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An automated guided vehicle or automatic guided vehicle (AGV) is a mobile
robot that follows markers or wires in the floor, or uses vision or lasers. They are
most often used in industrial applications to move materials around a
manufacturing facility or a warehouse Automated guided vehicles increase
efficiency and reduce costs by helping to automate a manufacturing facility or
warehouse. The AGV can tow objects behind them in trailers to which they can
autonomously attach. The trailers can be used to move raw materials or finished
product. The AGV can also store objects on a bed. The objects can be placed on a
set of conveyor and then pushed off by reversing them. Some AGVs use forklifts
to lift objects for storage. AGVs are employed in nearly every industry, including,
pulp, paper, metals, newspaper, and general manufacturing. Transporting materials
such as food, linen or medicine in hospitals is also done.
An AGV can also be called a laser guided vehicle (LGV) or self-guided
vehicle (SGV). Lower cost versions of AGVs are often called Automated Guided
Carts (AGCs) and are usually guided by specific lines magnetic tape. AGCs are
available in a variety of models and can be used to move products on an assembly
line, transport goods throughout a plant or warehouse, and deliver loads to and
from stretch wrappers and roller conveyors.AGV applications are seemingly
endless as capacities can range from just a few kgs to hundreds of tons. The Aim of
the project is to design and fabricate such a AGV
There are many definitions of AGVs, different according to points of view.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, defines AGVs as:

“A robot that been used highly in industrial applications to move materials
from point to point”

The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) defined AGVs as:

a. Machines without drivers that can move along pre-programmed routes, or
use sensory and navigation devices to find their own way around.
b. Vehicles that are equipped with automatic guidance systems and are
capable of following prescribed paths. Or Driverless vehicles that are programmed
to follow guide path.

The creations of Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) have been around since
the 1950’s and the technology was first developed by Barret Electronics from
Grand Rapids, Michigan. It was then developed by the Europeans in the 1970’s
and nowadays AGVs can be found in any countries. One of the first AGVs was a
towing vehicle that pulled a series of trailers between two points, and today’s there
are many task given to AGVs and they also have their own name and potentials.
Considering the full potentials and advantages of the Automated Guided Vehicle
(AGV) in our livings, it is valuable to do this project, as it also will be the first step
towards the creation of more intelligent technology or system. The simplest AGV
model may use just a sensor to provide its navigation and can be the complex one
with more sensors and advance systems to do the task. They can work or do the
task everywhere needed but the safety for the AGV as well as the people and
environment surround it must be provided.
The AGVs is just the same as mobile robot, which can moves from one
place to another to do their task, but mostly the mobile robot is used for difficult
task with dangerous environment such as bomb defusing. Furthermore, the mobile

robot can be categorized into wheeled, tracked, or legged robot. Although the
AGVs may not be glamorous of robots, but their work, which usually menial, are
often be essential to the smooth running of factories, offices, hospitals, and even
houses. They can work without any complaint around many workplaces all over
the world.


There are many reasons which yield to the creation of Automated Guided
Vehicle (AGV) around the world. Mostly the reason is to overcome the logistic
problems that often occurred in the workplaces and to make improvement to the
facilities provided in the workplaces. Usually the AGVs are implemented in
factories, hospitals, offices, houses, and even can be found anywhere outdoors
without the people surround realized it.
In the industries or factories, the AGVs can ease the physical strain on
human workers by performing tiring tasks, such as lifting and carrying heavy
materials, more efficiently with no signs of fatigue creeping in. They can carry far
more than human workers, and their movements can be tracked electronically at all
times. Their movements can be timed to feed or collect products or materials from
the work cells in the factories. Besides that, in the hospitals thousands of staff
spends a portion of their day moving medical supplies, bedding, medicines and
other equipment around large hospitals. By using the AGVs, the strain on the
workers can be ease as well as the hospital’s system would be more smart and
systematic without any bad complaint from the patients and people. AGVs also
capable of both cutting cost and releasing more staff hours to tend and care for
patients. Therefore it is very significant that the valuable knowledge on AGV
construction is studied and be further implemented from the result of this project. It
is due to its advantages to our own living and technology.

We have pleasure in introducing our project AGV, which is equipped by
microcontroller, motor driving mechanism, lift mechanism and battery. The power
stored in the battery is used to drive the DC motor that causes the movement as
well as lifting power to AGV. Battery assembled on the AGV is easily replaceable
and detachable, used for recharging the battery, while the AGV is under roof.


The objective and scope of this project is to create an AGV model that can
follow a trail of line on a flat surface horizontally. This AGV model is using
microcontroller to control all navigation and lifting functions during its operation.
In other words, the microcontroller acts just like the brain for the model that
controls all operation of the system. The model is a three-wheeled mobile robot
that has the ability to follow line on floor.
There are three wheels including two driving wheels controlled by two
motors and a free wheel in front that is able to rotate 360°. With three wheels, both
driving wheels are always in contact with the surface, because of the robot’s
steering relies on both its driven wheels being in contact with the surface at all
This project consists of four main stages, which are theoretical design,
mechanical fabrication, electronic hardware design and as well as algorithm design
in assembly language. The matter to be considered is how the robot can follow the
trail of line continuously. It is also important to choose the most suitable
microcontroller, actuators, and sensors to achieve the project objectives.

A market survey is an important requirement for initiating any successful
business. The objective of a market survey is to collect information on various
aspects of the business. This survey is a tool through which we can minimize risk.
After the market survey, the results must be analyzed in order to finalize a business
We are implementing automatic guided vehicle, which replaces the normal
transporting methods. So that we wants to consider all the sections related to this
works such as problems arising while installing. So we conducted a market survey
by personnel interview techniques was used with the measure emphasis on
personal interview method. Interviews were conducted through the structure
questionnaire, Also we go through people who work in large industries such as
production plant, supply station etc. The following questions are mainly taken for
Area of applications? i.e. inside/outside/both
Types surface of flooring?
Weights of loads max?
Distance to transportation?
From the data which we got from the market survey we are well know about
the things what the market needed, and what modifications should be taken to the
system. And we analysis the data and make objectives want to goal.

Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) have played a vital role in moving
material and product for more than 50 years. The first AGV system was built and
introduced in 1953. It was a modified towing tractor that was used to pull a trailer
and follow an overhead wire in a grocery warehouse. By the late 1950's and early
1960's, towing AGVs were in operation in many types of factories and warehouses.
The first big development for the AGV industry was the introduction of a
unit load vehicle in the mid 1970s. This unit load AGVs gained widespread
acceptance in the material handling marketplace because of their ability to serve
several functions; a work platform, a transportation device and a link in the control
and information system for the factory.
Since then, AGVs have evolved into complex material handling transport
vehicles ranging from mail handling AGVs to highly automated automatic trailer
loading AGVs using laser and natural target navigation technologies. In fact the
improvement of AGVs over the last decade is deeply indebted to development of
Scheduling, Algorithm and Steering methods. The problem of scheduling of AGVs
and the other supporting equipments has been extensively studied by Basnet and
Mize and Rachamadugu and Stecke currently providing the most up-to-date and
comprehensive reviews in this area.
Han and McGinnis have developed a real time algorithm in which material
handling transporters are considered. Schriber and Stecke have shown how the
additional consideration of the material handling system and limited buffers
degrades the system performance.
Sabuncuoglu and Hommertzheim have highlighted the importance of
material handling and they compared several AGV dispatching rules. They have

also shown how the buffer capacity can affect the performance of the system.
Flexibility, which is a distinguishing feature of FMSs, has received an extensive
amount of attention. Routing flexibility (i.e., alternative machines and processing
routes) has been considered by Wilhelm and Shin, Chen and Chung, and
Khoshnevis and Chen . These studies have indicated that dynamic routing (i.e., a
path determined dynamically during schedule generation) performs better than a
preplanned routing.
Rachamadugu et al. Have proposed a quantitative measure of sequence
flexibility and have shown that perfect sequence Flexibility improves system
performance. Similar observations have been made by Lin and Solberg. In most
work to date, tools, pallets/fixtures and their availability are not modeled
adequately. A static allocation of tools is usually assumed in these studies.
However, some researchers have considered a limited tool magazine
capacity and the changing of tools from central tool storage. One purpose of this
thesis is to develop an algorithm that can be used to investigate the research issues
discussed above. This algorithm should not only consider the major elements of
FMSs but also generate high quality schedules in a reasonable amount of time. In
this thesis, the basic structure and characteristics of such an algorithm is described.
Kim et al. Proposed a deadlock detection and prevention algorithms for
AGVs. It was assumed that vehicles reserve grid blocks in advance to prevent
collisions and deadlocks among AGVs. A graphic representation method, called
the "reservation graph," was proposed to express a reservation schedule in such a
form that the possibility of a deadlock can be easily detected. A method to detect
possible deadlocks by using the reservation graph was suggested.
Maxwell and Muckstadt first introduced the problem of AGV flow system
design. While their main concern is vehicle routing, they also address material
flow path and station location design issues. The flow network they used, known as

conventional configuration, is composed of unidirectional arcs. Gaskin and
Tanchoco developed the first integer programming model for material flow path
design. Given a fixed network of aisles and fixed pickup and delivery stations, the
model assigns direction to arcs to minimize the total trip distances of loaded
vehicles. Goetz and Egbelu developed an alternative model, where the station
locations no longer are fixed but restricted to the nodes on the boundary of the cells.
Sun and Tchernev provide a comprehensive review on the models developed
for conventional configuration. Afentakis states the advantages of the loop layout
as simplicity and efficiency, lowinitial and expansion costs, and product and
processing flexibility. Loop layout has been studied by many researchers including
Bartholdi and Platzman , Sharp and Liu ,Kouvelis and Kim , Egbelu , Banerjee and
Zhou , and Chang and Egbelu. Bozer and Srinivasan initiate the concept of tandem
configuration as a set of no overlapping, bidirectional loops, each with a single
Another problem in steering issues is to schedule several AGVs in a non-
conflicting manner which is a complicated real-time problem, especially when the
AGV system is bidirectional. In fact, many conflicting situations may arise such as
head-on and catching-up conflicts when the AGVs or the guide-paths are
bidirectional and if no efficient control policy is used to prevent them. Several
conflict-free routing strategies have been proposed and can be classified into two
 Predictive methods: Aim to find an optimal path for AGVs. The conflicts are
predicted off-line, and an AGV’s route is planned to avoid collisions and
 Reactive methods: the AGVs are not planned and the decisions are taken in a
real time manner according to the system state.

These methods are based on a zone division of the guide-path and consider
them as non sharable resources. Predictive methods give good performance, but are
not very robust since they do not take into account real time problems. However,
reactive methods are very robust but the resulting performances can be poor
because the decisions are taken by considering a very short-term time horizon. In
this report due to specification of the whole plan (presence of only one AGV) a
kind of predictive method is proposed. In early 1990s Fuzzy logic came through to
control and manipulate whole of the material flow in manufacturing floors. The
main indication of employing this system on AGVs was the ability of controlling
multiple AGV in a same time without collision.However, only simulation results
are presented. Senoo et al used experimental results of a three wheeled mobile
robot to discuss the stability of a fuzzy controller. It is also stated that fuzzy control
was implemented in order to achieve reduction of steer energy, while maintaining
better steer angle when compared with PI control.
Fuzzy logic has found useful applications in control among other areas. One
useful characteristic of a fuzzy controller is its applicability to systems with model
uncertainty and/or unknown models. Another useful characteristic of a fuzzy logic
controller is that it provides a framework for the incorporation of domain
knowledge in terms of heuristic rules.

Wuwei et al. They presented the new navigation method for AGV with
fuzzy neural network controller when in the presence of obstacles. Their AGV can
avoid the dynamic and static obstacle and reach the target safely and reliably. Wu
et al. used fuzzy logic control and artificial potential field (APF) for AGV
navigation. The APF method is used to calculate the repulsive force between the
vehicle and the closest obstacle and the attractive force generated by the goal. A

fuzzy logic controller is used to modify the direction of the AGV in a way to avoid
the obstacle.
Lin and Wang proposed a fuzzy logic controller for collision avoidance for
AGV. They combined fuzzy logic with crisp reasoning to guide an AGV to get out
of trap since memories of path and crisp sequence flows are handled by non-fuzzy
processing. Their designed AGV was able to avoid collision with unknown
obstacle. Alves and Junior used a step motor to turn the direction of the ultra-sonic
sensors, so that each sensor can substitute two or more sensors in mobile robot
navigation. Perhaps Sugeno has done one of the pioneering researches in mobile
robot navigation using fuzzy logic control. The fuzzy control rules, which he
defines for the controller, were derived by modeling an expert driving action. He
made a computer model of a car in microcomputer to find fuzzy rules. The speed
of the designed car was constant; then, the control input to the car is only the angle
of the steering angle
Mehdi Yahyaei has design a AGV using fuzzy logic system and a rotational
ultra sonic sensor to steer the AGV to avoid collisions and obstacles. He also
employed a programmable logic control (PLC) as the processor which makes the
AGV to be ultimately fit to the industrial environments.


Some of the Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) that are well known are
discussed in brief.
MoPS or Mobile Post Distribution System (Tschichold, Vestli, Schweitzer,
1999) is a research AGV developed at the Institute of Robotics in Zurich,
Switzerland. It is used to transport mail around the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology in Zurich. MoPS is powered

up by rechargeable batteries which give it a 4-hour active life, weighs around 90kg
and can carry up to 50 kg of postal payload. It is also capable of hot-swapping its
own batteries pack, thus ensuring 24h availability.
The MOPS provide services of picking up boxes with incoming mail at the
ground floor of the five floor building, which is sorted by human first, delivering
them to the secretaries' offices, subsequently bringing back the outgoing mail to the
ground floor station. It is also capable of switching floors by sending an infrared
signal to the building’s lifts. As the building is open to the public, protection
against theft of the mail is provided by motorized blinds over the pigeon-hole mail
points, which can be opened by the robot and by authorized staff.

Fig.2.1 The Mobile Post System (MOPS)


Fig.2.2 The ParkShuttle AGVs of Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport.

The ParkShuttle (FROG Navigation Systems) is an automatic navigating

vehicle which provides transportation for passengers. It is a people mover system.
There is no driver onboard, instead a computer and an electronic navigation system
do the driving. This ParkShuttle has a safety system of sensitive and intelligent
sensors. The sensors scan the area in front of the vehicle and will decelerate or stop
the vehicle when an unknown obstacle is detected.
An additional safety feature is provided by the bumper system that brings
the vehicle to an immediate halt when it is impressed. In addition, the vehicle has
emergency stop buttons (both inside and outside) that can be operated by the
passengers. The speed is limited to 40 km/h obtain a good ride quality. 8 The
ParkShuttle vehicle runs on four rubber tires. Traction is provided by an electric
motor powered by a rechargeable battery. Up to 100 km can be covered on one

battery-load. It has a capacity of 10 passengers, 6 seated and 4 standees. It is easy
to get into and out of the vehicle (wheelchair accessible) and provides good all-
round visibility. Inside the vehicle is a console on which the passengers can
indicate their destination.

Each vehicle is also fitted with an information display that announces the
stop at which the vehicle has arrived. The maximum load is 800 kg. The maximum
vehicle weight is monitored by means of weight sensor.


Line following robot is generally a wheeled mobile robot. The method of
line following varied depending on the number of sensors available and the type of
line to be followed.

There are four methods identified including edge following, line search, line
trap, and crossover. These four methods are different in number of sensors that
used and also the results that will be obtained are different. With only one light
sensor, the robot will have to know where the line is, or spends time searching to
find it. Whereas with two light sensors, the robot is possible to remember which
direction the line went. With more sensors, the result that will be obtained would
be more excellent and the robot will be more intelligent


Fig.2.3 The Kerwin’s line following robot using three matched IR transmit/receive pairs

The Kerwin’s line following robot (ranchbots) is a design with Futaba S-148 servo
motors mounted to the bottom of the plexiglass. It has three wheels with the front
wheel is the omni-directional wheel. The sensor system consists of an array of
three matched IR transmit/receive pairs mounted on a circuit board that can be
raised or lowered to fine tune the sensitivity. It uses the Atmel microcontroller as
the controller part. The microcontroller takes input from sensor array and drives
the servo motors in response.

Robotized guided vehicle frameworks comprise of the PC, programming and
innovation that are the "cerebrums" behind the AGV. Without PC programming
frameworks and correspondences systems, just the most straightforward AGV
capacities can be performed.
 Camera guided AGVs are utilized when exact direction precision is required,
for example, in swarmed situations and littler measured offices. An on-board
camera centres and guides the AGV while performing.
 Forked AGVs are utilized to get and convey different burdens, for example,
beds, trucks, rolls what's more, others. These can be physically determined
just as utilized consequently, and have the capacity to lift burdens to
numerous levels.
 Inertial guided AGVs utilize a magnet detecting gadget, a gyrator that
gauges the unit's heading and a wheel odometer that ascertains the
separation voyaged. Magnets mounted underneath the floor are identified by
the on-board attractive detecting gadget and join with the initial two readings
to give an exact positional area. Another type of AGV direction is interial
route. With this direction, a PC control framework guides and relegates
undertakings to vehicles. Transponders are inserted in the floor of working
environment. The AGV utilizes these transponders to confirm that the
vehicle is on course. A spinner can identify the scarcest alter in the course of
vehicle and amends it so as to keep the AVG on its arrangement.
 Large case/unit load AGVs are utilized to ship heavier burdens with
different exchange gadgets, for example, roller beds, lift/lower components
and custom instruments.

 Laser guided AGVs utilize mounted laser scanners that radiate a laser and
reflect once moremfrom targets. The vehicle's area can be resolved
dependent on separation to the objective and timemof reflection data. The
route is finished by mounting considering tapes dividers, shafts ,and so
onmthe AGV conveys a laser transmitter and recipient on a pivoting turret.
The laser is transmitted and gotten by a similar sensor. This data is
contrasted with the guide of reflector format put away in AGVs memory.
The present position is contrasted with the way modified in to the reflector
design map. The controlling is balanced as needs be to keep the AGV on
target. It can then explored to an ideal objective utilizing the continually
refreshing position.
 Optical guided AGVs utilize a latex-put together photosensitive tape with
respect to an office's floor for direction. Separation is estimated by
utilization of wheel odometers, which set up stop areas for the AGV along
the course.
 Outrigger AGVs have two even balancing out legs (outriggers) to offer
sidelong help, and are utilized to deal with beds, rolls and racks.
 Small undercarriage AGVs can move through jam-packed work
environments through laser detecting, while at the same time moving littler
 Smart vehicle AGVs are fit for deciding their own traffic control and
steering without requiring a focal controller.
 Tug/tow AGVs are utilized to pull trailers and are normally kept an eye on
by an administrator who includes and evacuates the trailers at assigned stops.
These can follow a fundamental circle or a progressively entangled way.

 Wire guided AGVs utilize a charged wire that is covered underneath the
floor for appropriate direction and has little reception apparatuses made out
of metal curls mounted on their bottoms. The more grounded the field
between the covered wire and radio wires, the higher the voltage incited to
the loops. A space is cut into the floor and wire is set roughly 1 inch
underneath the surface. This space is cut along the way the AGV is to follow.
This wire is utilized to transmit a radio sign. A sensor is introduced on the
base of near ground. The sensor distinguishes the general situation of radio
sign being transmitted from the wire. This data is utilized to direct the
controlling circuit, causing the AGV to follow the wire.
 Natural Navigation without retrofitting of the workspace is called regular
focusing on route. One technique utilizes run discovering sensors, for
example, a laser run discoverer, just as whirligig. The upside of such
framework is that they are exceptionally adaptable or on request conveyance
to any area. They can deal with disappointment without cutting down whole
assembling activity, since AGVs can design ways around the bombed gadget.
They likewise rush to introduce, with less vacation for the plant.
 Guide tape AGVs tape for control way. The tapes can be of two sorts:
attractive or hued. The AGV is fitted with the suitable guide sensor to follow
way of the tape. One significant bit of leeway is that it very well may be
effectively expelled and migrated if the course needs to change. Shaded tape
is at first more affordable yet comes up short on the benefit of being inserted
in high rush hour gridlock zones where the tape may get harmed or grimy.
Research on these vehicles is on-going, and new advancements on
programming and development systems are as often as possible being made.


The main design of the automated guided Trolley is shown below:

1. Isometric View
2. Front View
3. Side View
4. Top View
5. Back View
The following figure 4.1 shows the isometric view of the Automated Guided Vehicle

Fig 4.1 Isometric view of an automated guided vehicle

The following figure 4.2 shows the front view of the Automated Guided Vehicle

Fig 4.2 Front view of the automated guided vehicle


The following figure 4.3 shows the side view of the Automated Guided Vehicle

Fig 4.3 Side view of the automated guided vehicle

The following figure 4.4 shows the top view of the Automated Guided Vehicle

Fig 4.4 Top view of the automated guided vehicle


The following figure 4.5 shows the backside view of the Automated Guided Vehicle

Fig 4.5 Front view of the automated guided vehicle

In design problems many decision variables arise. the impact of decisions on mutual
interactions and performance might be difficult to predict. it might be hard to decide on one
thing without considering other decision variables. at least the following tactical and
operational issues have to be addressed in designing an agv system
• flow path layout
• traffic management: prediction and avoidance of collisions and deadlocks
• number and location of pick-up and delivery points
• vehicle requirements
• vehicle routing
• vehicle scheduling
• battery management
A flow path layout compromises the fixed guided paths on which vehicles can travel to the
various pick-up and delivery points of loads. traffic management is required to avoid collisions
and deadlock situations in which two or more vehicles are blocked completely. To ensure that
loads are transported in time, sufficient vehicles should be available and the right vehicle
should be dispatched to the right load.
This layout is usually represented by a directed network in which aisles intersections and
pickup and delivery locations can be considered as nodes. the arcs represent the guide path the
agvs can travel on. directed arcs indicate the direction of travel of vehicles in the system. the
layout of this flow path directly influences the performance of the system. in our project we just
mark two stations only. one loading and one unloading station. the carrier moves in the loop
which connects these two stations.
In controlling and designing agv systems the problem of prevention of agv collisions and
deadlocks should be addressed. by attaching sensors on agvs, physical collisions can be
avoided. an agv should have the ability to avoid obstacles and the ability to return to its original
path without any collisions. we had fabricated only one agv. so the traffic management has only
less important in our case. but while using more than one carrier we should take care about
to determine an optimal agv’s system, capable of meeting all requirements, many factors have to
be taken into account. several of these factors are:

• Number of units to be transported

• Points in time at which units can be or need to be transported
• Capacity of the vehicle
• Speed of the vehicle
• Costs of the system
• Layout of the system and guide path
• Traffic congestion
• Vehicle dispatching strategies
• Number and location of pick-up and delivery points

If AGVs use batteries, frequent battery changing might be required. McHaney (1995)
presents an overview of AGV battery technology. The time required for replacing or charging
batteries can impact the number of vehicles required. Simulation results from McHaney (1995)
indicate a significant increase in the number of AGVs required while incorporating battery
management issues in the simulation study compared to neglecting these issues in the studies.
furthermore, the time required for charging batteries impacts throughput, congestion and costs.

Power supply from the 12v battery is sent to the DC - DC step down converter. Here the 12v
power is stepped down to 5v and sent to the arduino control board.
Arduino board is used to control the program that is responsible in driving the motor. Sensors are
used to detect the surrounding and send electronic signal to the arduino. This signal is sent to the 4
channel relay that controls the arduino. The signal from 4channel relay is then sent to the 10A
relay where 5v is stepped up to 12v and this relay controls the motors responsible for the forward
movement of the Automated Guided Vehicle. 2 additional 10A relays are provided for the buzzer
and light function.



The list of main components used in our project is shown below:

1. Audrino nano
2. DC to DC Step down convertor
3. Ultrasonic sensor
4. 4channel Relay module
5. 10A Relay
6. Emergency button
7. Lithium ion battery
8. LED strip
9. Buzzer
10.12v DC motor

1. Audrino nano:

The Arduino Nano is a small, complete, and breadboard-

friendly board based on the ATmega328P released in 2008. It offers the same
connectivity and specs of the Arduino Uno board in a smaller form factor.[1]

The Arduino Nano is equipped with 30 male I/O headers, in a DIP-30-like

configuration, which can be programmed using the Arduino Software integrated
development environment (IDE), which is common to all Arduino boards and
running both online and offline. The board can be powered through a type-B mini-
USB cable or from a 9 V battery.

Fig. 6.1 Arduino Nano

2. DC to DC Step down convertor:

A buck converter, also called buck regulator or DC-DC step-down switching

regulator, is a type of DC-DC converter that provides an output regulated voltage
that is lower than its input voltage.

Fig. 6.2 DC - DC Step Down Converter

3. Ultrasonic sensor:

The ultrasonic sensor is an electronic device used to measure distances.

Because, measuring distance is an essential factor in many applications such as
robotic control, vehicle detection etc. Sensors such as optical and sound are the most

Fig. 6.3 Ultrasonic Sensor

Ultrasonic sensors are used as proximity sensors. They can be found in

parking technology and anti-collision safety systems. Ultrasonic sensors are also
used in robotic obstacle detection systems and manufacturing engineering.
Compared to infrared (IR) sensors in proximity sensing applications, ultrasonic
sensors are less susceptible to interference from smoke, gases, and other airborne
particles (although the physical component is subject to variables such as heat).
Ultrasonic sensors are also used as level sensors to detect, monitor, and control
liquid levels inclosed vessels (such as chemical plant drums). Most notably,
ultrasound technology has enabledthe medical industry to image internal organs,
identify tumours, and ensure the health of babies in the womb.


As the name implies ultrasonic sensor operates on ultrasonic frequencies.

Frequencies beyond

our hearing range are known as ultrasonic frequencies. Those frequencies are above
20k Hertz.
They are the all-rounders of sensor technology and can be used in any
industrial application.There are several types of objects that can be detected,
including solids, liquids, granules, and powders. They reliably detect transparent or
glossy objects, as well as objects whose colors change.

Fig. 6.4 Principle of Ultrasonic Sensor

4. 4 channel relay module:

This is a 5V 4-channel relay interface board, and each channel needs a 15- 20mA
driver current. It can be used to control various appliances and equipment with large
current. It is equiped with high-current relays that work under AC250V 10A or
DC30V 10A. It has a standard interface that can be controlled directly by

Fig. 6.5 4 Channel Relay Module

5. 10A Relay:

A relay is an electrically operated switch. It consists of a set of input

terminals for a single or multiple control signals, and a set of operating contact
terminals. The switch may have any number of contacts in multiple contact forms,
such as make contacts, break contacts, or combinations thereof.

Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by an independent low-

power signal, or where several circuits must be controlled by one signal. Relays
were first used in long-distance telegraph circuits as signal repeaters: they refresh
the signal coming in from one circuit by transmitting it on another circuit. Relays
were used extensively in telephone exchanges and early computers to perform
logical operations.

Fig. 6.6 10A Relay

6. Emergency button:

An emergency button is an essential component of a medical alert system.

These systems are set up in your home and connected to a call center, which
responds by contacting you to ask if you need help and dispatching emergency
services if necessary.

Fig. 6.7 Emergency Stop Button

7. Lithium ion battery:

Lithium-ion is the most popular rechargeable battery chemistry used today.

Lithium-ion batteries power the devices we use every day, like our mobile phones
and electric vehicles. Lithium-ion batteries consist of single or multiple lithium-ion
cells, along with a protective circuit board.

Fig. 6.8 Lithium ion Battery

8. LED strip:

An LED strip light (also known as an LED tape or ribbon light) is a

flexible circuit board populated by surface mounted light-emitting diodes (SMD
LEDs) and other components that usually comes with an adhesive backing.

Fig. 6.9 LED Strip


A buzzer or beeper is an audio signaling device, which may be mechanical,

electromechanical, or piezoelectric (piezo for short). Typical uses of buzzers
and beepers include alarm devices, timers, train and confirmation of user input
such as a mouse click or keystroke.

Fig. 6.10 Buzzer

10.12V DC motor:

Gear motor is used in this machine because it delivers more torque and full
rotation compared to servo motor. Actuator that converts electrical signal to
rotational motion. Contrary to usual belief it is an open loop control, A new
technology of Back Emf interference is used to approximate a closed loop.

Fig. 6.11 12V DC Motor


Calculating Time required for specific path:

Floor dimensions :

 Length of Floor = 6 m (L)

 Breadth of room (Assumption) = 4 m (B)

Calculating the Speed of Robot:

 Number of drive motors = 2

 Radius of drive wheel (R) = 0.2 m

 RPM of each drive motor (N) = 45 RPM

 Width of the Trolley(W) = 0.5 m

Speed (V) = R*ω

ω = (2*π*N)/60


ω = 4.71 radians/second

V = 0.2*4.71 = 0.942 m/s

 Considering efficiency of power delivered to motor = 90%

 Speed delivered or Speed of Trolley(Vr) = V*0.9

= 0..942*0.9

=0.84 m/s

 Time taken by the trolley to cover the Floor length once

(t) = L / Vr = 6/0.84 = 7 seconds

 Number of passes required for Trolley to cover the entire Floor =

Breadth of the panel (B) / Width of the robot (W) = 6/4 = 1.5 passes

 Total time taken by the robot to cover the entire panel = 1.5*7 =

Battery calculation:

200 RPM Calculation DC MOTOR:




Torque = (P X 60) / (2 X 3.14 X N)

Torque = (18X 60) / (2 X 3.14 X 200)

Torque = 0.859 Nm

Torque = 0.859 x 10³ Nmm


The shaft is made of MS and its allowable shear stress = 42 Mpa

Torque = 3.14 x fs x d ³ / 16

0.859 x 10³ = 3.14 x 42 x d ³ / 16

d = 4.705 mm

The nearest standard size is d = 5 mm.

Without Load:


L = 60mm

B = 40mm

T = 1.2mm

Overall area = 2600mm^2

Weight = 4.78kgs

2.Weight of Upper Frame:

L = 25mm

B = 25mm

T = 1.2mm

Overall area = 5000mm^2

WEIGHT = 4.84kgs

3.Weight of Solid Sheet Metal:

L = 600mm

B = 500mm

T = 1.2mm

Weight = 2.83kg

4.Weight of Perforated Sheet Metal:

Side 1 : l = 600mm

B = 100mm

T = 1.2mm

Weight = 1.13kgs

Side 2: l = 500mm

B = 100mm

T = 1.2mm

Weight = 0.94kgs


Assume a load of 25kgs.



Force Acting On One Wheel (no load)


= 14.52 x 9.81

= 142.5 N

Dia of wheels = 200mm

Coefficient of friction = 0.6

Force = 0.6 x 142.5 = 85.5 N

Force on both wheels = 171 N = 17.437 kg-f

Force Acting On One Wheel (with load)

W = 392.4 N

Force on both wheels = 471 N = 48.028 kg-f


// Define motor control pins
const int enA = 3;
const int in1 = 4;
const int in2 = 6;
const int enB = 5;
const int in3 = 7;
const int in4 = 8;
#define RELAY1_PIN 9
#define RELAY2_PIN 10

// Define ultrasonic sensor pins

const int trigPin1 = 11;
const int echoPin1 = 12;
const int trigPin2 = 13;
const int echoPin2 = A0;
const int trigPin3 = A1;
const int echoPin3 = A2;
float getDistance(int trigPin, int echoPin);

// Define movement timings

const int forwardTime = 10000; // 10 seconds
const int leftTurnTime = 3000; // 5 seconds
const int rightTurnTime = 3000; // 5 seconds
const int stopTime = 60000;

const int forwardTime2 = 10000;
const int delayTime = 1500;

// Variables to keep track of movement progress

bool obstacleDetected = false; // flag to indicate if an obstacle has been detected
int currentMovement = 0; // 0 = forward, 1 = left turn, 2 = right turn
unsigned long movementStartTime = 0; // time when the current movement started
float getDistance(int trigPin, int echoPin) {
// Send a pulse to the trigger pin
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

// Measure the duration of the echo pulse

float duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);

// Calculate the distance based on the speed of sound and the duration of the pulse
float distance = duration * 0.034 / 2; // distance = time * speed of sound / 2

return distance;

void setup() {
// Set motor control pins as outputs

pinMode(enA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in4, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(RELAY1_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RELAY2_PIN, HIGH);

// Set motor enable pins to HIGH

digitalWrite(enA, HIGH);
digitalWrite(enB, HIGH);

// Set ultrasonic sensor pins

pinMode(trigPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin1, INPUT);
pinMode(trigPin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin2, INPUT);
pinMode(trigPin3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin3, INPUT);


void loop() {

// Check ultrasonic sensors
obstacleDetected = false;
float distance1 = getDistance(trigPin1, echoPin1);
float distance2 = getDistance(trigPin2, echoPin2);
float distance3 = getDistance(trigPin3, echoPin3);

Serial.print("Distance1: ");
Serial.print(", Distance2: ");
Serial.print(", Distance3: ");

if (distance1 < 80 || distance2 < 80 || distance3 < 80) { // Obstacle detected

// Stop the robot
digitalWrite(in1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);

// Update movement progress variables

obstacleDetected = true;
} else if (!obstacleDetected) { // No obstacle detected and no obstacle previously
// Resume movement from the previous position
switch (currentMovement) {
case 0: // Forward movement

// Move the robot forward
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RELAY2_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(RELAY1_PIN, LOW); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(RELAY1_PIN, HIGH); // turn the LED off by making the
voltage LOW

// Wait for the forward movement to complete

if (millis() - movementStartTime >= forwardTime) {
// Update movement progress variables
currentMovement = 1;
movementStartTime = millis();

case 1: // Forward movement

// Move the robot forward
digitalWrite(in1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);

digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);

// Wait for the forward movement to complete

if (millis() - movementStartTime >= delayTime) {
// Update movement progress variables
currentMovement = 2;
movementStartTime = millis();
case 2: // Right turn
// Turn right
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RELAY2_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(RELAY1_PIN, LOW); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(RELAY1_PIN, HIGH); // turn the LED off by making the
voltage LOW

// Wait for the right turn to complete
if (millis() - movementStartTime >= rightTurnTime) {
// Update movement progress variables
currentMovement = 3;
movementStartTime = millis();


case 3: // Forward movement

// Move the robot forward
digitalWrite(in1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);

// Wait for the forward movement to complete

if (millis() - movementStartTime >= delayTime) {
// Update movement progress variables
currentMovement = 4;
movementStartTime = millis();

case 4: // Forward movement

// Move the robot forward
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);

digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RELAY2_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(RELAY1_PIN, LOW); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(RELAY1_PIN, HIGH); // turn the LED off by making the
voltage LOW

// Wait for the forward movement to complete

if (millis() - movementStartTime >= forwardTime2) {
// Update movement progress variables
currentMovement = 5;
movementStartTime = millis();
case 5: // stop
// Move the robot forward
digitalWrite(in1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RELAY2_PIN, HIGH);

// Wait for the forward movement to complete

if (millis() - movementStartTime >= stopTime) {
// Update movement progress variables
currentMovement = 6;
movementStartTime = millis();

case 6: // Forward movement
// Move the robot forward
digitalWrite(in1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RELAY2_PIN, HIGH);

// Wait for the forward movement to complete

if (millis() - movementStartTime >= delayTime) {
// Update movement progress variables
currentMovement = 0;
movementStartTime = millis();




We have developed a trolley frame work for our AGV operation. Above
listed components are used in our prototype model. Our Trolley can handle and
transfer a maximum load of 40kg, our model is an autonomous drive with pre-
programs function. We can program the Prototype model drive for different path
based on our Application. AGV trolley can also be driven on manual operation
with wired control.

Fig 8.1 Right Side View of Automated Guided Vehicle

Fig 8.2 Front View of Automated Guided Vehicle


The AGV is a productivity increasing feature in a factory that has the following
1. Speed of delivery
2. Flexibility of path
3. Adaptive to changes in factory layouts
4. Central control
5. Reduction in labour cost
6. Reduction in running cost compared to conveyer systems
7. Ability to add sensors to detect the payload conditions
1. Should be recharged periodically
2. Will stop delivery when the AGV is forced off the path.
3. High Initial cost
The Advantages of the AGV far shadow over the disadvantages and hence it
is concluded that in a mass production factory with large area, a AGV will
definitely increase productivity, decrease expenditure.


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January- April (2012)

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