Living in Information Technology Era:: Chapter 0 - Chapter 1

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Living in Information

Technology Era:
Chapter 0 - The Origin of the Chapter 1 - INFORMATION AND
Universe, Earth and Technology. COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY (ICT)

The origin of the universe is the origin of Information Technology (IT)

everything, including the very existence of human  Pertains to the industry that involves
life and all the invented technology. computers, software, networking, and other
IT infrastructure to help relay or manage
 The bigbang is the best-supported theory information important in modern-day living
of our universe's origin centers on an event. as seen primarily in large companies or
 This theory was born of the corporations.
observation that other galaxies are  IT is a subset of ICT as the technology used
moving away from our own at great in the field of IT aids in the use of ICT
speed in all directions, as if they had (Wang, 2016).
all been propelled by an ancient Informations and Communications
explosive force 13.7 billion years Technology (ICT)
ago.  Often used in a more general sense, and is
 The big-bang theory starts the described as using computers and other
existence of: Space, Time, Matter, digital technologies to assist individuals or
Energy. institutions in handling or using information.
 From all elements of matter, it gradually  Is technology that supports activities
binds them by gravitational forces to form poinvolving information such as gathering,
the earth after billions of years. processing, storing, and presenting data.
 These activities also involve collaboration
The Evolution of life and communication.
 INFORMATION - Refers to the knowledge
obtained from reading, investigation, study
or research.
 COMMUNICATION - An act of transmitting
messages. Information is exchanged
between individuals through verbal and
 TECHNOLOGY - Evolved in ways that
improve people’s daily activities.


 The concept of technology always starts

with the basic tool.
 By combining a set of tools, people have
 Necessity is the mother of all come up with machines that can do the
inventions is an English-language proverb
tasks faster and more efficiently.
which means, roughly, that the primary
 Most machines, including computers, have
driving force for new inventions and need.
 The Need for light during the evolved through the process of automation.
night - results to the discovery of  Automation is defined as “the technique of
electricity. making an apparatus, a process or a system
 The need to communicate - Lead to operate automatically”.
the creation of different communication
 The Need for Counting and
Computation - Leads to invention of  1st generation - ENIAC (Electronic Numeric
number systems, mathematics and Integrator and calculator) was designed by
TECHNOLOGY. Eckert and Mauchly. (1946-1959)
The Origin of Technology  2nd generation – TRANSISTORS was used
 Technology is the development over time as the interior sections of the computer.
of systematic techniques for making and (1959-1965)
doing things.  3rd generation – IC inverted by Kilby was
 The term derives from, a combination used to build the computer. (1965-1971)
of the Greek technē, “art craft,” with  4th generation – VLSI were used to build
logos, “word speech,” meant in computers. (1971-1980)
Greece.  5th generation – ULSI technology having 10
 Technology is the application of science to
million electronic components. (1980-
address the problems of daily life.
 AUTOMATION – everything is just one- 3. TABLET COMPUTERS - Are hand-held
click away. computers with touch-sensitive screen for
typing and navigation.
 A computer is an electronic device that hand-held telephones which can do things
manipulates information or data. that computers can do, including browsing
 It has the ability to store, retrieve, and and searching the internet and even playing
process data. console games. / Include applications
 It contains both hardware components and present in computers.
software applications. 5. WEARABLES - Include fitness trackers and
 Input Device - is any hardware smartwatches that can be worn throughout
component that allows one to enter the day.
data or instructions into a computer.
Introduction to Information and Communications
 Output Device – is any hardware
Technology (ICT) Ages:
component that transmits
information tone or more people.  DIGITAL AGE – used interchangeable.
 System Unit – is a box-like case  INFORMATION AGE – shift from
that contains the electronic traditional industry to information
component of the computer which technology-based.
are used to process data.  COMPUTER AGE – digital industry creating
 Storage Devices – holds data, a knowledge-based society.
instructions, and information for
future use.
 Computers are powerful for a variety of  The MESSAGE: is considered to be the
reasons. message itself for those who create and
 They work with remarkable speed, own rights of content.
reliability, consistency, and accuracy.  The MEDIUM: refers to the tool or tools
 Allow users to communicate with other used in sending a message from the source
users and computers. to the destination.
 Communication device – is a hardware  The MESSENGER: is the one who delivers
component that aids a computer to send the message.
(transmit) and receive data, instruction and
information to and from one or more EVOLUTION OF MEDIA
computers. The media has transformed itself based on two
 Speed things: (1) and (2).
 Reliability and consistency
 Accuracy  Woodcut printing on cloth or on paper was
 Communication – is a process in used in the early 15th century.
which information is exchanged  1436 when Johannes Gutenberg started
between individuals through verbal working on a printing press which used
and non-verbal means. relief printing and a molding system.
 Modern printing press delivers messages in
CLASSIFYING COMPUTERS print, such as newspapers, textbooks, and
 Personal Computer - is a small, single- magazines.
user computer based on a microprocessor.  1900s, broadcasting and recorded media
 Workstation – Is a powerful single-user were introduced. Radio and television were
computer. Has powerful microprocessor and used to send sound and video to homes and
high-quality monitor. offices through electromagnetic spectrum or
 Mini-Computer -Is a multi-user computer radio waves.
capable of supporting from 10 to hundreds OVERVIEW OF CURRENT TRENDS
of users simultaneously.
 Mainframe - Is a powerful multi-user A trend refers to something hip or popular
computer capable of supporting hundreds at a certain point in time. It can be a particular style
or thousands of user simultaneously. in fashion, devices, or entertainment. A new trend
may always come along to replace the old one.
Technology is bound to upgrade itself every
1. DESKTOP COMPUTER - Are computers two years (Moore’s Law).
designed to be placed on a desk, and are
normally made up of few different parts, In an article from, DeMers
including the computer case, CPU, monitor, (2016) identified seven major trends in 2017.
keyboard, and mouse. 1. IoT and Smart Home Technology
2. LAPTOP COMPUTERS - Are battery- 2. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
powered computer devices whose 3. Machine Learning
portability makes them possible to use
almost anytime, anywhere.
4. Automation – is a technique of making an  Supercomputer – is and extremely fast
apparatus, a process, or a system to computer that can perform millions of
operate automatically. instruction per second.
5. Big Data – is a term that describes large  USB flash drive - a portable storage device
and complex volumes of data analysed for that has more storage capacity than a floppy
insights to help in making better decisions disk or zip disk. It is small and lightweight
and more effective strategic plans. enough to be transported on a keychain or
6. Physical-Digital Integrations put in one’s pocket.
7. Everything on Demand  User – is anyone who communicates and
interacts with a computer or makes use of
the information it generates.

 Positive effects
 Improve access to education
 Access to information and
 Security
 Negative effects
 Reduced personal interaction and
physical activity
 Job loss or increase in
 Security


1. PLAGIARISM: an act of theft in which a

person copies another person’s ideas,
words, or writings, etc. and pass them off
as his or her own.
2. EXPLOITATION: an action in which one
deals with a person dishonesty, unethically,
and dishonorably, in order to take
advantage of the latter’s works and/or
3. LIBEL: can either be an insult, slur, or
slander. Either written or spoken or even
through actions, it may lead to libel if the
accusation is not true and without any piece
of evidence.

Key words:
 Blog – is a combination of two words, web
and log. It works the same way as pen and
paper would, but the privacy becomes
irrelevant given that a blog can be seen by
anyone online.
 Blogger – is a person who writes blogs.
 Compact Disc - is a flat, round, portable
metal disc.
 Modem - is a device or program that
enables a computer to transmit data over, for
example, telephone or cable lines.
 Motherboard – is a circuitry of the system
unit which is commonly a part of, associated
with or linked to a circuit board.
 Port - is an endpoint of communication in an
operating system.
 Software privacy – refers to an act of
installing a copy of software into one’s
computer without permission, and/or
producing a copy disregarding the

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