Undertaking Format - CA
Undertaking Format - CA
Undertaking Format - CA
Sub: Request for Appearing in Personal Interview (PI) and Group Discussion (GD)/ Group Task (GT) in
Campus Selection on Provisional basis
Dear Sir,
I would like to state that I am NOT in a position to produce following documents (As Ticked below) in
Original at the time of my Document Verification [prior to GD/GT and PI] for the post of Finance Officer in
IOCL through Campus Selection – [Tick All Those Applicable]
I request You to provisionally allow me to appear for Personal interview, GD/GT. I assure you that I shall
be furnishing those documents in original and in applicable formats within___30 (Thirty) days__ by
________________(DD/MM/YYYY) failing which I understand that my candidature is liable to be
Thanking You,