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Summative assessment for the unit «Organic and non-organic world»

Variant 1
Learning objective
10.2.2 Understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of
general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics
10.3.3 Explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a wide range of general and
curricular topics

Assessment criteria  Identify specific information in unsupported extended talk

 Explain and justify point of view

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Higher order thinking skills


Task 1. Listen to the news report “Organic Foods Have Same Nutritional Value” and
decide if the statement True or False. Link:

1. The study was made at Stanford University.

2. Consumers have different reasons for choosing organic food.
3. Certified organic food doesn’t contain genetically modified ingredients.
4. Critics agree with this study.
Write the missed word:
5. ______use is limited.
5 points


Task 2. Share your opinion on following questions. Provide explanations and


What is the difference between organic and non-organic food production?

Do you choose organic food over non-organic food at the grocery store? Why?
Which types of food are you most careful about buying? Why?

4 points
Summative assessment for the unit «Organic and non-organic world»
Variant 2
Learning objective
10.2.2 Understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of
general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics
10.3.3 Explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a wide range of general and
curricular topics

Assessment criteria  Identify specific information in unsupported extended talk

 Explain and justify point of view

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Higher order thinking skills


Task 1. Listen to the news report “Organic Foods Have Same Nutritional Value” and

Write the missed word:

1. The study did find that organic food contained significantly less ____residue than
non-organic food.
Decide if the statement True or False.
2. Consumers have different reasons for choosing organic foods, including concerns
about plant welfare.
3. Certified organic food is produced without environmentally production methods.
4. Critics don’t agree with this study.
5. The critics don’t agree with this study because it is based on long-term evidence.
5 points


Task 2. Share your opinion on following questions. Provide explanations and


What is the difference between organic and non-organic food production?

Do you choose organic food over non-organic food at the grocery store? Why?
Which types of food are you most careful about buying? Why?

4 points
№ Answer Mark Additional

1 True/pesticides 1
2 True/False 1
3 True/False 1
4 False/True 1
5 Pesticide/False 1


6 Speech is logical and understandable 1

7 Leaner answers the questions without grammar 1

8 Justifies and explains his/her opinion 1

9 Comments on other’s viewpoints 1

Total marks 9

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