Modified Beechcraft Bonanza
Modified Beechcraft Bonanza
Modified Beechcraft Bonanza
AENG 223L - 5 - G1 - 4
December 2022
High-lift devices are something you can run across while looking at aeronautical
components. All aircraft need lift. The force that works against gravity is known as lift. It
maintains aircraft in the air while they are flying. While an airplane's wings provide the
majority of the lift, other high-lift technologies may also contribute to lift production.
High-lift devices are parts for aircraft that are intended to improve or increase the lift
produced by the wings. Wings inherently provide lift. Air flows more slowly over the
bottom and top because of its form. Lift is produced as a result of the pressure difference
that this variation in airflow produces. However, a lot of aircraft also have high-lift
mechanisms on their wings. Devices with high lift increase lift. As a result, the wings can
produce more lift.
The type of flaps that will be used in this modification is the slotted flaps because of its
efficiency, it increases the aircraft’s wing camber. This flap produces a small opening
between the wing and the flap, allowing high pressure from beneath the wing to rush
upwards towards the upper part of the wing, generating additional lift, thus reducing the
stalling speed.
Powered slats will also be utilized, this slat is powered by hydraulics or electricity, it is
more reliable in comparison to the fixed and automatic slats.
● To use the selected airfoil and corrected airfoil characteristics as the wing profile for the
modified Beechcraft Bonanza
● To determine the ideal width of chord and wingspan of the aircraft
● To maintain the gross weight of the aircraft
Modified Beechcraft Bonanza CAD Model
Bill of Materials
construction. It has fully cantilevered wings and empennage. Most of the structures are
fabricated of high strength aluminum alloy. Steel and other materials are used as needed. The
robustness of the design philosophy has been validated over thousands of hours of operation of
airplanes in the fleet. Continuing structural integrity is ensured through an inspection program
and appropriate maintenance action. The aircraft structure is divided into three major
components, the fuselage, wing and empennage. The fuselage was fabricated of high strength
The values of CLmax were determined based on the Reynolds number used which is
The following table has the list of values for the stall velocity for the chosen airfoil. The
VS (ft/s) (m/s)
with yarn and the second with paper. The first was unsuccessful as the airflow from the wind
tunnel was weak and did not let the yarn flow. The second test was using strips of paper as a
substitute for the yarn where the paper can be seen moving and working.
Wing Rib
wood that was acquired as it was not sturdy enough to withstand the weight. It was tested a
second time but was only able to reach around 27 kg due to the same problem.