LP MAPEHSept. 4 8

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Victor St. Poblacion, San Miguel, Bulacan

S.Y. 2023 -2024
Grade/Section: Grade 1 – St. Gabriel Date: September 4-8, 2023
Subject: MAPEH
I. Instructional Objectives  To introduce students  To help students  To encourage students  To encourage students
 Cognitive: to basic elements of understand how artists to create their own to create their own
 Affective: art: lines, shapes, and use lines, shapes, and artwork using these artwork using these
 Psychomotor textures. textures in their artwork. elements. elements.
II. Topic:  Enjoying MAPEH Book  Enjoying MAPEH Book  Enjoying MAPEH Book  Enjoying MAPEH Book
 Ref. Materials:  Pictures that produce  PowerPoint Presentation  PowerPoint Presentation  PowerPoint Presentation
 Instructional Aids: noticeable sound
 Explain the concept of lines in art: dotted   Introduce the concept of textures in art: smooth, Introduce the concept of textures in art:
III. Lesson Proper line, broken line, thick line, thin line
Discuss the concept of shapes in art: circle,
square, triangle, rectangle and oval. rough, bumpy, and soft. smooth, rough, bumpy, and soft.
 Presentation of Lesson  Have students draw different types of lines Ask students to create simple shapes on  Provide students with a variety of textured  Provide students with a variety of textured
on their paper using pencils or crayons. their paper or combine shapes to form basic objects and show how they can use them to objects and show how they can use them to
 Discussion  Encourage them to experiment with objects (e.g., a house, a tree). create textures in their artwork. create textures in their artwork.
different line patterns and thickness.  Emphasize the use of lines to outline and  Encourage them to explore different textures  Encourage them to explore different
 Generalization define shapes. and experiment with rubbing textures onto their textures and experiment with rubbing
paper. textures onto their paper.
IV. Evaluation/Application  Produces lines by connecting the dots.  Connect the dots to form different  Answer page 79 on Draw an example of an object for each
NO shape that you have formed. texture. Write its name on the line below
1-2 Sample Evaluation Questions. . . . your MAPEH book each box.
CLASSES . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard Soft Smooth
_______ ________ Rough

V. Assignment  Instruct students to create  Have students share  Assess student participation and No Assignment
their artwork with the creativity during the art-making
their own artwork using lines, process.
shapes, and textures. class, explaining the  Review their artwork to see if they
 They can combine these lines, shapes, and successfully incorporated lines, shapes,
and textures into their creations.
VI. Remarks: elements to create a simple textures they used.
 Discuss the role of lines, shapes, and
 Accomplished scene, an abstract design, or  Discuss how the textures in these artworks and how
different elements of they contribute to the overall
 Needs Enrichment anything of their choice. composition.  Accomplished
 Encourage creativity and art were used in their
 Reteach exploration. creations.

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