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QB Web Technology 2007 Batch

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ENGINEERING COLLEGE, SALEM DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY WEB TECHNOLOGY QUESTION BANK IV YEAR / VIII SEMESTER B.E. (IT) UNIT I PART A 1. Define IP address? 2. What is DNS? 3. List out the classes of IP address? 4. Differentiate URI and URL? 5. Draw the protocol architecture? 6. Give the difference between form and frame? 7. Give the HTML tags for creating a table? 8. Write the functions of Physical and data link layer? 9. Explain Data transfer? 10. What is the differentiate between TCP and UDP? 11. Define TCP mechanism? 12. What are the contents of UDP Headers? 13. What are the advantages of connection oriented service? 14. Compare internet and World Wide Web? 15. Give the uses of Web browser? 16. What are the Protocols used in Internet and World Wide Web? 17. Define MIME? 18. Write the any two functions of Block level formatting tags?

19. Write the attributes of <TH>? 20. What is need for scripting languages? 21. Define the types of scripting languages? 22. Write the advantages of java script? 23. Write any two statements of java script? 24. Mention the file upload Syntax? 25. What is scooping? PART B 10.Explain The OSI model and its functions of OSI layers ? 11.Draw and explain the TCP/IP protocol Architecture? 12.Explain History of the WWW 13.Define (I) HTTP (II) SMTP (III) POP3 14.Describe the HTML tags , Write all the tags and its functions? 15.Differentiate between Block level and Text level Formatting? 16.Define java script and its scripting advantages & disadvantages? 17.Write a factors about properties, object functions of java scripts? 18.What is web browser and describe the objects hierarchy and scoping? 19. Write the HTML program on displaying Image ? UNIT - II PART A 1. Define DHTML?

2. Give any four advantages of style sheets? 3. What is mean by content positioning? 4. Write the properties of style sheets? 5. What is id attribute? 6. Define data Binding? 7. Give the example for Inline style Sheets? 8. What is the function for DOM? 9. Write the object hierarchy for DOM? 10. What is mean by event and give the types? 11. Define Key stroke events? 12. Write a HTML creating image masks? 13. What is the use of Marquee Tag? 14. Write short notes on filters? 15. Give the definition about transitions? 16. Write the example for drops shadow and length? 17. Give short notes on tabular data control? 18. Give the usage of pan() method and explain its parameters value? 19. Define record set and list out its methods? 20. What is meant by ActiveX control? 21.List out states of ActiveX control? 22.what are the advantages of ActiveX controls? 23.Write the interface of Multimedia data? 24.Give the four method names of shock ware flash player? 25.Give the syntax and function for play method? PART B 1. Briefly explain about DHTML? 2. Give the characteristics and possible values exploring style sheets?

3. Explain the following (1)Linked style sheets.(285) (2)Inline style sheets> 4. what is mean by DOM? and give the description of each type of object? 5. Compare Data binding and Data control? 6. Briefly explain about ActiveX control? 7. Explain (1) ActiveX control states. (2)ActiveX control container 8. What are the types of events? and write about cache event and description? 9. Write the program for styles collection? 10. How to handle multimedia data and give example?

UNIT III PART A 20.Explain Recognition. 21. define multimedia? 22.list out the element of multimedia? 23.Write the advantages of e-commerce? 24.Write notes on Applet? 25.Give syntax for get Image()?explain its parameters? 26.Write notes on Web server? 27.List out the type of e-commerce? 28.Define Client side scripting. 29.define supplied chain management? 30.write short notes on web browser and give an example? 31.write short notes on EDI? 32.write short notes on token based payment system? 33.what is electronic check? 34.Give short notes on smart Card? 35.differentiate smart Card and Credit Card? 36.Write advantages of three-tier architecture? 37.Mention the languages used in server-side programming? 38.Give the features of ASP? 39.Give the need for using IIS? 40.What is virtual directory ? 41.Give the reason for using Java servlet? 42.Give the working principle of JSP with diagram? 43.What is the need for using encryption in Internet data transferring? 44.Define Server side scripting.

PART B 45.What is multimedia ?Discuss in detailed about the Audio and video speech synthesis and recognition ? 46.Explain detailed about Electronics Commerce? 47.With neat sketch explain e-business model? 48.Discuss in detailed about web services? 49.Explain in detail about Client Side Scripting and Server side Scripting?. 50.Write a Online Payments and Security with appropriate diagram? 51.Explain Web server. Differentiate between the IIS Web servers and Apache web server? 52.Draw and Explain the System architecture? 53.How determine the Client side and Server side Programming and its factors? 54. Discuss on (i) E- Retailing (ii) E-Governance

UNIT IV PART A 55.Define database? 56.Define relational database model? 57.Write the evaluations of ASP. 58.Draw the architecture of ASP 59.Give the types of Scoping issues in ASP applications. 60.Give the ASP Objects. 61.What is mean by schema? 62.Define XML. 63.What are all the xml language basics? 64.What is the role of xml? 65.What are the different r evolution in which XML is playing a major role? 66.What are the advantages of xml? 67.What are the advantages of schema over DTD? 68.What are the data types in an xml schema? 69.What is DOM? What are the different levels of DOM? 70.22. What is DTD? How is it different from XML? 71.Define DTD. 72.What are the XML rules for distinguishing between the content of a document and the XML markup element? 73.Define ASP. 74.What are the ASP objects? 75.What do you mean by Server-side? 76.What is ActiveX?

77.Write a note on ActiveX controls 78.Explain about Session tracking. 79.Define response object and list its methods. PART B 80.SQL Overview 81.Explain about XML. 82.Give some Give short notes on XML Schema 83.Explain the types of Relational Database model 84.What is ASP ?Discuss in detailed about the Working of ASP. Give short notes on ADO. 85.Explain detailed about XML components. 86.Discuss in detailed about the Server side Active-X Components 87.Explain the following i. Name spaces ii. Vocabularies 88.Explain about session tracking. 89.What is keys? and explain how to access a database from Active Server Page.

UNIT V PART A 90.What is meant by servlet? 91.Define HTTP servlet? 92.Define Generic servlet? 93.What is difference between Http servlet and Generic servlet? 94.Write short notes on HTTP? 95.Write the function of POST method. 96.What is difference between post() and get()? 97.What is difference between servlet and JSP? 98.What are the techniques available in session tracking ? 99.What is meant by JDBC? 100.List out types of driver? 101.Define JSP. 102.Give the features of JSP. 103.Write down the various attributes for the page directives in JSP. 104.Draw the JSP Architecture 105.Draw the diagram for JSP life cycle 106.Draw the neat table for JSP Objects. 107.Explain Scriptlets. 108.What are the sequences of steps for each HTTP request from a client to the server? 109.What is meant by Stateless Connection? 110.Define Directives. 111.Write short notes on Expressions. 112.Give the structure of HTTP. 113.What is mean by Object.

114.Explain Expressions. PART B 115.Explain Servlet architecture: 116.How register the servlet on java web server? 117.Explain the following i. Get and ii. post request 118.Explain the session tracking techniques? 119.Explain the types of driver? 120.Discuss in detailed about the multi-tier applications 121.Explain detailed about Java Server Pages (JSP). 122.What is mean by script? Discuss in detailed about the scripting language. 123.Explain the following (i) Scriptlets (ii) Expressions 124.What is mean by directive? Explain the types.

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