Ai Based Online Exam Proctoring System
Ai Based Online Exam Proctoring System
Ai Based Online Exam Proctoring System
whether to take examinations online, it is important to make convolution network, Electronic examination, templates,
sure that the test accurately assesses the knowledge, abilities, journals
distinction is that typing is required in place of handwriting for laborious physical labour, and are not ecologically friendly. To
the responses. A platform for electronic exams was created with verify applicants taking the exam, an invigilator is required to
the use of cutting-edge technology. This website was created be present at the exam Centre during the traditional exam
specifically to address the problems or shortfalls found in process. You require one invigilator for every 30 to 50
conventional classroom-based exams. candidates at each exam site. As a result, more than 25
invigilators would be required to supervise the exam of more
than 1000 applicants. This would entail excessive physical
In this research, a unique online proctoring system is proposed
labour and cost.
that employs deep learning to continuously monitor physical
locations without the need for a physical proctor to be there. B.PROPOSED SYSTEM
The system makes use of biometric techniques, including face
Develop an AI-monitored, remotely proctored exam with
recognition utilising the OpenCV and HOG face detectors. The
CamProctor utilising TCN is the project's suggested system.
technology also uses an eye blinking detection technique to find
Online proctoring systems frequently utilise Temporal
stationary images. Additionally, the technology is able to
Convolutional Network (TCN), a sort of deep learning
recognise devices like phones, laptops, iPads, and books to
technology, to identify suspicious activity during examinations
enforce fairness during tests. The FDDB (Face Detection Data
conducted online. TCN is a neural network architecture that
Set and Benchmark) and LFW (Labelled Faces in the Wild)
uses dilated convolutions to analyse sequential input, such as
datasets are used to test the system, which is implemented as a
time-series data. As a result, the online proctored tests track and
software system.Two elements make up the proposed web-
monitor students and aid institutions in eradicating exam
based online proctoring system. The online registration
cheating thanks to AI-powered technology.
component comes first, followed by Secondly, there is the
online proctoring component. Our online examination software provides auto proctoring
features, so your institute may conduct exams without fuss or
IV.SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION concern about fraud or other irregularities. Online proctoring is
flags. To assist you in determining whether an electronic test films. In an online exam, temporal convolutional neural
has been successfully finished with machine-driven remote networks were utilised to identify cheating. The education
invigilation proctoring, it would create an in-depth report for sector can be transformed by applying AI, and everything is
you. TCN enables AI-enabled remote proctoring systems to now virtual thanks to CamProctor. AI-integrated computer
continually learn, adjust, and advance in intelligence. systems can guarantee the validity of the exam by discouraging
cheating and the use of unfair tactics by the candidate. Using
B.4 Proctoring of images
Remote Proctoring, educational institutions don't have to
It evaluates and examines the photographs of the students, exams should be delayed or postponed during the disease
which are taken at regular intervals, to see if there has been any outbreak. Our suggested approach will help lessen inequality
cheating. Secure online exam environments are now possible throughout the online test. When using an online proctoring
thanks to image proctoring. system, human-induced detection is crucial since it helps
identify students' questionable activity throughout the exam.
B.5 Secure Browser
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