he said, who often put off starting graduate student admissions won’t
“Nothing can be done without families until they achieve stability be reduced, academe needs to
starting a conversation,” she said, in their careers. “much more transparently report”
noting that she was happy in her Both Petsko and Stephan, the career outcomes and other data
position but knew of other postdocs committee members, said real for Ph.D. programs. He also said
elsewhere who were not. She said change would require long-term professors need to do a better

The STEM Pipeline

job of connecting students and provide for regular cost of living resources NIH supports and
postdocs to those in other careers, increases.” expects that faculty will mentor
suggesting that the NIH might The office noted that institutions postdocs so that they can set
require such activity. are free to “supplement those and achieve goals related to their
In an emailed statement, NIH’s levels for trainees and fellows,” career progress.”
Office for Extramural Research and set their own postdoc salary NIH said it encourages
wrote that “NIH believes that levels. mentorship by “encouraging
postdoc compensation should Regarding the report’s call for grantee organizations to develop
correspond to their advanced more mentoring of postdocs, the an institutional policy requiring an
skills and many years of training” office said that “NIH’s extramural [individual development plan] for
and “has taken steps to increase and intramural programs have graduate students and postdocs
[stipends] to better reflect the level long recognized the importance supported by any NIH grant,” for
of experience that postdoctorates of mentorship in research training, example, not just training grants
bring to their positions, and to and especially given constrained and fellowships.

Healing War Wounds

By Charlie Tyson

Disabled veterans at U. of Pittsburgh’s college transition program

work in a lab to develop assistive technologies -- gaining STEM
training and helping other veterans with impairments.

on Miller is 32 years Afghanistan, was tough. “I had a on skills that had atrophied – or on
old, from a town outside lot of anxiety,” Miller said. “When concepts he’d never mastered in
Pittsburgh that, according you go through the military, and high school.
to the latest census data, has a especially when you’re this age, “I refer to it as Swiss cheese,” he
population of 434. He has been you want to strive to not only pass said. “When you go through school
in the Army Reserves for more but get toward the top.” as fast as they pump you through,
than 15 years. He enrolled at the Unlike many veterans, Miller you get a lot of holes.”
University of Pittsburgh in January isn’t noticeably hurt. But he has Student veterans have made
2013, planning to major in civil breathing problems, possibly strides. Congress in 2014 passed
engineering. He wanted to build the effect of chemicals used in a bill requiring public universities
bridges. warfare. He also has gaps in to offer recent veterans in-state
The transition to college life, his knowledge. His major in civil tuition (returning veterans are
after deployments in Iraq and engineering required him to draw often “stateless” for residency

The STEM Pipeline

A veteran in Pittsburgh's summer program works in a machine shop.

purposes). And chapters of veteran peers, or cognitive and Rory Cooper, the lab’s director, is
Student Veterans of America, an physical disabilities caused by an Army veteran who sustained a
association that helps returning injury – requires painstaking day- spinal cord injury while serving.
veterans integrate into campus life, to-day work. All the participants have cognitive
have grown rapidly in number in Such work is happening at the or physical impairments – most
the last two years, said Chris Cate, University of Pittsburgh, where commonly traumatic brain injury
the organization’s vice president of a college transition program for and post-traumatic stress disorder.
research. disabled veterans interested in The program, called ELeVATE
Yet despite the increasing public STEM disciplines has earned the (Experiential Learning for Veterans
recognition of the distinctive admiration of national student in Assistive Technology and
obstacles student veterans face, veterans’ groups. Engineering), began in summer
for many returning veterans Through August 2014, 25 2011, with the help of a $470,000
college remains jarring. Political veterans, including Miller, have grant from the National Science
momentum may help resolve completed a 10-week summer Foundation. Five or six veterans
some of the challenges student program housed in the University participate each year. The fourth
veterans contend with, such as of Pittsburgh’s Human Engineering group of participants finished the
delayed GI bill payments and Research Laboratories. The lab program at the end of July 2014.
inconsistent campus policies for specializes in assistive technology Veterans in the transition program
transferring military credits. But – devices for people with disabilities all take remedial mathematics and
addressing other problems – such -- and receives funding from the writing courses and participate
as an inability to relate to non- Department of Veterans Affairs. in professional development

The STEM Pipeline

activities, such as a recent resumè rehabilitation research, Cate The University of Texas at Arlington
workshop sponsored by Google said. In addition, more and more replicated the program this
Pittsburgh. The remedial courses veterans in recent years have summer and plans to do so again,
are small -- with just five or six become interested in STEM, he Goldberg said. And two to three
veterans in the classroom -- and said. other institutions have expressed
the teachers offer personalized The participants receive a $4,000 “very sincere interest” in piloting
instruction, Miller said. stipend and a $2,100 housing the program, she said.
The bulk of their time, however, stipend. Non-local participants get Pittsburgh’s own expansion
goes toward applied projects in $500 to defray start-up and travel capabilities are modest.
the lab. The program matches costs. The program costs roughly Goldberg said the program could
veterans with projects in which $10,000 per student, said Mary accommodate up to 10 veterans
they have interest or expertise. For Goldberg, education and outreach a year, roughly twice the current
example, a student who served as project director at Pittsburgh’s number. Although the program
an electrician in the military might department of rehabilitation gets 10 to 12 applicants for each
be assigned to an electronics science and technology, in which summer’s cycle, not everyone is a
project, Goldberg said. Working the labs are based. good fit, Goldberg said.
closely with a graduate student A majority of participants come “It’s important we feel we identify
mentor and a faculty mentor, into the program with some college participants who are ready and
the veterans build and design credit, and two in the program’s prepared for the program,” she
assistive technology projects. history came in already having said. “It’s pretty intense.”
One developed a low-cost power completed a bachelor’s degree. Steve Gonzalez, assistant
wheelchair. Roughly 40 percent, however, are director of the American Legion,
Mentors receive training on transitioning to college for the first a veterans’ service organization,
how to work with participants with time. After the summer program, visited the Pittsburgh lab and
cognitive impairments, Goldberg most participants start or continue was moved by what he saw:
said. Well-honed techniques at college in the fall. other veterans, close to his age,
include breaking tasks down into On average, the participants absorbing sophisticated knowledge
smaller steps and explaining are about 30 years old, with and building complex devices.
concepts methodically. The work roughly eight years of military The program, he said, helped
is difficult – but the participants are service behind them, Goldberg its participants – hampered by
resilient. said. About 70 percent come cognitive and physical impairments
“We think of ourselves as a safe from the Pittsburgh area. The – to “not know any limitations.”
space to fail because we think program has graduated just one “We as veterans in some cases
failure is an important part of the woman, although Goldberg hopes underestimate ourselves,” he said.
process,” Goldberg said. to change that through better “And I think some people believe
Many institutions have marketing. we are limited by our physical
reintegration programs for The program’s leaders hope abilities or our mental abilities.
veterans. But Pittsburgh’s program Pittsburgh’s effort will provide [But] if someone’s willing to teach,
is alone in allowing veterans a template for other institutions I guarantee you, you will find
to help other veterans through developing services for veterans. veterans who are willing to learn.”

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The STEM Pipeline

Missing Minority Ph.D.s

By Scott Jaschik

Most black and Latino doctoral students in STEM fields are

not earning their degrees within 7 years, and many are leaving
their programs, new study finds.

TLANTA -- The Institute on Latino Ph.D. students in STEM were 51 percent for Latinos and 47
Teaching and Mentoring, (with STEM defined to include percent for African Americans.
whose annual meeting behavioral and social sciences) The new study also looked at
took place here in November earned a doctoral degree within 10-year rates, and found that the
2014, gathers 1,300 minority Ph.D. seven years, according to the new overall black and Latino STEM
students and postdocs, and some study. That’s only slightly more Ph.D. completion rate in that time
of their advisers in what is billed than the 36 percent who leave their frame was 54 percent. But many
as the largest annual gathering of programs. (Another 20 percent are in the room (primarily graduate
minority doctoral students. Many still in their programs, without a faculty members in STEM fields)
here talk about the challenges Ph.D., after seven years.) said that they had a hard time
created for black and Latino The new data come from a viewing 10-year completion as
students who end up -- as doctoral council study that looked at the success. “Does anyone here want
candidates or later as junior faculty progress of more than 7,000 black to keep students for 10 years?
-- with few colleagues who share and Latino graduate students What are they doing?” asked one
their backgrounds. enrolled from 1992 through 2012 at participant.
The institute celebrates the 21 research universities. The work Robert A. Sowell, who recently
success of new minority Ph.D.s was supported by the National retired as vice president of the
in a ceremony in which they put Science Foundation, which along Council of Graduate Schools and
on their doctoral robes, but what with the council wanted to find out is finishing work on this study, said
of those who didn’t make it to the if there had been much progress the results were disappointing
finish line? since previous studies. (The official in part because so many efforts
Data presented here by the report is still a few weeks away, have been started by so many
Council of Graduate Schools but the data were presented at a groups in recent years to improve
suggest that higher education session here.) the completion rates of Ph.D.
could significantly diversify the A 2004 report, for example, found programs for all students and in
Ph.D. pool by holding on to more that across all disciplines, the 10- particular for minority students.
of those black and Latino students year doctoral completion rate for For the latest study, the focus
who start programs but do not students of all races and ethnicities was on seven-year completion
finish. Only 44 percent of black and was 57 percent, while the rates rates and only black and Latino

The STEM Pipeline

candidates were tracked. (Sowell and Latino graduate students. they felt supported by a network of
said Native Americans are also In the survey (1,640 responses), students. But 62 percent reported
underrepresented but the pool the study found mixed evidence being worried about their mental
was too small to offer meaningful on whether graduate programs or physical health while in grad
analysis on completion rates.) The in STEM are doing a good job in school, 53 percent reported that
study found significantly higher making black and Latino doctoral they were losing interest in the
completion rates for Latino than for students feel that they are treated field, and 40 percent said they felt
black students (48 percent vs. 40 equally. Seventy-seven percent burdened financially.
percent). reported that standards were the The students were also asked
There were differences by type same for all graduate students, open-ended questions about what
of STEM field. The seven-year and only 13 percent reported would most help minority doctoral
completion rates were higher for that they experienced racism in students finish. The top responses
engineering (48 percent) and life the program. But only 31 percent were that faculty members be clear
sciences (52 percent) than for reported that they felt that faculty about expectations, and review
physical sciences and mathematics members understood issues that student progress regularly.
(39 percent) and social and affect underrepresented minority In the focus groups, several
behavior science (38 percent). students. People who attended the themes also emerged. One is that
For every STEM specialty, and for session were mixed on whether the many black and Latino students
black and Latino students alike, 13 percent figure was surprisingly feel that they are constantly being
women are completing at higher low or high. evaluated and that they feel
rates than men. The survey also found black pressure to perform well, in part
In addition to compiling the data and Latino students reporting because of their minority status.
on completion rates, the council mixed personal experiences while One student said: “I have to look
also conducted both a survey and in their doctoral programs. A very on point and maybe it’s just in my
focus group interviews with black high percentage (95 percent) said head, but I feel have to be that

The STEM Pipeline

much better” than other students. that family members supported parents such as: “When do you
Another doctoral student said: “If them, and were proud, but had no finish?” “What is that you really do?”
I were to miss class, it would be idea what their doctoral education “When am I having grandkids?”
noticeable.” was about. and “What kind of doctor are you
Another common theme was They reported comments from going to be?””

A Boost for Active Learning

By Doug Lederman

Students in science and math fields learn more and fail courses less
when their instructors use methods other than lecturing, a massive
study finds.

cott Freeman and the other Academy of Sciences by a team traditional lecture classes either
scholars behind a May of researchers at the University withdrew or got Fs or Ds, compared
2014 study comparing of Washington and University to about one-fifth of students
the efficacy of lectures with more of Maine, is a meta-analysis of in sections with active learning
“active” forms of instruction in the 225 previous studies comparing approaches.
science classroom are not aiming student outcomes in science, The researchers say their
low in describing the significance technology, engineering and findings held across all STEM
of their findings. mathematics courses that use disciplines and in class sizes and
Just as the U.S. surgeon lectures alone versus those that course levels of all sorts.
general’s 1964 report on smoking incorporate group problem-solving, “[T]he data suggest that STEM
provided strong evidence linking use of clickers, workshops or other instructors may begin to question
tobacco use to ill health, Freeman forms of “active learning.” the continued use of traditional
said, the study he and his On average, students in lecturing in everyday practice,” the
colleagues produced “provides sections characterized by active authors write.
overwhelming evidence that active learning scored 6 percent better “Although traditional lecturing
learning works better than lecture.” on examinations than did their has dominated undergraduate
That may not mean that instructors counterparts in lecture-only instruction for most of a millennium
stop lecturing, he said, “but it classrooms, and those who were and continues to have strong
shouldn’t be about the evidence in lecture-driven sections were 1.5 advocates, current evidence
anymore.” times likelier to fail than were their suggests that a constructivist
The study, published in peers in active learning classes. ‘ask, don’t tell’ approach may lead
Proceedings of the National About a third of all students in to strong increases in student

The STEM Pipeline

performance.” “toxic” to student health. outcomes showed that seven were

In an interview, Freeman, Freeman acknowledged entirely lecture-free, Freeman said
principal lecturer in the biology that the study presents a stark -- though he noted that number was
department at Washington, dichotomy, contrasting lecture- too small to draw truly meaningful
demurred when asked if it was only courses with those in which conclusions.
appropriate to extend his analogy instructors used any of a range
about the surgeon general’s 1964 of other techniques, and without
'False Polarizations'
smoking report to the two studies’ distinguishing among courses It is precisely the survey’s
conclusions: as tobacco is bad based how much active learning binary distinction that bothered
for smokers, is lecturing bad for they incorporate. (He describes his Frank Furedi, a former sociology
students? own 500- to 700-student courses professor at the University of Kent
“I’m not sure I would go quite as including about 60 percent who is among numerous scholars
that far, but some people have,” students talking to each other and who have written defenses of the
he said, citing a recent article in about 40 percent him explaining lecture in recent years.
which Mary Ann Rankin, senior concepts or problems to them.) Furedi complained about the
vice president and provost at the An examination of nine studies “false polarizations” in the PNAS
University of Maryland at College that produced the “most extreme study.
Park, was quoted calling lectures values” in terms of positive student “Only an idiot would rely entirely

The STEM Pipeline

on lectures -- that hasn’t happened students in courses with active use active learning is because
for 200 years,” he said. “The art learning to be less likely to fail -- they’re worried about losing
of teaching is getting that balance but that there were multiple ways students, boring students, Furedi
between giving the lectures to interpret that result. said. "If you’re simply interested in
creatively to impart information “The whole dynamic toward keeping bums in seats, it rewards
and organizing more intensive grade inflation is far more prominent people for time served.
interactive discussions with among the departments that focus "Active learning may get good
students, in different formats.” on active learning, at least in the results in terms of retention,
Furedi also said that he was European context,” he asserted. but it may be an illusory
unsurprised that the study found “One of the reasons why people outcome.”

The STEM Enrollment Boom

By Scott Jaschik

Since the recession, undergraduate enrollments have gone

up dramatically, but primarily in engineering and biology
and not at expense of humanities and social sciences, study finds.

HILADELPHIA – Policy that this is not the dynamic truly at Center for Education Statistics.
makers regularly talk play. Rather, STEM enrollments But the new study is based in large
about the need to are growing while professional field part on the “freshman survey”
encourage more undergraduates enrollments (especially business conducted annually by UCLA
to pursue science and technology and education) are shrinking. on a national pool of freshmen
fields. New data suggest that The research, presented here in at four-year institutions. In their
undergraduates at four-year April 2014 at the annual meeting paper, Jacobs and Sax write that
institutions in fact have become of the American Educational this data set enables them to
much more likely to study those Research Association, is by Jerry spot trends much earlier than is
fields, especially engineering and A. Jacobs, professor of sociology possible with the federal database,
biology. at the University of Pennsylvania, since that information is based on
And while much of the public and Linda Sax, professor of graduation (which comes much
discussion of STEM enrollments education at the University of later than enrollment) and because
has suggested a STEM vs. liberal California at Los Angeles. government cuts have led to
arts dichotomy (even though some Much of the data typically delays in federal data.
STEM fields are in fact liberal arts discussed on student enrollment Using data collected by UCLA,
disciplines), the new study suggests patterns come from the National Jacobs and Sax write that from

The STEM Pipeline

Bioengineering students at SUNY Binghamton

1997 through 2005, the proportion of 28.2 percent. But the physical arts -- are losing freshmen.
of freshmen planning to enroll in sciences saw gains of 11.1 percent, Jacobs said in an interview that
STEM fields declined, hitting a and mathematics was up by 12.6 those concerned about STEM
low in 2005 of 20.7 percent. After percent. education shouldn't pursue
modest gains in 2006 and 2007, Generally, the STEM gains that goal at the expense of the
real increases started to show up were seen for both male and humanities.
in 2008. female students, so gender gaps He said that the critical
The percentage of freshmen that remain in some STEM fields thinking skills associated with
planning to major in STEM weren’t significantly changed. the humanities are needed by
increased from 21.1 percent in The paper notes that disciplines all kinds of students. Those who
2007 to 28.2 percent in 2011, just such as biology and mathematics, want more STEM students should
as the recession was prompting while STEM fields, are located in focus on attracting more female
many students and families to arts and sciences programs at students, some of whom may
focus on the job potential of various many institutions, so that a “STEM not feel encouraged in the area,
fields of study. That represents a vs. liberal arts” comparison doesn’t rather than offering "criticism of
48 percent increase in just a few make sense. the humanities," as a number of
years. But the fields showing declines politicians have done lately.
The growth was not consistent during this period were not Jacobs said that he was
across STEM fields. Engineering traditional liberal arts fields, but pleased to find that the increase
saw a 57.1 percent increase applied fields. The paper notes in STEM enrollments was coming
(consistent with findings from the that business and education saw from professional programs,
American Society for Engineering declines of 5.9 percent, suggesting rather than from liberal arts
Education) and biology saw gains that they -- more than the liberal programs.

The STEM Pipeline

'Falling Behind?’
By Elizabeth Redden

Book challenges the conventional notion that the U.S. is producing

too few science and engineering graduates to meet its workforce
needs and remain globally competitive.

he U.S. isn’t producing serving, promoted as they are by convincing empirical evidence
enough highly skilled technology industry employers to confirm the existence of such
graduates in the science, and their lobbyists invested in generalized shortages.”
technology, engineering and expanding the H1-B guest worker Teitelbaum is far from alone in
mathematics (STEM) fields to visa program and their access to making this counter-conventional
meet the country’s workforce larger and therefore cheaper pools argument. In his book he cites a
needs. To remain competitive in of labor. wide array of scholars who make
an increasingly globalized world “Over the past two decades, arguments about stagnating
the U.S. needs to step up its own lobbying and public relations efforts wages for science and engineering
production of STEM graduates to convince U.S. political elites that Ph.D.s compared to professionals
and amend its immigration policies the country faces damaging and with similarly advanced levels
to better recruit the best and the widespread shortages in its critical
brightest from abroad. science and engineering workforce
Such is the conventional wisdom can only be described as stunning
in the halls of Congress and many successes,” writes Teitelbaum, a
corners of higher education. But demographer and senior research
what if it’s wrong? associate at the Labor and Work
Michael S. Teitelbaum’s 2014 Life program at Harvard Law
book Falling Behind?: Boom, Bust School.
& the Global Race for Scientific “It is conventional now
Talent (Princeton University Press) to hear seemingly sincere
calls into question the conventional pronouncements about the dangers
notion that the U.S. is falling behind of such shortages from politicians
in the production of talented STEM of all ideological persuasions and
graduates. Teitelbaum argues that from much of the mass media.
the recurrent calls of a generalized This apparently broad consensus
shortage of STEM workers are prevails notwithstanding almost
1) “inconsistent with nearly all universal inability by objective
available evidence” and 2) self- labor market analysts to find any

The STEM Pipeline

of education – J.D.s, M.D.s, signals of wages." fewer.

and M.B.A.s – and who find no On the other hand, those who “Our logic is the U.S. is in
evidence of generalized workforce argue that there is evidence intense, serious global competition
shortages. (Teitelbaum is careful of inadequate supply of STEM for innovation-based industries and
to note that there may well be workers point to data showing that jobs, we’re not doing anywhere
shortages at any given time in holders of STEM degrees earn a near as well as we should and
particular subfields or in particular wage premium compared to college high-skilled STEM workers are
geographic regions, but that those graduates who majored in other one of the components we need
aren’t the same as generalized, fields. “The relative advantage of to be successful and why not do
nationwide shortages in the STEM over other majors in the everything that we can to make
science and engineering fields.) labor market remains strong,” said sure that we have them?"
An article in Issues in Science Anthony P. Carnevale, a professor Atkinson argued that one reason
and Technology in summer 2013 and director of the Georgetown why wages don’t necessarily go up
by Hal Salzman, a professor University Center on Education in response to domestic shortages
at Rutgers University’s John J. and the Workforce. is that the STEM job market is
Heldrich Center for Workforce Carnevale’s analysis of online global and companies can hire
Development, summarizes some job postings also shows that while talent in, say, Estonia, at a lower
of the main points of evidence STEM jobs make up 11 percent of cost. "The reason the shortage is
for the anti-shortage argument, jobs for bachelor’s degree-holders not as bad as it could have been or
including data showing that the they make up 28 percent of ads, is – I admit that the shortage is not
nation produces more than twice and those ads are posted for longer catastrophic right now -- but the
the number of STEM graduates durations, suggesting they take a reason the shortage is not worse
each year than the number who long time to fill (though Salzman is largely because of immigration,
find STEM jobs, and that wages noted an alternative explanation both H-1B and regular," he said.
for jobs in information technology -- that it could also suggest that Yet in Falling Behind, Teitelbaum
and other STEM fields haven’t companies aren’t under a crunch argues that there’s been “no
increased as one might expect if to fill jobs and can afford to be shortage of shortages” over the
there were indeed ongoing talent picky and wait for an exceptional past 60 years, writing that the
shortages. candidate to come along). Over all U.S. scientific establishment
In an interview, Salzman noted a Carnevale has found that people has gone through cycles of
contrast, the subfield of petroleum with STEM degrees are highly in alarm, boom and bust, each
engineering, in which there does demand in the economy, so much characterized by “the sounding of
indeed seem to be a shortage so that they can take their STEM alarms about the insufficiency of
– and wages went up, as did the degrees and “divert” to even the current or future science and
number of graduates with degrees higher-paying fields. engineering workforce, followed by
in the field. “When we can see Robert D. Atkinson, the president governmental responses leading
a documented shortage, and of the Information Technology and to booming growth in the number of
salaries respond, so do students,” Innovation Foundation, a think tank scientists and engineers entering
he said. "We’ve never seen any that receives much of its funding the workforce, followed by changes
evidence that the labor market from the IT industry, said the nation in circumstances that produce a
is not responsive to labor market needs more STEM graduates, not bust in demand and chilly labor

The STEM Pipeline

markets for new entrants.” cause for real concern in terms Ph.D. students and incentivizing
Specifically Teitelbaum identifies of equality of opportunity and the universities to reduce their reliance
five such “alarm, boom, and bust” overall education of the future on the labor provided by Ph.D.
cycles after World War II, each 10- citizenry and workforce, but it has students and postdoctoral research
20 years in length, the first three of rather less to say than might be assistants in favor of hiring more
which were spurred by Cold War supposed about the implications staff scientists. He also describes
anxieties – the second began after for the future U.S. science and a need to “clarify the goals of using
the Soviets launched the Sputnik engineering workforce," he writes. federal research funds to finance
satellite – followed by the booms While Teitelbaum writes that it is unlimited and increasing numbers
and busts in high-tech (1995-2005) true that the American advantage of international Ph.D. students and
and biomedical sciences after the in research and development postdocs.”
doubling of the National Institutes and higher education in science “Is the main goal … to increase
of Health budget from 1998 to and engineering has eroded the size of the U.S. science and
2003. somewhat as countries in Europe engineering workforce?” he
Teitelbaum argues that a and Asia have begun to catch up, asked “[T]o lower research costs
conflation of educational and he emphasizes that declines in by staffing federally supported
employment challenges is one U.S. dominance should be seen in research labs with poorly paid
area of confusion. Policy makers relative terms. research assistants?” Or “to create
regularly bemoan American He describes, however, good international research connections,
students’ mediocre performance on reasons to be concerned about or to enhance the research capacity
international standardized tests of “symptoms of malaise” in the of their countries, if and when they
math and science, but Teitelbaum U.S. science and engineering return home?”
argues that the mediocre overall infrastructure, among them Asked in an interview whether
scores mask the large disparities an unsustainable appetite for students should be encouraged
and extremes in student expansion (as he writes “the to study STEM fields, Teitelbaum
performance that characterize the system appears to have a tendency said yes, that the skills they learn
American educational system. to expand beyond whatever funds will serve them well in any field
And he says that more than are available – no matter how they pursue (a point driven home
enough students are performing large"), the instabilities of research by Carnevale’s research). “I think
well on the top end to eventually funding and careers, and the it is a good idea to encourage
fulfill the needs for the science and lengthening of advanced training more people to go into majors in
technology workforce (numbers for and unattractive career paths for science and engineering but I don’t
this vary depending on what you Ph.D.s in science and engineering. think I would base that urging on
count, but Teitelbaum estimates He makes a series of claims that there are shortages
that jobs that require high levels recommendations, several of of scientists and engineers,”
of science and math make up which are aimed at better linking Teitelbaum said. “You’re promising
about 5-10 percent of the country’s the academic production system something that you probably can’t
overall jobs). and labor market needs. He deliver on, which is attractive and
“The poor performance of the recommends improving career stable careers in science and
bottom quartile is a very legitimate information available to prospective engineering occupations.”

The STEM Pipeline

A selection of essays and op-eds from Inside Higher Ed

Networks and the STEM Gender Gap

By Santa J. Ono and Valerie Gray Hardcastle

Colleges and universities can't leave it to chance -- they must

deliberately change a culture that often encourages female
researchers to become isolated in their jobs, write Santa Ono and
Valerie Gray Hardcastle.

he recent threat to boycott with support from the NSF, we are recruitment efforts that many
an upcoming international taking a close look at the obstacles universities have adopted have
chemistry conference that female STEM faculty continue certainly have been steps in the
because of its all-male speaking to face. right direction.
program reminds us how far we Role models for women scientists However, what more pointedly
still have to go when it comes to are few and far between. Even nourishes and encourages career
women in the science, technology, with increasing numbers of women success is the opportunity to
engineering and math (STEM) obtaining STEM doctoral degrees, network and to be mentored.
fields. The challenge remains that they remain underrepresented In male-dominated STEM
many STEM professions remain in nearly all STEM academic departments, men, by and large,
male-dominated, especially in positions -- and it is even worse for are able to network with ease. For
academia. women of color. women, those support systems are
For well over a decade, the We are finding that to attain the not a given.
National Science Foundation has transformational outcomes that Our preliminary survey
tried to move the needle on the our universities and our nation data show that in our STEM
gender gap in STEM disciplines need for a more diverse STEM departments a greater percentage
by supporting efforts to recruit, hire professoriate, systemic change is of women seek formal mentoring
and retain more female faculty. necessary – specifically, we need relationships than do their male
While these efforts have had to create a culture, climate and counterparts. We suspect that this
some impact, the reality is that experience in higher education is the case because women just
real success means more than that allows women as well as men do not have access to informal and
numbers. to thrive. natural avenues to connect with
At the University of Cincinnati, The family-friendly policies and their colleagues.

The STEM Pipeline

Faculty and graduate students that their male counterparts do, the professional behavior;
often establish relationships climate that remains so adverse • programs that introduce STEM
with mentors and collaborators to women does little to help men faculty to others connected to their
through socializing after hours or either ̶ many of whom have disciplines;
at conferences. Many departments comparable child-care and home- • specific programming that
do not offer formal mentoring or care responsibilities to women teach faculty how to network.
networking systems, either for these days. We just concluded Women's
women or for men. Going to work after work is fast History Month. It is time for higher
But without these kinds of becoming a viable option for no education to write a new chapter in
opportunities offered throughout one. that history.
the academy systemically, women So how can we achieve the Achieving the best science
face perennial challenges in systemic change needed to nurture means creating pathways for all
gaining the visibility that they need supportive STEM networks? We STEM researchers, whether man
for success and in learning how to must deliberately and thoughtfully or woman, to collaborate, interact
negotiate expectations or how to change our culture that encourages and learn from one another. It
find research partners on grants. women to become isolated in their means more than educational
For both men and women in jobs. opportunity and greater numbers
scientific, technological or medical The academy must develop a entering the system. It means
research, networks matter today new tool kit to help both women and providing a structure that supports
more than ever. They matter not just men create healthy, professional success.
for a researcher’s individual career, networks for advancement of both Santa Ono is president of the
but also for all of us if we want to science and their own careers. University of Cincinnati and a
maximize scientific collaboration to These new approaches should professor of biological sciences and
bring about the best advancements include: a professor of pediatrics. Valerie
that science can offer. In an age • intentional and proactive Gray Hardcastle is a professor
of cross-disciplinary investigation, mentoring and sponsorship for of philosophy, psychology and
networks are the force that powers everyone, not just hit-or-miss for behavioral neuroscience and
innovation and discovery. those who can routinely show up the executive director of UC
While women especially do not at social gatherings; Leadership, Empowerment and
have the opportunities to network • well-thought-out and Advancement for Women STEM
with colleagues in the same way documented expectations for Faculty (UC LEAF).

The STEM Pipeline

Rigorous and Precise Thinking

By Ruth Starkman

Teaching writing and mathematics in the same course leaves Ruth

Starkman considering the way humanities and mathematics students
approach problems.

verything would have I was referring to a drawing in Paul is supposed to be a smackdown of

been perfectly ordinary Lockhart’s famous 2002 "Lament" style, argument and organization,
that October morning in about the state of mathematics where freshmen quickly learn they
my freshman writing course at education. Here it is, precisely as must jettison comfortable high
Stanford University. Bright autumn it appears in the essay, not the school formats and every illusion
light reflected up from the Main version I drew in class. of their personal literary genius.
Quad to our third floor. Unfed, "Sorry … no … not really, well … Expectations for rigor and many
sleepy-eyed freshmen offered it’s not even close," they ventured, other new adventures ran high in
ideas about the assigned reading, as if not to hurt my feelings. this new course, an experimental
which I tracked on the board. My students, mostly young hybrid college writing/mathematical
As I often do, I drew a doodle to aspiring mathematicians, found thinking and proof writing class,
describe a concept in the reading. themselves so ill at ease here, one of five liberal arts courses in a
This doodle — so I thought — because their teacher with a new program called Education as
demanded less artistry and humanities doctorate had not Self-Fashioning.
complexity than my usual sketches bothered to notice that the triangle Like the other four ESF classes,
of Thomas Hobbes’s "arrant inside the rectangle touches both this one intended to "engage
Wolfe," for which I hash out two corners of the same length and actively in the types of thinking
mangy-looking wolves squinting thus forms several other triangles. promoted through these different
at each other, or Immanuel Kant’s My doodle — whatever it looked conceptions of education for
famous "crooked timber," for which like, I can’t remember — was life, so as to try those lives
a bent log suffices to get the idea simply an approximation, a lonely on for ourselves ..." and offer
across. Here, I simply tossed up a triangloid adrift in a rectangular students a “chance to shape
rectangle with a triangle inside. sea of lopsidedness. [their] educational aspirations in
My students gasped. My students had expected dialogue with fellow students and
"What’s wrong?" I asked. greater precision. After all, the an exciting group of faculty from
“Um … everything." They course title "Rigorous and Precise across a wide range of disciplines
wagered cautiously. Thinking" had suggested as much. — from the humanities and social
"Well," I tried. "This is just like the Secondly, this was a college writing sciences through the natural
one Lockhart shows in his essay." course, which, as the rumor goes, sciences and mathematics." I was

The STEM Pipeline

thermodynamics and beyond,

these students insisted that math
and math culture far surpassed
the cartoonish figures of Snow’s
dinner party. Nor (my students
believed) were humanists so
incorrigibly "fuzzy" as to not be
able to reproduce a mathematical
doodle — or were they?
Had I inadvertently proven
Snow’s point, right before the eyes
of my epistemologically optimistic
students? In fact, both the students
the writing instructor paired with nor even third example of lack of and I discovered that many of the
Professor Ravi Vakil, an American- rigor. In fact, the moment seem clichés about our respective fields
Canadian mathematician working to demonstrate the deep divide proved instructive. I really do need
in algebraic geometry. between Snow’s "two cultures," to be more careful in my doodling
Vakil invented the course concept since I evidently betrayed a — and thinking about my doodling
as a rejoinder to C.P. Snow’s lack of familiarity with the basic — if I am drawing triangles
"Two Cultures" hypothesis with truths of measurement, "mass, (with mathematical aspirations)
the hope of showing undergrads, or acceleration, pretty much the and not wolves (no matter how
and even the world, that writing scientific equivalent of a humanist humanistically inclined).
in the humanities and writing in asking skeptically, Can you read?" The awkward doodle moment
math gained force and excellence Without a doubt, much of that proved not the existence of
through similar structures of difference proved disciplinary — two never-the-twain-shall-meet
precise reasoning. Vakil more the very limit this course hoped to cultures, but rather a need for me to
than delivered on the rigor and transgress. look more closely at the other side.
precision. His lectures introduced Yet, we experienced no ordinary Once I recovered from the initial jolt
students to proof writing, number rift between the two cultures. The of difference, I began to realize the
theory, set theory, and many other class had read Snow’s famous opportunity for me to reconsider
advanced forms of math most 1959 Rede Lecture and chuckled my pedagogy. Not having seen a
academics expect to address only at his description of subverbal university math professor teach
with advanced university students. grunting mathematicians ruining proof writing before, I witnessed
For my part, I was simply to help a young humanist’s dinner party several fascinating interactions
students elaborate the readings experience. My students saw while attending Vakil’s sections of
from Plato, Descartes, Douglas themselves as beyond what old our course. Most striking, when
Hofstadter, Bertrand Russell, Paul Stanford lingo designates as Vakil wrote a problem on the
Lockhart and many others, while the split between "fuzzies" and board, the room jumped to life with
teaching writing. "techies." Interested equally in students calling out and frantically
Tellingly, my imprecise doodle learning all things humanist and waving their arms. He would ask:
proved to be not my first, second, STEM, e.g., Shakespeare and "How can you prove the square

The STEM Pipeline

root of 2 is irrational?" and it was as differs from math, where one can arguments within the very different
though Vakil were standing at the simply write in a proof “we assume confines of humanistic inquiry.
board waving a bloody steak at a that x=2.” Humanists can neither Where they were convinced of
group of famished tigers. Everyone be sure who that “we” is, nor what certain mathematical truths in the
wanted to offer some solution. to "assume" nor how one can know landscape of defined terms, they
Seldom have I been bombarded x. All such terms are permanently nevertheless arrived in my class
with solutions or suggestions when available for debate. with the classic freshman enormity
I ask students to show me "textual In contrast, the mathematicians’ of themes.
proof" that Sigmund Freud has a particular disciplinary certainty Asked to find “precise” topics
Hobbesian view of nature … hint also revealed a fierce loyalty and in math to write about for their
hint … homo homini … wolf sketch, love of the subject, which produced research papers, nearly all 29
... Civilization and Its Discontents, a very different discourse than I students first chose grandiose
try page number and reference… traditionally hear from humanities topics like "the definition of
Freud 1930a [I929], SE 21:111. students who feel a strong affinity intuition," "the connections
That special classroom enthusiasm with their work. These math between art and math" or "math
surely arose from Vakil’s charisma students spoke a Russellian and humanistic knowledge." With
and love of his subject, but the language of awe toward the "cold such great ambitions in mind, they
response was new to me because and austere" "supreme beauty" also fervently believed in math as
humanities courses that I know and "elegance" of math. Perhaps a liberal art capable of teaching
at least demand a very different other humanists have encountered the exact same virtues of critical
kind of invention. Vakil asked a students who express an emphatic (self) reflection as any of the great
question and students racked their humility before their subjects, but classical texts I teach from Greek
brains trying to imagine which set that this for me was as new as the virtue ethics to Rawls.
of mathematical tools or ideas they students’ shock at my imprecise Most provocatively, they claimed
might use to solve the problem. drawing. For I learned that day, that that by practicing mathematical
Confident that they all share these my students had not yet adopted reasoning they were indeed
tools, or at least know of such tools, a humanistic skepticism toward preparing themselves in the
the students seemed to feel much mathematical precision. For them fashion of liberal arts education for
more at ease trying out different precision is very real, especially ethical citizenship. They claimed
approaches. in a world of increasing complexity with confidence their rigorous and
In humanities courses, previous and Gödelian incompleteness. precise thinking could lead them
knowledge certainly helps, For humanists, precision lies to ethical reasoning as equally
especially with literary references, elsewhere, side by side with well as a discussion of the Plato’s
but at the end of the day, a ambiguity, and we pursue it with “Apology.” For my part, I could
humanist’s tools remain much nuance rather than with proofs. not see how debating a triangle
more contested and may not be My task therefore became one of or even practicing some form of
applicable in different contexts. For translation. I understood little of the applied math as statistics would
example, students asked me why doodles and equations that Vakil help me lead the "examined life" in
I requested they not use the third- and the students so hotly debated a qualitative fashion.
person plural perspective "we." I in his sections, but I knew that I In class, Vakil often reflected
told them writing in the humanities had helped my students articulate on the limits of mathematical

The STEM Pipeline

reasoning in a mode reminiscent actual dangers. Another student a milder claim that thinking clearly
of Greek virtue ethics; that is, expressed less certainty about in this way can assist in carrying
perfecting one’s art whether quantitative methods. "Statistics out ethical reasoning.
mathematical or literary skill, is aren’t bulletproof, you know; what Vakil also elaborated ways in
surely a virtue, but not one that matters ultimately is thinking which math could serve ethics,
can replace ethical action. When clearly, and math trains the mind both by providing empirical data
asked whether excellence in math for such emergencies." and asking Socratic questions
could prevent one from doing evil, Vakil softened these strong about knowledge and decision-
no one doubted the inadequacy claims for both applied and pure making. In the end, we hoped
of that proposition. History has math: the students finished the course
no shortage of evil uses of math, I'm less certain that this knowing a bit more about
and the students could quite easily [mathematical reasoning] in any practices of rigorous thinking in
number these. Yet, many of the way replaces the approach to the our respective disciplines, and that
students persisted in their strong virtues of critical self-reflection they would see these as equally
claims for math. through great philosophical texts. essential and complementary.
One student asserted a I hope that our students will Could this sprawling, seven-unit
mathematical imperative in times better appreciate the importance course provide a model for future
of emergency: "Just imagine it’s of such texts, because of an courses? We’re not sure, but
war or a crisis: you have a moral appreciation of the problems that are happy to share our data and
obligation to shut up and do the earlier thinkers were grappling with materials.
math." By which she meant one (and that we should grapple with Ruth Starkman writes on higher
is ethically compelled to run a today). Similarly, I doubt that this education and teaches college
statistical analysis to develop a is sufficient to lead them to ethical writing, biomedical ethics and
more concrete understanding of reasoning, although I would make social media at Stanford University.

Idealistic Engineers
By Scott R. Hummel

Scott R. Hummel considers why enrollments are up in engineering

-- and the kinds of students being attracted to the field.

nside Higher Ed recently assistant professor of sociology less concerned about public
took note of research at Rice University, who found that welfare than when they started.
by Erin Cech, an engineering students leave college According to the article, her

The STEM Pipeline

research was based on surveys engineer as a “problem solver” Over the past decade, enrollment
of students at four engineering is, at the very least, incomplete. in undergraduate engineering
colleges. I needed to think of something programs across the United
Instead of trying to counter the better for the camper, but I’ll get States has increased by nearly
survey data that led Professor back to that later. 25 percent. Over this same
Cech to conclude engineering Let’s dig a bit deeper and look period, environmental engineering
education makes students at the motivation for engineering enrollment has grown nationally
cynical, I would instead like to problem solving. Why do engineers by over 75 percent and biomedical
highlight some of the motivations develop things like smartphones, engineering has grown by an
and actions of engineers and medical devices, and (my favorite astonishing 170 percent. The very
engineering students and then on this frigid winter day) central nature of these degree programs is
consider whether these indicate heating? The cynical answer here to help people and the environment.
a desire to improve the human would be the money. Engineers do This provides direct evidence that
condition. have relatively high compensation engineering students are deeply
Lafayette College hosts a rates compared to many liberal arts committed to using their talents
Science, Technology, Engineering, degree recipients and they have to improve people’s lives. More
and Math (STEM) summer camp excellent job prospects. However, traditional engineering disciplines
for elementary school students. it is not money that motivates have also grown in numbers partly
At the camp last summer, I was students to become engineers. due to employment prospects, but
asked by a camper to explain what The high salary may initially also because prospective students
engineers do. Engineering covers attract students to the programs, see engineering as a way to
such as vast array of applications in a similar way that high salaries simultaneously have a financially
and technologies that summarizing attract people to become medical rewarding career while bettering
the whole of engineering to a group doctors, but the hope of future the world.
of 10-year-olds in a sentence or earnings does not drag students Students who pursue engineering
two was a challenge. I’ve heard it into a lab at 2 a.m. to complete an careers want to combine their
said that engineers are “problem analysis. Passion does. math and science skills with their
solvers” but that description seems Data support the premise creative abilities in what is called
a bit vacuous. Medical doctors are that engineering students want engineering design.
problem solvers, but they’re not to have a positive impact and Although the engineering
engineers. The description of an improve the human condition. design process is taught at

The STEM Pipeline

every engineering school, there connect people’s lives, engineers by promoting the development
is no single agreed upon “best” are empathizing with the condition of affordable and sustainable
design process. Just like different of those impacted by their design. solutions to the most pressing
companies have different design One can gain insight into the humanitarian challenges. These
principles and practices, faculty values embraced by the field types of service organizations are
and engineering programs of engineering by looking at its thriving at engineering schools
have different variations of the professional organizations. In across the country with broad
design process as well. That addition to the traditional ones participation from students who
said, engineering design always founded to improve safety and are doing impactful work to help
starts off with the same first step; reliability of engineered systems, people live happier and healthier
recognizing a need. Engineers, organizations such as Engineers lives.
at their core, are trying to make Without Borders, Engineering Engineers are optimists who
things more efficient, easier to use, World Health, and the National believe that they can design and
and more effective. Academy of Engineering’s Grand create solutions to help solve the
One of the most progressive Challenges were formed in the last problems facing society.
engineering design processes, 25 years to make a positive impact This brings me back to the
made popular by Stanford on the human condition. response I gave the camper who
University’s Design Institute, is Recently a new type of wanted to know what engineers
called Design Thinking. organization was created called do. “Engineers make people’s
An early step in Design Thinking Engineering for Change. This lives better through the use of
is to empathize with the client. community brings together the technology,” I told her.
Whether an engineer is combined talents of engineers, There is nothing cynical about
developing a prosthetic leg to social scientists, NGOs, local that.
enable an amputee to walk, a governments, and community Scott R. Hummel is the William
process to produce a drug to lower advocates to improve the quality of Jeffers Director of the Engineering
cholesterol, or a bridge to better life in communities around the world Division at Lafayette College.

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Inside Higher Ed
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Washington, DC 20036

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