Scenario was not realistic, Scenario was realistic and Scenario was realistic, class-
inappropriate for class, or class-appropriate, appropriate, well-developed.
poorly developed.
Course concepts could be Scenario clearly incorporated
Scenario failed to incorporate identified. course concepts.
course concepts.
Presentation was not well- Presentation was fairly well- Presentation was well-
organized. organized. organized.
The transitions between the The transitions between the The transitions between the
role-plays and the narrator role-plays and the narrator role-plays and the narrator
and other presentation and other presentation and other presentation
components were poor. components flowed smoothly components flowed
at most times. smoothly.
None of the presenters spoke Most presenters spoke with All presenters spoke with
with appropriate eye contact, appropriate eye contact, appropriate eye contact,
volume, tone, use of pauses, volume, tone, use of pauses, volume, tone, use of pauses,
and gestures. and gestures. and gestures.
None of the presenters Most presenters were well- All presenters were well-
appeared prepared or prepared and spoke with prepared and spoke with
confident. confidence. confidence.