K Năng Nghe 5 (Updated)

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UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS Independence- Freedom - Happiness



Field of Training: English Language Studies

Major: Business English


1. Course Title: Listening 5

2. Course Code:
3. Units of Credit: 2 ( Theory: 0.5 and Practice: 1.5)
4. Entry Level: 3rd year students.
5. Time Allocation:
+ Theory: 08 periods

+ Practice: 22 periods

+ Autonomous learning: students are encouraged to self-study in at least 60 hours

(during the course), monitored by the teacher’s periodical assessment.

6. Prerequisites: Students are required to have accomplished Business English courses 1-4,
with English competence in B2 (CEFR)
7. Course objectives:

Upon successful completion of the course, students will achieve:

7.1 Knowledge: Students will be able to:

- Explain basic business terms such as apprentice training, businesses’ awareness of
clean energy, marketing, job trends, business ethic, etc.;
- Use and enhance the business term stock;
- Use listening techniques and tactics learned from the course;
- Prepare a good presentation.
7.2 Skills:
Students will be able to:
- Predict important information prior to listening;
- Connect key words so as to determine details and understand the main ideas;

- Take notes of main ideas;
- Understanding some signs of non-verbal communication;
- Deal with issues of business ethics.
7.3 Attitude:
Students should
- Keep active in participating in class activities;
- Have good cooperation in teamwork;
- Be aware of the significance of apprentice training;
- Be aware of the importance of business ethics;
- Orient themselves to fine a good future job from the lesson Job trends
Upon the completion of the course, students’ listening skill expected will be mid-C1
8. Course description:
There are 6 units included in the course with business subjects related to (1) How to give an
impressive presentation, (2) Apprentice training, (3) Businesses’ awareness of clean energy,
(4) Marketing, (5) Job trends, and (6) Business ethics.
This course continues to focus on essential business communication skills: (1) Networking
with new business partners, (2) Identifying problems, (3) Making a decision, (4) How to have
remarkable points in a presentation, (5) How to handle a conflict , and (6) How to deal with
issues of business ethics.

9. Performance Requirements: Students are required to:

- Attend class regularly;
- Complete homework and class assignments;
- Participate in class discussion and other activities;
- Work in teams and give presentations.

10. Course materials:

- Core materials:
[1]. Dubicka, I. & O’Keeffe, M. (2011). Market Leader: Business English Course
Book - Advanced (3rd ed.). Harlow: Pearson Longman
- Supplementary materials:
[2] Brook-Hart, G.(2007). Business Benchmark – Advanced. Cambridge: CUP.
[3] Dubicka, I. & O’Keeffe, M. (2011). Market Leader: Business English Resource
Bank - Advanced (3rd ed.). Harlow: Pearson Longman.
[4] Jeremy, H. (2003). Just Listening and Speaking. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish.
[5] Miles, C. (2004). Listening Extra: A resource book of multi-level skills activities.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[6] Cambridge BEC Higher (2006). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
11. Learning Assessment Scheme:

- Class attendance & Class activities: 20%

- Mid-term test: 20%
- Final Exam: 60%
12. Grading scale: (based on credit system)
13. Course contents:
Session Content Reading Student Preparation Objectives
Session 1 - Overview of the course Unit 1, Material - Finding out about As
(5 periods) [1];Material [3] the topic mentioned
Unit 1: First Impressions in 7.
+ Listening and discussion: – Preparing Course
First impressions in questions for class Objectives
presentations discussion
+ Resource bank of further
practice exercises
Session 2 Unit 2: Training Unit 2, Materials - Preparing for a As
(5 periods) + Listening and discussion: [1]& [3]; presentation and mentioned
Apprenticeships class discussion in 7.
+ Resource bank of further Course
practice exercises Objectives

Session 3 Unit 3: Energy - Preparing for a As

(5 periods) + Listening and discussion: Unit 3, Material presentation and mentioned
Clean energy [1]; Material [3] class discussion in 7.
+ Resource bank of further Course
practice exercises Objectives

Session 4 Unit 4: Marketing - Preparing for a As

(5 periods) + Listening and discussion: Unit 4, Material presentation and mentioned
Customer relationship [1]; Material [3] class discussion in 7.
management Course
+ Resource bank of further Objectives
practice exercises
+ resource bank of further
practice exercises

Session 5 Unit 5: Employment Unit 5, Material - Review of units 1- As

(5 periods) trends [1]; Material [3] 5 for the mid-term mentioned
+ Listening and discussion: test in 7.
The future of work Course
+ resource bank of further Objectives
practice exercises

+ resource bank of further
practice exercises
* Mid-term test
Session 6 Unit 6: Ethics Unit 6, Material - Preparing for a As
(5 periods) + Listening and discussion: [1]; & [3] presentation and mentioned
Trust me: corporate class discussion in 7.
responsibility Course
+ resource bank of further Objectives
practice exercises
* Review of units 4-6
* Questions & Answers

Note: Morning & Afternoon classes: 5 periods per session. Evening classes: 4 periods per

Ho Chi Minh City, January 1, 2020




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