WD - Important Questions
WD - Important Questions
WD - Important Questions
Web Designing
Important Questions
Q1. What are the principles involved in developing a website?
Q2. What is the difference between website designing and website development?
Q3. What is Planning process in developing a website? What are the various steps in
planning process of a website?
Q4. What is a website? Explain its types.
Q5. What is HTML? Explain the basic structure of HTML.
Q6. What is HTML Heading?Explain the various headings in HTML.
Q7. What is the importance of Paragraph tags? What is the syntax of writing
paragraph tags in HTML?
Q8. What is Web Hosting? What are the various types of Web hosting techniques?
Q9. What is SEO? Explain its types.
Q10 What is the importance of SEO?
Q11. What is the difference between Black Hat and White Hat SEO?
Q12. Explain: (i) Registering Domains (ii) Responsive Web
Designing (iii) DNS System (iv) Using FTP Client
Q13. What are the uses of Website Designing?
Q14. What is the purpose of using HTML tags?
Q15. What is the use of Control Panel in a website? How can you create an email in
Control panel of a website?
Q16. What is the difference between client side and server side scripting languages?
Q17. What is Javascript? Explain the various data types in JSP.
Q18. What are loops in javascript? Explain the various types of loops in JSP along
with example.
Q19. What is a function? How can you create a function in JSP? Write the syntax to
assign parameters to function.
Q20. What are variables in javascript?
Q21. What is an event? Explain the various types of events in Javascript.
Q22. What are the various pop up boxes in javascript?
Q23. What is Form Validation? Write the HTML code to validate a registration form
in HTML.
Q24. What are the various condition statements in javascript?
Q25. What is Box Model in CSS? Explain the properties of box model.
Q26. What is CSS? What are its advanatges and disadvantages.
Q27. What are the various ways to represent CSS?
Q28. What are Arrays? How can you create an array in Javascript?
Q29. Write down the syntax to insert an image and video file in HTML.
Q30. What are the various types of elements in HTML? Explain in detail.
Q31. What is a list? Explain all types of list with examples.
Q32. What is a table? What are the various operations present in a table? Explain.
Q33. What is the importance of creating an HTML form? Explain some functions of
HTML forms.
Q34. What is a Hyperlink? What is the HTML code to insert a internal and external
hyperlinks in HTML.
Q35. Write the HTML code to insert a frame tag of window size 25%,35% and *?
Q36. What are the various styling properties for font, text and setting backgrounds in
Q37. What is a navigation bar? How can you create a navigation bar using CSS?
Q38. What are the various types of colors in properties in CSS?
Q39. What is a CSS Selector? Explain all the types of CSS Selector.
Q40. What is Pseuo Class? How can you create a pseudo class in CSS?